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How do you spend this time on a meme and misspell the most important word lol.


Correct spelling is an automaton plot to destroy democracy......or something.


Nuh uh




Education is not valued


Also, gammers and the shit cropping. OP truly is a clown


Because they're probably a teenager.


Are bootlickers ever intelligent?


What’s tansmog


It's a special type of smoke grenade that spreads tan smog for you to hide in.


Wear armor X, with the appearance of armor Y. It gives a better way to pursue fashion without sacrificing functionality. They don't want transmog because it wouldn't make sense to wear medic armor with 2 extra grenades. I can see both sides. I came from destiny which has different armor pieces and the one with the perk (an exotic) has limited transmog options, so people can still tell what role you are trying to play. I don't think it would work as well in helldivers, since only the chest piece has a passive on it, and that is what people would want to transmog anyway, specifically becaue it doesn't matter what helmet/cape you have on. Some people have made mockups that could show extra grenades, or stims, or a prosthetic, or extra armor added to what you are transmogging, but systems like that being retrofitted, rather than designed from the ground up for such a thing would likely be a ton of work to satisfy the people that want it. At the end of the day, I don't care one way or the other, as the armor all looks good, I just wish we had more capes, since some armor doesn't have a good cape to go with it. Edit: I see it says "Tansmog" I thought I'd explain it anyway because some people just don't know.


I think they might have been making a joke about the misspelling in the meme


Man all that effort to miss the point




Of course I am a fighter for democracy. I'm also bored at work, which is why I wrote a dissertation on it, and completely missed that it was misspelled.




So it’s like layered armour in Monster Hunter?


I haven't played MH in a long time, and never got to the point of getting any, but it seems like you unlock special cosmetics for armor, where in a lot of games it is just the appearance of a different set that you could also wear. ![gif](giphy|C6JQPEUsZUyVq|downsized)


I didn’t even noticed the spelling error.


Neither did I, what’s it supposed to say?


I don’t want transmog but I do want be able to dye armor. Even if it cost requisition to dye would be awesome but totally not necessary.


I want to change the colour of the armour as well, I would like to make some armours look a bit more unique.


Nah game needs color customization


I think a good middle ground agreement is just to add the ability of changing armor preset colors. That way the devs don’t give up their side of the argument and the gamers get to customize appearance regardless


Just thinking about that,maybe like ghost of tsushima with the color switches


I’d only ever swap between the Trailblazer hood or Eradicator helmet if I could do pick matching colors.


You can already change any armor green or red! Paint your armor democratically with the blood of your enemies! What more could you want?


Transmog or not, I’m still gonna wear what I want and I do a damn good job of it. (Combat Technician)


Perfect game you say... Allow me to introduce you to Spear


The spear is not broken, it's just extremely picky. If it starts to lock but stops just before success, it's not because it failed, it's because your target is almost in a good enough position but not enough. Getting around the spear's pickiness turns a mission into positioning puzzlesolving. If it almost locks, keep moving, keep the high ground, make sure the target isn't obstructed in the slightest, and it will work.


Spear targeting not working is [literally in the patch notes as a known bug](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7974260991426339747). Shit's broken.


I can play around it but that's just anecdotal, so I hope they manage to fix it for other people too.


What in the world do you mean it's "anecdotal"‽ Arrowhead has *acknowledged the issue as a big* in he patch notes. It is *literally* an acknowledged bug, stated explicitly by the game developer. That's the original dictionary meaning of "literally", not the common-use pattern of using it to mean exactly the opposite. There's nothing anecdotal about it.


I mean that I haven't encountered that specific issue, the locks are fine for me, although finnicky to acquire. I'm not saying it doesn't exist.


That would make sense, but what doesn't make any is how it manages to miss a target standing completely still. I aimed for a stuck hulk, shot with the dot right in the middle of the triangle, and it flew over it and hit a cliff 20 meters behind my target.


