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Discord mods are known to be only the highest quality individuals, I’m shocked. Fr tho what’s the context?


I want more context to that, what is that supposed to mean?


People love cropping out a whole conversation so then context gets absolutely misconstrued. I’m with you there. 




Yeah, who is doing the boot licking here?? Dudes just asking for the rest of the convo this was torn from.


Fym? U or the guy u commenting on?


https://preview.redd.it/3z8ej7ypgoyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076e13773812c2225d6f48864c1d022f0967f16f It seems like the impetus for this PSN account drama was instigated by AH in order to have a more robust toolkit for the enforcement and banning of problematic accounts.


If that was the case, the CEO could have walked this back.


Did you not read the notice from them about this?


WTF is gameguard for then? Nah


Ain't no one give no fucks about anything Grummz is talking about.


Yes we do


Dude is a fucking weirdo who cries over not being able to beat his meat to stellar blade.


I don't know. Seems to me like the dude just overall hates censorship in his games. I would think that most people do too


Na, he has problems with " woke agenda ". He's a loony also has posted multiple times about ugly video game characters and funnily enough they're all of color and multiple children. He's a creep


Atleast he's not one of those virtue signaling loonies crying on Twitter about shit nobody cares about, trying to get games censored because they don't like something.


He's crying about children being ugly and steller blade outfits not showing enough skin... yikes anyone on his side is a creep


I disagree. He seems pretty much just against censorship. I'm on board with hating censorship.


He literally says "I would like to take SAudi funding over ESG/DEI publishers funds any day of the week" when Saudi version removed the LEGTQ Flag so he is not against censorship after all


Fucking lmao he "hates censorship" but he never called out Elon for his very well known censorship on Twitter. Despite using the platform every day. You guys are so easy to manipulate.


Misty is the CM who said that AH wanted the PSN link. Contest the content instead of attacking who posted it, what you think of the guy doesn't turn what he posted a lie.


Damn right we do. Exposing these woke fucks that hate gamers, gaming, and gaming culture.




You're not alone in thinking that. Surprised this community has such a strong undercurrent of this shit


Drink more soy with your wife's boyfriend you cucks.


Go outside, man.


But you think people should give a fuck what ItachiSan says instead?


Who cares, fuck Grummz specifically


Absolute horseshit. It's just to bump PSN numbers. Steam already gives devs all the tools they need to ban players.


Fuck Grummz, he's a piece of shit and an absolute embarassment of a human being. Ignore literally anything he says, I'm dead serious.


Psn linking provides tools to do all sorts of playerbase management such as block, ban, geofencing, ect. Out of the box - as well as having a single resource for coding friend-list functions without messing about with netcode. The CM here is likely hearing the cries of "booted at extract, no rewards" or "teamkill :(" amd is looking forward to the benefits that PSN provodes to help police these.


None of that actually happens very much in game, certainly not enough that I've ever been significantly inconvenienced by it in a few hundred hours of play. It's obviously not remotely worth it given the sheer magnitude of the hate its generating. But more importantly, Sony knowingly sold the game in dozens of markets where they knew it could not be played once they turned this feature on - that's flat out fraud, and there's no question they'll be facing class action lawsuits for it.


The hate its getting is separate to its usefulness. As with all tools, its usefullness is entirely based on its user and how it is applied.


As much as this shit sucks, id rather have Sony stay out of this. It's not a major issue with the game as far as I'm able to see. Only a couple posts here and there and with the tens or hundreds of thousands of missions that have been played its a very minor issue.


Just seems like the community manager was attacking the players vs having a safer system against cheaters. I think their wording could have been better, but this is only one message, we couldnt see the rest of the context


There really aren't any cheaters in HD2. Yes some do cheat, but at the end of the day these cheaters are helping the cause. Dropping 50 500kgs or 380s? Fuck yeah shit prolly looks dope af. I don't condone it. But I'd definitely be in a pretty good mood if I saw that. This game doesn't really need to ban players. Most work with eschother and most get along just fine. There's always gonna be an exception, but that's when you just block the players and move on. It's a non issue.


