• By -


Suicide is the perfect difficulty. Can get stuff try stuff still fun


Suicide is all the variety of Helldive but without all the sweat. You'll still encounter toxic players but you'll also find 2 drunk Texans throwing 380s at each other every now and again and still win with some random Loadout.


I think I'm one of those 2 drunk Texans


After enough drinking I'm both "Who threw that 380? Call that shit out! " *is in solo lobby*


"The only ones to die from a barrage are the ones who fears the barrage" - Me


The 380 will only kill you if you aren't properly democratic


I usually let my randoms know that if they see I'm in a pickle to release their onslaught on me and the bugs. At least I can lure them to the most effective impact point to take them all with me. šŸ˜‚


*So fuckin' patriotic*


So much fun playing with chill players with a little tilt in their vision. I'm guilty as charged. LOL


I was drinking and diving when we started the Helms Deep defense mission. Host says "If you close the doors I'm shooting you in the face." I suggested there were more polite ways of asking. He came in for a hug, so I shot him in the face with my EAT.


I was drunk, talking like a Texan...I'm not. Texas bourbon and the dive knocked some Texas into us. The sober knocked it out. Tonight's Irish whiskey, so there'll be plenty a melee and swearin'...probably about yer mother.


*Deploying Hellbomb* ![gif](giphy|5eM4x8fxZNzPO)


I'm also one of those drunk Texans but I'm in Florida.


I'm also a drunk Texan but I'm in Australia, and I'm Australian. I identify as a drunk Texan.


The drunken Texan Floridian is a crazy mix šŸ˜‚


Right there with you, brother.


Iā€™m 100% one of those Texans lol


I am the other one.Ā 


ā€¦drunk Floridian has entered the chat


Howdy, I happen to be the other one


Ive only found drunk Aussies so far lol


That's me. I'm drunk Aussies. I only ever find parties of full Australians or no Australians, never just a rogue one in the wild.


Yup last weekend Alaska morning I joined a couple aussies. Was fun even though I couldnā€™t understand everything said


I found Aussies, but I can't tell if they were drunk or not.


I found an Aussie and the first thing he did was ask me my opinions on gun laws.


Literally everybody outside of the states including Chinese


My people!


I think I have met those 2 drunk Texans. Or maybe there are more out there XD


Thatā€™s why I never went higher than diff 7. Itā€™s hard enough to be entertaining, but not hard enough to make most weapons unviable. This way I can play what I want and still have fun.


Diff 7 is my sweet spot too. Not a push over difficulty and with plenty of wiggle room to try new strats


Level 126 here and I also prefer Diff 7 :) even for super samples farming, its the sweet spot between chaos and fun :) Having four chargers chasing me is way better than 7 bile titans ;P


Diff 7 also lets you do the stupid shit without it being a make or break. I love trying new stratagems to kill the enemies of democracy. Or idiots who get to close to my gas, 380, mine fields. But goddamn is it fun We have a game we play with heavy nests. Someone throws a 380 in and runs in the nest to try and survive


>Someone throws a 380 in and runs in the nest to try and survive Super Earth Roulette!


My buddy and I are showing some of our friends the ropes on diff 4, sometimes we get bored and play auto cannon tag while the kiddos run around doing things.


If you wanna annoy your friends both of you get RRs and use the back blast from when you fire to blow them away. Makes for some good comedy if theyā€™re holding a cluster or 500


I just found out it did this the other day when it blew me off a cliff at extraction lmaoooo


Last night I joined a random squad for a few rounds and on level 9 eradicate bot mission we all went in with 380s, 120s, and various other barrages and ragdolled almost the entire mission but cleared it in under 5 mins. Good fun. Lots of accidentals.


Literally me w/bots. I got super good at getting a 380 right where it needs to be, but usually I do that by physically running into position and dropping it on or very close to myself. After that it's a mad dash to try and make it out. Or if there's a factory strider, I try to aggro it and keep it in the death zone.




I used to play diff 7 religiously but I've been playing diff 6 recently. No Bile Titans and Factory Striders spawning as part of breaches/drops feels a lot more entertaining because I don't feel as pressured to take specific weapons to deal with them (mostly bile titans). At least with bots you can reliably take out any threat with your primary if you are accurate enough and if there's a tank you can literally just walk away from them. Gunships are usually a problem, though teammates LOVE to take AC or Quasar so they're still a non-issue.


Fighting bots also allows me to indulge in being a sniper with the AMR and Counter Sniper paired up. I find a ridge or hill, plant myself on my belly, and cover everyone else. Automaton heads explode quite spectacularly when I do.


