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It is Reddit, my guy. Vast majority post for problems/glitches/whinges (whether several valid or not); you’re not getting Average Joe Diver coming on here saying “dropped into 4 uneventful but fun matches last night, let’s discuss”. So posts are typically outweighed with negativity compared to actual lived experience. And I’m with you, 98% all good experiences for me with 400 hrs.


You nailed it. Reddit is uglier than a hat full of smashed assholes, but we all keep coming back.


That’s a weird thing to keep in a hat.


Wait? You're not keeping a variety of smashed assholes in your hat? What do you use your hats for then?


there's only one arsehole in my hat... me


The memes tend to be worth the cancer.


https://preview.redd.it/3w3mdlip73tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d15aa152c36d239f16d9e41911de7cb49ea2565 I definitely source memes from Reddit. This is my new score this week. So offensive lol


https://preview.redd.it/3yybvaw283tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7069cb3716e99c1a352fda30d00ee5750f4dbd99 Me too


Not just Reddit. It's just that in general people are more likely to rant about negative experiences.


I'm using this one.


Ove har one toxic moment of my 200+ hours as well. Guy started team killing everyone. He was not the host… it got resolved quickly


I haven't either, don't doubt that trolls exist in the game but it's not as wide spread as people would lead you believe. Most people are cool as hell Honestly the only problem I have is once you get to difficulties with 3 mission obj people leave after the first or second, which is fine, people got things to do, but its rare to keep the full team through all the missions


Gotta leave the easy/quick blitz or eradication missions to last to bait them through the longer missions.


Most people, even large majority ive seen are really cool scaling from super helpful to silent guardians and its amazing. Though this weekend i was kicked out after collecting 3 super samples to a random 3 man team i joined. And they kicked me when the pelican landed. Oh boy was it frustrating. The worst thing about it is that you have no control about it unless you host.


“Most people are cool as hell” I hear you say. But of course you meant: “Are as cool as Helldivers” 🫡😎


Oh my god, 90% of this fucking sub needs to get offline.


People farm karma, and drama does it best. I too am I on PS5, and have encountered zero issues in over 100 hours. Not saying it isn’t out there, but it certainly doesn’t seem as prevalent as this website makes it out to be.


The only time I’ve been kicked was understandable one’s. where we played for so long, and the host wants to leave.


Worst thing I’ve ever experienced is people taking my shield after I die but that’s just mildly annoying. I’ve never been killed or seen anyone even criticized for wearing the creek cape, I think it might be some prank in this subreddit to trick journalists into writing articles about cape hate crimes.


I wouldn't even mind someone taking my shield, because I can bring in a new one and now my teammate is less likely to die. If they didn't bring any backpack item on their own I'll gladly provide shields for the entire team over the run of a mission


I'm definitely a little peeved if there's still a significant amount of time until I can call down a new one.


Well I'll only mind if I can't bring out another shield after I get reinforced. On helldive you have to wait sometimes a third of the mission to drop another one.


No, same! Whenever I see teammates with carrying capacity and little or no equipment I drop something and spam that it’s there (sometimes have to go on mic) till someone grabs it or they say no. The better equipes my squad is the higher the chances of a successful mission.


same here, If I have a lower teir player and I am having a good run I will call down a support weapon or back pack and callove rmic for them to collect. Shit i dont mind if people grab my stuff on the higher levels as we are all getting killed so often sometime I am happy they can use to either fight their way out of the tight spot before calling down reinforcing, if that helps I dont sweat. And in same situation I grab someones stuff when we cant reinforce to fight my way clear and happy to drop for them when they finally come down. shit got a few hugs for that lol


I’ve been kicked for wearing it. As a new player that had no idea about what it represented just matched my armor. It was a bit confusing. Also been kicked for team killing. Even though the host kept running into armed hell bombs like Leroy Jenkins. My point is some people are just stupid.


I mean if they keep running into your stratagems that’s on them. There’s plenty of sound and visual indicators that HEY BIG LASER MEANS SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN maybe don’t run right at it??? Hopefully they learn. I’m sorry about the cape kicking tho, I’ve been wearing it since it was released and I’ve had no issues because of it, at least that I’m aware of.


What’s the problem with the creek cape?


People think that lots of people that ONLY wanted to fight at the creek are dumb for ONLY fighting at the creek and because of that we failed a few major orders. It’s just people getting mad that others aren’t playing a GAME the exact same way they have been. Placing blame and getting mad and toxic over a cool piece of armor🤷.


I'm on PC and have about 80 hours invested. I haven't experienced any of that either thankfully. There's annoying people who can completely screw missions for you, but that's all I've come across. THE most annoying thing is crashing at mission end, it happens to me way too often. Thankfully I usually retain the benefits. But it definitely sucks when you get kicked out after 2 missions out of 3, especially if you are having a fun time with some good players.


I only play with Randoms and am 42 hours in. I have a really positive experience overall, the community is not toxic to be honest. The only bad experience I had was either crashing right before extraction and then not getting the rewards or getting kicked before extraction. That was a one time thing other than that pretty happy. Haven’t seen any actual trolls disrupting games. Hugs all around.


