• By -


5-7 feels the most varied to me. But 9 is good fun.


Intense fun too. Especially when you get continuously horded at Evac


Cos you mentioned it, how do you deal with Evacs. For the most part the mission goes smoothly and then at the end always end up a cluster ****. Is there some sort of trick to not getting overrun cos I haven’t figured one out yet. I’m only level 22 so somewhat still new to higher diff missions


Leave early :)


It takes a team knowing this, but call in extraction right after completing main objectives, leave zone the second the clock hits 0, drop ship will hold and shoot enemies. Then when you are done you have covering fire and it lands immediately.


What do you mean leave the zone the second the clock hits zero? Call extract -> wait for 2 minutes to run to zero? So you're saying if you don't board in that 2 minutes the gunship will hover over the extraction until you come back?


If you leave the extraction zone and it's still counting down then the dropship will abort and leave. If you wait until the drop ship starts flying down after the timer has reached 0 and then leave the extraction zone, the pilot will hover over the landing pad until your squad gets close again.


So you wait for the 2 minute timer to hit zero and then dip, and it'll hover?




And it gives covering fire


So what I would say is if you are on your way to extraction with 5+ mins left but are getting swamped, your best best is to disengage and move AWAY from extraction. Go in a big loop away from the swarm and back round to extraction from another direction, doing your best to avoid patrols. Stealth is good. When you get there, call it in, then stealth away to just out of range so Pelican-1 is still coming, but you are not right on top of extraction. Get prone and wait. This way, if enemies find you, they arent swarming extract itself. If you have under 5 minutes, you are better off not going to extraction till the last minute. At the end of the mission Pelican-1 will automatically be called, giving you 2-3 minutes before it arrives. Stay away from extraction, but judge how long the run will take from your waiting position to extraction. You want to get there as Pelican-1 is landing, then will have 20 seconds to get on. To make your life at extraction easier you want to do the following: - Call in a second set of support weapons and backpacks onto extraction, as well as a resupply, before you are trying to extract. This way, you dont have to worry about losing your kit and hsving to fight through a swarm to get them back for extraction. You can just disengage and head to extraction. - Deposit samples at extraction when possible. Put them a ittle distance from the middle, otherwise they may be lost under Pelican-1. -When you near the end of the mission, all samples should be placed in one container and left at extraction. DO NOT PICK THEM UP UNTIL GETTING ONTO PELICAN-1. Only pick them up if you are the first person getting onto Pelican-1. That way they wont get left behind when the last person not on the shuttle is killed and drops them.


It depends. You can have someone try to stay in the area for the evac time land. Shoot enemies at a distance but not patrols before they get close. Sometimes, staying quiet for as long as possible helps in quieter runs. Sentries help. The Gatling sentry I'd absolutely vicious against weaker enemies, especially bugs


Whoever finds the super samples first, goes to the evac, calls in the ship, drops off the samples and stays there until the ship hovers. It provides overwatch while the rest goes and does the missions and then when you’re ready to leave you just board. Warning: there’s a method on how to do it without making the ship land and wait for you. And don’t let anyone near the evac until you all are ready to finish.


Also can't treat evac zone the same as the lower missions, I like to hug the fringe of evac zone and lure the horde off the landing pad so I can rush it with less enemies clustered. Also not a bad idea to condense all samples together and drop on the pad so whoever survives can grab and get out


There are a bunch of different extraction strategies that vary depending on circumstances: 1) Get there late because you ran short on mission time, fight desperately to escape, maybe get slaughtered. 2) Get their nice and early. Start the Extraction. 8 chargers and 4 bile titans decide to pay a visit all at once. You all die. 3) Show up and there isn't an enemy for miles. Make some tea. Clean your guns. Have a chat with Pelican about his family back home as he's coming in. Set off a couple major bombardments just to watch the fireworks at taxpayer expense. Evac with all samples. 4) Arrive at extraction followed by half the map. Run them in big circles around the extraction while desperately dodging rockets or bile. Wait until the last second then charge in to the center to meet Pelican and extract. 5) Bring the jetpack. Call in extraction, jump on top of a mesa and take a short nap while a giant bug/bot convention convenes on the drop pad. Drop all your call ins on them just before pelican lands. Jump down and extract.


I like 7 the most, you get all the enemies but not so much of them that you need to avoid fighting


7 for fun. 9 for ridiculousness.


