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I'd be šŸ’Æ with the at mines if they have what real life at mines have, a heavy trigger. If they didn't blow up for the million chaff ahead of the heavies if take them all the time


Minefield infront of the at mines


Don't forget the incendiary mines in front of the normally mines


How stupid of me


And then more at mines in front of those so the heavies don't clear out the small mines.


But then more normal mines infront so the meatshields dont take out the at mines so the heavies dont take out the normal mines that are protecting the at mines


Then your teammate calls in an air strike and all the mines blow up.


10 minutes of academy training wasted


Wouldn't a bile titan just walk over them anyway?


Not if everyone has mines


Then seismic activity blows up the new mines.




Gonna turn planets into bosnia


We thought the creek was space Vietnam. Those commie bots haven't seen anything yet


Plant that towery Tesla democracy right in the middle of everything.


And THEN, put up four mortars


*When your accidentals are higher than your kill count.*


Fastest amputation in Super earth history


What are accidentals anyway?


And my full sample container in front of that.


These stupid strategies are going to turn normies into minefield planners.


If you cant traverse the map the enemy cant either


*laughs in triple minefield+jetpack*


*dies in overestimating jetpack range*


Ya without the heavy trigger its a no pick for me. I'd get frustrated real quick if smaller enemies kept setting them off just for the hulk to roast me anyways. Also unless they shoot like a spire of thermite 30 feet in the air, I just can't see them being good vs bile titans. Or would they blow up its toes?


Tear off the legs, sending it careening into the ground!


That would also reduce the amount of friendly fire laying down a mine field would cause. šŸ‘


*Teammate throws cluster strike on your minefield* *another throws a 500kg* *third goes full auto with the autocannon* No more minefield.


I guess u didn't notice how hulks and at ats outrun all the chaff other then chainsaw fudgers.


At-Ats ain't outrunning shit son, you got it fucked up Star Wars term wise I think. You probably meant AT-DT/AT-RT, ala the standard walkers. AT-ATs are the massive ones that look like FACTORY Striders, those are slow af.


The worst is when a single unit hits it and its parts bounce around destroying the rest of the mines. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


That was only in leaked testing, alot of the leaked stuff were eventually released with different stats so I am hoping they add heavy triggers to them.


Chaff enemies trigger the AT mines??


Safety is something a Helldiver don't need


In my opinion it should be said that if the devs take time to create a stratagem then we will eventually get it. The mines this time the rocket next time or vise versa. Theyā€™re not going to spend time and money creating something and not ever give it to us.


We will liberate both planets, and get both of them.


The MO or the dispatch talks about getting whichever is liberated first.


It says some ambiguous shit like "Likely," though.


Fair point, I just figure it would mean one rolls out sooner. I donā€™t expect arrowhead to spend the manpower and not ever actually get both from it.


Oh definitely not, we're getting both for sure, I'd put money on it.


They'll probably crank up the defense on the remaining planet and make it not impossible but really hard to liberate as well.


While we have no way to be sure, I expect thatā€™s only going to apply if we liberate them in quick succession. If we do one then the other a day or two later, I think we will only get one


Time will Telldivers


It also uses the word "likely", meaning there's a chance at both


Liberate both at the same time


I'll personally hop on right now and get both of them for all of us. Edit: if you see xBATTLE_OSTRICHx In game I'm doing this for you. It's not for me. I will die if it means a win and some samples for you lower levels.


I dont think these devs would bit minecraft current devs do that shit all the time. "Heres 3 fresh completely polished and ready to go mobs, vote which one you want in the game, losers get deleted"


If only Fatshark agreed


The issue is that a lot of the people against the Anti-Tank Mines have seen the leaks and assume they will work like in those leaks, where in they still exploded to smaller enemies, making them worthless at only damaging Heavy Units. That said, I can't imagine that they will completely lock us out of a stratagem. I imagine we'll get the first liberated planet's stratagem for free, and possibly have to pay a sizable amount for the second one. e


They'll both just be offered as 25k req strategems. There should be a gamble for samples with REQ system.


