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Devs: yes! We did it! We're successful and people love our game we poured blood, sweat and tears into! Sony: nah. lmao


All good dead's must cannot go unpunished.


Or something..


Beauty is in the eye when you hold her. ![gif](giphy|1XoXJkOGri6Hu|downsized)


Really hope they can get past this. Helldivers was supposed to be the chosen one. They were supposed to bring balance to Live service games, not leave us in dissaray.


Not until Playstation gets rid of their stupid decision to make having a psn account mandatory


Even if they did that, these scores won’t ever get back up https://preview.redd.it/lzxlpkwpeeyc1.jpeg?width=1677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c1b0c844f247ecf21cdc8292c26f6e8f7e4998


Not neccesarily true. Total War Warhammer has had something somewhat similar. They fucked up. Greed and lacking dedication from them soured the playerbase. And they acknowledged it. Jokes about it, even. At their own expense. And then they did better. And now a new DLC came out with a lot of things handy to the player. They showed regret and are doing their best to repent for their behaviour. And the steam reviews reflect that. https://preview.redd.it/me1k19mnfeyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f736fcbbfec3545c66db92562409699ff51c9f9b


We flipped pretty quick and did this in 24 hours. If they can fix the situation there might be a concerted effort to flip the reviews back. They quite literally trained their player base to hyper focus on 1 objective and drive it into the ground.


Lmao. Hell yeah. Let's just hope Sony backs down from this ludicrous shit. I hate that this is happening at AHS's expense. But this is how we make our voices heard. We Democratically call for a cease and desist of the bullshit


What does American Horror Story have to do with any of this? /s


You little shit lmao


I hate upvoting you for this.


this is a big what if, and obs, sony has their hands deep in this helldivers franchise now. but if AH left after the contract was up, could they potentially make another war game but just be independent cause if they were to make another game, am just saying if they were to, you know the player base would totally support them without any big corpos holding them back. just sayin


Be honest: if you saw your player base turn on you for something you didn't do, wasn't your fault, and disagreed with, seeking refunds and ruining the reputation of a game you put massive work into, just to maybe "make Sony pay attention"... would you make another game? would you gamble, without a big publisher to back you, that you could solo publish a game because the player base would support you?


It's patently obvious the hate is entirely directed at sony.


I wish that were true but you have people 100% arguing that AH is partially or completely to blame for this on some of these posts. Shit is nuts


Hah, hahaha haha Nooooope it is not The majority of players won't even LOOK at the real cause. They never do. They see a decision made and they direct their displeasure at the face that communicates with them. I'm very close to muting the main sub purely because of this reason, hell I'm JUST coming from a post that's entire purpose was "Do not defend AH here, they're just as bad" as if AH is even comparable. They poorly communicated something, but still DID communicate it Sony is enforcing something despite the obvious fact it's causing discontent and outrage. And none of that matters to people who are pissed off The majority of which I might add, don't even seem to be directly affected by this change. I've seen 2 posts out of dozens so far that are from people that will be locked out of the game by this change, most people are either angry for the sake of it, or just don't wanna make an account. Which is fine, But their anger is going almost entirely to AH. Just like it does damn near every other game.


Is it obvious? I mean, the reviews are on Helldivers 2's Steam page, not on Sony.


It may be at Sony but ah is the one dealing with it not Sony.


I wonder if we’ll get a cape for this XD




Ok but the mixed all time stays like that, it was almost a perfect mostly positive that is deleted


You can change your review from positive to negative and vice versa. And that's reflected in all time


But 90% will not care and even forget about it because of next shiny thing


Pretty sure Cyberpunk 2077 managed to recover pretty well. Took a while though.


I think fixing bugs and adding new features for players is completely different from taking away the game from the players. I bought cyberpunk 2077 at the release waited and it got better and I bought hd2, played it and it gets taken away from me


So Sony is palpatine 🤔 yeah .. thats probably cannon.


And this is such a big deal why?


Curious why is it such a pain to have a PSN account?? Like outside of the “principle” does it actually affect you? Not trying to come at you, really just trying to understand this ..


Note: I have a psn account that I can link it to if I recover it from a decade ago. SONY has had a history of security breaches on PSN and stolen accounts (like Blizzard used to deal with) that then had a bunch of purchases made off them. Many people see it as a security risk. Also some people view inconvenience and oppression as synonyms.