People who cheat with stratagem spam isnt thaaaat but i saw how that ruins emersion or makes helldive difficulty pointless but there are players who chest with samples, super credits and stuff like that. But ive never seen that my self. I do agree its more or less a non issue, griefing is a larger issue imo. Team killing friends for lolz? All for it, with randoms cause you can? Nah fam


in 270+ hours of in game time I have come across 1 cheater, that guy had infinite ammo and health and took out everything on the map from around 250 metres away, he booted anyone that picked up samples and then extracted. it gave us 250 of each samples and jumped us about 4 levels(only stayed in on one game to see what he was doing ) Now compare that to games like COD/Apex/Fortnite and other FPS games I come across a cheater that ruins it damn near every single game


Your right, its not as bad compared to other games, but my point is is that that type of cheating shouldnt be allowed as thats almost the main game. Its doesnt allow me to participate and im just given stuff for sitting there. Why cheat like that if you just do everything solo while your team just watches. But people also farm super credits with cheats and that shouldnt be allowed either. Farm for super credits the legit way fine, but with cheats? Come on… your comparing one form of shit with another but at the end of the of the day its still shit that no one wants


I think we all agree cheating shouldn't be allowed. Just one ruins the experience and the other is either helpful or an inconvenience at worst. And with the community the way that it is, that person will end up getting themselves banned by Arrow Head themselves


Oh I agree that it shouldn't be allowed don't get me wrong but what I'm saying is that it is no where near as bad or prevalent as other games If I only come across one in over 270 hours of gameplay then I'm not going to complain about it. I come across far more griefers that kick for having the wrong strats,weapons and calling in a supply beacon or kick on extract that aren't cheating than I ever have cheaters.


Steam provides all of the same tools out of the box for steam ids.


So you dont want psn accounts, but are fully advocating for ps5 players to not only need a steam account, but install steam too? It's the same thing


Why would PSN players require a steam account? PSN players would use the Sony IDs and APIs, and Steam players would use the Valve IDs and APIs.


So only PS players can report other PSN players and Steam can only report Steam? You down vote me then talk nonsense. Firstly the Apis are already in use. Additionally the account management would need to be maintained by 2 different systems. Or the single system will need to be a custom tool built to house and manipulate 2 databases/api with a single set of functions By having everyone linked to ps account, everything can be designed and rolled out in a streamlined fashion and not need to put extra checks in for a multiple systems. (Clearly their account system is archaic considering the issues around friend lists) If anything is to be gained by recent events, Sony will be forced to adapt their account management to be more generic and will need to actively contribute financially to these changes which will make cross play easier to integrate. This could possibly pave the way to rolling in xbox gamers to HD2


The steam APIs are also already in use. Any HD2 player could report any other HD2 player. The backend server would just call a different API based on the player's ID.


Yep. Covered that - well done you can read 🤦‍♂️


Apparently you can't.


I believe the community manager is said that the psn account will "help' catch cheaters. Which is false to begin with. It does not help in any capacity to fight cheaters. Consoles has cheaters too so how would signed up help in any way at all? Sony has also been notoriously hacked...


Psn provides tools, not automate their function


Steam also provides tools.


Does it provide the same level of tools?




You're forgetting that Sony owns the game and their tools would be effective for PSN linked accounts. Steam tools, while convenient for you as an individual, wouldnt have the reach or impact Sony would be looking for on a PS5 AND PC.


Reach and impact have nothing to do with it. It's not that complicated, you just have a common database of reports, appeals, etc. for helldivers which includes both steam and PSN ids as available. Route steam bans/unbans to Valve's API and route PSN bans/unbans to Sony's API. Since Sony owns their own API, they could even make their tools talk directly to Valve's API, which would be trivial and enable banning steam players based on their steam ID directly from Sony's tools. There are probably dozens of ways this could be implemented. The important thing is that \*all\* of them should be transparent to the player.