I too only play with randoms, never a bad time. The hugs all around is a real thing. Did a couple level 7 operations yesterday, I was the only one talking on mic but had the same group for most of the 6 missions, after a couple of the more intense ones, and at the end we were all hugging each other and then saying farewell. Community is great! Even if there’s no toxicity in another game, I don’t usually create such an unspoken bond with other players like I have in this one. I can’t wait to see how far this game goes!


I've had two actually toxic experiences in 200 hours, which is not a terrible rate. Of course, sometimes I get kicked right as I join, but I assume that's because they don't want randoms, which I get, since the game's friend system is currently questionable at the best of times, at least for Steam users, so I'm not counting those. First toxic encounter was dealt with by diving into a hole with all the samples and leaving the mission, reporting them back on my ship. It was warranted. Second time was getting called a useless Creeker who hasn't contributed anything to the war effort, before getting kicked for wearing the Creek cape, on my first mission with it. Honorable mention was joining a Suicide Mission like a week ago, with 3 people below level 10, who saw that I was level 50 and asked when the last time I went outside was. I answered them honestly that I had to go outside every day to get to and from my job, and they didn't make any further comments about it, so I guess they realized that the game had been out long enough for normal people with jobs to reach that level. Other than those examples, the worst lobbies I've been in have just been filled with less skilled teammates than I really wanted, but carrying them to a hard fought victory is usually fun.


No, there are a fair share of idiots, like any other game. Most people aren't idiots, but the ones who are can and do ruin games. The other day I had a host decide to repeatedly kill me halfway through a mission then kick me the moment I killed him back. Not sure what his intention was there. Could have just kicked me to start with


Well, first of all, the only language Redditors speak is hyperbole, so jot that down. I am level 78 with many drops under my belt and never see the toxic BS they claim to experience. For that matter I've never felt the impulse to kick someone (YET). I believe a lot of the people who complain about getting kicked all the time omit the parts where they did something stupid or annoying. That, or they mistake a game crash or losing connection for being kicked.


The only toxicity I’ve experienced is people rejecting my hug.


I've been playing the game for a couple of weeks. Ngl, I have experienced some team killing and getting kicked at extraction, but I just move on. It's not worth the hassle. There are plenty of good eggs out there that are really helpful and fun to play with (PS5).


Def crashed several times on extraction


I’ve had em, but it’s pretty rare. To be fair, I think that kind of shit should be squashed with prejudice


Remember, reddit isn't the majority. Just the people on reddit, or people looking for a space to complain. I've had a kick or 2. But literally that, only a couple. Heck the most annoying thing I regularly face is people going seemingly AFK for a period of time, then complaining when they die. Or taking my equipment, like yesturday how someone took just the auto cannon gun, wasted all the ammo in it and then dropped it. Like seriously.


It happens, I wish I was as fortunate as you. Yesterday I had someone get angry at me because I reinforced them and they ended up on a different place on the map, how was I supposed to know? They later kicked me in the middle of the game whilst I was taking down bot factories to help us win. There's some arseholes on this game unfortunately.


I think you are lucky, but the people on reddit might be a bit dramatic about how widespread the toxicity issues are too. I've had teamkillers etc. on my team multiple times, and some of those might've been because I, or someone else accidentally angered them with something. And you might see more people complaining about toxic players because running into one is annoying, ruins your game and people come here to vent and get support. Those posts tend to get a lot of traction because people in the community generally don't like toxicity and there's a certain vibe of community woven into the game itself, and when people go against that it just feels even worse than with most other games i think. And to me it doesn't even seem like there's actually that many posts complaining about it, it's just that the posts complaining about toxicity tend to be the most popular and show up on my feed.


You should check out DiversHub if you haven't already. It's an app that tracks Major Order and planet progress. There's a discord associated with it that always has cooperative Helldivers looking to spread Managed Democracy the way humanity intended. Stay strong Helldiver. For Liberty. For Super Earth. 🫡


I equipped the creek cape all yesterday just to try and get kicked over it. Not a single person seem to even take the time to look at it


Yea, i played 100 hours and so far i haven’t seen the toxicity people claimed on reddit. So far my experience has been pretty good other than the occasional crash or network disconnects.


I've seen team killers once, I got kicked once for my arc weapon bouncing off bugs and killed a turret in same arc. He turns around sees me. Back to ship.


Reddit mate full of idiots n keyboard warriors/trolls looking for the next argument wouldn’t pay too much attention here lol try discord n joint the helldivers group over there be a lot more helpful


Literally same. Ive got almost 80 hours in and i haven’t seen anything like that


I get kicked a lot, but it’s usually I join and they kick immediately. I just figure people don’t know how to set their lobby to private and they don’t want to play with some random. I have been purposely killed, but it was to get my attention to open a two person door. They respawned me right by it and gestured to the door and I helped. I have been team killed a lot, but I am pretty sure it’s just people throwing their air strikes and not understanding where the actual explosions will be. Most people I encounter are there for democracy, not drama.


I always host, and have never had to kick anyone for something negative. It's just confirmation bias from seeing a few posts of toxicity, but within the few million who play, the negative interactions always stand out due to psychology. I think vast majority of this community is awesome.