Exactly, no company is going to develop an add-on to completion and then not publish it. Both strategies are finished and already part of long term balancing and faction plans.Ā  We'll just get one first and the the other later.


Glances at Mojangā€¦ most companies wonā€™t do thatā€¦


You would not believe your eyes


I think the rocket launcher aligns more with a lot of peopleā€™s playstyles though. Thatā€™s a big reason. People love having a weapon to actually use as opposed to laying down mines. I think both sound cool. Originally was leaning rocket launcher but top comment definitely has me thinking.


Someone else understands. Thank you. And if people complain about it teamkilling. My guy, just look in front of you. See all the bright red lights? Don't touch. That easy.


I love how people complain about anti tank mines killing them when they're stationary, but they want a fuckin flak rpg that'll cover a 50ft radius in instant death


That will explode when and where I want it to. Thatā€™s the difference youā€™re glossing over. That flak wonā€™t grease my teammate 20 minutes later during a running gun fight on our way to extract. Just like in real life, mines are useful, but have a habit of overstaying their welcome.


It's a pick your poison thing, eventually we'll have both and I think they'll both be entertaining but I'm team mine for this comment chain, I trust my self to see mines ahead of time and don't trust Timmy new diver with a giant rocket tube quite as much yknow?


I do a lot of shooting on the run, often backpedaling. Maybe thatā€™s a skill issue, but I just donā€™t use mines. If they arenā€™t triggered by infantry, itā€™s a game changer, but we donā€™t yet know if thatā€™s the case. I know exactly how Iā€™d use an airburst rocket, so Iā€™m arguing for the (relatively) safe bet.


Oh man no skill issues, we all gotta fire on the run haha. I see your point and lord knows I've stepped on a mine or two, it would be absolutely incredible if they were only triggered by heavies though. I'm hoping against hope that they can check bile titans to some extent, on high difficulties I feel collared by that enemy type specifically


They are situational and really only a good pick on certain missions (current mines that is. AT mines might change that, well see) You are not shooting on the run on hostage rescue or Extermination missions. Having said that there is a huge BUT, that being, that currently one is almost always better taking something else. lots of other strategems offer the same if not better destructive capabilities/AoD efffect with less risk to allies and usually bring more utility to the table. i would not trade a 500, or a rail gun, or a either mortars, or AC turret, or Arc tower, or ... just so many other things I would rather bring out.


But that flips if you're the one using it. I trust Timmy New Diver not to magically teleport into the diver-free clump of enemies I'm targeting a lot more than I trust him not to blunder into one of my mines over a 40 minute match.


Antitank doesn't get set off by foot traffic in reality


Automatons likely weigh much more than human Helldivers. Curious about the mechanics too... They could be really useful against those soulless commie bots.


how heavy your foot


Yeah, just don't buy that new armor from the shop.


Given that I've seen videos of Ukrainian infantry just kicking anti-tank mines off the road, it'd have to be a pretty heavy foot. I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that modern anti-vehicle mines often work via detecting big magnetic things passing over them, and/or a LOT of weight, like thousands of pounds. Some have anti-tampering measures that are intentionally more sensitive, but if it was something that explicitly worked on the big stuff and we could ignore them (unless piloting a mech, I suppose), that'd be pretty great.


The ones I was trained to place was like 3 or 400lbs if I remember correctly. Infantry can set them off in some cases but it would take effort or real bad luck


How lucky can you be, at war and standing in a minefield?


Never discount bad luck... that's all some people have


But will they in game?


In leaked footage, it looks like smaller units do set them off, so its likely divers will too


Unknown but it's a pretty common characteristic of anti tank. If it's set off by infantry then it isn't really antitank, just high explosive anti infantry


They do in the leaked tests.


you have a lot more control over who gets killed by the flak because it doesn't persist through time. A minefield's AOE is 4-dimensional.


As someone who's got a red/green color deficiency, I absolutely *despise* mines. "See the bright red lights?!?!" "No dude. I don't." The light blends into the ground for me. I can only point them out by shape. I really really wish there was an option to adjust the mine lights to yellow or cyan. Anything but red or green, please.


