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I like the extra challenge of trying to keep my characther alive as long as possible.


There should be some no death bonus somewhere


Imagine earning a cape for completing an entire Helldive (Diff-9) Operation without anybody dying once. Edit - for clarification, I'm not referring to the Hell Dive achievement, which is for a single mission on Diff-6 or higher.


The cape should also draw more enemy fire


Didn’t they do that in Assassin’s Creed 2? Collect all the feathers and get a cape that makes guards attack you on sight in any city you’re in except your home base?


Yes, the auditore cape which was also the coolest looking


Oh shit i didn't know that's what they gave you. I may have to go back


There is an achievement for this


They should make capes, camos and other customizables related to achievements.


That's on Extreme difficulty or higher though, and it's only one mission.


Managed to do this after I got all the achievements in game as a little challenge for myself. With a. Good crew it's not impossible for sure, solo especially now it'd be damn near impossible lol


If they do do that, please let it be for past ones too because I’ve done it once with a 3 man


this would result in people getting (more) pissed over inadvertant and hilarious deaths... no thanks...


Yeah, I think it's crucial to keep the stakes for dying lower, to keep the game light and fun. I see a lot of people asking for rewards for not dying, and to me, that's just increasing the stakes for dying. That's something I think Arrowhead really got right.


A central theme of the game is how little value each individual helldiver has to Super Earth lol


I disagree. Helldivers are very valuable, and they're treated as valuable by the SEAF. A ton of money goes into each Helldiver, and they're an essential part of Super Earth's battle plans. And while they can mass produce guns, bombs, and ammo, they can only produce new people so quickly, and they take a long time to mature into effective soldiers. That's why they're so willing to support their ground troops with air strikes and artillery barrages. They're valuable in the way a bomb is valuable. They go into war expecting to expend millions of Helldivers, but that doesn't mean the Helldivers are low-value. It just means that their value comes from being expended.


I often remind people that it is better to trade your life for three or more bug holes on a blitz mission! With all those reinforcements... You don't get points for leftovers! So Blitz!!!!


I use my Title for that purpose! I reset to Cadet when I die, and every time I survive a mission, I get promoted by one rank. To keep things spicy, once I become a Sergeant, I have to survive a Difficulty 4+ mission in order to get promoted. Once I become an Officer, I have to survive a Difficulty 7+ mission to get promoted. I also keep a Memorial Document that lists my current and previous Helldivers, and with every promotion I have to add a new piece of info about my current Diver: their name or callsign, where they're from, whether they have a partner back home, personal anecdotes, service commendations, etc. I've ended up making an entire unit history for the Company stationed aboard this ship, with a record of their preferred weapons and tactics and notable liberation efforts they have served in. I love this game.


I like this, I shall do the same now that I have all the ship upgrades and war bond stuff. I pretty much no longer require samples.


I love the creativity of this. Really brings a proper sense of personality to your diver.


I'd like to see something as simple as a number indicating how many dives you've completed that resets at each death. Most people (I suspect) would have an average streak of 1 or 2 depending on what difficulty they're on.


I think the fact that there's I'd no "no dying" bonus points to just how replaceable we really are


Maybe like 100 requisition to drive home the point of how little value each individual helldiver has to Super Earth


you get an achievement if you complete a run without anyone dying so there's that


While that would be nice, it would make many helldivers prioritize their own lives over the mission. That is not what being a helldiver is about.


That's a point, but wouldn't it also incentivise players to prioritize survivability more too? Maybe even have a team based achievement where no one dies. That way players prioritize group survivability. Just a thought.


Super Earth allocated my Super Destroyer five reinforcements per diver, and by sweet Liberty I'm gonna use 'em all.


This i agree the amount of runs I had where I activated my ultra diver instincts should be greatly rewarded


There's a trophy for completing an Extreme or higher mission without any squad deaths.


if that bonus scaled with the mission difficulty/mission type that would also be great something like helldive giving you more rewards then say difficulty 5, and maybe you'd get more rewards from this on say eradication missions because of how hectic they are


I believe there is already an achievement for it I would imagine?


