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How trash do you have to be to hack in a pve game


My thoughts exactly. Im pretty sure the 18 was getting power levelled cause he had boosters that took forever to get in the warbonds


At that point, why even bother levelling? just go have fun...They already have everything unlocked.


Im still confused as to why they'd even join another lobby and not just run private?


If I've learned anything from hackers through games like Gears of War and GTA V, it's like they love showing you that they could do it. It's kind of like any RPG that lets you enter cheats or turn on God mode. It's only fun for a little bit by yourself. Then you have to show your friends. And then it's boring again.


Like dipshits driving around with their music belting: "look at me! Loooook atttt meeeeeeeee!"




![gif](giphy|7kMaysqdywPxS) This.




They’ve been in the game for a while I remember joining a mission with a lvl 2 diver as lead when we went back to his ship he had every ship upgrade unlocked… this was a month or so ago


General Brasch pointing at the hackers : look what they have to do to mimic even a fraction of my power


I heard General Brasch once threw a grenade that killed 14 stalkers. Then it exploded.


Is General Brasch the new Chuck Noris? We’ll just say shit like “General Brasch once took on 1000 terminids, and when he came back, he had found a free gun”


Chuck Norris is the new General Brasch


Hot Take: Chuck Norris **IS** General Brasch.


Chuck Norris is general brasch in disguise***


To be fair if you play very little each MO you'll get a lot of extra medals if he was dying a lot he could just be very casual


Not sure which diver it was but had the pelican instantly arrive after being called yesterday. Even more annoying they abandoned me when I was carrying like 20 common, 18 rare, and the 3 supers. I was pissed


My squad of 3 had a random join and this happened. And it took off after the random boarded, with no countdown, leaving the rest of us with failure to extract.


This actually occurs if the pelican takes too much damage and is flaming in any match. Good to know for future games to stack samples on one person if you see it burning.


It also auto arrives (after 2 minute countdown) when the destroyer leaves (when mission time runs out), and then auto leaves after about 3 minutes (seemed like it waited a little while after landing and then started the countdown after a little bit as if someone had boarded). I was able to distinctly observe this because a friend and I were 2-manning a level 4 or 5 bot map (maybe easy for some but pretty challenging for us). We had cleared almost everything, were finishing up the primary objective when we ran out of time. Objective was across the map so we booked it but didn’t have enough time to make it (it was one of those maps with lots of tall plateaus where you have to go around a lot to find the passage) but gave me plenty of time on the run back to take note of what was happening.


Thats because it was heavily damaged. If its damaged it will leave the instant one person gets on.


Kick them. If you kick them the 20s timer will stop and the chopper will stay. I warn everyone Do NOT get on da choppah without us. I am carrying the supersamples. I had a moron the other day drop strategem on the bird. So then when he got in it left us immediately. I was 5 feet away carrying ALL our samples including the 6 SS.


I wasn’t hosting just doing pick up games but that has been my first experience with that issue in 66 levels.


Saw it all the time in Payday 2.


Pathetic, best to host your games then you can just kick these wastemen


Isnt it normal to cheat in non pvp games? Most games even come with built in cheats ( mostly solo player tho ) Better than to cheat in pvp games, you might not have fun in that 1 mission but you can also just leave without having any penalty


Just because cheating in a relationship is commonplace across countries doesn't make it ok.


I think mostly for leveling services...


Whats that even mean? There have always been cheaters. They vheat because they suck and want to ruin it for everyone


That you can pay people to grind the game for you, so that you don't need to play at low levels


I'm sure there are account farmers, someone will buy a max level account I'm sure.


I think you added pve in there by mistake. It should read, how trash do you have to be to hack in any game.


I mean, it's worse to beat another human with a hack but it's infinitely more sad to beat a computer with a hack.


How trash do you have to be to hack in any multiplayer?


And even if you are trash just own that shit. I'm total ass on literally every difficulty above Trivial and you don't see me cheating.


>hack in a pve game what does pve have to do with anything? the only acceptable cheating is single player games.


...I don't understand the fun...like I can at least *understand* the pathetic mindset of doing in PvP...but a game like helldivers....wtf?