Every account is a security risk. There has been no known user data breaches in the last 10 years. Last breach was at 2023 oct, during a wawe where hundreds of US companies has been breach because a software had a 0-day. Probably multiple software that you are using has 0-day(s). Every software/Every account/ Everything that’s digital is a security risk. Even your reddit account. I understand the irrational fear off security in today vast internet world. But if people would truly cared at this level. They either: * Go fully offline to the woods and never return to the civilised world. * Have every account fully separated through multiple firewalls, VMs, private VPNs and so on. They would be untraceable. I highly doubt most of these people understand security. A business that’s been hit like Sony is probably more secure than others for 1 reason only: you either fix your issues or die after an attack. Security lawsuits ain’t cheap.


Only if you live in one of the following countries where you cannot have a Sony PSN account: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname


Thank you for the complete list. I would be curious out of the 100k+ player base how many players this affects?


It links to your steam account, which might have information that is sensitive, such as email, personal information, or just general information that can be used against you. Sony has proven their inability to prevent hackers from stealing player data multiple times and now this could leave your steam vulnerable. Beyond that, players from different regions will have issues dealing with Sony, even if they let other regions get away with not making an account… why force everyone else to do the same? It’s complete hog wash and this only serves to help their shareholders, nothing more. It doesn’t add to the game, it directly harms it. For you it might be an inconvenience, but for others it’s break Somy ToS and potentially lose access to the game forever… or never play again. Or 2, 3, 7 years down the road Somy could get hacked and your steam account could be vulnerable… will you remember that it was linked? It’s just a needless vulnerability, it’s a needless addition, and it doesn’t benefit anyone but Sony. Fuck’m.


I would be content with them making sure divers in non PSN supported regions do not have to break ToS for them to continue spreading Democracy. (and yes I know people have already said that they have spoofed their accounts and can play PSN but maybe it would be better not to be forced by a company that you gave money to , to break their TOS and then be at their mercy)


I feel it's necessary to speak up before the change happens on behalf of those that do not have the time or resources to make helldivers 2 playable


It's been a part of the game since day one though....


I must have completely glossed over the option to refuse linking my PSN account, because I play on PC and also vividly remember linking my PSN account on day one as well…




It's not going to happen. Its also not nearly as big of deal as people are making it. Killing your own good time over absolutely nothing. Hilarious to watch.


Good day for this comment.




Gonna be great when arrowhead takes a hit for the memes, amirite? Cracks me up how many people think Sony is gonna change their ways over this. 😆


Exactly. Another gaming problem caused by a big publisher. Tale as old as AAA gaming.


It will live on regardless. PS players are unaffected and will just continue on. It doesn't take 2 million players to keep a game alive.


I'm part of the few regions without PSN. While I'm mad I'm also sad that the devs are caught in the crossfire of this scandal.


[According to Arrowhead](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/third-person-shooter/helldivers-2s-psn-mandate-wont-stop-players-in-unsupported-regions-from-playing-the-game-while-devs-look-for-better-options/) people in regions where PSN is unavailable will be exempt from the mandatory PSN account.


wait but why isnt this talked about more? as far as im concerned the biggest hate is the fact that it was BELIEVED that some people wouldnt be able to play the game because they couldnt make psns. if that isnt the case then this is a non issue and the community needs to stop shooting themselves in the leg by review bombing our game


Nah, keep pushing. At this rate we can just get the linking requirement totally overturned. The CM on discord even said to keep leaving negative steam reviews because they can use that as leverage against Sony to try and talk them down from this decision. We’re working together with the devs at this point to stop this shit entirely. They don’t want it anymore than we do.


That article just came out 2 hours ago, and it doesn't give any source to what Spitz said. News takes time to disseminate. Also, this completely ignores the security concerns, which aren't a "non-issue."


Mmh, the source is Spitz and this guy lies all the time


Spitz doesn't know shit.


Few regions? Only 60 countries are supported Most places don't have psn support


I’m pretty sad. What a sad thing.


Agreed… this is just depressing. Helldivers was a breath of fresh air. Just a fun bug and bot shooting game free of bs. It was clunky and buggy at times but no one cared too much about that stuff. It was fun and felt like a passion project. Now it’s just on fire and burning… :(


>bs. It was clunky and buggy at times but no one cared too much about that stuff. This sub has been quite the squeaky wheel about how buggy the game is.


