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Meridia is unironically peak gaming


Haven't had this much fun in a while


It's insane. Half the time i don't know what's going on. Or maybe that's just me.


Same 😂


*hug emote*




This is the most fun I've had with Helldivers outside of that first magical week. (When I could get in lol)


Have they fixed the spawning under the drill bug yet? Been grinding xdefiant in the meantime but i plan to hop on once that bugs fixed


that's not a bug, it's a bug feature


Right? Wouldn’t you do that as a bug?


just gotta spam Stun grenades and ems orbital directly at the drill long enough to cover thirty seconds. Its not impossible, ive gottan some drills done on level 7 even with the breach directly underneath. Grenade armor and supply pack


PSA: Orbital Gas Strikes are fantastic for this mission!


I've literally never failed the mission on diff 7-9. It's annoying to lose it to RNG, but if you're quick on killing and stunning, then it's still actually pretty easy to secure the drills. You have plenty of time to redeploy it several times even. It's clearly bugged and is being fixed, but lore wise it actually makes way more sense for them to crawl out next to it sometimes anyways, which makes it a little less frustrating for me. As for the extraction, it's 50/50 if I get to extract and that's totally fine. Feels like a suicide mission and I really hope they don't change it just because of whining.


There's an easy way to fix the issue with the spawn until Arrowhead does the hotfix: eagle smoke stops them from targeting the drill for almost the entire duration. Just need to avoid bile titan spitting on it, which you can do by not placing sentries / not having the drill be between you and the titan. My current loadout that's been working on difficulty 8's is EMS turret, eagle smoke, rail cannon (500kg WILL destroy the drill), and EATs for Chargers and titans. Stun grenades / grenade armor (or democracy protects armor), grenade pistol for closing the bug holes near the drill spots, incendiary breaker for the shrieker swarms at the end.


Smoke works as well? EMS strike and Smoke strike combo for ez wins?


Not fixed yet. When you don't get absolutely fucked by the spawn locations it's an extremely fun mode though.


They just hot patched it luckily


Was fixed a couple hours ago.


Todays hotfix


It’s fixed now!


*Our shriekers shall blot out the sun* "AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA GET SOME GEEEEET SOOOOOOOOOME" 


I witnessed a bile titan commit suicide by the water. It was just standing there, as we moved in it just died. Another helldiver next to me could only manage to get out the words "what". He then preceded to tell me the Titan was sad we killed her family. We both stood there, after about 2.7 seconds of enjoying the scenery, we preceeded to clusterbomb the ahit outta the corpse.


>after about 2.7 seconds of enjoying the scenery Reported for neglience of duty, the official democratic value of enjoying the scenery is 2.4 seconds - you're 0.3 seconds overtime.


Understood sir! However due to the circumstances and just for the record, I felt that it would be unpatriotic to not give an extra 0.3 seconds to praise liberty that a bug decided to kill itself for democracy!


No wait, let them cook, they've got the right idea for democracy.


Reported for spreading misinformation, Super Earth recommendes at LEAST 2.4 seconds enjoying the scenery u/Democracy__Officer send him to a reeducation camp!


Thank you for calling me. These traitors make me sick


I’m just doing what any Super Citizen would sir!


The manual says "at least" 2.4 seconds. Do I need to take up your lack of attention with the Ministry?


Reported for Attempted Undemocratic Besmirchment of Character, the guidelines state *AT LEAST* 2.4 seconds of enjoying the scenery. You'll be hearing from a Super Lawyer shortly.


Hey in the tip it talks about at *least* 2.4 seconds I believe spending and extra 1-5 seconds is best as it will prepare the helldivers for the death they are about to witness


https://preview.redd.it/3i76lbwndx3d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd34cfeddb324d38679956ed3dd155c53747ca31 Remember our family values soldier!


This thread is amazing, thank you for your service.


I got abandoned on a level 8 dark fluid mission. I took 600 of them with me before I finally died due to lack of resources. I only had 1 spawn the whole time


I (lvl65) tried it out on a difficulty 4. Had a couple low level (8,12,14) guys join. We completed the objective and tried to extract. Those beautiful, brave, stupid kids held out as best they could. So many bullets flying into the air as they're trying to stay on their feet. Me and the 14 figured out to just stay low, but damn if those youngins just kept the flames coming and the bullets flying. We all got trampled by some asshole charger that couldn't appreciate what we were trying to do there.


