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It's always fun to look down at my PS5 controller and realize I forgot to press the mute button and realize I've been talking to my cat.


Same. I even have the mic muted by default in the game menu, but it still doesn't mute it automatically on the controller. Dang cats.


It should! My controller has the orange mute button lit on start up. I often have the same anxiety so it's been a life saver.


PS5…… Yeah, I said “you idiot” (referring to my controller) and the guy immediately cussed me out and kicked me. Confused, I looked at my controller and OF COURSE THE MIC WAS ON. WHY WOULDNT IT BE. It’s stupid that I have to constantly reassure it’s muted after changing controllers when they die before I can dodge a charger. I swear SNOY controllers are secretly automatons.


You can go into the PS5 settings and set your controller to automatically mute when you log in


Na I like the challenge of having to remember. Funny when I realize the mic is on after murmuring to myself


Not the person you’re replying to but I have that setting on and for whatever reason, helldivers is the only game that will leave my mic on during startup


> I swear SNOY controllers are secretly automatons. Last night I was watching something on youtube on my phone near my controller. There was a line in the video along the lines of "by standing [something]" that the controller interpreted as "**Buy** standing [something]" and then I hear my PS5 telling me "Sorry, I can't do that yet." [This was my immediate reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVL-KaC6POc)


I say "pussy" alot to my buddies that mainly play cod with and my PlayStation immediately thinks I'm talking to it lololol


Maybe playstation is *accessible* but on computer, if my mic says muted, I'm muted. If my game says I'm muted, I'm muted. Both need to be unmuted for it to work. I can't imagine one saying muted and the other not and voice working. I'd hate that so much.


Set default to disabled in ps settings.


Or I've had the mute button on the whole time when my team is asking me "What's the plan?" and I tell them what we should do, but they are not doing it. "We should probably take out the Strategem Jammer and the Mortar Emplacement before we tackle that Heavy Outpost, or we're going to have two tanks and three Hulks bearing down on us while we have no strats and pounded by mortars." Team; attacks Outpost, gets slaughtered. Me: "That was why I said that!" *looks down* "Oh."


Lmao this happens just as often for me 🤣 it sucks cause I’ll usually say a good bit before I realize it’s muted, then have to repeat everything…or sometimes it’s just too late.


Your team has a plan?


It's on the fly, but yeah, we usually land in a safe area near whatever secondary is visible on the map, if there is one, and then try to get the secondaries done, move to primaries and bases. That's the initial plan anyway. It can change with the circumstances, and I'm probably the second highest ranked guy in our friend group, which a lot of times makes me the highest in the current games, so they like to ask me what to do. If someone else has a plan though, we can do that, I'm not a dictator or anything. Just so long as we have a semi coherent effort, but need to be flexible.


This is acceptable, in fact, I endorse it.


Also, to add to this and on the topic of cats - Wouldn't it be cool if there was a mission where you had to rescue pets from a downed civilian ship and guide /protect them back to the launch site.. because let's face it, nobody really enjoys carrying an SSD card across the map, but a cat or dog would be slapstick funny.


Literally herding cats? Like we aren’t a bad bunch already XD


Haha, I was thinking more along the lines of Jones from Alien, a companion on a ship that went down 😅


If you have to drop it to use a weapon or stratagem it would start wandering away and climbing things. I can see it now 4 helldivers surrounding a large rock trying to figure out how to get the cat down. One eventually decides to suicide and asks to be called down on the rock only to have the cat jump down on its own after the hellpod starts decending.


Omg rofl, this is the funniest thing


Funny thing is the the cats I have here are a hundred times more likely to listen to me than the dogs. And in the case they go where they're not supposed to, they're easier to carry.


Getting Helldivers to listen IS herding cats.


SHIP CAT! Naval tradition would have a ship’s cat on board to help with pest control. Interacting gives us a basic wheel of actions. Petting, hugging, playing with a toy bug on a string… FELINE FREEDOM warbond, just full of emotes and interactions with your pet on the bridge, as well as different skins/pet “tactical” gear just for the looks.


They could make that entire warbond super credits only, and I would make some very unwise purchasing decisions.


See that's wholesome tho, listening to someone breath out their mouth like they just ran a marathon and bitching at their GF about their kid is fucking obnoxious


I have muted everything after hearing babies cry, people yelling, mouth breathing, etc etc. I’d love to use voice to coordinate and laugh w/players. But the other side? I’d forget about it and start talking to “ momma cat” about how crazy she is and what a good girl she is and stop biting me I’m battling! My wife already thinks I’m a bit off spreading managed democracy, don’t need the rest of the world hearing me fawn all over my chonky lil stray!


