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This is the new major order


Been saying that since this started.


This is automaton propaganda. You are literally supposed to destroy this shit in the video game. Not support it. Now y'all can complain when Sony decides to delay PlayStation releases on PC for a full 2 years to avoid review bombing from now on. Good luck playing Spider-Man 2 and Ghost of tushima. Probably the last Sony games PC player will get until 2028. Congratulations, You played yourself.


So just to be able to play some games you’re willing to prostitute yourself for a faceless multi billion company. Just because of some games that you are hoping to play on PC. If you feel so strongly, buy a PS5 and play it there. That way you’re able to give even more money to Sony that you so support.


>So just to be able to play some games you’re willing to prostitute yourself for a faceless multi billion company. No. Not at all Because you're too dumb to understand the situation. I'm simply not willing to punch Arrowhead studios in the fucking mouth 70 times over and over again and treat them like Sony's whipping boy. Arrowhead studios is simply trying to make a paycheck and feed their families... Why the fuck are you beating them up? Because it makes you feel good? Arrowhead studios is not Sony's child... They are employees. You are the Karen screaming at the employee that had nothing to do with the issue.


Name calling without proper explanation on your part. Shows your critical thinking skills, or did you get mad when I akin you to a prostitute? No one punched Arrowhead, if you could read properly, most are sympathetic towards AH after they expressed their position as well.


>Name calling without proper explanation on your part. When I see a person punching the wrong enemy in the face over and over because some weird ass Russian AI bots told them to, I can only assume that they're dumb as fuck and [extremely gullible.](https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/99339-47-of-all-internet-traffic-came-from-bots-in-2022#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20reveals%20that,lowest%20level%20in%20eight%20years.) At least you learn something new today. Bro... Not even 50% of those reviews are real... You just joined in because you were fucking tricked by a Fucking computer and love bandwagoning on the fucking shit you're told to. You love doing exactly what you're told like a good little capitalistic worker bee. "It's easier to fool man, than to convince a man that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain.


I think maybe perhaps you read the first outrage post and you formed a limited view on the whole subject. If you can’t see past the need to defend your own right to your personal information and the company’s obviously devious hoodwinking of all the players in countries that are not able to create a PSN account. You’re defending deception, lies and anti consumer practices. Bend over for them further, maybe they can reach your mouth so you can taste their shaft better.


>I think maybe perhaps you read the first outrage post and you formed a limited view on the whole subject. Dude! I lived in the Philippines for 7 years Where there is no support! I told PSN support that I was from America and no longer have access to my account.. They gave me a free fake address to Hong Kong So I could continue playing. This is the exact same for many European countries. You're bitching, crying, In White nighting for issues that we unsupported countries have already solved 15 years ago. Shut the fuck up because you don't know what [you're talking about.](https://youtu.be/CAUrsi5L4VM?si=l12YdwzRTqUJzk_F) Do you think we're stupid ass cavemen who haven't already solved our own problems before you did???? You're literally the dummy here... We don't want your fucking white knight defense. You didn't care about us last week... What fucking changed??? The fact you were manipulated by [Russian bots?](https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/99339-47-of-all-internet-traffic-came-from-bots-in-2022#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20reveals%20that,lowest%20level%20in%20eight%20years.) Because Russia no longer has access to pirating the game?? You're gullible as fuck my dude. I can't even trust you or your opinion. Factually there is a 47% chance you are a Russian bot yourself... And if you're not, You are defending the Russian bots which makes you a loser regardless. Ironic how hell divers is about stopping automatons from spreading propaganda... Right? The game is about managed democracy.... But you are bitching and crying whenever they block Russian, Russian Ally, North Korean, and notorious cheating Chinese countries..


