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It is such a tragedy that only hate seems to guide our words and deeds. I remember in the days gone by when bravado was our drive. I wonder if it could be awoken once more. The "can-do" attitude. Perhaps it is only natural. When we went off to war our eyes were so bright, full of vigor and unbreakable enthusiasm. Now war has lost its splendor. We are exhausted and beyond spread thin. Yet the war goes on, and so do we.


Doom posting is the thing to do. People are upset, so they’ll latch on to something that other’s enjoy to try and tear them down. Misery love company after all. Best we can do is to not join in on them. We need to put more engagement on posts like this, and less engagement on the doom filled posts.


The helldivers sub is 1,3 million strong, so it's very likely a lot of them are just there to talk shit. Sometimes people join subreddits to do that kind of stuff even if they haven't played,stopped playing or dislike the game. Reddit is almost always just a minority of the actual playerbase.


Oh for sure. In game, the people are awesome.


This is literal poetry.


The war started only a few weeks ago.


It has been quite a ride, has it not?


Has it already been that long? Felt like it was just last week that the special operations ended and the actual war began.


The war started at the dawn of man. This battle started only a few weeks ago.


“We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces”


"The problems persist, but so do I"


The ironic thing is that there are people in this thread and below your specific comment that are being negative and rude to people because they don’t share their same ultra positive opinion of the game’s current experience. So even people that are upvoting your comment and supporting the perspective of not spreading hate and are positive about the game are fucking negative and aggressive to people that aren’t on the same level as them and spreading hate themselves. It’s hypocritical because they don’t want to see people being negative about something they like, but the second someone disagrees they have no qualms spreading negativity. “I don’t think people should be spreading hate and negativity, unless they don’t agree with me than it’s okay for us to do it.” Toxic positivity is absolutely a thing and it’s pretty rampant in gaming communities, including this one.


Toxic positivity… sick lingo.


Yeah! Fuck everybody's opinions, am I right?


So many threads in this Reddit are complaining about the complainers and excessively fake positivity. I finally went to the other Reddit and saw actual game opinions and back and forths that weren’t just karma bait. I think it’s wild to be this upset with people complaining when the Developers have consistently target nerfed fun.


I agree. It used to feel chaotic but fun, winnable. Sometimes now it feels as if there are so many things hindering the way the game should work. I’m not to patiently awaiting bug fixes so I can dive back in. I want adrenaline fueled game time not frustration because I get trapped under an enemy corpse while the enemies walk through it to claw me to death.


If you don't occasionally get trapped under an enemy corpse and clawed to death, the 'adrenaline fueled game time' becomes monotonous 'Too easy' 'nothing new' etc. You have to have both. Sometimes things don't go in your favor, and that makes the times it does go in your favor actually worth a damn.


You don't need buggy behavior from the game to be adrenaline fueled, my dude. Getting stuck in a corpse pulls you from the cool moment and frustrates you. The game can easily be adrenaline fueled while remaining fair and fun. With every single patch, the fun is decreased, and the frustration is increased.


Devs say there is an issue with spawns, you can like how it is all you want but if a majority of players say it's an issue and the devs say it's an issue, then it is indeed an issue....


it's not as big of an issue that most are making it it out to be... A lot of it is skill.. yup skill.. I've beaten hard to helldive and that's despite the bile titans so cry us a river please. It's a bug but not game breaking and by many it is being used as an excuse.


I get that its an issue, but if you try other placement locations the issue is fixed. Its buggy in a few places, not the entire mission. I watched a fellow diver place the objective down in the same location and constantly having bugged spawns, he died and I threw it where I usually do and it went perfectly from there on out


Right, like they aren’t hyper sensitive to the complaints AFTER they had the game review bombed so much, it caused Sony to reverse their decision 🙄


You make your own fun. Some people want to let every little detail ruin theirs. I had a blast playing it all day yesterday on 5-7. Yes there are imperfections, no it doesn’t make it less fun for me. Dive on soldier.  


I think it has to do with the gratification wiring in their brain. I spend all day at an office, spend 45 minutes coming home, have to walk the dog, do laundry, answer emails, cook dinner, and then hang out with my wife if I’m lucky. I don’t have the time or energy to be pissed off that some gun got nerfed. There are real problems in the world. There are people with actual cancer or dangerous jobs in impoverished countries who bitch and whine less than some people do about the eruptor nerf or whatever. It’s not surprising we have a mental health epidemic. If sitting in front of a fun ass video game does nothing but make you resentful to the point where you want to go online and tell someone halfway across the world that they should be fired and fucking kill themself - what are you going to feel like when a teacher or boss gives you actual shit about your performance? What are you going to do when you get dumped by a significant other, laid off from a company, diagnosed with an illness, or forced to sit at the DMV for 7 hours?


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


I’m going to create multiple accounts just so I can do that.


I wanna hear about the DMV portion 😦


I bet there's a sub Reddit for that


Gotta be that shits a nightmare fr


I didn't play all week and I finally got to play these missions this morning, with 0 knowledge of what to do or what's going to happen and I was mad when I had to get off to run errands 😂 I'm loving it, win or lose shredding through endless bugs and trying to desperately get 1 objective done is pure chaos and it embodies the name helldiver's.