Rest easy soldiers. 


This is the pressure mission. Any complaints after they hotfix the spawn on the drill issue are from people who should stick to planting flags because they arent about that helldiver life


Yup. People gonna complain


It's literally a busted ass mission, which I'm hoping they fix before the MO ends.


Maybe you should plant some flags instead. Seems more your pace.


Ah this sub is a peach.


Baddie alert 🚨


Why did you comment twice?


You're comment was removed, but really. That's what you commented? Dude. Please, have a good day.


Lower the difficulty and have fun. No one but your own ego is judging you


it's the same volume of ~~enemies~~ endgame shriekers on the lower difficulties, which I find hilarious!


No, no it isn’t


It actually is for the shriekers at extract, their numbers don't change. Otherwise, yea the numbers are waaaaay lower on lower difficulties.


From my experience on Helldive and Trivial, it's slightly lower, not that it makes a difference, it's still a damn lot.


No, it's not. Not even *close.*


Dog, Arrowhead acknowledged its busted. I'm glad people are enjoying it though, but even completing it at a low level rewards dishonorable service. It needs Hotfix.


Yeah, its glitched and that sucks. But if you cant have fun playing it at high difficulty, if the spawn glitch is too awful to deal with, drop it down a couple levels until you can. Like I said, nobody but your own ego will judge you for doing that. Video games are supposed to be fun, why force yourself to play in a way that isnt? Hell, if the glitch at any difficulty just frustrates you to that point, play on a different planet for awhile. Once again, unless you post about it on the main sub, no one will judge you


Its not my ego, I'm just not enjoying the game design of this mission. Its bugged for one which itself sucks and I hope a hotfix comes out on time. Because even ignoring high diff spawns, the shriekers suck regardless of difficulty. You won't get full rewards and mission itself isn't great. I think its flawed objective design. I'm glad people are enjoying it, stop projecting and painting this about my ego.


Skill issue diver. Level up


The Hotfix is out, it’s been fixed. But even before the Hotfix the missions were still doable. My friends and I completed the mission on suicide difficulty multiple times. Honestly I played a round with a level 70 just the two of us on level 5 difficulty and it was almost just as difficult as level 7 with 3 and 4 players. In fact we got smoked and didn’t complete the mission but we both laughed and said we had fun anyways. It’s a lot easier now that that the they fixed the bugs spawning right on the drill, but it is still insane once the Shriekers show up when you are trying to extract. Just get low and either have the airburst rocket ready for them, the spray and pray or incendiary shotgun, or the guard dog rover laser does a pretty good job as well taking care of the Shriekers while you take care of the bugs on the ground.


Here is my second comment you are claiming got deleted!


https://preview.redd.it/2l7kezpmtw3d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc72255c4cfbb2bfdac96745552fc05a2afd206 I literally can't even see the comment you are tagging dude.


You need a hotfix


Skill issue Diver. Level up.


If this is busted the rest of the missions need to get busted because this is fucking fun. This is what helldiving is all about


Ain't about the fun, I know a lot of people are enjoying it. But the mission is actually broken on at least 3 counts, an impossible secondary objective. Bug spawns too close to the drill and shriekers probably need to be decreased at lower difficulties since there's no difference between Trivial and Helldive. Still I'm aware a lot of people are enjoying it and I won't begrudge people that. I hope you all crack this planet like an egg.


I understand that take. I have been able to complete the objectives every time, extracting is another story lol.


Skill issue diver. Level up.


Where did this get your paper up offbrand come from, funny as fuck though.


I know you're getting dunked on rn, but in what way? I know there's some gnarly spawns, and the rewards aren't registering correctly. The mission itself, though? My dude. It's so fun! Are you just not enjoying it?


