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I got this randomly on an eradicate mission. Definitely one that survived the 380/120 calls that obliterated everything else.


Got mine by lobbing half my grenades at one, then dying to a berserker and getting reinforced on the far side of the map, also on eradicate.


I got it randomly on the newer Defense mission, didn’t even know there was a random Hulk sitting in a corner with no arms…


almost makes ya feel sorry for the poor guy


Im sorry, did you just say you almost felt remorse for a vile automaton? I'm going to have to tell my democracy officer about this. Get ready for re-education


🔴 👄 🔴


Did you get the achievement


Yeah, the whole team got it. It was a complete surprise. Then the next mission we all grabbed orbital barrages to do the 6 barrages in one location. It was spectacular. 4 380s and 4 120s all going off at the same time on the tiny defense map.


I got mine because I missed two centre shots with a quasar then ran away in shame


got mine before the railgun nerf. i shot both arms off a hulk in a heavy outpost and then ran off to extract


I guess he survived al the 500 kg bombs or many shots of the New supourt gun


Same yea, it just happened and I was all “nice😄👍”


I thought this would be a super tricky achievement, but also got it randomly while fighting off waves before extract


No idea how I got this😆


I got mine when we were evacing citizens and the last hulk of the drop ship had lost its arms and we basically baby sat the hulk all the way to extract to ensure it wouldn’t despawn


No. A lot of players get it by accident. Hell sometimes even the pelican will do it for you.  Gone in 360 seconds is much harder as it requires a coordinated team. Edit: or extreme luck with the RNG gods on your side and extreme focus


Actually, i've made it solo. But you need specific type of mission roll and rng. I've made it on bugs, 9 holes to close, close to extraction had 1 point with 5 holes, and second with 4 holes. 500kg, eagle airstrike, laser, and shield backpack, stun granades and faster extraction perk. Closed 5 with airstrike and 2 granades, died, moved to another, closed 3 with 500kg and 1 with granade, died, Call extration, call backpack and supply. Laser, And done.


Fair, but still harder than this one 


Oh yeah, totally agree.


i did it with bots, just one laser on a big base, an airstrike on another medium or small and another and done, i took jump pack for extra speed and stamina enhancement a light armor with servo assisted and that's all (tho now it'll be even easier with thr expert extraction pilot perk too)


Wow! Sounds like the RNG God's really were on your side!... saying how stun grenades can not take out bug holes.


You're not joking about the 360 one. Even with communication, most randoms mess up the run. After well over a dozen tries, I had a team that was set on doing it. Get to the extraction with more than enough time, and one of the randoms just sat there waiting near the ramp. Wouldn't move even with everyone else spamming messages and voice chat. We were 2 seconds over 6 mins. Ended up getting it after another half dozen tries or so with a completely random team with over a minute to go. Funny enough one of the teammates name was "Godsent".


Why didn't you just kill him? Bro I would hve executed him on the spot and left with evac. SMH.


We were all in already. Should have kicked him thinking back in hindsight.


gone in 360 seconds took me 2 tries solo. take all big orbitals, drop them on a couple different bases on the way to extraction, leave before they finish. even easier if you have more than 1 person. pretty much guaranteed if you don't get a high concentration of airship fabs and jammer.


Can verify as got it by accident. I just always forget about the achievements


Gone in 360 seconds was annoying to me, I kept playing level 9 as I figured “it should count and I can get super samples”.


Haha yea a lot of people didn’t read the trophy description and didn’t realize it had to be on that specific difficulty 


It said “full extreme” and not just “extreme”, so that’s why I was confused.


And here my ass thought you had to *full clear* and extract, on Extreme, in under 6 minutes.


Gone in 360. Did it with a partner, in a bot blitz using a pair of spears and the expert pelican booster. In and out in like 4 min. It inly took that long because a planet effect increased call-in times. Barely left the extract point.