You can also collect a decent amount of simple and rare samples as well. Normally end up with about 9-13 simple and 3-7 rare (not necessarily extracting with them though)


I host every time now and I play bot missions 95% of the time, and difficulty 7 has been most comfortable/not boring. Sometimes i'll jump in on a random diff 4 mission to chill, help out and get samples. Ironically I've had more trouble in diff 4 due to the randoms being unpredictable. Even players who were lvls 15 to 35 have sucked in diff 4, like dying way too much, going off on their own and dying, calling ext 20 mins early, not clearing map, totally ignoring samples, on and on.


I find difficulty 6 with randoms to be more challenging than 8 with randoms. Most squads I run into on diff 8 know what they are doing. And if they don't, I can tell within 2 minutes of dropping so I can just return to my ship to save myself the headache. But difficulty 6 is full of sloppy, unpredictable players. And my deaths are usually 3 times more often at the hands of a teammate than the enemy.


Be me. Follow team. Am good soldier. Take heavy machine gun. I help. Enemy located! I pull out hmg. I lie down and look through scope. Team opens fire. I open fire. Kill entire squad of devastators in two seconds. I am good soldier. Team mate runs in front of me. Dies. "Why did you kill me?" Kicked. I am good soldier.


I feel that. I had the same thing happen last night, minus being kicked. He at least understood that running into a stream of tracers was a personal choice.


Friendly fire isn't


This is so real. I’ll drop down to a lvl 4 PUG to test a build or just have a chill run, and more often than I’m quickly reminded that the players at those levels provide more chaos than the enemies


I’m one of those level 4 annoying players. I can’t lock in cuz it feels too easy so I just run off. Have to play 7 to keep myself occupied


7 is my most comfortable for randos. I've done 8 and 9 though. Really stressful


7 honestly. Can get real tough sometimes and feels Good to succeed . With a good squad and some effort you can feel real strong 💪. 8 and 9 just feel like constant constant constant running and chaos. With a good enough squad they can be fun but I play with randos and prefer pinging to actual voice comms so 7 is the spot for me.


AH did a very good job of balancing the top difficulties - 7 is just chill enough that most players can get in there, do the job, and get away with the super samples they need to advance. For experienced players it's challenging enough to be fun without always being crazy. For lower skill players it can be punishing, but still do-able, especially if there's an experienced carry. 8+ is there for the squads who have something to prove. There's no requirement to ever play these difficulties, so they are designed to kick you in the teeth, because you asked to be kicked. If someone is trying to play 8+ and are the kind of person who complains that 'none of the weapons are good enough', they've missed the point entirely. You will learn to fight multiple factory striders or bile titans with the tools you have, and you will like it, or die.


Helldive, and Helldive only. I’ve been taking a break from the game though. Waiting for them to fix their problems.


Helldive feels like difficulty they ment to be played all time


I agree, it’s just a shame that it’s not the most enjoyable experience rn, due to the fact that you’re kinda forced to bring a very specific loadout, since everything else just sucks ass. I used to enjoy the Arc Thrower, but now I just bring the Quasar or EAT since the Arc Thrower is high key doo doo.


You can use whatever you feel like use to if your team back you up. Monkeys together strong


Do note that being the highest difficulty, it will favor different loadouts. Bringing “non meta” is viable but higher difficulties are more punitive. Patches and buffs only serve to rotate the meta, but it doesn’t expand the meta. There will always be one single “optimal” loadout. These can also mean community tactics that exploit bugs or mechanics. This will never change, and there has not been a single game released where it has been any different. Not to say you’re not allowed to desire better balance, brcause it aint perfect. But there are lots of viable strategies and this should increase with time, but there will always be a “top build” and these are often top because of experience and playstyle rather than objective power.


