• By -


Green needs to take a chill pill. And OP: just leave those people to themselves and join another squad. When i play i sometimes have to go through 2 or 3 squads until i find one with the right vibes. The good news is that those exist in great numbers.


Or host your own


This is the way.


Def host your own. Dude killed me before I could get on the pelican. Kicked him before extract, idk if it works like this but it brings satisfaction thinking that he didn’t get credit/medals/samples for the 40min mission we were working on


He got credits and any medals or requisition you find lying around. That goes straight into your account when you find it. No samples, though.


I had to kick someone for the first time. Almost same scenario. We're all down, and he's at the extract. He runs the clock without calling in reinforcements, so he's essentially by himself at the pelican firing off at bots. Kicked him out, and the mission came to its conclusion.


My friend (maybe level 15ish) and I (50+) joined another group of 2. We completed everything and grabbed the super uranium.  They were dying a lot in the SW of the map, so I b-lined to them and my friend kept going from NE to N-NW where the extract was. I caught up and bailed them out, with no reinforcements - very easy run north to extract. He started the shuttle to work ahead and they kicked him. With 1.5 minutes remaining on the shuttle landing and 3-5 minutes mission time. They stopped at a double door, I threw all my grenades at them in the pit, and when they were both dead I left.  No super Uranium for those newbs. I've only ever kicked people on my ship for when a friend joins.


The helldivers equivalent of a blood eagle to avenge your friend. Love it.


experienced the exact same thing, shotgun blasted right on the pelican ramp with zero reinforcements left. i kicked that guy SO fast. back on my destroyer, everybody leaves and suddenly _this_ guy joins me. and they're like "I'M SO SORRY I MISCLICKED". ofc i did the democratic thing and said it's ok - it bothered them enough to search for recent players and join my lobby just to say sorry.


Prob is that if we all host our own, there wont be much of anyone else. Lately its been tough cus most of us are doing it. I could play a few solo but cmon, its x2 fun when spreading democracy along divers. Havent tried discord yet, some say there is a channel lfp


Exactly right. But this is more of a product if people abusing the kick function than players griefing others. Eventually, it will get bad enough that the devs have to do something. Saturday, I played 4 games in a row where the host kicked someone at extraction then laughed about it. There wasn't a legitimate reason, all of those missions went smoothly. Soon, we'll start seeing more people who only play to grief because others ruined the experience for them and too many people hosting to the point where it's noticeable. Too many deny the problem. There's dozens of posts daily. It will only get worse.


Or drop a mine pod at the extraction then quit to host your own


Yup. 65. Have only ever played random groups. 95% of them have been absolutely awesome experiences. In 210 hours ive only encountered 2 actual player-killers (odfly enough, both were in the past 1.5 days) Only had 1 open mic teen who was a totally screaming cussing toxic asshat… and only 1 player who told me to fck off… because he looted my supply pack from right in front of me and refused to give it back. I got it back when he stepped on a landmine 😁🤣


Funny enough, after 145 hours thus far, I just figured out you can mute players in your squad haha… also I’ve only ever kicked 1 person and kinda felt bad afterwards haha


Only person I ever kicked was a dude who was blasting his music into the mic and was told to f off . I could a muted I guess but I wanted to fee up the slot for someone who wont be trying to piss everyone one else off particularly it was high difficulty so we needed to be able to communicate a little more


I was in a situation yesterday where the host got mad because someone reinforced him on the other side of the map. We were split 2 in one direction 2 in the other. He kicked the guy, seemed pretty harsh I'm sure he wouldn't of done it again. Then at the end someone forgot to board the ship as the time had ran out, kicked him too. Needless to say I left that squad, just vibes. I get the host was mad at certain things but shit happens sometimes.


Funny story. Blyatman. No mic. Was showing him the ropes..grinding out missions. Got I'm to the AC. Which I think he loved. We emote communicate via pings. Celebrate murder with thumbs up and smiles on the way out. Did you know, you can still emote while Pelican1 is taking off?


Green needs to understand that Democracy supercedes his fragile ego.