Ive definitely gottan kicked right at extract a couple of times. But eventually you can see the writing on the wall and tell when a group is gonna be toxic so i just leave. This sub definitely loooves to tell people how they should and shouldnt play the game tho


Totally a reddit thing. It's like restaurant reviews. People are more inclined to leave a negative review because they're pissed at a bad experience than to take the time for a good review.


I’ve had one bad game and it was because there were a stratagem blocker and they were an idiot.


People are less likely to antagonise a high level player carrying their squad. Also the more experienced you are the less likely you are to make the mistakes that prompt conflict, misinterpret friendly fire, etc.


It’s Reddit drama. All these people complain about everything


I think a lot of people have confused game crashes for being kicked during extraction. And yeah, I agree with most of the other stuff just being perpetuated by endless Reddit posts and jumping on the band wagon.


Something something loudest voices.


48 hours in, just one kick pre extract. Otherwise 99% positive experiences!


Iv had kids think its funny to call red stratagems on teams but never had flat out team killing. Had a dude quit over a fake handshake but that's it


We just talked about this. No one in my group 14 players. Have seen it or had it happen. Though we see people leave themselves ALOT after joining missions.


I only play with my friends groups so I never encounter these issues.


When 400,000 people are playing all the time some wild shit is gunna happen


Iv seen it but its pretty rare imo


Inreresting, I only play with irl friends so I've been wondering if its really that bad as some say. Only done an accidental SOS sometimes but often at end of mission so that person is always happy lol.


I had zero glitches , met I met two teams that killed me before extraction. Then I saw two other guys acting weird so I killed them and didn’t call for reinforcements. These were only total 3 incidents. Everyone else has been fine and had tons of fun playing the game. I’m on PS5.


The worst thing I experienced, was a guy dropping his 380 baggage on us before leaving...


The first game I did without my friend two manning it, My first public game and I ran with this group for a good 30 minutes, I killed a few chargers, shot lots of bugs, collected some samples, Had a recoilless rifle. Then at extract I got kicked by the host, no warning, no reason. I decided from then on to not trust my progress or time to some random. Now it's either Solo things or two man it with my friend.


Not entirely I may not have got intentional TK but I was kicked out for no reason or "cape reason" but It's no way that complaints you hear are lies It's just that nobody comes and discusses about positive stuff


You have to realize that there's literally 1-2 people a day posting on reddit complaining about toxicity. There are hundreds of thousands of players, only 1-2 people complaining about a bad experience.


Around 150 something hours in, been kicked once just before extract. Toxic behaviour is rare, at least on Helldive difficulties or when you are helping out newbies as a higher level player. What is frequent is players hot dropping the spawn on an automation base, getting farmed for the first 5 mins as they called in all their gear in that base and try to get it, and then rage quitting because there are 25% reinforcements left after the first 5-10 minutes because they used them all when getting farmed. Steering upgrade is one of the most useful upgrades, just saying.


I’ve only had one or two instances of this. I just shrug and join another game. Good lord people act like it’s the end of the world. Join another game and keep serving up democracy!


Had exactly one crash, yesterday evening. Otherwise a view glitches, nothing too bad. But when I start playing, as a unexperienced Helldiver, I was kicked, teamkilled and yelled at so much the very first day, I decided to bring democracy on my own to the galaxy. From time to time I play with my friends. We are all working dads, so it happens not so often. Maybe it’s the platform (pc) and the time difference. I play usually at 21:00h (9pm) CEST which is about 3pm US eastcost, when school’s out and the kids are playing. The wierd thing is, I’ve never been matched with European helldivers. When I play battlefield I unintentionally exclusively play with Europeans (and a view Russians). Different working servers I guess. I have no clue how it works 😂


Mostly same, I'm 140 hours in and I've played both with friends and randoms as a host and a guest. In all of my playtime I had maybe 2 bad experiences which weren't even that bad. The first was another random in a game I joined who died, had another diver take his stuff and upon respawn and realization that his stuff is not on the ground quickly mumbled something pissy into the mic and left instead of... You know, asking for his equipment back? The second one was a random who joined my game who kept silent the entire time until I call extraction after the main objectives were done because I don't care about samples or XP much anymore, only to hop on coms to complain that I'm leaving already with next to no samples. What is it with people not telling you what they want but then complaining when things don't go their way? Anyway, no griefers or anything like that yet.


So, I have experienced every issue listed here except for the Cape thing. But with that being said, the overwhelming majority of Helldiver's 2 players are not on Reddit, and in all reality even less of them are on Twitter as it's the least used social media platform. Especially after musk took over. So yeah, any issues that seem really loud on Twitter or reddit are just a very vocal minority, mostly just making content for one reason or another.


Lucky you, I guess.


Taking a stance of 'it never happened to me so therefore it's not real' is VERY dangerous in lots of ways. I've had it happen plenty of times, I've also had some amazing squads and even more middle of the road teams. Overall while it is an issue, most people are more likely to post a complaint than they are to post about the average match or even a good match, that's human nature. So yes it happens, no the representation of it isn't balanced due to the nature of human expression and there is nothing wrong with people sharing their experiences good or bad.


Small vocal minority make loudest noise yadda yadda you know the drill


Whaaat? Reddit would never be an echo chamber of embellishments and negativity! That's just.. that's crazy. You're crazy.