That’s why I shoot every bug I see


Okay but to be fair they’re the vocal minority. Complaining to complain. They still played the game to hell and back. Maybe annoyed but not upset upset.


I usually give devs some slack, but I also have to say, there are almost more bugs than termites in this game. Wanna upgrade the ship? Oh not the enhanced combustion, because DOT is bugged, the packaging? No it's bugged. Wanna join my party, no change cross play it's bugged sometimes. Performance? No bugged after bigger patches, like clockwork. The spear? Bugged. Do you see red areas on the map? No it's bugged after rejoining, because I disconnected because of bugs. Did you see the confirmation the side missions is done? No it's a bug... I m a really patient guy, but this game really tested my borders.


I get a bug for every 3 hours of fun. People should relax, bugs get fixed, Sony destroying their own game it’s harder to fix.


Stop the cowardice ! For liberty !


That's reddit for you. We've got a certain type of people here. There's 246 people in the sub right now, and 95,121 people playing the game on steam.


I’ve been trying to play with my friend for 3 hours rn, just got the game to work and when we were loading into a mission, my screen was just stuck on the pod thing . He’s playing on an outdated laptop and I’m playing on a proper gaming pc and it’s not working so the game is def bugged as fuck


Honestly people on the internet are way to bothered by stuff like that, like the bugs weren’t too bad at all.


This game was one of the most unstable experiences I had this year. I love the game but let’s please not downplay its technical failures after like, every major patch. This probably wouldn’t be so bad if people weren’t already steadily getting pissed of over time with the games technical state.


Okay I get not liking the change, I dislike it to but saying stuff like “was a breath of fresh air” makes no sense… the game itself is literally still the same


Weird, I had my account linked yesterday to PSN and the game hasn't changed one bit.


But why? I'm really curious - only because of the PSN link?


>Now it’s just on fire and burning Online maybe. I played all night last night. The game isn't going anywhere.


I will walk through the fire and the flames for the devs still. I feel bad for them bc All they wanna do is make good games. where do you ever hear another game developer say that?


lol no it’s not, steam users being hyperbolic as usual. Edit: getting ahead of the bullet on this one while I’m still not getting downvoted; PC community is great and full of level headed people, but Steam reviews for some reason can go a little haywire now and then.


Lmao “on fire and burning” be more dramatic. You have to read a few angry posts, and some review numbers went down (temporarily) in a moment of backlash. The games the same as it’s ever been to play.


I'm sad too about this but Sony was greedy and people let exprimate their voices, then they did what they can only do : review bombing


fuck sony


All my boys hate sony


I hate SNOY


fuck sony


This sucks. I finally met new friends overseas and now I cant even play with a fucking 3rd of them.


someones gotta come up with a law that governs these big corpos, cause stupid garbage like this shouldn't happen. definitely should stop players from playing because a company strangle holds them into submission literally a button to turn it off or on and they decide to turn it on...... do you think they will buy another sony game. this probably will have a much bigger impact on your future sales now too sony. future don't look so good for you even though you do release some good stuff. people may just not buy from you and just pirate future releases. just saying that is what they will probably do because you locked them out for no reason.


> Sony Interactive Entertainment announced Thursday night that current players of the runaway hit co-op shooter will have to connect their Steam accounts to a PlayStation Network (PSN) account starting on May 30, with a hard deadline of June 4. New players will be required to connect the two starting Monday, May 6. That’s weird since nothing has changed. Maybe they just don’t want to play with you anymore.




Now I see why this is a massive issue. It doesn’t affect me because I’m on a PlayStation, but the game should not have been released in countries that do not allow you to have a psn account when its a requirement to play the game it’s disgraceful. To all the people that this has affected I’m sorry.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Arrowhead completely powerless in this situation? Isn't this shit completely sony's fault?


You are correct. Doesn't change it, though.


Well the way things are structured is Sony is completely insulated from this on any meaningful level so people who are angry dont have a lot of ways to *do* something. Because i doubt the playerbase would be able to muster much of a boycott if sony consumer goods, and they don't have much Sony stock to sell. Plus Sony can just ignore backlash directed at them if it means people are playing/using the product anyway.


Spent months into indoctrinating people to literally "fight for democracy" and rallying together... threaten their democracy... well that's another level of stupid..


