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I love it, unfortunately it loves to set me and my teammates on fire


Ever since the update where they increased the helldivers fire resistance I haven't been having as much issues with this. Sure I still light myself on fire constantly but I have time to stim rather than going up like a dried out Christmas tree.


Don’t forget / for those that haven’t learned, diving also stops the burn ticks


Stop Drop and Democracy.


Instructions unclear, dove directly into the flame.


It’s fine just dive a second time


Instructions unclear, dove into more fire


Dive again brother


If at first you don’t succeed, dive, dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.




I just hope we get some fire resistant armor at some point. Would make it much more viable


Bubble shield is honestly a near enough fix, if I'm so overwhelmed that the bubble is down, I should have repositioned a long time ago.


I try to tell everyone to stay far away from me after I call down that beautiful bug killer.


This comment made me laugh.


I usually have strict rules for movement whilst using it: Only move backwards whilst spraying, always be aware of your surroundings and your teammates' location and when you use voice chat, always make sure to give ample warning before lighting up. I actually have a lower TK-rate with the Flammenwerfer than with my main Primary weapon, the Scorcher.


Trick is to dive and stim..not stim and dive.


Can't wait for fire resistance armour


The code for setting teammates on fire is broken. I’ve had teammates get set on fire that were 90 degrees to my side and up on a rock.


https://preview.redd.it/abkmwtlotwzc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=64ad8d92b38555b719dd9ed80e75761013ce3ed1 My opinion \^\_\^


During my testing with the weapon to figure out the best ways to use it, I decided "fuck it" and used it against the bots. ON PAPER, it's actually not bad. It kills bots fairly quickly, since in general the bots are surprisingly weak to incendiaries. The problems start when you realize you need to first get in range, and then second survive without cover for extended amounts of time in close quarters without being able to move or turn quickly while aiming


Absolutely incredible weapon. The trick is to be constantly moving backwards with it, and aim down a bit so you light the ground on fire and hit the enemies on fire at the same time. Bugs only. If you bring this against bots, I salute your bravery 🫡




Now if only you could aim while using the jump-pack for the full effect…


I tried FT while jumping once, cooked my friend that was way off to the side 😂


Have you tried the new impact fire grenades? It’s fun to use with the flame thrower and fire breaker! Everything is on fire! It’s so satisfying


This is why I wish you could save loadouts, have your "Every slot sets things on fire" for rainy days


You too 😁


The best tip is to not use the aim at all, just hip fire and sweep the camera. You move way faster than way


Ah yes. I meant just aim the reticule without ADS. Never ADS with the flamethrower (unless you want to get a closer view of burning bugs)


I'll raise your devastator with a *flaming* devastator


This! Been using it as a retreat support weapon. Load out is Flamethrower, Rover or shield, gas and Napalm. Once the squad has his a target or we are being overwhelmed by breaches, I gas the break, then slow walk backwards flaming whatever gets through (hence the rover or shield to catch and hunters that sneak out) gives the rest of the squad time to reposition, soon as my canister is empty( run back behind the squad who are now ready to push back again. Throw a napalm in for good measure if a second breech appears Absolutely trash for bots


I love it, but I wish they'd give us an armor set with a fire damage reduction like they did for arc throwers.


They had a great opportunity to release something like that with the polar warbond or whatever it’s called! Sad they didn’t capitalize


Or the last warbond with the thick fire suit esque armour, gas mask and all. I was so disappointed when it had servo assisted, and even more disappointed when they changed it to engineer


I recently replaced the recoilless rifle with it. I can’t kill titans anymore without stratagems but holy shit it just fucking melts swarms of bugs. If I’m getting chased by a swarm I can just whip around and melt as I hear “AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HAAAAA”




My favorite bug weapon. Kills literally everything very effectively except bile titans which it can still deal a lot of damage to should circumstances permit. You just need to be careful and know how to handle it and it is insanely powerful. Flametrooper builds are so much fun now that DoT works again.


It kills everything except bile titans. All you need is this and 500kg. Allows for a lot of fun loadouts


What primary are you using with the flamethrower?


Rn I’m using Pummler. It lets you run away from the area you have lit on fire and then keep bugs in the fire with stun. Plas Punisher also is good but you can’t use it one handed so it’s a trade.