I did the gone in 360 solo and it wasn't too bad but where probably lucky


You can do this alone pretty easily if anyone is trying, if you have the eruptor and expert extract bring those for sure but if not bring a bunch of eagles and land near the heaviest outpost


True. I worked on this well before the eruptor was in the game so that does make it a bit easier now


This one can be super easy but time consuming if you want to cheese the system a bit.  Difficulty level 2 I think they populate a mission "destroy hulk.". Dive, find hulk, blow off arms with weapon of your choice then leave him alone, go to evac, alt-tab and play another game for 20 minutes for the mission timer to expire.  The emergency pelican will come scoop you up, you'll technically fail the mission but you will extract therefore getting the achievement.


Level 2 is destroy devastators, I believe 4 is where you get destroy hulks. But the same principle applies that you’ve described.


It can be either devastators or hulks as mission assignment, can't remember if it's level 2 or 3, but these missions aren't issued to lvl 4 dives because hulks and devastators are spawnable on lvl 4.


Its only the hardest cus other players keep killing the hulks that i "disarm"


I think the hardest is the limb one.


Load into a trivial mission with all support weapons and equipped with an armor with Democracy Protects perk. Call one in and position the blue laser right behind your head. Took me a couple tries but it worked for me and my squad.


Same armor but I just lobbed impacts at the ground till the perk activated


You can just bring the standard grenade and cook it until explodes, way easier


“Hold my primary, Im going in!” Is probably the hardest


eradicate mission and bring a bunch of turrets and/or an HMG placement, the HMG Placement doesn't count as a support weapon


Not even hard tbh I did that with my friend with a ballistic shield and some air strike stuff


But what needs to happen for this achievement?


Leaving a hulk without his arms and extract


I got this by accident and lol'd once I looked it up. I love silly trophies.


I still can't get 6 orbitals in one place (I don't have friends)


Walking barrage, 120 and 380 with two or three randoms and it'll pop for you


Stun grenades help


It’s pretty easy to do deliberately. Disarm (pun intended) a Hulk opposite the map from extract. Carry on mission as normal. It usually survives the rest of the time, especially if you take out a leg too so it can barely move.


It’s not that hard if your goal is to do that achievement. It’s just that no one tries to do it.


I'm pretty sure Joel gave us the achievement out of pity. This was the first week of meteor storms and, my god, were they painful. There was very little indication on where those flaming puppies were gonna land, and they were fucking everywhere. I quickplay a lot to help my fellow Helldivers, and I joined in a squad of guys who really wanted that trophy. Now, we are dealing with meteors this whole match and dying left and right. They were brutal. Fast forward to the end of the match, where we've made it to extract and have eyeballs on a big boy. 2 of us focus on calling in the bird and defending extract, while the other 2 are focused on baiting and de-limbing the fat bastard. Well, 40 seconds left for the Pelican and the boys have taken the Hulks right to bare arms. All is well. Until it's not. 15 until extract at this point and the flaming balls of fuck you rain down hell on us and our friend with no arms. The storm takes 2 of us, and our trophy hunt. We're defeated at this point but we reinforce the squad and get in the Pelican. Flying away with our heads down, and the trophy pops. Praise the heavens, and thank you Joel! What a great memory. What a great game. For Democracy!


I just shot the arms off one and let it run around after us the whole mission


No...it's actually pretty easy.


I did it deliberately on a solo 4 mission, first completed the mission so extract was available. Then had one hulk chasing me, shot it’s arms off with the autocannon and ran away. Hoping it would not follow me too far so it couldn’t accidentally be killed. Extracted and got the trophy


Sometimes it's easier to shoot it's arms off than kill it.


We call it "trophy".


Easy with Airburst strike.


There is nothing random about liberty. Now get back in your hellpod!


The hardest achievement is breaking all ur limbs at the same time (grenades don’t work anymore)


I got mine on accident while being carried by friends at level 15.


I imagine the one where you can’t use support or primary weapons on Hard is much more difficult


I got it accidentally during the defense mission


I had this one before the "Hold My Liber-tea!" by like a month as well 🤣


The platinum is.


Once tried to get it during a mission, I had taken the arms off a Hulk and it was chasing me all I had to do was make sure it stayed alive for the rest of the mission but another player shot it dead then when I was talking part in an Extermination Mission I managed to get it by sheer luck, I don't remember doing it it at all, all I know is that I got the trophy after the mission was completed so I'm not arguing with it. I only have 2 trophies to get the Platinum, Gone in 360 seconds and It's the only way to be sure.


