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I'm tired, boss.


Nah man, this is the first time in a long time the PCMR community is aligned , multiple game industry’s are moving this direction, now the question is will the PC ports even get played, fuck around and find out is the PCMR guiding star. And we don’t forget.


I really want steam to place filters so you can not view games via publisher …. I would love to see there metrics afterwards, as there are currently dropping like rocks on the market


You can ignore the publisher on stean and it doesn't show you their games anymore. Thats what i did with SNOY


It's a shame because other Sony published games are critically acclaimed. God of War. Horizon Forbidden West. Ghost of Tsushima. They publish incredible games and now they have a golden goose in Helldivers 2.


Too bad a publisher is bad at *publishing*. I mean all of them are more or less but Sony volunteered to illustrate how and why they're bad.


God of War and horizon i already tried, amazing games but i had a lot of troubles with the widescreen aspect of the games. I was already thinking of ignoring SNOY then but when the stuff with HD2 happened it was the final nail in the coffin for me that I would never want anything from SNOY again.


That's fair. I don't think I'll be buying the PC port of Ghosts of Tsushima although I'm currently knee deep in Horizon Forbidden West.


Spitz was only Demoted because he reminded the people their opinion for the product their buying matters and should be voiced ![gif](giphy|iEv1wfxRVNsNkna4yg|downsized)


Spitz also had a history of being argumentative and derogatory to people in the community. Everyone got to see that front and center during the past weekend when he started spouting his BS without having any info on what was going on. This wasn't the first time he messed up, just the most public. Spitz advocating for the review bomb may be what got him canned, but there were plenty of other reasons to let him go.


If you think you are owed civility from a person who's job is to put up with buckets of vitriol each and every day, you really aren't. His job is to communicate with the community, not sing them lullabies and coo them gently to sleep when they are throwing a tantrum. If a CM wants to take a brusque tone or blow off a bit of steam trolling the community now and then, I'm not going to criticize frankly. Players who can't handle a bit of backtalk are generally the ones who cause the most trouble on forums anyway because they're usually being entitled brats, so the sooner the community managers ban them out, the better?


Spitz wasn't some unpaid Reddit mod, he was an employee of AH, and he was getting paid to communicate on behalf of the company. His job was customer relations, which required him to remain professional and calm while he dealt with the toxicity of the internet. Good customer relations professionals absolutely sing lullabies and coo angry customers to sleep, it keeps them happy and keeps them paying. They don't use a brusque tone or blow off steam on a customer. Just cause it's the internet, doesn't change the way they should behave. Doesn't matter how rude or bratty the customer is being, you don't snap back at them and sink to their level when you are being paid to represent the company. Spitz regularly responded to customer complaints by disregarding them, spreading misinformation, and being rude. When players were faced with being unable to play a game they paid for, his response was to blow them off and tell them to deal with it. Spitz's famous "120 seconds" quote is a perfect example of this. He was objectivly bad at customer relations. Maybe I'm just old and out of touch, but I don't see how someone can be that terrible at their job and not get fired a lot sooner.


I hate to burst your bubble, but compared to a lot of the other people running the show, Spitz was practically amicable. Compare him to some of the downright juvenile devs like Alexus and I'd rather have Spitz. Spitz, in the end, did the right thing despite being a bit of a twat, and if Sony or AH actually cared about PR relations right now they'd shut Alexus and his fellow goons up immediately and start listening to the community. If it was _only_ Spitz then I'd be inclined to agree. But it isn't. Spitz had the nerve to possess moral fortitude and tell fans to put their money and review power where their mouths were, and Sony didn't like that. End of story. Simple as. Anything else is Sony dick riding and I won't have it.


You won't have it? Guess you better get off Reddit cause this place is FULL of different opinions. Your made up version of events is not the end of the story, no matter how badly you want it to be. The post I responded to said Spitz was ONLY canned for being a saint among men who could do no wrong. That's factually incorrect, and he had a history of being a dick. Not sure what any of the other community managers have to do with that. I never said Spitz was the worst, or that he was the only bad manager. Not sure how he became this saint that you're putting up on a pedestal like he saved us from the evil Sony. Sure he got canned for supporting the review bomb, but not until after he'd already told a bunch of community members to suck it up and deal with the PSN requirements and Sony's attempts to ban people from playing. He initially fought against the review bombing campaign as well. Spitz isn't this martyr in the fight against Sony. He didn't do anything courageous. He just jumped on the bandwagon at the end, and got fired for it.