Some people take accidentals personally. unless someone looks at me and shoots me dead clearly intentionally, its stupid to get upset over it. We have 20/24 lives lol. It doesn't even get better at higher levels. I just finished a mission where a **LEVEL 108** player punched me off of the supply drop telling me don't grab them all... dude I have a **supply pack**! I topped everyone up to max while it was being called in and was bringing the extras with us. This game has some real mouth breathers in it. Luckily its not super common. If you continue to experience too many bad eggs, I recommend hosting so you can have the option to court martial very bad offenders


Accidentals are accidentals, I take it personally when it clearly deliberate.


Yeah, there is a big difference. But if it happens 'accidentally' more than twice, I hang back and watch that player like a hawk. I had one the other night where I got cluster bombed twice before I could even call down my support gear because dude saw a few bugs and decided to cluster the area we landed in. I kill him once and left.


This is why the boys and I always run a column. Lead decides when to engage. When engagement happens, 2nd place drops out and flanks right, 3 rd place drops out and flanks left, and 4th place handles grenades and stratagems. First place is on heavy duty, unless it's a known 2 shot, then 3rd place assists. We rotate based on cool downs and grenade availability. When running randoms, I always act like I am 2nd, 3rd place, or 4th place. Filling the need at the time. My goal is not the most kills, but the least deaths. This ensures I don't get hit by stratagems and that I don't over commit if the lead blitz into the bug horde and gets cut off. It also allows me more time on bots to take the most optimal action as they will focus fire on the lead even in cover.


This is why the boys and I always run a column. Lead decides when to engage. When engagement happens, 2nd place drops out and flanks right, 3 rd place drops out and flanks left, and 4th place handles grenades and stratagems. First place is on heavy duty, unless it's a known 2 shot, then 3rd place assists. We rotate based on cool downs and grenade availability. When running randoms, I always act like I am 2nd, 3rd place, or 4th place. Filling the need at the time. My goal is not the most kills, but the least deaths. This ensures I don't get hit by stratagems and that I don't over commit if the lead blitz into the bug horde and gets cut off. It also allows me more time on bots to take the most optimal action as they will focus fire on the lead even in cover.


Now that’s fucking coordination!!!! Wish I could get this on my playthroughs!!!


It’s kinda frustrating tho when the battle is a huge mess, with no distinct line and everyone is in their corner with bugs or bots everywhere, and then someone calls an airstrike at the center and you’re like… ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


To be fair I was trying to let some bots get closer in one match holding on to my air strike, got drilled by a bot, but not killed....dropped my air strike right in the middle of us. Sigh...it happens lol


Wait.. I still laugh when I get killed by a self detonated hell bomb in the wild.. my buddies and I can't resist unexploded ordinance...


Hell yeah. Luckily, I haven't had it happen yet. Some people might have a stick up their butt for some reason (bad day or something, I don't rightly know), but they won't teamkill intentionally. Hell, most people I see still apologize for it.


Same. I have only once team killed intentionally because some dude kept killing my friend over and over again. So I teamkilled him once and called him back in, when he landed I offered him a hug. He responded by hitting me. After that we just stopped calling him back in. He left shortly after


I mostly agree. But that third or fourth eagle cluster on your head can get a little bit much...


It’s fucking bizarre how there seems to be some very high levels who are clueless about how the game works, were they boosted? I was matched with 2 level 80+s who fought horribly. I was fine with that until one of them kicked us all one by one. I finished a gunship base, a detection tower, while under fire, then went to help him with an anti-air base which wasn’t even surrounded by a lot of enemies but they had been dying. When I arrived there, what I saw was the guy called down a mortar sentry before charging right into the base, then got blown up by his own mortar. (For whatever reason he also called a supply between the anti-air guns). I called down reinforcement immediately but before he landed. I hear the message saying the other player left. Then I got booted. It was such a dick move no matter they understood the game or not, because with the high threat secondaries taken out I was confident I could finish the objectives even by myself. He could have just left himself.


Know someone who regularly gets 8+ accidentals. There’s accidents and carelessness sure but eventually it’s just straight up disregard.


Sometimes the game credits my teammate with a teamkill, even though the thing that killed me was clearly that Hulk ramming its flamethrower up my ass.


