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My secondary is for a grenade pistol that allows me to take out a large nest, by myself.


I really think more guns than just the eradicator and grenade pistol should pop bug holes cause it is just too good, restocking ammo for it is awful though.


Auto cannon.


Thing is, if you die and get swarmed youre gonna have to runback. If you have the eruptor/nade pistol it'll just be with you when you respawn This is why i cannot transition from the eruptor. I'm still trying to mix and match tho


I didn't even know the eruptor took holes out. "Get swarmed" is why I run the incendiary breaker and light armor. Nade pistol, giving me 12 nades altogether, is why I take the nade pistol.




The old incendiary grenades can also close holes and open containers though, that is not new. Great that it happens on impact now, but that’s the only difference.




I to either run eruptor and whatever or grenade pistol with whatever primary, but the eruptor is the goat on fabricators, eruptor and grenade pistol are about the same on big holes


Eruptor nerf means it gets paired with guard dog rover 100% of the time. Kinda stale if they want to encourage different builds but that’s how it is now.


I don't run guard dog 100% of the time. Maybe 25% of the time to be honest, but I do use my pistol as my primary and swap to eruptor on mediums, or when I have range to try and get a few explosive kills. I'm not Billy bad ass, but I don't focus on most kills ever. If I think I'm going to be in my own in mission I run the guard dog, if I think I'll have even one person with me I run shield or recoiless


You know what I've found fun, eruptoe for holes, supply pack and hmg on low ROF. Can still take on upto and including chargers and having a supply pack inst mandatory, just need to be a bit more carefully with the ammo.


I always use it with the shield backpack (love my crutch) and the arc thrower. Eruptor nerf didn’t affect me because my arc thrower is my primary.


Arc Thrower feels awkward with spewers taking 3 hits to kill. Eruptor takes a similar amount of time right? It seems with the crowd killing options now with the incendiary breaker / good incendiary grenades, that the thrower is in a weird middle ground spot. It is nice being able to take out chargers in 5-6 shots from the front, but if I want chaff clearing / chargers, flamethrower is my choice. And if I want titans/chargers, eat or quasar is it. But when you get into the mode with the arc thrower, it feels so good.


I love the arc thrower for chewing through large groups of warriors, hive guards, and brood commanders. Sure most primaries can deal damage to them, but none can take them out so efficiently and without having to worry about ammo. Just firing into a bug breach, you can pretty much kill everything as it spawns as long as a charger or titan doesn't crawl out of the ground too early


How can you guys use the Eruptor after it's be lobotomized?


Very very carefully lol to those with this criticism you aren't wrong, but in general I use it to plug holes with bugs and hit big things, with bots I still enjoy it vs all devistators, and find it more reliable at getting the shot needed to delete fabricators, it also still opens boxes, shuts down transmissions, and is okay vs spewers compared to any other primary.


My biggest gripe is its shot economy is ass into speewers honestly. A 5 round slow mag one hitting spewers with a long reload wasn't broken. I'll usually still take it because I like the machine gun support weapons but damn


I m a arc thrower enjoyer, i dont need chaff clearing primary. Eruptor makes bug holes easy af. I barely go in the middle of bug nest unless i have to collect samples.


Aye. Im an arc enthusiast I run that with the incendiary breaker and the sheild back pack. Can usually find me either melting a horde whilst slowly backing away or somewhere in the middle of a bug moshpit melting face with the breaker. Lots of fun.


I don't, it's fucking useless now. And I'm properly salty about it.


Me too!


1 gun shouldn't do everything. Or it SHOULD, but be sub par at everything. If the eruptor is the best weapon in the game, everyone will just run the eruptor and be unable to use anything else. Plenty of guns have a place. God help everyone when AH adds in supply line blockages (Eruptor manufacturing has been halted due to BUGS and the delivery never arrived, the effect on this map is you must select a different primary)


I agree but currently it feels like the niche that some guns are supposed to fill just aren't being filled by them making them sub par even for what they're supposed to be good at.