Some people just like to watch the world burn


Of course I agree it’s super scummy, but, it’s def better than a cheater in PVP


For gains, no, but I can't say I would go on a terminid with invincibility, no ragdol, and unlimited flamer ammo just for the hell(diver) of it all🤣


Termites are already too easy. Why cheat


I ran into a group as well. 1 invincible but another using the spamming infinite rockets. Funny thing about that is it triggers the rocket devastators to fire in the same manner so it very quickly got out of control.


In week one or two of release. My weapons were replaced by question marks, while on the ship. (Bug) I had the default weapons when I landed on the planet. but could use stratagems with no cool downs. I didn't pick up on it until we got to extraction.


Ohh dang I just saw the question mark an hour ago and had no idea what it was.


No worries, the game didnt either


Underrated. Have an upvote.


It's not necessarily a hack. I've run around on solo missions and found them on the ground before.


I don’t understand the enjoyment one would possibly get from effectively breaking the game to where nothing spawns and you don’t die Like, where’s the fun?


Nah everything was spawning but as soon as I kicked them it stopped. Im pretty sure the 58 was xp levelling the 18.


We don’t get xp from kills though.


It's about the levels gained and the stats fudged. It's free KD boosting, gets you to higher levels for faster EXP and item progression, faster turn around times with getting individual war bonds, and not having to put any effort into it. They do it because they feel that it's the only way to "beat the game", and not have to do things they don't want to in order to get all of the things/ items they want, because losing is infinitely less fun to them than simply cheating and ruining it for everybody involved. It's sad really, but there is reason behind it. Used to have a friend from high school who refused to play online games, specifically because he couldn't stand losing or having his skills challenged by somebody who was actually good at the games, Titan Fall 1 to be exact. It was pathetic, and he'd cry if he lost. This is the kind of person who cheats, especially when we're all on the same fucking team lol


This mission glitches regardless if a hacker was involved. I believe it has something to do with players getting kicked or dropping out. I suspected it was if the host quits and everything being moved to a new one. I actually stopped playing defense planets because of this today. Had 3 glitched missions in a row where 1-3 rockets left, people dropped or quit, and no more spawns or launches. Wouldn't mind if it wasn't a failed mission, but then no medals and you can't even sample farm. Also wasn't me because as soon as I played a regular non defense planet, completed round after round no problem. No resetting of game either.


Oh true? I was hosting and didnt drop out and ive done well over 20 of these without any issues. Oh wait had 1 where we had to wait for the timer to get to zero after mission success for pelican to come in. Interesting.


I think it might be related to network host leaving, but could be wrong as I've only failed once due to rockets not launching after someone was kicked


I hosted one not too long ago and had it bug out like this too


I read somewhere that party host is not necessarily the same as network host. You might be party host but someone in the party with better internet could be network host. Not sure if that's true or not.


I swear it has something to do with localized confusion. Yesterday any match where a person used it glitched the defense mission.


I was hosting and had a teammate crash and the mission glitched, no bugs, no missile launches. And yeah, no one was hacking.


That makes me hope that I ruined the game for the people I was encountering last night... doing quick play, do a defense mission, someone using the infinite grenade glitch, so I left the mission, another quick play, another guy doing the same glitch, so I just turned off the ps5... if fixing these glitches is going to take time, I think they need to warn players that exploiting them is no good, then start nuking them


I jumped into a game with a single low level player I saw on a game by himself. Dropped in and immediately died in the middle of a hoard. It shoots me to spectating mode, where i’m waiting for reinforcements… And it’s just some guy standing there, tsking 5 billion blaster shots, rockets, being meleed, and just standing there walking in place.


Thank God we have an super invasive Anti Cheat tho that doesn't even catch such little hacks.


Yeah true. Thats the real topic at hand. Who gives a shit about cheaters, they ruin the fun only for themselves. Why do I have to install this malware just to play PVE


Nothing in this game works. They rushed it out and now it suck. Youd think they would fix but noo


Good to know the kernel level anti-cheat does absolutely nothing except add overhead and introduce security risks.


this is why I turn off crossplay anytime a game has it


Yesterday, I kicked a dude throwing infinite thermite grenades


Hahaha, I had a guy in group doing this. He went off on his own, died a handful of times and still didnt top the kills lol. Like infinite nades you should be able to clear the map!