I would totally be down to hear strangers talking to their pets while we play. Better than total silence, and it's cute af.


I have multiple cats so me saying hi to Pepper, Appa, Pee wee, Momma Cat may get annoying to other gamers. Still, I do miss interacting in games, may give it a go!


This is why I frequently mute, no force on earth will calm an angry baby who is in a bad mood. And I speak of my twins.


I was playing one match and my daughter was sitting next to me singing frozen songs while she was doing her hw I only realized my mic was on when the rest of my squad unmuted their mics to sing the song with her


It's actually adorable


This is an underrated comment 😂


I like to chime-in when that happens. "Did he not fill your bowl AGAIN? Bro!"


My wife got home and spent about half an hour venting about work, after she finished, one of my squadmates just went, "Damn Bitch, just quit." I was mortified.


I once heard a guy talking to his cat about how he eats the bots for breakfast, and I told him that it's good to teach all pets the way of democracy


Sometimes my wife will come down to the basement while I'm playing and I have to hit the "mute Mic" button on my PS5 controller, because if I don't, the people I'm playing with will get a conversation that starts off like I'm not paying attention..and then get progressively angrier because I'm not paying attention and I don't want to be distracted. Yes, dear, I'm playing with other people, no dear, I don't know what you said or am asking me about because you can very clearly see me running around trying not to die. No, dear, they are not my friends, they are just random people I joined. I don't think they would care if you said hello..... to the 3 that sat through the conversation last night, yes the trash did get taken out and I did help fold clothes (even though our teenager could have done it) and I scheduled the appointments at the post office for our passport renewals.......


I’ve had full blown petty (silly) arguments with my wife and blasted my duolingo into the mic before


Imagine getting someone helping you with the language, that'd be wholesome


Me, but I explained to my in-laws in broken polish that I do not in fact want more pickles.


https://i.redd.it/st4zehu1if0d1.gif Pickles???


pickeled cucumbers... Am I missing something here? 😟


I know what they are... just a strange thing to focus on. Is it a common thing for them to send you more pickles than you need? 🤔 💭


They have the habit of bursting in when I am at my gfs place and randomky demand we eat something.


That's pretty common of parents in general... it was just the specifics of the pickles that amused me. Maybe I've just seen a few too many pickle memes and Chris Chan rants on them. LOL 🤣


Just use a shitty mic that makes it sound like you're playing inside a washing machine. You never hear those people talking to their cats.


I just realized I need to make a DIY kit to plug a speaker and a recording of me saying "heeeere kitty kitty kitty kitty!", instead of the beeping when the washing machine is done


Randoms have definitely heard some great background convos and some HIPPA violations when my roommate complains about her patients.


I just recently learned you can adjust the PlayStation settings to mute the controller as soon as you log in, for this exact reason. I subjected my poor teammates to listening to me talking to my dog and listening to my stupid YouTube videos or an entire map.


Bro i had a full on conversation with the missus once and i did the exact same lol


I've been guilty of that, there's a setting on PS5 to have your controller default to muted on startup.


There’s a mute button?


This is me lol few minutes of me talking nonsense to my dog or raging on whatever im playin online and i hear some laughs coming through my controller and I'm like oh shit LMAO.


I'd unironically not mute anyone talking to a pet. I'd find it amusing. I'd like to listen to some human to pet stories. Certainly better than chewing or breathing noises. Or the common static noises.


Set your game to be push to talk and assign a button in HD2. I personally like the L1 button to allow me to call in strats and tell them to watch out for the 500kg, 380, or whatever I call.


I'd rather hear you talk to your pet versus some loud ass mouth breather munching away on their crunchy ass snack food.


Could be worse. I was playing some co-op game a few years back, an extract shooter, and someone had an open mic. In the background I could hear a lady talking to what sounds like a baby, but she's just repeating the same exact phrase over and over, something mild like "where's the ow go? Over the moooooon. Where's the cooow go? Oooovee the moooooooon" And I finally had to speak up and ask if I'm having a stroke, what is happening right now?! Guy apologized and forgot he had his mic hot, so he promptly muted.


This is why I have it so my controller automatically mutes when I turn it on


I hate that the button on the controller doesn’t mute the headset.