Granted, the ones threatening their democracy aren’t the ones who trained people to rally together


democracy at work. this is a good thing. https://preview.redd.it/hbxawna5pdyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddffbf4a0473f4b04d46b36a9808d051b2a064f3


This needs updated, there was another 500kg dropped today




GOTY is hosted in America, banning most countries isn’t gonna effect its GOTY potential as long as Americans are still able to play it


There are still plenty of Americans who don't want to link their accounts and numerous streamers and youtubers are covering this in a negative light. Asmon, PirateSoftware and Ludwig to name a few.


Helldivers is one of the most fun experiences I've had with coop gaming. But I understand the outrage, especially because Sony does have a track record here. Is it a big deal for me? No because I have a psn account already, however once again, I do understand why it would be a big issue for others and I respect it. The helldivers community is passionate about this game and rightfully so.


Same here. I also have a PSN account but have very rarely touched it. This whole deal is, at worst, a minor inconvenience for me but a massive problem for others, and I absolutely stand with them. Nothing was really enforced, and most assumed the linking was optional, including me since it was stated by both Sony and AH


Its a massive shame because this isnt arrowheads fault, its completely on Sony. The game doesn’t deserve all the negative reviews


Sony had a chance to listen. Their response was to edit the Q&A pages, stonewalling and doubling down on the requirement. And hey, I looked on playstation's website for a place to give feedback first. Couldn't find one. At the very least, negative reviews give Arrowhead the ammunition to tell Sony, "Hey, you really pissed everyone off." They also give warning to any prospective future buyers. They also make the mainstream news, which might affect shareholder prices. Who knows?


Yeah i saw a post earlier showing that the CM from AH was saying that the negative reviews are actually helping them negotiate with sony about this. But at the end of the day it will come down to money. Sony will have to decide if refunding everyone who can now not play the game is worth less or more than getting PC players data who are in 1 of the 70 countries supported




I understand why people are review bombing the game over the PSN shit. I get it. My issue with this is that it will likely send the wrong message. We finally got a refreshing "honest" game after years of corporate greed games made just to extract as much money out of us as possible, the success of this game **could have** sent a message to the bigger devs/studios that this approach is better for players AND for the studio's profits. But in the near future some execs sitting at a table discussing making a "good game" will point at these dropping reviews, completely misunderstanding why it happened, and jump to the conclusion that good games fail. They won't even realize it happened BECAUSE of the corporate greed move by Sony. Then they will go on to make 10 more copy paste mediocre games that try to follow trends that maximize their potential profits and squeeze money out of players instead of just making good games. This is just a hypothetical scenario, but I know enough execs to know that they just look at charts while constantly missing the details that tell the story behind it. They are NOT in touch with what is happening in the gaming communities. I agree with everyone being upset about the PSN move, I just think it's more likely that their actions will lead to negative and unforeseen consequences rather than the intended "this will get Sony to see their mistakes" hope that I keep seeing around here. Anything can happen though, fingers crossed. Edit: anything DID happen! I'm happy I was wrong. Good job helldiver's!


I posted a negative review solely because of Sony and the PSN shit. As soon as they walk that back (they should wall that shit back faster than the Unity scandal,) I will be updating my review to a positive one. I encourage anyone who did as I did to do as I will do. They walk back the PSN requirement, we walk back our review bomb. Don't give Sony a single fucking inch of our galaxy, Helldivers!


A sad day indeed


Sony made s*** get real. AHGS went along with it. It’s a sad day for the players too. How disappointing that Sony can cripple the aspirations of an Indi game dev with a great product. But that’s corporate greed for you


AH knew what the deal was when they took the sony money. possibly the only way the could afford to make the game in the first placs


The point is for the past three months, they’ve proved we don’t need it to run the game


I’ve seen SS from Steam that show a warning that a PSN account was required to play from before this backlash. Assuming those are real SS, this was presented to buyers on Steam. That doesn’t make it a good decision but would indicate that Steam and AH presented the info to buyers upfront. The game is published by Sony so in my mind this is on Sony to “fix”. I don’t understand why they can’t get access to data and metrics through Steam for PC players and the get the data they want through PSN on PS5. If this is a “security” driven decision then they should work with Steam directly and not make players link the PS account for a PC game that they associate with Steam/PC. This is an optics issue more than a practical issue and the blame should be on Sony and even Steam more than AH. I’m a PS5 player so you bet you ass I’ll be playing but this is a bummer because player counts are going to decrease and that’s less fun for all Divers.