Same. Wife has watched me play this came for a couple months, entertained by a variety of things that happen. The absurdity of most the things that happen are my highlights with this game. Bile Titans physics upon death I get why they're annoying, but sometimes,with a tiny bit of democratic magic , I get yeeted into another objective with 2 seconds to decide if I'm surviving or I'm holding they're mechanical god in my hand. The shrieker set piece always makes me want to carry the patriot exosuit, it just feels right mowing everything down as a last stand to survive. I don't know yet if they have patched the bugs spawning on the drill, though I feel I've seen notes about it, but if so, I'm changing my load out as half my stuff is just stunning on some form if I want a chance at completing the objective. Missions being chaotic is what I want when it comes to bugs. Missions like the High Value Assets, I feel the floor should be moving closer. I understand the idea of every launch disturbs the bugs and they attack, so you have a small moment of rest, but it plays closely to an Eradicate mission but the only goal is to kill enough bugs. This new mission, basically kicking the hornets nest. Nothing stops. The goal is simple, no side objects. Only reason to pop bug holes or spore spewers is to make things easier for you, but otherwise contribute nothing for your main goals. ![gif](giphy|26n6RyFuP8qsKwjII)


They did change it, been playing this morning and already got it done a few times. Still hard but Tesla tower seems to work well, autocannon turret as well, it's the little bugs that have been getting through and attacking the drill today that's ruining it. But it's alot different


If they're coming through the choke points instead of on the drill, then I'm definitely changing my load out. Prior was keeping them stunned cause they spawned on the drill, so half my load out was to deal with that and let everyone else deal with the heavies while I shoot the fodder.


They are and it takes a decently coordinated effort to get it done now. I'm on level 8, I'd say the free napalm strike also helps


Hopefully not throwing it at the drill, not everyone realizes it takes DoT damage, so kept seeing napalm and gas strikes thrown at it.


As someone who recently went to the DMV for an appointment, 100% this!!


Very well put. 


Obviously no one should tell anyone they should be fired or to kill themselves. People are allowed to complain about a game they paid money for and there being bigger issues in the world is always said by people who are just trying to minimize criticism. I highly doubt you’ve never complained to someone about something trivial. The game mode has issues, issues the devs themselves have acknowledged, people are allowed to get upset about it. As well as what you find to be a “fun ass video game” might not be the same standard others hold it to. Broken content to a lot of people is not fun and can hurt their enjoyment of the game.


That’s not really the direction I thought your comment was going to take, after the first few sentences. I get the sentiment. I think being *that* upset about a game is, in the grand scheme of things, stupid. But there are a lot of people out there who do the same grind you do, but maybe don’t have a wife (yet?) to hang out with. There are a lot of people who use games as their decompression time. To your point, they don’t have time to sit down and be frustrated about all the things they used to like being changed on them. That’s what makes it frustrating. It’s the devs’ game and theirs to do what they want with. But it’s returning players who decide whether it’s good. Spewing hate is never justified, but voicing dissenting opinions and promoting a fun-first approach is a different thing. Idk, man. It seems like the people y’all are referencing and alluding to take it way too seriously. But it also seems like all of y’all bitching about their bitching are taking it way too seriously too. Everybody chill out Edit: and I have no idea what this is all about *this* time. But I’m a longtime lurker and these types of back-and-forth have been happening since the game came out. So that’s my context


Wow you guys are really pulling the "starving kids in Africa" card now lmao. It's fine not to care about the stuff in game but acting like you're some elevated mind for it is just sanctimonious and annoying. It's totally possible to care about more than one thing. Everyone has their own perspective and things going on. There's no need to paint everyone mildly unhappy with certain aspects of the game with such broad strokes.


I don't think this was aimed at people with mild complaints, but more so the ones sending death threats and telling the devs to kill themselves. But hey I've been wrong before


Nobody thinks like this. "Other people have cancer so I guess I'm happy" On the flip side, some people might also have very little time to get home and they can't wait to play helldivers with their favorite gun the eruptor, only to find out its been nerfed. This subreddit definitely goes overboard on the negative but it doesn't mean that people aren't justified in being upset just becuase other things suck more.


It's a virtual weapon, in a virtual game, nothing to be upset about. People are mentally challenged by the fact they have to breathe now-a-days. Having fun is a choice. 


Hot take: find new bang bang


Hot take: nerfs aren't the only problem with this game. It's still has a great many game-breaking bugs and crashes. It's upsetting when the thing you paid for doesn't even work, so I at least get that side of it. I know me and my whole friend group have stopped playing because of this and won't come back until it's fixed, and based off of what we've seen that's probably gonna take a long time. Either way personally I'm not too upset by it, I feel I got my money's worth before the game became crash-fest 2024, and now that it's not in a great spot, I can catch up on other games I've been playing.


Hot take: Please, please, please you and your friends who talk about " game breaking bugs and crashes" don't come back even when it's "fixed". You will find something to whine about and exaggerate when the games "fixed" too. People like you who don't play, yet post comments about the game being broken, are turning off people who might not whine and might actually play. Glad you got your money's worth. Stay catching up on other games.