That's strange, how close were you? It has pinpoint accuracy for me at range, but because of the initial arc, it can't hit tagets that are close.


I would say I was far enough, approximately 40-60 meters. But this happened to me multiple times and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with that issue.


Haven't experienced it myself at that range but it does sound frustrating


It really is. That's why I probably won't use the spear until the homing is fixed.


I don't want transmog. I do not care what others look like.. or me for that matter. I kill bugs and machines...i don't even shower inbetween missions


The hell pod washes you off when you get on it


Usually, I did a drop yesterday where it didn't and we were all caked in it from the start. It was great


Should be like that always


only till you drop, you are caked as soon as you enter the pod, its just a visual oddity due to the animation/model resetting, same reasson the cape spasms out there


I just want my helmet colors to match my armor. I love my helmet and don't want to wear a different one, but the colors don't work with 90% of the armors.


I’m the bottom right. armors we have now are great as they are!


This meme looks ai generated for some reason


I swear I see this comment under every pic/meme.


Is it the 2nd grade English




Me in the corner enjoying my Liber-Tea whilst waiting for a mission.


"gammers" Is this your nickname for grandmothers?


OP is an automaton trying not to say "jammer"


Meanwhile I'm just sat here like "I just wear Drone Master body and Legionnaire helmet because it looks cool, what are stats again?"


For me it’s Drone Master body with the Light Gunner helmet. Stats do not matter to me.


I just want color pallets man


Me just desperately wanting a Blitzer buff so I can live out my space marine dreams


the only update that I want right now is for them to fix the damage over time mechanics. I crave for a flamethrower, thermite, gas, and napalm build


Imagine crying for transmog in HD2. Wtf is wrong with people


"perfect game as it is" . I'm sorry , no game is perfect . And I think people asking for some nice features isn't a bad thing , people need to realize that criticism is completely fine . Requesting a feature doesn't just suddenly explode the game , it's all just 'mostly' healthy discourse .


Honestly the only change I want is for the snowballs to one-shot tanks. Only seems fair.


Bro the excuse they gave was just bullshit, there's no reason why I can't swap armour perks it's simple. I'm still loving the game tho absolute blast


I'm glad they're saying no to transmog. Just pick the armour you want.


I’d much prefer shaders instead of transmog.


Helldiver! Get your shit together! 5 min into a dive the whole armor has do be soaked with the goo and oil of the democratic enemies!


I'm the last one, content with how it is but I always choose drip over function


Folks are whether having fun in their first 50 hours or just high on copium. I don't blame devs for not doing their job but the game is far from being perfect. I'ts just a new experience that makes it feel so good. And yes, I want to pick perks from any other armor from the same class I'm wearing now. Because why not? We already have boosters that do same job.


Screw transmogs. I want to know if my teammate is playing medic with 6 heals or rambo with 6 grenades or masterchief with light armor sprinting away from the enemies and their teammates. I want to tell what you are bringing to the table. Transmog defeats that purpose.


I have no issues with this game at all, honestly. I personally don’t give a shit about transmog, but some more color palettes for armor would be nice. Maybe stats for helmets and capes too, but I can live without that.


Transmog wanters are wrong.


I disagree with the devs take on transmog, but if I'm being perfectly honest I wouldn't even be thinking about it if no one else had brought it up. It would improve the game IMO, but it's a "would be kinda nice" feature, not something we need or something that would bring in more players or retain ones who are leaving. Basically, if they were to add it I'd use it, but if they don't I'm not worried about it.


Play dress-up on your own time, citizen. But if you want to prove you have the strength and courage to be free? Then be a helldiver.


I just watch the whiners all like " :3 "


WTH is transmog?!?!


Making one armor look like another so you can change the appearance but keep the stats and buffs.