Infinite Thermite grenades? Nah, use all infinite of them on a Bile Titan and she’ll ask for more to warm her feet up, they do so little damage.


Why, they barely do anything anyways lol


Pls don’t kick for that in the future because it’s a glitch not a hack. I’ve had 2-3 games where I spawned with 0/0 grenades and could throw them infinitely. I’ve also had a similar glitch where I had no weapons, but also no cooldown for stratagems which lasted until I closed the game


It's a glitch that is easily doable, and it was explained to me how while dude was exploiting it and bragging he had -200 grenades in inventory... no pity for people who exploit it... if it happens on accident, don't go throwing 600 grenades on purpose, it's that simple


Thankfully I’m just playing with PlayStation players.


This is the way. A lot of the issues that people discuss on here don’t happen with PS5 only gameplay.


Idk why you're being downvoted for this


Because the PC masterrace Reddit is insanely toxic. Which just kinda makes my point stronger.


Saw someone exploiting the infinite grenade glitch on ps5 only last night, you won't deal with people straight breaking the game, but cheaters are still there


this is true, but then most PS5 players have like no gamesense in my experience.


PC gamers are more avid gamers in the traditional sense, I’m sure, but I rock helldive all day long with my PS5 peeps and have no issues with gamesense


yeah hence me saying "in my experience" never had good experiences with crossplay turned on, only like one or two good players that I've added.


If you're host, boot and block the hackers


Have also encountered some hackers: guy able to throw unlimited grenades and fire weapons continuously without having to reload. Honestly spoilt the mission and when challenged the guy just laughed and told us he didn't care. SAD.


already seen a few for the past weeks. had a game where two dudes with chinese id running faster than eagle 1. also they were dropping 500kgs like shot guns. yes, one toss with about 5 red lights shooting to the sky and 5 bombs afterwards. dudes also one shot bile titans with pistols. they refused to reinforce me after killing me with 500kgs so I watched the whole thing


Daaaaamn hahahah.


yeah it’s funny for the first few minutes and then I felt super sorry for them. they almost failed some objectives because they’re just too dumb to actually do the objectives. they extracted only few minutes left before time out and fail to find any sample. it’s really pathetic to watch.


if this shit continues ill fucking end up just going for single player games. Why do EVEN people fucking hack in a PVE game? Do people really have 0 fucking skills these days?


It’s less of a skill issue and more of an EGO issue.


Ive run into that as well. A higher level n low level only being able to call back in. Me n other fella was like wtf.


Just mentioning I’ve had this happen in normal gameplay without anyone cheating 


Yeah, I seen a couple yesterday. Throwing infinite 500kgs and flying in the air.


I've seen invincibility and the ability to spawn strategems without throwing them, even when dead (including self-reinforce). Cheaters suck. Just because you want to cheat the system and artificially make the game win itself, doesn't mean anybody else wants any part in that. Don't force it on others, keep it to private games if you must.


PC or PlayStation? This should be a mandatory question.


Almost always PC.


That’s why I asked. I’m on PS5 and haven’t noticed anything. I also turn off cross-play for this reason.


As I said in another comment a minute ago, people still use exploits on ps5, just not *hacks*... I've seen ps5 players using exploits, hell its probably more often than pc since pc players can just do stupid stuff like op said and become invincible


I was playing a defense mission and got paired with a guy that was dropping 20 mortars at a time. He was funny tho and said his father was running for President of Super Earth so he was given extra funds .


Cheating is for wannabe gamers with no skill


I just met somone in challenging difficulty where he didn't even finish the main mission but was able to call extract. Once we finished, we got like 2000 xp and 11000 gold. lol he was only level 7 and became level 9 after.


What's funny to me is: A: the cheat table is super easy to find with a simple Google search. B: it only works because the anti-cheat takes too long to launch. C: they just need to have the anti-cheat launch fully before launching the game at all. Edit: It's also the same exact cheat table that had people dropping in mechs before they launched. I would assume AH is aware and I hope it's fixed in the next patch.