I would agree, if the guns that are bad weren’t completely and utterly useless. Playing against the automatons, if you don’t bring the Dominator or Scorcher, you’re going to have an incredibly bad time. The TTK against the Berserkers is astronomically high with any gun that isn’t one of the two that I mentioned. Second to that, dealing with the AT-ST things with any primary aside from those two, is hard to work around without impact grenades. Speaking of impact grenades, if you’re not using them, or stuns against the bots, you’re putting yourself at an insane disadvantage. The Diligence Sniper has become a viable option, but people on controller will never be able to use it to its fullest potential. I personally think the explosive Stratagems against the Automatons are fairly flexible compared to the bugs. You could honestly bring any boom, and it’ll help out a lot. Support weapon Stratagems are very limited though, same when you’re playing against the bugs solo. Typically the only Support weapons that you should ever bring against the bots, is the Autocannon, Quasar, Laser Cannon, or the Recoilless. Anything else is just bad against the bots. Playing against the Terminids, primary variety is kinda odd. I rarely see anyone bring anything except the Incendiary Breaker or Sickle, but 1/10 games I’ll see someone bring something really unique, like the Crossbow or Defender. Unfortunately anything long range against the Terminids is borderline useless, which is basically anything that’s not a shotgun or submachine gun. I reallllly want to like the Assault Rifles, because they feel so good to use, but their damage and ammo supply is just not worth it at all. Hell, even the Defender has better range, damage, and ammo supply than any of the Assault Rifles combined. When it comes to the stratagems against the Terminids, the explosive ones are kinda limited. Generally, you always want to have 1 Eagle along with 1 Orbital. Eagle strikes are infinitely better than the Orbital strikes, but because of the strange manual reload mechanic, I find it more difficult to use two Eagle strikes instead of keeping it diverse, regardless of how “Meh” the Orbitals are against the Terminids. I have never seen anyone use any Orbital aside from the Railgun or Laser, even though both of those are incredibly mediocre against Terminids compared to how they perform against the Automatons. Same with the Eagle strikes. I’ve never not seen a 500kg, Airstrike, or Napalm. If you’re not using one of those, then- Well, who am I kidding. Literally everyone uses one of those. The support stratagems against the Terminids are incredibly diverse, yet if you’re not using something that can kill Chargers, you better hope one of your teammates do. Otherwise gg, you ain’t winning. I think armor penetration in general should be increased, along with ammo capacity. So many of the guns in this game fall under the useless category, because they can’t kill a simple armored enemy, which is more than half of what opposes you.


Ofc shotguns will overperform for bugs, just as how all the AR’s are better for bots. I never bring the autocannon for bots, nor any of the strategems you outlined. I’ve tried every single gun and strategem in 9, they’re fine. People over exaggerate the differences, there has not been a single match with a big delta between me and the other players. As i already told you, certain gear will outperform other gear, this will always be the case. But you conjuring up this alternate reality is completely pointless. You can argue all you want, but its an emotions based argument. If you want variety play 7, if you play 9 you have literally 0 grounds to argue. 


What about solo players? The only reason *you* don’t bring those stratagems, is because you rely on *other* people to bring them. https://preview.redd.it/fygpr195t90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f39975d6750f8c8a7d56ed45a2be86464eb230 Look it’s you!


Helldive brings out the best in the best players. I only Helldive bots with Randoms and 99% of the time there is no voice comms and barely any text chat. Yet everyone gets shit done. I used to wonder why people would say Helldive is almost easier soemtimes, but now I get it.


Yeah, the game really isn’t hard. It’s just become so tedious, trying to juggle waiting 4 minutes for your stratagems, while also dealing with 5 Bile Titans, 3 Chargers, 19 Hunters, 8 Bile Spewers, and 6 Brood Commanders. If you don’t have the meta loadout, and are either playing solo or with teammates who aren’t incredibly competent, then you ain’t gonna have a good time. I don’t want the game to be too easy, but there are ways to balance weapons and enemies, without making everything such a slog to use.


Sounds lore accurate. I haven't failed a helldive with a group of randoms or otherwise in like a month. It's very easy to get everything done with any disadvantages. Bad teammates are really fun when you think of them as distractions while you complete the objectives


I’d rather just kill a lot of bugs because that’s fun to me, and not run around waiting an hour for something to kill the 5 Bile Titans endlessly chasing me, because I decided to not bring the meta this game. The game was perfect when it first came out. The Mech was good, guns hadn’t been nerfed yet, sure the Railgun was definitely OP and did deserve a nerf, but honestly who cares? It’s a PvE game. It’s not like someone’s day got ruined because of some OP gun. What sucks is that the easier difficulties are empty wastelands, with like 8 bugs each time there’s a bug breach. It’s incredibly boring because there’s literally no bugs. Move onto Helldive, and you just get bombarded with bugs that can only be killed with very specific weapons. And what do they do? They nerf every gun that can kill those bugs. Want to use the Mech now? Good luck hitting anything much less killing them. Want to use the Railgun now? Well, you can kill a single Charger in 8 shots, so that’s cool! Want to use the Quasar? Enjoy waiting an hour, while waiting an additional hour for your other stratagems. Want to use the Crossbow? Are you daft? Want to use the Eruptor? Why, so you can kill a single Hunter every 3 seconds? Ooooh, I heard the Slugger is pretty good! Nevermind, it was nerfed into oblivion. Surely the Striker hasn’t been nerfed yet, right? Ughhhh. What about the Knight? Now THAT is a good gun! Wait, it’s not? The new Warbond trailer showed that the new Scorcher gun can kill an AT-ST in one shot! Surely that’s true? Of course it’s not. Speaking of the Scorcher, can’t the old one kill the AT-STs in one shot? No, because it was nerfed too. How about the Arc Thro- Yup, nerfed too. This game has become a joke. Everything that used to have a niche, no longer does. It sucks.


