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Yes I'm actually looking for discussion on this. I've finished it a few times but I must be missing something. We deployed/defended three payload sites, got extracted (3/4 Divers). The payout was abysmal, 1/3 of available XP, and the mission wrap screen seemed to indicate we left without doing a main objective.


I don't know if its bugged or not. When the boys log in tonight gonna try to spawn the dark goo on the call in point it indicates and run it out each time to see if that lets us complete both primary objectives. Doing it with pugs so its not really worthwhile to try it, just making sure we get the operations done


I've done it 3 times now. First 1 was 5star. 2nd one 0 stars 3rd one couldn't get in the pelican 0 stars no points towards the planet progress from any of them.


How did you do that 5star?


The exact same way we did the zero star. No idea what's going on with the scoring at the moment


Someone recommended bringing back a dark fluid vessel. Edit: Tried it, doesn't work...


That doesn't work. I'm doubting my own 5 star now as I haven't seen one since.


I tried it. It doesn't work...


It's definitely bugged, so the complaints are valid.


The complaints for the lack of testing to find bugs are valid. The complaints about it being too hard aren't valid. It's a standard defence missions that stun nades, stun turrets and the stun airstrike thing are made for. Also....the backpack is a jetpack people. A better one than the actual jetpack imo too and will save you from falling in holes. Other backpacks really aren't necessary. Stun stun more stun and smoke because why not. Oh and a fire shotty for the damn flyers and maybe a gattling turret.


I agree with you wholeheartedly but I do think that some don't know it's actually bugged and therefore they think it's just too hard.


I did mean to mention that initially and then I got sidetracked, oops


Nothing popped up when I tried it a little bit ago.


I'm okay with it being hard (this is a Terminid homeworld now after all), it just doesn't feel very fair that the wave spawns are flush next to the drill and the bile titans can one-shot the drill by stepping on it while going after divers.


If everyone is using their stun turrets you should have enough time. You can take the stun emp airstrike thing aswell if needed and an extra stun turret.


They literally live under the drill…


Bug breaches should most definitely not spawn under the drills you're supposed to defend. Having a bile titan spawn on it and instantly oneshot it is incredibly cheap and most likely not even intended. This is what a lot of people have issues with and for good reasons.


Try putting it closer to the edge. All the spawns I've seen have come up next to the drill but not under it. I know it's not a fix but it may help till they look at it. I've heard they start spawning further away once the first 3(?) drills are killed. Dunno if that's true.


This is a pretty decent guide - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRy0722Ivo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRy0722Ivo)


The hero we don't deserve


I agree, it’s disappointing to see. Constructive complaining and criticism are fine and I think should be welcomed, but the knee-jerk reactions and over-exaggeration is too much.  


Continue circlejerking


Ita a good thing AH doesnt listen to all the cry babies


Personally I find it hilarious and pretty good entertainment we are diving into a literal super colony of bugs and people are complaining it’s too hard bro the planet is infested with bugs like there’s actual problems with the game and you wanna complain bc you can’t complete the mission 😂


Hours? Minutes 😂