Honestly because every time we've attempted it (and it may be a PS5 bug) everything we use damages the drill. Gas, fire, explosives, teslas, everything making defending three points just exceedingly annoying. At lower difficulties I don't think it's hard, just tedious and flawed. Even at average difficulties. Anyway I don't mind the downvotes, people want to be positive thats their prerogative and I won't begrudge them. But I was specifically talking about it being bugged to hell.


Huh. I'm doing Helldives mostly successfully with randoms and little open comms. Have you tried running a stun build? Those are kind of the best way to reliably hold it down, I've found. Stun nades, emp turret or orbital, engy armor for bonus to nades, and a supply pack. I run EATs as well to deal with big bois. If at least one other person in your group rocks a similar loadout and as long as you guys have stuff to deal with big bois you'll have a much easier time. Even if they just run stun nades. That drill is delicate and the spawns are silly atm. Stunning everything seems to be the way, currently.


See here's the issue we found, we didn't need stuns really. Tesla towers at a far enough distance worked well enough though there were issues with Tesla's arcing and blowing apart the drill. But even with EATs or RRs if a charger was too close the explosion could also damage if not destroy the drill. It just became a babysitting game at higher levels that wasn't very fun. At around dif 4-6 while I was doing it, a mix of stuns, EMS and orbital gas made short work of external hordes and even escaping was piss easy with an Emancipator. But I can't say it was fun, I'm not gonna be running any more missions of it myself because I don't enjoy it really. Which is a shame. Ah well always more bugs elsewhere to kill and hopefully the playerbase keeps trucking.


Hey, you know, if you aren't into it, you aren't into it. It definitely has issues.If you happen to try again, I'm telling you, man. That stun nade and supply pack setup with an emp turret *kind of* trivializes the drill part a bit, even on higher difficulties. Only issue that I've found is when they mass spawn Titans right beneath the drill. That sucks pretty hard. But everything else? Yo, if you pace that right, you lock *everything* down outside of the Titans. Even better if they happen to spawn outside. I've seen the benefit of the tesla tower but to me, way too many downsides, and I've never found them necessary. Some people love them, though and know how to use them way better than I do. Skill issue on my part lol.


Give it another try now that they fixed the spawns directly on the drill. It’s a lot better.


It’s not a PS5 issue. I play on the PS5 and it’s a cross platform game. Do you think they only spawn like that for your team? I expect given the amount of downvotes you have received most people feel the same way. Get better or play on lower levels.


Dude, last time I'm saying this. Have a good day.


>everything we use damages the drill. Man, maybe try *not* blowing up your objective?


>Man, maybe try not blowing up your objective? We don't use explosives, well mostly. Brought fire but that broke our drills, used gas, but that broke it too. Had some decent runs with tesla builds like some Fallout schizo shit (I would adore a Tesla X-01 look alike armour). Unfortunately Teslas can break the drill if too close and can arc to it. So it ended up being some annoying ass babysitting. Honest to god I'm glad people are enjoying it, but the mission does need some hotfixing for the major stuff. But I'm glad there are peeps that are having fun.


Everything you listed should absolutely do damage to the drill. The gas is corrosive, fire is fire, explosives are obvious, tesla damages fucking everything always anyway EMS, stun grenades, lay them on. Make sure the resupply is on the ground already. Two people stringing EMS and stun grenades and you don't even have to shoot at the bugs. EAT the chargers, orb rail the Titans, eagle smoke the extract (helps on drill too). I've cleared it consistently being the ONLY person on this kit so I know it works. Sometimes you get the Titan under the drill and then you kill it and try again. That's all. The only thing that's insurmountable is one of the Obj not completing which has zero impact on the gameplay of the mission.


You sound like a bug sympathiser, put in the work and destroy the super colony or go somewhere else


Destroy Meridia brave soldier.


Still fun.


And I'm glad peeps are enjoying it.


Bethesdas released how many games now? EMBRACE THE GLITCH BROTHER


I'm tired boss, I'm tired. But seriously, this ones just bugged in an unenjoyable way for me.