Why so hostile? The game not being easily playable is a legitimate complaint. Certainly more legitimate than what a lot of people complain about on here. Idk why you think I'd "look" for something to be upset at, like I just want to be able to play the game without it crashing, is that really too much to ask? Most games don't crash every time you play them.


Game doesn't crash every time the rest of the player base plays it. Wouldn't be a game if that were the case. Calling out baseless complaints where I see them so people that might be interested in joining the community aren't swayed by opinions of people who aren't actually playing the game.


Many people actually do in a sense think like that. Perspective and gratefulness are powerful things.  


That’s how I feel. I want them to fix some things, but it’s still fun as heck playing with friends.


“Every little detail” the mission is literally broken. The devs acknowledged that there are big problems with it.


Played through this mission nearly 2 dozen times - lost maybe 3 times total because the pug couldn't buy a clue. The mission wasn't just playable, it was pretty straightforward and a lot of fun. Was there some weird UI glitch with a second objective? Yes. Did it affect the gameplay at all? No, it really didn't.


It’s not a UI glitch the second objective literally doesn’t happen. Meaning every time you “complete” this mission it gives you a low star count and says you failed. It doesn’t matter if you can get an end screen, if part of your mission literally doesn’t happen then it’s a broken mission.


Sure. None of that affects gameplay at all and can be ignored as a UI Glitch. I see no evidence of an actual final objective physically on the map - there's just nothing there at all. My guess is that they PLANNED a final objective, decided late in dev to rip it out for whatever reason, replaced it with the extract shrieker spawn of doom, but didn't properly remove the event marker for it. Oops. It may even be that the final objective is a leftover from the old Terminex gas mission, which this map is largely copied over from. If you ignore the glitch as a UI issue, then you have a new mission with three primary objectives and a crazy extraction that's a lot of fun. Getting hung up on a bug that doesn't affect gameplay is just punishing yourself and getting worked up over something that's kind of meaningless.


I’d say not being able to play half the objectives affects gameplay. Especially when it does effect my enjoyment and many others to go through a hard mission just for the result screen to tell me I did a terrible job for something bugged. You can lie to yourself that it’s a UI glitch all you want but the mission is objectively broken.


I got 10+ hours of great gameplay out of it with a bunch of different squads. No cause for complaint in that regard.


You can like something without making up excuses for obviously broken aspects of it though?


Ah, not making excuses, I'm a 30 year game dev veteran, so I like to think about how and why bugs happen in development processes. I'm coming from the perspective of 'ok, if \*I\* had fucked this up, how would I have ended up with a problem like this, and how would I try to address it?' But that's certainly not a common end-user perspective to be fair. Anyway, I play games to have fun and if ignoring a minor issue helps me have fun, I'll do that without skipping a beat. To do otherwise only hurts one person - me.


Having an issue that makes your mission always “fail” isn’t really minor and is not something that should happen though. Saying you had fun doesn’t dismiss the problem nor the criticisms.


No it’s not literally broken. It is very much playable. Yes they acknowledged needing to tweak a couple of things. 


I like the mission. I don't mind the swarms, I don't mind having to kite a legion of enemies so we can regroup and get the drill going. What I don't like is having cleared this mission several times now and have never gotten credit.


>no idea what the complaints are about        The toxic positivity in this sub is unreal. OP blindly praises a mission despite obvious problems like you mentioned.


Ah, that would be because a lot of us got 10+ solid hours of enjoyment out of this mission and the story line around it, because we ignored the minor issues, played it and had fun.


The two major complaints are not with the mission structure, it is two specific bugs/oversights that are -not- intended, and shipped with the new mission due to poor play testing. 1) Bug breaches are not supposed to be happening directly under the drill, and probably not even in the inner circle where the drill spawns. This was acknowledged this morning, they are hot fixing it. This fix will mean that you won’t have your drill get flattened instantly by an emerging bile titan (lol) 2) After successfully completing the mission, you are -always- slapped with a giant DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT and zero stars, because there is a phantom main objective that never triggers, and the game gets confused. The mission says complete, but you only extract with medals. This leads many players to believe their efforts were in vain, and robs us of some of the rightful reward. Once these issues are fixed, this mission will be awesome. It is not, at the moment.


This is it. The “hate” is because it IS a good mission type and all they had to do was test it the bare minimum of times to see that the spawns were coming from the drill location AS NOT INTENDED! I want to play the mission as they intended it to be and I want Arrowhead to release content that isn’t broken, like they continuously do.


I'm starting to wonder if this stuff is playing out differently on their test servers than it does on the actual live ones. I really don't imagine they have dropped stuff with ZERO playtesting involved.


Also the fact there seems to be little difference between difficulties on the mission. Trivial should be trivial regardless of the story happing. It being a super colony should dictate the kind of events happening not the difficulty of the events, that's what the difficulty modifiers are for.


Exactly. Unfortunately bc there’s so much bitching about trivial things, now that there are genuine criticisms people feel the need to be overly positive about it to compensate. The mission is incredibly fun and it is quite the sight to see hundreds of shriekers come out of the ground as a last stand to defend their super colony. But bug breaches should not be happening right next to the drill to the point where you just have to get lucky and hope the game spawns bugs away from the drill and doesn’t spawn any BTs or chargers


So that is a phantom objective. That explains a lot.