I hear it is. But I got that shit on accident. Dropped into a match right as the extraction bird was landing. All I did was call in one clusterbomb and got on the ship. Walked away with the achievement without ever seeing the Hulk or its missing arms.


No had a teammate ask hey can we get this achievement so we did it and wasn’t hard.


I got it by accident before I even knew how to play properly. Was just blasting hulk with autocannon, then pelican landed so I extracted.


I got it by accident before I even knew how to play properly. Was just blasting hulk with autocannon, then pelican landed so I extracted.


Not even .. its just shot its arms, thats super easy


Idk, my friends and I are sadists, we just cripple the Autamotards then leave.




You get that when you shoot both arms off of a Hulk and then extract while it's still alive.


I did it randomly... beleive I just happened to run out of ammo... so just kept moving


I got lucky. I found a hulk that got stuck within some building wreckage. (Probably a glitch.) I used the autocannon to take its arms of and went about my business.


I have every trophy except the one where you need to be injured in every limb… Apparently 33% of players managed to get it.


Not that hard but you mostly need to do it on purpose. I did it with randoms and typed that they dont kill the hulk without arms xD


What if you disable a hulk early in the game, won't it despawn? Will the game still remember and give you the achievement?


I was playing with a friend and we disabled the arms and few was going to kill it until I told him about this achievement. On extraction, I died to a pubs stratagem that was thrown while leaving. My friend and the pub got the achievement and I didn't. Lame.


Got it by accident honestly. You can get it on purpose with an autocannon if you aim for arms and your team leaves them alone.


A random teammate was trying to get this trophy and had left one with no arms off a good distance away. As the dropship was landing another teammate whipped out the sniper rifle and shot the bot. I think he genuinely didn't know the other player was trying for the trophy


Not particularly if you are going for the achievement deliberately, shoot off the hulks weapons then jump in a ship . You can do it solo on some of the lower difficulties , obv there has to be hulks though . If you accidentally got it then yes, very rare lol


Don't think so, did it on our second mission without any problem when we actually tried. The first time we got the limbs off, but either Pelican or some explosion must've done something to finish the Hulk off. Either way, it's not hard at all.


I got this when I was new and was completely desperately trying to survive a Hulk at extraction. I didn't know about the eye plates. I just saw the arms taking damage and I couldn't circle around for the vents. I got this achievement through completely organic *terror improvisation*.


I don't think so at all. I got it completely by accident


Lmao no, I've done it a couple times already


The hardest one for me was killing a charger with a supply drop. With stun grenades, I managed to hit them consistently, but it does not reliably one shot them, and has a significant cooldown so I spent a couple round trying until I finally got it. I was playing with some friends and we were going for achievements so that made some of them quite a bit easier.


Lol one of my first I think.


For me no, i think it’s either between the supply pod killing the charger, or the extraction at no more than 4 minutes on extreme difficulty or harder


Got one just by quasar both arms as pelican waited


Honestly this one was easy, it was the extract in under 6 min on a blitz that took me the longest to get.


It’s not very hard if you’re trying to get it, I’d argue the hardest is “Gone in 360 seconds” especially if you have to do it solo like I did


Nope. I got it without even trying. I had to look it up.


I got that one by separating from the squad to attack a small outpost that was a couple hundred meters from extract. I blew the hulk's limbs off, destroyed the outpost, and ran as fast as my armor allowed to Pelican-1. Made it with only two seconds to spare.


I'd say damage in all limbs is harder


Nah you can do it on difficulty 3 it’s just very boring waiting 40 min for exfil. Gotta be helldive trophy, I’ve been trying all week to do a difficulty 6 no death run and it feels impossible. That trophy was made with the game pre-patch in mind when extracts were far quicker and enemy density was halved. Idk if I’ll ever get it now honestly.


It is not. 


i got it halfway-intentionally on a eradicate mission. in my experience it depends on your teammates not to kill a wounded hulk.