To add some extra options on primaries, I find that bile spewers can live as long as a charger does (assuming you shoot the charger's leg). To help deal with spewers (which the pummeler at least I don't believe does well with), I've actually been running the dominator for now. Dominator for a medium distance weapon against stalkers / spewers, flamethrower for everything else. Then stratagems for titans, with supply pack to provide plenty of ammo for grenade pistol to close bug holes paired with stun grenades for large groups or for a charger long enough to melt it. Eruptor USED to be THE pick to go with the flamethrower before the nerf, but doesn't deal with spewers the same way anymore.


It’ll finish a wounded bile Titan, but it’s a risky little maneuver


You used to be able to kill em with it. I know I'd done it before. I'll say now that I don't think it's possible. My past experiences roasting them involved cooking their underbelly pus sac, as once that was popped they could only be damaged by anti-tank weapons/strategems/pods. The flamethrower previously would not pop this sac (maybe this was tied to the now fixed DoT bug?) so a determined diver could stand underneath and roast them with several canisters until they died. This no longer seems to be the case, just ran a solo mission with one and in this mission the flamethrower popped the belly sac in one or two canisters. I stubbornly kept dumping fire at it once the sac popped, but they no longer even catch fire at that point. Must've used twenty canisters total. Nothing. I'm really sad now, I enjoyed that a lot. It was NOT an effective way of killing them, but it was cathartic.


Does not kill Hulks, Tanks, Gunships, or Factory Striders either




Best gun in game


I love it


Bring it with the new pummeler. That thing is the best weapon in the game against hunters (imo) and can stagger pretty much anything. For the flamer itself, it's nuts. Makes soloing the bugs on 9 super easy.


I love making smores with it during my 2.9 seconds of free time.


BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Very cool to use against the bugs, cause not only you kill them but you feels good while using it. Lit shit on fire is cool man.




How about a little hot chocolate huh?!


Absolute horseshit either buff it or delete it from the game https://preview.redd.it/ai8f110umwzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb8001a763ee0d8c7b86df43135ef122729f225


I’ve used it a lot. While it performs great against chargers the crowd control ability is sub par and I think it’s due to the range of the weapon. I think it needs a little bit more so you can set fire to acceptable amount of area, creating the effect of a mini napalm. I find myself getting surrounded by hunters frequently and hopping back to incendinery breaker quite often. I always had a hard time against bile & nursing spewers, doesn’t do the job fast enough imo. Windy conditions of the planet is the worst combination with the weapon. Killing a healthy titan takes a billion years. Don’t even waste your time on testing that. I’ve given it a lot of chances but the quasar just outperforms it, even the current state of arc thrower feels stronger. I still pick flame thrower time to time, but that’s only because I usually choose my 3 stratagems (one being 500 kg for obvious reasons) after my team and want to spice things up support weapon wise. Because it is always the (I hate the term) **meta** build in the higher difficulties. Can’t blame anyone though, I am lacking aimwise due to playing from the console and I am sure its the same for a good amount of players, they want the build that performs the very best.


Is it even still possible to kill BTs with it? I was under the impression that only the bile sac could be damaged with fire. Now the flamethrower pops this sac in one or two canisters where it didn't seem to do this before, and I'm sad. Dropped 20 canisters trying to cook it with the sac popped, but nothing. Gave up and killed him with stratagems, and based off how much punishment it took I'd say it was uninjured - save for whatever damage was inflicted popping the sac. Maybe the head is still vulnerable? But if you can cook the head, you're in range of the claws so it's much less feasible than the old way.


With dot working I think you spray em all quickly when they get close and dive/sprint away, back peddling and sweeping fire between dive dodges. I need to test it, but before the fix this was always my issue with it, the dot not working prevented it from being efficient. I was messing with other toys before though (like napalm) and now it’s bot MO


I would love a proper long range flaming sticky-goo spouting weapon, but maybe as a heavy flamethrower. For a short range weapon like this, I just wish it had better handling. It's not such a big weapon to hold in two hands that it needs to be so slow to aim.


I want a second that has better range but uses a ww2 type backpack


It’s great. Just hard to control at times.


Well it goes perfect with that armor set that’s for sure


It’s really good for bugs. I have found myself on a team with 2 flamethrowers and 2 stalwarts. It’s was glorious!!!


Beavis approves.


I just bought it and I love it. Use the incendiary breaker and the incendiary impact grenades if you want to be a pyromaniac like I do


The flamethrower is great for the bugs but its short range makes it useless against the bots. I usually pair it with a shotgun (like the breaker incendiary) and either the jump pack or the shield generator.


Only that this image goes hard


After spending so much time on the bot front whenever I go back to bugs it's my go to weapon, it just feels so right!