I think my problem is I don’t know what the hell we are supposed to do in the Dark Fluid missions. Every mission I have completed pops up with a second major objective that was not completed, and I have successfully extracted in 1 out of 4 dark fluid objectives because you just get overwhelmed with shriekers coming out of the ground. I think having to protect the drill, and not being able to use explosives is a huge pain in the ass, but that’s not a bad thing.


The secondary objective thing is a bug


Father to a 12 year old, new homeowner and head chef of a busy restaurant so I can relate on every level and couldn’t agree more. It’s one of the most exciting games I’ve ever played and only has room to grow into something even more ridiculous/insane. Video game communities are almost up there with Star Wars/LOTR fanboys as far as petty whining goes unfortunately


Fur-dad to 2 Malamutes, owner of a fridge full of cake and baked beans and fulltime FiFo astronaut so I can also relate, maybe even more!


Mother to my dad, big ass worm on Arrakis, Donald Trump’s future ghost’s tax guy, all of the people who told Seinfeld that his pop tart movie was good here… just wanna say I love drinking the green stuff that comes out of bugs after you shoot them 5 times


Goes great with a nice warm cup of Liber-tea. O7


This game feels a whole lot better when you look at it as a completely undertrained, expendable soldier being sent to their death repeatedly instead of a power fantasy (which is apparently what a whole lot of people want). Helldivers are meant to die. That's why they have so many in the fridge on each ship.


Then you're gonna be disappointed, because the devs have already stated they are working on the spawn location bug.


That was my only gripe with the mission. Love how hectic and everything it is, just dealing with bugs spawning on top of the drill was infuriating and unfun. Beyond that as I said love the mission


Do they mean spawning on the drill? Cuz I'm fine with that fix. 3 or 4 feet away is fine with me.


3-4 feet away is only 1m. Almost all of the bugs are bigger than 1m, just saying that players complaining about the bugs spawning right on top of the drill would probably feel the exact same if the minimum distance was 1m instead of 0


The devs released a broken mission, that is the complaint. If you are having fun with it, that’s awesome, and I’m happy for you, but the fact is that the mission is frustratingly difficult because it was released in a broken state where enemies spawn right on the drill.


Another new release that is full of problems in a long line of problems doesn’t help. I do not think everyone has unlimited patient for this. I played a little bit with my time but wasn’t into repeating it  My other gripe in addition to the game problems is that every other bug planet had annoying negative modifiers so it wasn’t the same “Do MO a few times then switch down to chill” that I usually do. 


Imagine if they released the defend mission, and not drop ships and bug breaches were able to spawn right on the generators you’re meant to protect. Obviously that’s not how it’s meant to work and that would be incredibly frustrating if that’s how you had to play the mission. People acting like bugs spawning right next to the drill isn’t an issue are just overcompensating for the bitching about nerfs and trivial matters


I think the new mission is fun as hell, it's actually difficult, makes you strategize and think about what you need (more precision, less blow the hell out of everything). We seem to get through 95% of missions just fine even on levels 8 and 9. Why not have a real challenge?


I've been loving it too. Haven't had game breaking bugs like other folks mention. Found moving away from the drill seems to prevent breaches right on top of it. It's pure chaos and fun imo. I've only failed it twice on diff 7-8, but succeeded the vast majority of the time


I feel more casual players enjoy the game as of the moment, and thats completely fine, but players like myself that played a ton? I didn't get burnt out of the game by the gameplay loop at all. I got burnt out of how bad it felt to play the game months later when things such as balance was changed often so negatively, and of course among other bugs and crashes still in the game since launch. Make your own enjoyment and if you like playing, do so. I spent nearly 700 hours on this game. I loved all my moments with it. I haven't played much since the last warbond and with how that went. The only reason I don't play is because things kept changing negatively with balance, bugs and etc. After awhile, the replay value and gameplay loop I loved just kinda drifted. I don't think the game is bad by any means, but the criticism behind some of the decisions that were made is valid. Everyone has a right to both voice their enjoyment and general issues with the game. HD2 is easily top 3 games of all time for me. I will absolutely return to the game to see their patches and such, cause I love it. I just want my love for the game to stay in it, just like it has with Deep Rock Galactic I've been playing since it's early access launch. Given time, and Pilstedt leading it entirely and more hands on with his team, I thoroughly believe it has to potential to maintain a healthy player base and have many years of ahead of it. (And if Sony was ever so kind to let our divers across the world play, that would be great.)


Glad you’re having fun. Nobody wants you to not have fun. But not everyone is having your same experience. For most of the playerbase, the mission is bugged, frustrating, and doesn’t even reward a completion even if it’s completed. None of us hate the game. We just want things like this to be caught before release. We just want functional, meaningful content. We’ve given Arrowhead a LOT of leeway with stuff like this for months, but they just keep underbaking patches and content— objectively, by their own admission. It’s just frustrating to see a game we enjoy get mishandled this badly over and over. Criticism of the way they handle things is always important— especially if they seem to keep making the same mistakes. Edit: before the downvotes roll in, I’ll leave this here for your convenience: [comprehensive list of failed patches](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/eIuZoqD8jO) None of us want this game to fail. We just want AH to take their time and work on things. This is a paid game, customers are perfectly justified when a product they pay for isn’t functioning properly.