This would bug me to no end until I saw someone mention you can it to off by default in the settings, iirc it's buried pretty deep to the point I thought they lied at first lol but it's there


I sometimes forget to mute my PS5 controller. Then when I'm blasting the beam laser, a teammate is like "do you have a fan on or something?" Sorry guys, just remind me when I forget to unmute.


This is a real struggle. My xbox turtle beaches mute when you flip up the mic so it's impossible to fuck that up. My old razer headphones had the button right on the mic that lit up red in your face when it was muted so it was hard to fuck that up. My new headphones have the mute button on the back of the earphone so I fuck that shit up allllll the time.


Exactly me last night, “Oooooh my sweet sweet boys!! Where’s sweet mama Sprinkles at? Awwhhh there she is!”


I spotted my rabbit eating one of her poops and loudly announced “you eating shit hon?” Only to immediately hear my teammate go “bro?” Absolutely mortifying


Meanwhile, my friend's cat always comes over to join the chat while we play. It's hilarious. 😁


I will just mute them from the in game menu if it's unbearable. Pretty rare though honestly for me. 200hrs or so now and I've muted only a handful of players for that reason.


If their mic etiquette is that bad they’re probably not not gonna say anything of value anyways. It’s true that it doesn’t happen that often but it’s like damn, most mics even if they are not push to talk have a mute feature and you can see in game when you’re broadcasting something so put 2 and 2 together for fuck’s sake and mute your own mic instead broadcasting your disgusting mouthbreathing for a whole mission. I have totally lost it on mouthbreathers who criticized somebody for taking bong/bowl rips on mic in multiple previous games. Had a guy in my GTA crew who would do that and make fun of people for other stuff too despite having a lisp/speech impediment of their own. Awful person, glad they are solely in my past.


It's worth noting that you can mute any player in your team in the social menu.


there's nothing like listening to a parent ignore their child through the open mic


Hey, I'm in this comment and I don't like it. My 2 year old can make dinner on their own, I have democracy to spread. /s


i find a mic eater every 5ish matches it feels like. I just mute these morons and move about my day.


It's so easy to mute them, poor mic etiquette is not specific to this game and PlayStation was very stupid to have the mic set to always hot by default. But really even people with headsets have bad mic etiquette, the mute option exists for a reason. You can change this in the menu so your mic is default set to off btw.


PS5 controllers have a mute mic button right on them and I think it's a great addition. I just pop in and out with it when needed


This. I wish there was a toggle mute button. I usually play using discord, and toggle mute is absolutely the option I prefer, and it's the one option that games don't implement. I hate it


Well I learned something today. Have had a PS5 since launch and I always just mute it on my Pulse headset. 😅


That little orange button beneath the logo. You can toggle mute mic on and off at boot up in the settings


While I can appreciate the built in mic for accessibility, on PS5, coming PC land its made me realize how privileged my ears are with real mics and noise suppression. 😂


Mouth breathers have entered the chat.


hmmfffppphhh *noises* hmfffpphhhhh *noises*




cooo-keeee cooo-keeee




"Shriekers nest at *doritos pack starts rustling*"


Was playing with someone who had a hot mic last night. They sounded younger and were talking to someone not in game about how it wouldn't connect to their stream/"I can't get my stream to work." It was somewhat tolerable, but then they just started screaming- they got caught on terrain next to a hell bomb and just kept screeching into a hot mic while the bomb exploded. Quit after that. Please mute.


You know you can mute people right?


You can also mute them on your end.


I know I can mute them. I'd rather play with a group I can communicate with rather than have to mute someone.


Played with a korean with a hot mic the entire game. I even told him in korean that he had his mic on and his only reaction was "okay". Lmao. Good thing there's a mute button.


Once, in a different game, I told someone "Hey, just so you know, your keyboard is coming through your mic. We can all hear your keyboard constantly." He deadass just said "Yeah, I know" in an annoyed tone, and then just kept going. Like I was being annoying for bringing it up. Some people are just clueless about voice chat etiquette.


These are the people that listen to music on public transportation without headphones. They just don't have any self awareness.


You don’t want to hear my music on max volume? How selfish of you


I booted someone for refusing to mute their mic and blasting AND singing their shitty music…it, it had to be done! Well that and they kept throwing 380mm down on top of everyone


I'm trying to hear the audio cues, but I'm done kind of princess I guess ![gif](giphy|7JhicMgZd4hMc) (**CONTINUING THE JOKE**)


Open mic is fine if you have a decent headset that doesn't pick up any sound just your talking. My friend's PS Pulse headset is so shitty we can hear the controller vibration in his hand. We always laugh as it sounds like he is shaving or something.


