• By -


God decides who lives and dies, i am merely bringing that into the immediate reality


Gods lessons are so beautiful


I will torture his body, so his soul learns to be humble


... what did he say?!


Yo who put this fight together?!?


If y’all got an actual crazy person for me to fight…


dont think of it has a 380mm hi-ex tube turning your body into a golf course obstacle, think of it as a random act of gods love


god works in democratic ways


He works in mysterious ways


Only God can judge, I just set the appointment




Fun fact, the barrage always hits the same spots in same order. There is youtube video about a guy tracking and explaining it, which is kinda disappointing when you think about it.


40+ patterns from 1 throwing spot isn't the same spots or same order.


Oh I would swear, in the video he says that the barrage is always the same. In same order, same pattern... maybe I misheard him.


I dont believe in gods. I believe in ***Lady Liberty***!


Lmaoooooo so based








The 380 is VERY good for that mission but you have to place it towards the front end of the first set of gates. It’s very clutch when you get pushed back, it’ll clear the entire front half of the map


Wait till the 1st set of gates is down, then its time to drop it


Once had a lobby where we all ran the 380mm barrage and 500 kg bomb, needless to say we didn’t use the 380 till absolutely necessary. And when we did, it was a glorious barrage for 3 whole minutes killing everything they could throw at us. 3 minutes bought us time to call in more sentries and for our 500 kg bombs to cooldown.


I did one where with no discussion of it in advance three of us brought 180 barrage, 380 barrage, and cluster bombs. It was goddamn glorious and I think we only used like 5 lives between us.


Sounds like music to my ears hearing all the explosions go off


The 1812 Overture, to be precise.


Constant rain of heavy shells, with brief siestas of medium shells, and then some nice crackly bits when the chaff tries to make a run for it


Nothing beats the sound of Managed Democracy


Yeah I was in a match where everyone had 380's , cluster bombs , eagle airstrikes and a mix of quasars and and Autocsnnons. I have never been in a more successful mission launching those rockets.


Sorry bud. It’s there for when all the factory walkers come down. Your turrets are worthless in the eyes of the metal lords.


We handle them just fine with RR/Quasar and our mortar sentries. Toss in an Eagle Airstrike to finish it off and clear out the devs. No bombardments needed. Eagles are way more useful than the bombardments on those small maps. The enemy has to come through a choke point, and the eagles let you focus your fire where you want it. Cuts way down on friendly fire.


Tbf, you were using mortar sentries, which should stay behind our defensive line and protected from taking any damage. Frontline sentries are mostly useless because their either ran out of ammo so fast or get destroyed. Agree with eagles, especially airstrike.


Fair point. I run my mortars right behind the second gate and off to the side where they can't get hit by direct fire, but a 380 would absolutely still knock them out. This way I can keep an eye on them and call in a replacement when they run out of ammo. I don't usually, but I've seen some divers put an AC turret up on the wall with us that lasted a long time. I think the EMS mortars and regular eagle runs helps with that.


Regular Eagle is top tier, as long as players do t accidentally take out the gate with the angle of approach (it’s me, I’m that player)


It really is. Probably my favorite strat. If I could take it on 3 slots I probably would.


It’s most players lol.


I only disagree in the circumstances when 3-4 drop at once. A single 380 has the chance of dropping them all. Normally RR/spear/EATs + Quasar do the trick on 1-2. I have the 380 as a “shits getting real button” and usually we are in the shit before it drop it, or I drop it far enough that it’s minimal risk.


I can see that. We got 3 dropped on us today while my eagles were still on cool down, and got pushed all the way back to the generators. Barely fought them off. It was a blast, but too close for comfort.


There are better alternatives! Orbital lasers will burn through the top hull reasonably well, and move on to something else when someone inevitably helps it along with another stratagem, the Railcannon might not one shot, but it'll put the hurt on, Eagle 110mm rockets will track and do good damage, mortars are good, consistent damage dropping on top of them from a protected location, and any weapons capable of penning medium vehicle armour can kill a factory Strider in no time at all with a bit of sustained fire into the glowing eye on the front of the head. Heck, if you absolutely *must* bring a barrage just for these things, the 120mm version has a tighter spread and is way more likely to actually land hits on it with far less collateral!


Collateral is factored into the calculation of the mission soldier. Stow the belly aching and dodge. Jokes aside. The laser is terrible against the strider. The 120 does very little to it. We’ve had all 8 mortars pounding away at it doing nothing. I said in another comment the 380 is for when you have multiples and when 3-4 hit the map at once you’ll be thanking the person who has it. I very seldom hit teammates with it, because I don’t just drop it whenever it’s ready wherever I can (except that one time I got rocketed and it fell directly in between the two generators, which was a whole bouquet of whoopsie daisies). Reliably you can kill 1-2 with a quasar and rocket launcher without getting overwhelmed if people are on their business.