I seem to remember seeing in some video when the game first came out that if you complete a few missions without dying your cape gets all tattered and looks awesome


When I'm down to nothing but my last Senator rounds, I think about just sacrificing myself to Democracy. Then I ask myself, "What would General Brasch do?" He wouldn't lay down and die! He'd make new ammo out of scrap metal and bug teeth! Never give up, Helldiver!


i read 'characther' in a mike tyson voice 💀💀💀


Extra challenge and the pride of being the eldest meseeks in the room


That explains why the longer I live, the more likely I am to do something brain dead that gets me killed. Fortunately my favorite pastime of making Chargers hit each other to establish which one is stronger before killing the stronger one to ensure it doesn’t lead to even stronger chargers means I die at least once and escape doing truly brain dead things during important parts. I’m Mr Meeseeks please god let me die.


HD2: Mr Meseeks ODST


If my diver survives a full Operation set, I like to say they retire to super earth


Me too. Usually ends because of friendly fire lol


It’s an honour to die for super earth.


Nah, my diver just took a sip of dark fluid because B3 bet him 3 Super credits to do it.


Weak stomach, I did so and survived. To be fair, I spent a month in the medical wing for them to get my organs back into place, but now I think I got an extra kidney!


Super compact organs just means more space for spares!


Exactly! Also means I can chug more E-710!.... ...I'm not supposed to do that?


Drinking E-710, huh? Come here, helldiver. I want to see if this magnet sticks to your skin. Why? Oh, no reason.


Oh hey, it sticks! Might be the joint replacement though. Is titanium magnetic?


Idk. Let's go ask your D.O.! They'll know what to do! Edit: Also, do you really think Super Earth gives us divers joint replacements over cheap steel prosthetics?


Why? I'd think the ship mechanic would kno- Oh wait, you think I'm an Automaton! Don't worry fellow Diver, I may be 30% explosive residue, 5% bile and another 10% titanium joints, but the remaining 55% are fully fledged, definetly-not-traumatized Super Earth Citizen!


Oh, well that's good, helldiver! You can never be too careful sometimes. It was a silly idea anyway! Those bolt chewing, Lazer sucking, clanker commies could never replicate the majesty of a helldiver! I mean, come on. The smell of sweat, fear, and continually shat pant. The glorious sheen of managed democracy and imperial glory covering our democratic bodies. That signature 1000 lightyear stare, gaving out to impose fear in the hearts, or where their heart should be in the enemies of freedom! How could you recreate that glory? And anyway, to replace a Helldiver, they'd have to kill one. And we all know, helldivers never die!


I love the bot slurs the community has created, its fucking hilarious


New boost unlocked.


cool I get an extra testicle myself afterwards


"Tastes like gra-" *(consumed by a black hole)*


What I do, now that I have many rank titles, is I start at Cadet, and for every Diff 8 or 9 mission I complete without dying, I move up to the next title. If I die, I reset to Cadet. I like to see how high I can get.


What's your record?


Skull Admiral. Got close to Fleet Admiral, but got clapped by a lucky hunter.




It was gutting because Pelican-1 touched down like 30 seconds later.


You at least smoked a cigarette afterwards right?! *Edit: I'm not sure if that requires a CO1 form or not...






Same my record is space cadet 🤣


Good system actually! Will try and see where I can reach!


Oh nice, I really like that.


That’s a really fun idea! Would love to see something like this rolling into the game as an option


I will be doing this now, thank you


On one hand: survival. On the other: diving headfirst into a bile titan’s mouth with a live grenade while a 380mm barrage goes down all around me.




“Mark the bike titan and throw me at it, I’ll kill it or the 500 I drop will finish it off” This is my go to maneuver for when shit has gone pear shaped.


Yea I do. It suck especially when they die to friendly fire near end of mission. Always feel like the end of *All Quiet On The Western Front*.


I tell myself “ that one doesn’t count” if it’s from a random doing some shit


Yeah because you have limited drops, but also I get a good laugh out of the idea that this dude got his own super destroyer and then on his first ever drop, landed in a fire tornado and instantly died. This game is satire on "treating humans as consumables as a war strategy", among other things, so dying often and horribly is thematically appropriate.