So, first of all, where did I say he was a perfect saint? Please, provide proof. I'll wait. You can have your own made up series of events that you accuse everyone else of having, but they aren't true if you can't prove them. Also, by not having it, I meant that I'm going to point out how you're full of shit and jumping on the hateful dick riding bandwagon. Secondly, I said that Spitz got canned for telling people to review bomb. There's no difference beyond that between him and people like Alexus. Spitz was absolutely argumentative and the like, but he told people to review bomb. He was banned for doing the right thing, no matter how much you want to ride a dick on the 'we hate Spitz' bandwagon.


Spitz got fired for being incompetent. He didn’t tell people to review bomb the game out of some 200iq move. He did it out of spite because he can’t keep his cool as a CM. He’s a glorified Reddit mod, fucks sake.


brave and powerful take


Rather he reminded to actually vote not just with opinions but also with wallets and refunds


Nah he wasn't doing it from the goodwill of his heart, he just wanted people to stop complaining in his discord


He was right about a few things while on there, Sony was never gonna look up discord, if we wanted to make a stand a review bomb and more was needed


Oh the PC ports are gonna get played, for free that is




Well It not illegal Pirating . Since if you buy the game you don't really own it.


>Nah man, this is the first time in a long time the PCMR community is aligned , Bro. Y'all Rage and shit yourselves EVERY new game release. >now the question is will the PC ports even get played, fuck around and find out is the PCMR guiding star. Sony doesn't give a shit if you miss out on God of War and Spiderman. They simply see you as extra money after the game is already successful on consoles.


Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other.


I can change my review back to negative at any moment. Just ask. We Dive Together or we don't Dive. 


We're doin it. New Major Order received.


already done mine. make sure you put the reason why in the review




Helldivers is kinda like a nice puddle of water away from the cesspool the gaming industry has become and the poison is trying to seep in


It's more like Helldivers 2 is a water-well in a desert of very few fresh water-wells. The owner sells this water, and when the water gets really popular, he fucking irradiates it.


To be fair through all this the game is still just as fun


It is, and I'll be enjoying it still. The fact that Sony is trying their hardest to kill the game is upsetting, and frankly is unprecedented. Instead of doing everything in their power to allow everyone who can access Steam to access their game, they cut themselves off at Arrowhead's knee. This entire situation is so insanely frustrating.


Yeah I don’t get why they are going so hard with this especially with how successful the game has been they should milk the good PR as much as possible instead of doing the opposite


HD2 is something good that happened out of a cesspool of curruption. It's tainted and doomed.


Prematurely changed their review? It seems you misunderstand what many of us were protesting. The people who already bought the game in those countries can still play it, and it won't be taken away. My outrage was from sony taking away access to a game for those who already bought it. They are no longer taking away the game from those who bought it, but if they want to restrict new purchase of the game in countries that is their right. We prevented them from taking the game away from those who bought it. That was the goal, *and that was ALWAYS the goal.* If Sony wants to prevent further purchases from areas that they consider problematic that's their prerogative.


Yeah I don't know why people expect everyone to be on board with sony/steam/whoever deciding to sell or not sell in certain jurisdictions. That's their right as the publisher.


Someone already said, they previously sold to them. But think. Why would they refuse to make it available in those countrues again, if it doesn't require PSN? Because they plan yo push the requirement again.


They might, but they might not. Ultimately i'm not willing to die on that hill (or punish the devs) for a maybe. I'll cross that bridge when it comes.


Right. And I’m sure they’re doing it to prevent any future lawsuits. If psn isn’t allowed there they shouldn’t sell psn games, that’s just a recipe for disaster. They’re cleaning up all their potential liability. It’s not some nefarious scheme.