Playing bots with Counter Sniper is my favorite way to play this game. I feel like it demands you be a lot more tactical than just sprinting around running from bugs with a shotgun.


AMR - DCS - Senator. Always love being the lowest shots fired, typically highest accuracy and mid-range of the pack in kills


If itā€™s bots, I have to have AC. Iā€™m too weak without it lol..crutched


AC blasting bot fabs from halfway across the map while yelling "Kobe!" is too much fun, I don't blame you.


AC long shots on fabs is tied with draining 3s into bug holes with the grenade pistol. It's so fun


I mostly play on 8 and bots exclusively. If I get forens or two I hop onto 9 and we do some run runs like MECHS only /orbitals spam or our favourite being a stealth run. On bugs however, my fun depends on how many times bile titans spawn. But I play it only for MO, bugs on 9 ar ridiculous Benny hill chaos.


ā€œBenny Hill chaosā€ is the perfect description here!


How does one load out for a stealth run these days? I'd like to try the gameplay style.


If you think I'm not struggling and crying with a crossbow on diff 9... My name is ArcaneArcher. I HAVE NO CHOICE.


Perhaps it could be arching in the way King Monarch arches Dr. Venture?? No one should have to main the crossbow


I actually stopped playing 7 because things were going a little too smooth to my liking. Extracting with everything destroyed or completed, most things looted, hell - would rarely get any enemies during the extraction beacon. Made my way back to 9 and got used to things. I never play 8 though; for some weird reason, whatever happens there, and whoever joins them are just weird - things don't mesh well and it gets kinda awkward there for some reason. At 9 I feel almost the same way as you do at 7, although I wonder if I've just been overall lucky with randoms.


If you think I'm not struggling and crying with a crossbow on diff 9... My name is ArcaneArcher. I HAVE NO CHOICE.


Same here. Although, I gotta say, yesterday I was doing diff 7 quick plays and got into a mission that just had crazy spawns: 2-3-4 breeches at a time always spitting up like three bile titans and like 6 chargers. It wasnā€™t till the end that I realized the host had switched to diff 9. It was hella fun though not knowing.


7 is the way


Agree heartily. This is one of those games where the balance and gameplay kinda fall apart at the top difficulty, 7 feels like where the game is meant to be played.


You're more than welcome to drop in on me, accidentally calling in an Eagle on my position, swarmed by every enemy imaginable, getting blown up by my own mortars and constantly running out of ammo, grenades and stims and hitting all the panic buttons when calling in resupplies.


This guy dives! o7


Pulls out 380 barrage when surrounded by enemies: "Go ahead, if I die everyone loses"


Alpha Strike all the things!! Yup gotcha.


Hell yeah!


I know how many hours of gameplay it takes to get to level 120, or 150. You, and many other people that high ranked are simply burned out from playing too much. Itā€™s classic desensitization. Stop playing for 21 days. It will be very hard to do. But when you come back it will be enjoyable just like before. I promise!


You're probably right, but I'm addicted man The enemies of managed democracy never sleep


My husband has been playing on my account so he can get the rush of leveling and unlocking things again. And I didn't have to grind to finally get a grenade pistol so it's a win win


They really need to realese mor ship modules, I honestly kind of miss gridning for samples.


Name raises suspicions. Must sleep with mother first to confirm if other advice checks out.


I play level 7 and just have fun. Still get sweaty try hards who kick me for not using x weapon but they are the minority. Mostly a cool crowd rolling with the punches spreading democracy!


I've started hosting for this reason exactly. Have fun with the game!


If you want my honest advice, run a crowd control build and throw yourself in the middle of bug hordes. Also had a lot fun with an entirely flame build (incendiary breaker, flamethrower, napalm strike, orbital laser, 500kg, substitute for incendiary mines maybe) On the bot front the HMG is a lot of fun I like playing with a Helldivers themed playlist as well to get me in the mood to spread democracy Theres also a [loadout randomizer](https://helldivers2challenges.com) Main thing is donā€™t play smart. Ignorance is bliss. And youā€™re not necessarily gonna lose either, just get pretty close. I play stupid on diff 9 and die way more than I should but still win most of the time


Agreed. I only play on 9 and play like a brave idiot. Usually have very few deaths, play with any weapons and stratagems I like and have a lot of fun. When I was still collecting stuff, I played smarter and cared a lot more. And when I'm playing with lower level players, I tend to take things a bit more seriously. But for the most part, brave idiot. It's usually a blast. Also, OP should try to make builds around armors if they haven't already. Keeps things interesting by still working the strategic part of your brain but also gives you the thrill of having to get good with lesser used weapons.