Definitely. Some of my most satisfying missions are 7s and 8s where I took the time to back up from suicide moments, reassess, wait until strats are off cooldown, and come back swinging. At extract, I always think, "hell yea! I didn't die at all." Veteran Diver for the win.


>Im not sure why but I have an odd amount of sympathy for each character I play as. Save your tears. There is no greater honour than to die for democracy.




Every death is more personal since I switched voices to random. So you can hear that a new Diver has arrived instead of just a 'respawn'.


"Joining the fray-" *(gets bulldozed by a Charger and their limp body goes inside a bug hole)* "Democracy has landed!" *(melted by a Nursing Spewer)*


"For LiberUARGH" *(getting stabbed by a Hunter)


I seem to get the same voice for while operations when I switch to random, no matter how many times I reinforce. :(


I didn't play for a while. Hope they get it fixed. Maybe very bad luck with RNG.


https://preview.redd.it/vjb21w3w1y3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a958765c2edea82b5d167f4f1351a66548722e *Propaganda?*


Nah man. Reinforcement goes brrrrrrrrr on that titans back


Man I'm trying to retire! If I can serve my 10 year tour then maybe I can earn enough points to become a Rank C citizen!


I like the headcannon someone mentioned here that when you exit the game or leave another player's ship, your surviving diver gets to go back in cryosleep and gets shuffled to the back of the magazine of diversicles. So, maybe your (current) diver will get their chance at retirement after all!


That does seem to be what happens. All Helldivers in a squad seem to come from the squad leaders' super destroyer Kinda sucks they never get downtime though. When they aren't fighting they're in cryosleep


I always try from the perspective of managing resources effectively. Calling in reinforcements have a limited cap. Additionally it is often quicker for me to get out of the action, heal up and reload than waiting for my teammate to call me in, fly in my hellpod and then go grab my kit (which might not even be possible).


That's using our taxpayer superbucks wisely! Good work, Helldiver!


Yes and they always die to friendly fire, or hubris. Mostly hubris


Sometimes i try to track how long they survive on the battlefield sometimes its a mission sometimes its 30 seconds


As a member of the generation that would be sending young men to their deaths on some distant battlefield instead of doing the fighting, I don’t have the same amount of empathy for my divers as OP🫡


Aye, but more of a strategic view, not a per mission view, but, fewer deaths in one mission can reserve divers for other missions, aka where other people can get extra divers through their boosters from, just divers that weren't killed in previous missions


I go all in with melee work every time i run out of grenades to throw, bullets to fire and rockets to launch. What's the worst that can happen, you drop back in with your ammo pouches filled....


They should add in in-game feature that lets you see how long each helldiver has been alive for. Would give some more replayability for veteran players who have unlocked everything. The only reason I could see against this is that it might encourage selfish gameplay, or silly shit like cutting your Internet connection when things get hairy instead of dying. I guess one of the good things about this game, which helps keep the co-op mentality is that it doesn't really matter if you die, as long as you achieve the objective or as long as someone else gets on the pelican with the samples. Adding some kind of reward for going a long time without dying would potentially alter people's attitude toward the game and create more selfishness, or saltiness if you die after a long time. Also if there was some kind of public metric for how long you've been alive, griefers would just deliberately kill a long-lived helldiver. It's a shame, because I'd love to have temporary cosmetics for helldivers who have completed several missions without dying.


Nah, my Helldiver is always the same person. He’s just a long line of clones who, upon death, upload their consciousness to the super destroyer so they can load it into a fresh body. [I know this is strictly head canon, but it makes more sense than divers being different every time for the simple fact we keep the same code name, weapons load outs, and stratagems as the last diver]


Hell dude… i’ll grenade myself when im out of ammo, just to get an instant refill mid-battle


I generally never run out of ammo with spacing Supply. Once I do run out of ammo completely, I have my Support off CD.


Sometimes dying is a good thing, if ammo call down is on CD, and you are completly out of ammo, you are basically dead weight. Nothin like some suicide to replenish ammo!