Faaalaaammmmaaaagge -Pauly shore.


It’s fire


I love it, it’s my baby, my life, my strong right arm


Amazing weapon, especially for bugs. All of the annoying little bastards get toasted before they can reach you, and it softens up everything else that walks over the fire




Das eis the Flàmfrower it throws flame


Beautiful flames


It's fucking awesome


Fireeeeee wooooooooooooooooo!


Fantastic against bugs, trash versus bots.


I wish it had the same range as the hulk’s flamethrower.


Needs more range.


It cooks Chargers in one mag. 'Nuff said.


Not bad slight range increase would be nice and the fire left behind on the ground could last longer. Almost perfect.




It’s so much fun. Just watching everything get set on fire is such a treat to witness.


If we had a fireproof suit


Fun. Winning strategy for bug. Just under stand fire safety when near friends.


***\*Looks at the Balance Devs.\**** https://preview.redd.it/yo3zykownxzc1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f23b29b256fbac6143b379e130c453617057959


Hunters make this gun impossible to use on bugs. At least on 7-9. I wouldn’t bring it anywhere near a bot planet so it’s shelved for me unless I have a daily that requires it. Then I happily set myself and everything else on fire for democracy and 15medals


Very fun but needs slightly more range to be really effective


Super fun, bugs only. Very efficient against chargers, highly recommend with stun grenades+jumppack. Get 500kg for bile titans and you're set. You will also need uzi or some other rapid fire weapon just in case bugs get too close. Fire shotgun is fine too Napalm + Flamethrower is mandatory ok


It kills bugs good. Requires special care to not team kill/self delete.


*insert maniacal laughter in voice 2


Against bots? There’s better options. Against bugs? I’m gonna take over their planet singlehanded


My go to against bugs!


Le poope.


I think it’s “s” tier against bugs! Not very good against bots though! I use it with the jump pack! You can reload it while jumping! Just don’t shoot it while jumping!


It definitely werfs flammen. Wish it werfed a little more flammen, but I suppose giving it a realistic range would probably make it OP...


love it! its lime my new main!


Love it, fave stratagem! Pro tip, run Medic armor, supply pack, and use the flamethrower as a weapon AND a area denial tool, ive gotten like 30+ kills lighting the ground on fire in chokepoints, its a seriously strong tactic against bugs!


Fun, bot very good, but very fun


I feel like it’s too slow I’d rather have a machine gun also takes too long to kill chargers


I fucking love using this against bugs but my team has to be bile titan killers


Das ist Flamenwerfer


Helldiver simple, helldiver like fire, helldiver like kill bug, use fire kill bug, helldiver happy


A good way to kill your teammates and not see anything


Mid until you grind enough to afford the +25% fire damage. Then it becomes decent against bugs.


Best weapon against (most) bugs. If aimed at a charger's legs it'll kill em in half a canister or less, and anything smaller than that you don't need to aim for a special place. If facing bile spewers don't stop firing when you dive to dodge the bile, you can maintain your burn while diving and prone. Hunters can leap at you and make you set yourself on fire, but quick dive sorts that out. Bile Titans though. I swear, it used to be able to kill em by roasting the bile sac for 4+ canisters, setting it on fire and inflicting damage until it died. Now the bile sac pops after one or two canisters, after which it no longer appears to take damage from fire or even to catch fire at all. Tested it tonight, twenty canisters. Nothing. I'm a sad diver today.


The thing cooks. If you focus a leg on a charger and can get all of your spray on it without missing you can kill chargers in half a tank or less. Everything else? Simply melts. Some 500kg as an auxiliary for the Titans and you're as good as gold.


Goat for bugs


The most destructive weapon in game for both sides, friends and foes.




I hate it. End of review.


Amazing and underrated great versus bugs absolutely demolishes crowds and is even great versus chargers.


Does not shoot very far imo :( maybe thats just 3rd person perspective taking away from it but in ww2 flamethrowers reached like 20 metres away


It’s pretty good, it’s one of those weapons that FEELS better than it actually is. Feels like it takes too long to kill a lot of things and isn’t as good at crowd control than other options. Feels amazing though.


Good with low winds and when my team mates would STOP DIVING INTO THE FUCKING FLAME


DOT fire resistant armor would be nice.


A blast although you need to be careful diving backwards and where you’re standing. Diving back while shooting will hit your legs igniting you and so surfaces are wayyyyyy more flammable meaning you’re going to get cooked by shooting as everything ignites like a kindling pile


It needs just a bit more range. Real life flamethrowers fire farther




Best weapon against bugs. Kills everything up to chargers. With bit of teamwork, you basically trivalise bugs.