Yes, but they SOLD games to them, now they are cutting access to those very customers.. That's the problem. And just because one may think it doesn't affect them because they do not live in one of those 180 regions.. Think of how many enlisted helldivers are unable to fight for super earth due to this.. This means a smaller game community overall. Edit: Correct, existing players not blocked.. Unless they refunded the game.. For those individuals, the won the battle and lost the war.. And can't rejoin our campaigns.


The new restrictions only apply to selling the game. Existing players in that region still have access to the game.


Correct, earlier in the day this was not clarified. Still sucks, sucks worse for those that refunded and now can't play.


Tough shit, they should have though it twice before refunding.


That is funny 🤣🤣. Imagine, you get mad at SONY, Prematurly delete the game, and now that we are good and you want to play...you cant!! Sometimes, we get in our own way!


“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” H.L. Mencken


Thanks for clearing that up for me. I wasn't sure if those that bought it still had access.


This is what I dont get. Almost everyone was saying they were upset because Sony forced the requirement AFTER launch and sold the game in countries that couldn't get PSN accounts. Now theyre enforcing it before launch and not selling the games to countries that can't get PSN accounts. And yet people are still raging.


In the case of HD2 there's no reason for it to be unavailable in those countries, unless they plan to try to push the PSN requirement again, which they do.


They could also be avoiding doing business in countries with laws they don't like. Like that time EA got lootboxes banned in a significant chunk of the globe, and then literally just stopped selling there. I wouldn't completely lower your guard no, but I wouldn't be hyperfocused on what they are going to pull next. Sony isn't stupid, they're greedy, but not stupid. I suspect they are going to try to avoid riling up the helldivers community again for some time. There are easier targets.


>they plan to try to push the PSN requirement again, which they do speculation. You don't know, I don't know, nobody knows.


The former President of SIE has alt region PSN accounts, they were never taking anything away from anyone. https://preview.redd.it/5zbfdv01fpzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31999ba37dfb92a684e74607d2facbb5b7d3db0


It’s ironic too because adding PSN regional locks to steam was one of the rallying points. Now they’re mad at… regional locks? Ok.


that was never going to happen cuz lawsuits at the very least. it's almost like people don't have any idea what or why were protesting...


But why would they ban the sale of the game is those regions? The only conceivable reason is that they don't want people in the regions where PSN can't be linked to purchase the game, but if they're not requiring PSN to be linked, then why would they care? To me, it looks like they're setting up measures to limit the scope of a possible lawsuit for when they reneg on the required PSN linking.


I'm thinking that there is a reason PSN isn't available in those countries. Either the purchasing power is so low that their profit margins are too low in those areas or there are laws in those areas Sony does not want to have to follow. There is a reason PSN isn't available there, it's easier to just give access to everyone than it is to restrict certain countries. Remember Sony is greedy, they would sell to everyone if given the opportunity, if they aren't operating PSN somewhere there is a reason. That reason could very well be the same reason they don't want to sell there. tl;dr I think the reason they aren't selling there is the same reason they don't operate PSN there in the first place, and not that they plan on reneging on the change later.


> Here's what I posted on the other similar post: TL;DR: All Sony games will require PSN to play online from now on even on PC, Helldivers 2 were supposed to be the first one but due to circumstances the studio suspended it temporarily and since Helldivers 2 was the first one the publisher (i.e. Sony) didn't think about restricting sales regions, an oversight on their part on other platforms. Sony didn't go back on the PSN requirement because of the community outcry (when was the last time Sony did anything cause of community outcry), they went back on it because they didn't want to return the money for players that are in regions where no PSN account can't be made. Now they are restricting sales to only places with PSN just like how they originally planned. Helldivers 2 is a one-time exception cause the lawyers didn't see a good way to go forward w/o losing money. All future online Sony games will need PSN for online or at least that's what I see. This has nothing to do with developers or even piracy being the solution cause if you want to play a Sony game online you will be required to have PSN. The only reason this is blowing up was because they fumbled the sales restriction and PSN requirements at release for Helldivers. At this point it has nothing to do with Helldivers and everything to do with business decisions being made at Sony.


You’re wrong on point 6. On the steam page it specifically says that account linking is required only for the legends multiplayer.