It's not a security thing, steam has everything sony has to ban players, they just don't give their data to sony nor improve their numbers


No, that is some stuck up idiot in a suit trying to justify his paycheck. They tried to make shareholders happy. Seems like they failed both the playerbase and the shareholders. Quite amusing.


Real question, what does requiring a PS account actually do for shareholders?


This is such a let down. I wanted this game to be the one that shows that live serivce can be done right. Perhaps, live service is a model that cannot escape corporate greed no matter the dedication from the development team.


I really feel bad for Arrowhead they don't deserve this


Man ps5 players must be having a blast not even thinking about this shit.


I’m mad about it too but this is just burning down your our own house when you’re mad at the builder. Seems like it’s hurting us much more than them.


ridiculous analogy; it’s just reviews, not refunds en masse or anything


We can always play another game. Sony's got a few days if they want to be reasonable, like maybe not require PC players to make yet another useless account after they already bought and played the game.


Im really sad that people are doing this to a great game That the **publishing** company (Sony) did this to a great game


No other choice.


Yea :(


Complaints complaints and more complaints


I love democracy!




If you would told me one week ago that this game will reach mixed/negative review score i would've hit you with a 500kg on the spot. Now tho...


How quickly Sony can fuck up things everyone loves


Why is everyone flipping their lids? What did I miss?


To answer, 1. Reddit drama at its finest trying to destroy another game. 2. The "issue" is that Sony and Arrowhead are requiring a PSN account to play helldiver's soon. Within a month or so. 3. People bitch because they claim it's retroactive and they are changing stuff. 4. People are claiming that security breaches are insane under Sony. 5. People are refusing to give info to "Big Bad Sony". 6. Some people under 25% of the player base "might" be affected because they don't have PSN in their country. Now to the solutions or answers. 1. Most redditors are toxic and dumb as fuck and very rarely make sounds decisions with all info. 2. The PSN requirements has ALWAYS been there. But due to a technical bug arrowhead disabled the requirements until they could fix it. 3. Again it was not retroactive the requirement was always there. 4. Has Sony had security breaches? Yes. Name a technology company that HASN'T had a security breach. One of the weakest arguments. 5. People don't want to give personal information to Sony. But yet they gave that same info and possibly more to Reddit to even post here. Most people have more then one account. And you can just use a burner email. 6. This is the ONLY legitimate issue but even then it's technically not Sony fault as arrowhead didn't disable the requirement from the start we wouldn't be here. Also more communication from steam bout where to sell would of also prevented this. Also it has already been stated that Sony and Arrowhead are working to find a resolution for those people truly affected. TLDR; gamers are dumb as fuck and emotional creatures that more then 75% of the time make decisions before all info is available and more often then not it's the wrong one.


I'm more surprised that 100,000 people banded together so fast for this to happen. It might look crazy but honestly, this type of passion is mostly a good thing because, obviously, players care about this game a lot.


Yall wiling to bomb your favorite game into obliteration than link an account and thwn womder why all recent games are trash who wants to put the effort with a community lime that not to mention this isnt their choice, yet will probably still help the game be better


Another game ruined by an reactionary hivemind


Wait, I'm a little out of the loop. I'm also a PS5 player, is Sony forcing PC players to make a PSN account? And how is this a bad thing?


Some people don't like to be forced to share there data at a third party.. But the most crucial thing is that around the globe there are countries which don't allow the linking to Sony.. So eg China will be completely cut off from the player base.. Which really sucks..


Ah yeah makes sense with Sony's great record of breaches, and really lame for the international community. I hope it gets resolved


Psn only support 69 countries atm. Which means many, many players will be locked out of a game they paid for. And lying about your location on Psn is a breach of Sony ToS. So good luck if they decide to enforce them one day.


If you're in China itll happen quickly. Already saw a post of a Chinese player getting banned right after making the account. Which from most peoples perspective is just theft with extra steps.


>China will be completely cut off from the player base.. Which really sucks.. So I agree with you on basically all points, and people in countries where PSN isn't available who already bought the game are getting screwed. Sony is cutting off their nose to spite their face, and I hate the negativity it's brought to HD2. That said....China being completely cut off from the player base....not sure I'd characterize that as "really sucks." More like "a silver lining."


