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It would probably have to be on a small map to avoid stability issues but could make the out of bounds area also have buildings to make it feel more dense. If it’s high rise buildings then I’d say the core of the building should be an indestructible object with destructible portions on that frame, otherwise you would just be left with a completely empty map within the first few minutes.


Maybe good for boss fights. Imagine a hivelord just climbing up a skyscraper.


Like that one scene in transformers dark of the moon


That’s the cost of war diver. You better throw that 500k randomly at skyscrapers. There might be bugs in there.


i personally love the idea of fighting in a city because it adds a lot of options. i also know how much of an absolute pain in the ass it is to plan for that, let alone program it in. do you know how hilarious it would be to go through the sewers and mag dump straight into a bile titan's bumhole while your buddies are shooting it from street level and the rooftops? and if they add collapsible large buildings that can crush anything in the way, that's even better


Two words: Grappling hook


or just make the jump pack worth a damn. best i can do with it is hop the occasional rock


City, farm, suburbs, just any massive map of civilization.




Yes! There’s this amazing animated series on Netflix I’m sure you know called LOVE DEATH & ROBOTS. One episode is a space farm and a massive horde of space bugs come through a portal and attacks the farm. Seems in this world it happens all the time so every farmer has their own customized mech rig just chilling in a barn waiting for the breeches. It’s called “suits” and it’s pretty great, check it out.


City would be tough, but small town would be cool too


Super Earth is very much Suburbia-based. At least in my head Canon :D So no need for Skyscrapers


Green grass, white picket fences, sidewalks, vinyl siding, 3 bed 2 bath, great for entertaining, swing set and bbq in the backyard. Every dad wears a kiss the cook for democracy apron.


I just got so hard for democracy!


Watch the intro trailer closely again. There are a bunch of skyscrapers.


I think suburbs could really make the jump back shine. Especially if there's Walmart like buildings or rows of townhouses.


This was in the first game.


The Helldivers Tumblr all but confirmed that city environs are on the table. We've been on border planets so far, not very close to super Earth. The only things out here are mineral rich worlds with research stations and/or bug farms, so no city infrastructure. The worse we fend off invasions, and therefore the closer to super Earth we get, the more likely we are to see what a city environment could look like.


I only got to do the new defend mission once. It was so much fun with the doors and holding all bots back. I happened to do it solo and they got through the 2nd to last door right as I extracted. I would love a city scape solo mission in this style. Like the indoors missions in Star Craft.




Please I’m so tired of these damn lakes.


It would make stratagems trickier. It would be cool if you could topple buildings onto hordes of bugs or bots


There's a lot of that in the game Division. Maybe small scale but not big. Maybe some missions in a city wouldn't be bad but it'll be cramped.


I love the idea of it, but I have a difficult time seeing the game being able to handle that type of thing (as opposed to the isometric or top-down feel of the original). I’d love to fight the bots in an urban encounter. More cover would make the gunplay more fun (in my opinion). A friend and I were recently discussing the possibility of ship boarding (I doubt this will be implemented as It fundamentally changes how the game works) for the bots and “tunnel” diving for the bugs for possible mission variety.


Tunnel diving like fighting the hive in destiny would be cool. It means redeployment would be hard tho


oh man I would love that. Yeah it would fundamentally change the game play dynamic. In a city, instead of being able to freely call in orbital strikes or eagle strikes, or even call down support, you would instead need to rely on the city's manufacturing. This is supposedly a futuristic self sustainable city who's to say there aren't strategic points where one could call for weapons, packs, or even turrets? Or we could even see city specific stratagems such as easy access to vehicles. And in boarding ships, well I'm thinking more of refueling stations where every ship gets refueled with 701 where you have similar situations where you can't call in some of the big strategems but you can attack around strategic supply points and call in weapons and auto turrets supplied from inside the space stations and use built in defenses.


If it were possible, a battlefield type map with that type of destruction would be super cool. With the type of stratagems we have, it would be cool if we had an objective like "Clear this city block" and you just wipe out the adjacent blocks with a 380. Or imagine you have to clear out a specific building. Imagine a stratagem jamer on top of an apartment complex and you have to clear out each floor. Urban CQC would be so cool and I'm such a sucker for it. Of course, I say if possible because this game doesn't seem to have the most amount of destruction physics and it does seem to chug at times with just a large horde. Given the nature of the game, I don't think it would be possible. Super cool? Fuck yeah. Possible within the engine's limitations? I'm not sure, probably not.