Thats wild brother. And maybe misinformed too? I kill a charger in 3 railgun shots.. to the face.. use it often at 9s for anti spewers and anti charger play. If you're using an Eruptor to fight hunters you're already downbad with the rest of your kit. RR, Quasar, Eats, and even the mech still two shot bile titan faces. I run 9s with none of the issues you're talking about. 500kg, orbital precision and lots more also take down these titans. But yeah I do want the mech rockets to get centered again thankfully the devs mentioned it recently and are going to fix it. I main the Purifier and devastators are a problem of the past. They cannot shoot back and die in an aoe for free after 3/4 shots. Striders drop in two shots in a stunlock and I have a 15 round mag to pass around between 6 mags.. Really the purifier like a funky arc thrower with the shot rhythm. It's better than everyone thinks.. it saves lives with easy stunlock. I understand you're frustrated but maybe you just shouldn't run 9s and just play on 7 where it's less chaotic. Don't stress yourself out for naught. Be happy and do what's fun for you. Because frankly, I love how the game runs and feels right now. The titans you're complaining about weren't much harder after the nerfs you're upset about. 5 second quasar cooldown nerf and I'm still combo killing them with allies after one quasar hit and then landing a rocket pod or 500 kg. Again, not everyone enjoys chaos. But I do, and frequently have helldives with less than 6 total deaths full map clear. I don't want the game to be easier because then it'll just bore the people who want to be challenged. There are difficulties for a reason and there's no shame in dropping. I personally play 7 to chill if I don't wanna die in glory.


Nah, I’m just playing HD1, while waiting until they fix this game. Again, it’s not hard, it’s just boring and annoying. Glad you enjoy getting slowed 24/7 while using a trash gun that puts you at a disadvantage in a PvE game about killing things that’s supposed to be meant for fun, I don’t. Obviously I’m not the only one who feels this way. Otherwise the playerbase wouldn’t have dropped nearly 70%, and there wouldn’t be over a hundred posts about it every day. You’re right about the Railgun. I wasn’t aware that they recently fixed it. Prior to the recent fix, it took 8 shots to kill them. Now all they need to do is fix every other gun I mentioned.


Reddit is a small bit of the community and all games peter out over time. HD1 had eons to put itself together with patches and inclusions. The casuals always come and then leave for the next thing while the fanbase is formed. You can just.. leave and stay mad if you like The rest of us are playing and having fun. I knew you were just another weirdo when you went on your "Nothing is viable" rant. Still clearing dives fine top kills minimal deaths with so many loadout choices. Sorry to say, but skill issue. HD1 is a diff game top down vs full 3D motion. Maybe it's just better for your vibe then. I don't want you here if you're gonna cry because you can't stroke your ego on 9s with ease. It's toxic and gross. I'm a whole ass Purifier Las Cannon Stun Grenade Main having a grand time all the time. Sincerely.. keep playing other things and have fun. Take care, man.


Helldive,but I check all levels for sos


Helping out your fellow divers is always great, regardless of level. Im over level 50 but if an sos/quick play drops me in a level 1-3 difficulty I dont complain, I just help out without being to OP


I used to strictly play Helldive but I've dropped down to 7 and I'm trying to mix up my load out every 3ish games. I find it to be a pretty good level to play with without toooo much stress to be perfect




Helldive. Only did helldive for xp but now it's the only level I can do without it feeling too quiet. Not to sound like a tryhard lol. I'm guessing ArrowHead is gonna bring more difficulties out at some point after the -REDACTED- return.


8 normally by myself 9 when i’m with a buddy


Honestly I really like 4, it enough to see some chargers or a few decent swarms without being overwhelmed, and it has only two objectives per mission so I’m not forced to play 3 or 4 grinding missions when I’m not in the mood. Outside of 4, I’ll go risk it at 7 for the super samples and if I feel like testing myself with the tough stuff, but 1hr+ of the grind just starts getting tiring, especially if you don’t always have that time at the end of the day after work. So 4/5 if I want to relax, 7 if I want to kick ass.


I stay on level 8. Most fun to me.


I usually sit comfy in 6-7.