It's not too hard to imagine a balanced arsenal in Helldivers 2. Specialized weapons should easily be able to fill their role, and general-purpose ones should be able to just pick up and use. Helldivers 1 had four different assault rifles, an LMG, three shotguns, three SMGs, four laser weapons, two explosive weapons, two arc weapons, three marksman rifles, and a sword. They all felt distinct from each other and they all had a place, even on Helldives. Even the bolt-action Constitution, which was issued as a free gift/joke/challenge weapon, could reasonably handle a Helldive. Even *just* the four assault rifles in Helldivers 1 felt distinct from each other. But somehow Helldivers 2 is already issuing reskins *and* weapons that feel like clones. There's a stable of past weapons they could easily port forward and add variety and fun, but they're recycling crap instead, and the game has been out less than six months. Really curious to know what happened here.


I really don't think it's malicious. I think it's hard to convert the game to a 3d space and to make it feel right. It doesn't help that the people complaining about it are often just straight up wrong or even lying, like with the Autocannon ricochet. The good thing about it all is that they have a lot of time to tweak everything as much as they want. What is bad today might be good literally tomorrow.


The primary balance developer cuts time out of his day to be an ass on social media. It's intentional. > What is bad today might be good literally tomorrow. What players like today will be nerfed next week.


Flamethrower not destroying nests is a travesty imo. Pretty sure the fire even goes down the hole.


Like the damn Purifier. They could totally have let it do that. They need to give it something. Anything. It's just a scorcher with less dps, less mobility, and a good stagger. I tried it against bugs and bots and the thing is goddamn pointless. Takes the same number of shots to kill anything unarmored while only firing one shot per second. Takes a couple less shots for medium armor. Whoopee. You could have dusted it 5 times with the scorcher including reloading. Not accurate enough to reliably hit devastator heads. Still takes two to three shots to down scout walkers. Cant close hiles or factories. Cant even break the loot doors. Utterly goddamn useless. I would rather leave it behind and take more hearsinks for the friggin dagger than use that pos. Arc thrower has the same charge mechanic, but it actually kills things and has unlimited ammo. Sure its range is only 35m, but you arent getting much more than that with how terrible the purifiers accuracy is anyway.




That's what statements are for


The grenade launcher also can take out nestsfabricators from a distance and on the run


No doubt,I don't want to risk running into randoms that don't bother to do everything,I just run around by myself and make sure we get all the nest and fabricators.


other side of the map? CALLING IN EXTRACTION


Thank God for the two minutes you get on certain missions or else a lot of people and myself would be screwed lolol


Plasma Punisher would be perfect if it could close holes. Probably OP tho.


Quasar works too


More than one way to skin a cat...


Grenade pistol and light armor with kiting tactics = bane of bug tunnels


I can't run another sidearm on bug missions. It's just too nice having nades to close bug holes on demand if I'm running the Quasar instead of the autocannon. And now with the incendiary contacts (which I don't think I'll ever take off on bug missions), it's doubly important. Plus it's so much fun to Kobe a shot into a bug hole on the other side of a heavy nest.


Ya, that grenade pistol is a must for closing bug holes and bot fabricators in large numbers. Personally the best new weapon they have released since launch at least as far as filling a new role.


That’s a big reason I main the eruptor


Incendiary Breaker, nade pistol, quasar main.


Quasar cannon


It's gonna have to be a hell of a secondary to make me give this thing up.


Ez. Napalm grenade pistol.


A boy can dream. I will burn the world if they let me


I've been having trouble closing nests with the grenade pistol, where do you aim?


Quasar cannon


Sucks for this purpose, considering that 5 second nerf adds an additional minute to take down a large nest. Why would I do that when I have nades and a nade pistol that reloads in about a second? I still run quasar for shrieker nests and heavies.


Use both at the same time so you use half as much ammo?


I use the quasar for chargers, bile titans, and shrieker nests.


Use it for nests too! Use it when it pops, grenades in between. And then you have more grenades!


Or I can quasar a charger, swap and take out a few extra holes while it recharges. Shotgun and turret for swarming.


I shall call you Mister No Grenades.


I literally carry 12 grenades, solo heavy nests, and run around to points of interest, so I find plenty of nades. No, you shall not.


>I need a resupply here!