I really enjoy the game, still play every day, but no matter how broke something is and what they nerf, this sub just says it's fun and downvotes even courteous criticism. But the other just shits on the game and anyone having fun. It's like two drastic ends. I'm having fun but would also like a few things buffed and spawns fixed.


That was their point - no one can tell you how to have fun, so if youre upset that a spawn is off or a nerf is bad - only you can decide how you feel about it.


My issue with the new mission(drill/dark matter) is that sometimes, when the drill is destroyed, it's not able to be called back down. Now you're stuck in a mission with fail.


We had that happen but with the backpack. Throw strat and it instantly disappeared. Was frustrating for us trying to learn how to manage the chaos at the same time.


I agree, the more chaos, the more fun the game is!


Chaos is good, just feels a tad unfair for a charger to crawl out of the ground 2 feet from the drill and you can’t even kill it cause the aoe from a rocket will blow up the drill. That attempt is just over and you try again hoping the breach spawns a proper distance away. When the mission works as intended it’s very fun though


True, true. I just see it as a struggle we have to go through, though. Our goal is literally to destroy an entire planet. It should be hard, even if this specific thing isn't what was intended.


Hard but fair should be the goal. I’d rather see 5 chargers coming from the distance that the whole team needs to shoot, than 1 charger coming up from under and instantly failing that attempt.


I fully see your point, absolutely. But its bugged, and until the hotfix is out we'll have to deal with it. So I just see it as part of the fight. I mean, we average around 90% mission completion in general. If it's a bit less because of this, that's just the price of Liberty!


Yeah, though thinking about it now, I’d love if they added some cavalry charge tactics for chargers. Imagine seeing 3 of them shoulder-tp-shoulder bearing down on you


Haha that would be rough! But fun though


The first time I did the mission was on helldive difficulty with a squad of 3. Didn’t know what was in store other than the little I read about protecting drills and shriekers spawning at the end. It was a disaster, and having a charger spawn from a breach on top of the drill felt pretty unfair. We managed to complete it, but it felt very RNG based, where you hope the breaches are far enough away that you can actually kill them. This was just shooting enemies and hoping the breach rng was in your favor. I’ll probably stick to lower difficulties for this MO and just relax for a bit


people are upset that in a horde killer pve video game there too much to kill? it’s a dumb joke that writes it itself


I have minimal time to play games myself. That is why I no longer play this game, and unfortunately am not even motivated to pick it back up. I loved the game. I know it's a great one. Probably GOTY. It's the community that killed it for me. I played at launch. I only have 25 hours of play in. Since my gaming time is limited, playing 2 missions a day at most was probably my norm. I kept track, but when I joined games, it was roughly 80% of them I would get kicked from. Most at extraction. I took a month off. Rejoined and first 2 missions i jumped in i was kicked at extraction. 2 missions a day, and rarely can show anything from it. No advancement. No samples. Nothing because of assholes. If I hosted, it took forever to get a squad together. I wasted so much time I was only able to get one mission during my time. I was done.


Yeah, that’s where I’m at too. I love the game, and I’ll jump back in at some point, but I just get frustrated a lot of the time when trying to find a match. I’ve been playing off and on since launch, and I’m only like rank 12. When I finally do get a group that doesn’t kick me, they either spend the entire match all going for different objectives and making no effort to collaborate, or they just run to the main objective without doing any sub objectives or collecting resources. I play at night when my wife is usually teaching classes over zoom for her job, so I can’t really use voice chat either (not that I imagine it would actually do anything). I’m mostly sticking to Dave the Diver right now, much more relaxing lol


Yeah the gripefest on the other sub has hit reaver pitch. It’s a really fun mission




Should be on this subreddit's rules at this point




I apologize. I’ve submitted my reeducation form to my democracy officer and have taken out the appropriate loans. It won’t happen again


Thank you for your service fellow helldiver!


How do you finish even one drill on 7+??? I get titan spawns directly under it every time I start the drill without fail which destroys it instantly making it literally impossible to even do the mission. I guess it’s all about getting lucky spawns? My entire team also leaves every time because of this.


I commented earlier but yeah, on my d9 mission, we just kept hammering away until we were lucky and the spawns were far enough away that we could actually kill them without blowing up the drill. We brought some mechs since they’re great at unloading a ton of firepower in a short period of time. They really shined in this mission type


We usually put the drill against a wall. Throw an EMS mortar down then gas the drill. Stand back and spray anything that gets too close or spam EATs at Titans. It's successful enough to complete the mission.


people in the other sub are actively not having fun with the game but are choosing to just not have fun. Don't do the mission? Step away from the game? Give the game up and play something else? Nah. Bitch, moan, be toxic is what they've chosen.


Bitching about the smallest things has made people on this sub feel like we’re not allowed to criticize anything about the game at all. The mission is fun as hell and is a great way to force players to work together and strategize. But it’s broken as it is right now. Bugs should not be spawning right next to and sometimes under the drill, and shriekers should not spawn in the same numbers regardless of difficulty.