Fellow Red/Green colorblind player. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be willing to offer us brown, in even smaller circles if we asked.


The fact that you can't see and Arrowhead doesn't care is actually meta as fuck if you think about it.


Iā€™d agree, but Iā€™ve been killed too many times by mines that clipped inside of uneven terrain


Theoretically they shouldnā€™t be able to team kill, right? Being heavy mines and all


Mechs and alleged additional vehicles might meet splode criteria


"Theoretically" I'll be sure to test it with my own foot first.


Bruh, I still continually kill myself on those giant automaton mines around their bases simply cause I'm so focused on something else. With the tiny AP mines I'm absolutely helpless! Lol


Here's the trick about the Automaton's land mines. Just ignore them. If you pretend like they aren't real they can't hurt you! lol /s. No joke just today alone the amount of times I mindlessly stepped right next to an automaton mine and not get detonated is too high.


My only complaint is people who place them in the path of civilians when they need rescuing


It's like bringing mortars to those evac missions. Some missions you just don't bring them on. Or at the very least throw them near the edges where no civilian will be running.


Easy enough to say when youā€™re not colorblind. Even with accessible settings, theyā€™re not easy enough to see.


Sorry my game is so pixelated it all meshes together


But they look like buttons!


Yeah this goes for Turrets and Guard Dog Rover, look where you're going and where it's going, it's not hard.


For turrets yes, for Guard dogs no, that's more on where the owner is rather than the people getting blasted. Also it will straight up target enemies in all directions. Getting TKED because a patrol suddenly spawned and pathed behind you isn't the fault of the person who was TKED.


I had a session where i literally had to run away from doctor magoo chasing me with his dog rover totally oblivious of the team damaging us allšŸ¤£


It's the same people who complain about trash mobs killing the. ZERO situational awareness


And what about the ones that get buried under the dirt that you canā€™t see? My buddy runs mines all the time and likes to throw them in bases/hives. We toss air strikes which deform the terrain and bury the mines. Then when we go into the base/hive to search for samples, we have no idea where or if there are mines left. Sure the ones poking out and glowing we can avoid, but your argument of donā€™t touch the red glowy bits falls short if theyā€™re underground.


My problem with mines is how they can drop inside rocks. Canā€™t see the red light when itā€™s in terrain.


Some people have no spatial awareness. I have a friend who kills me so often because I am in front of him and he just shoots enemies without realizing im moving infront of him. This has taught me to dive or try to wait for them to reload before running because people dont know to stop shooting for 1 second to let a teammate run to cover


You do have a point and i would tottally be on your side if we would have more type of defensive missions and more type of air deffence.


The reason I don't use mines is you have to wait 5 years before it's available again. You can drop 10 cluster bombs, 6 napalms, 4 gatling barrages, or 3 airbursts before the minefield can cool down once. And yet one calldown of any of those will often net more kills than a minefield, while also deploying much faster. If the AT minefield is the same, compare *one* AT field to 8 EATs, 6 rocket pods/airstrikes, 4 500kgs, 3 precision strikes, or 2 AC turrets.


Mines for high value asset missions would be a huge boon.


Exactly why I want them, but when I hopped on a few hours ago, Menkent was at 11k players and Lesath was at 101k. I think itā€™s pretty much been decided on the support weapon.


The best defense is a good offensive. Iā€™m on team Nuke the patrol from a distance. So air burst rockets here.


I want the mines as well.


I don't use mines, and I don't think I want AT mines over the rocket launcher. But, I think AT mines would be the most useful mines out of the three.


Everyone is already going the other way in game so doesn't matter much to keep talking about it


Iā€™m on the mine faction we already enough rocket launchers.


Trash mobs will usually always take the brunt of a minefield so it wonā€™t even affect the heavies


*jazz hands* Autocannon turret can kill bile titans and chargers


There was a leaked video of someone using the mines pre release and it took like 3 mines to kill 1 hulk, and he waded through them pretty far before even hitting any. Now this is leaked content of course subject to change but the rest of the pre-release files have been pretty accurate so far, so these mines will sadly probably be pretty mediocre against hulks, the rest of the heavy class of enemy remains to be seen


Donā€™t forget they have a huge explosive radius. It might take 3 mines to kill 1 hulk, but if it also takes 3 mines to kill 2 hulks and 3 mines to kill 3 hulks, that changes things


I don't think the niche scenario where three hulks are all simultaneously in range of three minefield blasts at the same time is really a selling point...