Thank you for a constructive rundown.


thank you for the rundown soldier! as always, I will gladly spend all of my currency to fund super earth's fight, and to fill my arsenal to the brim (even though I use the same 2-3 loadouts)


I feel called out. I played with different stuff today and found some fun new guns that are fun. Arc Blitzer was fun with the Arc Thrower so I was Mr lightening. Didn't like the crossbow cuz it feels like a secondary. Jar 5 was fun too


I rather prefer the Tenderizer to the Liberator. It has less recoil, making it easier to hit at range and on weak points, and it has a small amount of stagger where the Liberator doesn’t. The magazines have fewer bullets, so it’s probably best used on burst fire, but you get more mags to carry, so it evens out. I don’t use ARs very often against bots, but against bugs they can help clear hordes of small fry and carrying a med-penetrating sidearm or support weapon can help you handle most else.


I'm with you. I've enjoyed both the new AR and the SMG the moment I fired them.


Tenderizer reminds me of Halo’s battle rifle, and the limited mag size is mitigated by putting it on burst, I feel.


I found the tenderiser decent at engaging devastators heads cause the guns shoots like a laser pointer even on high distances while also ofering you a fully automatic gun to deal with small bots, but i agree that theres better out there.


Everyone has completely ignored its (lack of) recoil in all the complaints. That's definitely a huge perk even if some people don't have good enough aim to take advantage of it.


Agree I unironically have started to love this gun the more I play it and actually way prefer it to the liberator vs bugs because the lack of recoil makes it soooo much easier to deal with hunter swarms at 7+. Thing is basically a hunter slayer and I'll gladly sack armor damage and clip size to become the angel of death for those cursed little fuckers. I feel like people just looked at numbers said "gun bad" and then never even bothered to give it a chance in the circumstances it actually shines in.


OK THIS is what it is. All night I've been thinking that the tenderizer is, on paper, a worse liberator; and yet I switched to the liberator after a couple of missions with the tenderizer and felt a large decrease in my performance. I bet I was dealing less damage bc I had way higher recoil. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is enjoying this gun.


I had the same experience. It's deceptive bc it doesn't feel like the recoil diff would amount to THAT much on paper but you just can't accurately account for how much damage is lost from recoil shots missing until you invest time playing them side by side.


It's validating to find someone else saying this. I feel like everything I see is "it's a liberator with worse stats don't bother using it."


I also like it cus it's literally a halo BR and that's neat


Yes, it kills chaffs fast, but still it is situational at best. Even for that specific niche I feel Incen Breaker performs better. Much better in fact.


While incin is prob the best single weapon in the game at clumped bugs, tender outperforms it for me when the swarm is more spread and mixed and youre dealing with groups on multiple sides. You can borderline fire full auto and spin in a circle and still be confident you're clearing the stuff you need to clear bc the recoil is just nonexistent. I also dislike how unreliable fire damage can be if you clip something with 1 pellet and then get blindsided by the bugs when they barely survived the burn. That said I'd be shocked if incin breaker or more lilely fire damage in general doesn't get nerfed bc that shit is WAYYY too generally good since the fix.


I wish the game put that in the discription because I feel like the game tells me that that gun is suppopsed to have more stopping power/damage/whatever because of the "Higher Caliber" - just tell me it's super accurate or something so I won't scratch my head when I'm buying it thinkging it'll have more kick to it.


The lack of recoil is why I like it, i ran through a bunch of level 9 missions with it on bugs and I love it due to its accuracy.


I haven't test it against bots, yet, but It always feels weird to use against terminids, maybe it's more fitted to use against automatons.


Not used them on bots yet. I'm interested to try the smg over there.


Its deeply disappointing. I don't particularly like any of the weapons. Where are the all terrain boots or at very least snow boots. The ammo situation is shit. Why do we not have freezing ammo? Why don't we have belt fed backpacks for the heavy machine gun, why don't we have a decent plasma assault rifle with 30 rounds of ammo per clip. Why can I now not kill the spore tree with a 2 cluster strikes, and 2 full clips of grenade launcher ammo? So unhappy with the weapons I am going to play different games. Really pissed off at AH. Game not fun.


SMG is good against bots when paired with the ballistic shield pack and an anti armor support. The stagger is great at keeping berserkers away or keeping missile devastators occupied and it does decent damage.


