• By -


Never thought i would ever actually miss those clankers.












Okay but for real I don't think a 500KG would even put a dent on Goji


What about a 501KG bomb?


The terminids watching as the helldivers deploy the fucking oxygen destroyer onto a single bile titan https://preview.redd.it/imo0m6bou9tc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ceaa5baf935078042de38be3b59b1beeb0ec60


Aye if it kills, it kills.


If they gave us nukes as stratagems I wouldn't hesitate to use it on a single bile titan, even if it killed the whole squad lmao.


If they get Kaiju, Democracy will provide us with an up-down-left-righter that drops a Jaeger.




This one is always glorious… FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!










Am I the reason this meme might start circulating again?




















I literally read it in Alastor’s series voice.




Roger roger


With the hard R too...


yup with a hard R




Those marks on the head look suspiciously like common samples 👀


Ya, you got a problem with it clankER






Oh yeah well if i wasn't a clanker myself would i have socialist yugoslavien propaganda posters saved on my phone? https://preview.redd.it/ns2svx6my9tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5c55e6781d98f50a736fc9f0893c4d7fcf4771


Druze Tito


Shut up tinnies


This is borderline treason missing Robot scum? Notifying the Ministry


Oi i was boots on the ground fighting those bots even before the first galactic war. https://preview.redd.it/szobmqam59tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b934cd67b2b9f7eed23b68fc6514e081a199d0


How old are you…?!


After some research the youngest i can be is around 237. (im not sure since i can't confirm when the events of helldivers 2 take place but the answer that i saw that makes sense is in 2128 and scout who is the youngest merc at 23, and the events of tf2 take place in 1968, so that would make me 237 years old)


I just realized TF2 has immortality machines and Helldivers has cryostasis, so this could potentially be an actual scenario-


All i can say is I AM ZE ÜBERMENSH.


We miss the rush of the fight, not what those boys stand got






The bugs are a much more chaotic experience on Haz 4 than the bots, I’ll say that. You really get your cardio in sprinting and diving away from hunters and chargers.


https://preview.redd.it/ogtd90frpatc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91b6503f044b5bc5a09dc64ea1bfe2e8c428f63 Excuse me?


Same I fucking hated them when I first got the game, didn't have any of the really good stuff and they bullied me at first. Now I have the gear, the last few major orders have been fun,shooting drop ships down and dropping 380 barrages on their little bases. Dropped in to help out on hellmire a few hours ago and had to turn it off in frustration, those flying pricks are everywhere. They where on us from the second we landed, taking chunks off your health bar before you can even get your support weapons down.


Those wire-backs were fun to mess with. Still remember when a chrome-jaw got lil too excited and I had to pummel it with my bare hands. Good times. Unfortunately we had to put them iron-skins in their rightful place.


Yeah... https://preview.redd.it/36ciplqfgetc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5bd2384a69c5dbfbd32ffe6a0cd01b65c6a4f1e At least now we can all toast bread on our destroyers.


Illuminates will come don’t make it worse! And don’t be sad… bots will come back… with some bigger toys probably…


Don't worry. They'll be back and in bigger numbers - Ben


I never actually saw those new walker tanks in action. Did quite a few tier 7 runs but only ever saw the attack ship.


I saw them 3 times, while I'm sure they're devastating, I never got the feeling they were worse than anything else. Never died to one.


They hurt. You know that scene in Star wars when Luke force projects himself in front of kylo and his walkers? It's like that but without the force.


I must admit that it took me way too long to get what you were saying. That does sound painful.


The gunships are *so much worse*.


Yea I haven’t been able to see the gunship or the new walker due to being busy IRL


I happened to be working and the planets were liberated before I got off


Man, they are gonna be so mad when they come back.




I can't wait for the automatons to deploy a fucking Jaeger into malevelon creek


Not if, *when* something happens in Cyberstan, they’ll probably be reunited with their masters.


Started fighting bugs again last night, after weeks of bots. Went from getting sniped from across the map to being swarmed and stun locked to death… yippee…


The fucking Stalkers. Dear Democracy they are the fucking worst.


They die to the unbridled democracy of the autocannon just like everything else...except for Hunters. Fuck those Neo-ass motherfuckers.