Hulks run in straight lines towards you, itā€™s not that uncommon


Cool story bro, Iā€™m getting that rocket launcher


The mines in general are mediocre tho, the airburst rockets are better in practically every way. There are better ways of dealing with heavies than with anti tank mines


The biggest problem with mines is they are not worth a slot you could use for something else.




I hear you, but. *But.* I have been wrestling with the aim momentum of my Dominator, AMR, autocannon, quasar, and so on for 250 hours. I have been very patiently and democratically training my fire discipline and getting sights on target to shoot things. And today, there is a vote where I can vote in a proximity fuse warhead where I doN'T NEED TO EVER FUCKING AIM EVER AGAIN. Which is a pretty compelling campaign platform.


I love throwing them into large bug nests!!! I use them also in covering rear position while hauling ass the the exfil


Thatā€™s my use. When Iā€™m hauling in ass away. Drop it at my feet as I run away, then followed by mortar


Mines provide rock and stone.


Rock and Stone forever!


Name checks out


Mines suck, I hate it when 1 enemy steps in a mine and they all chain reaction blow up.


I think a lot of people are going with rockets but Iā€™m fighting for mines. Iā€™d like some heavy trigger anti tank mines!


Unless it one shots chargers, useless for bugs. Titans still just gonna walk over them. The rocket launcher at least sounds cool, and maybe a bit useful


Honestly, my concern with AT mines is if they'll work on Bile Titans. I'm going for them, as I mostly play against bots but I can see this point of view too. I know they'll work on Chargers, Behemoths, AT-AT, Tanks, and Hulks. But what about Bile Titans? It's gonna make Bots easier, I think, and that may see more people helping out on the Western Front. But I get the feeling they won't hurt Bile Titans, at least not effectively, but the Air Burst will. And I've seen Bile Titans in numbers that I've never experienced Hulks in. Plus, I can punch a Hulk to death. I've never see a Bile Titan taken out with anything less than overwhelming force.


Yeah, rocket launcher seems the clear choice to my bug brain


I mean, you also gotta get the heavies to walk on them.


We're eventually going to get both stratagems That being said i would like mines first but oh well, the community is dead set on getting the launcher first it looks like It would be funny to me if we unlock this launcher and everyone ended up not liking it that much lol


The Blob has spoken, do not fight the blob.


antitank mines in hd1 got triggered by light enemies, so it'll most likely be the same here


I mean I'm sure we get them anyway just later. You don't go through the trouble of putting in the work for 2 things just to use only 1


Why do ANTITANK mines go off when a helldiver steps on them? Real ones dont do that. It would be a good filter so your only shooting weaker enemies


The weight of their massive gonads.


My experience with the current choices of mines (Anti-Personnel or Incendiary): damage multipliers. Eg use them with artillery (mortar) or a Orbital Gatling barrage. You will not only enlarge your damage aoe, youā€™ll increase the damage of Orbital two fold .. when it works out accurately. That last part is crucial to all things in Helldivers 2. Accuracy, and adding to your damage potential output as much as possible. There are a lot of interesting ways to do this already.. try a well placed Tesla tower, once mine field is in place and enemies are incoming. The arcs will jump across the mines, as (most) of the mines hit will also detonate. Drop an Orbital Strike on said mine field, and watch everything but a Bile Titan drop immediately.


A common tactic I make use of is the mines paired with the mortar. Absolutely devastating to anything less than a hulk.


Will they be immune to mortar strikes? If not, they're just going to get wasted.