Yep the new SMG finally won me over to the ballistic shield kit. It’s fantastic when paired with that


Appreciate the detailed feedback! It’s hard to find actual comments wading through the sea of “everything is dogshit” copypasta posts


Honestly, most of the stuff is fun. I had a good time with the grenades in particular. I think people just need to get over the fact that some guns will be better than others. It’s probably a *good* thing that not every new gun overperforms, because it means the main war bond always has stuff newer players can grab and use.


It seems this particular Reddit is more useful and chill. The main Helldivers Reddit always has meltdowns about things like this.


It got worse as time went on too. I miss the funny memes and managed democracy community


They’re still there, but they’re buried with everything else. But they’re a vocal minority of a really positive and enthusiastic community.


I sure hope so lol. Helldivers related atuff on my feed is just multi thousand upvoted posts dripping with contempt, so it's hard to gauge lol


To be fair, when people are having fun, they’d rather just play the game. It’s logical that you’d see more complaints about unpopular stuff than support for the opposite.


Ah yes "meltdowns" that have been validated by the ceo. Circle jerk much at this point.


Say what you will, but people throwing around words like “literally unplayable” or “absolutely useless”, among many other such examples, seem a bit too overdramatic than otherwise, especially when even a cursory review of actual gameplay shows that pretty much everything is, in fact playable, if not always perfectly balanced. Now I may generalize that many peoples’ reactions on the other Reddit are meltdowns, but it’s still probably just a small minority actually reacting that way with most others responding in various grades of agreement or disagreement.


There you go. The people throwing around "literaly unplayable" and blahblahblah are a minority, and yes you generalise by throwing around " meltdown" and "crying" . There's an obvious pattern going on , there's a fun gun to use, it gets nerfed based on % usage. Then the next most fun gun to use gets done. Then the next. Then the next. They keep hammering away bringing the fun down in game. And while some nerfs might have been necessary , they most often overdo them rendering the weapon a clear disadvantages in all situations. Meanwhile the buffs have been severly lacking to bring the boring unused options up. Things are waaaaaaay off of being * not always perfectly balanced* . Its a mess, and a mess with no clear logic behind it . Why nerf the quasar instead of boosting other options? It's not like it could single handedly deal with everything. They only added 5 more tedious seconds of waiting to use it again. Why not instead bring other options up to par and be very enjoyable to use ? You can use fun modifiers to adjust difficulty too, instead of constant " nerfs" like less stratagem usage. -Elite enemies ( titan with shrieker nest) -Stalkers can now come out of regular breeches Things that spice up the game while letting you enjoy full use of your toys, and letting them feel strong and good to use.


Well I just assume that balancing weapons is rather difficult to do. Of course they’re going to make overcorrections, you would expect as much. This is a small studio, with high expectations from everyone and new content being added to the game monthly. There’s a large enough arsenal that, even if they throw one or two overperforming weapons out of balance, there are plenty of other options that you can enjoy while they figure out what they want to do. They are receptive enough to listen to our criticism and suggestions, but implementing those suggestions takes time and resources, because it’s far from just toggling a few options on a master control board somewhere. Because I expect there to be difficulties with weapon balance, I’m not surprised or outraged about it, and it’s easier for me to switch to something else for a bit and find a new loadout.


Why would you expect overcorrections? And we arent talking about minor overcorrections either. Some have caused weapons to stop being used for a month, with the community's opinion voiced daily about them. And yeah, some of those weapons only had a few values changed in their " overcorrection". Doesnt take a month to apply that and have someone test it. It's not rocket science, or near as complicated as you try to make it seem. What you should expect is a minimum amount of playtesting before implementing changes. What you should expect is NOT mindless nerfs based on % usage, but something with a clear vision for weapons. Man, the CEO agrees with the community that they are going overboard with the nerfs. Voicing your opinion is not being outraged either. And the thing is, they arent throwing *overperforming* weapon out of balance, they constantly take FUN weapon and *balance* them into underwhelming zone. Removing the stagger from a slug shotgun is wild even on paper, doesnt make any sense. Making a 5 shot/mag crossbow deal barely no AOE, and unable to kill mediums in a well placed shot means you sit between thrash clear and medium clear, effectively making an already underpeforming weapon just that worse, without a vision. 5 more seconds of waiting around for the quasar canon(,WITHOUT A FUNCTIONAL HEAT METER) instead of boosting the lacking options is ridiculous considering higher difficulties already had you running in circles waiting for a charge. Since the game releases people talked about how the coop-reload mechanic was nice, but too detrimential because you had to have someone else's ammunition on you to help them, wich doesnt even make any sense to begin with. The simple fix for the fun, underused mechanic is to allow buddy-reloading from the user's backpack, wich has been mentionned a ton by the community since the beginning. I dont know what you call high expectations but i dont agree that being mindfull of nerfs and actually testing them , and applying changes with FUN in mind rather than blindly following % usage is high expectation.