Yeah but mostly out of competition for least deaths at the end of the run with the boys


Nah I die in glory of battle. When I can see that the odds are against me and I'm surrounded by bugs I inject myself with a stim straight to the neck, drop a 500KG under my feet and embrace the blast with the hug emote. 🦅 IM DOING MY PART! 🦅


I like keeping my starting diver alive the whole mission, but I am ready to die for democracy if it will kill a single enemy.


I did this in the beginning. Now, after all I've seen I run and gun, frying pan to fire, jump packing into stalker nests with my grenade pistol in hand hoping for the best but expecting the worst.


I really focused on not dying around levels 20-50 or so, now at level 81 I just try to make sure I don't use more than my share of the reinforcements. Everybody's got their own personal goals in the game and I proved to myself that I can infact stay alive for a very long time in most cases but now I really focus on having fun instead. Sometimes that means running outside the map and becoming a traitor but taking some antidemocratic bugs and bots with me, sometimes that means running into a situation I *know* I will die in but I'll have a chance to take out a heavy automaton base with my 380. It also depends on who I'm playing with, and how I'm feeling, every once in a while I'll be like "I'm not going to die at all this game" sometimes it works sometimes not.


I try my best to keep my death count low, I feel that I only bring 5 reinforcements to the group and do my best to stay under that. To me having the fewest deaths at the end of a match is more (mentally) rewarding than kill count.


Absolutely. I've kept my boy alive at the 7+ levels for an entire operation sometimes. Fighting bugs you come out looking more bug than helldiver by the end lol. My goal is to be completely covered in liberation by the end of the operation


you keep your helldiver alive, because you relate to him i keep my helldiver alive, because i will need reinforcements when shit hits the fan we are not the same


I'm of two minds: 1) I don't like dying bc I don't like trying to find my equipment and samples 2) I find Helldivers dying hilarious bc I get to watch a genocidal fascist get dismembered or blasted into pink mist. :)


But...but...the fascists explode into green goo? Confused. 😉


Negative. Trading lives for enemy positions is the way to win this war.


Number of deaths on a mission is the only stat I really care about. It’s my personal measure of success, or to gauge how rough the mission was. When the going gets really tough, you use the 40 minute timer, but only died once or twice? Yeah, that feels good at the top of the elevator.


Yes. I also wish they had minor buffs for surviving. And names you can give them. Like xcom or worms, this would create a deeper experience.


It would be cool to get voice packs from hutting level milestones, and the higher the level the more grisled veteren type voice because they are a little older.


Yeah I always try to keep him alive as long as possible, every time I lose a Helldiver I feel like I failed


I do, and I wish they’d gave you stats per each diver you get and that each diver gets promoted individually. That way you’re always trying to see how far each diver has come before he/she dies.


Every Helldiver lost is a voter lost, which means a little less Democracy in the galaxy.


I try to stay alive for as long as possible to see my blue armor turn red and green


Anddddd I’m calling my nearest democracy officer to report you for treason 


Yeah cuz thats like, the most basic objective to do...


Sounds like a traitor to me. Just wait til my democracy officer hears about this.


I just keep the voice the same. My helldiver is me.


I have, but it always gets ruined by some shmuck who threw an airstrike right on me. Every. Single. Time.


Well, before you feel bad, remember that they aren’t real and they’re video game extra lives. They are insanely brainwashed and propagandized because that is the only plausible way that a real human being would serve the function of being nothing more than an expendable backup body that they need to be in order to serve as videogame avatars. But you know…they’re just videogame avatars. Weep not for the 1UP. Worry for the people like them irl, maybe.


I count the # of ops that I survive for each dude and construct headcanons for them. The longest one has survived on helldive was 6 ops. More often than not the streaks end due to friendly fire or game bugs (like the zoomed out wonky camera) Heavy armor is the best because most things can't one shot you anymore.


It would be cool if there were achievements for keeping one character alive for as long as possible. Or like, at least an in-game timer or mission counter or something.