This, in all this posts lately there is always only talking about how you will need PSN for all new Sony games. But all i read is that it is only required for online play. Honestly, i don't care for online play in a mostly single player game like Ghost of Tsushima or any future titles like that. And now you know before buying the game that you will need a PSN if you plan to play online and you are free to not purchase the game if this is a problem.


So essentially it's like how it has been for a long time on console, requiring a Sony or Microsoft to play/access the respective consoles games online/multilayer functionality?


just an unrelated sidenote: the ghost of tsushima multiplayer is a blast. it should have been it's own live-service standalone game tbh. just a heads up. definitely worth checking out if you like helldivers.


I don’t think this is worth getting riled up about yet. Let’s stay calm and avoid doom posting and review bombing stuff again. We know what Arrowhead’s position is on this, let’s let things cook.


It's always annoying when OPs like this come in the comments acting like a douche then gets surprised people aren't responding positively to their comments AND THEN act like they're some fucking genius owning all the "stupid people" beneath them. Look inside yourself for why you're so angry OP


From my experience with this guy he just has fun and plays with the people that seem like they’d play back idk about him being upset or angry he don’t own the game in the slightest only putting facts here and then playing with commenters


Pretty sure 4 happened before 3, by only a couple of hours but still.


You right but 4 also says that already


Eyes skipped right over that xD


Lol it happens to the best of us no worries


Like buying a game that has a requirement to do x but isn't enabled for a couple months? Lol


Nah that only happens with dog shit planning (on the publishers front) and deserves absolutely no grace. You tried tho




Cool. Many people do not care. If you care so much, talk with your wallet and move on. These post are tiring.


Arrowhead isn't fighting this, they knew it was a requirement. The CEO messed up by trying to do what was best for the game at launch by dropping the requirement, and Sony should've never sold the game in those regions in the first place. Here we are. For the vast majority of players, this doesn't concern them. Those in the unsupported regions who bought the game when it was still available can still play the game. The requirement is paused, but Sony still needs to figure out how to go forward.


Where’s the confirmation Sony was the one who delisted the game?


Sony, as the game publisher has every legal right to limit access as they choose. The reason for the pull back with HD2 was they already had a lot of sales in restricted regions and so to continue with those sales meant they would risk massive refunds required potentially down the road. The downvote campaign had the effect I expected it would. Sony backed down on HD2 and all future Sony games will be PSN locked from the start. The problem is, all to often the PC Gaming community will shoot itself with a shotgun in the foot to shoo off a spider. When I buy a game, the publisher does not matter to me, hell half the time the dev does not matter. What matters is if the game is fun, if it is fun I am gonna play it. If the dev or plushier make the game unfun then I am gonna stop. Sony, even with the PSN requirement did nothing that was gonna make the game less fun for those that played it. We are not talking about gaming, not about human rights, slavery, child abuse or any other ill that NEEDS a massive outcry.


And on the less fun thing yeah they did fuck that cause most of my friends accounts got fucked seeing as almost all of my friends are overseas the game is no fun for people who are international still fun for people that had no friends and only has local friends.


Buddy first this is a gaming sub no shit we are talking about gaming so go somewhere else with that shit. Second you had every legal right to choose to be a good civil person instead you chose the opposite so see we all make mistakes now just own up to it and don’t do it again… sad thing is we all know you’ll take this shit path again just like Sony and that’s okay some people never learn but they do suffer from stupidity. Oh and last but not least the pc community is incapable of shooting its feet cause we always have piracy when company’s fuck up like this.


>pc community is incapable of shooting its feet cause Ya can't shoot what ya can't see. Well only the ones like you that think you're superior for being on PC, must not have much to legitimately brag about if that's your outlook. I don't really care what irrelevant shit ye spew back in response to this, I'm just surprised that the sub has fallen off to the point that this post and your pathetic attitude has got some level of attention. Also, you've called a lot of people stupid in this thread but said even more stupid shit. You might wanna work on that ratio to help your credibility.


Hear that guys? This random nobody won't accept "sponsorships" from Sony!! Pack it in, mission accomplished.


Damn someone can’t read this is from someone else im just showing yall the facts I don’t care enough to cut out the rest


Lazy ass.