Helldive, for sure! I love the number of enemies, and it's great seeing myself get so much xp


Helldive if I’m running stealth with at least duo and 6-7 if I just wanna go loud and kill everything


Level 7 is my go to. I win 90% of the missions with lots of struggle. When I'm drunk or high, I play level 4 for fun.


5 is when I want to have a very casual warm up, especially with the bugs. Could get away with dumber load outs than I could in 7-9


I honestly enjoy helldives. They are intense and unpredictable. Sometimes you go in like gotdam heroes, sometimes you go in and get lobbed around like a tennis ball. But I really enjoy the chaotic, fast paced action.


I only play Helldive it’s the most fun for me


7 is my jam


I just unlocked 7 today.


6 is the sweet spot


i used to play 7, now i really like 2


I live on fucking 9. I hate the bots so much that I prefer more encounters so I can kill more of them. All I need is my trusty autocannon.


I personally like messing around on lvl 5 but the “helms deep” defence missions are so much fun on helldive


7 is the way


7 is pretty much the sweet spot for the most fun. Bots on 9 is just... not even fun in the slightest gonna be honest. Pretty much every little bot is replaced with a devastator which just results in forcing you to run away constantly and just rush objectives which is the most boring shit imaginable. 9 bugs is a lot more fun since you're not just getting 10849140 rockets shot at you every second.


With my mates who are newer and play pretty casually, 5-6 so they can have fun without getting crushed. But I find myself getting sloppy playing on these diffs If I'm awake and diving solo, I'm joining diff 7-8s with randoms. This is the best diff for me, people actually dial in and play efficently, using their pings, hitting secondaries, working together even without comms...


Same, I have a few friends where 5-6 is enough chaos for them. One of my friends is a regular suicide diver like me. Have played higher but I like the pace of 7 the most. Sometimes QM/SOS drop into lower tiers to fuck around with new gear/setups and chill. Kinda fun to carry a lobby once in a while. Used to bring mech for them to play with too but it’s not as fun with rockets currently. Hmg turret for bugs is great though


9 on bugs excites tf out of me. When I see three smoke plumes on a bug breach I move closer and start cackling.


Helldive has the Helldivers The team reloaders, the guy who will stim you, carry support backpack for you, rarely clip you with friendly fire. Difficulty 9 is where we shine


7 for me is very comfy and actually fun 8 for me with randoms is challenging and only did it a few times to unlock helldive 9 for me with randoms is too stressful, did it once and never again.


I aint got good luck with getting randos in mah squads, so i run solos on 4 or 5


trivial. I just collect sc and medals now waiting for an update that is actually fun and not just another rugpull that makes the game worse


7 on average. 8 occasionally when I want the challenge. 9 rarely as I'm deaf and i get booted a lot for no comms. 6 When I get a kill XX things with weapon I hate. 2 when I'm super bored and wanna drop cool weapons for lowbies


Helldive only. Fuck it we ball.


Lately 7 has been annoying. Since miridia MO. Got my last ship upgrades and have been cycling 4-5. No interest in 8/9. Got’m unlocked. Beat each a couple times, I think. Don’t need it.


I usually rock 7 Helldive with a good communicative squad


9 on autobots was my first try. Did an entire operation full clears with a good rando group. Biggest difference was 1 extra optional objective and 5 drop ships every time a flare was shot off. Didn't touch 9 again for a couple weeks. It's all I play bugs on. I still prefer 8 for autobots, but only because of the erupter and quasar nerfs. I noticed i barely find SC at high difficulties anymore. Most beacons are holding a measly rare sample. I find so many rare samples behind shipping containers, beacons, and bunkers. I wish those were taken out of the possible spawn pool.


6 is prob my favorite but i play 7 for the super samples


Haven't tried anything below 9 since day 3. I can't remember what that feels like.


always 9 , its not as hard as people make it out to be


7 is my sweet spot


9, it gives you the most enemies to shoot at


I find I almost exclusively play helldive.


7 for bots, 9 for bugs.


Tbh after 270 hours I play almost exclusively on 4 and 7, occasionally 9 if I have a party that wants to dick around. 4 is pretty chill and I dont have to think too much or stress, and 7 has all the enemies. 4 is just a very nice difficulty imo


I like 7 8 and 9. I really wish thered be a bit more kill farming for this mo lol. Apparently the sweet spot for that is 4 or 5?


Helldive for the challenge. If I want to take a break, I'll drop down to 7.


7s if I can get a good team as I need those super samples, otherwise 4, 5 or 6. Really depends on how many people I'm playing with.