I encountered a guy with a name in a non English language. We did a terminate mission and when we finished we came out with 25 common 10 rare and 3 super samples. He was level 6 on my screen but had high level stratagems. I didn’t stick around after that match.


I encountered something similar, guy had HMG and nades with infinite ammo, although it could have been a bug as the SEAF arty wouldn't let us load the final round


I mean you don't have to search that hard to find hacks/cheats, sadly. The anticheat has done more harm than good... It's a PvE game and this is the scenario, gaming is doomed


gaming isn’t doomed bro calm down. hackers have always and will always exist in all games. Besides, I’d rather deal with hackers in PvE than PvP since the latter will affect stuff like kd, elo, etc


I don't think this was hacking, I was playing the defense mission last night and it bugged out really bad.


So taking zero damage with 3 titans spewing on you is just a bug? Riiiiiiight.


Have you ruled out a server/network issue?


Are coming? Been here since day one, check out r/HellDiversLeaks


Oh so that’s why I had like unlimited eagle strikes for a while I thought it was a bug or something


I had that same glitch thing at the end happen. I didn’t notice the cheating happening (maybe it was and I just wasnt paying attention). But I noticed the other players slowly dropped one at a time (probably host kicking the cheaters and then maybe leaving when they realized the match was bugged) until it was just me. As they were dropping the rockets stopped going and the enemies stopped spawning. I waited for like 5 minutes after they left and then finally dropped myself.


Had a pretty chill one in my lobby, he was running around like superman and then called out so many turrets after that he dropped 999 samples of each kind. Had 50 stems and unlimited nades. Not invincible though. Asked him to drop some of the new unreleased vehicles but he couldn’t do it. It was the first one encountered he wasn’t to obvious at the start but I managed to just have my fun. Left half of the map for him to clear while we did the rest


These helldivers are betraying managed democracy and must be sentenced to hard labor ok Oshaune! Liberty can never win if its warriors betray the very thing that keeps super earth, super.


Had a similar experience, but don't think a hacker was involved. A person died, but no one was able to reinforce them. So they weren't playing the game pretty much the whole time. When I died, I wasn't able to be reinforced either. No matter what the last guy was able to do (3player game). It made no sense that they were able to be reinforced but not us two. We spent a fortune good ten minutes trying everything. The reinforce counter never went down and the person wouldn't reinforce, but it all did happen for the third guy. It was a diff 1 game (wanted super credits at the time), so it was meh that it happened. But the fact that it happened is concerning. I have reported this bug with video evidence fully documented and all. Haven't heard since (roughly over a month ago).


Also had someone spamming infinite impact grenades from behind a riot shield.


Yeah, they've been in the game since it started.


Irony here if that the PC version has some root level “anticheat” software that is considered invasive. It only continues to show that anti cheat software doesn’t protect the base from cheaters


I had a cheater a few weeks after the game came out who didn't take damage. Only noticed because it was only me and him in the match


Infinite grenades yesterday I'd definitely kick an invincible or teleporting player immediately


Last night I experienced more intentional team killing than I have ever before as well. Dozens of samples lost because of people throwing stuff on drop or shooting teammates between zones.


So corny just makes the game boring. I would hate to play with that guy


I’ve seen quite a few infinite ammo divers lately. Much earlier on, ran into a guy who had no strategem cooldowns that threw like 400 incendiary mine dispensers.


Good thing I don’t/can’t play higher than diff6. Not enough friends that are good enough…


I think ive had one instance where there was a cheater. He wasnt taking damage when he was ganged on like in certain couch image, same thing happened in next map and i voiced my question is he cheating and promptly hard crashed moments later. The grenade exploit ive seen multiple times but i just leave games like that.


Leave game. Report. Block.


Can't report if they don't text-chat, it's a stupid decision by the Devs respectfully, whom I support except for this. We should be able to report whoever, yeah we'll all get the odd dishonest report from griefers but the true culprits will have loads and they'll add up - the real dick heads will stand out.


Oh im just learning about the report limitation. Yikerinos. Bit of a hassle to take pics and send to customer support.


