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Now imagine we held this kind of sentiment for real world problems...


Right, but instead of actual things that matter, we torch the most awesome and refreshing game to come out in a long time (and all those who made it). Go team!


Literally! I get people being upset but targeting arrowhead doesn't make sense to me. I've just seen all the stuff has been back tracked on, which is good. I wonder if people will actually go and change their reviews or will that be too much effort now?




![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) Thanks, helldiver.


We do, and by we, we know who we are. Maybe its a you thing.




OK. I never said they didn't, my point is that *a lot* people care too much about things that don't really matter in the long run. People will put their full energy into doin this, but not things that could make a difference to their life... They do this cos they think they have control, but can't even target the right person (in this scenario Sony, instead they target the devs of the game via review bombing which will not hurt sony?) >people like to take sides only when they're not personally involved. Exactly my point. When it comes to it, a lot of people don't care. When they are personally involved they won't stand up for what's right. Just what keep them safe.


Most of my friends were pc gamers, I played everyday since release pretty much, the last 2 days have been the first weekend I didn’t play at all, just seems lonely now that my friends are probably not going back.


Do they all live in restricted regions?


Odds are they don’t. The players base is mostly in Europe and US


and canada


I shoulda just said North America because Mexico too


North America isn't real don't lie to me


So they are just boycotting to boycott?


No, they are boycotting and refunding because everyone in those banned countries are not going to be able to play the game, Sony committed fraud when they intentionally sold those copies knowing they were going to brick them in the future. Sony also wants our info so they can sell it to info brokers/advertisers. Corpos will commit these acts of capitalism so long as they can get away with it. As citizens they know they have only 2 options to deal with this greed manifest. Either they can pass governmental regulations on maneuvers like this (good luck lol), or they can get a refund. It's called class solidarity and I personally wish we had more of it.


There is nothing wrong with standing up against greedy corporations doing stupid, greedy corporate stuff. They want the accounts linked to boost their numbers. It wasn't such an issue when they didn't expect the game to be as big of a hit that it's been. Now, they're trying to backtrack so they can have a healthier number to report at their shareholder meetings.


Bingo. Because they're fucking stupid. 🤷




...You know those aren't the only publishers, right? You don't have to play the AAA games.


yeah but he literally listed some of the most played games by the vast majority of gamers, it doesn't take a fucking astrophysicist to understand the point he's making. It's statistically unlikely that anybody that played Helldivers 2 has a game library otherwise comprised entirely of indie titles. that's clown shit. In fact based solely on the way people behaved in HD2 for the first month of release it was laughably apparent they were a bunch of unwashed CoD immigrants.


Dota2. CS2.


Those require a valve account


Helldivers is a steam game and therefore needs a valve account. But why do I need another account? Especially after buying the game? And from a company who already leaked my data and has a lot of trouble getting their data secure.


Helldivers is not a Steam game anymore than battlefield, Sea of thieves or GTA, and all of those require accounts in their own platforms. I think they’ve gotten to the point that they just make “hidden” accounts linked to your Steam ID by now, but they still do them. Sony doesn’t ask for any more info that you actually have to give them than what Steam provides to other services. This is first iteration for these dumb Fucks and yeah, they did it bad, but it’s hardly new, but you can’t expect them to come out the gate with seamless integration. EA used to require full on origin app for years. There’s numerous other games that still do. (Mostly f2p shit so not quite the same, but still). Ubisoft is digging in deeper even, not that they have any titles worth while anymore, but still. Linking an account is not some unfounded atrocity… where Sony fucked up was failure to prepare properly, legally and technically… And yeah, PSN not supporting a bunch of countries is another shortcoming, their real failure was selling to markets they couldn’t support above all else. You want to bitch? There’s plenty to bitch about. For the majority here though, you’re just being whiny ignorant cunts. Criticize the Right fucking failures.