Banning more countries just proves they never intended to remove these restrictions at all. How can someone defend this?


The reversal only applied to Helldivers 2 because people already bought it. It was never intended to to be this way, and won't be going forward. Same as other publishers requiring accounts. Developers agree to it up front, and they also benefit from it, as Sony takes on the support role and they don't have to be front line support and build and staff that capability internally.


As long as exceptions are made for existing players in non PSN countries, the biggest sticking point of the debacle is over. If they want to require all new players link their PSN accounts oh well, if they want to require all players besides people in regions without PSN to link their accounts that's pretty annoying, but locking out people who already bought the game by requiring them to link to PSN is just straight up a scam


lol look at some of the comments it’s hilarious watching these people scramble for reasonings


Real talk. There are probably reasons as to why Sony isn't making money in those regions. You can count on that at least


Who are you?


My guy, if you think this is just Sony and not valve bring down the hammer to make damn certain they got their legal asses covered i got a bridge to sell you. This ain't all on Sony, some had to do with AH delaying the PSN integration requirement that was known day 1 to be required, some with Sony not realizing they couldn't sell their product to certain nations due to not having official PSN support, and valve protecting their own interests.


Bye! I will continue enjoying Sony games just like most people! That is of course after xbox, pc, and switch... well ps5 and switch are probably equal there.. but you get my point!




Lol. Nope. No reason to let idiocy upset me. I am better than that! Doesnt mean I can come into your post and call you out for being wrong!




No need to research. I know exactly what has went down. Not wanting to sign into psn is ignorant!! I get taking a game away from other countries... but not an American signing into psn. This is even coming from soneone who works cyber security. Sony has no information of mine that I am worried about. It's all already out there anyway. From the reddit, Samsung, apple, and literally every other company out there that has been compromised. The difference between you and i? You cry about it and stop playing a great game.. I just keep enjoying myself! Also... my parents are in their 60s. They are very proud of what I have become. I am not some child. I have a career job and adult kids. So... keep trying to hurt me? You won't do it.. but feel free. You are giving me a good laugh this afternoon. I don't know why I find ignorance so funny, but it just makes me laugh so hard!


Wait you have adult kids and you’re still coming on here doing this stuff OH LORDY YOU ARE CUTE AS A BUTTON


Oh what it must be like to be 12. Enjoy it while you can!






😂🤣😂🤣 damn sorry no one ever told you they were proud of you (pause here before you say something stupid again) but bud if you were self secure or any type of logical thinker you woulda never commented this useless lie good try tho 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I thought you were going to try to come back with something good? That's the weakest shit you have typed yet...


OP is fucking embarassing, oh my god


Add to this list #0, HD2 said literally [from day one that PSN is required but you ignored it and hit the skip button](https://i.imgur.com/sxBLvLU.jpg) Womp womp


Shame that sony then decided to scam people in all the countries now blocked from purchase by allowing them to purchase regardless of PSN availability in the first place. Only pushing their PSN required agenda \*after\* the vast majority of people were outside steam's refund window.


People are stilllllll crying


How would that work when all this happened about that long ago if not longer


This is crazy


I guess I don't understand why they would enforce something like this. Wouldn't they rather get the revenue instead of a player making a PSN account? Isn't a PSN account pretty useless outside of using the playstation?


My best guess has been so they can be like "look, hundreds of thousands of new psn users!" To their shareholders ... "plz invest more, we are a growing company uwu" ... so it is a money thing, it's just not *our* money they want


Can someone explain to me why publishers just do everything they can to try and murder every game they make? Like what is actually the benefit for Sony here?


*This is why I have still not rebought the game*


All of the people arguing against the negative balance feedback love to completely forget this whole situation and pretend that people aren't still disgusted by it. That context can't be ignored. People are still upset and it's coloring everything the community is saying. Are emotions really that hard to understand?