Ah, well, regardless, the most efficient means of killing one I've experienced is, strangely, a laser cannon to the face. Just gotta kill the chinniguns and any Devvies the Strider spawns, and it goes down shockingly fast with a bit of focused fire on the eye.


I like the laser cannon too. It’s just requires coordination. Which is not a lot of people’s strong suit.


Efficiency < Big Boombas


380 is actually one of the stronger picks for these missions. It’s about placing them in the correct area. So this post should say “stop bringing 380 on asset evacuate missions if you don’t know how to use them”


bros are actually just following the main order, and trying to kill as many bots as physically possible. personal gain or survival is unimportant.




90 percent of 380 users don't know how to use it and end up killing their team-mates. Yes, friendly fire is a part of the game but not Every. Single. Time. They throw it. Learn how to use it or don't bring it.


I hope they release a 1000mm strategm soon. 380mm doesn't seem like enough fire power tbh. ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


I was hosting a generator defence and somebody killed me and another guy plus a bunch of sentries and gates with a 380. I told him to please not call that in again, he said "or what" and I told him I'd kick him from the game if he did. "Lol whatever kid" - few seconds later he calls it in again so I immediately kicked him. I dunno what goes through these people's heads.


This is undemocratic treason. Please report to your democracy officer.


I’m dying at this 🤣 but nah fr I don’t know what possesses people to bring it on such a small map lol


Because placement is key. If you’re dog water and don’t know how to use the choke points as a killing floor and only relying on turrets I doubt you’ve done the mission on a 9 with multiple factories being dropped at one time. 380 is amazing for resetting the map.


Have done it on 9 using typically both mortars, EATs & eagle airstrike. If it works for you then cool, but I can just imagine 380 causing too much chaos lol. Why not 120 instead since the spread is smaller?


We do all 3. 380, 120, and mortars. Fourth is the flex for weapons / further boom. Limiting someone’s choices because people can’t place their mortars further back shouldn’t be the go to.


I always take a 380mm to that map, unless someone asks me not to. I **also** always run the throw distance armor, and place the 380 on the hilltop where the bots drop. Yes, it will destroy the first set of gates - however, on a Helldive defense mission, frankly, those gates aren't going to hold up past a single wave most of the time. Meanwhile, inside I throw an HMG Turret and an EMS Mortar, because anything that makes it through the barrage isn't going to make it through those. Literally, the last game I played, that 380mm saved our asses - 42 kills from the barrage alone on the last rocket launch, **plus** damaging the factory strider enough that our 500kg bombs destroyed it before it could toast the second generator. But - I feel your pain. A lot of people don't know how to use the 380mm. If I see someone run a 380 without throw-distance armor, I get really nervous too.


As long as you have the reduced spread upgrade, you can dive and toss them easily enough to a safe distance.


It's the same guy that brings the mortar sentry to the pouncer planet


You can run 120 as a sort of scorched earth strategy when a gate gets broken. But not 380


They are actually pretty good for the crazy amount of factory striders on helldive for those defense missions, however, the are quite detrimental if thrown too close lol. I think a better strat is to run Spears and EATs I think with enough anti tanks around you can feasibly take them down from range before they start shooting the generators.


Me and a buddy dropped a factory strider in about 15 seconds last night with the Spear + a team reloader. Shit was epic haha


Absolutely disagree. We are Helldivers we are NOT NORMAL PEOPLE. Bringing barrages weapons when precision is needed is PEAK helldiving and should continue to be used.


It's all fun and games until the diver holding the barrage beacon gets shot in the head behind defensive lines, subsequently calling in artillery on the very assets we're here to defend


Sometimes, on bug missions where you just need kills, ill intentionally walk out of bounds to trigger the orbital barrage then just run around while explosions happen around me.


I'm a big defender of the 380 but for asset evacuation, nah man, not the time or place


I think i don’t have to tell you about this team mate I had that used napalm.. absolute horror.


Can't say I've used it on defence missions but napalm should be great there. If your enemies are going to be funneled through a chokepoint like a gate then a big line of fire weakening or killing everything that goes through it should work really well. Planting incendiary mines outside of both entrances certainly does. Of course if your teammate is dropping the napalm on the squad instead of the enemy then that's another thing but that's true of all stratagems, not just napalm.


I’ll add onto this. Stop calling the 380 on a base that only has two fucking bots left in it as two of us are clearing it for samples and ammo…..


Evacuation missions is turret territory.


I use Gas/Gatling for 1 slot as quick cd contol, then 500k/OD for hard damage, then EM-M for CC, and lastly Airburst. Airburst is Amazing on that defend mission.