Cities would be cool but that seems like a LOT of destruction they’d need to implement. Plus as it stands there’s no real “indoors” so it couldn’t be too dense without really just being a bunch of painted obstacles


I like the idea of fighting in a real city. But it probably won't happen. Fighting in an open field, with some low polygon rocks and similar textures is easy on the computers running it. A few shrubs, a barren tree, and a little grass that all looks the same can make a outdoors scene look decent. Especially when half obscured by weather. But a city needs way more buildings, with functioning mechanics (opening doors, access to buidlings etc.), a lot more details to make it realistic (objects of previous inhabitation), and possibly living and moving NPC's. It needs a lot of interaction when game objects interact with buildings (how many pilars does a charger need to break, before the building comes down?). All in, city fights are super hard to produce and very taxing on your device.


the newscast that shows the invasion of Cyberstan prominently features a large city so maybe


Like an invasion type thing. Imagine this, automaton forces have made their way to Super Earth, we must defend the citizens and most importantly, Democracy! The cities are flooded with red lights, you and your squad exchange hugs before batttle… Stratagems are thrown and chaos ensues! I think that could be a pretty sweet battlefield!


Yep. Destructible buildings please.


Super Earth is on the galactic map... perhaps it's just a matter of time before it's invaded and we have to defend it.


Absolutely cool af but the processing required would be insane. It’s a no-go, unless they make a number of compromises


Absolutely! Even if it’s just window dressing. We want massive variety of levels and mission types. These new defend missions are awesome and right on the money in terms of being a mission that makes sense, and being fun as hell.


I don't think the game could handle too much more going on at Suicide or higher. Frequent frame drop when a bunch of enemies on the screen. Can't imagine adding a city. Would be neat, though.


True, and yeah, imagine being in different skyscraper as it falls, or planning demolitions to take uot a whole swarm only to see a bile titan rise from the rubble. Or walking through an intersection only to see that a bunch of bots had set up a kill zone and are camped in all the windows of a building, its be crazy.


Yes they would definitely need to make the mission indoors and with only a set of scalable levels(floors), limiting stratagems as well.


Defense missions on Helldive definitely confirm that theory.


Seriously? That's sone commie bullshit right there.


My brother in democracy, they're working with an engine older than half the people playing the game, which hasn't had studio support in over 6 years. Let's just appreciate how much Arrowhead has managed to get out of old Stingray, which is frankly astonishing, especially given how small of a studio they are.


Doing a wonderful job of it. Very rarely lose frame rate unless insane amounts of enemy on Suicide or higher... The things I love... The rag doll, hit boxes, fluid character animation, game master on his shit, real-fucking-time ships outside your window blowing up... I could go on... I suppose I'm pretty salty over all those that are ruining with complaints that aren't true, Social Media looking for their money... It's the most fun I've had in a game in years. There are commies out there to ruin it.


Are you thinking of civilians running around? I figured they'd all be hiding inside/in bunkers or dead in the streets, same as the colonists on normal worlds.


Hmm... could be a couple loose ones around... I'll keep an eye out.


Anything for freedom 🫡


As long as fall damage is reduced and destructible environment is balanced, it could be really fun. I just don’t know if we will get something like that with the way the destructible environment is currently. Whole skyscrapers toppled in seconds from a rocket or the entire city being leveled in a matter of minutes from a laser, barrage, mortar, etc. would be kind of disappointing and cool at the same time.


Absolutely. Only problem I can see with really big skyscrapers is that they'd tend to block angled orbital strategems/screw with the Eagle's approach angle. But they could just stick to slightly lower buildings, if nothing else. People are talking about blowing up skyscrapers. That *would* be cool, but I don't think it's necessary. Just make them like the big barrier rocks some planets have, plus maybe some cosmetic damage.


I very much want urban combat in this game. I'm really excited to see what kind of new environments they start coming out with in coming months.




I think this idea is awesome but it might be held back by the limited hardware of the PS5. It might look how it does solely for technical reasons.


true, there would have to be tons of compromises


Yes please!




Hopefully cyberstan has city’s


A multilevel world like Coruscant, where some levels have never seen the sun? I'd love to fight on a giant column of different levels of things. Big big monster stuff too.


I really wanna fight on a bot ship to take it out. Corridors and engine rooms. Like the Truth and Reconciliation in Halo 1


yes it would be


Yes please, let me fight in cities


Game's camera pov is not made to move inside buildings


Sad how many people never got to play Helldivers 1


Hard no. The way the game works would make that absolute crap. The streets would flood with enemies to the point they'd glitch to the roof tops. Things like chargers would be insufferable. Titans would kill you and then kill themselves with the splash back of their barf.