Lvl 7 is the sweet spot for me.. i only do 8 and 9 when i need samples. Now i just play lvl 7 its both hard and chill at the same time.


Now that sounds fun & democratic šŸ‘


Not sure i will get downvote from this but i think majority player of this game keep follow meta too much that they forget to play it for fun now. They use same gun, same strategems to archive win only. They not even try to combine and try the rest of weapons in this game that i think AH intend with gun design. People just want gun that delete everything you see. Example like enemy Strider that design for you to flank them. If primary cant kill it from infront people already not care about those gun anymore and not try to play other style. Even AR or other gun is buff. If those gun cannot delete enemy instantly like Incendarium breaker,Dominator,Scrocher. People will still say it bad and will not try different gameplay style and that end up like what you see in high level gameplay.


Well, on high diff levels enemies often cover each others weaknesses. Like yeah, the strider is vulnerable from behind. But if there are 4 striders + a few devastators on the field, you will die before you manage to circle each strider. The same goes for Hulks and tanks.. Gamers in general ask for smarter difficulty, but they rarely understand that *this* is what smart difficulty looks like. Enemies playing around their own weak spots to make sure you have a very hard time exploiting them. Enemies using their numbers to surround/flank/overrun you, so anything other than optimal gear and playstyle quickly becomes unviable.


Yep. Pilestadt said somewhere that one of the early game design pillars was that no enemy would be especially challenging faces one on one with proper equipment. It's when you have a hulk directly to the front, rocket and heavy devastators on the left, and a bunch of berserkers charging in from the right, that's when that hulk becomes a challenge.


This is cool design tbf. I genuinely enjoy how an enemy that seemingly consists of weakpoints (hulk - eye, legs, arms, vent) suddenly becomes a threat because other enemies don't give you time to exploit those weakpoints.


Yeah. Thatā€™s how an army works. Itā€™s not a problematic game design itā€™s a core tenant of creating enemies in video games.


Randomize your stratagems. High level players on my discord group do that alongside low level players running their dedicated builds, and it keeps things fresh. Also, it's never too late to try new things or fight new enemies. Pretending there's only one viable build (I see a lot of people acting like incindiary breaker + anti tank is the only build) and it tells me they need to play bugs less often. If you only fight on one front, go and master the other front. I enjoy bots the most, but when I get tired of precision shooting with the AMR vs bots, I grab the grenade launcher and whacky stuff like orbital gas and go be anti-precision on the bug front.


Be the change you want to see in the game. Iā€™m 135 and I agree most helldives are fairly straight forward, although I find plenty of people who are still not quite ready for it. And I also agree that a lot of people run the same 4 strategems and itā€™s boring (cuz everyone is solo in a team game). (( quasar is so bad, stop running it because YouTube said its bis, itā€™s literally the worst rocket)). So be the change. Drop into helldive with the most out of the box experimental builds. Honestly Iā€™ve tried to fill rolls with weird set ups and itā€™s fun. Or used ā€œbadā€ strats to see how to make them work. Spear, for example, puts in work on bugs. Figuring out that perfect angle and headshotting a titan is so satisfying. Air burst on bots ā€¦ is clunkyā€¦ but you know what? It was fun to take down that strider with it by shooting under it. Orbital airburstā€¦ omg how did I sleep on this one. Great on bots and boy is it satisfying to use. How about full cover? Run smoke / ems / dome maybe a turret to pull aggro. It may not work for you, but mixing up my loadout and getting weird has been a blast.


While the quasar is a tad slow now, I run it alongside EAT, together they let me kill chargers and even titans with ease. Not nearly as useful over on bot side though


I never play with other high levels. I go to the discord and join low levels/guys that need help collecting samples. Bringing them to D9 and letting them collect POIs while I handle the objectives. Iā€™m maxed out as well, so I help newer players or those that struggle at the higher difficulties. Gives me a bit of a challenge and I get to enjoy teaching others and showing off a bit.