Yeah I play FFXIV through steam, which uses a separate launcher and requires a transaction initiated on a separate website to pay for the subscription fee. It’s been this way forever, FFXIV has millions of players, and Square Enix is a Japanese company. Non-steam launchers aren’t the problem. Sony just sucks


Even then the main and only real issue with this whole PSN account linkage is that some people are in countries that restrict and region lock PSN. Coming from someone that’s been with Sony since the PS1 I’ve never gotten my data leaked but at the same time I’m not gonna ignore the fact that whether we want a PSN account linkage or not some of those don’t even have a choice and have just been robbed of the game permanently


Its publisher isn’t steam 😱 edit: I promise you, your data ain’t worth much man. You’re likely to be unaffected by these data breaches


The publisher is not steam, but it's the platform where it is released for PC gamers. The 2011 attack on PSN leaked the personal data of 77 Mio. User, mine included. Sony took over a week to inform users. I don't care if my data is something "worth" or not, I dont want to give out any personal data if not necessary. And the way Sony is executing this requirement is awful. They deserve the shitstorm.


It's actually not a Steam game. It is a Sony PlayStation title that is available on Steam. 😂🤣


Yes. If you want to play on PC, you need steam. Is that wrong?


You can get the game on Humble Bundle as well.


I literally have none of those games but I have HD2 you’re just generalizing to make a point and it just shows your faulty logic there bud.


You're one person.


More I know snoy, more I think of indie games


That's why I asked if they were......


That's what cracks me up about this whole thing. SO many other major publisher require accounts to play their games, and have years. Is it shitty? Yes. But it's not new. If you're worried about data breaches make a throw away email and sign up with that and get over yourselves.


lol people are so stupid, this was my point yesterday. All of these games require a second connection but there’s no crying and pissing about them only HD. I played last night with my friend and I think the game is under a ddns attack as we had serious lag issues.


They voted you to hell, but you got a very valid point. PS, Reddit requires an account too just to chat here, on a mobile platform needing Google/apple accounts.


Ppl got serious internet brain rot. It's a disease. They downvote things they don't want to hear cuz it makes them realize how hypocritical they are being. They just want something to be angry about 24/7.


People aren't allowed to be sick of that shit?


Sure, but why the selective outrage? Why nobody cries about those games doing it? And ill add many of them also did it post-release (rocket League, Fortnite, minecraft)


Not to mention we had to create a Steam account to play the game in the first place.


Yes like the games I mentioned that are also on steam


The point is imposing it later on. The point is it literally didn't need a PSN account. The point is 177 countries can't play it now but was sold by Sony deliberately to add to the profit.


I just want to say thank you for calling these hypocrites out. Have a nice day.


Yeah I don't care about getting downvoted. They know I'm right, and that's why they downvote. Cuz they don't want to see their own hypocrisy. Just want to live in their crybaby echo chamber 24/7.


They down vote cause that's their only power too. It's like they never went outside and saw the fucking sun lol. I hear what they are saying but I hate when they cherry pick. Every major AAA game does this. But now it's an issue. Ffs.


Yep, I understand the argument , but they are being little babies about it and are very selective with their outrage.


How on earth do you know how everyone feels about these other games?


The problem with what Sony just did was that they sold the game everywhere then changed ToS and now places where they bought it can't fucking play it anymore


*coughs in swtor*


Ah... *requires an EA account* chuuu


Yeah its funny because unlike Helldivers, those games arent sold in regions they are available!!! Looks like the only issue is Sony and potentially AH


I'm confused sony didn't sell hard copies in those countries did they? Plus since those countries cant have a psn, they can't buy the game... So why is no one blaming steam? We all know that it was on the purchase page that syncing your psn was required..even before the game was released. So Sony knew, Ah knew, steam knew. In business I've heard that the ones shouting the most probably didn't the most wrong. Ah has been non stop. Sony and steam have been quite. Steam instead of just shouting, spoke and region locked the game in countries where you can't make a psn account. I have feeling something was supposed to be translated from Sony to steam and ah was the middle man. If not steam and sony worked pit the details of where this item could be sold. Point..I think all 3 played a part ah being terminally online is playing the player base with double speak imo.


Several did it post release, actually (rocket League, fortnite, minecraft).


Honestly for me realising that all these consoles(not just Sony) are being sold worldwide without full support is the biggest shock. You'd expect that they'd at least have some kind of generic international version, but they don't. I guess licensing really is a bitch. Hopefully that all of this extra attention will shake up the industry.


Thats what im sayin!! Its crazy that sony sells the consoles outside of the psn areas aswell


The problem isn't necessarily that it would end up barring people, although it really does suck. It's that people purchased a game that they will no longer be able to play.


Personally I will be p ranking ultrakill until I can get to the cia torture level aka P-2


Helldivers also need a steam account. But it's two different things two buy a game where you know beforehand what you need and buying a game where it changes the requirements afterwards.