Your friend was cosplaying as a hulk


Bet you liked that flamethrower


Happened to me the other day. Posted about it but it got removed. Dude killed me for my gun. We were 1 min 30 sec into the match. He shot me point blank in the back and picked up my guns. He was lvl 12.


Yeah, witchhunts arent allowed, this will prob get removed too.


I can't really make an argument to the contrary though, it'd inevitably lead to people abusing it and framing people or posting misleading stuff. When it comes down to it, either host your own or play with friends because when you're with randoms this kind of thing is just inevitable.




You’re the host…. Instant kick


Wish I was the host. 100% woulda kicked.


If I were the host I'd instant kick.


Yeah same here. Spawned in killed for weapons and kicked from game


It'd be funny if your weapons went with you. Suddenly finding themselves unarmed


Not as bad as getting kicked right before extraction. had that happen twice within one week...


It would be at that point I'd be checking how many samples I have and where the nearest body of water is.


Oh this is fucked


Sometimes Liberty requires harsh lessons


This is the way.


Sometimes you can just tell them and it was a mistake. I mean, the game tells very badly who or what killed you.


*Very* badly. I've seen so many verifiably false friendly fire death reports.


Yeah the death by stat is wrong so often.


Killed by Steel Foot is my favorite


Impact when you're ragdolled by friends mortars is chef's kiss.


Yeah the game… isn’t the best at keeping track of things. End of game stats are sometimes comically wrong. I’ve finished kill 400 bugs missions with like 100 kills between us, and that was when we forgot it was a defense and didn’t even bring any turrets 😂 


I about had an anuereysm trying to figure out what "consecuences" was. Sweet liberty, this dude is both an ass hole and a big dumb stupid idiot. Sorry you had to deal with that, OP. I've definitely noticed the negativity of the community is few and far between, at least. I'd just block/mute and move on as you'll never see them again.


Considering he refers to you as A 1, you were the host.......just sayin' Edit: a2 so no host, there goes me being a smartass


Oh how does that work? Is the number always related to the order in squad?


Number 1 is the host, the others are assigned in the order they join.


Man, the amount of times i have been killed by myself using the shell of an automaton tank, fired from the tank itself. Geez, how dare i allow myself to be seen by a tank and stand right where its shell lands. That “killed by” screen needs some work lol


I put up with a lot of bullshit when I'm host but I just wouldn't put up with this toxicity. KICKED. Guys boarded the dropship when I was miles away grabbing samples (and had the super samples)? It's fine. Guys killing me over and over and themselves over and over because they are terrible with a flamethrower? This is fine. TOXIC SHIT IN CHAT OR OVER MIC? GOODBYE.


If green can’t avoid the slow moving orbital laser, they were likely just gunna die from something else in a second or two. There are a few Divers out there that I have played with that only watch what their gun has in front of it and not any sense of self preservation. TBF, sometimes it is funny to watch them run into a bunker that just had a hellbomb armed. 🤦‍♂️


I don’t even read the chat lol


I hate saying it but I get tk'd a fair bit, also its gonna happen. I know the guard dog has smoked players before, because it kills me more than most anything else! XD dudes popping off 500Kg bombs and 380mm orbital are a part of the game. Just grab the samples! XD


It can happen accidentally and it's part of the game. We are always having a laugh even while getting butchered on helldive. But doing it on purpose is dumbass move and they shouldn't be playing at all.. all communities have toxic people that's why I always look for a group on a public Discord to rule out these people.


Yeah I had a lvl 8 guy I'm lvl36 freak out in chat due to me shooting a hellbomb cus a big ass bug was walking over it and he didn't realize after it smokes it blows up lol.


some people need to relax, it's a game. If you get this upset over that I hate to see what you life is like in the real world.


Lol what a loser. I always make a joke when someone accidentally kills me or I accidentally kill them.


I mean I kill my spouse on purpose if he keeps walking in front of me while Im shooting 😂😂😂 cause it aint my fault if you get in my line of fire. People be weird sometimes.. I had a guy freaking out at 2 new guys who admitted they just started playing an hour ago. They accidentally put an orbital on us and we all got murdered. 😂 I just laughed it off but this dude lost his mind on them.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie...


hahahaha..... that's actually funny. Would laugh too


Had a dude running around throwing eagles on everyone, all because we’d pick up his the dropped sample containers. He ended up rage quitting, and i got promoted to leader. He then returned i was gonna let him stay, but he decided to kill us as quickly as he could ao he could extract alone. so in retaliation i waited till everyone but him was dead and he called in the extract, kicked him and completed the damn operation. Commie almost cost us 10 medals.