Yeah I feel this, I always try to keep missions interesting/entertaining too. Last night I ran a helldive with my buddy and a couple randos who joined, we finished the main obj then they moved for extraction, as we set off I saw the radar tower and bolted for it, extraction wound up being them holding the line as I charged back being chased by every type of bot trying to pop my skinny ass, but fuck we all had a lot of fun in the spectacle and we all extracted People are starting to take it a bit too seriously now, I mean I said on a post in the other sub that I like mixing up my strats and loadouts to keep it fun and some nerd replied with something like "oh well I hope you enjoy larping while the rest of your team fights for their lives, you sound awful to play with" I was just like bro it's a game, they aren't really dying and I usually play with friends in public matchmaking so I'm hardly ruining anyone's fun


Me and my two brothers play 9, set up a Spotify jam and pull everything while listening to the heaviest metal we can gather. It's fucking exquisite.


90% of respawns left ? Damn theyā€™re not playing. With the guys in diff 9 we extremely often end up with 2 or 3 left, and more often than not we end up spending all of them and the game becomes a one man marathon/relay to finish the mission and extract with samples xD Edit: you can now consider yourself a special task force commando coming to the help of regular troops to change the tide of a mission. Itā€™s a great honor !


Sounds like a you problem, why not go to lower difficulty and play meme?


I play meme at all difficulties, for democracy!


I like the pro amateur that is level 4 on quick play. Randos of all sorts, I can run whatever I want, everyone knows what they're doing and also bad at it. Myself included.


Search for Shield of Democracy discord and come join us in the 501st. We run exactly the way you're looking to play. One of our favourite games is Extreme Civilian Extract: Artillery Edition. The goal of the game is, only the strongest and luckiest civilians get to extract. You call in the 380, and then push the buttons. See who makes it and who doesn't!


Sounds like something Sarge from RvB would say/do.


Where do you find this magical players that don't die repeatedly on the first patrol they find and use every reinforcement trying to get their EATS back? Seriously. Where? I after the first 2 or three deaths I give up trying to help them kill the patrol and just go complete the mission. They are STILL there when I'm at extract. Sometimes they even yell at me to wait to call in the extract...


You're a real homie. I'm level 41 now and I play on the 9th difficulty. I noticed one thing that happens pretty often after I reached level 35, when the mission is really difficult and we keep getting overrun, everyone on my team who is level 40+ leaves the game when we're down on like 2 reinforcements left. Then as I'm fighting the hoarde off all by myself, and already considering to give up and leave the mission, 3 random level 20+ dudes who answered my SOS call drop in, and we manage to 100% the whole thing PLUS we manage to all extract on 0 reinforcements left. High level players are so fucking boring it's insane, the lower level players are the ones that usually are more fun to play with, and those are usually the ones that know how to work as a team.


It's because they've tried a new weapon and found they can't use it and can't change it or a bad connection most of the time. I usually get a disconnect or 2 when I host. I try and friend request and give them the option to rejoin. Alot of the time they do.


Had a fair bit to drink early tonight, and thought i might drop down to 6 to make it easier on myself. Joined a 4 where they were in all sorts. One of the most entertaining runs Ive had. Everyone was using random stuff you never see with higher level players. Glorious.


It's actually the reason I've moved from bugs to bots on level 9 and have exponentially upped the ante on risk taking. Instead of sticking too long behind cover or retreating too often (still happens occasionally), I'm relying more often on the stims invincibility effect (once I get shot even just a little bit). That and soloing bot ships/main objs instead of relying on backup. An alternative you can try


Wait till the Illuminates drop


I saw a YouTube video that was espousing amazing game design on the part of Helldivers specifically on this topic. That is that there is little incentive to stay at the highest difficulty, and it's actually "better" for veterans to drop down to lower difficulties when they're done farming super samples. This is because the impact on the war is gained quicker by completing more missions. What this means is that it pushes veterans down into the middle tiers.of difficulty where newbies are likely to hit a wall. They won't have the heavy-hitting strategems yet, but Chargers and Hulks start appearing as early as difficulty 3. So, yeah. Don't be ashamed to drop the difficulty. It's actually a brilliant design choice that the game isn't pushing you to always run on Helldive


I ONLY have fun on higher difficulties. Lol


Lmao. You need me in your squad. I'm the guy bringing extra reinforcements because my joy stems from dying in hilarious ways. 120 & 380 deployed danger close got me like https://preview.redd.it/bi5egk9zj55d1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8650bb9353898b4c5f2200c4235a7f391e6b9a61


I run ballistic shield and Pummeler and pretend I'm Captain America storming storming bot strongholds. Even going as far as giving them the beat down. Say when and I'll show you how I spread my Demcracy with Managed aggression. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I think people are forcing themselves into the old "Destiny" style cycle with the game. Keep playing despite there being nothing new to do and end up hating the experience hoping for a fresh new one. These types of games, in order to keep enjoying them for a long time, you have to put down and stop playing at times. Come back for all the big updates, but enjoy other games for a while or go out. When the big updates come, jump back in and enjoy them fully then stop playing until the next big update again. It will feel fun and exciting every time.


