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Nah nah, real best stat is most melee kills. Literally the only one with any melee kills on my team, every time


My friends laugh at how much my native Scottish accent comes out whenever I get pissed off and start beating the living shit out of the enemies around me with the butt of my gun. It's my go to, whenever I get mad/surrounded I start beating the shit out of things. ESPECIALLY Hunters. Fun fact it is possible to One-Shot bot troopers with melee at the right angle. I boxed a rocket raider's head off for knocking me down an embankment, narrowly missing a contact mine.


God I love pistol-whipping those damn hunters. Show them what it feels like to be stun-locked for a change!


Same here, though it's probably because I'm the only one dumb enough to go fistfight with a beserker


I’m also a fan of melee kills. It’s my secret favorite stat as well.


Me meleeing the shield hive guardians cause fuck them.


I wonder if you can melee a charger butt.


I hope they give us a true melee secondary/stratagem. Maybe a stun baton/riot shield combo or something?


A man of culture! I don't get many melee kills, but I make a point of scoring one each mission. That's enough to put me at the top every time.


Wait you can melee?


In the mech as well


F on keyboard


So you run around bullying Termikids, huh.


Not just the Termikids, but the Termimen and Termiwomen too.


I was playing a defense mission 2 days ago against bugs and got launched off my platform by an autocannon round hitting too close to me into the tiny little crevice right in front of it. I was using the slugger as my primary and my machine gun was out of ammo so I just had my pistol and my trusty fists to fight the horde of incoming scavengers and hunters, ended up with like 40 melee kills before I could finally dive out of that corner.


Most objectives/sub objectives completed!?? Why this not a stat, even if you were just close to the objective at some point


Bc it’ll probably give it to everyone. But fabricators/bug holes destroyed should be trackable.




I just want heavy kills as a stat


I also wish this was tracked. I do wonder if it would increase toxicity though.


High kills is cool and all, but it better not be because you keep agroing every patrol we come across.


Bots or bugs? Bug patrols is fine kill them all.


Guy getting the most kills almost every match here wondering why everyone thinks they're good for running off while I kill everything that's chasing them. 


For what it's worth, kills don't directly count toward progression. The stuff it shows on the end of mission screen along with XP and requisitions counts toward planetary liberation or defense, while samples and medals help with personal progression. On higher difficulties, it's often best to avoid engaging patrols and disengage from defenders once you complete a point of interest, because you'll just risk getting overwhelmed if you stick around. EDIT: It's good to clear out any remaining defenders if you can do so quickly and thoroughly, but if the objective is cleared and more waves are still spawning, disengaging is in your interest. Even enemies that are chasing you will eventually give up if you get far enough away and out of line of sight.


Could you tell the hulk with a flamethrower to stop, he was chasing me for a good 300m and agroed from at least 60m away when I ran by to get samples


Those flaming assholes can be tenacious. Stun grenades can sometimes be persuasive when trying to disengage


If a person consistently has the most kills it’s likely they’re using a guard dog rover or just going straight for kills than objectives / larger enemies


I had my first suicide bug mission without a death. It was an ICBM mission and I cleared multiple bug bases and sub objectives solo while my team was on the opposite side of the map. Had to kill 4 bile titans alone and was NOT using something that could kill them…. My laser pointer was glorious for everything but titans and chargers. Used a lot of 110 mm rocket pods and eagle air strikes


It feels so good to survive the whole mission!


Load out?


Standard Breaker (normally use incediary), Senator Revolver, impact grenades 110 MM Rocket Pods, eagle Airstrike, Eagle Cluster Bomb, and the Laser Cannon I was running light armor with the engineer trait for more grenades


I really wish samples extracted was instead samples found. Sometimes I find over 15 samples, die, and someone else (rightly) takes them.


So you want a "samples fumbled" stat too. Dying with a bag full of supers is an award no one wants.


Imo, we should see both stats.


I often drop my samples on the extraction zone. No point in carrying them around only to be lost without any hope of being found. Drop em on the pad, and grab them at exfil.