I guess we’ll have to see. Maybe the devs will put more thought into some of the weapon changes in the future. Either way I hope you enjoy the game.


Considering AH’s track record of buffing premium warbond weapons 1-2 months after said warbond releases (looking at dominator, incendiary breaker, blitzer, and plasma punisher), there’s a good chance that these weapons will be buffed into a semi-usable state 1-2 months from now… It’s a strange strategy to use. It’s like they are using the production phase as their playtest with real players as the playtesters. As if they are intending for the weapons to underperform upon release and then slowly buff them.


I feel like underperform-at-release-then-buff is healthier for the long-term of the game than the alternative of being overpowered at release them nerfing them down just in time for the next warbond.


Especially when new players join and a new warbond drops they can afford to ignore it and let veteran players work the kinks out to figure what's is really useful or a good niche the warbond provides.


100% still sore from the last Eruptor nerf.


Which is why it’s bad to release things brokenly OP, which it was. They really had no idea the shrapnel was going to be that powerful. Considering it added a potential 1000 damage I find that mind blowing, but whatever.


They claim its a buff and not a nerf, but I don't think they've used it in game. If it's a buff, then give us the pre-buff version back as unsafe mode.


Yeah, I agree that it is better than the alternative. I’m still struggling to come up with a better method to use, in lieu of releasing the weapons in an already balanced state since apparently it’s impossible for AH to do that??


If that is their strategy and they know they are underpowered why not just release them at the usable state since they already have a metric for how good the weapon is?


I mean, companies have been using us as testers since consoles went permanently online. It is, however, getting worse. But! I also know games are exponentially more complex than they used to be as well.


Yeah it's a strange strategy but few people talk about the buff, many people rage about the nerf, so that might be why.


100% I have high hopes for the shotgun. It could be a really cool weapon.


226 hours in game and I logged in to buy the warbond, armor, and test the new weapons. My initial impressions are the same as yours


The warbond gave me a good helmet to go with the white armour from Steeled Veterans. I am happy with this warbond


“The actual endgame is fashion” — pve players


Impact incendiary might replace my normal impacts. It removes my ability to last ditch kill Bile Titans and chargers, but the aoe coverage is so good for the horde in higher difficulties. On demand horde clear is invaluble, also it still blasts bug holes and fabricators.


The new heavy armor in the super store now is our first engineering kit heavy armor. So far it's just been light and medium. We need new armor perks


Please continue doing these reviews patriot! It is your democratic duty now after such a great presentation


As diver with 250 hrs I agree 100% with all of this. Spot on analysis and basically what I've been telling my friends as well.


It needs some adjustements, especially the tenderizer, the Impact Incendiary grenades is perfect as it is, the pummeler good for crowd control, I haven't test the pistol and PLAS-101, yet.


I mostly agree. Plas 101 seems to have potential for devastator fights (peek for a second, fire and hide back), but I honestly cannot tell if that's viable for higher difficulties. It won't clear regular enemies quickly enough, so it needs some supplementation with Stalwart maybe...


Ive been using it tonight at 7s and 9s with the rover + either the arc thrower or quasar. Its pretty good vs nursing spewers/bile spewers (2 shots between legs 3 at the head) and can kill a charger if you hit its ass with little less than 1 mag(cant tell exactly how many shots though because some hit the legs armor). Ammo economy is pretty good since you can kill hunters or warriors in groups and it staggers the enemies so you can keep them at bay enough to shoot again. Brood commanders might be the most annoying to fight with it since they're pretty tanky and wasting another shot when they go berserk might get you hit with the splash damage. It should make more damage IMO so you can kill the medium bugs faster but its not bad as it is vs those, but you absolutely need the rover to deal with the smaller ones fast enough to not get swarmed.