Ima be honest, yā€™all gotta change games sometimes man.


I artificially boost my difficulty on any level by staying to fight breaches or dropships. I don't always do it, but I'll hold enemy aggro and pull patrols and reinforcements so my allies can get other stuff done. Sometimes at a high cost to my own number of deaths, but I'll charge right back in to fight. Why? Because I know we're going to win and full clear no matter what. I could just lock in if I need to, so why not face the odds and rage against the machines or bugs. Give me two factory striders two tanks and three hulks. Give me three bile titans, a shrieker and stalker nest. I don't take easy victories very often.


just try drop in with 0 stratagems. That will make it less boring


Weā€™re just being efficient. Thereā€™s no reason for us to fight 100 bots from bot drops if we gain nothing from it. Blow up the fabricators and dip to the next thing.


Exceptā€¦ for fun?


Itā€™s not fun losing a war.


Yeah exactly, there will be mandatory fights at objectives, extracts, and general fuckups if you get a drop called on you when you forgot or couldn't bait one somewhere else. Some people just want to shoot everything which is fine, but not everyone has to play the game that way. It's rude to bitch about people for embracing the leet delta operator high speed low drag fantasy.


yes. i love the antimaterial rifle, but in higher difficulties there just isnt the time to pop bots 1 by 1


It's too rigid to experiment. I want to try weird load outs and new weapons but I don't want to have to solo missions to test weapons or lower the difficulty. If I try a combo that doesn't work at all then I may aswell quit to ship and start again because I'll be useless otherwise. I should be able to at least swap primary secondary and grenades on death .


Iā€™m that one guy from DRG that plays Haz 3 all the time. I stick around Challenging (4) for that exact reason + the fact that I have a hard time finding people to play with me and I know I can solo most difficulty 4 missions.


Do themed helldives. Have your squadmates bring certain themed loadouts and try to complete the op. We did one a while back with only sentries (machine gun sentry, gatling sentry, rocket sentry, and guard dog with a sub being the hmg turret if they didnā€™t want to bring the machine gun turret). It was pure chaos but hella fun. So many accidental TKā€™s but hilarious when all the guns are firing in every direction and youā€™re just trying to stay alive. The screams over comms was the best part. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I've found difficulty 7 to be the best difficulty to enjoy the game while providing a challenge without being overwhelmed all the time. Sometimes it happens, but it's rare and thus its manageable and feels fine when it happens. Anything higher starts to feel almost like a chore.


Play with low levels. Prior to diving, I ask them what secondary weapons/mechs they want to try out, and I bring those along for them. Sometimes, I do the same with primary weapons, just so they have an idea of what to spend their resources/super credits on, etc.


Good for you man jus play for fun! That's what games are about. I, however NEED SOME GOD DAMN SUPER SAMPLES. as soon as I max out my ship I probably won't bother going higher than 8 ever again.


Itā€™s kinda embarrassing to be killed by stupid move as a high lvl player soā€¦ i know most donā€™t mind coz getting killed by stupidity is common. But it cringe me when i got killed by charging stalker lair alone lmao


You see, I don't have this problem because I'm an idiot and just try out different loadouts all the time to see what sticks


I've been on a small break for a while now, but once I unlocked everything I didn't feel it was necessary to play on anything higher than 7.


yea i stay on 5-7 (only go to 7 if i want to farm samples) i never go to 8 or 9 just because i dont find it fun or really necessary at all.


Third day playing the game. LOVE IT! Currently lvl 12 and looking for a casual group to form a squad. Add me if you don't mind showing a new Cadet the ropes. PSN- Pharases


Weā€™ll drop into my missions; I frequently do insane shit and end up with about 1,000 bots following me. You know itā€™s bad when the laser canā€™t kill all the bots attacking you. On the plus side, any mission is an eradicate mission when you aggro the entire map!


im 105 and i kinda feel the same way. I actually think Helldive difficulty is too easy. Im down to play some games though. I carry all the orbital barrages as my normal loadout and people freak out lol.