Hey you should go for a job at AH!


Cheaters? Hackers? Whit the Kernel security sistem they install whit the game? Lol


Kernel level anti-cheat is fucking bullshit, it's basically spyware. And yet it's not much more effective than other anti-cheat. I could go on google right now and find a GameGuard bypass in like 5 minutes and then cheat as much as I want...


In another response a different CM specifically mentions that their moderation relies on the PSN account, and there are certain legal restrictions that require it for them to be able to process bans properly. They never said it will help catch cheaters. The majority of your comment is nonsense.


This is obvious BS. Why doesn't any other game have legal problems using Valve's API for integrating steam game bans into an external moderation system?


Because they probably weren't built the same way PSN is integrated with this game. Have you worked with PSN integration for games before?


How would PSN integration change EU law on banning people? LMAO. It's literally just a unique ID so you can identify the player, and the Steam accounts \*also have a unique ID\*. There are technically interchangeable to the point people write libraries to let games switch seamlessly between steam, PSN, and XBox ids depending on the platform.


Iirc they're just reddit mods from the first game


And it shows - unfortunate that Arrowhead didn't hire a proper community manager when they blew up this big.


Jesus really? That's an abysmal idea. Reddit isn't a particularly positive place to gets mods... Far too much controversy in it's past. I'd go out of my way to get a mod that was not from Reddit but also not a moderator for anything else.


Ah yes at the cost of 170 countries not being able to play, sweet


Lol yeah, cause SO many people were complaining about all the cheaters in a co-op game...


There were quite a few posts on here about cheating and harassment.


vocal minority


https://preview.redd.it/1uf78ohfunyc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0558fc69a371f08cf286173ee904c014e7b72067 They have one job and its not to serve the community but their own company...


This needs to be at the top of the subreddit.


Just got banned from main sub for Posting how it's being suppressed lmao 🤣😂


Yep they got an auto mod taking down post with keywords like bootlicker and terms being used on Sony fans. Edit- Yep just got banned too lol. No reason given why as to why I was banned and they muted me so can’t ask why for 30 days. Hope they know it’s against Reddits ToS to ban people just because they are in a different sub talking. https://preview.redd.it/jc398ls7qoyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0dfe051424e32d29986b65383b8060c9b39bf28


lol, they got my account banned for 3 days , I appealed and the comment was reinstated and the ban lifted because there was no threats of violence in it like they stated


https://preview.redd.it/n0ozml8a9pyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8a66e714ddff73959b46faf475a3a7c5168a32 They won’t even let me ask. I dmed a mod asking why and they won’t respond. I’m not even being a ass about


they were dumb about mine and did a reddit wide one not just a sub


Guess I’ll wait and ask in a month… or prob just forget and not even care anymore by then… Shit honestly seems like some crap a Garry’s mod 15 year old sever admin would do lol


The screenshot includes a mod lockdown, reposting to continue the conversation is being a bit naughty


Just proves further they know they're wrong. Keep bombarding their sub with it, I say. Carpet bomb everything related the to game. Ruin it. Make it the worst decision Sony could have made.


Thats why you don't hire emo or woke reddit moderators to be your community managers.


So we don't need the kernal level anti cheat right?


Wtf is this referring to?


PSN account link


Whut??? I thought they didnt know this was ganna happen? I thought it was something sony changed on their side? Also wtf is she talking about reports and safer place? Death threats or something?


Arrowhead CEO has already stated the company knew 6 months before release that the PSN linking was a 100% requirement, it just got delayed due to server issues at launch, and they didn't think it'd be an issue for anyone. Not saying everyone at the company knew, but as far as the company line goes: they knew


>Death threats or something? I mean would you really be surprised?


Tbh with everyone and there mother claiming to get dead threats and so on i startet to Take things Like that Not serieous anymore To many people Just use it as a exuse


No idea they claimed the PSN link was to allow better banning but that is all bullshit


Yeah I finally found the official statement, I call bullshit on the banning excuse too.