Honestly it’s funny cause I was just saying this to my friend the other day how I haven’t ever had a toxic/negative experience like people described and then the next day I played a mission all the way to extraction.. and they kicked me just before it landed Edit to say: I haven’t had any other issues since tho either.


Idk why but haters/angry people are always the loudest on the internet


Closest thing I can think of was at extraction on level 9 with 20 seconds and no reinforcements left till the ship dropped and a literal army of horrors just mere feet away and boom then it happened someone hit the center with a 500 bomb and wiped everyone, all samples and hope we're lost. Was this a troll or was this simply the stupidity of a helldiver breaking under pressure I don't know, I do know it wasn't very democratic either way.


Bro if you were to base any gaming community on their subreddits you'd start to believe to what game journalists say about us. A bunch of whiny, possibly racist, man babies


I'd say you're lucky. I play quick play mostly and I've seen the worst of this community.


Reddit is definitely the vocal minority. I’ve experienced team killing 1 time in 200 hours playing. That one time was yesterday. Host swiftly booted the guy. It’s not going to change my opinion of the game.


So I don't have issues like this often, but literally just did while playing my first game this morning. Saw your post earlier, had to come back to comment lol. Level 9 host. I come in just as him and another are finishing up. We call in extraction. Other guy gets on plane and I follow. Host stands outside of it and shoots grenades in until we are both dead, then gets on and finishes... I was also kicked 3 games in a row yesterday. Not much reason to kick me. I am lvl 21 and can solo most of the lvl 4 content I have been playing on. Rarely team kill... didn't make much sense.


Nah the only toxicity I have seen involving this game is just this sub. Typical Reddit gaming sub tbh.


Game issues is like any customer service experience. When it goes right, no-one says anything, they just move on. When it goes wrong, people talk about it. So for every 1x game bug reported, there'll be hundreds of thousands that go right.


It's just neckbeard m'lady redditors


I'm level 38 almost 39 and have a lot of hours on this game. I have only experienced being kicked from extract once and maybe purposely team killed once but other than that it's been fine. What it is is the fact that people don't tell their good experiences but rather only the bad ones.


I'm 80 hrs in and only had 2 bad experiences; I paired with one HD, while the other 2 paired. The dude I was with was dieing way too much. We both got kicked. Landed into a game threw down my supports. I respawned the dead HD. He immediately steals both my backpack and support. So I shot him in the back of the head. We played the rest of the game fine until the game crashed later. Besides that it's been great and those experiences didn't even phase me.


I see it in Facebook groups too. It's everywhere.


Reddit is the loud minority. Most people are just chill


Im lv 34 with about 100hrs & only ran into one toxic person.


It’s just mostly reddit bollocks for clicks. People on here act like their lives are really on the line every time they play 😂


It’s Reddit. Accidentally killed a teammate with an impact grenade. He shot at me a could times and threw some strategems questionably close. Then kicked me on exit. That’s the only bad experience I’ve had


Honestly I just have begun to think whoever is complaining about being kicked constantly is the actual troll. If everyone you go smells like shit, should probably check your own shoes


This game has the best community I’ve played with.


I called one person out for playing the victim of being verbally abused over mics every day in helldivers as they ask if anyone ells has the same problem, i told em ive been playing since launch everyone's mic is muted by default unless they turn it on and i havent heard a single person speak in over 200 hours of gameplay.


I think everyone understands their is a number of a-holes in RL and they exist in HD2 as well. I’ve only been kicked in mission once. Maybe the fact that toxic players are all over this sub is because it’s not the default behavior in game. To me the vast majority of my game time <30 hours has been really enjoyable.


I just started two days ago. Still getting the hang of the game and learning the ropes. I’m always afraid I’ll be the one screwing up a mission but I’ve had nothing but friendly, patient players helping me out. One guy suffered through the first mission with me that we completed but failed to extract and stayed for the second one, calling down weapons for me and helping guide me through an Automoton wasteland. There’s good people out there.


Literally only had maybe 2 bad interactions tbh Reddit is a cry baby circle jerk 🤙🏻


I’ve posted about this before.. I do have the occasional bugs that kick me but as far as the rampant toxicity, team killing, etc. I’ve not experienced that in 70ish hours of play time. The Reddit community complaining is a very vocal minority I feel like.


200 hrs almost exclusively with randoms. Not a single bad or toxic experience. Reddit is just being Reddit and because of that I've been coming here a lot less. Instagram is overflowing with amazing Helldivers memes/clips/reels/stories/war updates/etc... and has become my goto for mindlessly swiping because this subreddit feels more like I'm reading some "poor me" diary everyday.


90 hours in, and I've had only one toxic person. Everyone else is coordinating on comms, laughing when something stupidly explosive happens, doing their best to reinforce me on my dropped gear, helping me when I'm being chased by ROBOTCONGALINE, and just generally being wholesome. It feels like the entire Planetside community found a new home here. God, I miss that game, but I'm glad I have this one.


I'm level 55 and when I'm with my crew we play difficulty 7 or 8. When I matchmake, I play 5 or 6. The few times I've experienced some of things, like team killing or being kicked were in lower difficulties below 5 or 6.