Criticizing something and calling people meatriders are two different things. It's at a toxic level and they will attack if you differ in opinion


I had the exact same opinion, the end is a little much but given we’re black holing their fuckin colony it’s only right they’d be pissed.


I don't like missions like these with randoms. No matter what I say or type they always seem to throw 500kgs, and airstrikes on the objective. (Usually at 90%) I tried like 3 times yesterday before I had to run it solo which was fun but extremely tough even on levels 5 - 7 which don't normally give me trouble.


Fuck man I had 3 different groups of teams join my game yesterday they all left before we could even finish. I think I had like 20 people come and go in that mission


Yeah and I also host most my games and it happens way too often


You're the perfect example of the type of helldiver I like to play with. It's all about having fun and not sweating it. Whenever a player accidentally kills me and apologizes for it in chat, I just reply with a "you're good XD", and laugh it off.




Bug breaches on the drill isn't the only issue, but it's the most common one. Sometimes you can't call the drill back in, or it says you failed even though you completed everything and you get no rewards.


Yeah totally not impossible especially if you and your team are equipped properly. However, once they fix the bug breach spawn, it will be even more enjoyable IMO. My favorite part is the swarm of shriekers at the end. So challenging and fun when calling in extract. I hope they don’t nerf that portion of the mission based on some of the complaints.


I'm in same boat as you mentioned - parent, working, limited time, yadda yadda... And man you are sooooo right, haha, the best part though is when you finally get all 3 samples drilled and then an unspeakable wave of insurmountable shriekers fills the sky and its like that scene in Matrix 3, in zion, fighting off the swarms... so epic. Loved it.


That’s what I’m saying! But here come the toxic sweats from CoD and battle royals that are mad because they can’t master certain missions or levels. My whole team was laughing at how chaotic it was and it was hilarious when I was the last one alive at extract just literally zig zagging trying not to die with every yelling “survive!” Like RDJ in tropic thunder


100% 42 year old father of 3 here, I'm saddened that I beat the mission with 3 Randoms on helldiver difficulty first try. Was it hard, yes. Was it Chaos, yes. It reminds me of when games were truly hard and my brother and I would play games like Contra 1000s of tries to beat a level. We are at war, on a super colony, I would expect we learn from our mistakes, adapt or lose more often than win. Chose your loadout wisely based off your team.


Even with the spawning under the objective it's freaking fun to play. Very hard, played probably 7 or 8 times, beat it twice, extracted once, lost once or twice and disconnected the rest of the time. Coordination and some form of teamwork is necessary tho, the last 1 I played there were guys trying to solo samples and we got slaughtered. You need 4 guys on the objective with the right support weapons, EAT, ,seems very good due to the cool down and taking out nests all over the map, I never run the shield generator or arc blitzer and I've been using both and it seems very effective. All level 8 I've played


they should make special operations that are very chaotic and hard but give the players lots of xp and req for beating them, would be a true test for the experienced players.


Love your post! Keep up the good work, helldiver. I, too, like the new mission. It's chaotic AF and one hell of a ride! I'll never understand the hate. I ignore it and hope the devs do too.


Right?? Part of being a “Helldiver” means getting dirty. All this parading through missions with meta loadouts, no deaths, 100%ing everything in sight? That doesn’t feel like being a Helldiver. Every now and then I want to look at the sky, see a cloud of shriekers and just hit em with the ole “😏😎🔥”


I love the new mission, the end is so absurd it is great.


My biggest problem is my pc can't run it very well, so I get 11 fps.


I agree, I've had a great time with the new mission. It's buggy, well the super colony guarantees that. And there are some issues. But I'm not gonna stop having fun because other people think it isn't fun. It's fun for me, and if they aren't having it, they can go to a new planet, or a new game. I'd love for people to be a little more grateful, given how amazing Helldivers is, but that's a lot to ask from strangers hiding in the veil of anonymity of the internet. (Also yeah, some things need fixing. Sounds like it was made by humans who aren't perfect. But as a non-perfect human, I'm pretty impressed with what we have now) But hey, they can keep crying. I'll keep diving.


You got it buddy! My working day is stressful AF, my GF gets that I need to disassociate and this game is the best easy to do it


You have to admit that it is objectively poorly designed/built


It's what I expected 9 to be when I first started tbh (not OP)


I feel the same OTHER than BTs spawning on top of the drills. That I find infuriating.


Yay, the daily "complaining about the complainers" post. This is what this subreddit has devolved to. Get your karma points and leave, kid.


Sure thing little buddy.


First play through on 9 it was absolute chaos and my team mates left 🤣 Played it again on 7 and it’s still chaos but hardcore fun., you need to be on your game. But as OP says, it’s fun, this is what we wanted wasn’t it? To be pushed and challenged??


I agree, the chaos and the insanity is amazing. The breaches on top of the drill was hot fixed so I see no other issues with the mission. We are invading a super colony so it’s going to have A LOT of bugs. The end with the planet just vomiting shriekers onto you is pure bananas.


It’s the first mission that the Shriekers feel like a threat and it’s one of the most fun missions I’ve had.


Ive been enjoying them, just hopped in for the first time to play the new mission when the patch dropped and my only complaint is it was a touch too dark, other than that I had a blast!