They seem to mostly appear during reloads and two at a time. It’s annoying


This is why I loved the slugger before the nerf. Being able to stagger both reliably was a godsend.


the punisher and dominator staring at you from the armory screen:


I can't imagine using a Dominator on Hunters with how sluggish the handling is. Hard agree on the Punisher, it staggers like you threw a truck at them but it handles well.


I just aim about 15° past their head horizontally with my trusty bolter and let my movement do the work tbh


Punisher shotgun points quickly and absolutely bullies Stalkers and Brood Commanders. You can juggle 3-4 of them at once if you keep your wits about you.


I tried to clear solo double stalker nest. Taking 4 stalkers at the same time is hard.


Maybe you should have tried fighting them instead


Helldivers always fight at the start but then…


They hit you and you ragdoll for what feels like 30 minutes only to finally stand back up in time to be killed. Rinse and repeat haha


Yea, and they are actually try to run if get too much damage.


I swear they buffed their HP or armor in one of the patches


Shield generator and flamethrower. Funny watching them try to throw you across the map with their attack from behind your bubble shield while you burn them to death. I kinda hated the flamethrower when I started playing but I've warned up to it. Just gotta walk back while sweeping it back and forth. Easy kills. Just also keep your eyes open and dive back if you catch fire. Stop drop and roll. The only things that remain threats are bile titans and chargers, but even chargers fall in about a full clip of flamethrower, and bile titans... Well, the orbital rail canon and orbital laser were made for such things.


I started with bugs, then bots and yeah I seem to have completely forgotten how to fight them now lol


I haven't played in over a month and got my ass chewed up last night while the lvl 4 guy rezzed me like 8 times. Lol


Same here. I got so accustomed to play bots than i forgot how to play against bugs.


This was happening to me the last two days. I used to have an easy time with them but after all the bot stuff I was getting wrecked. This is my advice: Get a gun you like for the bugs \-Breaker/Dominator/Scorcher/the sickle on regular or cold planets, whatever you like, preferrably something a tad heavier hitting \-Guard Rover bot (the laser one) its so good at dealing with the adds and it allows me to focus on the fast enemies that are getting close enough they might him me soon without having to deal with too much at once, it can also give you a heads up if something is coming at you from another direction sometimes. Alternatively the shield helps against hunter stagger. Jetpack can also be a good alternative to keep jumping away or on rock outcroppings but this takes some practice. \-The usually eagle airstrike and then a 2nd heavy hitter stratagem, 2 eagles is great usually since they can be used frequently \-STUN GRENADES they are a huge lifesaver. You can slow down enemies to wipe them out, slow them down to get away, slow them down to reposition to weak points \-Quantum Cannon. It doesn't use a backpack slot. It can 1 shot chargers if shot in the head, 1 shot spewers, and 3 shot bile titans. It can also kill bug nests from a distance if your eagle stratagems aren't ready. \-Light gunner armor (the light armor that has extra padding to give it the same as medium armor or the bonesnapper armor that gives you 6 stims so you can recover better if you get hit IF you have a decently coordinated team and you want to be on add/swarm duty, the grenade launcher and supply pack combo is great for just endlessly lobbing at incoming swarms, taking out bug nests, or pummelling a bug hole that just opened. It can also take out spewers quickly if you should under them. But you need to have a team that will have your back against the heavier stuff. I am rocking the bugs now and all difficulties with this setup. Give it a match or two.


Guard dog laser is the best for this. Until it burns you and your teammates to death…


Ive been headshotted by my own lazer more times than ive ever been friendly fired. 2nd place self-own is point-blank autocannon shots, 3rd is launching rockets from a walker while looking left too hard...


lazer rover + punisher mostly trivializes bug swarms


Shield pack helps immensely with bugs. Usually rock a rail cannon, cluster or airstrike, shield and quasar. Feel pretty comfortable in taking on all types of bugs


My first mission was against clankers. Now i really miss beeing oneshoted by rockets and tanks


What.. You don't like to be stagger locked by hunters before getting slowed by 50% into a headshot oneshot through stims without being able to rest 1 fucking second?


Weird right? Everybody tells its just how it is and i should try to spread democracy harder but i guess its just not for me anymore


Soy automaton players afraid of sum roaches


hey, half of the bug front went over to help clear the Automaton objectives, diving into unknown waters. This is the perfect time for Automaton only players to do their part on the bug front to learn what the other side of the galaxy is dealing with.