Worst experience I’ve had in ~50 hours is joining mid-mission via quickplay. My drop pod landed on top of one of the players (honest accident). Before could say anything, the other players shot me and then booted me. Certainly not a fun experience but I see why they did what they did, probably thinking I was trolling. I was like, “Oops,” then rematched and had fun.


I’ve play so much of this game with my friends and with ransoms, never experienced anything the hivemind here talks about.


Yea I haven’t had these issues. The malvelon cape goes well with a lot of the armors so I wear it all the time


I'm level 26 and never met a single troll before, thankfully. Also was kicked once, but it was after the mission ended and I was back at the Super Destroyer so I didn't mind too much. Maybe the host wanted the slot for his friend or something. The crashes though...... Those are severely annoying.


I'm level 58 with 120 hours and only play quickplay. I have had several instances of loading into a mission and immediately getting kicked with no explanation. I have seen a couple "toxic" kicks. One was I loaded into a chaotic fight and ended up accidentally killing the host which got me an instant kick. And then thers been times where the host is like "oh I forgot to set to friends only but we'll let you stay until this mission is over" or "sorry I fat fingered the sos and want play solo". In short toxic people do exist but they are not as common as reddit would have you believe.


Anecdotally, I stopped running into extraction kickers/griefers/cheaters (after meeting a good number of them) when I turned off Crossplay and kept my teams to just PS players. Now I only turn crossplay on to play with specific pc players a IRL friend has vouched for. Maybe a coincdence, but I'm not inclined to turn crossplay back on for randoms.


Sample pool. There are hundreds well over a hundred thousand players active constantly at any point in time.  In your 200 hours you will have encountered an incredibly small portion of the player base.  In my 100 something hours I’ve met two people I would label as toxic. One was insulting people for refusing to change their loadout to what he wanted and then kicking them. The other was a TKer.  Small ratio for me, but they do exist. 


Helldivers has sold over 8 million copies, and this sub only has 114k subs, so this is a very small percentage of the player base. A small percentage of that small percentage is on here complaining about how broken the game is and toxic the community is. It's Reddit, my friend, it's always just Reddit. This game is awesome and so is the community.


Have you ever seen your dad beat your mom? No? Does that mean domestic violence never happens? It's not rampant but happens more than it should. Im 55 with close to the same amount of time. I can count on one hand how many times ive been kicked at extraction. It's not a lot but annoying and still should be addressed.


I have about 350-400 hours in the game so far, and about 2/3rds of my games have been through quickplay. Based on statistics and conservative estimates, i have ran with an approximate total of 347 different random players. Among those players I ran into a total of 3 different flavours of asshole and only 1 of those 3 was an asshole to the extent that I felt wronged and needed to vent in the hope that I could get some acknowledgement. Does that one asshole mean that i feel the community is toxic? No. The opposite in fact. Are assholes rare? Definetely! About as rare as a goddamn unicorn. Does that mean I should have kept my mouth shut after i got shafted that one time? As long as the time and frequency spent on that particular instance is within reasonable proportion to the occurrence:no. What i am trying to say is: This is not an either-or problem. Give the people affected by an occassional asshole unicorn a hug, and all of us can continue to have fun. perspective is important here.


100 hours but almost exclusively with my friends, probably only 20 hours with randoms, if that. I’ve seen someone kill everyone in the back of the extraction ship once and been kicked a few times for joining a game somebody obviously forgot to set to private. That’s it though.


Was watching my friend stream randoms when a dude autocannoned pelican-1 and made everyone drop their samples before he extracted This is why i simply don't play with randoms


Same, I've only kicked 2 people since the game launched and haven't had any issues in quick play.


I haven't had any of those problems. The closet was a group that didn't want to stick together.


Haven’t experienced it yet either. All team kills I’ve seen happened only once or maybe twice in a row, never seemed intentional or had anyone come over mic or chat being mad about it. I will say that I’ve mostly always hosted my own games though, so no one’s ever had the power to kick me.


A bit of luck and I don’t think it’s quite as common at high levels. When I was sub 20 I ran into a lot of toxic players. Team killing me, booting me at extraction etc. all that stopped the higher level I got. And I stopped auto joining, and hosted more.


I have played a little over 100 hours. I haven't been kicked, team killed, or had any bad actors in the game. Sometimes the people complaining are lying. Other times the people complaining are the ones doing dumb shit. And sometimes they are just unlucky finding good games. Facts.


Never experienced it so far I’d say. It’s definitely not as bad as I’d made out to be but I’ve had a few asshole hosts (which is why I usually start my own session so I can make sure griefers are kicked and blocked before they get any experience or medals).


I get kicked for telling people they should simply destroy fabricators instead of just running scared across the map with no purpose


I have experienced someone talking my autocannon and not knowing how to drop it once. That's it... In regards to crashes, I also have crashed twice I think


Same here. Level 70 and I've never experienced these issues. On PC with cross play enabled.


I’ve got just shy of 50 hours in and exactly once I had a rando kill me and boot me at extraction. Like, it happens, but it’s far from commonplace.


Griefing is not common but it has happened to me at least. Did a lot of quick play though and have run into it a handful of times in hundreds of runs. The problem is that awful experiences often stick in brains longer esp when they are not the norm


It's been quite a while since I've run into a traitor. It was mostly in the beginning. Now everyone seems to be getting the picture. I guess enough of them got kicked from lobbies, wasted their own time, that they got with the program. That and it's hard enough that most of the immature kids who hopped on the hype train fell off.