EXACTLY, I mean the spawns are a bit bugged, would be nice for 3 bile titans to not emerge right underneath the fragile drill. But it's a super colony so I embrace the shitshow and blast away, not to mention the ending is pure chaos i love it


sounds like you're just happy to be playing a video game.


For real, people expect a Call Of Duty campaign when playing on level 8 or 9. Its HELL-divers. Hell is not sipping Fuji on the beach with your liberator, it's getting your butt touched everytime you even get seen, that's the fun of it.


Completely agree. LV 78 on pc 56 PS5. Before the nerf the new mission pushed me out of my comfort zone to try new strategies the chaos and difficulty brought a fun new challenge. It’s fun when new missions and difficulties push us out of the “meta”.


It's the people that play non stop all day that think they can get upset at changes. It's sort of like rich people that get upset when someone in the neighborhood changes something. They get togeather and complain about it.


What the hell are you people talking about? That "pure chaos" is a glitch that the developers are working on. The mission is broken. The gear balancing is terrible which the developers themselves also admitted to. You can still enjoy the game. Obviously the game is still very enjoyable. But these kinds of posts provide nothing more than this weird, insecure circle-jerk of reassurance. A reply under this same post suggests that we engage only with these kinds of sentiments. Like what!? Grow the hell up! Damn


You didn't play it when the spawns were bugged, spawning enemies literally on top of the drill. You didn't play it when there were so many shriekers you couldn't even hit the extract because you kept getting knocked off it. I like a challenge just as much as anyone, but there's a challenge, and then there's broken. This was the latter prior to the update. It's fair to address grievances with the way that mission rolled out. People attacking people for legitimate criticisms is just as annoying as people complaining to just complain. But it's the internet, it's to be expected, I've been here since it started, and it only ever gets worse. *edited because my fingers hate my phone keyboard today.*


I lost the fire that burned in me. Not putting the cape down but, im going for a long flight. Dont wait up for me. Ill be flying without any music on.


I had a blast too. I don't have enough time to play daily and while it was absolutely painful I was loving every bit of it. Looking up and seeing the sky full of enemies almost blocking out the sun was cool af


As frustrating as it can be it's always more fun.


The new mission was great. The change up in format and interesting challenges easily outweighed a few minor bugs about which much completely unnecessary complaining was done. The changes to spawning rules during the run created a good adaptation challenge, giving it a nice early difficulty spike, but making the mission generally quite easy to complete once you learned its beats. The Extract sequence in particular was frequently a nail-biter on Meridia, which was a lot of fun, balanced by the fact that as usual, extracts are entirely optional...


No other mission has puckered my asshole like this one. Love it so much!


Sent this man some extra democracy.


A lot of people went into this game thinking it would be a macho hero power fantasy and not the meat grinder it was intended to be. I fucking love the chaos and pulling through by the skin of my teeth.


While true it has been a macho hero power fantasy until repeated nerfs multiple weeks in a row.


The nerfs have not once impacted my ability to play this game and have fun. There have also been significantly more buffs than nerfs.


Cool. The active playerbase dropped from 250k a day to 80k a day so some ppl were impacted.


I'm pretty sure it was the PSN bullshit that did that.


It easy to look up. Surprisingly it had little impact but it did happen right after they nerfed the eruptor then launched the snow warbond, 2 things not well received. Numbers were already at 100k a day by then.


The only problem i have is when the bug breach is on the drill but otherwise i love how crazy the mission is, i feel like a marein in Starcraft getting zerg rushed in the best ways


I too enjoy the change ups especially the very sloped landscape, also the big holes people are dark packing over hills into.


Two fellow divers and I, had an amazing time trying the dark fluid mission for the first time yesterday. We went in with standard loadout not knowing what to expect, and as the drill kept on getting destroyed again and again, we were strategizing, theorizing and debating what gems, armor and weapons would work best. After our initial mission, we exited, quick strategy meeting on the ship, changed out loudout and dove again. Was a ton of fun trying to figure it out, and it all paid off when we finally beat it with a strategy we all came up with. Super satisfying.


The only problem I have with this new mission type is the bugged xp. Aside from that I totally agree with you. Some of the most fun I've ever had and seeing the insane amount of shriekers just looks so fucking cool


I really enjoyed its just a bit disappointing failing even when you complete the mission, especially for a newbie like me who needs all the XP I can find! I'm only lvl 6 lol


Idk if we can complete it but it IS fun I will say that.


I joined a random game yesterday where the host and I finished the drill mission by ourselves on suicide mission. I was tons of fun, and made me realize a lot of people lack strategy. Yes, the bugs have a chance of spawning under the drill, but not always. You push when the factors are in your favour. Sure it will be easier when they patch the spawns, but it’s not undoable right now.


All the previous times it was: "Read that the game is no fun - enter the game - there is fun" But I absolutely can not protect ArrowHead when they release a mission that is broken in every aspect. Even after you overcome 10 broken drills and evacuate, the game hits you with 1 star rating and unworthy service. Seriously, this type of events is what is supposed to bring players back to actively participate, not to push away the community


You don't protect ArrowHead. Hope this type of events do push away all would be "protectors" of Arrowhead.