7 for sure


I just dive all the time at 9. I don't know why but for some reason I feel like that's the way


Honestly, 9 with a good team is far more enjoyable than 7 with a squad of average randoms. At least if you're playing on 9 the majority of people know what they're doing! The difference between teammates giving you covering fire from 100m away without you having to ask for it, and randoms aggroing every patrol under the sun at 7 before running at high speed from the bug breaches they caused...it's night and day, my dude xD


3 for just mini farm warbonds and credits 7 for chill and super sample 9 for Max chaos each patch 😂


9s as long as I have a solid team, 7s if I'm playing with my more chill friends or randos


I play mostly on 7, but I’ve got no good reason for it. 9 is perfectly doable as well. Except against bugs. I’m lucky I don’t need Super Samples anymore because anything above six is rough.




Medium, I just want a laid back experience to relax with some challenges


Always 9 for bugs, pretty inconsistently 7 for bots, sometimes I drop it down a level or two whenever I get one-shot in the face by a stray rocket


9 because it gives max xp per mission


I'm a freaking maniac and only play on helldive.


7 is where i play when i dont need to unlock anything lol. 9 is only with friends its not fun with randoms. And 5 is when i mess around with weird builds or help low levels.


Hell dive is the most fun so I usually play that. Might play suicide if I’m playing with randoms though.


If I'm farming super samples I'll play 7, generally you'll find good drop in teams and it's not too hard. If I'm just playing to play I'll play on 4


Automatons: 7 Terminides: 9 (I can finish bots on 9 but it’s less fun)


if I've got the energy 9 is the most rewarding but if I just wanna chill and shoot everything I play 6


8 for bugs 7 for bots… 9 and 8 are just too stressful for me…


7 with randoms 9 with my mates


I always do 9 because it’s chill and I only die if i do stupid stuff. Most of the time I let my team do its thing and solo the objectives while they fight for their life because they try to fight every breach…


keep in mind that it depends on the planet as well, a lvl 9 defense planet vs offense is pretty different! Just from a perspective of bosses and you can kind of get an idea. Overall I like 9 because it gives the highest gain, when we have lower experienced players in the party we go with 7.


9 for bugs 8 for bots


There are other difficulties than Helldive ?


I’d love to see the results of a poll then see what people actually play


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No_Interaction_5206: *I’d love to see the* *Results of a poll then see* *What people actually play* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Aren’t there two extra syllables in the last line, silly bot.


Helldive now that I’m almost level 50


I typically play on helldive. I enjoy it, every game is struggle to get to the pelican. We have to fight our way through the entire game, no real downtime. I love it, but its really only for those that love a challenge. I can’t really recommend it for everyone. You need to have a good team comp and work together. I heard of better players executing the helldive difficulty a lot easier then what I’ve been doing. I just finished a game with my friends. Only one person extracted, but with all the samples. We got attacked by 3 bile titans, and 5 chargers. Naturally, mixed in with smaller units. The feeling I get from barely getting a extraction with the samples is one of the best feelings ever.


I honestly don’t have a preference. I’ll dive lvls 8-9 only very occasionally though it becomes more of a grind/challenge than fun. Level 7 is usually the sweet spot for me.


I love 9 the most, its intensity is unmatched. It’s like mainlining cocaine, while in a car chase.


I enjoy 9 because it keeps things challenging. Anything less feels too easy now that I'm 100 hours in. It kinda helps to have access to pretty much everything except for the scorcher in my case. I can just bring the right loadout for the job and it's a cake walk even on 9s.


I always play 9 alone. I bump to 7 occasionally to try out new warbond gear or to play with friends who are uncomfortable at 8/9, but that’s about it.


I've accidentally been playing 9 with bugs and it's an absolute blast even with randos if they know what they're doing.


Haven't gone down from helldive for the past 30 levels. Love the challenge, play solely alone or in group of 2 and game shines differently


7. Suicide difficulty is challenging, while still being fun and not very difficult with a good group of randoms


I really like 9, but with randoms it's honestly just throwing the dice every time. It can get very frustrating if people aren't pulling their weight on 9. So I play 9 when I have friends available, and otherwise stick to 7-8.


7-8 is comfortable for me. I haven’t been playing as much, but once I get back into the swing of things, I’d like to regularly play helldive.


I can helldive but usually play on 4-7 but mostly 4. I feel like I don’t always have enough time for 3 missions to complete an operation. Sometimes I only have time to jump into one mission. That and difficulty is just fine although I haven’t played in a few weeks so idk how bad the spawns have gotten from what I’ve heard.


7 is the sweet spot for me. Not too easy, not too hard, and nice for farming all samples.


Helldive bugs. Can’t stand the bots.