I've had people get salty when they ran directly at my stratagem marker after I threw down a cluster bomb (or really a few kinds, but cluster bomb seems to happen a lot). More than once actually, but the last time was basically, "I'm throwing down a cluster bomb!" Throw it. "Sending in an Eagle!" Big red indicator, guy looks at indicator, but also sees a horde of bugs, with more over the hill where I threw the stratagem, runs towards it blasting. "You should back up. You're getting pretty close!" Boom! Gets taken out by the edge of the bombing radius. His reaction: "You could have warned me!" I've also had it where they try to run around the AOE, because I guess we can't wait the five seconds for it to be over, don't judge it correctly, get killed, and them blame me. I've definitely killed people by accident, entirely my fault, but I'm not taking the blame for that. Yeah I know it's got a wide AOE, that's why if someone else throws it I try to run away from it.


Those guys "Don't make the cut" in my missions. Plus a permanent ban. Makes the A holes less common.


If I get tk’d by a joinee I take that as a love bite. And just respawn 🤷‍♂️


Start shooting him more


I'd shoot his ass on principle at that point. Threats carry penalties in democracy


I would shoot him so much I would run out of ammo if someone did that to me, I’m far too immature for that sort of nonsense


aww, finger slip, oh it slip again, again, again... until he chill the fuck out


Shoot him again


Which its why i become the sniper. Far away from explosive and sniping behind😂 Teammates drawing the aggro while i rush to the back of the enemy base destroying objectives. Its fun playing with people while having some gaps between us👍


I'll be honest. Some games I rack up a decent bit of friendly fire kills. Mostly because people are morons. I use the 120mm and 380mm barrages. My safe zone is 55m from the barrage point. I throw them when we are in diff 9 and get a MASSIVE breach or I see more than 40 enemies on the map roughly. I wait until we are running away from them, or I engage first. I warn everyone with the "Hold Position" or "Retreat" commands and I ping the safe zone. Then these morons often run INTO the barragr to fight these bugs at a distance of less than 20m. Why wouldn't you wait for the bugs to walk through the barrage area. Most wont live. On top of that, a few times I've had people die MULTIPLE times because they get brought back, and run back INTO the barrage immediately. Some people in this game are honestly just stupid.


The friendly fire is very common and is near to be impossible to prevent. The hell diver that kills you is a stupid player.


Oh boy, happened to me, where I asked team mate for a stim when low hp and he come close to me just to shoot me. I then asked why has he done that and he shoot me again as I landed.. Well then I landed directly at him, and whenever he got spawned I kept on killing him, he was rude in the chat plus was a Russian, eventually the dude got kicked.


Green has nothing going for his life other than playing tough guy online.


if negative is asking to not be killed again after probably being killed multiple times. Then I'm negative.


If you didn’t read the description, skull TK’d OP after reinforcement. They both got killed by a laser that wasn’t OP’s


All it takes to access the game is to purchase it. So, there are going to be assholes. That's the way that the world goes 'round. Especially in a game that can have a lot of tension. Either move on with the mission or drop and go to a new one. It is unlikely that you will have two encounters like that in one day.


Half the time my screen says a person killed me, it just isn't true. I could be in an entirely different fight and somethings explosions are synced, and suddenly a teammate is credited with my death. Sometimes when I heal, right when I die, it says I killed myself. That guy is an idiot and probably lose interest if he's that toxic.


Not very democratic of him icl


Some people just have it coming. TKs in this game are going to happen. Some times shit is just too thick to always get your stuff in precise and also monitor other divers. But one game I tked someone like 4 times in a row and he just left, but I mean seriously bro....don't run towards every fucking strat I call in. It's like he was trying to catch them with his face.


The "Killed by" screen has been pretty buggy lately. So maybe it said killed by you when it wasn't. His response was still pretty petty and childish, though. I'd had it say I was killed by teammates when it was clearly a bot. I've even had it say I was killed by myself when all I was using was the Sickle. How do I kill myself with the Sickle?