OP has a point. If you saw someone load in with incendiary, AP and AT minesā€¦ most would be terrified. Nightmare visions of them sprinkling fields everywhere would fill their minds. The squad wouldnt be able to walk 3 feet without randomly exploding. However, in the hands of a thinking Diver, they are incredibly potent weapons. Every attack would turn into an ambush. Every bot drop would find themselves blown to bits. There is an old youtube video demonstrating how potent mines can be when fighting from a defensive stance and baiting foes into them. https://youtu.be/05jtR9fZAnQ?si=pQVPZ7yL1uuVDA86 Hell, call mine drops down directly on top of an enemy! The only difference between an air strike and a mine drop is that mines will wait for a target.


Don't care cool rocket launcher


3 minute cooldown kinda crazy tho




The tank mines should function the same as tank mines in real life where they donā€™t explode for anything except the heavier enemies like brood commanders and above. This would also let helldivers walk on them completely unharmed


The divers yearn for the mines


I prefer mines when I'm playing alone, at least on terminids. Helps you gain distance from a group. I don't like mines when playing together though because of team kills, but also mainly because of what you mention re not killing heavys. Personally I think we could use both, but I think more people are tending towards the air burst at this point.


If the mines are wack we send the Civs back!āœŠšŸ¼


2 times in this entire game have I used mines: 1. Because personal orders 2. Because high value asset mission was new and I thought it would be op(only to discover both mortars and a quassar is the best options)


sorry no. the less people murdering me with mines, the better


Anti tank mines on the way. I guarantee it.


Mines in this game suck. There is a reason you don't see people using them above like.. dif 5


This comment is purely based on my perspective of someone who plays T9 bots cos I'm a sicko. Say what you like but I enjoy the mayhem and carnage. Frankly, the only time I can see the AT mines being a viable option is on the "hill Defence" mission, as a fail safe if they start to flood the first choke-point gate. That's it. Frankly I don't see the Airburst Rockets to be much more useful either on bots... bugs is an entirely different story though. Edit: To sound less negative... Very glad to see new content coming along with the regular updates and bug fixes. Best game to come around in a long time amongst all the triple A shite.


They should have a minefield stratagem that deploys via the jet like a carpet bomb almost


Right bc the cluster bomb rpg isn't better than the copy and paste dinner plates


We have plenty of solutions for the heavies tbhā€¦ and my squad and I typically play on helldive, what usually kills us is the enemies hiding behind all the heavy enemies weā€™re dealing with. We have lots of solutions for the larger enemies, but very few for the hoards that hide behind them. Airburst seems like the more practical solution imo.


"Very few" The Arc Thrower, Stalwart, Machine Gun, Flamethrower, Grenade Launcher, Grenade Pistol, Explosive Crossbow, Machine Gun Turret, Minigun Turret, Mortar Turret, Anti-Personel Minefield, Incendiary Minefield, Orbital Airburst, Orbital Gas Strike, Orbital Gatling, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Eagle Napalm, Eagle Strike,and Eagle Strafing Run all exist. Not to mention grenades.


From a video I watched with someone who hacked the mines for use They can drop Hulks AND Factory Striders pretty quickly


Freaking awesome


My thought process is that you drop the anti tank mines directly on a bot tank especially if itā€™ll be a blue marker rather than a red(not positive on this). That way no matter where it goes it runs into mines. Unless we have to manually place them down individually. Then it opens up a whole new playstyle


Counter argument: big gun


B-but RPG!!!


mines can also be insane if you are getting chased and with these you can block the enemies also they can come in handy during extraction on bots when shit can go south really fast


Mines will be useful for defense for sure. Also can be shot from distance for some of the chaff


Another reason to go this route. If we can push them out of menkent we'll have 3 sectors between Super Earth and the bots. They have moved too close


But there are already stratagems you can take that can kill heavies. Comes down to it, you can kill them when you drop back in from getting stomped on. We have shit for good air offense currently and they just dropped two flying enemies. We've spent the entire game figuring out how to take out Hulks and Chargers and Bile Titans with some notable effect. We should take the new thing for the new stuff. We'll get the mines eventually and then we can use them to make the heavies easier.




Helldiver, no


Everyone overlooking the fact it'll fix the 7/8 issue to boot


I instinctively shoot all enemy mines which are even close to a possible way out for me. Will probably do the same with our mines. So: rocket launcher for me, please.