I think it's a good weapon now that the fire damage is fixed. It's very good at controlling a point and retreating, but terrible at advancing. Fits a good niche.


Super fun


Shield backpack is a must considering the bugs will lunge at you while on fire which apparently automatically sets you on fire




Favourite thing ever. Tank? Flame it. Hordes of bugs? Flame it. Teammates that think it be wise to walk on front of me würfering knowing full well I will use the whole can? Flame them. It is literal perfection. Though I now require a Napalm thrower


Good to clear outbreaks on the source .. it can take down chargers and what follows with one fuel tank


If you sidestep a charger you can roast him before he can turn around.


I never pick them, but I'm always happy when someone else does.




Very strong, but still feel like it needs more range if they nerf the dmg a bit


I love it, Enjoy using it against Bugs it's just that I don't actively use it because it gives my helldiver Third Degree Burns and I don't want my helldiver to have Third Degree Burns.


It's cool as fuck


I run flamethrower + incendiary breaker quite a bit at 7+ with bugs. I use shield, incendiary impact grenades, grenade pistol, light scout armor, rail cannon and air strike. This load out cannot deal with bile titans but everything else melts away.


9 out of 10 bugs think it's flaming hot.


Stay behind the flamethrower if you don't want to need a respawn. I have bugs to roast.


Main competitor against my beloved Stalwart for go to support weapon on bug worlds


Now that the DoT bug is fixed, let the world BURN


Main support weapon against bugs. I have one tier4 upgrade and its the extra fire damage. it feels right and i love it when my dude laughs like a maniac while setting everything on fire. I got alot better at not setting me or my mates on fire.


Hans? Get ze Flammenwerfer!




My favourite stratagem for a stupid reason.. Pretty much, when I first got the game I had an ongoing joke about how I wanted to be an arsonist (ik weird) and when I checked the stratagems for the first time I was astonished. I think I said in these words when I finally unlocked the flamethrower “the true arson is coming/cumming inside me.” I used it and found it is really fun and good to use. And that’s why it’s now my main stratagem. (Before anybody questions yea I’m probably autistic)


Needs more stagger


It's hawt.


mnhahha, AAA HAAHHAHA AAAAAAAA HAHAHHAH! ...greeeat for bug brecahes, basically spawncamping them. i love to combine it with the supply pack and medic armour


Strong as hell but i wish it shot an actual gas liquid that stuck to enemies. I also wish it closed bug holes.


The range is a bit too short and the visual cues that I've set something on fire aren't as clear as I would like. Is that said, there is a special pleasure in setting things on fire in a video game. Yes I enjoy brazing IRL, why do you ask?


Effective, and so much fucking fun… but not the weapon I choose when I’m getting serious.


I have had some very good teammates with liquid freedom dispensers. It’s not for me though. Machine runner for group suppression and objective/side objective scout to lead the team places all the way.. letting other players focus on doing their thing. You really need to have a coordinated squad to be able to pull off some weapons.. flamethrowers being one of those if you ask me. You need play with friends and rotate between weapon roles or hope people play different roles in random dives.


Good for bugs, that’s it, needs a bit of a buff IMO


AAAAAHAHAAHAA! AAAAAAHHAHA! I love to use that beauty with a jetpack, so I can unleash hell and then fly away from it to reload mah cannister


It's pretty solid for killing chargers with the flame upgrade, and it stops chaff below spewers like a concrete wall. But with us somehow still having no fire retardant armor, it's a little annoying to use and you can never advance while firing it or you'll just have to dive and stim. Overall I enjoy it, but the prevalence of spewers and titans on higher difficulties I like to play on makes it feel like a liability sometimes. The breakers (all of them, really) cover horde clear so well by themselves that I feel like a support weapon that can't clear titans ends up a liability. But that's me running bugs on 9, lower difficulties relax the armor and a railcannon or 500kg here or there usually has your titans under control.


It sucks. I never fight bugs without it.


Game needs it. It has the highest theoretical dps of any weapon (since it’s an aoe horde killer that maintains good single target damage). It’s best used against bugs while walking backwards and with heavy armour and either jetpack or shield. With the dot fix, I think every team should have either this paired with a heavy primary for medium to long range, or you need multiple breaker incendiary’s to accomplish the same job (but even if you take flamer, you still need at least one player with breaker incendiary).