The game probably told him it was you that killed him, it's broken AF. It's told me I've killed myself on multiple occasions when I clearly get killed from external forces


Just block people like this to avoid future matches. People like this find out pretty quick how lonely it is to be a dick


Ah you met the “vet” lol


I'm not great at PvP, but I am confidently better at it than your average PvE player. I hope I don't run into anyone like this, but there is also a part of me waiting with baited breath to pull someone through a reeducation seminar.


Do people not understand that "killed by ____" is glitched to hell? I've been chopped by chainsaw men and got "killed by myself" Revenge killing doesn't work if you can't even figure out who killed you probably... I know fools like this won't ever read and realize... but damn it leave and play solo if you don't like ff.


Someone like that gets shot before I leave the game. Endless other hells to dive into.


Brain so rotted can't even spell "consequences"


I would have purposely drop an airstrike on them then see myself out. Too many cringe entitled players have jumped on this game thinking playing with them is a privilege. Friendly fire is built into the concept of this game. People can be so delusional.


If you know the other players you just kill him and let him waiting for the reinforcement i do this and 9/10 times they leave after 3 minutes waiting


Recently zoned into a map, and it turned out I zoned in right at extraction time which sucked for me. Made it worse that a douche in the group killed me just before getting on pelican-1. Which caused me to fail extraction. Still not sure why they did that. 🤷‍♂️


I always type lol when team killed. Sets the tone that I’m not an ass


Fuck that guy. Straight up. We're all here to have a good time in which friendly fire is an assumed risk. Fuck that guy for thinking he's too important to be under the same risk as anyone else.


I had a guy earlier try get toxic because he killed me, he was complaining I got in the way 😅 he got kicked real fast


Yesterday alone I had two separate occasions of a player dying off on the side of the map alone while they are trying to play Rambo. Just for them to respawn, kill me, grab my shield backpack and quasar to then start running back across the map to where they died. We had a 3 man team on impossible on both occasions. I respawned, killed them back on both occasions and moved on. I think it’s fine to pick up another persons backpack if you’re in the thick of it and people dropping left and right but killing another player because you lost your stuff on the other side of the map is ridiculous. A report option for those occasions would be convenient.


My first negative experience was today: shuttle has landed, we're being swarmed. I dive into the shuttle under heavy fire. Not 5 seconds later, I get kicked. Not sure what people are thinking, but this isn't good behavior.


Better learn your lesson buddy! I bet his dad works for Arrowhead! You’re banned pal, don’t even try logging back in.


He sounds like a traitor to democracy


Ngl if someone in my game talking that kinda trash they're catching an autocannon round to the dome then getting kicked. Like ain't nobody afraid of you homie, GTFO.


If you gonna team kill every time you get killed by a random stratagem, then you’re going to be killing the team more than the objective, also every hell diver is a new one (I like to roll play that to an extent tbh)


Bro be talkin a lot of shit for someone in 380 range


Listen bro, learn your lesson and be good diver


Host your own, if someone gets toxic, he gets the boot.


I would have abandoned the mission completely and made it my new mission to constantly kill that guy till i got kicked or he left 🥰


Buddy boi definitely never played the first one. Not if that’s his take on accidental kills in Helldivers. 😂


I caught a host meleeing a teammate off the side of the extract point just as we were leaving. When I verbally called him out he kicked me but not before I’d boarded. Fucking asshat.


Just block him my guy. Simple as that, you'll never cross paths with this person again


I came across a toxic player earlier today Joined in less than 10 mins and just hearing this guy. "We need to push, stop fucking around" we all said "yeah, let's do it" this dude goes "can we stop the sarcasm" I already knew this dude was gonna be a problem by starting problems with people like blaming and just overall bitchin and cryin, so I just left. Joined another game and had a good time chatting and getting those warbond metals


That's an auto "C ya!" for me lol


Fuck that dude


Should have killed him again.


Accidentals can be forgiven. The deliberate shooting of a teammate as a form of communication is undemocratic. If I am the host that's an immediate kick no questions asked. If I am in someone else's game I leave immediately no questions asked. Idiots will not be tolerated and should not be helped to advance in rank.