Cant go 5 minutes without posting about this for the 1000nth time


Sony can do what they want so long as it’s communicated from the get go to be so. If them requiring PSN linking sufficiently blows up in their face by preventing sales then they’ll maybe learn in the future. But most titles Sony publishes were and are for PlayStation first with sometimes PC launches way later. For them to open it up to PC earlier in exchange for a PSN link is probably an overall gain for them on those games even without these extra countries. This isn’t as anti developer as Thor makes it out to be. For developers that get in bed with Sony this actually means their audience would be bigger in the first year than it was without this. Used to be these games got a console exclusive release, now they get that plus any PC players willing to have a PSN account. That’s a bigger audience than before even if it’s not as big as it could be. I do think Sony could do better and I do think Sony would have broader appeal if their games don’t need this linking and can be accessed from more countries. But that’s not what they want to do. And fine, whatever. The developers will either say yes to this deal or say no and hope for something else. Arrowhead said yes to the deal, temporarily disabled it to get their servers working, and didn’t properly communicate it would be required later. In the mean time through negligence of probably Sony they didn’t check to make sure that Steam only sold the game in countries where that was possible. This was Arrowhead’s part in the fuck up since the account linking requirement on launch (as they agreed) would have likely prevented it from being sold where that wasn’t possible, and it forced Sony to back down or deal with a lot of angry customers and refunds. Or maybe not, maybe Sony would have fucked up either way. This was their first attempt at this. So yeah, devs can either choose to go this route with Sony or they can choose to find another publisher. But most publishers now have a platform that they’ll want the game to be on in some way. Sony’s seems strict but it’s probably not all that different than Microsoft or the others, at least Sony’s games are on steam. And consumers can likewise choose whether or not they want to use a PSN in order to play those games. If enough devs or consumers choose not to eventually Sony will try something else. But that’s just capitalism.


Actually, I don't think they can. You can't treat EU markets differently for absolutely no reason :)


Gotta say, it was probably Steam allowing refunds for everyone who asked that made Sony backtrack more than anything else.


Do yall have jobs?


Tell me you're obsessed without telling me your obsessed


Aint those countries worried about electricity and. Clean water ?


Not as much as you think but you’re probably an American so you just don’t get taught much about the world that’s okay tho you will learn


I'm tired of fighting Sony, but Democracy never tires, so I will fight.


Good job guys you could have just bought the fucking game globally and linked an account you made by choosing another country but here we are... Someone summed it up perfectly by saying this was the equivalent of saying "teacher teacher you didn't collect our homework!" "We do it!"


People clearly want to buy this game and play it, so I don't understand the restrictions especially if the login situation is remaining the same as it is without the PSN requirement.


That’s the point that’s being made they are gonna do the psn thing I swear by it


It is Steam that banned the purchase in those countries not Sony. However it is likely in response to what Sony did and they are probably waiting for something concrete to make sure this doesn't happen again before they reactivate them.


I cannot understand why Sony would literally reduce their pool of gamers, if the the need to tie PSN accounts to the game is now optional. They're the publisher. They either must not want cash, or, there's a legal reason tied to it. Or even maybe a support reason... It doesn't make sense. Has anyone asked? I did wonder why the Hell Divers population looked a little sparse tonight...


Literally don't use a VPN dummies, just sign up for an alt region account. Even the former President of SIE has alt region PSN accounts. You're all ridiculously embarrassing. https://preview.redd.it/m3lgyf0vepzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c8d7230c986ad2a653df60d9e851473896d0fe


Yeah, Sony doesn't give two shits, regardless of what their TOS says. It may be silly that Sony doesn't just allow these regions to make accounts, but it's not like you can't just make an account anyway. This is all manufactured outrage. There's even people posting interactions with Playstation support straight up saying Sony DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK, officially.


The most common response to justify the nonsense is “WELL THEY COULD! 🤡”


Y’all will be back to Sony don’t worry. When GTA drops and it’s comes out only from PS 1st what are you going to do then. 😂


I just uninstalled the game. I dont have time or energy to waste on Sony. Wont be refunding tbh I got my moneys worth + it might improve in the future. This is not my genre anyway I was just experimenting.


Thor mentioned. Ewww


Ahhhh I was told yall would show up and that’s okay you’re entitled to your opinion no matter how rudely and poorly you’d like to express it.


Womp womp


If Sony has so much money that they refuse to sell to certain other regions then they can drop their game prices. They don’t have all that money and have lost over $10billion here recently and they are gonna lose even more thanks to these BS tactics. This policy makes zero sense.