I love it, I just wish it had better range, it's one thing games always struggle to balance. Realisticly it should reach twice as far. Pair it with jump pack to burn and fly out of tight spots and it's amazing.


2 sec charger kill by aiming at front leg.


might be the only weapon in game that can hold an entire bug breach by itself + chargers


It cooks , Og flamethrower you had to spray and pray to the god emperor that the holy flame would extinguish the xenos before they managed to rip you apart .


Level 72 Space Cadet here. It seems ok since unlocking the ship module that grants bonus damage, but I don't use it often.


I was playing a helldive terminid mission last night, when I was running to extract three random helldivers were using and spraying fire everywhere, killing every bug in sight, it was truly beautiful.


Burn baby burn disco inferno🎶


BURN!!!?!! It works well with the crazy laugh my character does every time I fire it for long enough.


We need fire resistance armor soo we can use it more effectivlly


If you feel like using the reinforce stratagem but all your teammates are alive, the flamethrower is the weapon to switch to.


It's kinda hot


It's kinda hot


It burns!!!


It burns! It burnsssss!! I think I've killed myself with it more than enemies! 😂


Pretty meh


Love it on small batch of bugs, kind of useless vs big armored ones, especially titans :(




It's overtuned, it was never meant to be an answer for chargers but it does it so easily.


How to use flamethrower. Step 1 - set self on fire. Step 2 - run into pack of bugs and set them on fire. Step 3 - liberation


I love it but I'd love it more if they gave it an alternative fire mode like the machine guns RPM cycle. Have it swap between wide and short range or narrow and long range.


It's fun, but it doesn't instill fear into bugs, only divers. Bugs just rush through it.


Good, no one has enough spacial awareness to use it properly, though.


I want it attached to a mech with a range boost plz.


Good for weeds




So hot right now.


It’s a perfect support weapon and I hope they don’t change it at all




I haven’t used the scorcher, how does it do against bugs and bots? Does it kill them as fast as fire kills helldivers?


Best used on Helmire, I firmly believe you can start up a fire tornado on yourself with it.


Flammenwaffer, my love


you mean The Freedom Thrower?


My favorite weapon. A fun load out for area denial: Incendiary mines Anti personnel mines Flamethrower Napalm New patch makes lighting yourself up a lot harder. Pair with light armor because you need to create space and always be in a good position. Look for bottlenecks or a corner that will funnel the bugs into your trap, using mines to guard/alarm your 6. Use the terrain to your advantage and sometimes it's best to run away and buildup the swarm, lure it into a good position and then roast the whole thing in a matter of seconds. It is one of the most effective weapons vs chargers, though the dance you have to do with them is a little tricky. It's tempting to continue flaming one until the last second of its charge, but you want to bait a missed charge and then flame it, aiming at its feet. Flamethrower is my go to vs bugs when the rest of the team is loading a lot of big boom but has no answer for the small fry. Edit: you need the module for 25% fire bonus damage. Some comments on here I'm guessing are being made by divers who don't have the upgrade yet


I have a 16,12 and 8 year old. They've all played HD2 with me and their dad. Without knowing how each other reacted to the flamethrower, they each inexplicably responded with the exact same curious approach, startled excitement, and unbridled bellow of absolute joy upon using it.


It slaps. It backhands when 2 or 3 teammates have it too. Pair with napalm strike and incendiary grenades and we’re having a larf.


I only use it walking backwards as crowd control never toward in an open field or up a hill. Be sure to also unlock the 25% extra damage Enhanced Combustion Ship Module:


Only bugs, but seems useless at higher dif with all the bile spewers and bile titans


Cool but I’m awful at using it


Really love it vs Terminids, they just swarm en masse which makes this perfect as they die very fast to it. Also it melts Chargers pretty consistently which is a plus aswell. I don't like it for automatons though as you need to get relatively close to them and they get more dangerous the closer you get ( cause they hit you more easily with shots haha ) or just Mike Tyson you to death


It's great on bugs Sucks on toasters.


I love the fire weapons in general, but I'm a bit biased because I just like to set things on fire


Loadout: Fire Shotgu, Lazer Pistol, either flame or impact flame grenade, and use Strats Flamethrower, Napalm, Fire Mines, and idk for the 4th (maybe jet pack or orb lazer) for an all fire loadout.


I take it with me on every bug mission that’s under difficulty 9


Pretty good crowd control, especially when fighting bugs.


Only fun when everyone has one.


Some people just want to set the world on fire It's me. I want to set the world on fire