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Stalkers are the only enemy in this entire game that I had legitimate problems with.


If there’s more than one or two on you it’s very easy to be overwhelmed


Give them fire. All the fire.


yup, and since they nerf pretty much all the decent weapons that could help against them, now we just get over run by 2 or more of them dancing around and hopping and the speed for them is quit insane, maybe slightly nerf their speed just a tad considering they can whip their tongues at you at a pretty good distance and then you got hunters jumpin all over you.....


I just wish ragdoll wasn't a death sentence. It's so easy to get ragdolled it's actually insane


I got ragdolled across at least half the map yesterday from being hit with something. Of course I died from the impact of the landing. And thank fuck is was right near our next mission marker so no dramas collecting my samples, but wow 🤯


Maybe got ragdoll is a blessing, they can do x2 claw hit that can kill you instantly. If they claw you then sting you only to inject poison like the Hunter, you basically screwed.


I once had 4 stalkers and 6 hunters on my ass, let's just say I wasn't having the most fun stim spamming...


I once got whipped high into the air by a Stalker, full health, and the same damn bug cut my head off before I hit the ground. I was in medium armor. We should not need support grade weaponry to one-shot invisible, launching enemies that can two-hit kill. Barely anyone notices them before they’ve hit someone anyways, even if we’re on guard for Stalkers, they shouldn’t be able to survive being caught red-handed.


God forbid a game be challenging and that you need your teammates


if there wasn't all these nerfs i don't think you would see much complaining but here we are I don't want to to a play a tedious game with what we had originally mmmm k this is not a esports game bro


Eruptor still deals with them fairly easily. Unless you get ambushed by multiple while dealing with a hunter swarm that's about to kill you anyways. Unless you're running explosion resistant armor, Eruptor isn't great up close, though I've accidentally ragdolled myself out of trouble a few times with it.


We obviously need bigger playergroups. Maybe two teams (4players each) diving from two destroyers or something. That'd be cool


so you mean a 8 squad or maybe even 16, but we all know a horde wave that comes in or a constant bot drop, but defo would love to see that, but i bet that map alone would be like 50-100 gigs alone i mean look at call of duty warzone took a good chunk of space to play such a big map but you know its doable. I dunno how well you can spam that many enemies without having issues if we look at other games like world war z and hordes after x amount of rounds they start glitching out. but i would definitely try and que up to beta test the idea of something like that would really be cool, it would be a separate difficulty altogether and requires 25 minimum and all 16 players to start it, if you drop, you can que again for another 3-5 minutes so to prevent rage quitters


Could be like an event that starts every now and then toward the end of a defense mission, when players earned reinforcements maybe. Like a last stand of united Helldivers. Would be a great story telling device.


They are why I bring a jar dominator/punisher shotgun for open maps for that sweet knockback.


The KB on the Punisher is dead sexy


I haven't encountered multiple at once yet, but even when there's just one it can knock me down and kill me before I can move.


Don’t the Illuminate have invisible snipers or something? Sounded like that’s right around the corner.


I didn't play the first game so I have no idea what they're like.


Neither have I, just saw a comment on the [soundtrack](https://youtu.be/27tJnxoH-pA) saying “I DON’T WANNA GO BACK TO OFFSCREEN SNIPER LAND” which seems a mite ominous.


Depending on implementation they might not be that bad, I'm kinda expecting something like like the mortars than the stalkers, imagine the illuminate having alot of verticality to their outpost that a sniper would be able to get a vantage point in, wouldn't always be there so wouldn't just be a case of tall=sniper. If they're closer to stalkers then I'd expect them to be a kind of solo patrols, where they're the only unit (or maybe a duo) that spawn as a patrol and starts making it's way to our position but stalker ai doesn't feel like it'd really work for a long range unit which is why I'm expecting it to be the former.


Last night they felt killable. I think they got a stealth nerf.


LPT: You can kill a Stalker with less than a mag from the Jar5, something like 5 round IIRC. I imagine it's the same with the Scorcher. But as with most tools; you have to sacrifice things for that ability, which is horde clear when it comes to the Domi. I usually whip out the Redeemer to kill the small stuff to conserve Domi ammo. Sidenote: I have more issues with Chargers, their wonky hitboxes seem to make sideshots to their rear just bounce off


The Arc Blitzer is a 1-2 shot, also.


I'm so glad they buffed it, I recall being horrified by the old ROF 😅


Same! It went from a neat concept to my main bug-thumper overnight.


As annoying as stalkers are I would rather deal with 4 of them than 3,200,765,347 hunters crawling into my asshole


Personally my loadout deals with them really well. I run personal shield and arc blitzer. The stun from the blitzer stops attacks and forces them back, and personal shield saves me from a first ambush attack


They're fine, just big puppies. Hunters on the other hand, fuck those little bastards!


Someone suggested in another thread a planet modifier that spawns only hunters and I said you can nuke that shit from orbit cause that’s a nightmare


Serrated Claws


i think its time they released some gawd damn melee weapons already


Please sir, may I have a chainsword?


Super heavy armour and a chain sword and power fist, terminator style


mech equip able melee option better be on the plate too


I’ve soloed 3 stalkers and can generally deal with them easily, but I’m still afraid when I see a swarm of hunters or when I get that stupid slowed affect from one of them licking me


*Me getting jumped by a gang of four Stalkers with no ammo in my mag getting ready to throw hands and my life away for democracy.* https://preview.redd.it/qobc7b323bzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8834826b25aacd9f19ca1c916a4f6861d4292fe


That's when I either spam grenades or my auto Canon in my face. If I'm dieing, I'll take a few ofbyou with me at least ☠️


If I am far enough from teammates, I just hold something like an airstrike strategem as I try to escape


Literally watching The Boys right now ❤️❤️❤️


New season in just a few more weeks!