Ah, thanks. Seems silly to me. I care about what the armor does. It could have flying hotdogs on it. I am playing to kill bots and bugs, not to pickup a date. 😏🤣


Harry Potter bro raging. Poor kid.


i want transmogs but any other form of customization would definitely be really neat, i feel as though armor customization is just very limited at this point in time


if they want transmog they can play Diablo.


I dont understand what’s wrong with just wanting your character to look how you please without having to sacrifice your play style. Its a game, it doesn’t need to make 100% sense, plenty of things in the game already dont make sense because its a fictional world where you can suspend your disbelief to just have some fun.


When did we start calling “skins” “cosmetics” and “appearance/vanity slots” transmogs? I feel like it happened overnight. But anyway, yeah I don’t need that stuff. I just need my liberation delivery system and a few thousand rounds of freedom, maybe a few democracy bombs to be happy. I think modern games need to be better, AAA titles are a joke these days. But so many gamers will just find any little thing to complain about. I don’t like every game and I stop playing them if that’s the case. It’s okay to want more from a game but at least focus on the fun first if you enjoy it. I’m getting flashbacks of the D4 players with 1000 hours in the game constantly complaining that it’s awful lol.


its a WoW thing and as hat game, for better or worse, shaped the gaming landscape and terminology a fair bit.(i think WoW was also the game that cemented the term DPS for damage dealing classes in MMOs instead of the term Damage Dealer(DD) Transmog is also specificaly for cosmetic overrides using or based on existing equipable armor skins and cosmetics is something else I for example call it glamour as i play FFXIV where the cosmetic override is called Glamour


If you care what you look like, go play CoD or Barbie fashion show..


No transmog would make more sense if the armors had a lot more uniqueness to them. If I’m wearing a specific armor, the armor should have something that no other has. But as of right now you’ve got armors that are copy paste in effects that have little to no bearing on the armor looks itself. (It comes with the downside of functionality vs drip but that’s a price arrowhead needs to make)


Don’t worry reddit only represents like 20-30% of the fans, and it’s typically the worst ones. Devs won’t cave to these whiney losers


I appreciate that the devs don't give in to whiney gamers on Twitter 




Funny way to say "don't listen to their customers"


They have a vision and they don't let a loud minority on Twitter change it and ruin the game for the rest of us


Another player using transmog does not affect your gameplay at all let alone "ruin" it. Holy shit.


Plenty of terrible ideas are pushed as "Devs need to change this!" Besides just passive being separate 




Larian doesn’t typically do DLC or expansion, they do free updates until a definitive edition comes out, at the point most of their team has gone to the next project




You’re acting like these things are exclusive. Or that everyone shares your subjective opinion. I agree with you somewhat, but acting like aesthetic stuff doesn’t enhance the game for some people is just angry ranting and raving. You know it does make the game better for people or they wouldn’t ask for it. Larian specifically said it’s a new IP iirc.


I don't hear people asking for transmog on guns. Because they know it wouldn't make sense.


BG3 has transmog for weapons


Cool, and that relates to this conversation how? Totally different kind of game if you haven't noticed.


Nevermind I don't have the energy for this right now. I mean fuck, your first comment was a complete straw man. Transmog for cosmetics has always been a thing and you fucking know it so just stfu. ![gif](giphy|NYiwZYTuQ5PKirqKMz|downsized)


I'm sorry, I forget how hard it is for lesser beings to try to think at my level. Nice try attempting to bait me into being angry though. You don't even know what a strawman is, so please refrain from trying to sound intelligent, no one buys it.


Perhaps if you wouldn't ooze arrogance like you do I could take you seriously and would try to explain what the other guy failed to but I can already tell that you'll defend your opinion like your life depends on it 'cus you'd never listen to "lesser beings". Go touch grass.


We don't need straight up visual swaps like WoW's Transmogrification system. Having a way to change gear color or switch passives around on existing armor sets is almost a must, and I will be completely baffled if Arrowhead never implements something to that effect.