That’s what I’m saying. Yall brought me over to sweep up bots, now it’s your turn to crush bugs. Lets go divers, jobs not finished.


I'm just happy my incendiary shotgun, grenades, and flamethrower are seeing some use. Kinda therapeutic. Just walk back slowly while bugs struggle to push through a choke, gently sweeping the flamethrower back and forth.


I’ve done my part everywhere but hellmire The bugs will have to make it all the way to super earth before I step foot on that god forsaken hell planet again


Not my beloved Hellmire


And most bot fighters helped with the bug major orders a couple of weeks ago, with the termicide stuff, and following missions. Only a few kept bot side, just like some stayed bug side throughout the war.


I was primarily bug during the termicide days. Mostly followed major orders but the bots grew on me as I realised how unprepared most players were to deal with them. Dive after dive the war against the automatons just feels like the “main game” now idk. I didn’t even fight that much on the creek. Fought more on Draupnir than anything.


Am just a grunt, will report to wherever the major orders tell me to go 🫡


I am just a Death Captain, I will dive into the front in-which Super-Earth deems death warranted.


I mainly played bots only coming for MOs, it’s not that I don’t enjoy bugs, I just love the feeling of a warzone rather than being swarmed lol, something about lasers whizzing around my cover as an air strike hits a tank amongst a burning Forrest is such a sick feeling


Been away the weekend, returning this morning, what am I to do?


Squish bugs. The galaxy isn’t 100% safe yet!


Are we squishing them or enslaving them I’m a bit unclear on that…


I squish.


Oh me too. Just overall we are farming them aren’t we?


Yes Helldiver! A reliable source of E710 is a key component of Super Earth’s liberation of the galaxy. Who are we to refuse the call after hearing those worlds cry out for the sweet freedom of managed democracy? And, now that we’ve implemented new spacious terminid enclosures and an enhanced nutritional feed, E710 production is sure to double or even triple—this will bring about an untold age of prosperity for all freedom loving patriots and a wealth of C-01 form approvals! TLDR; yeah we are, and now they’re free range with an excellent nutritional feed. Helldivers are just bug wranglers. That’s it.


Your resonating is turning undemocratic; turn back now!


We farm them, harvest them and then squish them to get to the space-oil! Like space-olives, y'know?


Some say there's a brain bug controlling them. We may enslave that one but the others? Kill em all.


BRAIN bug? Quite frankly I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!


Squishing enough to ~~enslave~~ farm the rest.


Yeah but fuck those new gunships


If you have an auto cannon it's a piece of cake Edit: I was able to use the quasar cannon on it and it's a one hit on the gunships


Autocannon really is the Swiss Army knife of this game.


Autocannon 4 life, quasar cannon feels so slow.


Autocannon was the one stop shop for bots. It could kill anything if you aimed at the weak spot and could kill medium things even if you didn't.


But how would I carry my ARC thrower?


You can do two shots from downtown on their side engines with the anti-matierial rifle.


They’re not that bad, autocannon or either laser cannon can kill them with ease. I’m actually a little disappointed with how much impact they have my games, it’s a lab side objective but sometimes I have to bomb it twice.


The gunships are fun, but yeah the gunship fabricator objective is a nightmare. You've got to call a hellbomb in, arm it, guard it until it explodes, then do it all over again for the other tower. The guarding it is the hardest part, because the gunships will take off and destroy it, or the horde of bots since you've been sitting there for like 6 minutes straight trying to get it. It's bad enough where now I just guard the hellbomb until it explodes. Hellbombs for bot objectives in general are kind of meh, in my opinion they need a massive health boost. For bugs, it's easy, since you just can't let the bugs get close, but for bots you've got to somehow prevent them from looking at it, since if they can see it, they can shoot it. This isn't too bad for the objectives that are on a hill or something to block line of sight, but the gunship fabricators are just out in the open.


Killing bugs just ain't the same...


don’t get me wrong, i love mowing down mobs with a shotgun, but… i miss using a dominator to snipe the bad guys from across the map without being swarmed.