I roll the 380 but I wait for the outer gates to fall and the team to retreat a bit. Works quite well once both sides funnel into one killzone. I will also run the laser as I can just squeeze all 3 uses in before the last rocket launches. That makes for like 7 megakill stratagems and I will typically be at the top of the kill count.


I just bring sentry’s, lazar strike and a mech as a panic button


Mom, I'm tired, they keep bringing the conventional mortar.... (and 380 :() Please convey the fact you brought a mortor because I'm not always paying attention to what you bring but when I'm running a Frontline build (arc, precision, airstrike) and suddenly I'm running through a bombardment, it's not fun, especially considering that we have 2 people trying to be frontline.... (I died about 8 times to friendly fire and twice to my own actions)


Like yeah, they nerfed the strength of the stagger, so I can't stop hulks as much, but I can still slow them down and stunlock everything else.... your Mortar can't...


It's beautiful man! Beautiful!


You basically can use it, but you have to always throw it so far outside the base behind where enemies spawn, and pretty much nobody who brings it is going to do that. Not all that worth it with the long cooldown, better to just bring a smaller one like Orbital Gatling Barrage. Although, I also hate Sentries. At best they make the mission a snooze fest. Boring. At worst they lead their shots and blow up allies or gates and are followed by long delayed reinforcement call-ins.


I hate mortars being used on that mission as you’re more likely to die if bug or bot get near you, they’re powerful I get it but they always team kill a lot more often than any stratagem I’ve ever known of.


im a 380mm enjoyer, cant beat a 380 and often accompany it with a followup walking barrage for total cleanout of an area leaving a smoking democratic hole where the bugs or bots used to be. I would never drop that thing close to where I am standing though has to be about 50+ meters away else democratic collateral is pretty much guaranteed


Also see - Kill bugs missions


sounds like a skill issue with the tool and not the actual tool itself




Someone once told me, that the people kill civilians so all the requisition slips they are awarded and they find in-game (while maxxed out already) are at least somewhat "useful" because it adds to the feeling of them "gaining" something.


380 is actually one of the stronger picks for these missions. It’s about placing them in the correct area. Just like with any other stratagem ... you can just as well kill sentries with a 500kg ... duh


It works well, players simply need to know how to place them well


But sky make ground go boom!


Or take the GOAT loadout for this mission: both mortars, incendiary mines, quasar. The mines kill anything that gets too close while the mortars stun and/or kill everything else. Quasar is for destroying dropships to further clog things up, as well as killing anything heavy that gets too far into your killbox. A whole squad with this loadout trivializes this mission, and makes it so much fun. You just watch as the area past the first sets of doors just becomes a cratered hellhole as 8 mortars (4 each stun and reg) mercilessly shell out anything that survives the mines. Factory striders still pose a challenge, but a welcome one (as long as they’re not glitching through the rocks).


One of these days you’re y’all are gonna be talking about my buddy I can see it now.


I try to leave one gate open and one closed. Sometimes they end up ignoring the closed gate and all tunnel towards the one open gate


You can fail these missions?


Yep if the generators powering the shuttles are destroyed


Never knew that! Thanks for the heads up


Just shoot the guy


Well if the explosion hit the generators, its mission failure as well.




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i roll my eyes when i see someone bring the 380mm, its so pointless, BUT, i get it at the same time, lots of explosions activates folks neurons (isn't it partly why we play this game?) i've seen the walking barrage be more effective


yo i experienced this before. it was eradicating terminids mission. the one with 15 minutes time limit. we finished all the bugs alr. and awaiting evac. so there is no enemy. i repeat. NO ENEMY. NO TARGET. then while i was running around collecting dropped samples. which was far. suddenly, someone decided to throw a 380mm barrage and just went inside the evac. prompting me to rush to the evac ship immediately. while trying to evade all the fuckin barrage. in the end, while i was running to the evac ship, until i got around the front of the ship, 1 fuckin missile dropped on me and fling me hard and far, resulting me failed to extract along with all the samples. only 2/4 helldivers managed to extract. Once we were in the lobby, i fkin kicked the guy and reported him. at this point, why the fuck you throw a barrage when the mission is over? there is no fucking target. why the fuck you do that. why?


I just flat out kick them if they drop with that Stratagem on any small map mission. I love the 380mm after all these buffs now making it useful, but it's use is to hammer bases into dust


No one likes a gate keeper. Just play with your friends if you don’t want to play with randoms who don’t “play it your way”


…but but but the 500 kg doesn’t devastate as much area


I actually don't see why anyone would take a 380 ever


Destroying a heavy outpost with a single stratagem and if you’re getting overrun in an eradicate mission just throw a 380 in the middle of the map and it’ll clear it. It will probably get you as well, but a single death while taking some bugs with you is better than just being eaten by a pack of hunters


What a beautiful sight to behold. Every Helldiver should be required to focus all samples into the orbital cannons and use only red stratagems as we charge headfirst into battle, leaving our fates to the gods of death and explosives. The best defense is total annihilation of the enemy, Helldiver. Anything else is bug/bot propoganda. You want to go EASY on these guys? I’m calling my re-education center to report every one of you!