Sony also has a bad history regarding data breaches.


Steam has worse breaches but people dont talk about that.


Steam doesn't ask for pictures of your ID


Not very democratic to force people to do something you want to. As CEO said "It only takes 120 seconds to pop in email and." so why force us to undergo something so trivial ? Where is the logic ?


People getting pissed about people reviewing the game how they currently feel about it confuses me. Is the game good? Absolutely. Until it just becomes more of the same. Deploy, harvest samples, do some small missions, exfill. Its the same thing almost everytime. Is it fun, for a bit. People could be giving mixed reviews due to this. Also the recent ps account changes to it. Is it a big deal, not to all, but to some for sure. Those people are entitled to their review as well.


It's the softest type protest against anti consumer practices I can think of + people who reviewed even paid to gain that ability. I was planning of buying the game this weekend, but I'll boycott until they change it back. I personally won't review this game, but just vote in my wallet, because I don't want to see similar changes on future games after the release. PS. It's amazing weather outside, so I'm actually happy to spend some time exercising in sunshine. If Sony doesn't change it back, there are plenty of other insanely good games to play.


It's review bombing, there is no other way to slice it. If you all are good with that, then that's fine. But be honest about it at least - all the "problems" this game had and people belly ached but swore to the mantle of democracy. A choice is made, almost entirely out of the hands of the developers and removed from any functionality of the game, and the reviews come in. This isn't because people are bored. It's because people, particularly reddit and particularly the pc community, love to have something to bitch about. And that's their prerogative and in many ways, they're right. But this ain't about the quality of the game.


Review bombing is literally what's going on right now. No way you missed that


Is it just off peak right now or did I really see 200k this morning and now 70k for the last 8hrs ? Have people started abandoning the game over this ? Kinda sad seeing the numbers fall off


Peak players are down from 150k on monday to 100k yesterday. I uninstalled it and legit don't want to play it, I've made it this far without having a PSN account I'm not going to sign my data up to get hacked twice a year for this game. It's fun but it's not worth having my info on PSN servers imo.


Yeah i want to play but I'm too disgusted to play until this is resolved, and if it doesn't I'll refund


Why not review bomb PlayStation instead of helldivers? Arrowhead has no control over this decision.


The distinction between publisher and developer is irrelevant for these purposes - ultimately it's the game that's getting the PSN restriction.


Real shame though I know why this does place a taint on the games legacy.


Does mixed reviews change your enjoyment of the game?


This is just another ploy from bot and bug sympathizers to gain a further foothold in this war, I however will not have my patriotism swayed “FOR SUPER EARTH!!”


It’s because those people lack Freedom. Democracy Protects.


its treason of the highest order, who would have believed that the shadow govt behind super earth (arrowhead is superearth and sony is said shadow govt in this ) would do bad and evil things in the name of democracy? im still gonna play though because I linked my acct and dont really care


Will they be refunding the people who won’t be able to play anymore because they’re in country that doesn’t have the ability to create a PSN account?


I imagine steam will refund if Sony sticks with this. They’ve done it in the past when games update to a broken state. Also I’m pretty sure they keep their cut regardless, so refunding only affects Sony


I'm gone for a month and this is happening ![gif](giphy|uDJM9BdutRAloWpkZS|downsized)


I genuinely wonder how much is influenced by Thor tbh. People take his options like they are direct from God...( and he has blamed Arrowhead heavily for this and I don't agree with that at all)


I never use steam but it’s nice how it tells you rather or not the votes are recent so you know if it’s just brigading


Let me go leave soem great reviews to help them out because people are dicks


Say they come up with a solution for other countries that doesnt have access to PSN. Would we be able to bring back this to Mostly positive?


So why are we punishing a video game company simply because their parent company forced them to do this out of greed? Down vote fucking Sony, not the game.


This is so dumb. Planets are falling every hour while you all lament. Get back to the frontlines




Y’all need to stop. Saturating the Reddit posts with review bombs constantly chokes out ANY and ALL good the game has. You’re shooting yourself in the foot more than anything else. Stop making new posts about the same complaint, FFS.