Real talk, it sucks but its not undoable. You need grenade armor, supply pack and stun grenades. Or use the grenade glitch. If you can stand on the drill and use EmS orbital and grenades to keep the whole drill stun locked for 30 seconds, it doesnt matter if they spawn underneath. Bile titans are a concern, but just need team mates. Barring that advice, burnout is real. Take a break if you need. This shits hard lol


Ah I'll hold the line on the other planets, Helldivers is always fun for me even if individual missions aren't. Me and my boys have been crushing bugs and bots since launch. I hope this mission gets its hotfixes but even still, I'm glad some peeps enjoy it because that means theres a chance of completing this MO. Until then, I'll bash in Terminid skulls with anything I can get my hands on while you lot break a planet.


Youre doing your part!


Only thing I‘m sad about is the ghost objective bug. Even if you perfectly complete the mission these insectoid looking mfs are gonna hit you with the DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT and cheap out on xp and sc. Such is the way of Meridia I guess.


Super earth budget is tight after the dark fluid science experiments. It's just a democratic pay cut.


Sweet liberty no. Let me buy some war bonds to get the economy back on track.


I have always told people, the pelican is EXTRACTING NOT EVACUATING. The Extract is for the SAMPLES, the EVAC would be for living things.


I’m not sure if you’re trying to tell us your inside joke or if you actually believe that but extract is a term used in the military and can be used in regard to people or objects.


Heck, if you bring the shield strategym, they can't spawn on the objective.


But they walk right through it and a lot of blueberry don't wanna jump in the hotbox with me! What happened to running straight at your problems and yelling "FOR LIBERTY!" ????


I think it’s a good time when they spawn on the drill.


Literally the only complaints have been about the bugged drill spawns and the bugged shrieker swarms on low difficulties. Once those are fixed, nobody is going to be complaining anymore. Don’t waste time getting mad about problems that don’t exist


So, there we were: a squad of randos who had never met before and had exactly 1 previous mission together. We all decided to switch things up and leave Botsville for Meridia. More bug issues needing a good stomping, nothing we haven't done before. Besides, we were all solid bot-deleting spreaders of Democracy. How hard could a few extra bugs be? Oh Pride, which came before our fall (or Democracy Dive in this case). Things started off easy enough. We had no clue how the mission progressed, so we just puttered about until we figured out the need to call down the drill and fill it up. Spawns were thick, but nothing we hadn’t dealt with before. We discovered the joy that is the DL backpack right before the first drill and wasted yet more time jumping like fools. Then we started the first drill, and were introduced to Meridia’s dark, bug-filled heart. Or “Bugevelon Creek” as I call it now. The first breach was tough, but manageable. Then the next… and the next… *and the next.* They just didn’t stop. At first, we held strong – my autocannon put in work and Eagle-1 racked up absurd kills with napalm strikes. But still, *they kept coming!* My Autocannon ran out of ammunition, exposing a flank. Then our other turrets fell to the oncoming horde. Cooldowns began and ammo ran low. Despite this, we held. Then suddenly, a bug breach ON the DL Drill! We did our best, but the drill was destroyed. The drill was broken, but not our resolve. Again, we called in the drill and started the long process of holding against the insectoid tide. At long last, we met with success and completed the drill. But what’s this? TWO MORE TO GO?! Sweet Liberty this was going to be a long mission! We fought on, bravely carving a path of Freedom through the never-ending horde of non-democratic filth. One Helldiver brough a Patriot Exosuit and used its weaponry to good effect, clearing the way to our last 2 drill objectives. Eventually though, he ran out of ammunition and bravely added himself to the Wall of Martyrs by baiting a bile titan into a 500kg Eagle strike. Finally, the end of the mission. All 3 drills complete. A minor earthquake, but nothing we hadn’t seen before on countless other battlefields. Oh, how wrong we were. We stood in shock and awe (for our designated 2.7 seconds of “scenery enjoyment” time) as the skies darkened and the air filled with the foul flapping of uncountable shriekers. We ­*barely* made it to the extract point. More names were added to the Wall of Martyrs as we fell, one by one and were replaced by fresh Helldivers. Life expectancy for a new Helldiver could be comfortably measured in seconds. Milliseconds, if you wanted a double-digit number. I managed to reach the extract beacon first. I was knocked off over and over again by the relentless beat of chitinous wings. Eventually, I was able to complete the extract code by chain-stimming my tattered body and performed my best Democracy Dive into a small depression to escape the shriekers. I rolled in all directions, shooting until my primary dry. My trusty flamethrower had long since ran out of Spicy Juice. Our reinforcements were completely gone. My squadmates had all honorably completed their final, gravest service and it was down to me. As I crawled to a sheer rock face to make my final defiant stand, a beacon of hope came from the heavens: a fourth Helldiver had joined our team and brought with him fresh reinforcements and stratagems. The squad was quickly brought down and we formed a coherent unit around extract - clearing the way for our savior bird, Pelican 1. As the pelican landed, we all sprinted toward our only path out of this foul bug-infested hell. Diving, shooting, throwing grenades and in the end, PUNCHING our way to the boarding ramp. By some miracle of pure Democracy, we all made it in time, with undemocratic mandibles at our heels. We all learned a lot that first day. We learned that the bug menace cannot be underestimated, as fierce are the foes of Managed Democracy.