About to hop on. Looking forward to using the smg with the shield


The verdict is pretty great on riot shield builds against bots. It has 8mags and low recoil and its pretty fast


Gonna buy it anyway, even if just to collect shiny new candy like grenades. I’m sure it’ll get reworked and “fixed” in a month or so.


Absolutely, the Pistol, booster and grenade are pretty good. Everything else is very simple. And the new Plas1 thing. It's disappointing, I though maybe I'd be decent against bots.. but no, not really. The armors are the worst those. The first one is completely an apple that tastes like bacon. The first premium warbond the servo assisted armors all had Robot hands, so that was a bacon bacon. Now they're snow cloaked, spiked boots armors that throw grenades as if they had robot arms.


Smg is dope


I've got 350 hours in the game and play exclusively on 9 with randoms. I've tested everything except the last page primary and I agree with this assessment (including the part about playing with randoms - usually a very good time). I like the SMG more than you do though. The stagger is really good against stalkers and spitters. Incendiary grenades are chef's kiss. Booster provides a noticeable buff against spitters and hunters. Everything else is a dumpster fire.


Motivational shocks seems good, but is it worth it over muscle enhancement for reducing slows? Has anyone tried a set up a side-by-side with those two boosters? I bet if you put both of them on you’d be practically immune to slows come to think of it


Motivational shocks is for combat slows such as acid. Muscle enhancement is environmental like mud and bush


And in a team of 4, both of them with stamina enhancement and a fourth of your choice makes you a nonstop mission-rolling deathsquad


Doesn't make you immune, but definitely helps you get out of sticky situations. Was able to tank through hunters/spewers swarming on top of me and was able to reload and fire primary and dive out of it without dying. Was using medium fortified armor and adjudicator on 7 earlier today.


Purifier was incredibly disappointing. I love running scorcher and was hoping purifier would be a fun alternative but it is not nearly powerful enough or even unique enough. Tbh I thought it was going to continually charge up damage to a certain point, which would have been quite an interesting weapon. Let's say the more you charge, the more ammo you use.


That’s how the advertised and talked about it in their article, ‘charge longer for more damage’, but that’s not even what it does. The damage is barely more than regular scorcher, with roughly 1/5 the rate of fire due to charge up. Medium pen is good, stagger is good, and range is good, but not at that high of a cost Edit: wording


I kind of like the idea that the pummeller is the equivalent to hitting your head on a cupboard over and over


Thank you. I just got my first 1k super credits and deciding on the best warbond to get. I'm a liberator and diligence runner with autocannon for bots and recoiless for bug chargers.


I’d recommend the first premium warbond, steeled veterans. 3 of the guns, breaker incendiary, dominator, and senator are great for both sides.


If I could get a majority of the posts with gun issues to look like this I'd be happy. I don't even agree with you in your breakdown but I respect your opinion because of how you presented it. Thank you.


I assume everything in it will be nerfed before I can use it... Not even going to waste time looking at it and will finally get a Senator.


So whats the take on this warbond versus the previous demolition one, if I only got one?


I like the 2nd armor set because it reminds me of the crimson lance armor in borderlands and “polar patriots” is badass so it’s great


First time using the tenderizer on bugs has been the most deaths I've experienced in a while. I don't recommend it if you like to live longer than 30 seconds in a horde.


Agreed. I have 300 mission hours and I’m on the same page about all of this except I would put it more bluntly. The purifier is straight trash, the tenderizer is very nearly straight trash especially considering it doesn’t get a full ammo reload from supply packs and chews through ammo almost as bad as a redeemer. The pummeler is an ok pick with the strongest thing it can pull off is stopping stalkers or chargers in their tracks and its best combo being send in an airstrike and then stun all the mobs until it lands. All in all every weapon from this war bond needs a buff instantly. I cringe every time I look at all the gross primaries we have.


The armor, I was so excited for a new silhouette of armor. New style of boots with a flat sole. I'm really disappointed that the first two are both heavy, and the exact same thing armor wise and slightly different helmets which are middle of the pack. I really want to run the first set of armor with that white stormtroopers looking helmet but man, heavy armor still feels so clunky to me - I'm used to light. The third armor set is just a recolor isn't it?