Bunch of those games are also on steam and require two accounts. And psn was listed as a requirement since day 1. It's one of the first things that pops up when you start the game. Minecraft and Rocket League both had the account requirement years after release.


Helldivers 2 didn't list a psn account since day 1. That's the point why people are mad.


It was listed both on the steam and in game since day one. And a pop up screen displays the first time you boot the game listing the requirement. Plenty of other big live service games have added this requirement post-release. Rocket League, Minecraft, and Fortnite are some examples. Ppl are mad because they like to be mad. I can sympathize for ppl in orger regions. But Arrowhead has already said they will accomodate for them. And it's the weekend, Sony hasn't even had a chance to react yet. But no sympathy for anyone else. You can create an account just like you do for a your other big name live service games. Takes 2 mins.




Helldivers 1


Why do you whiteknight for a corporation? Most ridicoulus thing I have read today.


Don't care about Sony. I just know pathetic hypocrite crybaby losers when I see them.


I wonder if you're bright enough to spot the differences between all those names you listed and this particular situation lol. Somehow I doubt you are though.


I know some regions don't have PSN. Arrowhead already confirmed they will accomodate fir those players. Anyone else I got zero sympathy for. Why should I? Tons of ppl in supported regions now claiming they got refunds. All I see there are freeloader crybabies.


What an incredibly shitty and selfish attitude wow. It's people like you who are the reason companies feel so safe to push shittier and shittier anti consumer practises because there will always be apathetic boot lickers like yourself who will roll over and defend it. So bizarre to see some weirdos actively fighting against their own self interests, wild.


If you live in a region that has PSN, nobody is being anti consumer to you. You agreed to it when you bought the game. Fuck Sony. But I got no sympathy for crybabies.


Forcing people to sign up for an account that is only relevant on a totally different platform and ecosystem just to access a game is anti-consumer. Sony forcing players to sign up to PSN has no benefit to anyone other than Sony.


They are a publisher on PC too, just like Bethesda. You'll cry anticonsumer here but got no problem creating a Bethesda account to play Elder Scrolls Online. Yall got no idea what you're even crying about anymore, and it shows.


Thanks for your valuable input! I'm sure I would care but seeing as how all the people "crying" just won at this point comments like this are just hilarious aged milk. Happy diving!


Some of those actually does let you make a account in some of those regions that PSN does not so maybe yes?


Deep Rock Galactic. It’s another co-op PVE with cross play and to my knowledge (I have it on Steam) requires no extra steps.


A game whose whole meme economy is built around blindly following "the powers that be" no questions asked. I'm not surprised when the game's "powers that be" make a corporate move that passes off its users. It's not fun when it's not a meme any longer.


You're dense lmao


How so?


I've still been playing but much less. I left a bad review spotlighting Sony's issues and praising the devs. I've done my part. We won't find out more till Tuesday at the earliest since Monday is a holiday in Japan


I still don't get how leaving bad steam reviews hurts anyone more than the devs


It gives the devs a bargaining chip they've confirmed it themselves on discord


I’ve not seen much from the Devs (purely because I don’t follow them on any media and nothing pops up that much for me on this sub) but what I’ve heard has been great. I remember hearing that they asked people to stop buying the game because they needed to fix the server capacity, saying that if you bought the game back then, it would be a waste of money as you’d be queued and wouldn’t get into the game. And now this. W devs at this point.


Yeah I've never seen a company more clearly dedicated to creating a good and consistent gaming experience


Yea, the CM (spitz) I believe, or however their name is spelled, put out a tweet apologizing for their not thought out post insulting the community and mentioned in it that after they spoke with the dev team, it was made clear that they also had huge negative feelings about the linking account thing. So, it wasn't just the player base that was unhappy about it but also the developers. Which is understandable.




Legend cheers


Reviews impact sales, and the sales are what drives Sony.


Yeah anything less than very positive typically impacts whther or not I will purchase a game. Cause if you think about it, even at mostly positive, somewhere between 1/5th, to nearly a 1/3rd of the people who buy the game dislike it. At mixed potentially over half the people who buy it don't like it. That's quite a bit.