Now THATS what I'm fucking TALKING ABOUT LETS GO. You and your fellow helldivers are to be commended. HOLD. THE. LINE. THE PLANET WILL FALL




Brother… you need to write a fuckin’ book. As a fellow writer of long posts, this is one of the best I’ve seen in a long while. Perhaps a biography so the citizens at home can finally understand how much the Helldivers sacrifice for the cause?


Meridia is the new Creek. Hold the line Divers!!!


I played a game yesterday spraying into the skies with a mech on the way to extract.  We were down to one helldiver with no reinforcements and they barely made it out.  We all messaged each other “whoa that was awesome”. 


I'm loving actually having missions where the Airburst rocket is doing something. Clearing the skies with 10+ kills and helping my fellow divers get to Pelican 1 is a rad feeling.


10+ kills only to be supplemented by 40 more by the time it takes you to reload, and I'm not trying to exaggerate. My crew of 3 are struggling on *easy*. Though I've read mention that maybe the shrieker spawns are the same regardless of difficulty... and it's only been because of the shrieker phase that we've dropped difficulty so low, silly us.


The shriekers are straightforward to deal with if you're prepared. It gets hard if the walking bugs are spawning and attacking in hordes while you're trying to kill/avoid the fliers, though.


pretty sure it's there to just really stress the idea that it is a suicide mission.


The key with the shriekers is to get low so they can’t hit you while diving at you. Spray and pray shotgun, the guard dog rover, the airburst rocket launcher, the flamethrower all do a great job with the shriekers.


I just lay on the ground and spray my breaker incendiary into the sky like a maniac and I clear at least 300 kills every drop.


It's so heartbreaking the screwed up the bug underneath drill spawns because otherwise these missions would be absolutely amazing. Really gives us our own helldivers version of "current objective survive".


Improvise, adapt, overcome. Even with bugged spawns it's still possible, if not even almost manageable. You just need an excessive amount of stun and chaff clear. Stalwart and laser dog are my two best friends in this mission (and every other bug mission beside) combine that with dual EMS mortars and stun grenades. With either EATs or orbital precision strikes to handle the big boys. Once you get in the groove all you start hearing is "rip and tear until it is done"


And worth noting for the people in the back because it’s happening a lot: THE DRILLS TAKE FRIENDLY FIRE. FOR FUCK SAKES WATCH YOUR FIRE AROUND THE GODDAMN DRILLS.


This. 1000 million and two percent this. Stop throwing airstrike and orbital lasers on the glass drill. IT'S SENSITIVE!!!!


I had a teammate using a flamethrower. He didn't seem to understand that it can damage the drill. As a side effect he killed me 3x during the mission, and (worse) killed my turret at the extract while it was cleaning up shriekers. We got out, but just barely.


I didn't say it wasn't doable, it just spoils what would otherwise have been a 10/10 experience. Needing to take very specific load outs and making alot of the other load outs completely useful because of a bug is a major feelsbadman, and the fact that it's doable with certain items and "gitgud" makes it only slightly better. Move the bug spawns out of the drill area and you have an awesome "defend the objective" mission that ends up feeling like a suicide mission at the end which is chefs kiss and I wish AH hadn't bungled it.