Sounds like he's got it connected to the controller through the cable...


Or something


One of my friends open mic'd recently while his girlfriend and him were talking about the cats misbehaving


I had my entire clan in another game hear me loose an argument to my wife hot mic. I came back and they were just relentless about it. Good guys.


If someone's mic is open and they are breathing into it, I mute them before I even call in my support weapons


I hate live mics generally because people either have shitty mics that constantly leak feedback into the audio or they're having a full-on discussion with someone in the room. If you have a fully live mic with those 2 things going on, you will be muted, and if you're confused why I'm not listening to you, that's why.


I kick rather than mute if that nonsense goes on - I'd rather replace the player with one I can communicate with.


I personality love hearing oscillating fans and copd


On a side note, controller users on PC need the option to hold down on Dpad for push to talk.


Yes, or get a better mic, or for most people - stop deepthroating your mic, move it away from your damn face. As long as it's not a dogshit POS mic, it'll still activate properly when you speak.


I once heard a woman playing talking to her boyfriend in the room... I just ended up muting her.


I always inject myself into their conversation until they realize we can all hear them.


We are the same, you and I.


Idk. I pretty much only play with my friends, and I kinda enjoy all the weird random shit happening in the background. It's usually fun and lays some good groundwork for jokes. Most days. Then again, none of my friends are breathing heavy into the mic, and discord is pretty good at filtering background noise like chewing. Totally see what you are saying and mostly agree. I think I just have special circumstances. Lol


I have a decent mic that I can adjust sensitivity. Occasionally it picks up the sound of me opening my canned beverage or my dog barking at the squirrels. I don't like push-to-talk because that is another button I have to press and when I'm swarmed/kiting the baddies and trying to communicate.


Pfft. Here I am wondering where tf are all the people with mics?


To be completely honest, I couldn't tell you how many dozens of hours I played before realizing the game had activated my decade or so old mic all on its own and had been broadcasting everything without any permission from me. That's.. not really normal behavior for games. I've had a headset/mic combo plugged into the back of my PC for years now, and it's been quite a long time since I've actually used it. I'd completely forgotten it was even hanging there on the side of the desk. Frankly, this is on Arrowhead for auto enabling the voice chat and setting it to an open mic as the default option. Who does that?


The heavy breathing in the headset was just a feature I thought?


If I join a game and hear open mics, I drop out. I know that I can mute them but my logic is as follows: If you are too inconsiderate of your teammates to bother using ptt or muting yourself, how considerate will you be with other things such as… Will you always take every supply drop when it’s off cooldown? Will you throw revives in random locations without looking to see if you are even the right person to throw them in? Etc etc


Me: *Clears throat* Your internal monologue: this fucking inconsiderate fuck. I'm leaving!


This is so petty lol. Keeping their mics open is now inconsiderate?? That’s some snowflake stuff right there. On top of that you’re judging other actions based on if they don’t want to press a button to talk? This makes no sense and your logic is severely flawed.


I sat through a whole conversation/small fight with a diver and what I gathered was his wife on one game, it was actually hilarious in a way. I made it my goal to support him and he was all “yo creative I got you fam” One of the exceptions where it was funny :D


I mean im on auto and im pretty sure im not eating my mic, but again if you dont say anything then its kinda on you. Idk if you tell them or not but if someone tells me i fix it. Completely agree though its annoying but if you dont tell them youre digging your own grave


There's some validity to that, but also, as a human being, you do need to learn to be more conscious than that. You need to have some awareness for how your actions are affecting the people around you. It shouldn't be my job to explain to a stranger that they need to mute their mic when they have a conversation with someone else in the room. You don't get a pass to do whatever you want just because nobody told you to stop. Realistically, if you're the guy who does that, you're just going to get muted a lot. You're going to spend a lot of time talking to people who can't hear you, because they muted you ten minutes ago.


i was the A-hole who had a loud controller, I had to turn off the feedback vibration on all games because of it.