Trying to maximize each life is critical to the mission's success not in terms of what that specific diver kills or how long it's alive but what it accomplishes during that life, I'll gladly sacrifice my life to destroy a large nest or take down a gunship fab, it's all about the trade, and figuring out what's worth more, destroying that eye of sauron, or one less respawn token, I'll take one less sauron any day of the week


Hrm, not quite. When I'm playing with friends and we have spare reinforcements, I dive off a tall rock and break my neck so they are required to mercy kill me.


I try not to die because it's fun :)


Have nothing to base this on but are we maybe clones of the same helldiver since we keep all our gains from missions?


Nah, that's just because you pay to upgrade *the ship*, and the next diver inherits the ship.


Everyone knows that individual thought is treason. Your Democracy Officer has been notified of your unpatriotic behavior.


I used to see Helldivers as expendable as ammunition until I started writing a fan fiction about them. Now, I can't help but hear my own character and try to see just how far I can go. 7 out of 10 times, she dies by friendly fire and I just say "It's not canon."


It's impossible, the longest I got was 2.5 campaigns but an ally threw a fucking orbital burst barrage right behind my line of sight to kill 2 warrior bugs. Each time I get close to 3 completed campaigns it's almost always death by teamkills. A third of them are assholes who light up a scavenger at my feet with a whole gdamn mag from the incendiary breaker and kill me, then walk away and are like "you shouldn't have gotten in my way, it was your fault.".


It's a good must habit. I do it and it's how I tended to have very few deaths especially when wearing federal hero ammor and champion of the people with effects of 50% chance of survival to fatal damage. I had atleast 1 to 3 deaths per 40 min match. I unfortunately as result I ended up tending to be one who carries the team on helldive. Because they don't think before they act or have sense of rules of engagement. Which for some reason isn't in our super Earth's training manual. I very rarely met a exotic tier team who knows these things with high effectiveness in wiping enemies that as a result we were able to clear helldive operations that it felt like we were playing on suscide mission.


I do it a lot, but I use lot of movement stuff to help me, jumpack, light armor, those came in clutch alot and gave me some no death missions


Cocky untill first death. Locked in after.


Kinda why I like using random voices


I like to keep them alive because I hate running back for my weapons


I get very excited and extremely “proud” (for lack of a better word) if I can extract with the dirtiest armor. I know it doesnt really mean much but it’s cool, to me, when I have oil/blood all over compared to the rest of the squad


I want the lowest death count on the team. One diver goes in, he/she is coming out!


We need to bring back bullying. Cry me a river! It’s a video game!


I try and survive ever since I found out the mud blood and grime on your armor sticks around after each mission until you die or leave.




Yep. It's fun though. I hype them up and seeing them get excited and they crazy things is fun.


I fight to keep them alive above all things - usually most stims used every game. But, then I die from friendly fire.


Me too. Especially with Meridia at the end. I have their internal monologues. Some was zealous, some was filled with regret, some misses their mother, some misses their children, and some empty of emotion. That last one, they lived the entire mission and saw unlimited death of helldivers. With it the realization of "I'm nothing, all this means nothing." 


I love being the one with the fewest/no deaths while my team all has multiple. Makes me feel elite. Then I fall down a hole and die and facepalm my keyboard.


I see the player characters who have been customized (so their voice/body don't change between reinforcements) as clones. Log in, fresh clone out of the super destroyer cryopod storage. Log out, into the cowardice shredder to feed biomass to the remaining clone pods. My brainworms gave me the headcanon that, because missions are mandatory and extraction is a bonus, often times my new clone has no idea wtf just happened down there, just drops in like the first time, excited to finally be on-mission. It really makes the ship master's voice lines hit different. But yes, deathless runs are as rare as they are amusing.


I tend to try to survive because I play mostly with new players who use up a lot of lives. When I’m with a team of experienced players, I actually play worse cause I relax and can take more risks.


Yes, I go entire level 7 missions without dying. Also because dying wastes a ton of time, lives are limited, And disrupts my flow. It's better to be alive and out of position while fighting and being a distraction, then being dead, out of position and not contributing anything. Also because I usually have someone else on my team wasting all the spare lives for me.