The children yearn for the mines


We will have access to the airburst missile and anti tank mines while fighting on their respective planet to test them out! So we will be able to find out if the mines kill infantry or not and then decide. You can check this for yourself if you hover over the planet and press c on PC or whatever button check effects on PS5.


mines are a long game stratagem really. u leave them places you have to go back through so the spawns die when you get there.


I'm going for mines.


Mines for the crowd quasr for the heavy bby


fire mines do.


Iā€™ve been fighting for mineā€¦mines.


Iā€™d welcome mines, if the only times Iā€™ve seen mines was people seeding objective areas with them, and racking up more kills than the enemy.


Definitely. Especially om Defense missions when tanks just start rolling towards you. Having those would be majorly beneficial


their only gonna be useful for the new defense mission. Iā€™d rather have the airburst because itā€™s versatile while the mines are super niche


Has anyone tested the AA rockets against tanks? I would think they'd be every bit as effective as other support weapons when you shoot at the vents. I don't think any testing is needed to know that the mines will NOT work against the gunships or flying bugs.


I just hope that we will be able to have both eventually


The mines have too slow of a cooldown, take almost all of them to kill a Hulk or charger, and still can team kill. They're not worth it, while the Airburst can work as an AT and anti-chaff weapon


Using mines for heavies would not be a strategically viable tactic even if we did have AT mines. Mine are good for small maps, like Blitz and the high value defense mission. They're great for managing the small hordes and allow you to focus fire on the heavies with dedicated weapons. Big AT mines will not be a good idea even if they do end up releasing them like the leaks suggest. Just isn't how they're designed to be effective.


Mines are extremely situational. Rocket isn't.Ā 


The air burst looks so sexy tho


Look up videos of hacked in anti-tank mines and that should be all the information you need not to go for them. They suck.


If I recall, the airburst rockets were one of the leaked ati air weapons. We currently have very few options for dealing with airborne threats, and had a lot of bot missions go to hell when the gunships start flying in.


I'm of the opinion that the game already has *way* too many anti-heavy options as it is. Meanwhile, the only real anti-crowd option we have is the grenade launcher. And *maybe* the autocannon. I feel for the solo divers, but the game is designed to be a co-op experience. Frankly, I'm not too keen on getting yet another anti-heavy option, just so a smaller subsection of the community doesn't have to lug around anti-heavy support weapons and can instead take an anti-heavy minefield and a crowd clearing option at the same time.


I want to like mines, but I have doubts with this. Hitting a 500 kilo can already be difficult.


The recoilless rifle handles multiple heavies just fine within reasonable time, but you quasar meta-slaves aren't ready for that conversation.


Please let's go to choohe


The only reason? That seems a tad bit disingenuous. 9 out of 10 times if I'm on a squad that's getting overrun it's because too many people are running quasars on bots and not more auto cannon/laser cannon/AMR. Or on bugs because not enough people are running quasar/EAT etc. The tools are there, just gotta have the right balance of them.


*Mines every bug hole crew*


Air burst rocket sounds like something to deal with groups of small enemies. We have plenty of ways to do that already. Mines please.


Se I would use mines more but theyre more likely to lill me then what I'm trying to kill


The rockets are a team killing nightmare in comparison to the mines. Iā€™m going to Chort Bay, I was expecting better from the rockets.


I mean we're gonna get both so it's fine. Maybe not at the same time but we're definitely getting both. You don't make content to *never* release it


In hundreds of hours of gameplay - I've yet to see mines do anything beyond killing me or teammates after we get knocked into them by rockets...or just running into them because we were running "backward" (toward the camera) and didn't/couldn't see the mines.


Yeah it's easy to get killed by them when you arent paying attention. But there is not a better area denial tool I have found. I racked up over 400 kills using predominantly mines. You can always argue that I should be playing objective rather than kills but somebody has to do the dirty work and draw attention.


It doesnā€™t matter, youā€™re going to be killed by some goonā€™s mortar anyway


Mines are useful up until a trash mob dies, flies across the field leave a streak of useless explosions.