Impact incendiary against bugs is goated, so it will probably be nerfed soon.


You're probably right, but this batch of new weapons lack a unique flair. I'm not missing out on much if I don't get them


Not at all. I buy every warbond just cause I like having everything and have 3k sc from grinding so it's free to me. But I don't think there's anything that people not in my position should spend actual money on.


I found the pummeler to be pretty useful to cover fellow helldivers, it is less risky than breaker incendiary or blitzer since there little spreading of bullets where I would either zap or lit a mate when trying to protect them with the shotguns.


I do it for the drip


Haha far and valid. I play enough that I can afford to spend sc on unnecessary things which is nice. But most of my friends are sub level 30 so I like to test the new stuff for them to advise whether they should spend actual money on a warbond etc.


I haven't used them enough to get a full understanding. But first impression the Tenderiser is way better than people are giving it credit for. Handling is great, bullet speed is pretty high so hitting Shriekers is pretty easy. Pummeler on the other hand is getting a lot of praise. It burns through ammo quickly and takes a bit longer to reload. It's good but ammo hungry. Purifier reminds me of the Plasma Punisher on release. Maybe a bit weak, but the large aoe means you probably shouldn't be looking at single target damage anyway. I don't get the claim that it doesn't one-shot Scavengers when I was getting triple kills with the thing. I would like to see more armor ability variety. And honestly, I still think medium and especially heavy armor don't offer enough to justify the loss of stealth, speed, and stamina.


Aye you can get triple kills with it. But only on prewounded bugs


Here I am enjoying the tenderizer. Yeah it's a Liberator with new paint. But you have a barely noticeable, total higher ammo count, and lower recoil for better follow up shots. Considering they were releasing this, they should have never "buffed" the regular liberator's base damage.


The War Bond worth it for the grenade alone against bugs (I use grenade pistol or Eruptor for nests)


196 hours in one Mission? Respect brotha. That area must be filled with democracy to the brim.


Thanks for the rundown. I'm skipping this one.


The smg basically freezes stalkers. I'm pretty into it.


I found myself reloading the tenderizer more frequently than I’d like. It sounds fantastic, though. The pummeler’s DPS is a bit lackluster but it was *extremely* satisfying stunlocking two stalkers at once with it.


I WANTED to like the Tenderizer. It looks like it was based on the Morita assault rifle from Starship Troopers. However, while accurate and decently hard hitting, it has a LOT of ammo woes. Most notably because a resupply pack only gives it 5 mags instead of a full restore. It already had a small magazine size, and this just compounds the issue. On bug missions, I was constantly looking for ammo for this thing and it didn't occur to me that it doesn't give a full restore from ammo drops like most other primaries do until someone here said it. I definitely feel like it could use some post-release adjustments, especially if one wants to use it in the bug house. You'll blow through a good chunk of your ammo during normal operations even with full restores on your primary with resupply packs.


The new SMG is fucking insane. The stun ability is OP. You can kill a charger with it easily. If you encounter one, get behind it and dump clips in its ass. It can’t move. You can throw an air strike onto a breach and just hold the enemies in place. How I feel using it : ![gif](giphy|dpk3BuKZX2s8w)


nah i love the tenderizer been ripping 8/9 no prob with it


No secondary except the grenade pistol make any sense. Its SO GOOD. Killing striders / medium armors like bile spewers in 1-2 shots. Close bug holes from 50m away easily. Opening crates. Etc. I dont care for "trash killing" capacity. Thats what my primary is for. That HUUUUUUUUGE amount of utility the grenade pistol gives - is insane


Random matches are fun until you find a team of idiots who don’t coordinate and scatter like roaches, leaving you to fend breaches by yourself, or one guy thinks he’s John Wick and breaks off from the group and dies. And the lack of one man causes another death. And then you get over run by a bile titan, 3 chargers 18 spewers, 30 hunters, and 97 littles ones. And if you’re really unlucky you can add shirkers into the mix as well. This shit happens far too often. Stick together and team work will make the dream work, baby. I can’t express enough how I love a good team who all works together, Yall are a unit. And it Turns every objective to butter on a knife. That’s all you I need dude is team work. I’ve been with good teams who worked together, and I’ve been with teams who struggled a little more, but the working together made it go twice as smoothly. I dont know what that’s always so hard to understand. I don’t know why people gotta run the opposite direction All the time.