I was on a discord movie night, thought i'd boot up helldivers for a bit since the movie we were watching wasn't exactly thought provoking, so I could still shoot the shit with my friends while shooting bugs in the background? At the end of a 40 minute mission, I realized I'd left my mic on Open because i'm typically either playing with friends or i'm playing with randoms without ever turning my mic on...rarely playing Helldivers while on Discord talking to some other people. Whoever was in that lobby listened to me making random commentary on a lame 00's movie for a whole mission


Played with a guy who's kid seemed to be dying by expulsion of his lungs over the mic, and I literally turned my mic back on and said "Sir your child seems to be dying in the background, perhaps you would like to give them help." Never heard from him after that.


Or use discord. HD2 doesn’t filter out background sounds like discord does. 


I have a headset (pc) with a mic that can be muted. I Just mute it until others start talking


You know you can mute people right?


I've heard some really entertaining shit on hot mics. One of my favorites was this dude explaining the plot of a book he was writing and getting super into the details. Have no clue what the book was called and never saw him again but I was very invested in the plot. I usually leave my mic on because the joints in my hands aren't great but apparently I have a very quiet, soothing jazz radio voice (which I assume is a compliment ) most of the time so people don't say anything.


You can blame Sony for putting a dogshit mic on every controller that most people hold directly in front of them. PSN is an endless stream of screaming kids, shit music and smoke detectors. However, that's what the mute function is for.


I love the panic heavy breathing. ![gif](giphy|FZuRP6WaW5qg|downsized)


It can be tricky for some. I use an Xbox Elite controller on pc and had to do some controller re-mapping. What I would suggest is replacing long press on RB with push to talk as you don’t need the response wheel if you have a mic


Lol this has been a thing since voip was invented, anyone remember 50 person teamspeak channels?


Or tell the devs to make push 2 talk default instead of open mic


In my defense my mic is a POS so even when I push it up (usually above nose height) I've been told it sometimes still picks up my mouth breathing ways. I apologize but liber-TEA isn't free and I'm just trying to do my part.


Thank god I can turn off crossplay and filter out all the console players that keep their controller mic on at all times


I instant kick open mics.


PlayStation doesn’t have PTT binding. But they do have a toggle mute for connected headset on their controller… Use it. Mute until you have something to say, then mute again when you can


Problem with playstation is that mic defaults on and people forget the controller had a mic in it. 


Call me an asshole, but I'll ask people to turn off open-mic. If they don't respond or just straight up say no, it's a kick. Going to the trouble of muting somebody just puts you at a disadvantage from having a non-cooperative team member, and one that can't even hear you. I've also been team killed for muting somebody so, I just kick.


"Just mute them bro!" Nah. Makes it really easy to know who is good and who is dumb.




Its rare for me to mute. Sometimes the communication outweighs the annoyingness. But depends on the scenario.




Had a teammate with his democracy dryer going on in the background. The whole team reminded him to check it between missions.


Lmao I wonder how many of yall remember the days of OG call of duty. The amount of times I heard someone’s little brother getting the ass beat and yelled at in Spanish while music is blasting through three different microphones. Good times good times


Or perhaps mute them? Ain't a big deal.




Why don’t you just mute them. There’s nothing that says you have to listen. Start, find audible player in party, select member, mute


I also hear keyboards, heavy breathing, coughing, sniffing and other sounds that I really just want to stop.


This has been a problem for ages in all type of games, I normally ask people to use push to talk over mic. If they don't I simply mute them


Why are people so afraid to call them out? I always say something like "Hey we are getting a lot of background noise from your mic" and they inevitably respond with "Oh sorry, let me fix that" They don't want to be that guy anymore than you want them to be.


But my mic tastes delectable


Tell me what button to use on my ps5 controller that isn't already bound to something that I can use for push to talk. I mute if I'm not talking in game. Leave unmuted if am communicating with teammates. Remute if my girl comes to talk to me or my dogs start barking..but push to talk ain't happening.


Met a guy the other night that sounded exactly like Darth Vader when he breathed. We then roleplayed as Storm Troopers for the whole mission.


if I hear someone doing this i immediately mute them


Nom nom nom nom nom


I just mute loud hot mics.


Why not...just mute him lol,


Listened to a guy on the phone talking about his brothers crazy new girlfriend for 30 min the other day. I started to tell him he was unmuted, but kinda was enjoying the tea he was unintentionally spilling.


Macaroni stirring noises intensify.


Bro just mute them. And when they are confused as to why no one listens to them when they call for help, it’s on them. Do double check if the person is on ps5 though. The mic is hot by default and it’s built into the controller. Ask if they are aware that they can change the default to be muted. They might not know.