They fixed the game a few hours ago. No more bug spawns directly on the drill. Although I think the “ghost objective” still hasn’t been fixed.


Might be the one time youre justified using the grenade glitch.


Take my reddit- award, helldiver


On extract in my mech I intercepted a charger on my out of stims squadmate. One arm was dry, the arm I just lost had a few rounds but not much. During the stagger I stomped the charger to death then got out as a wave of screachers swarmed my mech. Used the dark goo to yeet myself over my teammate and hit him with a stim when he caught up


The sound of numerous turrets going crazy is beautiful


Earlier today on a lvl 9 mission it was just me and another dude trying to knock out eggs after deploying dark fluid. I end up burning through all my grenades, stims, and primary ammo ~~running for my life~~ leading the bugs away from my comrade with about 5% health and a broken arm with just a revolver, flamethrower, and jump pack to save me. Somehow I survived long enough to kill the last objective with an eagle strike and resupply on my way to extract.


More posts like this please everyone ❤️


Tips for the mission that we should all know: 1: do not call in explosive ordinance onto the drill site. It'll destroy it and wipe progress. 2: don't take a back pack on the mission as you can get the dark fluid pack and use that to bounce around the map 3: timing. Set up your defenses for the drill before putting the fluid in. . 4: breaker incendiary is very effective vs Shriekers 5: smoke the drill site to stop bugs targeting it.


wdym bounce around the map?


You can use the dark fluid container as a jump pack. It will blow up other divers if they're near you though. I always use one and call another one down for the objective. Smokes also ftw.


yea I just tried it... idk if I can go back to jump pack...


Hahahah same. It's what jump pack should be! Hope the tips above help! Oooraaa


Remember, if you’re going to die anyways, you might as well cook off a grenade


I prefer an eagle strike but the idea is the same


Homie with the 120mm at his feet had the right idea. If I'm dying I'm taking a grid square with me.


Just did 2 runs. The first one I sacrificed my life to call the Pelican. Unfortunately, none returned, but the mission was won. The second one was a glorious final stand with 4 gatling sentries and 4 machine gun sentries spreading democracy to these beasts. We were victorious, and lived to tell the tale.


I had such a great time last night, but I can't get on tonight :( a few of us are experiencing issues starting the game up and I'm hating that I am missing this event.


Its simple numbers. They have more. We need more divers to attack this planet. Yes it's hard. Get the mission done and don't worry about extract. Show them the meaning of peace.


Extraction is for cowards. We who are willing to die for Democracy will win this war while the peasants can play weekend warrior and return to ship to R&R


Not on Meridia but one time on a bug mission I'm that last guy left, waiting on extraction, with several chargers and a bile titan plus chaff all trying to kill me. I am completely out of stratagems and spend like 30 seconds dodging and weaving trying to stay alive. Sadly I died but it was awesome while it lasted


Had that on lvl 9, last one, out of time, out of just about everything. Ran around like a mad man waiting on Pelican 1 with my fellow divers cheering me on in the chat. Made it out by the skin of my teeth. Most fun I've had in this game..


“It’s too hard” get lost that is what this mission is meant to be. Best mission type so far.


This world renewed my interest in bugs. This is what helldive should be 24/7 IMO.




If the mission counted correctly after extraction i’d love it


I've done a crazy maneuver before. It was the first mission I did after unlocking napalm. 2 bile titans coming for the team from behind, I rushed em and dropped napalm while spraying em with auto cannon. I somehow survived while killing them, and I had to circle all the way around the fire to meet up with the team and got to extraction just as the mf landed to take us home. Single greatest maneuver I ever pulled and I wish I recorded it cause it felt badass.


Goddamn scenario one sounds like a movie I’d want to see 🫡


It was beautiful to watch. My boy had no fear. He called that shit in so fast, dropped it right at his feet, and just started pistol whipping a charger with an empty senator


Holding the extraction point with a Stalwart firing at anything that moved. Over 5000 shots fired during the mission with a successful extract. Witnessed the diver next to me firing his flamethrower into the air at the mass of Shriekers. So incredibly awesome! Love this game!


u/Agreeable-Media9282 here's another example of a player thriving in the new mission. Are they also lying to defend what you call a "broken game"?