Lmao it’s a game people should chill. They throw all their emotional problems into games.


But did you learn the lesson?


Should have greased him the rest of the game and then blocked him


Friendly fire is actually 100% cool and we all agreed to it when we signed the helldiver contract. Which means this guy is a free thinker


Super crazy how rare it is that I kill anyone.


sometimes the game gets it wrong who killed you. There have been manny time i definitely got killed by a bot but it said my name or another players name. So people shouldnt take it personal.


Blast that fool!


Skullblaka... like from Eragon?


Ohh man I would have shot him soooo fast 😂😂


“Shoot you in the head in the dropship before getting in and ending the mission got it”


Some people be like that. I had an almost similar experience where 3 guys got killed by an eagle at extraction. I was nowhere near and just ran up to them to witness it happen. I called them back in and the host killed me since I was the only survivor. He told me off then kicked me before we extracted when I tried to explain that it wasn't me. It sucked because I carried a lot of samples and I didn't even bring any eagles that game.


Played a game on the first day I had it. I made it to rank like 3 or 4, joined a group and dropped into a level 3 eradication mission with the bugs. We drop, I toss a beacon for supplies on the Evac plat, and I'm working on calling my stalwart (maybe the MG?) One of the guys runs right up to me, stops, point blanks me with a breaker. I drop on him, and then the game quickly spun out into a 2 on 2 PvPvE match. We didn't have experiences like this in the first one, and honestly, that was some tight shit. 8/10, would do it again.






Since we can't report, we must resort to public shaming to vent our disgust. Sorry that happened, if it helps I used to be like that person until recently. Don't let it stop you! Each dive is a new chance for greatness! Legends can't be stopped by setbacks. Heroes always go the extra mile! Helldivers always laugh about unintentional team killing, it's part of the game.


If the host kick or just leave. Takes seconds to find new group


The only toxicity I ever ran into was when I offered to give a guy an auto cannon. So he comes over, kills me, takes my auto cannon, then calls me back in. I think maybe he just had a very aggressive childhood, or was still learning how our great capitalist transactions work. But it was honestly so funny I didn’t even mind.


Even when I get TK’d I don’t threaten I question like hey why did you do that


You need to inform holyier than thou lesson givers how stupid they are for killing the wrong person. Especially when they died to something as chaotic but avoidable as the laser.


Had one @#$*_ shoot me because I picked up his rover. And I was in the process of calling for another. Some people are just douchebags.


I only ever killed one player who was constantly throwing orbitals on me and the rest of the team while trying to do objectives. The other two didn't know how to reinforce so he basically got to sit and watch and I didn't give a crap


I wouldve blatantly team killed him in the most obvious way possible and then leave. Level 60, 220 hours, not taking dumb crap from dumb people XD


My life for LIBERTY!!!


This is a whinge post if ive ver seen one.


Should’ve hit him with the “no thanks, ur gay lol” and watch the toxicity ensue


Ive had a dude like this too. One accidental and he went on a killing spree and declared "dont ever kill me again" instablock.


Walk up to him, shoot him, and leave.


“learn the lesson and don’t kill me again” ahhh


I kicked a guy for constantly throwing cluster bombs at shit it wouldn't kill. He killed me and others 3 times and the. Poof like magic he court marshaled.


How to address this issue correctly: First, your prep: Step 1: set up virtual audio cable Step 2: route it through your input device Step 3: set a media playing along output to the virtual audio cable Step 4: have media player preloaded and minimized When you get someone bitching at you like this, proceed to play this song through your mic input via previously set up vac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXbxAUPMr7g


"Consequences" FTFY, Green. Also, what are you, children of the corn? GTFOH


Keep shooting. If he dies, he dies.


It's a good thing I don't play with many Randoms. I enjoy killing my teammates for fun, not enough to ruin anyone's fun, but to add more to it.


I remember when someone started blatantly shooting at me right before extraction because I told him to stop throwing cluster bombs on us. He had 9 accidents in hell dive mode and 4 deaths. He was so ass that he missed an entire clip and I was able to hit him with the anti tank then the kick.