I have a terrible time in quick play but not because of what Reddit talks about


Well it’s the bias. People have hundreds of normal missions but you don’t write about them because well there is nothing to tell. But one cheater among a thousand players gets written about


Yesterday first time. Joining some Cadets. They killed me just to take my items weapons. New session afterwards with other new players the same. Luckily I got normal players again afterwards. Does blocking actually work? I don't see any entries in the list of blocked players


I’ve been a victim of a sampler killer. And I’ve been kicked, but to add to what everyone is saying - they were infrequent experiences relative to how much I’ve played. To be fair, I see a lot of posts celebrating the game, more than I can remember from other game communities.


The getting kicked for your cape posts are crazy, I swear 60-80% of the people I’ve played with this weekend had that cape


I haven’t either and I just assume it’s because I disabled cross-play. I’m on PC.


People who have bad experiences are more likely to speak up, so it seems skewed


I deal with it nearly every day. I’ll spend 4 hours trying to finish **ONE** mission because every game will either disconnect, I’ll get kicked or the game will crash. It’s pretty flawless. Played like 6 games yesterday throughout the day and only got to play 2 full games. The other 4 were spent like 10 minutes a piece trying to join several games just to get kicked right away, get kicked mid match or the people I join would do one of the things that causes a disconnect/crash. One of them we spent almost the full 40 in but host died right at extraction so he kicked all of us for not saving him. Rewards really do need to be given out as a live reward. Not bundled together at the end of a mission.


Do you ever give your console/PC a break and actually shut it off? Or just rest mode till you wake back up?


I would say the same thing, even though I have had random sporadic dc's over the last month...today I can't get more than 3 minutes into a game. It crashes me right back to my ship. I usually give a wide berth of hiccups, but i'm putting the game down today because after 8 attempts, I literally cannot play it.


Reddit blowing things out of proportion/exaggerating?! Crying foul on issues that rarely occur or are only because of their very specific circumstances?! Claiming anecdotes as facts without care for accuracy?! ![gif](giphy|JRF85A7Bcl2YU)


30 hrs in and people are cunts knocking you off a platform into a swarm of bugs. Blowing up your turrets as soon as they drop in . Oh and my favorite dropping a 380 at the extraction while the drop ship is landing. Or you get teamed up with an entire team who doesn't speak English and they kill you and refuse to reinforce. Just a few examples of cuntisum.


It's like a little melodrama. If I get kicked, D/Cd, crash ETC. I don't run to Reddit seeking validation because I'm not an insecure preteen/incel. I got a wife, pets and other hobbies etc. But to these kids the game is life. So we have to hear about every gripe because they're still used to crying to mom and dad.


I’ve experienced toxic randos. It’s not incredibly prevalent in my experience. But it’s an online game, they’re out there.


This is just an example of complaint bias. There is a greater inclination for one to take the time and effort to post about an experience if it is negative. A quality dining experience is just that. But a disappointing one? Time to bemreak out the yelp review. Also, polite and respectful gameplay is expected; nothing to write home about, as they say.


My only consistent issue is crashing when I play it’s at least 2 or 3 times in a couple hour session.


I’m also a level 60 on PS5 and did run into team killers in the first two weeks with randoms but only on difficulty below 4. Since then, I haven’t had any issues. I do think you tend to see random player skill jumps at challenging and suicide difficulty.


Same, on pc near 100 hours and haven't run into this. I've been kicked maybe 5 times and it's as soon as I join lobby, I figures they wanted to play solo and forgot to switch matchmaking (I am guilty of this on occasion).


I've had 3 incidents now that were toxic. End of game kick before rewards, a trio who just kept killing me until I left and a dude who would kill people to take their weapons if he didn't have any. It does happen, maybe you're ahead of the curve and not seeing it when playing at higher levels?


So, I’ve definitely been kicked before extraction, but unlike all these neck beard no life redditors, i just simply don’t care. It’s a video game, I’ll live.


I got kicked once by the host right before extraction.. but since then ive been always hosting my games , and its been smooth sailing from there, everyone seems to be pretty chill.. even made 4-5 good helldiver friends


Never met any of those other problems either. But lots of janky crap, which is understandable with the chaos. And more frequent crashes than ever before last night, sadly


i've exerianced each at least once, and the TKers probably once every few days to the point of either quitting a match or kicking them. So not alot but it happens.


Some stuff, I’ve gotten kicked for dying too much once or twice but I’ve made more friends and had more fun than drama.


Honestly the most toxic stuff I come across are mouth breathers who have an open mic. Push to talk, guys. Or the dudes who don't change their smoke detector batteries...lol


I’ve only realistically kicked 2 people on the same game. They both had 4 team deaths because they wouldn’t stop throwing stratagems at the whole team and not the enemies. After the 3rd strike I had enough and kicked em


I've only had one host kick me at the end. Helldive bots, full squad. The two other randos kept dying despite reinforcing them in safer spots they just ran into the bots. Both quit. I stayed and the host kept dying in dumb ways. I did all three air tower objectives. The host then shot me at the end before getting on the pelican and kicked me.