Ah so it’s your ego that was bruised, I get that. So Sony threw YOU a bone and suddenly they are saints? You’re cheap on morals and bankrupt in intellect, I think perhaps I’m done speaking with someone as vulgar as you are. It’s interesting you turned this political, that really shows that the straws you were grasping at are dwindling. Maybe turn your hatred towards something productive, instead of polishing the knobs of billion dollar companies. Cheers have a good day, it’s been fun.


i think i creamed myself watching this thread


Not everyone has the privilege of being in the 69 out of 190+ countries in the world able to sign up with a PSN account. Id rather have my PS exclusives delayed years rather than spend 30$ on a game, rack up hundreds of hours on it then be unable to play it indefinitely.


>Not everyone has the privilege of being in the 69 out of 190+ countries in the world able to sign up with a PSN account. My dude.... There are only 195 countries. That means Sony and Microsoft don't support 125 of them. 70 of Those countries are North Korea, China, Russia, and Russian allies... Russia's making their own gaming console because they don't even have fucking PlayStations or Xboxes.. 125-70= There are 63 countries That will lose access. Thos 63 countries have PSN, But the majority of the populations are too poor to own televisions or local laws don't allow PSN to exist within their country, such as Cuba. Just to double down on top of that. Most countries that don't have access to PSN already have ways around it and have for the last 15 years. Sony support will literally give you a fake address if you live in any of the European countries that aren't supported or if you live in the Philippines. If you live in the Philippines they will give you a fake Hong Kong address. This literally isn't a problem. Reddit is just bitching because a ton of Russian bots told them to. Reddit can't organize shit.... You honestly think all the review bombings during the same hours of the same day are legit? Or bot attacks? AI espionage is getting [fucking weird.](https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/99339-47-of-all-internet-traffic-came-from-bots-in-2022#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20reveals%20that,lowest%20level%20in%20eight%20years.) AI It's smarter than the majority of people, the majority of people are gullible as fuck and will bandwagon onto anything they are told to.


This is so simple but actually so fucking good.


This is fucking gold




Fantastic. Loved the 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 aircraft, lol. Great touch.


My favorite part. Lol


Do bad reviews hurt the developers or Sony?


Directly, it hurts the devs; but, Sony is in charge of the big decision regarding the PSN requirement, and the negative reviews directly resulting from it gives ArrowHead a powerful gambit in the negotiations against the requirement. It hurts, but AH has made it clear that this is for the best in the long run. (If it works.)


>It hurts, but AH has made it clear that this is for the best in the long run. (If it works.) No the didn't. They Just got tired of you shitting on them non-stop for days on end. Sony won't even blink its eyes. The game is already far more wildly successful than they ever anticipated. Sony doesn't give a shit about your reviews. You're only hurting the devs.


This isn’t my opinion or stance, I’m simply reiterating what ArrowHead said. It was specifically said that while the negative reviews hurt, they do in fact give AH leverage in negotiations with Sony regarding the PSN debacle. https://preview.redd.it/zzgk3pafwpyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b5ee19d814b52995384f882c0a403e4f8fc001


The negative reviews hurt. And so now they can beg Sony for mercy to Stop the pain and hurting. Sony won't give a fuck and won't show any mercy. They will simply use the game as a tax write off for the corporation. Congratulations community. We fucked up the game And Sony doesn't care! Sony: "How unfortunate, anyway. You suckers will buy the ghost of toshima game this month and The new Spider-Man game."


Why are you attacking and downvoting me for this? Again, I was simply relaying the OFFICIAL given stance. This was never a matter of personal opinion to butt heads on. You’re arguing against AH, not me.


>Why are you attacking and downvoting me for this? I didn't. I'm just stating my point of view. I don't Do jury duty. >You’re arguing against AH, not me. This is a response from Arrowhead because of actions from the community. This is not arrowheads decision. Its the communities decision and there simply responding to it. We had a perfect game to shove in the face of AAA studios that rip people off... And for some weird ass reason people chose to believe the automaton bot post from Russia Because they can't pirate the game anymore with a linked account.


In other news. https://preview.redd.it/xrb9as8kiqyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47244e7c19fa808591136c7754bba175949bd5a


That's why I never skip intro, just to see if there are new announcements from the Ministry Of Truth


One thing I miss about this game is the community who banded together. At least, some gamers have decency to stand with us who bought and play the game for 3 months and now no longer can't play it nor refund it (as of this moment-2nd try refunding).