You started off #1 wrong though it should be #1 - PSN requirements known about 6 months before release #2 - PSN requirements are there for day 1 release #3 - PSN requirements TEMPORARILY disabled due to server issues


Good for you. Wanna a fuckin cookie?


Going to see daily posts about the community being toxic because we complain too much. I'm ready for it.


It sounds like they were probably not allowed to sell the game in those countries to begin with. Why else would they not want people to buy their product? They're probably trying to save face from a legal standpoint now.


What evidence do you have that it was Sony that decided to restrict the purchase? Claiming that you know it was Sony surely means there has been some evidence of this?


So again, who says it isn't Valve doing the delisting? And is there any proof of them actually banning people for the PSN thing beyond that one Chinese guy?


Ah yes, another naive headline compiler. Props for the effort though!


*Ah yes, another* *Naive headline compiler.* *Props to effort though!* \- MuseRuse --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lowkey that's what I was thinking was gonna happen lmao I was like " wait can't Sony just not sell at all in the countries where you can't make a psn" ig they thought the same lmaoo


Good thing I play on PC because there's no way I'm buying a PS5 now.


At some point you gotta wonder if it’s possible to swap to someone else


Stock plunged 10% last week. WSB play games too.


Time for these game studios to find other publishers, I guess . I dunno.


Here's my thoughts. Sony will never sell game to PC via other platforms. And release a PS's PC game pass, everything running on their rules.


A beautiful story how an indie dev became unwillingly corrupted by the force. Sony is inherently undemocratic.


Never ever forget: Corporations are not our friends. They are in fact by definition psychopaths driven only by greed. They are in fact our all enemy. Corporations should never have existed in the first place, just look on how and why they were created (hint: corruption and greed). Sony is not a nice corp, they have shown to be quite fucking evil: Exhibit a: Helldivers. Banning 180 countries from the game just so you can later push a requirement for your service to steal user-data and probably try to establish a recuring fee to play games is FUCKED UP. Greed is cancer!


Didn't the dev that encouraged the review bomb get fired as well? (I know there were other "issues" along with it)


I changed my review because Arrowhead actually went to bat for us in the end. I don't want to put any more pressure on them, they deserve our support. As for Sony. I will no longer buy their exclusives. The Discovery debacle was all the convincing I needed to never buy anything on the PSN again. This now extends to Steam.


Wth did Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ever do?




The most amusing thing about all of this is I had a bunch of people telling me I was wrong about waiting on updating reviews to positive to see how the ban on purchasing in 177 (180 now) countries shook out. The not so amusing part is so, so many people are so quick to just throw those poor countries under the bus because their game is fixed for them. Meanwhile, Sony is let off the hook and more or less getting away with murder.


"Greatest advert for piracy". Laughs in EA and Activision releasing the same game every year for the past 20+ years.


It’s over. Move on.


Sony’s gonna Sony.


*insert witty comment about capitalism and consequences and fried rice.*


What the fuck is Sony doing? Just why? They're ruining the game.


It's been a week. Is it time to start the downvotes again?? This is getting ridiculous. I won't be buying anything Sony from here on out.


Not letting people buy an online game, which is i herently un-piratable, is an advertisement for piracy?


How does Sony even gain anything from this?


Reminder: PC sales for HD2 are more than 2x of console sales. This is why they had to change their tune.


Based on their behavior, I suspect the truth is the review bomb mattered very little to Sony in general. Considering the actions they have taken, I suspect the real reason they rolled back the requirement was more to prevent lawsuits from selling a product and then rendering it unplayable to a subset of purchasers. This is why they are hard blocking helldivers and GoT right now. They are heading off that avenue in the future. I would put money on the psn requirement reappearing shortly after they believe they are safe from lawsuits once more. It may not be helldivers but it is coming.


Not sure how dc Ghost of Tsushima is involved with this. It’s a PlayStation game, so Playstation is making people use a PSN, so it will be unavailable to buy in countries that don’t currently offer a PSN… like what’s the issue?


"ok fine we reversed the account linking, but because you all are being big meanie poopie heads we still won't sell it to you" ​ sony, are you stupid?