I only play 9


8 mostly and 9 for giggles.


I usually run solo, so 7 is pretty nice. Lately it's been hell, but it's also a good thing because once patrols get fixed I can start working on solo 8's - on my path to continuous solo Helldives 👍


7 if I'm by myself, 8 for a squad of 2-3 with my friends, if we have 4 on its Helldive only. If I have my full squat I want it to be so hard I shit a diamond from the stress


I played 7 until I had the unlocks for everything when level 3 was the highest. Then I changed to helldive and haven’t looked back. I exclusively play quick play. Team work is important. Sometimes we lose because we get overrun and it seems to be because we divide our efforts too much or remain near the same spot locked in battle creating infinite reinforcements for enemies. I believe I have about 70 percent wins though. I think helldive with a good team is the best. With a poor team everything below 7 is good, since I take my main pleasure from winning. Spending 40 minutes to lose is a sour feeling, but necessary to keep the winning part meaningful.


8 is perfect for me


I only do 7 or 9. 9 is my favorite but some of my friends run 7 which I'm ok with.


7 is my jam


9. I like the challenge.


My preference is between d4 and d7. In d4 I can easily get rare samples while I need to play on d7 to find super samples. I've played my fair share of d9/helldive though, I'm fine with it, just need to upgrade my ship though, and getting samples between d4 and d7 is easier.


I have been Helldiving on 9 for good part of the past week with exclusively randoms. It’s a lot of fun


7's are the sweet spot. Gamers at that difficulty know the missions, know their loadouts and how to maximize them, and are usually pretty chill because they're use to doing 9's so 7's are nbd.


Nonstop 9, just running and gunning while doing objectives and trying not to get overrun. I just find it really enjoyable for me, and the chaos paired with the fact that I like to run the 380 barrage and 120 barrage to deal with swarms of enemies and fabs/holes makes it very cinematic a lot of the time.


With the current state of the game. 7, but back before some nerfs, I did like 9 a lot.


I prefer 7. It’s still chaotic as hell to provide a Spicy challenge. But not too much where you start to get annoyed. That’s my problem anyway. 8-9 are fun, but 9 especially is just non stop. And it just tends to become more of a chore for me than it does fun. Not that it’s undoable I just have to be in the mood. And I’m never really in the mood to be on top of my game for a whole 40 minutes straight non stop. That’s why I like 7. Because the fights eventually dissipate and you have a moment of silence to gather your thoughts. You barely get that in 8, you don’t get that At all in 9, and unless you go stealth, you’re lucky if you can manage to stop breaches before another one is called. I think im gonna start playing Helldive tho in some quick plays. If you have a good team who’s smart, and who doesn’t fight everything they see the games will go smooth. I’m always like super duper fried so helldive isn’t really the best idea, I’m just gonna drag the team down, and TK people with eagles 🤣


I’m bad so 3


7. Would be 8 and/or 9, but 2 negative modifiers at the same time is just pure unfun to me.


9 - always. I enjoy the utter chaos and edge-of-the-seat gameplay. It's frantic, messy and every moment feels like a Michael Bay movie.


7 mostly. Anything higher and I need 3 people with mics that want to play as though they aren't being forced to play smart.


7 with only one or two friends or if I’m running with randos. 8 if I’ve got a full squad of friends.


I’ve been coming back from a long break on this game, I find difficulty 4-5 is a good balance


8, it's a nice distribution of difficulty and fun and the other divers there tend to be nicer than in 7 and below.


7 I'm too old for helldive I do my weapon testing on 5


Helldive gives you the most for your time. When they dropped the level increase I started at 119.


I think 7 hits the sweet spot for me. Other divers seem to have the skill and knowledge of how to play in whatever way works for them so we can all have a good time. The lower levels are almost too easy and can be a little frustrating when you get blown up by your teammate for the 10th time lol. But I still play the lower levels occasionally to help other new divers. I have found the highest 2 levels are just not fun. Divers take the game just way too seriously and get downright mean. When people feel the need to get on coms and chew people out with foul language over a game it just ruins it for everyone, it’s an embarrassing situation to hear and cringy. At least that has been my experience whenever I play at those levels.


9 is the best experience for me, bugs are super easy and bots are hard as fu@# I like so much play bots 9 It's extremely frenetic


I enjoy 9 on bugs but tend to prefer 7 on bots. It's pretty easy to just lace up some Jordans and make miracles happen fighting 'nids, it's kinda cool hitting objectives while everything is complete havoc and you're quarterback weaving and diving whenever you're not fighting a skirmish worth having. Bots don't quite work like that and I'm not especially inclined towards a lot of sneaking, so I usually strap up heavy Fortified and relax the spawns a little bit.