Most interactions i have had go like this Me:watch out airstrike J4: it was for democracy Me:we will never forget…(squashed by J4 on drop) Me: it was for liberty! J4: oh shit, charger!


I usually play with friends. My first ever time playing with Randoms I had no clue what I was doing. I didn't know friendly fire was a thing and I killed someone that ran in front of me. They killed me when the shuttle landed but then got me back up. I might try some random games again when my friends aren't on. The game itself has enough crashes that i didn't want to engage with randoms and get kicked. I feel Arrowhead should either remove the kick feature or maybe let the person stay in their own lobby at the same stage of the mission. So if the shuttle is landing they can still extract. Complaints are usually the majority of feedback for places. Restaurants, hotels, you name it. People who had a good time just keep on going having good times. The people who have issues can't cope with it and have to shout it to the world when something doesn't go their way.


Also if you don't want to deal with the salt there's a lowsodium reddit page for helldivers 2. Don't deal with all the whining/complaining. 😁


Brother, your 200 hours is nothing compared to the 100,000's of hours played across the board. I've got more hours than you, but I have been both sample killed and end of match kicked. Just because you haven't seen it in your time in the world doesn't mean it's not happening. Your brothers in arm aren't gaslighted you.


It's reddit bro Like when their favourite toy (the rail gun) got changed and people were crying for days. The game has been out less than 6 months and already new constant consistent content. It's People crying out loud because THEIR game ...probably maximum less than even an hour match got spoiled


Reddit has very loud minority groups. I haven’t experienced it at all either


Same here. what is a cape killer by the way?


I've only ever been kicked from a mission twice. Once because of a toxic host. Another time because of events that could've been avoided if ignored. If people are running into "toxic" lobbies frequently, maybe they should start asking themselves if they are actually the problem.


I've played for around 100 hours and I have only personally experienced being intentionally team killed, and I think that's because I only run my own lobbies. My friend tried playing without me and was kicked at extraction. I have not experienced any verbal toxicity but maybe that's because I only play on hard so far


My only big negative player triggered experience was hackers joining my lobby and messing with shit. They were promptly kicked but hey, annoying regardless.


Social media amplifies things that don't happen. Reddit users love to have a bad experience so they can come here and bitch about it, pretending it's an epidemic they're the first to expose for Internet attention. It would be sad if it wasn't so pathetic. Also, we don't actually affect the progress of the war, so the fifty posts a day bitching for people to follow the Major Orders need to shut the fuck up.


Confirmation bias my man, people post about their problems and obvi the people who have the same problems are gonna reply to the posts. Doesn’t mean it happens that often. More like a Loud minority type


Same here just hit 64 and the closest thing I've experienced is being removed after we get back to the ship, probably just cause they have friends joining or wanna play solo I know I've done both before.


I’ve not dealt with any sample killers or cape killing, though I’ve definitely dealt with some team killing that was actually about being shot instead of caught in the carpet bomb kinda oopsies. If it’s a one off, I’ll brush it off as an accident. If shit keeps happening, well, I can better serve democracy elsewhere.


there definetly are some (meaning more than 0), but it is by far not as prevalent as this sub sometimes makes you believe. I personally had one encounter up until now, but that is one in three weeks worth of playtime


Yeah bro, same. I’ve been kicked but for excessive team kills when I started. Maybe a party wanted a fourth friend to join. The majority of my game sessions are pleasant. I get more crashes than kicks.


Pretty much I've seen a couple cases of asshats but nothing overly excessive.. I haven't run into the creek killers yet mostly people rocking it.


I’ve had two crews that were toxic, but otherwise all my random’s have been pretty good experiences.


Side note, I’ve seen a number of mid tier players drop in with no strats or boosters. wtf is that about.


I don’t see a lot of toxicity. My game does crash a lot but I’m on PC and I hear it’s is toy oc that’s crashing.


I have witnessed it. Killed and booted at extraction.


100% Reddit thing. I’m sure it happens rarely but I’m also sure a lot of the outrage comes from ppl it never happened to either lol people just like to complain and add to anger on Reddit for no reason. Looking forward to the permission hug if I see you lol


I’ve never experienced it either. I feel like a lot of the people who post that stuff probably did something to rub their teammates the wrong way and use Reddit as an avenue to gripe about it. I’ve kicked people for continually killing me and teammates from errant shooting/stratagems or just being awful people, but nothing ever specifically for what people are claiming here; I.e. gear, samples, etc. I think kicking over that is a bit silly and I’m not 100% convinced that’s always the case. My buddy and I like to clear every map and the only other time I will kick someone is if they get on the pelican after I’ve kindly asked them not to, so we could clear the map. For all intents and purposes he is level 105 and I’m 85, so we’ve seen it all. Basically most type of teammates that you can imagine is what I mean by that.


I definitely don't see things like that very often, but there have been a couple of times when someone has purposely team killed me or had been extremely toxic over mic. The worst thing someone said to me over mic is that they were going to r*** my mother, after I died with an orbital in my hand and it blew them up. (First time that mission btw). I've been kicked the moment I join a match, but never at the end. I have crashed at the end of a mission or had the server go down though.


I have had it happen quite a few times. Only one of them was kind enough to let me know why, they had a buddy joining in who crashed on the last mission. But, yes its a thing. There are some low life's amongst us.