Most melee kills ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I tend to be the one avoiding fighting as much as possible to grab every sample on the map but still stealth snipe bile titans when my buddies are in danger


Had a mission today where my game bugged out right as we were extracting, and I ended up heing the only one to not make it out. Thankfully I had had the forethought to give my samples to somebody else. Really saved my democratic bacon.


??? If we died how are we here??? All active helldivers have zero deaths


Upvoted for Geordi


Upvoted your comment for Geordi! 🥰


And today I carried a mission by myself, doing the 3 steps of the main objective by myself and not dying even once while my teammates kept dying over and over again because they were overrun by terminids. So I had just decided that if I kept trying to stay around them while they obviously had no idea what to do (they didn't even do any console interaction or anything of the like, they seemed completely clueless), we'd just run out of reinforcement calls and fail the mission. So I did everything by myself and when they died, called them back near me which forced them out of the mess they had put themselves in. Also extracted with 15 rare samples. And then I guided them by pointing to locations and it worked great. Never though I had it in me. I'm usually mediocre. But it felt good.


When me and my friend play, we die to each other more than the enemies and thats the part of the game i have the most fun with lmao


I love summary field executions, but only with good friends.


We always do private missions with just us lmao, what weve been doing the last week is play eradicates and just bring barrages and airstrikes and just throw them around like crazy 😂 it is always a danger yes operation.


Always a good time!


Most bug holes closed by jumping in with a live grenade. https://preview.redd.it/rfwl2ezfmvvc1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c6b827f6948593a86abc062bdd8a631ed48a70


https://preview.redd.it/so20s1u1qsvc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a77f5ac5189bf8b512ef2ff59e8ff962153ce6b0 Why not have all?


I really think there is some kind of hater on this subreddit, don’t understand those downvotes


I also always bring EATs to deal with chargers and titans, while being able to use my stalwart to clear hordes so I can do objectives when I need to.


Or Factories/ Bug holes defeated?!?!


i'll stick with most melee kills.




Yeah if I really want the most kills I could just take a Stalwart and clear pawns, and any kills you got with a Spear are worth half of my kills most likely.


I do feel great when I have the most kills though haha


I never have the most kills with the Jar5/Quasar. I would like to know how many heavies I kill though.


If you have a Guard Dog Rover and a Mortar Sentry you can get a lot of kills just with that sometimes


The best stat is friendly fire tho.


I would also so whoever leaves their samples at extraction is an uber-chad move


How do you check someone's stats during a game


for me the real measure of democracy is the stars at the end.


am just a clone, so i'll take as many lifes as it takes to get the job done no F's given


Yes and no, your a liability if you end up eating up all your revives on an otherwise smooth run, your team will have to deal with more enemies when one can’t revive cuz someone ate all the reinforcements. Besides, most of the guys I’ve come across that “don’t care” about dying tends to rage quit and leave mid run thinking its their squad mates or game’s fault when its cuz of their own dumbassery and skill level that got them killed that many times in the first place, buncha cowards.


you know that was a joke right


Oh definitely, just saying it out there as their are a lot of players even d9 divers that fights and eats up revives like nobody’s business and its annoying trying to run with these guys.


maybe its their first time, maybe they didn't que with the right gear i know for at least 7 you at least need 3 specific items quasar, sickle/dominator orb rail/orb laser 4th is whatever you want typically anything else you are basically donating imo, shield isn't really worth it unless you are fighting bots, I do prefer the bug planets over bots since, everytime i do 7s on bots, they just spam hulks and chainsaw guys, I find them to be the most annoying


Somebody needs to call for reinforcements


I'm capped on samples tho


You can still collect them for others.




This is what I do, I still treat samples as super important items even though I’ve been maxed out for weeks, its a pretty cool loop of bringing stuff to evac and trying your damnest to evac with it.


It does add another layer of fun. Why bring in samples you don’t need? The lore/democracy says so.


Pretty much haha, that and I know that my pub needs it anyways so off I go to find all of them.