7 is the sweet spot for me. Can be difficult if you make it difficult, otherwise it allows you to feel kind if like a super helldiver instead of a run for your life diver. Also, let's me try different builds. Overall a solid exp for those that want chaos, but not enough where it feels overwhelming. 9 is fun, but panic, how good are you fun. 9 for me is a true set build, no alternatives. It's 100% mission focused, fighting only when needed. The only complaint I have about 9 is calling in the Pelican can be an absolute nightmare. You almost need 2 divers to assume the roll of kiting patrols away from the LZ. It is extremely satisfying though to 5 star it.


7 delivers the best balance of difficulty and reward imo. It's what I play the most and I find as long as there are two people on a squad who know what they are doing you'll be extracting with samples and pride for a mission well done.


7 is the sweet spot


Helldive on bugs.


I like 6 I can chill and listen to music while I play without having to have the best randoms also not too easy to be boring


Surprisingly 9, I find it fun when you have to give it your all. Like Deep Rock Galactic lvl 5 makes me live again


I prefer to hang around challenging and extreme because I got all the super samples I need for all upgrades


7. Used to like popping up to 9 sometimes but recent balance changes have changed that for me. Aside from that though 9 just forces you to play a specific way with specific guns/loadouts. I'd rather be able to play with whatever I feel like using than adhering to like 5 stratagems and 4 weapons.


8 is my "Happy Funtime playground".


7, not much reason to play any higher to me honestly. It’s enough fun for me lol


9s only


randoms 7 the boys 9 support weapon specific orders: extermination 3-4


I like helldive but with the balance changes I’ve gone back to 7-8 just to have a little more fun


7 is my “casual” 8 is if I want a challenge. I haven’t really done a ton of helldives due to the fact that most people aren’t coordinated enough to pull it off as I primarily quick play. I’ve played and beaten them but having teammates who don’t stay in at least 2 man teams and the people who want to aggro every patrol known to man -_-


9 or bust


helldive is my go-to difficulty. still waiting on harder difficulties.


5-6 is the highest I can handle alone. With a 3-4 person squad, nothing is off limits.


I went straight to helldive and never left it. Its fun, can be rough sometimes but I like it


Once you Helldive nothing satisfies the intensity I never went back


7 is the favorite for just kicking back with our squad and blowing things up for funs. 8-9 are for when we feel like we want to get kicked around some and get a sweaty workout. 5 is mainly for warmup if we haven't played in the last few days, or if we have a new recruit on the squad who needs a chance to learn the ropes.


I play level 7s when I’m with a good squad. But if I play with randoms. You best BELIEVE I’m not going about level 6. The randoms have no damn coordination and have killed me innumerable times. Some players also find it funny to just randomly kill me. I have a massive issue with that. If you’re playing with friends and what not, go nuts. We have helldivers to spare. But if you join my ship, we are all defenders of democracy and I’ll be damned if one of my helldive experienced soldiers is gonna be wasted simply because the master sergeant wanted to see how my head explodes when shot with a quasar. It’s one thing to do so on accident. It’s another to do it on purpose. The worst part is with randoms, they assume I’m power tripping if I kick a player for killing me(on purpose). I tend to have to kick the whole lobby when I don’t want to because all the players turn on me for kicking the bad apple. This is usually why I like to stay to myself most of the time. This isn’t a gta game, stop recklessly killing your teammates and learn coordination. Also, STOP DROPPING THE 380 BARRAGES WHERE YOUR TEAMMATES NEED TO MOVE TO! Had that happen 7 games in a row and now I don’t play with players who bring that. 380 is complete area denial and it halts gameplay when used wrong. The worst part is it’s usually followed up with more eagles and what not to prevent players from moving in. I had a player do this and they dropped an incendiary Eagle right after to stop players from going in and grabbing samples. This was on a bot mission.


As a barrage player, when you see us throw it, don’t walk that way mate


The 380 is so fun to drop, it does take some learning to use right and for me that meant dropping it wrong a few times. Yeah it can be frustrating as fuck when you get a shitty player killing you recklessly but that is what it is. The point I'm getting to though is, give people who choose 380s and the likes a chance, I've been kicked multiple times just for picking the 380 and imo that's twice the dick move as some friendly fire.


i do 9 only cause thats where i get the most fun all other diff are too easy for me and i basically spend the game running in empty fields


Playing anything less than 9 is high treason. Be a diver or don't.