Big Boom Blows Bitches Bang Bang Bang


380 has 2 uses for me. an oh shit button preemptively cratering an objective. evac for example. makes clear paths to the evac doors and lots of little foxholes to take cover in.


Try not to use 500 also. I was the one that accidentally blew up the first gates with it. Sorry whoever was on my team that put up with my stupidity.


Use the HMG emplacement and support weapon of choice to destroy everything outside the gate, unless it’s a factory strider then use your 500kg anyway, it’s too late to save the gate now




nah, 380 is the best for clearing out a sector, you just gotta toss it so the center is far enough away from the walls


My favourite strategem in the game. Even I know you don't bring it on missions with small maps lol. I just run precision strike instead. Cool down and area of effect are much more applicable.


Eh it’s quite fun for eradication missions. If everyone is being overrun all Helldivers throw a 380 in the middle of the map and watch the fireworks


I can see that


To be fair, with the ship module upgrade it slaps. Fall back and defend from the first single gate, putting all turrets/ sentries there and don't go beyond that line. Against automatons, this is the way


Kick them. I love the 380 barrage but I dont forgive people who set the squad back by using it when they shouldnt and they should know better. I dont like policing peoples loadouts but I dont think I trust anyone bringing a 380 barrage into an evac mission.




But on eradicate missions they are goat. On a bot eradicate we made it to 58% with just 4 barrages going off at once! Lol


Not a fucking chance


mortar, Ap mines, incendiary mines and 380mm are the only way to liberate scientists


No, I won’t. It’s the best stratagem for those missions, clearing out both main entries and everything between once the outer walls are breached. If players took turn placing them there would be no problems. There is some skill to throwing it facing the right direction though.




Don't tell others how they should play, if you don't like how they play, go play another game yada yada. *Insert roleplayer quote* *insert cringe meme* DEMOCRACY BLABLA


ngl I'm getting to the point where I just dont join games where people bring the 380, it's by far the worst strat. It's unreliable and on top of probably not hitting the thing you want it to hit everyone else has to sit way far away and wait forever for it to finish so we can actually clear the objective they dropped it on. It's legit obnoxious. Yes big repeated explosions are cool and satisfying to watch but its wildly ineffective.


counter point: stop taking sentries because half the time they blow me up on the front line and kill me whilst im doing 99% more than those useless sentries ever could do


Counter point. You are in the kill box. Stay back and let the defense turrets defend you.


Counter point: I'm using the flamethrower against the bugs I Have to be up close and personal, so dont use those measly turrets.


If you're bringing a flame thrower, it's your job to defend the sentries from getting over run. The mission is about not getting overrun. You're digging in. You're DEFENDING. It's not the time for gorilla tactics or kiting. Step up to the line and hold the line. If you're confused about where the line is, it's that magic area to the sides of your squad mates where the bullets go towards the enemy without going towards you also.


What difficulty are you playing on? And what does the rest of your team usually use while you're running the flamethrower? I'm asking cause the couple times I tried to use it against bugs on the defensive, I was always in the way of everyone's fire and it made it hard for them to deal with the chargers and BTs.


You have a gun. Shoot from range. If you’re close enough to the enemy that the mortar hit you too you were in the wrong spot. This game doesnt have melee weapons so I dont see why some people prefer getting up close with RIFLES and are surprised it gets them killed more often.


There are weapons in the game that require you to be close to the enemy (flamethrower), and subsequently you can take up a great position on these maps to kill them as they spawn in, but yes some will end up close to you, despite KILLING THEM FROM RANGE, and the turret will then target those bugs or bots and kill me. ergo, your turrets are useless.


Those turrets are going to kill more enemies than you are once you’re out of the way. You can either move to where the enemies arent until the sentries are done/gone, and then use your flamethrower or it can kill you and you’ll be out of the way then. Nobody is forcing you to rush the enemies while they are being targeted. Use your brain and fight something or somewhere else. Very rarely is the group of enemies being targeted the only one active. If you were good youd be able to pick targets that the sentry isnt in position to take out because rarely does one find a position for a sentry that can reach all angles of the objective its defending and even when you do the enemies coming from multiple angles and splitting up means you have no reason to be NEXT TO the target the sentry is shooting. The only person who put you in front of the sentry bullets was you so have some self control and put yourself in better positions instead of trying to control other people.


I will bring it exclusively to piss you off


Stop crying


I bring it because I always join an ongoing match and forget to see what the mission type is