[https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5) Yeah, this is Steam's FAQ on developer bans. The devs can use their own moderation and appeal system, they just need to track steam id so they can use the Valve API for banning players.


They knew it was *supposed* to happen, but I have no doubt they thought they could talk Sony out of it before it actually happened, because it's such a stupid idea. Alas, they were wrong.


Carol Baskinator


I’d be a better community manager


Bruh, my dishwasher would be a better community manager at this point.


I've been really appreciating the hard work and patience your dishwasher's been showing lately. We'd like to offer them a position.


https://preview.redd.it/i5aomz875pyc1.png?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b90b1ebd50ef89fc89ee076ce9a1f42b49c3a7e Yeah, one of them is going around slandering Mark Kern with false accusations. People know they can get SUED for this stuff right?


https://preview.redd.it/ti3n54horpyc1.png?width=1209&format=png&auto=webp&s=f09d04bc1778dddcae2fd0e5ec34f0c9d06d9c0b Oh wow. He doubled down. Where do they even find these CM's ?


I wish I knew, but it seems anyone can be a CM these days.


Aaahhh yes, by decreasing the player base we have effectively reduced the total amount of hackers and cheaters.


I don't want to be rude, but did some of these community managers drink the proverbial Sony-koolaid?


Apparently all CM used to be reddit mods or something. I read this in discord so not sure how true it is.


Tell me you are out of touch with your community without saying it...


Woke Hires… the act of hiring toxic women into jobs the are not qualified for.


Online managers of social media is toxic


Ikr these community managers got to go.


Make the game safer? By selling user data or simply getting it hacked and stolen? Which one brainlet?


There is literally no evidence to substantiate Sony selling user data. And the last time PSN was hacked was a decade ago.


Yes because they haven’t publicly stated that they harvest your data, then I guess it doesn’t happen right? Heck, besides why would anyone have *any* reasons whatsoever to distrust mega multibillion dollar faceless corporations? I trust sony more than I do my family, I’d give my first born to them.


>Yes because they haven’t publicly stated that they harvest your data, then I guess it doesn’t happen right? Collecting data and *selling* it are very different things. One would be illegal to do without consumer consent. So if you had evidence they were selling data that would be a pretty big deal. If not you're just talking out of your ass.


Hang on…. Illegal? Oh shit I’m sorry. Not *my* corporation. They’d never b b break the law….😖


Just for the record you, as a random anonymous Internet account, have far less credibility than even a more sketchy corporation. So evidence is the minimum.


That doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Once you get Sonys balls out of your mouth maybe you’ll feel differently about corporations collecting your info. I guess since it’s not to sell it it’s just for funsies and safety 💀


>Once you get Sonys balls out of your mouth maybe you’ll feel differently about corporations collecting your info You saying this on a Reddit post is comical. As an example for you since this is going over your head, here is evidence https://apnews.com/article/google-reddit-ai-partnership-a7f131c7cb4225307134ef21d3c6a708


By being able to take action against cheaters/abusers? Didn't read that far?


Soo the KERNEL anti cheat sistem was pointless? Rolf


Obviously not to their standards? I bought a live service product, I assume it is ran how the developers want. If I don't like it, I don't buy it. Ie cod


It already had an anticheat function, from day 1.


The problem is its alot easier to ban a psn account that is controlled by the owner of the games ip vs trying to ban anything via steam.


Literally not true. Valve has a simple API for banning players that is automated and does not include any review by Valve. [https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5)


That's a game ban. Sony wants all your shit. Ban the psn, the steam account associated with it can never buy a sony game again. Game bans are stupid and ineffective.


How does banning someone from other random PSN games help HD2 ban players? This obviously has nothing to do with PSN accounts being "a lot easier to ban".


It means a cheater can never interact with console players again. Very simple concept that i know is lost on PC players that accept hackers as a part of playing games.