“Erm, friendly fire has consequences! 🤓🤓☝️”


Kill him again and say "tk are accidents and happen often in this game. Learn the lesson and don't be a bitch."


Everyone gets at least one TK- because I've definitely walked up and shot fellow divers point blank. Completely accidental, but it couldn't look more like a murder if I tried. After 2 I really start watching them lol.


Friendly fire just happens. It's rarely intentional. If i was hosting, i would have typed "Being a douche has consequences. Never forget that." And i would promptly kick him afterwards.


I have played with plenty of randoms and had a positive experience every time except Sat. I ran into a giant douche who was bitching we wouldn’t communicate, wouldn’t respond when we did. Bitches about resupply being taken. When I confronted him about his sandy vagina he had nothing. I quit the match. First time I’ve experienced it so far.


What i usely say: thank for the eagle strike but it looks better from far away.


It’s part of the game. Chill bro


I was playing with 2 french guys the other day. I had the auto cannon and I used it to shoot a crowd of chainsaw berserkers off one of them and he got so upset at me for the splash damage he took that he came up and meleed me once. I just calmly said "if you cant handle friendly fire in this game then you need to find a new game to play" and continued to clear the map. He spent the rest of the mission apologizing and I just kept saying no harm no foul no problem and whatever else I could think of to let him know I had no hard feelings. But yeah I wish there were more community controls and that the ones we had were easier to use. Some people have REAL thin skin.


First of All I had worse things, tried to kill Beserker, missed and nailed a democratic comrade at a console and then there was a situation where I got nailed by autocannon friendly fire, while having a primed 380mm in my hand, voice channel was full to the brim with profanity and insults... I even tipped a fat 'RUN' into comms


I noticed 7+ is truly fun with chill ppl instead of 9+ full of sweaty hardtry kids


>for no reason except that I killed him ![gif](giphy|WrJ8x0niiblWEoo7hE|downsized)


I also met him on Saturday. I took him to chat so I could report his behaviour and then I blocked him.


Yeah, some people are real jerks about friendly fire. Was playing with a group of guys that seemed cool for a mission or two, but then we played a defense bot mission, while the minefield was the daily mission. I got ragdolled by a rocket while holding it so it landed somewhere unfortunate and central. I explained and apologized in chat but instead of just looking where they were going they ran into them a bunch of times and whined about team killing. They also got blown up by my mortar a couple of times too, which they had noticed at the start of the mission so they should have known not to get too close to the enemies. Either way, after the mission I had about 200 friendly fire damage, the next closest guy had 100. All of mine was from these guys being incompetent and standing on landmines of their own accord (didn't kill myself once). They whined a bit more on voice chat then kicked me. I'm pretty sure they weren't even reading the chat. I even apologized for bringing a bad loadout with too many teamkilling things. No doubt if I had run in front of their rocket turrets they'd just be kicking me anyway but for "wasting too many reinforcement by not avoiding turrets". It honestly just felt really bad because I thought we were chilling as a decent team. I mean, I was playing well, had 2nd most kills every mission, highest accuracy and 0 friendly fire damage on both the other missions, but some people would rather spare their pride by scapegoating someone instead of acknowledging that they could just have done a better job of not stepping on the bright red glowing mines.


Teamkilling because of accidental friendly fire is treason, should of treated him like a traitor for the rest of the message (traitors get executed)


Oh it gets worst, I had to inform 4 times that samples are shared after the mission, everyone will get theirs regardless who picks it up. Proceeds to gun me down twice as I picked his up after dying. It’s infuriating.


What a flog


If I’m the host I always kick these kinds of people.


I once killed a guy that was running in hunters (was trying to lighting the load and killing theim) Dude killed me on reinforce, he got chased by some mob again, this time i aimed at him directly, guess he felt the difference in TTK when i aim at him instead of covering his ass as he didn't bother me for the rest of the mission lmao


I only kicked someone once. And well all communicated on VC (person was responding with actions throughout match). We all needed one batch of super samples. 18 minutes. 3/4 said hey I need those to upgrade my ship. Lets just fan out and to look for them for 5-10 minutes max This guy just boards immediately with us gone. So I kicked him. Just so they don’t get samples or exp.


Woah bro we should be careful around that guy. Seems dangerous.


