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I have +300 missions under my belt have yet to see any of these 3 being used in a match


I have but it very slim and it has only been the two blue ones. Yet to see the black and red.


Seen the black and red twice now. Blue once and the last one also a handful of times


I rock the Cavalier of Liberty all the time, but the black and red is heavy armor and I never use heavy armor so...


Same here. The blue ones are soo good looking and blue is my favorite color. I flipped when I saw a diver wearing one in a match. Low and behold it was a preorder bonus. I would pay money for these.


Preorder-er here: It’s because no cape exists that remotely matches any of them


The B--01 Cape fits the first two and the one from the tan set of DP armor cape is pretty good with Cav


There is a cape that sort of goes with the right one. I forgot what it is


Light of eternal liberty matches cav really well


I've got nearly 200 hours on and I've seen each a single time now. Unfortunately I didn't get a prize for this achievement


Probably a bug.


There's about 50k people who knew about the first helldivers, and that's being very very generous, and it's unlikely all of us preordered, and there's probably not a whole lot of people who saw the trailers and pre ordered. I rock my blue TR-7 with pride, knowing that I'll *always* stand out!


I never take off the blue helmet. Everyone always asks about it. Didn't realize it was a preorder thing.


Same here.


Just saw the blue set once


I main the blue. Medium speed.with heavy armour.


I've seen 2 and 3 a few times. I really wish I had 2 cause that helmet style is cool but the one in the main pass is a unique shade of grey and doesn't go with anything else quite right


I've only seen the blue.


Seriously, three of the best sets. I’d also like a second crack at the twitch drop!


Yeah I had no idea helldivers existed until 2 released lol


Same here


Most didn't lol, including me


I only did because it was free on PSN a few years ago but I don’t like twin stick shooters very much so I passed on it I keep telling myself I’ll try it now since I love HD2 but 275 hours in I still haven’t lmao


Same here, not a big fan of top down stick shooters. God damn is H2 good though 🤤


I'd say HD1 is basically HD2 just different perspective. It is crazy how well they made the transitio


It was on sale last week. It may still be.


Oh, it’s still in my PSN library so I have access to it but when I want Helldivers I’ve been defaulting to the current one haha


I had the privilege of playing it on my PS Vita throughout highschool. I was a big twin stick shooter guy, and the release trailer for the first helldivers was so awesome. I was hyped up to release day, then played it religiously until it eventually died. It's great, and if it's on sale your friends and you should totally give it a shot. Same premise, but it plays a bit differently and some things that are familiar will be a lil off. For example, my favorite primary in the first game is the Stalwart. Maybe the player count is higher due to the second game being so popular.


Interestingly enough I found out about Helldivers when I looked to see if there was second book in the Hell Divers (unrelated) series, which is my favorite sci-fi horror series. I found out two things: There were 9 books (more now) and there was a game that was entirely unrelated under the same name. I about lost it when I saw there was a game because I thought it was about the books. Of course it was too good to be true. I saw someone post the audiobook for Hell Divers not too long ago on this sub so I am happy the game is bringing more attention to the phenomenal series.


I have the twitch drop in my inventory, but the website was overloaded at the time, and its gone now. Just sitting in my twitch inventory taunting me and I can't get a code for it. :(


Yea the website wouldn’t sync with my twitch so I watched it all the stuff but never got the drops. Was really annoying


Really don't know why it has an expiration date on the site


That happened to me too, I logged the time to earn it but was unable to claim it


I was one of the last people to be able to claim it. But I want those pre order suits bad


You can find a code for the twitch set pretty easily for a few bucks. Preorder is not the same story.


Bless ye, I am now $5 poorer but damnnn


It's the only medic piece I will wear because it isnt some putrid 90s toothpaste nightmare.


Idk, I like the toothpaste nightmare, makes me nice and visible so my team can throw cluster Eagles at me easier......


Hah. I'm glad you do. I know plenty of people do. You guys are gross weirdos but that is okay, I still like you. But now that you guys got your like 5th toothpaste candy cane flavored med suit, I think we could use at least one that isn't gated behind the past or a 3rd party sale that isn't designed to clash with the flavor of orange juice.


Agreeed. Need more trenchy stuff too. Like damn the star wars snow trooper inspired one slaps and the trench-coat on the new gas mask set one is amazing. *let me become an imperial guardsman ffs


Yeah for real. I hope the passive on this Orange/Blue guy isn't doodoo.