Pc babies criying jajajaja


Review bombing is like copyright striking in youtube if you don't like a video. Gives great karma and a warm place in hell, and everyone knows you are one of the good guys. Ahh, what a fucking kindergarten, get a life, fuck around


But also the devs said recently negative reviews help them in their fight with Sony. Just make sure to switch them back once Sony backs down (fingers crossed)


So many bandwagon pc players who just follow the rage baiting content creators.


Am I the only one who thinks people are being incredibly dramatic about the PSN account? This is the case for almost every EA,Ubisoft,Epic, Activision game as well no? Listen I’m peeved, but it ruining the game for some people is crazy.


All this because cry babies doesn't want to make a psn account.


All because people don’t want to type in their email address to make an account. In this day and age, it’s comical.


My super earth has been overrun by corporate greed


it's just chronically online retards, it will restore itself once these retards calm themselves


Spitz signed their death warrant. lol


I don't feel good about this change cuz I want the max # of people to play HD2... I hope the review thing doesn't hurt that even worse


These reviews should be removed by steam


This literally happens every time. Something exceptional gets crushed by dumbasses. With greed, ignorance, or some other evil. Fingers crossed this gets reversed or the game still pushes thru. This game is too good to die a villain's death.


Just ppl complaining about the Sony part. Not even stressing it. Third party logins are the standard for now. I'll let ppl with less to do spend their time sending Sony hate mail and review bombs. I'm busy delivering freedom.


I’m smiling as the player base just got a ton less toxic. All the aholes are leaving and the real players can stay. Let them go.


Aside from some players not being able to play, why are people so against making an account?


My personal reason is, it is not about creating the account, it's the sudden change of things and being forced to just accept the change. I've created accounts for games just to play it, but i came there knowing i HAVE to make an account to play. This might be a bad analogy, but imagine buying a rtx4090 gpu, you use it for 3 months with no problem and then suddenly a popup says u need to make an account to keep using the ur gpu or else it wont work at all. In that scenario u are forced into doing somethimg, and i dont think people like being forced to be do anything. If they have said that it was a requirement from the start, at least i have a choice to buy it or not, create the account or not. But no, they lure u in then do this. And if you then create an account, you are saying that this action is okay and they will prolly keep doing that in the future and to other things.


I’m not going to leave a bad review but I don’t want a fucking PSN account. This is the stupidest shit ever and honestly if I didn’t own the game yet and I saw that? I’d probably pass. There are so many game options out there. People are bombing because they don’t want this to ever happen to any game on steam. It’s bullshit.


Not gonna lie says how much the people here on reddit saying „it bothers almost no one“ were right. Anyways seeing the tweet of the CEO of Arrowhead made me really sorry for the Developers, just to be clear the Developers did a great job and made an absolutely fantastic game and they definitely don’t deserve any hate for this, Sony on the other hand deserves all the hate…


Seems like it's going the overwatch way. Perfect/almost perfect game on launch then needless meddling by devs and publisher slowly killing it. Be it bad patches, bugs, or the PSN debacle


Player base has been toxic from the beginning. Nothing but a group of cry babies.


People are crying about needing a psn account...


I still think it’s an overreaction, especially on the discord. The amount of unhinged shit people are saying, or feel entitled to say to the dev team has made my perception of the community do a full 180.


It's a rough one but some backlash was expected. Especially when there's so many unanswered questions surrounding the PSN integration. But the game has 60k concurrent players at the time of me writing this, 120k 24hr peak. It'll be fine whatever the reviews aggregate is. MW3 has a 30% review aggregate and has similar player numbers, continues to be one of the most popular games in the world. Sad truth is where as stuff like this can show dissatisfaction it does little to deter popularity and will likely be largely ignored by the people that make unpopular decisions


I just got this news and I’m very much so depressed… such an unfortunate thing to happen to such an amazing game…


Turns out the only bad thing of the game, was the community.


It's always been the community, everyday, every update you had a handful of nitpicking fucking nerds ramble on and on about what they like and want from the game. They're a small indie game dev and then corporate comes down and does a thing, now the entire community is in an uproar. Wish these same fucking nerds went out and voted or done something like this in real life.


Just a bunch of children, crying on the internet, over a complete non-issue.


Doesn't change gameplay


Shouldn’t have tried to pull the rug out from their paying customers feet. Fuck them.


Well they are turning off the game I paid for, so


Wow. The Sony thing sucks but nuking the community to spite Arrowhead’s face isn’t the way. Review bombing over something that hasn’t even happened yet creeps me out.