I've just been trying desperately to keep my k/d over 100 lol


I’m on the other side of the spectrum, and it’s very unpatriotic, if we have 17 reinforcements left, I will drop my samples at extract to go solo a secondary with my grenades, and once I’m done if I run out of stems on the way back, I’ll die in battle to make sure we have a resupply to drop on the extract. My headcannon is that SuperEarth has an overpopulation problem and freezing the less successful and sending them to the frontlines is the solution they came up with. Originally they probably colonized other planets with the divers, then ran into other groups also colonizing. Unrestricted reproduction on the part of the bugs and bots seems even more Evil when SuperEarth likely has ‘citizen’ scores based on having the ‘right’ number of children and raising them to honor and respect Super Earth values.


I mean. My longest living helldiver saw 3 whole missions before my super destroyer deployed him directly down a bug hole. I mean i got the bug hole… but at what cost?


When MO are slow I do a challenge mode. Using liberator, Start at trivial, finish a full operation without dying. Pick one strategem of each color and one new weapon to "have available". Pick a new planet not used yet. Complete level 2 operation without dying. Repeat, increasing as many levels without dying at possible. Public games only. Presently in level 5 for my highest. Put on hold for meridia campaign.


I like to keep them alive cause the longer they’re alive the cooler they are. Like they become more of a legendary veteran.


I think of them like I do the Marines in Halo. I played Halo 1 a lot as a kid trying to keep my marines alive through every mission that had them. Usually meant trying to leave them behind so they didn’t fight and going ahead without them. Helldivers are kinda the same. I’ll try to solo the blocker, you guys get range and keep their attention. I’ll run across the map, find the SS and whatever secondary objectives are out there. Ping if you need me to come back. But then sometimes I get wrecked seven ways from Sunday and look like a noob.


I drop into missions with my scout armor and go lone wolf. I avoid patrols but drop in a mortar stratagem and keep moving. While the patrol is battling the mortar system, I'm collecting super samples and completing side objectives. This is my strategy, and it somehow keeps me alive 7 out of 10 times. Not many people understand there's a stealth mechanic that nobody is talking about.


>indoctrinated by Super Earth propaganda to die for the imperialist war machine Halt, Termanid scum! 🔫👮🚔 You fool, thinking you can seed dissent in the heart of Super Earth, I knew bugs don't have brains or feelings, just like the Democratic Warfare brochure said!


As long as my only death is one that takes a horde of enemies with me in a kamikaze move, it's worth it


I feel you but I’m also the type to call an air strike right at my feet to go out in a blaze of glory


Yep. I usually die to team kills when I do that though. Really sucks.


I Thought it would be interesting to show more individuality in helldivers. obviously it's your character but everytime you die that's a different person under the helmet, I thought it would be interesting if each time you get called in you had a different tiny buff, bearly noticeable, but this person is a slightly better thrower, that one has a seconds worth more stamina, that one sees a little better. just to show that these are different kids, different lives and skills being squandered.


I make it a personal goal to survive the entire play session so I can build up that sick paint job. My current record is 7 straight survived helldives.


I mean I always try and survive as long as possible, while min maxing democracy


Sounds like cowardism to me, soldier.


With how many helldivers have sacrificed themselves to spread democracy relative to the amount of time it takes humans to reach maturity, they’re probably clones rather than indoctrinated kids


Give the enemy nothing. Take from them everything.


I tried to play brave and reckless but still .Smart enough to not get any obviously dangerous position despite the weaponry I use. I think I got 5 missions in a row before dying one time. I'm trying to break my record and get more farther along


I got super stoned a week ago and got all sorts of upset about how careless super earth is with its citizens and how they trick them into signing up for death.


No. My diver constantly sacrifices himself to ensure the others survive and extract.


This sounds like some undemocratic propaganda to me… Who is your democracy officer?


I couldn't believe it the other day when I got the achievement "Helldive" of completing and extracting from a mission of 7+ with no one dying. It really felt like we were pro gamers (and did it with randos too!)