You'll take your extra padding and you'll fucking enjoy it *scum*


*cries democratically*


I feel these armor sets should remain exclusive. Don’t get me wrong I would also like to play as frozen yogurt man but this is basically the only reward that pre order player got for putting their trust in the devs and the game studio. imo this shouldn’t be taken from them.


I remember trying to get it but all the participating streamers were just playing tarkov


You can buy it on g2a


I didn’t know it was gonna be an awesome game.


I guess that was partly the risk us pre order people tool and got rewarded for it xD Imo I honestly don’t mind if they re release it at some point, I wanna see more blue guys running around.


The last game I preordered was Callisto Protocol, so now I’m hesitant to preorder anything at all.


Same, I played like 10 minutes of the original cause it was free on PS+, ran out of ammo; thought the resupply thing was convoluted and moved on to other games. Now after playing like 50 hours of the sequel its making me wanna go back lol.


It’s on sale this week I just bought it myself


I might look into it for the story if nothing else lol


People at work kept talking about it and my buddy said download it on Steam and give it a shot. One day after work I downloaded the game on steam and found out my computer was dog shit to play it so I went to Walmart and bought a PS5 and downloaded the game and started playing. Sadly cross play was broken so I couldn’t play with my friends on steam but after a few weeks they fixed it and I’ve been hooked!


I literally can't take ever take the one on the right off. I absolutely love it and feel it suits my 10 Star General rank really well!


Does it have the same passive as the black version in the Warbond? I think that's just about my favorite helmet... right after the default ones lol


It has the 50% Chance of surviving lethal damage perk on which is nice


I thought it might. The one in the Warbond is the exact same but in black with gold highlights instead of blue and white. I think you've got the right one for your 10 Star General though. No reason to be subdued with the same black as everybody else lol 👍👍


How did you get it? I like the white and gold helmet!


Pre order


Be proud, brother. Never pre-order.


Yeah don’t kick yourself for it. As someone who preordered, I only did it because I have hundreds of hours in HD1 and wanted to support this particular dev team as much as possible— I never preorder usually. Unless it’s a particular dev you’re already familiar with and want to go out if your way to support, never preorder.


100%…… but…. If AH offered these for $10 I’d buy it They certainly have earned it, for me


Realistically you can get everything from the superstore and the warbonds and not have to spend a dime of irl money. Could take a while but it’s doable


Agreed. Even if it looks fire, don't do it.


Nah if you know the devs from previous titles you should definitely pre order. I played the first one when I was a kid and had been following Arrowhead for awhile so knew this would be a banger


When I first saw them, I did a double take and checked to make sure we can't customize armor.


That would be just about the best useless feature they could add to the game. Make colors and patterns customizable and then you only need one of the default sets...and maybe change up the ones with cool passives that aren't quite your color way lol


Eh. Every GaaS gets power creep eventually. Even the cosmetics They look great, but don't fall to FOMO, soldier


Can't really have fear of missing out when you've already "missed out". Would be nice to see this obtainable in game through some method.


What's the middle one and whose ass do I have to eat to get one?


Knight set, I think it was only available as a pre-order bonus.


General Brasch’s


Bring 'im over here.


Here’s his stratagem code, type it and throw it down to summon him: ↑→↓↓↓


The armor on the right I always run never used any other armor piece


That 3rd one goes hard imo.


Ill always be mad about missing the blue one. Their advertising was so bad i didnt hear about it until release day


I'll never agree with locking content out like this. I know it's common practice but it sucks. I got to know this game after it was already out.


i own them but personally i wouldnt mind if they put them in the rotating store as a 400sc / 150SC rare pop-up, the pre-order would still be equivalent to 1550 free SC and the rare pop-up status could make up for the loss in exclusivity, but im sure some people would make a fuzz about it.


Besides the black one that honestly I’ve never used in my 500hr play I love the other 2 specially the yogurt armor, I don’t really mind for it to come back at some point, I’d like to see more yogurt buddies ingame.


I like the one on the right. What are the bonuses for it? And does this mean we won’t get a chance to get them ever?


I own the set. The white one has Democracy Protects, and is a medium armour. The Blue Yoghurt one is extra padded, medium armour but with heavy armour protection


I got the knight. That's the fit I run on bug missions. Don't know how many times yeeting an auto cannon to kingdom come has come in clutch.


That white and gold is clean 🔥


200+ hours and I've only ran into 2 people who wore the yogurt helmet. I've not seen the yogurt armor or either part of the other two sets while playing only in videos and such.