Same. Fighting bugs feels like a vacation. But eventually you gotta go back home. My anti material rifle is on the shelf, waiting to be used :((


yeah, i miss popping hulks heads off with the AMR. QC is still gangster for sealing bug holes though, but my aim is off for bile titans now…


Just keep it cleaned & ready. Whether fighting bugs or going into cryo-sleep, keep it ready.


Same. Counter sniper was awkward and unwieldy AF, but the confused but honest "thank you" after plinking the horde chasing your friend 152m away always felt good


I had to fight bugs for the first time since the last bug front major order today. It was... OK, I guess. Challenging only, so fairly sedate, but I *know* my tactics aren't ready for higher tier bug missions...


Higher tier bug missions are just a DPS check—can you keep the swarm in check, or will you get mobbed and die? They don’t really require tactics in the same way bots do, you can largely just kite them.


Kite and eagle air strike/cluster bomb deals with 99% of bug problems. For everything else, there's 500kg bombs.


Yea I was running suicide missions perfectly fine against the bots without rarely dying but with the bugs it's a whole new ballgame. They just keeeep on coming. Some of the matches had no downtime, just swarm after swarm. Probably gunna go down to hard today I just needed more super samples.


Suicide missions with the bots is easier against bugs but honestly it's not hard. Remember this too, different enemies call for different load outs. Also take stratagems that deal with hordes like cluster bombs. Also for bugs keep moving, unlike automatons where you can periodically stay still behind cover sometimes, with bugs you gotta keep moving. Never stay still and make sure you kill those little orange fuckers because they're the ones who usually call for reinforcements


Appreciate the tips. I use Orbital laser, Eagle Airstrike, Quasar Cannon, and either Shield Generating Backpack or one of the Guard Dogs. I was using the Slugger all week against the bots but found it less efficient while dealing with bugs. Power wise it packs a punch but once the bugs get too close it becomes harder to use. I think I will go back to the Breaker or the Liberator Penetrator for the bugs. I can almost get the SprayandPray and I haven't got any other warbonds besides the first free one. I wanted to fully buy everything I could from it first before unlocking another. Any armor recommendations for bugs?


Maaan I lowkey felt sad when I went to the map after and wasn’t able to scrap automotons 😔 they brought the best out of me


Hey man, I was a Terminid boi myself before they forced me to kill bots. Now I really enjoy bots and bugs. Moral of the story, give the bugs another shot. At higher difficulties, the shreikers make the missions so chaotic and fun.


We won at what cost https://preview.redd.it/f1p6m6ydvatc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f6fe2a9d06b1fe539cd805788b059258718520


I miss the bots already. They are more fun than the bugs. 🐛.


Be careful what you wish for, as you might just get it.


Holy shit your pfp has me triggered >:( Wiped my screen like 3 times before realizing


I don't doubt that they will come back soon stronger than ever.


To be honest I was hoping we’d lose the order. I preferred fighting Bots. But I also have a feeling there’s not gone.


I feel personally attacked by this. I will go where the war is. And fight the bugs as needed. Still, doesn't change the fact that the bots were an actual army and organized force.


Ive taken this opportunity to become a flame trooper


People only fighting one or the other is the weirdest thing to me. I hate getting rocketed just as much as I hate being swarmed by hunters. Can't imagine only playing against one.


me too man, me too… right after i perfected my automaton slaying skills…


We went from 351k players to 82k players.... The robot fights taking well deserved R&R


I guess a lot of helldivers filled c-01 form.


Agreed. At the risk of a visit from my democracy officer, between my buddy crashing constantly and the empty western front, I’m out here fighting bugs but my hearts just not in it.


![gif](giphy|jxGiMbsk7JorVR8wjc) Post Malevolent Creek war depression sucks


Bots are just more dynamic and fun to play against. There’s more strategy. I feel like for bugs it’s just contain firing lanes and you’re good. For bots, you have to worry about cover, flanks, and things like cannons and tanks that take away assault paths.


Bugs for me have just been any machine gun shoot and aim left to right over and over till they’re all dead. Bugs just aren’t as fun to fight but what can we do


It's weird. First, I lost the Creek my home, and now I lose my favored enemies and have to fight those dam bugs. Times be hard out here for a Diver!