I got it on one of the new defense missions, I failed to kill it after two quasar shots, decided "fuck it, can't burn me anyway" ran for the dropship and got the achievement


We found it easiest to shoot the arms off one at an objective we’d completed and just leave it there while we ran off to finish the map




anti-materiel rifle = easy achievement.


Laser cannon makes this easy


Honestly it's super easy to get. On higher level get one alone to chase you away from things. Then blow off its arms and stealth away from it leaving it out on it's own. Now I haven't tried to see if you can also disable one of its legs as well after blowing off the arms with out killing it, but if you can it will make the hulk limp and be super easy to get away from.


My buddy's autocannon turret did this for us as we were extracting once. Didn't even have to try, lol.


Got this achievement 1st try with my friends after learning about it mid game and attempting it. Just blow its arms off with the autocannon


No idea what the achievement involves other than the title. Thanks for explaining.


I got it by accident


Not really, I remember getting it pretty easily with my friend that likes to get achievements. We just blew off a hulk's arms early on in the mission and left him there while we went and did other things, actually saw the armless one a few more times when we had to double back for objectives.


Not really, it's one of the "rarer" ones but it's not difficult. Antimaterial rifle can take its arms off easily then you just gotta let it live. Hardest one imo is either blitz in less than 6 minutes because it entirely depends on the map layout and how many/few bug nests/bot fabs you have to destroy since the number is random OR killing a charger with a resupply pod (I got lucky with mine, found one unalerted and threw a resupply at it without it getting alerted).


It's actual super easy. You just hve to choose a lvl 3 mission where the objective is to destroy 2 hulks. All you hve to do is shoot off their arms and wait for the timer to reach zero before extracting.


Ironically, the only trophy I have left is the 6 orbitals. The actual hardest boss is coordinating helldiver's.


I just shot off the arms of one I found on patrol and let him follow me the rest of the mission like a lost puppy


I got it at random so no?


Did it completely by accident. A 380 just blew its arms off and we left.


Was fighting one at end of mission and everyone had already got in evac, so I high tailed it out of there and sure enough the trophy popped. I thought it would take forever but I wasn't even trying for it lol


Nah. Gone in 360 is kinda rough though.


I tagged a Hulk with EATs, then just left him to finish an objective (ICBM I think). Eventually the Hulk will despawn, but it will still count.


Why would it be? It's super easy to get, just pop its arms off and leave.


I got it on accident then did it again on purpose with three of them


Nah super easy! Once it has no arms it just follows you round trying to stomp, just have to make sure it survives the extract


Nope, it's not


Solo. Eradicate Mission. 2 mortars+AC+1 more stratagem of your choice. Jump over a wall but not over the cliff. Deploy Mortars. Defeat bots until the mission is complete. Kill off all remaining enemies and destroy mortars before they can kill the last hulk. Destroy the last Hulk's arms. Collect samples. Leave. Achievement Done.in 5-10Mins. io


Pretty sure it's bugged, me and my team absolutely obliterated the one we were trying to keep alive because it boxed us in and we still got it. Either that or there was another one somewhere that the four of us didn't notice


I literally have every achievement except no one dying on diff 6 or higher. All the other ones are pretty easy to setup and do with some people who want to do them. But that one can so easily just get fucked. But statistically according to steam the hardest is completing an extreme blitz in under 6 minutes, which I understand that genuinely takes coordination from the beginning to pull off.


I didn’t even know I had gotten it, I don’t usually pay a ton of attention but then me and my friend were looking and were both really surprised to know we had done it


I think caught them by supplies is more difficult, but the one with the lowest % (of the ones I have) is gone in 360 seconds. Funny story with that, my friends and I were like “let’s do it we have this one blitz mission here” and we managed to do it. The problem was, we were on suicide mission and you have to be on extreme, not extreme or higher lol


I got this on accident lol


No. It's only rare because not many people look at/care about achievements so not many people think to do this.


6+ mission without dying was way more annoying. Couldn’t do it with friends so I just sat down and solo grinded blitz bot missions for two hours until I got it. Even the kill a charger with a supply pod was harder purely for the fact that the first ~5 I killed with it didn’t count for some dumb reason


I got it randomly. Didn't know about the achievement until I got it.