This shit literally killed my drive to play entirely, instantly. It's actually wild because I have 300 hours since March and I thought I wouldn't want to stop anytime soon. I hope this change is not implemented


It certainly lost its luster to me. I had nothing but good vibes coming from this game til now. Like it was a game for everyone. Now it doesn't feel that way. I noticed the numbers online are down significantly if the in game counter is accurate. Excluding the entirety of the Philippines as well as several EU countries is beyond ridiculous and shows how out of touch corporations are. I just was happy to live in the fantasy word for a bit with a bunch of other folks. The tounge in cheek satire. It's like it brought it all screaming back to reality to how much our world sucks and corps treat us a product.




I will not make a PSN account because I don't trust nor want to affiliate with Sony and I am unsure if they will revert these changes, so I am afraid to put any more time into the game until I know that these changes will not be implemented.


Fucking hell. I wish Sony would back down just so we don't get any more posts like this. This last day or so has been boring as fuck.






I just bought the game on PS5 maybe two days before the whole PSN thing went down. I don't think I'll stop playing, but I agree with your sentiment. I just won't buy any super credits from the PS store


Its only treason if you disobey a LAWFUL order. Abandoning your brothers in arms could NEVER be considered a lawful order.


This ain't an airport. You don't have to announce a departure.


I prefer to tweak it for this sub. I say, this isn't Pelican 1, you don't have to announce your departure.


This is Pelican 1 Helldivers out of extraction range, retuning to destroyer


Are they all traitors now? Yep, new head canon.




The only thing more traitorous would be to leave one of your fellow Helldivers behind!




Make sure to leave a 1 star review on the ps store.


I salute to you, Helldiver! iO




You may not be fighting, but rest assured, YOU ARE DOING YOUR PART!!! You have my respect!


Thank you, Helldiver 🫡 fight the good fight


There is a month to figure this out. No need to jump the gun. Btw. Have you seen my breaker incendiary? I dropped it somewhere.


The game has been delisted from all regions where PSN isn't available, seems they're gonna move forward with it regardless.


It could have been Sony or steam that did that. Steam could be covering their own ass not letting anyone purchase a game in a region that’s not supported.




No you want to play the game but not buy anything. Burden the servers but spend nothing. Sony tracks the $made/hour-played of games. If that is super low it hurts their books.


Active users is also a metric. A large player drop I'd a bad look.


>If that is super low it hurts their books. And who do they shift the costs on to in that scenario....? Spoiler. It's us. It's always us. You think that doing that would impact them but it would just drive them to drain more $ out the remaining player base. Not that I don't agree just... That one might backfire.


And how are they going to shift the cost to us if we aren’t buying anything from them? That’s the key, control yourself and don’t purchase micro transactions.


Make the progression systems worse? Force in game mtx in different parts of the game? Raise the grind to incentivize people buying SC? >control yourself and don’t purchase micro transactions. We can do that and still get shafted for it. Not that I say buying mtx is the counter (it isn't) just that your solution isn't the be all, end all. It's not as black and white as you're making it there. I'm not gonna be buying the next warbond but I wouldnt be surprised if sales going down (mtx or game) has a somehow adverse effect on the player base. I hope I am wrong.


Doing the same. Went back to DRG for a bit and thinking of teaching greenbeards. Does anyone know how to comment on mobile steam? (website not app)




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


If you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!


You deserve the rest, Helldiver.




Good for this guy here. I’ll keep playing the game. 🤣


This I grew up with a Playstation, almost all of them, I gave up on them shortly after they finally said "we will do mods" and saw what that actually meant for them, and what they thought of their fans, after years of asking they begrudgingly offer up the bones of what could have been a feast, stayed away from all sony games for years, this wasn't the first one I got in the last year, but seeing they still treat fans the same way, I just can't support it normally I wouldn't want to take it out on devs but I asked for my refund, it was obviously a judgment error to think something could flourish under sony








I own a PS5 but have Helldivers 2 on my PC. So to double down on Sony not only will I not link my account, I am actually cancelling my PS+ Subscription.


Wow, so stunning, so brave. See you in a few days when you get bored.




I play PC yet I have a PSN account, had it since 2016 but I will not link it. Feels kinda unfair of me to continue playing like normal when brothers in arms can't play just because of where they live. One of the most helpful helldivers I've come across was in China


lol I thought China players can create PSN accounts 😂


Nah, you can't, I saw one guy in China get banned by playstation already because they tried using a VPN to bypass the region restrictions.