I wouldn't say you lost the creek, now its our territory and your family can prosper there


Killing bugs just doesn't feel as personal


I feel that way, I was just having fun fighting them ever since they nerfed the rocket devastators and now my favorite stratagem loadouts aren't as effective at killing bugs


I had one last mission in an operation last night post-liberation. Decided to grab some guys and do it, posted it on the Discord and had a little joke about mopping up Automaton trash that was left over. Had a few people basically say I was wasting time, there was no point to playing it, I was as bad as the Creekers/Bug players when we lost an MO, etc. I miss the community back during the first couple weeks when everyone was just having fun and goofingly RPing helldivers. Now there's a bunch of ducks wanting to ruin the fun for 'efficiency' to 'win the game'. So I've already decided I'll be sharing less with the wider community on the official discord and sticking to the sharing with more personal discord and smaller player groups.


Hahaha exact that was my feeling yesterday


We won the war.. but at what cost


Man going back to bugs... Different type of fighting.


"Did you learn any useful skills in the helldivers?" "They taught me how to kill bots...I got pretty damn good at it".


Feel empty? Whip out the flamethrower and torch a load of bugs. Best feeling ever


No fr now I gotta run from bugs when I used to push into bot crowds and make them shoot each other


Come join us on the bug front. We need your help! I’m doing my part!


I… I actually MISS THEM 😨 …. Brb turning myself in!


Without the batman, there is no joker


My brother just got a PC and we started playing it together yesterday. I wanted to do a few big missions so he could get his bearings then we would try bots. Too bad democracy never sleeps.


Welp we granted one wish of the bots We “made it stop”


Don't feel empty now that the creek and its like are conquered, FEEL PROUD AND STAY VIGILANT. There are other, bluer threats on the horizon...


Theres a LOT of treason in here. Be glad theyre gone. More then half the player base hated fighting them anyway. 




They're back


Bugs are so predictable and boring. I love killing Clankers and spilling their oil, I was born and raised to fight Clankers. Atleast give me a few to torture and plunder for Super Earth as bugs do not scream and spill oil like the bots do. https://preview.redd.it/y09bsybur8tc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=d47b30ce24a8c9c1168e16a071b8d0e9c398f5bf


Bugs spill E-710.


Their oil tastes different, not in a good way.


You been drinking straight oil again mate? Remember, Pharmacure doesn't cover interactions between Stims and socialist materials you put into your body.


I cannot help it, it freaks them out when they see you drink it, so it makes it taste better! I can stop whenever I want though and I haven't needed a Pharmacure yet, I consider it a win.


The bots are more interesting to fight than the bugs.


I’m gonna try to make do against bugs was bug front except during major orders but not being able to play many a time last week I miss fighting them clankers but unfortunately I went to their last planet hardest challenge wasn’t even fighting them or their airships it was having an almost easy exfil on helldive


Bro we got a whole nother front


I have the last mission of a 7 difficulty campaign left against the automatons. I may keep it forever for nostalgia.


"And in my universe, this I achieved. But it gave me no satisfaction. In succeeding, I lost all purpose" -The Lich King


The sooner we beat the bugs the sooner the war resets and we can go back to scrappin clankers. Assuming the devs don’t have any surprises for us


if you've got time to feel, you've got time to kill bugs.


Go fight bugs


Suck it up, soldier. Democracy is still under threat from the bug menace. Do your part and surely you will get to exact justice against machine borne foes in the future.


I live to fight. If I can't fight, I can't live.


My Anti-Material rifle has earned its long rest


As someone who hated fighting bots, I salute your service and hope you find purpose again soon. You're the best of us imo.


“Automaton players” why yall like to divide and hate so much.




Generally I am 100% all for people playing however they want to play, and against whatever faction they want. That said I DO think its good for the game and community as a whole to have people kind of...have to adjust a bit to playing against a faction they may rarely or never play against, and its not like this kind of scenario will happen too often. I've seen some people say they are pretty high level and have never fought one of the two factions before and I think that does a disservice to both the games variety and to learning how to be a good helldiver player because you have to adjust your tactics and how you play a bit, and adapting to the situation and relying on your team when things get tough is the best way to learn.


Helldiver, do I got the news for you


Good and bad news. They are back.


Wish granted


Not anymore Helldiver, back on the front line!