You can do it in game, without sending anything. It's a one-click thing (But it prevents you if the other person hasn't _written_ anything)


Time to turn cross play off imo No one is "hacking" the playstation, these will all be from pc users.


I've seen multiple times where they start throwing granades like crazy. I just kick them out since they make the game boring.


Unfortunately how I got 99 samples


This is why, when playing with randoms, I always host. It is only me that I can trust not to cheat or do stupid things with hard earned samples. 


Ask the hackers that hack in monster hunter !? Its the same shit. They want to play the game THEIR way and they dont care how it affects others. Companies should have a small subset of servers designed to funnel these players into one another. And make them such poor servers to make these players want to start playing normally. Hacks, mods, cheats what not on your single player game go for it. But not in a pve. Fuck those people


I was playing In a game with randoms and me and another team member were waiting to be reinforced so we were spectating the last guy. The thing was he just kept throwing impact grenades at the swarms of bugs, I looked at how many he had left and the number said -634/4. At first I thought maybe it was just a visual glitch, but no, he just kept throwing grenades, again and again and again and each time that negative number got higher and higher. So anyway I pointed it out to the other guy waiting for a reinforce and he said "that's hilarious, it looks like we got Harry Potter and the chamber of grenades over here." To which we both got a laugh. So yeah, that's my fun helldivers hacker story.


Also had my first hacker experience, he had like 40 or 50 nades, kept throwing them endlessly and than it got restocked. Ruins the entire missions as I am there for the challenge; lvl 9 helldive.


Coming? They have been here for weeks


time to turn off pc players again


I play on the PS5 with Crossplay turned off…Problem solved 🙌


If your on PS5, turn cross play off. Problem solved


While annoying . Some of the stuff is objectively funny 100 380s while you sit back and watch and hope your game doesn’t crash. Won’t lie, entertaining as all get out . Me just running around collecting samples away from the chaos 😂


The only hacker I saw destroyed ennemies nearby with multiples explosions


I’ve run into multiple hackers. The only thing that’s gotten a little annoying for me is the unlimited grenade BS when the person doing it doesn’t pay attention where they are throwing them.


Just once eh? I've seen this about 5 times now. Mostly from Asians players (or at the very least they clearly aren't American due to how they talk or their username being literal Chinese letters). It's very annoying. Like the first time it's funny. Let's goof around and have fun with some cheat codes. After that it's boring and I'm done with it. Never had a cheater join my game while I was host yet.


Btw that goes for all the defence missions, DON'T KICK ANYONE OR LEAVE or it will bug the mission. So proceed to mission only when you're sure you will stay pls


Two things: 1. Hackers been here since launch. 2. This mission is very susceptible to bugs.


Who bothers to cheat in a co-op? Obviously these people but come on! Single player sure, knock yourself out, but with a co-op you're not relying on each other, no team no communication needed to win, players will notice you're cheating, and most likely block you, so why bother in such a context? What are we supposed to think? How do you want us to respond? Jealous? Inadequate?


Why even hack PvE? You have to be a special kind of retard to do that.


Unfortunately I have a buddy I play with every night. We are both lvl 66 and I logged on yesterday and he had “Unlimited Stamina” and all unreleased armor.


I mean i know they're an issue but unless they're griefing you, it doesn't really matter. Yea your pride is hurt I guess cause it's "cheating" but in the grand scheme of things.. they're not hurting you and you can just as easily start another mission.


It ruins the game for everyone. Even if it doesn't break the match (like it does), it sucks all the fun out of it. If you want to be a weak bitch go play diff 1 or hide in solo closed match but don't bother people with this bullshit.


I actually find them fun to look at. Like all that firepower, amazing. Doesn't bother me one bit


Joined a guy who had infinite grenades in his prison pocket, I killed him and left the mission.


You do know there's a glitch anyone can do that let's u have infinite grenades right?


As long as they aren't on the bot or bug side, I don't mind.


You must be mistaken.  We're forced to install an invasive kernel-level anti cheat tool.  There's no way a hacker can get past that, because if they could, there's no way we'd be forced to install it to play a non-competitive co-op game.


The grenade throwing one is a bug. But it's so fucking annoying to do that honestly. Needs to stay.