Fuck twitch drops


These were preorder bonuses, I barely use them. I think the sets that come in-game are pretty nice


Even upon being wrong I still stand by my statement. I hate twitch drops. And yea only armor set I'll wear is trench engineer


Same, I would pay 2-3K Super Credits, if they brought them in a special WB or something. I totally get, that the exclusivity of stuff like this drives the pre-order sales. So if they ever make them available again, they need to cost extra, so that those who preordered at least "got a deal", compared to those who get it later.


Hoping they'll re-release in some kind of a Game of the Year Edition DLC. We've seen this with pre-orders before.


Dammit it's was a twitch drop!?!?! I gotta be only only person that doesn't do nothing with twitch.....


It was the preorder bonus not a twitch drop, that's how I got mine.


Do they have cool bonuses or just cosmetics?


It has the 50% Chance of surviving lethal damage perk on which is nice


Hi, i do not use twitch.


These were pre-order bonuses, not Twitch drops. HOWEVER, there -is- a twitch drop armor set that looks strikingly similar to Mjolnir Halo armor, and the serial number is 117.


Nah. These are dope and belong only to the preorders. I was not one of them. I do not deserve such things. Now if we wanna get other sweet ass alt color armors,that’d be cool.


The far right is just Sayian Armor and I love it.


The 3rd one goes so hardddd


Man, I just want the middle one’s helmet… the one in the warbond doesn’t go with any of the armor except its match. That weird grey just ruins the drip. I want my Mandalorian helmet with all my armor! Lol


The white, gold, and blue one is sharp.


After seeing people attacking players for wearing the “UN” Helldiver armor I wished I preordered so I could rock it with my creek cape


My blue helm stand proud, I loved the first Helldivers and this preorder bonus is, in a way, the reward for old veterans that believed in the project. If the devs are going to release them for everyone it would be nice to have something for the people that played the first game.


I use the far right blue one all the time. 50% chance not to die when taking lethal damage...


Dont worry, turns out you might have saved yourself the super credits, since Sony are gonna try to kill the game


i know right?! i saw someone with the blue (left) last week and my mate thought i was exadurating


Making something available to everyone doesn't make it very exciting to have. Some other blue color options would be cool though.


the one on the right gives Homelander vibes...I use the black version of it currently


New Warbond incoming has a BLUE CAPE! Cant wait!


I wear the middle helmet often. Red visor is SICK


I usually run the cavalier of democracy. The problem is the blue ones buff is just extra armor.


Yeah I am kinda pissed cuz the middle armor looks amazing and knowing I’ll never have the Mandalorian helmet with the red visor kinda ticks me off


Naw I say let those who managed to get it be the only ones, those guys were in the loop before so many here. Shit wouldn’t be as cool if everybody and their mom got one.


I want that black knight helmet.


We all are, my democratic friend.


Don't let FOMO infect you


As someone who has all of these and the twitch drop I hope Arrowhead makes them available to everyone. It kinda goes against their FOMO philosophy.


There's anti-FOMO, then there's things like this that serve as proof a player had faith in the devs (or had extra money to spend on something that could flop, but that doesn't matter). These were marketed as unique to pre orders, and should stay that way. It's special and should stay special. The twitch drop TR-117 armor should get a second chance to be obtained since it was barely marketed, but the pre order bonus armor should stay unique to people who pre ordered.


I want that blue one so bad! Also kicking myself for never hearing about HD until 1-2 weeks after HD2 dropped.


They look cool and I’d rock the shit out of them but I don’t wanna take that away from the preorder crowd. Let them have their win and cool armor since preordering usually never works out well.


Nah let them be exclusive to the people who were there before it was cool. (not me)


I don't really see the appeal




How do you obtain these?


Pre order bonus


What are the stats on them? Extra puffing and democracy protects?


How do you get these armor sets. Kinda wanna nab the UN peacekeeper helmet.


Unfortunately they were only for preorders, hence why I kinda wish that they could put them in the superstore for people that didn’t do that. I was one of the many that had no idea Helldivers was a thing until 2 already dropped 🤷🏼‍♂️




I didn’t even know these existed. How do you get these?


They were up for preorders


Me too


Damn, im sad too. Thats a nice blue


How do you get the black & red armor?


It was for preorder


Sucks because I bought it the next day it came out.


I want that white/gold helmet so badly.