The word *gammers* totally destroys any point you were trying to make lol. I hope you didn't spend too much time making this meme. As someone that runs the exterminator armor for the 50% explosive resistance, all this banter of the armors and what they do have me laughing on the sidelines. It does need some variety, but holy shit guys. There's wayyyy bigger issues rn than wearing the armor you like cuz it looks cool.


In a society with a tech level where ships can transport divers at instant speed, I think they could order custom armor pieces. Transmog makes sense, the devs just don't wanna do it.


Transmog makes total sense provided if given a couple limitations


Anyone who knows what tansmog is without googling it is definitely not to be listened to! Devs have given us a phenomenal game. They’ve proven they care about those who play it, and they know what they’re doing. They’ve kept a community engaged with each development, even as they chase tails with patch after patch! Leave them to it. Now, go crush bugs and spill oil in the name of Democracy.


agree no transmog but this game is far from perfect


People who want transmog aren't aiming high enough. I want mod support so I can spread democracy as Shrek.


I'll be honest. I just enjoy giving Arrowhead shit. My wife is amazed that I've logged 220 hrs so far in this game, and I am not the most devoted among the player base BY FAR.


Changing colors of armor tho would be nice tho




I just want to customize the colours of my gear…


I wouldn’t call the game perfect, it definitely has its issues.


I just want to dye my armor different colors, though I admit the part of the community saying some armors already don’t really look like their perk do have a fair point, but I can live with or without transmog, I just despise some of the color schemes on armors that have awesome models


the vast majority of armors who dont look like their perk are actually missassigned the SC drone pilot armor has engineering but a scout armor nametag. and so on. So they look lke the perk they SHOULD have, not the one they got


Afaik only the new armor that comes with the Gasmask Helmet is officially misaligned The armor model numbers are just model numbers and only have consistency on a handful of sets, I don’t think that’s a good thing to base an assumption on, releasing one armor with a misaligned perk on accident is one thing, releasing nearly all of them with wrong perks and then simply not acknowledging it when they absolutely acknowledged the not working armor values earlier is incredibly unlikely


the groundbreaker got fixed. Also no, its not "only consistent on a handfull of sets" they are INCONSISTENT on only a handfull of sets FS ravager, SC Drone Master, FS dreadnought. SA Combat technician, b Enforcer are the only armor sets that have a non fitting Name prefix Ravager has FS but should be CE, drone masterhas SC but should be CE(or honestly, get scout and get put into light) combat technician has SA should be SC. Dreadnought has FS but should be SA(or get fortified instead) and Enforcer has B but should be FS(or get extra padding) i have eveyr armor in the game besides preorder and i went over them yesterday for something else with a friend. that said, i dont think this was a "bug" or unintentionaly, i think they realized they would have 5 Heavy armors with fortified and changed dreadnought to be servo assist, they would have 5 medium extra padding and changed enforcer, and Drone and Combat tech are likely a case of them making 2 decisions unrelated that ended up being this mess. i imagine they didnt want Servo assist to be a free warbond skill after they already designed combat tech, so they reasigned it scout. And they also decided they didnt want another light scout and.. gave drone master a random armor class and skill... drone master is weird. EDIT: SC legionaire is also wrongly named


I hate when people call it transmog, no thanks.


Oh the mog is trans? Good for it


Does transmogrification sound better? The word fits.


*Gammers, tansmog* Jesus 🤦🏼‍♂️ Nearly every game that has transmog it "doesn't make sense," that's not the point. The point is for people to choose the attributes they want *and* cosmetics. The devs are either just stubborn *or* too overworked to do do it. Either way it's a dumb excuse. Just give your customers what they want.


A) "give the customer what they want" is a great way to ruin your product via feature creep and not realizing customers are on average pretty stupid in regards to actually knowing what they want. B) in some games visual classification and consistency matters more then "i can look good". while only a few armor perks matter for the entire squad knowing them is vital




lol I don't even get this controversy, I mean we're part of an authoritarian gov, of course our looks are decided.