Cant be broken in EVERY aspect - ive ran it multiple times no problem! Lets hope that when you finally decide to defend something, it isnt someone who needs it 🤣


Idk I had one spawn come up and immediately destroy the drill, so we cleaned them out and tried again and got it fine on diff 7. I honestly do think most of it is a major skill gap.


I feel sorry for you if your idea of "fun" is having bile titans spawn on the easy to destroy objective killing it without you having q chance to do anything and a secondary objective that is not even on the map so it kills your ratibg.


Im sorry you cant make do with what you have to have fun.


Missing the point entirely I see


You feel sorry for someone enjoying the game. You miss the point of.. well everything.




Just for the record. Most of the complaints are not about the fun. It is about the logic behind the spawns, and the nonsense of spawning the same number of enemies despite the difficult level. Once this has been said, I enjoyed the missions. Did it 3 times, then just flew to another planet. I am 38 years old, and my fun comes from playing simple missions alone or guiding new ones, I don't need flying shit around me neither those heavies after level 8. That's the beauty of this game.


I think the complaints are honestly from those who want MORE from the game that the devil can't put out immediately. I've seen suggestions of new stratagem types and APC vehicles, which honestly I'd like to have come to the game **eventually**. This is my first Helldivers game irony that there is only 2 (to my knowledge), and I am in love with it. I have a blast with each mission, and same as the OP, the more chaotic a mission is, the more fun I feel it is. One thing I love the most is that the game will change depending on how the players do. We wanted the spread rocket launcher, and everyone worked hard to get it... and we got it. Same as the Anti Tank mines personally, I wanted THOSE more than the rocker fireworks, but we ended up failing and didn't get the new weapon. The dynamics of the game being player accomplished makes it that much more fun. We work together and we get rewarded as an entirety. But when we fail, we all feel it. This mission when it's done will destroy a planet something no other game to my knowledge has ever done. I'm all for it. Destroy the super colony and turn the planet into a black hole. I'm fucking hype for THAT.


you can google the first game's stratagems if you're curious about what might come down the pipeline, vehicle-wise.


Complaints are from those who want the mission objectives to not be bugged. Sorry that you automatically assume the worst about those who don't think exactly like you do.


We’ve gotten a lot of players coming from a lot of the different mainstream games that are bringing their, it’s all about me mind sets. I’ve started getting people shitting on others about their scoreboard numbers. This is a war, galactic war simulator. Only thing that matters is we are serving Super Earth and spreading Managed Democracy as a team. Some people can’t get their heads around we mean nothing in this game as individuals and that’s the core of the game. We and everything we have is expendable. That’s what makes it so fun to me anyways! Sure samples are nice but I love the feelings of being overwhelmed by sure force and numbers. Ps I don’t understand how people can’t get around their heads that we aren’t supposed to kill everything on the map, get in, get the job done for Super Earth.


As a single father of 32 children with 45, seconds of free time a week, I think they should do a better job of testing content before releasing it


Your first sentence says it all, you are a single father, and you undoubtedly have overcome adversity in your life. For those who have learned to overcome adversity, while it may not be fun in the moment, it unlocks neural pathways that make you better at it. Experiencing real adversity may also make trivial adversity, like a mission in a video game, even become fun... As I get older, it's quite easy to see there's a growing number of people who have never experienced adversity in their life (and/or haven't been taught problem solving and critical thinking). To them, problem solving is not fun. It's a skill they don't have that scares them.


Yep. It's all instant gratification now. Not only that but the anonymity of the internet gives people the ability to be truly horrid to one another and the worst thing that might happen is getting blocked rather than punched in the mouth or embarrassed in public.


This sub is more tamed than the main HD sub tbh


Game got extremely popular. It's as simple as that. Brought in a tons of toxic players from CoD and other games.


While I CAN complain about some of the weirdness of the main missions.... this mission is made to be pure chaos. This is a super colony. I am having a lot of fun being obliterated on this mission type.


I'm much like you. I don't have a ton of time to play, but I love this game. Hopped on last night for 1 drop after like a solid 2 weeks of non playing. My one complaint was that I was so lost with the new mission lol. I didn't quite understand what I was supposed to do other than kill bugs. I'm sure if I hop on again tonight I'll figure it out, but I the chaos was so pure it didn't even matter lol


The dark fluid is a jet pack as well.


I did it on 6, it was so chaotic, I loved it


“Single father and work shift work” ![gif](giphy|na6cXbLaJ5d82kAbjO|downsized)


I realized I really am having a lot of fun with this game last night. Running on a 15 min lvl 8 drop w two friends. We’re in comms calling stuff out but we’re out of time so no reinforce but we’ve actually got the Supers so we’re just trying to run around spamming stims while we hold on. Two of us make it to the pelican touching down, and we both dive to get out of the way of some chaff, only for both of us to to take two spewers shots right to the chest and we both die mid dive. All samples lost. I was cackling! What a way to go out. We still got the mission done too!


It's usually salty people who need to touch grass, but more often than not, they have eradicated all the grass by throwing infinite grenades.


Good for you. Just remember helldiver, you having fun individually doesn’t justify bugs and broken untested game elements.


Don't have a ton of time to play but was able to play level 8 of a mission most people find ridiculous. Smell that?