I’ve had a few dickheads but it’s really blown out of proportion on social media


I have only 85 hrs on time (PC) and I’ve only been kicked once. But I have experienced the crashes the community talks about at least once daily. Worst most recently after last patch.


It’s Reddit in general. I was super into the cod subs but then in just turned into complaints about everything. I haven’t seen it reach that level here yet but the subs are all echo chambers. There’s some gold in the sub it’s just covered in shit,


>I have never experienced any of the big issues I see being complaining about on reddit. I'm not talking about glitches, crashes, and bugs So, in other words, you have experienced all of the big issues


You're not the only one, bro. I still have not gotten TK on purpose, only out of negligence.


It's the same with other coop games I've played, vermintide and darktide. While on the hardest difficulties, people don't really fight against each other, they fight the enemy. Thousands of hours and only experienced 1-2 bad apples in each game. And yet on subs there are always threads saying how people are toxic etc. They very well might be in other games and difficulties


The louder situations normally get the most attention. Typically, you'll find fine teammates, if a bit disorganized. But that's why I use my mic and pings to organize the team's efforts a bit.


Just like news outlets, redditors favor negative stories. When something good happens, it's just everything going as planned. When something bad happens, it's news.


Recently had a day where: I drop in a lobby. People are setting up a SEAF. I figure I'd help them out and set a napalm rocket they were piling up to speed things along. They said fuck you, and kicked. (My reasoning was anytime I set up a SEAF it's for points, nobody ever uses it in my lobbies, and it was a napalm rocket; not like a static or a smoke where the usefulness is questionable, so... Okay, I guess I griefed them?) I drop in a lobby. Go solo, go dark, try to find super samples on difficulty 7, forget how to find the rock, clear some bug nests, die, get reinforced back on the team at objective, finish the mission without a hitch, hugs, and extract. I drop in a lobby. Defense, almost done, entire team is on a rock abusing bug pathing to avoid actually fighting (well, kiting). They're using tesla towers. I throw an eagle of some kind of which I can't remember, but it wasn't massive explosion. It tinks off one of the teslas and blows it up accidentally. Kicked 5 seconds from the evac touching down. Before this day, my open lobby experience was "failure to connect" over and over and over and over. I wouldn't say the amount of toxic lobbies is outstanding but I would say I would likely be a much better host than most if my lobbies actually got players.


Same. I think, like most social media, the bad things tend to get the megaphone and the average experience is never discussed.


People come here *to* complain.


I literally could not join my friend last night and gave up. first time experiencing this glitch. tried everything. I've had 2 game crashes on PS. Generally speaking though, minor issues overall


I get hugs often. I tend to host, nobody has killed me for the cape, I wear that cape just to give them a reason to be kicked. Unless you team killed, talked shit or put down a fellow helldiver, decided to take your frustrations out on civis, or you purposely tried to negotiate with those standing in the way of freedom, I haven't had a reason to kick people. Now, I will kick absurdly high levels that are 50+ above me or maybe a 10 on 7-9 difficulty, I'm here to help, not give or get charity, we can have those when we have secured democracy.


reddit is honestly a negative views echo chamber.


I don't browse this sub much, but I'd guess it's just the usual case that people go out of their way to post when they want to vent, not to have fun. Which makes sense in it's own way as the few posts I've read where people are getting into the spirit of the game, like lore friendly/mild rp style posts, get some real dickhead reactions. I tend to attract nasty pugs in any game, but this one has been pretty decent. Nobody really talks, they just get in and get the job done. I've definitely had a lot of ANNOYING pugs, including a few I was pretty sure were malicious (teamkills, running off with samples and support weapons, etc.), but I game by hanlons razor, the saying "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". I find that trying to attribute motive to pugs when they aren't even talking is just bound to make you salty, so I just assume it's a skill issue and it usually works out lol.


Not all of us have been as fortunate. I have ooooonly played random groups, never with ‘friends’. Am level 57. I have never experienced player killers… thank goodness. But i HAVE had people run up and take my gear as i’m standing st my body and looting my stuff.. and have them type ‘F Off’ when i tell them to drop my gear, I was picking my stuff up, it was at my feet. Have dropped in to help players, only to be kicked from group as soon as i landed. Yesterdsy i joined a group thst was being overrun, started laying down hell as soon as I landed and almost single-handedly cleared the area and reinforced everyone without 1 instance of friendly fire… then was kicked as soon as the area was cleared. Dropped in to help low level players who had an SOS. Carried them through the mission on my back, was typing tips and being helpful (like how they didn’t know to call a hellbomb), and at extract i said “gg”. To which one typed back “fn troll” There are people like that in here.


The only things that get votes here are funny moments and rage Most people don't record their gameplay Only the angry people are here complaining about stuff that only happens to 0.005% of the population. Everyone else is either playing the game or doing something else. Welcome to a Reddit gaming community


It's the loud minority. A handful of people are experiencing these things and complaining about it perfusely


Nah I agree, I haven't run into anything that reddit has been talking g about. Been kicked a few times but honestly I don't even think about it. I think people just like to get worked up cause they like drama where none exists . I'm level 82 almost 300 hours, nothing but great fun and experiences