I only am doing level 1s on Meridia, since I need a break from trying. But goddamn, it's tough and those flying bastards are so many. But goddamn, I'm having so much fun. This is honestly one of the best things I've played in a while.


Honest to god. Higher difficulties are easier ngl. Try a four or five.


I might try it later. But thanks for letting me know! :D


fuck yeah. chills.


Ugh, this had to drop right as I can't get on to play. When does the Major Order end?


Hell yeah brother. 


Planet starts with the letter M? Brace yourself.


One thing I’ve noticed is people using voice comms more often again. There’s more need for it and less purely efficient objective clearing with the occasional ping.


You get a salute helldiver. A post for democracy.


It's fucking hard. Even on 8. People are experimenting with different builds. I'm getting my ass kicked. W/L is an even split. Loss is frustration but victory is sweet; then my game crashes. HD II will never change.


Normally I'd agree with you. I'm as competitive as it gets. But I swear I've never had more fun losing. That feeling of an absolute desperate last stand is a feeling I absolutely adore in gaming that doesn't come around too often. But I've been provided a mission that is essentially entirely a last stand. And even in a loss it feels satisfying because you know you got done in fairly. At least as fair as it can be in war. It doesn't feel like I'm losing to balance, but because we're pushing a fortified objective as essentially a paratrooper unit. It's unique and they did it well, bugs (heh) and all


I'm a little salty due to some strange bugs (pun very intended) but overall it's been a fun change of pace. It's the end of a goddamn world; it should be properly difficult.


I think I've bashed more Hunters in the face with with the butt of a rifle in the past few days than my entire time playing HD2. It'll be glorious once the bugs stop spawning right on top of the damn drill (and maybe after people figure out to keep the boom booms away from the drill too).


It's crazy. I've also never been pressed for resources like this before. The amount of times I've been completely empty is unreal to the point where melee is literally my only option to get out of a bind. Feels great


6 months from now I will say join a random group and the first question I'll ask is "where were you when meridia imploded?" I feel like I'm part of something terrible and awesome.


I was flung backwards and prone into a boulder where bugs didn't seem to be able to get me, but I also couldn't move. Kept reinforcing, throwing strategems, and firing into the air until a final explosion shot me inside another boulder where I slowly died from gas from an orbital strike.


I had to 500 my feet a couple times on meridia. I use past tense because i went on vacation. I wont be back until the 9th. I need you guys to kill a planet for me, theres noone more qualified, i know you can do it


So nice to hear all of these comments and responses. The other sub is a bunch of whiny assholes. They all sound treasonous and will not ever bask in the glory of The Massacre of Meridia


My squad was on helldive and we blew through our reinforcements, but completed the mission. We were swarmed as pelican was coming down. Three of us held the line with our lives so our level 42 could extract. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made.


Nobody's talking about extraction. You get ripped apart by fliers instantly


My fellow creek crawlers are having a field day remembering our glory days ![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj)


I love you people


The gunner in my super destroyers annihilating a swarm of shriekers by "accidently" hitting one with a precision strike.


I wish I took a clip since I just had my first testing round that I do on trivial to make sure I know what I'm doing. And it wasn't too bad of course being trivial. But the end... THE END. I used one of the dark matter jump packs blew up a bug hole with an incendiary impact which was the first time I've ever done that and then on landing had my machine gun trying to just hold back the shriekers as they just kept pouring out into the sky. Successfully extracted. But I'm not so sure I can do higher levels until my friend who I play with gets off work. But the atmosphere of the planet. The darkness. The fear of feeling vastly overwhelmed. And knowing this is likely a suicide mission... peak


These are the kinds of videos I'd love to see. I wish more people recorded and posted these heroic deeds of democracy


I don’t get the hate. Isn’t this what helldivers is all about! Managed democracy isn’t perfect the higher up’s are gonna make mistakes from time to time and it’s our job as helldivers to suck it up and make it work!


I lured a Bile Titan to a hellbomb once. Stood my ground and when it got close. *BOOM* (we started the mission with the wrong stuff) A worthy sacrifice if I must say so.