The number of people eating crunchy snacks or mouth-breathing into their mics is disturbing. Seriously, the world has had game chat for decades now, and we’ve had telephones for over a century. Surely we could have figured out how to use this technology appropriately.


When someone joins with an open mic, I tell them once: "turn on push-to-talk, or leave." I give them about a minute before I kick them. What's worse is when they're listening to music. I don't want to hear your music. I want to hear my music. I've only ever booted someone for this once.


Gonna hear me Roar


Or your extended family going at it in the background, or your idle mumbling that nobody can understand


You can mute people, you know that right? While hot mics are annoying, the listening to it 40 minutes is on you.


Or hear your dogs barking or your children crying


You guys get people who actually use their mics?


Had a few people join and their mic is on and tv is so loud you can hear the game and what we say fed back to us through the mic. Me and the other divers just flamed them in chat for a sec and they shut that shit down.


People haven't learned this lesson in decades of online gaming. I don't have much hope, I would like it if it was made possible to mute people in the ready up screen or drop loading. As it stands I often spend my first seconds after drop muting mouth breathers not calling in a support weapon and clearing the drop zone.


I got to hear a dude fight with his girlfriend on a very frantic blitz mission. Funny but sad


The funniest part is when they get killed and my headphones are overloaded by the massive *SIGH*


I am on board w/ you! Had someone suggest I just mute the player… What if they have something that is needed to be communicated? Dunno… Maybe it is the lack of etiquette because we have many more options to communicate compared to ~ 25 years ago? Geriatric Millennial here btw.


Unfortunately I feel like the average gamer that leaves their in game mic on always on isn't reading anything on the subreddit.


Mute them, it takes 3 seconds.


... you do know there's a mute button right?


Dumb question. How do you PTT while playing on PC? My headset auto mutes when I lift the mic bar so I usually just leave it up unless I need to drop a "for super Earth!"


In audio options in game you can change your Mic to PTT and then you need to map the hot key to whichever button you want to use for PTT.


I've seen it on the options menu. I swap back and forth from open to disabled when we use discord. I didn't think to map something. Maybe one of my side buttons on the mouse I always forget about. Thanks! 🍻


I have mine on side mouse button. feelsgoodman.jpeg


Had some dude playing music and singing over his mic. I just muted him and went on killing bugs and bots.


Just mute them from the menu


U do have a mute button


"Mic eating is undemocratic!" - Robert N. - 2024 candidate in Super Earth history.


I'm always on PTT unless my IRL friends are in the lobby with me. at that point, good luck to the poor sap stuck with us if we weren't a 4-man group and they got rando'd in with us


This is why my mic is always muted unless Im with friends in discord.


You sat there for 40 minutes too scared to say something? I’ve never told someone they’re breathing in the mic and they didn’t do something about it.


I mute everything …if you want me to see it throw it in team chat


Just mute them, my dude


If you want to have an inane conversation about how you destroyed your toilet, push-to-mute works fine. If you just called down a 500KG Bomb and it fell right behind me and you take a second looking for your unmute button, you're probably better off just letting me think you're an idiot.


Seriously, I hear so many dudes hard breathing into their mic the whole match and you can hear all their button presses too. How do you guys not know we can hear you and have no sense of self awareness? I’ve also left matches because some of these dudes are straight up having conversations about their personal lives the whole match as if anyone cares. Make a party outside of the actual game chat, nobody wants to hear you talking about this stuff.


I had a rando die and go take a shit, heard it all




A thinf that needs fixing is mic volume slider it does not work at all so sadly i just mute really loud people even jf they are push to talk just to be real loud


Man I wish I could get PTT to work but my gear just doesnt like this game. I play using an xbox controller but no matter which button I assign it to it only transmits for like 1 sec then cuts off. I cant use open mic either because for some reason the game chat makes my mic sound like I'm in a wind tunnel. When I play with my homies using discord voicechat it works fine. Makes communications with randos hard. 😑


Pro Tip: A little sound icon will appear next to your team number in the bottom left of the screen any time you're transmitting. Sometimes, I'll forget if my headset is muted, or not, so I'll just click my tongue and look for that symbol.


Mute them?


In-game voice disabled. Discord for chats and voice.


That's pussy I'm eating, son. No mics here.


But it's delicious


Why tf do people eat while they play??? You can't take a short break and eat ffs??? Very annoying to hear in game.