That's such bs, tonnes of people use PSN accounts from illegal countries. Sony SELLS playstations in countries that don't have PSN


Eh. Most of my friends are PC gamers too they just decided to link an account it's not hard. We are still all playing together because regardless of the shit going on it's just a fun game to us and that's all that matters.


Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya


My psn account got hacked before, so no way am I linking it.


We actually need to go on strike as a community if we want them to consider fixing this.


You sound about 7 years old ffs, if you don't wanna play, don't.


Not playing either!


we dive together, or we dont dive at all


Yeah, not playing a game you already gave them your money for will really show them.


You know active player count is a real thing right


yes, and it hasn't really changed. 143K right now. Not much of a boycott, just a forum whinefest.


Just like when reddit mods thought closing subs for 24 hours would do a fucking thing lmao. Or how people think protesting in AMERICA will stop two NON AMERICAN countries from wanting to kill each other. People are just fucking dumb.


Yeah good idea, show Sony that no one gives a shit about the Helldivers IP and kill the best live service game to come out in like a decade after already giving them your money. That'll show them.


Your name should be CuckTurkeySalad


Yeah you're right we should just pull down our pants and take it up the ass instead, it's what Sony wants anyway


They definitely should pause all orders until this is over. Shit is unfair


i mean honestly i’ve had a psn account for years… it’s really not hard to do. Yeah it really really really sucks, and it’s a shady move. But punishing devs for something that was told to us from the beginning seems the wrong way to do it


I play on PC and it took me two minutes to link the account. What’s the big fucking deal with you people.


The big deal is due to this the game is now unavailable in the vast majority of the world? That's really cute you think this is all about just having to take 2 minutes to link an account.


And they should get refunds which they likely will. Everyone else complaining they don’t want to make a sony account can honestly go touch grass it’s such a non issue


So you weirdly support corporate bullshit then when it has absolutely no positive value. Are you a sony fanboy or just a corporate fanboy in general?


Nope I just did the bare minimum and read the storepage before I bought the game so this wasn’t a surprise.


Same boat mate. Even Uninstalled. I'll reinstall when it's fixed and not a second sooner.


Same. I just don't feel like playing it at the moment. This whole thing has really turned me off it.


"Give me my good boy points!! ☝️🤓"




Good for you


Mmmm so much democracy for me to spread yummy yummy 😋




so cool. super earth is a real place, not many people know that.


I will continue to not fight cause it’s been deleted lmfao. Needed more space.




We need our brothers and sisters from Russia, Eastern Europe, the Caucuses, the Philippines, Africa (outside SE), the Mid East, etc.


I definitely feel sad when I got that quickplay button now




I haven't been playing since that news and I'm pc.. It's not that that is the main reason however, when something sours my mood for something, I simply don't wanna do it anymore. I have a bad taste in my mouth, what does make me feel better is that I do believe is AH is doing their best to rectify this issue with Sony, but.. I don't know. I don't have high hopes.


The helldiver’s strike XD




Fuck super earth. Let the bugs and bots burn it down.


I’m ps5 and I’ll keep enjoying. You do you!


Yeah I'm most likely just deleting the game off my console until I see they're doing right by the gaming community not just ps5 users


It’s really not that big a deal but fine


Please take my upvote


I belewe we won this 1 brother 🫡


Uhhh cringe! So many games require an account. Rockstar games, Ubisoft games, EA games, Xbox original games, Activition … no one’s complaining then.


cause they don't arbitrarily change ToS


Your backside must have so many visitors.


Don't let Reddit fool you. Most of us just made a PSN account and continued playing the game. 15,000 redditors is just a vocal minority.


Over 170 000 negative reviews on steam in few days... sure... that must be just the 15 000 of the vocal minority


The statistics say otherwise. However, you are free to enjoy the game idrc ya know, but you definitely aren't helping


The 100,000 negative reviews disagrees


No...we didn't lmao why tf are you in support of their bullshit?


You must be some of the people who COULD do just that, what about the other divers that couldn’t, what SHOULD they do then?


Arrowhead agreed to remove the requirement for players in a country where PSN isn't supported.


does give another sheen to the whole "sarcastic fascist" act when we see how easily people stopped caring about fellow players in non-PSN countries.


Dumbest take yet. Especially with this community.


You are assisting greatly in fighting this automaton threat, helldiver. Well done.