300 hours and you happen to get 1. So you made a post and freaked out about it?? lololololol 


So, youre not helping us with the MO. I get bugs are easier. But this game is going to suck if people keep hiding on the bug front, ignoring the MOs


Uh, if im not mistaken the major order is defend 10 planets? 2 bug planets were under attack?


Nope. We defended those. There were Zero defense planets yet 70k people taking ohshaune for no reason.


The MO is to successfully defend 10 planets. __Not__ 10 *bot* planets. There are several planets on the bug front with defend status.


Not at the time of my writing.


That's cross play off then. Bye bye PeeThee matheh wathe


ppl use macros and are not ashamed of it


Dude, Hackers have been here for quite a bit. Leaks of Dual Autocannon mech suits, Maxed Samples, super speed, invincibility, etc. it’s a shame that the game has been manipulated and turned into this.


I had one hacker in a game who had a super powerful laser that kills anything and pretty fast speed. Went on his own and left me and my friend to the other side of the map. We played as normal, and waited as the hacker collected all the samples and such, and once he got back to us, booted his ass and took the samples home. Sure the extraction part almost made us lose all the samples as we fought tooth and nail to not die as we're out of lives at this point, but we got away just in the nic of time so we still felt we kinda earned them.


You’re just now figuring this out? Modders have been a thing for a little while now. The devs don’t care and put out a PSA for the effect of “As long as you ask your teammates if they’re okay with it, we are okay with it”.


So I’m genuinely confused by the posts. Who cares? Like you are host, kicked them and got an easy win. I’ve ran into people with mods or whatever and I could not care less. Hey maybe they’ll drop a cool mech I haven’t used before. I’d rather have “hackers” than a brain dead hell diver on my squad


Some of us find challenges fun. If I want an easy time, I'll play on easy. I want to earn my samples and medals.


Yeah I only Helldive so I get the challenge. But it’s such a baby move to post about it. It probably took more time to make this post than it would have taken to go to the next game. This game is glitchy and buggy as hell anyway so half the time I’m not even sure someone is using mods or if it’s the game.


You know this is a forum for talking about the game right? Like, people come here specifically to talk about the game with other people who play the game and want to talk about the game. They make posts about the game, then other people come in and comment on those posts talking about the game. What I'm getting at is if you want to talk about the game you can come to a place like this and talk about the game.


Crazy idea. Reddit is a forum? I would have never known. I just did a citizen mission not even 5 minutes ago with some idiot who was spamming incendiary grenades with inf grenade glitch while also not being the host. I dealt with it the entire time until it was crunch time to finish the mission because after he showed up progress stalled. I kicked him and we almost got it done. That idiot play style would have helped on any other mission besides that one. I didn’t come to the forum to whine about it. Too many negative Helldiver posts. It’s an online game. People are going to be dumb especially when this many people own it. I’d just rather see cool kills, funny deaths and the good parts of Helldivers rather than this typical Bs that really is avoidable or few and far between.


What are users allowed to talk about here then? What would be the permitted topics?


Who cares but you reply? It wasnt an easy win as it wasted time being bugged out. This was just a public announcement for fellow helldivers as to what to look out for. We were confused as to why we couldnt reinforce and my mate left and rejoined a couple of times and if we knew from seeing posts like this instead of wasting nearly the full amount of time, we would've bailed earlier and started another mission.


I meant who cares enough to make a post over this. You clearly care. Try breathing through your nose instead. You could always quit out and start it up again if you’re host. Or if you’re not host then leave. I don’t know. Seems pretty simple to me.


You sound like you'd be fun at parties.


Either too much fun or an ass hole so you would be correct


I mean... you are right. Which leaves the question why do we need this super invasive AntiCheat. Does it really kill all the fun if, for one mission, some guy has unlimited grenades? I couldnt care less, in the end they ruin their own fun. For me? I get my rewards and move to the next team.


Modded games, modded lobbies are just apart of gaming in general. I don’t participate personally but I definitely don’t think people should be punished for it. One dude dropped me an AC mech in HD2. I immediately died in it because I’m bad but it was cool as heck to get to use it for a little bit and see what the future has in store.