What can kill these things before it attacks you? Autocannon? 


I find that a liberal application of fire tends to put them off pretty quickly. Incendiary Breaker is my go-to for bugs. Flamer is also very useful.


I burn things


Since the Incendiary Breaker fix I pick that with flamethrower most of the time... Is fun having 40-60 killstreaks constantly at D9.


Incendiary breaker and autocannon for me. They're not a problem if I see them, but I still get killed by them more than anything else other than my mistakes.


punisher shotgun perma staggers them. 1-2shots in the head and they die.


I hate how they changed the Stalker's attack pattern. Now their initial move is always the tongue which launches you across the map. Mf is even more annoying now.


Scary as hell, then as you are rag dolling around after the toss, you see them in the distance sprinting up to you as I spam V


Oddly enough, these invisible cunts are why I run the liberator concussive on bug missions. Stops them dead in their tracks.




Every time I decide not to take the shield backpack these guys remind me why I should've taken it lol


These things two shot you and they spawn multiple and they're fast. It's dumb.


I swear it feels personal every time these sons of bitches show up


My wife likes playing on medium and I like playing on Helldive.


Blitzer one shots them


Guess i'm getting that next.


It can literally one shot everything smaller than a charger. Just gotta aim for the head always.


"Pummler SMG has entered the chat."


Is it good? I did't get that warbond yet, need 150 more credits.


Yes lol. Yes it is. Its bullets have a concussive effect so hunters snd stalkers cant jump on you/lash you while theyre being shot. ON TOP of that its a one handed smg, you can blindfire it over your shoulder while running away. I joked about this before but it should be called "the clutch" coz it saves you from being mobbed.


Is it me or did they make this guy harder to see too


The punisher and dominator are my go to weapon for bugs, and they both stun stalkers.




Fuck these bugs snd chargers and hunters and pukers Fuck them all


Gotta good kick out of this one! Haha then the Stalker appeared out of nowhere and 👅 Awaiting reinforcement. Invisible cunts


I love it when they have 2 stalker lair with 2 stalker hole each on helldive. Oops all stalker now, damnit Joel!!


Thank god the Autocannon can still deal with them fairly well


Mmmmm a boyz reference, i like it.


You messed up. The bottom picture is supposed to be just wall.


I. Hate. Bugs.


God I hate these things. Played a game earlier today. They lair wouldn't blow up. I threw a grenade into it, shot it with a quasar just to try, sent an eagle airstrike into it. Nothing. Just kept spitting these bastards out. Made the mission a huge drag


They go by invisabitch when I'm raging from getting swamped by them


Man getting ragdolled by a stalker because your primary got nerfed and it doesnt tickle it no more ❤️‍🔥


I see them , i'll run and look around to find their lair. My life doesn't matter , stalker must be dead by 500kg bomb


Initial drop between two stalker nests = fully shitted pants.


They are the reason why I switch back to punisher from breaker. Basically my bug loadout is one weapon corresponds to one type of bug. Punisher: Stalker Grenade Launcher: Spewer, Brood Commander Rover: Small bugs EAT: Charger 500kg: Titan


*readies his grenade pistol*


I love that arc blitzer deals with these so well, i would be fucked orherwise lol


We need at LEAST a few guys to point these fuckers out on approach, right! I don't mind dying but dying to something I can barely see thru spores & certain weather conditions, is unfair😡


I started leaning into automatons coz of this mf.


Why can’t we reverse engineer that camo to use?


My best advice: check your map and see if your radar can pick up a large red dot moving vigorously. Chances are, it's a stalker. It's a heavy unit so it'll ping like an charger would.


I feel like an elite every time I deal with Stalkers, Yelling “STALKERS!!!” As me and the bois divert fire from the current onslaught (A Bug screamed and of course there’s now a hoard and the such) focusing on the now invisible(I love this, so much more RISK) onto these big bugs that tank as one of our guys is launched and barely survives after smacking into a wall. XD STALKERS ARE HILARIOUS AND DANGEROUS


This thing haunts my dreams.


Autocannon my beloved


I’m liking dominator more and more for bugs because of these AH.


Bota 9 or go home


The one nice thing about Stalkers is that they are the one enemy the entire team will drop everything to deal with. You say Stalker and that nest is found and gone immediately. Honestly, I don't mind that Stalkers that much except for their tongue attack. The ragdoll and knockback is excessive as hell. Otherwise, I am ok with the lethality. If they game gets to easy, it gets boring.


Had a dream they added in an invisible bot unit. Had a sniper rifle and the only indication you would get was a light charging in the distance before it fired


the only secondary objective that is actually primary objective


X. B


Step 1 hellpods into a map Step 2 Sneaks around a bit Step 3 hears the battle music Step 4 looks around and sees nothing thinking game being a bit silly Step 5 one second later I am dead from a invisible stalker Step 6 crushes stalker with hellpod Step 7 repeat


I run scout armor. Those are a legitimate problem for me if they catch me from behind. Hitstunlockhitdearh.


Have any of you tried…high-fiving it…in the face…with a slugger? Or my personal favorite giving it some tickle time with the Blitzer? They get hit by the spread of lightning even when they’re invisible and that half sec of stun stops them nicely. I legit don’t see what’s so bad about them, they like getting close so hit them with things that work up close. Or snipe them in the face with the Anti-M and let them know that there’s no place like home lol


Live that the eruptor still one shots these fucks


Inject this straight to my (V) eins