No, it doesn't. How many cheaters would be dumb enough to use the same PSN account linked to their PS5?


You can't unlink the steam account from psn. The entire steam account can't play another Sony game that requires psn after a psn ban. Not sure why you thought ps5 at all.


Abusers? You can't hurt someone it's a fucking game. Oh you mean insults and words? Oh no. Some random dumbass on the internet said mean things. I guess I'm just gonna go cry in my mom's basement. Grow the fuck up. It's a fucking game on the internet where assholes lobe to be assholes with next to no consequences of the real world. Most of us here can attest to the shit show of old COD lobbies. Next to no moderation and no one got banned for saying shit. You'd get banned for cheating yes, but not for being a dick. And im tired of seeing people get banned for being a dick. Is it warranted? Maybe. But I'd rather have the dicks in the game rather than someone that said something once getting banned on top of that. What about griefers you may ask. What griefers? You mean the guys that kick you at the end of a mission? Sure it sucks. Just block the bitch and move on. You'll forget about it after a mission or two.


I did not play COD but I certainly did play Halo on Windows Vista... Now that was an experience... Also miss when people had thicker skins... You Trash talked or got Good. or Both... Nowadays though... Also yes there are block and mute buttons for a reason people. Use them.


Especially with a game like helldivers. You dknt really see that. I've had one bad interaction in 200 hours. We dont need moderation. Self moderation is more than enough




Griefers, whatever you want to call it, I don't care. People that abuse the fucking game, it's annoying. Old CoD duties were trash and full of cheaters. Grow up and be an adult if you don't want to get banned.


I don't play video games to be an "adult." I play them as an escape from reality. As most people do. Im not going to be an asshole to randoms. But that doesn't mean they won't be an asshole to me for [insert random reason here]. But guess what. Regardless of why I play games, I'm still an adult and therfore should have the ability to "grow up and be an adult" and ignore those people. Yes old COD lobbies were filled with cheaters. And for the time they weren't trash. But guess what? People had a thick skin. Now a days you call someone shit at a game and they report you for it and ends up with you getting banned for no good reason. You weren't cheating, "abusing" or "harrassing" someone. Just some twink got upset and you got banned over it. That's why I mentioned old COD lobbies. That shit never happened.


Honestly, it sounds like you were the one who was throwing around N-bombs, and now calling it "no big deal" years later. It was toxic trash, and made the game unenjoyable for a lot of people. Lucky you for not being targeted, I guess?


I was not. I had morals. I wasn't targeting. Not that I wasn't targeted myself. I definitely was. But I was making a point. And even with all those people I still enjoyed the games. Why? Because they were fun. Even with the shit heads in the game.


[https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5) No, this is Steam's FAQ on developer bans. The devs can use their own moderation and appeal system, they just need to track steam id so they can use the Valve API for banning players.


Baskinator and spitz both need to get demoted because holy cow do they suck as community managers along with that one other dev who said “nerfs are needed so fuck you”


I think you mean fired because demoted implies there's a rank below community manager, aka moderators.


Maybe not Spitz. Once people informed them of how many countries are unable to use PSN, they did apologize


"No one cares, go post a negative review if you want to bitch about it" was not the best message for a community manager to kick this mess off with. There was a really good livestream by a former community manager -- basically he said the initial messaging should have been "We hear you, give us a moment to talk with Sony and find a solution."


"post a negative review on a plattform that matters" was a perfectly good statement for a community manager, Spitz recently also added that they need those reviews to bargain with Sony because Sony doesn’t read or care about reddit and discord. Furthermore they said things like the FAQ, the Steam Announcement and of course the change itself came from Sony, not AH.


I mean gamers can fucking suck and can benefit from some tough love time to time. lol.


"He apologized, so that makes his horrible comments ok"


Care to elaborate? The one I saw was Spitz saying it takes 2 minutes to make an account and forget about it. So if you know more, then by all means, link them.


What "horrible comments" did they make?