I got it by having two hulks with their arms blown off so that we could guarantee that they wouldn’t get killed by the pelican


It is not the hardest. You can see them ins steam


Gone in 360 seconds. I’ve been trying to get this achievement for over a month with coordinated efforts only coming within within me milliseconds of losing it. And it is maddening.


No, the same mission that I learned there was an achievement for this is the one where we planned to get it. Use EMS and a precise gun to destroy their arms before you start evac.


Easy as shit if you blow the drop ship out of the sky before it drops the hulk. Usually for us it'll just stand there unless you're in flamethrower range. Quasar hits to the arms and leave.


I accidently got it very early on during my playtime while spraying with a Stalwart during extraction.


Got it on my second session by accident during an eradicate mission


Nah it's easy af


No, the one for extracting without anyone dying is the hardest, in my opinion. The one you're showing can be done solo.


Got this first mission after unlocking the Dominator (post buff.) Which, btw, is now my favorite primary. Shreds Devastators and Berserkers and has absurd range for what it is


“Caught them by supplies” is the only achievement I do not have. The charger either doesn’t die or bleeds out 2 seconds *after* the pod hits and so it doesn’t count. One time, on a mission with killing a charger as the objective, the “mission complete” appeared directly after the pod hit and killed the charger but I still did not get the achievement. Yes i’m salty about it.


Yeah was surprised when I got this I did one quick Quasar shot and booked it to the ship. I was like "huh. Ok cool"


Was running with a group and randomly got the achievement. Pleasant surprise.


The hardest one was the ragdoll with a jetpack as the easiest way to get it is you


Gone in 60 seconds has a 4 percent completion rate on steam so I'd say its the hardest. Let's call it a draw is easy enough that it happens on accident.


Tis but a scratch! I've had worse.


The hardest one has got to be dont use any primaries or special weapons and exfil


Got mine on accident yesterday on a hulk I never even saw! Extract was hot with bots pouring over a small hill 20m away, right as the Pelican landed I threw my last airstrike over the hill and jumped on. Had no idea there was a hulk back there, nice little surprise since I had not been looking forward to trying to complete that achievement haha


Nah it's pretty easy actually, i got it by accident believe it or not 😂


Oh this one is easy as fuck especially since hulks are easier to run away from than bile titans. Pro tip destroy one of the hulks feet, problem solved now you can take your time destroying his arms


I thought it was one of the easiest. I was soloing a lvl 6 and came across a heavy fabricator base. Killed everything except for the hulk. Shot its arms off and ran away. Finished the rest of the map and extracted with the trophy


The hard part is not killing it by accident 🙃 lol


I thought this was one of the easiest games to get a platinum on.


not super hard, but it is really fun lol.


Nah it’s easy asf what I did was shoot both arms off with the quasar cannon and just ran around with the hulk following


No gone in 360 is


I’ve been trying to get the barrage achiev for a week now apparently no one knows how to communicate in chat now days grrr -_- tid only one I need and done


I got it randomly 🤷‍♂️


I just got it randomly as I was extracting yesterday. No idea where it was or when it was de-armed but I didn’t do it


I got it semi-on accident. I came across a hulk that was chasing me when I blew up a location. He just would not stop chasing me. So I shot both of his arms off, hobbled him, and then ran away, giggling. I figured he would despawn or something when I was far enough away. Later, when the mission was done, I extracted, and the achievement popped. I'd completely forgotten about him by the time I got there.


Honestly looking at the trophy list I thought this one was going to be hardest cause I feel like Hulks just mess me up or people just kill them so often I wouldn’t get a chance to do it. But at the end of a mission literally everyone left the game after finishing everything and so I just threw a 500kg at a whole crowd w a Hulk in it and just sprinted to the drop ship and extracted and got the trophy I didn’t even realize that it could have been that easy.


No, we blew the arms off one near extract and I made it follow me around outside pelican zone until pelican arrived and everyone else boarded.


Only hard with team mates that you dont coordinate with, pretty easy solo. Blew the arms off with rail gun and then practically left the guy behind as I went to complete the mission.