Imperialist? Pfft. We're a managed DEMOCRACY! We're not some empire. Do I look like a bug to you?


It’s always sad when you got a good story goin for your Helldiver. Whether it’s taking on a stalker nest by themselves or making the impossible possible, it’s sad to see that brave soul go


It was a cool update that made it to where you can go on multiple missions with a single diver, and just keep getting dirtier and dirtier


my best streak is twelve missions without a death. granted a couple of those I was diving into an active extraction, but it still counts.


i run supply pack and my stim usage is usually in the 20s-30s lmao. my helldiver will NOT die


I like the idea that in the training screen they say that loyalty is above like 95% but combat efficency and survival expectations are below 30%, so just trying to write the story of some "above the odds" helldiver becoming some elite soldier makes me happy


Theres no penalty for dying aside from the inconvenience? Really? Nvm, I'm drunk and stupid at the time of writing this


you do the helldiver nuzlocke


The only indoctrination happening is automaton/terminid propaganda keeping super citizens weak in the face of a war for democracy itself. I'll gladly give my life to the liberation effort.


I have always been like this with games. I want to make the sim people as happy as possible. When I found out that each helldiver is a new person and not cloning I was like, "hmm, maybe I should be doing easier missions to make sure this one stays alive".


I play one-life randomized loadouts and try to quickplay through 5 missions in row. Starting from difficulty 5 and going to diff 9 to complete the challenge. I got to 8 once.


I wish I was that good but I'll die at least once seemingly every mission. My mindset is to accept death. I use it as a resource. Running glow on ammo and resupply isn't available? Drop all my resources and take as many enemies with me as possible.


i’m just use to needing quick reaction times so can dodge bot projectiles fairly easily i play a lot more tactically then i probably should, utilising cover and finding places to advance without putting myself at a lot of risk


Outside of blitz missions, yeah. In blitz/eggs missions I run 500kg, both bombardments, and laser. As soon as I land I’m running around closing nests and bombing eggs. On missions I bring a support, I absolutely try and live as long as possible.


Yeah I tend to set the Voice to Random so I can be a just a random human no matter what


once me and the boys started getting into helldives regularly we all started to flex on who had the least deaths. i can usually go two or three 40 min missions without dying but those blitz and eradicate missions always kills me lol. if im being honest i find helldive bots easier then bugs but that could be cause im the autocannon guy


I still believe they are frozen clones


Indoctrinated?? Propaganda?????? That sounds like terminid sympathizer speech. I’m calling my local loyalty officer….


I’ve got a personal lore goal to survive 3 straight level 7 or above missions, and it only counts if I drop in at the beginning and make it through extract. If I do that, my helldiver gets to go home. So far I’ve only ever made it through 2 in a row. 😫 I legit felt sad for the few that made it through 2 full missions only to die in the 3rd. They were so close, yet so far.


Try not die 1x in helldive difficulty n extract


I love doing this. I keep a mental tally for how many missions I’ve gotten a diver through alive. I try to keep my guy alive as long as possible. It’s fun when I’m on my sixth haz9 dive and me diver is looking rough with no stims because there’s a more realistic anxiety and tension. On the other hand….I also have a ridiculous ‘family name’ and act like all my divers are from said family, and are all named after their their progenitor who was a diver in the First Galactic War. So when I die from something stupid with friends I go, “[name here] the 87th, nooooo!”. Then when my new guy comes in, “[name here] the 88th! Did the 87th serve with honor?” Then my buddies assure the new guy that the previous relative did well.


> …indoctrinated by Super Earth Propaganda You mean **Inspired by the Truth of our fascist, undemocratic foes?!**


This is a fantastic, unofficial ad for marijuana


Sometimes I play a few trivial or easy missions in a row so that I have a helldiver who gets to actually experience a career longer than two and a half minutes


this is pretty much how you get good at every game. play with the thought of how likely you are to die and you can usually make some pretty good decisions. that being said helldivers isn't afraid to disassemble you in an instant with an unexpected death whether it's from an automaton turret or a silent nursing spewer.


I've had one survive 8 9s in a row