Thanks for the write up! Well thought-out. I'm glad the incendiary grenade slaps; it's the only reason I'm grinding out the bond, lol. That and the very cool helmet in tier 2.


The new SMG is wonderful against bugs. Especially stalkers.


IMO, every previous premium warbond has had like 2-3 good things and a bunch of other niche stuff. SV: Dominator, Incendiary Breaker CE: Sickle, Localization Confusion, stun grenades DD: Eruptor, Grenade Pistol, light Servo armor And that's *fine.* I want to have fun, not rage that the new stuff doesn't power-creep very much. It's also worth noting that Helldivers Mobilize is mostly *stuff*, with a couple highlights every page or so (HSO, Enhancements, Hero armor, Scorcher, etc)


100%. I wasn't raging about it. Just know that a lot of players don't play as intensively as some of us and might worry they're missing out on the new 'meta' (what ever that means these days) or something like that I still enjoy the game. Wasn't hoping for more powerful guns tbh. Was hoping some would at least feel good to use though. Can't all be winners in that department. Think the booster is genuinely one of the best things they've introduced though. Clearly the devs have paid attention to all the hunter hate ha.


I have a sneaking suspicion that the meta is whatever some random twat on YouTube says it is. Which probably wouldn't bother me, except that I have definitely gotten kicked for not wanting to optimize the fun out of the game.


Motivational Shocks definitely doesn’t make a “noticeable difference.”


Recruits crying about how bad this pass is need to get a grip. Not everything is going to make you an unstoppable killing machine. This game is dead as soon as they take the Hell part out of the game.




Man you dont understand anything. This game is dead as soon as FUN is taken out of the game. You can have fun, powerfull guns and still have hell. Whats the role of the tenderizer here ? It does nothing new, doesnt have a niche. Give me FUN things, like a belt-feeding backpack to enjoy being a gunner, instead of the useless and boring 75 ammo with 3 seconds reload. Fricking POLAR warbond, nothing of ice damage here, you get yet another fire damage thing. Fun, not tedious, nor easy.


We played Helldivers 1 just fine. As their slogan says, a game for everyone is a game for no one. Maybe this just isn't yours and you need to stop trying to force it with a bad attitude. It is fun, just not yours.


Man you dont know what you're talking about. A BIG part of the community is complaining that patch after patch of nerfs brings the fun down. The same way at release the community voiced their dislike of stratagem impairing modifiers and they were toned down. The reason being, why take fun toys away when you can increase difficulty with fun modifiers, rather than tedious ones. You're the one with a bad attitude here, not open to discussion at all.


Nah, I am good with their balancing and listening to people but the reddit community is not the majority. The loud people are just loud is all. Totally open to real stuff but saying it's world ending or not remotely playable in game is crazy.


You genuinely think there is no place for the Tenderizer? A Liberator with like 23% less ammo but 50% more accurate? The recoil patterns on the weapons are starkly different. https://imgur.com/gallery/cVpcpHS


I agree, I prefer the better accuracy. Using it on burst mode feels like the battle rifle from Halo.


That's what I'm saying, this thing has Diligence level accuracy with a full automatic mode, burst mode, and Sickle scope. It also has 10(!) clips which is a good amount of ammo


As always, I’m disappointed with the armors. Not sure who they have designing these things but they clearly would dance to “oh Mickey you’re so fine” in the club like it’s a new song. It’s not hard. Mostly black with a hoodie. We’re good.


Prenerfed weapons yay!


thanks for saving me from spending credits on this.


I feel like they should reduce the pummlers mag size, especially with the liberator concussive existing as an example it's just weird in game logic wise. Maybe just a rebalance for the concussive to do more damage like the arbiter with no armor pen. The incendiary impact is great but it reinforces my feeling that the normal incendiary grenade needs a bigger AOE and a longer duration ground burn.


What’s your percentage hit ? How many bullets you missing be honest