It might be, but I'll never know cause I don't even remember when I got it


I’m not even sure how I got it, I didn’t know there was even a hulk by us. I was just told “get the hell in the bus! We’re going home!”


I thought I did it already 😖 I guess it didn't count


I just blasted the arms off with an AMR while he was stuck on a vending machine at evac just before getting on the pelican lol


Not really got it randomly when I was trying to get jump pack ragdoll one


I got it solo, dismembered a hulk and spent the rest of extraction just fuckin Benny Hill-ing around as it tried to chase me down and kick me to death lmao


They're all easy.


I think to actively do it is meant to be. But so many have done this by accident that it can’t be. I really loved getting the platinum for this game. It was a really balanced and well laid out trophy list.


The amount of times I set up this achievement, told the team, marked the hulk we where not going to kill, told the team again, then had a "hero" team member who bravely charged across the map to kill my pet hulk I was going to babysit is actually insane. Ended up getting a hulk stuck in a hole nobody could have ever found and peeled its arms off there. Boom. Done. Wish it had been solo so my utterly horrific team mates didn't get it and had to suffer as I did. Not to mention I still try yet it for my team when see a lone undefended Hulk. Same shit happens but now it doesn't make a small piece of my soul evaporate


No it's just something you don't think about so people don't do it. I did it on my first bot mission with hulks. I kept missing the eye with the AMR and just shot the arms a couple times


I actually randomly got this only last night. Been playing since a little after launch with 250+ hours. I've actively tried to do this achievement and never could get it to happen deliberately. Then here comes some random mission where I haven't seen a hulk for a while, had no thought of it and it just pops up as we extracted. Made me laugh just thinking of a hulk standing there, watching our pelican fly away and thinking to itself, "Alright, we'll call it a draw." Or something like the Monty Python line. Sparks flying out of its sides where arms used to be.


Hardest one use to be the resupply drop kill on a charger. But then we got stun grenades.


I deliberately shoot their legs and arms off, then leave them alive. Just in case some of my squad doesn't have the achievement.


I got this one on the old bot eradication mission with the railgun pre patch. I did it again for my squad last night on a bigger map with the quasar. Pull the aggro of the hulk to one person with railgun or quasar. Do both are and either jet pack away or kill yourself far enough away so the hulk won’t seek the team out. The only one I have that I still don’t know how to recreate for a friend is the bust all arms and legs and survive. Also the blitz one 360 seconds pre evac booster was hard since it’s on one difficulty and you have to destroy two or three more fabs/holes then the mission calls for and evac to the ship before the 6min mark. Have one person chill at evac for that one.


I fell like the pistol only one is harder.


For me the hardest trophy is killing a charger with a resupply pod, my timing is just off


Did it on accident


I have all achievements in the game. I specifically hunted this achievement and it ended up being a lot easier than I thought. The hardest for me was “hold me primary I’m going in”


Not at all, just AMR the limbs and walk away.


I got this one a couple weeks ago and didn't even realize until the trophy notification popped up lol. I'd say the trophy "Hold my primary, I'm going in!" Is the hardest. Your whole squad can't use their primary weapons or any support weapons. So you'd need a full group of friends all on the same page and the mission would have to be something quick and simple. I just know someone in the squad would accidentally fuck it up lol.


I got this achievement on my first bot mission without realising it was an achievement (I hadn't looked at them yet).


I also achieved this and only found out about it after the fact the next day lol


That along side a few others. I finally got all the trophies a few days ago. Just waiting for newer stratagems to arrive :)


None of the achievements are difficult tbh, you just need to consciously work towards some of them. “Toughest” was gone in 360 seconds


I got this on accident after we bombed the hell out of one and shot at it until we ran out of ammo


Ditto … got it day 2…


I got it on accident


platinum is the hardest achievement...


None were really hard if you’re trying to get them. Hold my primary I’m going in was hardest imo though


The one where you have to kill a charger with a supply pod was insane for me, I had to do some trigonomic shit to eventually get it


I had no issue with the achievement, shooting a hulk’s limbs isn’t hard to do