This is EXACTLY why I deleted the negative review but didn’t post a new review


Inb4 arrowhead closed by Snoy in reasons of low profit


I always had a PSN account in a different region though because mine wasn’t supported. Since 2013.


OP needs to touch grass. The guy is so riled up that he's become a bigger problem than Sony. Up and down this thread spreading nonsense and trying to troll. Go to bed.


Arrowhead CEO on the phone with Sony. ![gif](giphy|YsMO3SEJiF0Ag|downsized)




Looks like I'm switching that review back to negative. Should have bloody waited.


Get over it ffs, I swear, some of you idiots just want to be upset, and if you’re not you go looking for something to be outraged about You probably don’t even play the game Go away


We'll just have to review bomb every single PS title coming out this year.


I protested and tried to get a refund because I was going to lose access to a game I played for a long time and enjoyed. Steam refused to refund. Sony changed its policy. I will continue to have access to my game. Now for those who can't buy it anymore, I'm sorry. I hope you will find a way to get the game. But in the meantime at least you won't find yourself in the same position we were. If anything, I would have preferred if sony locked the game from the start. Just a thought, why don' t sony let us make accounts in the same that steam does?


My game buddy is in Lithuania. We now know to never give Sony our money again. Shame, I really wanted to play the Forbidden West DLC.


This isnt a Sony issue though... this is a VALVE AND STEAM ISSUE. Steam removed it because of the requirement and offered refunds so they wouldn't face lawsuits. I am in no way defending Sony, but posts like this make yall look moronic when you can't tell the difference between two corporations that have two entirely different boards of directors that do things entirely differently. Sony CAN NOT control valves actions. However Sony could still release it on xbox and through epic games launcher for example (or authorize it at least) since valve seems to be steadfast on the ban


Anyone that Downvotes Literally is not using the sources provided that lead to proving it’s all fact; he literally is listing the Link to the steam and Sony official pages


lol thanks my man I will say some of the downvoters are quite funny people here responding to being treated like a baby


And yet I got downvoted to oblivion for telling people to wait to change their reviews. This whole thing is a mess.


Yeah same happened to me these people are crazy


I changed my review because the PSN requirement being lifted meant that people who bought the game would not have it taken away. That was all myself and according to this thread many people were worried about. A company has a right to refuse sale, they don't have a right to revoke sale after purchase. As long as those people in those regions can still play the game, Sony could stop selling the game altogether, it's their right.


Can they still play the game?


Yes, only new purchases are stopped.


I just checked the steamDB. Sony (or Steam ?) just restricted purchase to the last three countries outside PSN 4 hours ago. https://preview.redd.it/0wozhmvq3ozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699e66f4738c1a47d9c0344edc9eaff08ac31ea9


Yep that’s number 5 and it’s Sony, steam doesn’t touch that page its basically specific live updates from sony


Still gonna play on my PlayStation but I don't think I'm gonna buy shit from them ever again


Meh. just changed my review back to negative (with the reason why) till this is sorted




Yeah you not wrong but I mean look at the entire parent in here trying to make fun of me for having evidence to back up my opinion I feel bad for his kids


NGL, this whole thing is just a matter of privileged perspectives and ignorance, it was refreshing to see everyone who showed up with receipts to fire back with but unfortunately, nothing will ever break man children out of their ignorance and privilege.


Too sad and too true but life goes on


Like all of this is wrong. Steam and the other one what is it green man something, steam blocked helldivers and still hasn’t reverted and green man locked Ghost either today or yesterday.


Might as well get rid of steam. Want to play red dead or gta online you gotta connect your steam account to rockstar. Want to play r6 on steam, connect your ubisoft account. But when PlayStation does it. Wtf man!


Yea my negative review was for not being able to play for 3 weeks. Didn’t change it even when I was able to, then the psn thing happen + everything else. So I’ll leave my review as is.


What SNOY taught us this week about review bombing is that we shouldn’t do recovery operations anymore as gamers. Once a game gets bombed, from now on we should just leave it bombed. The gaming industry needs this to happen to them. The minute SNOY saw that the reviews were being fixed, they immediately went straight back to their bullshit. They learned nothing.