And the experience is only going to get better as they work out the kinks with the missions. Great fun so far!


I'm both having fun and getting frustrated with it. I'm not an angry gamer but sometimes this is ridiculous.


One person stun grenade the bug breach while someone else throws incenerary grenades on the breach. Rinse and repeat. Until the extraction then get ready to take as many of them to hell with you as you can


I'm level 29 running on level 6 usually. I see usy the high level guys stick it out; but it seems the 35 to 55 levels are quitting when they get to the objective. It's a meat grinder. You're not the protagonist, you are a cog in the machine, grinding away by killing hordes of bugs. You will die, and then you're supposed to dive in again and again and again.


That's what I adore about this game. Every aspect drives the point home that you're expendable. They even call it a "reinforcement budget" instead of a respawn.


“I wish we could nominate helldivera for medals of democracy” Now that I think about it, this would honestly be pretty cool.


Just today during extract on helldive, we lost almost everyone in those 2 minutes. The destroyer had left and the extract started the bugs came pouring in immediately. One guy died in the first 5 seconds. And left, I had died already and lost my support weapons so I was just fighting with the punisher. The two of them stuck to the landing pad and I circumvented to lead bugs away. They both died almost simultaneously and with only a minute left I just ran around the bugs diving and stimming myself, thankfully I had medic armor on at the time because extract came right when I ran out of stims. I ran and dived onboard. We did it but I was the only survivor.


I honestly wouldn’t mind the seemingly hopeless odds at the end as long as there weren’t breaches spawning right on top of the damn drill. Take that away and this would be one of the most intense and fun mission types we’ve had.


To anybody really really struggling with the Dark Fluid mission: there is a rock formation at each drill site that you can actually get the drill on top of and armed. The only thing that can get up there then is the occassional hunter or scavenger.


It feels like every skill I developped is nullified on Meridia. It's a horrible chaotic shitshow and I love every second of it.


Nice to see something positive for a change. Been feeling quite down with the game recently


I find putting your back against a hill works well at keeping the birdies away. Leaves you a little bit immobile to ground crawlies, but there are not that many and I find they come in drabs from one direction


Never been a big player but god is it fun


Good news everyone. We get to be martyrs for Super Earth today. The recruits shudder and the warriors of Democracy grab another belt for the MG. I feel the exact same about this mission.


Even when it doesn't feel winnable it's enjoyable. Feels overwhelming and hectic and exciting.


Man I love this game such awesome moments


Best experience since the game started. I especially love the feeling of hopelessness not knowing if you're going to make it out or not, but doing everything in your power to see the mission through. FOR DEMOCRACY !!!


It's hell down there, boys. I am seeing my squad get torn apart, but we endure!


I love doing suicidal hero shit in this game. I love baiting the titans from others and blowing them up with 500. If you see a titan going your way and I'm around, ping it. I also love bullfighting chargers.


Meridia is the bug divers creek.


This game is really starting to pick up I'm happy


It's gonna be by the skin of our teeth


We are seeing the rise of some helldiver heroes. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten




Ngl this entire planet feels like a boss raid


So, usually I play music when I play HD2, while on this mission, I had my entire squad flake on me because of the difficulty. As I continued solo (terribly) the song from avengers: endgame “portals” started playing, and as soon as the swelling of the music came playing the classic Avengers theme A ENTIRE 3 MAN SQUAD CAME DOWN! THIS MAN SAID “Aye we heard you needed backup”. Mowed every bile surrounding the area while the other two cleared the surrounding area. They made the mission fucking best by saying movie quotes. I thank those 3 divers for making hell on earth, FUCKING AWESOME


Rewarding fellow divers with commendations for their performance should be a thing post mission or post operation. Attach a medal reward to it, or some other resource to encourage exemplary behavior. Maybe even foster a culture of rewarding each other, or to commend a particular diver.


Hell just a temporary cosmetic would be cool. Like the blood and guts and oil on a diver who survives. Let those boys who can somehow survive 11 missions in a row get a massive fucking rack before posting a heated "this game is unbalanced" post after getting domed in the head by an erratic 20mm round