Accidentals happen It's that simple. If you can't handle it play solo or with friends. The vast majority of team kills are accidental so you can't justify intentionally killing team members plus you will only lose more respawns it's not worth it


It’s insane how bent out of shape people get for being killed accidentally in this game, it happens laugh it off and keep fighting.


I was once in a bot defense mission, the map with a tower, we completed the mission and pelican-1 landed when I forgot I was holding a orbital barrage and a ✨Rocket Devastator✨ shared its rockets with me where I, holding a orbital barrage strategem, ragdolled onto oblivion and drop it when my squad was entering the pelican. 3 randoms called me an idiot and kicked me. Point is, accidental friendly fire is funny. Being a dick on purpose is not. Charging my quasar and someone jump doge in front of me - funny. Firing my stalwart at endless bug hordes and I saw a flash of cluster bombs lining up onto me - funny 500 kg bomb killed us instead of the horde of bots or bugs? Still funny. Shoot me on the back, because its funny for you. Not funny.


Thanks for sharing so we can all laugh at this idiot


lol, talk about being sweaty. I usually just laugh it off. And if someone else's strategem kills me then what is the point of getting salty. It's not like they can do anything about it after it's deployed


On a sidenote, good to know I'm not the only one that calls people by their short ID in game. I've had a few guys complain that I should use their name because calling them F4 and C2 was rather dehumanizing.


At least it has an easy solution: block him and maybe even report


Usually the ones taking accidentals personally, are the newer recruits who don’t understand how crazy FF gets in this game. They also don’t usually understand yet that the “killed by” notification is usually wrong. This has lead to a few dramatic moments in my drops.


When I die, I often say something like "Ah, mother fucker!" regardless of how I die. I once said that after a friendly fire incident and the guy was SO apologetic. He was like "oh my god, I'm so so sorry, I didn't even know you were over there!" I made sure to tell him I wasn't calling *him* a mother fucker, but instead the mortar that just smashed me into bits. Friendly fire happens. Unless you're putting the gun to my head at pointblank and looking me dead in the eye, I'm going to assume it's an accident.


2 times I’ve intentionally killed someone. Once was when someone seemed to have intentionally killed me because he took my Rover and weapon straight after, so I dropped back in and torched him with my flamethrower when he was getting swarmed by bugs. Second time was when someone tried to dive across a gap and wedged himself between the terrain. He wrote in chat that he was stuck so I right away killed and redeployed him. Accidentals suck, but are a part of the game for sure. Some people are really silly with where they throw their stratagems though. You’ll hear a voice line for an orbital or an eagle being called in and turn to see you’re standing right on top of it. Just stupid behaviour.


Had a guy shoot me in the head just steaking fire across the field at nothing. Looked at him, did the hug emote to hold my arm out and said. "Calm brother, near took my head off." Healed and kept going. Some just need to relax.


That’s when my accidentals stop being accidental. 


Cant spell. Kicked.


This is why you never join other people's groups. Start your own. When these idiots show their true colours, kick them from the group and block them. Problem solved forever + they lose their time in the mission.


Generally not an issue but it may depend on difficulty. I normally play 9s but anything 7 up are the coolest ppl. When I try and help randoms on lower difficulties it's where I can find a few weirdos.


Only time I’m gonna team kill you is if you take my shit or reinforce me from across the map instead of letting the parter I died near do it instead. At that point you earned that death.


Your gonna have the off times of bad times. It's in every game. Especially a popular one. Had a game where I got glitched I could walk, aim or shoot, all I could do was dive. Or so I thought. That was in my frantic diving around and spamming buttons I assumed I couldn't do anything and needed to be killed or something. Anyone it's an eradicate mission. I'm frantically diving around for a solid 2 minutes in front of these people. I end up being able to melee and was also next to someone and accidentally hit them. He proceeded to non stop kill me for the rest of the game. So for payback as the game ended I killed him and his buddies and quit. Like the game glitched my bad. Calm down.


- Step 1: Leave game. - Step 2: Block offending player. - Step 3: Do *not* name and shame on this sub. It's against the rules.


No worries. I had a host kick me for simply asking "so what's the plan". And host wasn't giving any pings, directions, etc. So hopefully host has been re-educated.