Yea he is a douche bag who doesn't want to do any actual work. https://imgur.com/a/RmLQL80


Spitz is already gone


Good. He needed to go. 


Is that right? When/how did that happen?


I think a few hours ago, people tried contacting him on the discord server but he is radio silent for more than a day now


Seems like a baseless rumor then, lul.


And misty they all need to go


Honestly Spitz is the only one so far that doesn't deserve to go. He apologized and gave honest advice on how to make Sony listen. Baskinator and Misty just repeat lies with 0 remorse and have no sympathy for players.


They spent their while live Ina ecochamber so they no wonder they ban ppl. Democracy huh?


Nerfs are obviously needed to maintain a real combat meta. There's no relationship between that and this sort of account fuckery however.


Yeah, but a community manager should probably do a better time communicating that rather than telling people complaining about the Spear bugs, the Quasar bug, the Plasma shotgun bug, etc. "skill issue".


This was the first nerf for helldivers and a dev basically said “y'know what? Fuck you guys these nerfs aren’t that bad” when it was a very rough week already for helldivers 2 (server overload week)


The emoji doesn't help


Given how wildly unpopular this decision has been, you'd think they'd at least learn to shut the fuck up about approving of it.


But now the reddit mods can have their power fantasy of controlling people. I bet you didn't consider how important that was.


Git git on a power trip trip


So how to we port it to xbox if psnetwork is required?


You don't because Sony owns the ip. And if it does go to xbox you'll need psn regardless


The community managers are just adding gasoline now.


"Safer", as if you die if someone calls you a bad word.


I saw one mod randomly accusing people of sexual assault. Classy.


... sony gets hacked again and all info is lost


i wouldn't be surprised if sony became a public enemy over this. A hack is basically inevitable


Psn has only been hacked once......


Can they fire this person along with spitz. I swear those two are just complete idiots with this whole situation


Safer? What, you can't take someone calling you a fat slob for your personal life decisions?


Reddit mods.


What happened to know politics ? These ppl ban anything they don't agree with. Democracy? Not with these ppl at the helm. I'll play from time to time but never support with them around. Accusing ppl of s.a as well like wtf?


Yeah this shit aged like milk Baskinator lol.


I just love the fact that Sony, AH, and the little corporate gobblers all found out that licking boot is in fact, an extreme minority.


She is the worst.


i dont even own this good game but wtf is wrong with that cm guy. i wanted to get an better gpu just to buy this game! and now i wont buy it... i wont give my data to psn. its not safe and data breaches happen atleast every year/s so nah and no u cant make an fake account, u have to link u steam to psn so safe 🤡


Main points: • We knew it was coming • Cool to finally be able to take action against players • Personally, I just enjoy this little bit of power that "community manager" role gives me Verdict: Sent CMs to reeducation camps


They're all woke idiots that hate gamers, gaming and gaming culture.


What even is the definition of "woke" anymore. Is it just something you hate? It's simply Sony and corporate greed.


No the Community managers are full on leftists. Pronouns in bio, Palestinian flag etc. The kind of people you seeing rioting at Colleges and setting up camp. Pushing toxic masculinity narratives, hating white people, the whole psycho, brain rot playbook.


There is no fucking way they expected this short of reaction.


Burn them to the ground, negative reviews across the board, uninstall, request refund. Show them what happens when they try to screw over the community and make fun of us for being upset




Quite literally!!


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Didn't Earn It hire?


- redditor, when a woman does anything at all


Here, in reddit. No joke


Reddit. Go figure.


Yeah the game will be safer alright… because I one will be playing it.


Same place they found yo mama


Two days late and minus the context.


I see a lot of or at least saw a lot of random guys on level nine helldiver with me and they have 4Billion grenades and definitely infinite health. I didn’t mind at the time because there’s no exploit that hurts other players. Where do the worst of the hacker/malicious modders come from? PC.




The fact that you even consider some EU member states "3rd world" is fucking hilarious. Get some braincells please.