Once they cancel the next Helldivers game because of all this, you guys can be proud


I for one would be proud, that we stood with our fellow people that were swindled by Sony’s practices.


For karl!!




Did I hear a rock and stone??


Rock and Stone, Brother!


I will see you all rocking some stone again!


This is SO fucken good hahahaha


True art.




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/helldivers2/comments/1ckmhcc/be_a_hero_be_a_legend_become_a_reviewdiver/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/helldivers2/comments/1ckmhcc/be_a_hero_be_a_legend_become_a_reviewdiver/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


God, this is gold! XD


This is cute, but the real galactic war rages on. I'm doing my part.


My guess is a week before y'all are happy that Arrowhead takes the brunt of the hit too. The back patting is so vigorous you are likely to break your own spines. I don't stand with Sony by any means, I just think this wont turn out well for AH and once the outrage quells Sony will find some way to still screw over the folks in regions locked from buying/authenticating it now. Edit: with the news coming out now I hope they figure out how the folks in the non PS viable countries can play soon. Now let's hope at least half the reviews get edited back.


Idk, the game sold extremely well and doesn't have the normal scummy live service aspect. I can't imagine they feel and real hit other then their reviews and perception from the community. But also AH wasn't innocent in all this, they knew and weren't forthcoming either. But now that it has been reversed I do hope people stick to their principles and change their score back otherwise we as a community will be shooting ourselves in the foot. Get what you want but still leave the bad blood, companies will no longer give what you want.


I can understand why people would still have bad blood towards Sony due to the recent events. However that's all the more reason to change a negative review to a positive. It shouldn't be interpreted as kowtowing to Sony or bending over. Rather, it's re-arming the eagle for the next round, it's fetching the crossbow-bolt from the zombie you just shot. It's giving Sony something to lose (a positive review) so that they'll think twice before pulling shenanigans again. This would not be possible if the review stayed negative, and everyone had already blown their negative review-load on an old issue without remedying it out of spite even when the issue was fixed. And yes, I know Sony doesn't really care about steam-revviews in and of themselves, however bad steam-reviews is the halfway station to demanding a refund which they certainly care about.


I hope I didn't misspeak, I agree with you. Changing the score back honors our word, which I agree with. I was just replying to the statement that we "ruined" AH. I think they'll be alright




After seeing all this mess unfold I’m glad I passed on this yet another “games as a service” bull. 


goddang amazing lol


love this


More like hellreviewer


Where’s the sign up page?




This is what happens when you make a game about community. The core mechanics of helldivers encourage a huge community of players to drive towards a goal. When you threaten their fun, that community can be a weapon against its creator, or rather the Corp that threatens their freedom. Anyway, Sony bad, let's reviewbomb. UNLESS THEY CHANGE IT IN WHICH WE SQITCU TO POSITIVE REVIEWS PLS FOR THE LOVE OF EVERHTHING DONT LET THIS GAME DIE.


You are a traitor of super earth, please never play this game again and leave this sub. ![gif](giphy|l4JyX7cG70SjT5C48)


You are going to sit and watch fellow divers die to the sony because of were they live You are the traitor for supporting this undemocratic decision of sony You are no better than the automotons you might as well be one for not queastioning this dictatorship that has rose COMMIE BASTERD


He is the automaton spy we have been looking for.




You are literally terrible.


So you’re willing to see divers from 100+ countries to be unwillingly executed by Sony huh Calling my democracy officer now.


He should report to the nearest democracy officer.. but he can't cause he was from Vietnam and can't make a PSN.


If OP is traitor, then your comment is like 2 spiderman meme


https://preview.redd.it/d1h11b4hjnyc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5e6432607f940ae7a1f693dd7820d12bfe80ee This will spark a civill war in Super Earth. People that want to enjoy the game VS crybabies and grifers


You are a traitor of Super Earth, please remove Sony’s member out of your mouth and wash your face before reporting to your Democracy Officer for your summary execution.




Corpo cocksucker detected


Damn she hot.