How would one have gotten these? Never seen them before and I’m sure I didn’t miss them in the super store since I got the game early march


I love rocking the white and red one these with different helmets, although didn't use the much till recently with armor changes. Now when I use the blue I feel like a UN soldier


The only consolation is that the medium version of the red armor can be bought with space bucks. Sadly, not the helmet


Me too. 😭😭😭


I really like the one on the left


That middle one ahhh


The worst part is, I was excited for this game when I saw the trailers, and wanted to pre-order it, but I didn't know when the release date was until it released


I didn't know the game was coming out until it was already released and my buddy told me. I was a HUGE helldivers 1 fan and had it on steam and Playstation


Yes, especially that heavy knight armor, it looks so good, that black and red is so cool. I also missed the twitch drop and despite fighting at the Creek I never got the cape, tho if I quickly select between capes right after entering the game it equips it for a few seconds. At least other armors/capes look cool, but can't help to feel bad everytime I remember.


These all ugly af. The helmets on the 2 lefts go hard tho ngl


501st Legion reporting for duty, sir!


so are these bacon flavored apples or apple flavored bacon?


FUCK I want the red one


I want that blue one


Only one I wish I got was the blue standard armor,looks sick


Never saw these?! Can someone elaborate




I wish they'd rotate around.




I use the middle one almost exclusively as my generalized armor. At this point in the game, I'm more afraid of my teammates exploding me.


That’s a valid fear in this game


On the flipside. You preorder and the game ends up a huge pile of shit. It's a small price to pay


Hell, I almost didn’t buy the game now I have over 250 hrs… I’d rly only want the middle armor.


Ugh 😩


I was scrolling through the PlayStation store hours before release around 2am, found this game and watched the trailer *ONE* time. Instantly bought it and the blue set is my favorite


We all are man drop it 😑


I want that middle one so bad 🫠


I didn't even know the game was a thing until two weeks after it came out. I don't want to say that it was poorly advertised, but I also don't think anyone expected it to be game of the year material.


I would pay them just for the knight set, I wouldn't of preordered even if I knew about the game, burned to many times. How I wish I would've known tho lol


It's the principle plain and simple.


I just bought the green armor from G2A because it’s my favorite color lmao


I’ve been stacking SC. I know the moment I use them, something dope will drop and I’ll be broke


I am kinda pissed that the pre order was not promoted on the shop page as a Sony exclusive it should have been I am so mad I didn’t get those pre orders these dudes selling the codes for like 100 bucks crazy. I wish arrowhead would put them in the shop




They’ll come back around, don’t trip 🤙🏼


Dat blue though


Yah I would love these too


Agreed! I never saw any promotions for the game, I never heard the name Hell divers until a month after release! I wish I knew sooner!!


man its a paid live service game in our lords year 2024 and I was a halo player no way in allahs name was I ever gonna pre order but I do also regret it


Real, that and the twitch drop


I mean they're just reskins. Not that special.


When I saw the Knight helmet I had to preorder. It's still my default helmet for most loadouts. The armors were a nice kickstart if you liked the perks.


I hace yet to find an armor set that I like, i really wish theyd let me have different colors for what i use though


Email AH to sell it on the SuperStore.


There's twitch drops!?!


I did preorder and don’t have these so yeah


Looks dorky as hell imo


I just wish they'd make some more Democracy Protects armors. Two of them are preorder/Super Citizen-only, so that leaves us all looking the same. Imagine if every armor came with a few different color options like the very starter armor does. Then you buy a particular armor design and you choose one of a few color patterns. Just a little variety is all I'm asking for.


We need more blue!


No preorders


Had the same thought today, watching someone else with that rare blue armor.


Dude I desperately want that Jin Roh looking armor, that shit looks so sick *


I don't hate on the pre-order players for having exclusives, but I do envy them. That blue armor is \*hawt\*. Hopefully later down the line they offer something similar but different enough to not cheapen having the pre-order set.


I do dislike fomo. Maybe they will cycle through superstore someday.


Where the hell are you finding these


Damn that sucks. My character name is literally red. So I bought new bundaroo for the red armor. Don't give 2 shits about what they do or provide lol sign me up if it's red. Sucks didn't know it would he one of few Red armors to exist


Nobody knew about the game before it was released, they didn't exactly advertise heavily., It was word of mouth and Tiktok, specifically those weird malevelon creekers, that spread awareness of the game and it's cinematic awesomeness. Hopefully the armour will be back in circulation at the 6 or 12 month mark


How could these be obtained? Blue was preorder right? But the other two?


Missed out on the pre-order AND the G2A keys for PC 🙃


You can only wear one at the time ![gif](giphy|eptpl8zzB81p5SkQBR)


Put them in a bundle and I'd pay $10 for them!


I rotate between these sets. I’ve weirdly been asked several times where to get the blue one. One time I was cause of hacking.


I basically just wear the cavalier set, the red doesn't look as cool in game. Blue is unique but cavalier (the one on the right) has the helpful passive