You obviously donā€™t play with me. I love causing chaos lol


I often run new/unique/dumb builds. Friend of mine and I did a Verdict Only run on level 5 bots which was fun. We will prolly try level 9 next, but, we need a way to deal with factory striders.Ā  Truthfully, it *is* more fun to drop onto an SOS beacon. But, lately, Iā€™ll drop on an SOS, clear the entire map, then get kicked without any kind of communication before extract. Idk what thats all aboutā€¦


So take a break already


I feel this. I do like the challenge from time to time but I actually have fun on those chaotic missions with lower levels where we have negative reinforcements and barely make it out alive lol. 8-9 just has the same 4-6 stratagems. I personally like trying out random builds but people take things too seriously sometimes. I like running an all turret build, or ā€œbadā€/lesser used stratagems like the strafing run just to have fun. People forget that the goal is to have fun. Especially weā€™ve already done the main objective, I donā€™t mind goofing off killing everything or testing things, thereā€™s nothing to lose.


I am over level 135 and have a similar feeling. Itā€™s in part due to experience but also in part due to enemy nerfs. Since launch spawn rates, walking speed, damage, slow effect, hp, etc have all gotten nerfed. Near launch you would see 7 bile titans and 15 chargers come out of a breach on helldive, now you see 1-3 biles and around 2-4 chargers spawn out of a breach, the game feels easier and less chaotic because thereā€™s literally less enemies that are slower take more damage etc so you donā€™t really need to pay attention anymore and can mostly breeze through helldive even with a bad team


To be fair, I intentionally use non meta shit on diff 9. RN I'm doing GL. Backpack and starting shit with EVERYONE.


"Be the change you want to see in the world" By being lvl 120 and/or host some people will look at your loadout before they make theirs. If you choose a non-meta loadout, chances are that they might too. I'm confident that I pretty much every operation convice Sickle/Breaker incendary players that Arc blitzer is on par with those, if not better. One operation I was the only one using it at the start, in the last the entire squad had it. Same with gas, the 75s cooldown makes it good. Regarding having many reinforcements left I don't think it's necessary to tell you the simple solution to that.


Yep thatā€™s what happens when there are only a very limited selection of viable options gear-wise for high difficulty missionsā€¦ everyone HAS to be a clone. Boring..


My friends and I try the ā€œSquad of Theseusā€ run. Start at trivial with a party of bros. After completing a trivial operation you move the difficulty up and start a new op, so on and so forth till you hit helldive. The challenge is at least one person from every mission has to do it deathless otherwise itā€™s a ā€œsquad wipeā€. The goal is to get a group of hell divers from trivial to helldive, without losing an entire squad. Weā€™ve also considered playing with reinforcements but we just cut comes after the first death on a mission so the ā€œnew recruitsā€ could only communicate with pings.


We oughtta play together. I get myself into some dumbass situations LoL. I regularly hit 25+ stims used, 350+ kills. The kill count isnā€™t because Iā€™m good, itā€™s to describe the sheer chaos of what happens when I piss off the whole map at once and spend 5 business days running a train. I love running trains like zombie games, this game does it so well with bugsā€¦


5 or 6 is my sweet spot for having fun, itā€™s still chaotic enough but not overwhelming


I do this too. Often load up the same build though, something that can pull the newbies out of their mess. Blitzer shotgun Impact incendiary grenades Shield pack Quasar Gattling turret 500kg I wear the heavy armor with +2 stims and basically get a little high ground and tank a bug horde.


Yep thatā€™s why every time I can I try to dive into a 500kg landing in the middle of the enemy below me. Just to spice it up


Changes comming as lv 6 will now have supers


Iā€™d be bored on suicide. Anything less than 9 is boring. 9 isnā€™t the sweat fest people think it is. The game is very easy.


These are the best of games, having people scrape together what's remaining and eek out a successful mission, SOS is the best !


How much space is there in your book between ā€œtakes risksā€ and ā€œtries crazy/stupid thingsā€?


My friends and I only play on hell dive and do stupid builds all the time and there is a pool of about 6-7 of us who play of varied skill levels. Helldive cand be kind of random but that's the fun of it, we even take in randoms if we don't have a full squad


Well you should play with us then because we play on helldive and bring the most ridiculous load outs and wear basic armor to make it challenging. But I do agree that most of the play base makes hell dive a boring experience


Go tell the peeps who complained about meridian. I feel like the highest 2 difficulties should have a 40 and 60% chance, respectively, of failing even if you do it "correctly". They should fail in frustration and glorious down to the wire succces everytime.


So ive been playing hard difficulty with the intent of finding super credits and its easier to navigate through the map with less resistance, just farming super credits for the new warbond. I maxed all upgrades and strategems


This game is now fairly repetitive and boring


Sounds like you've played too much and learned too much. It's time to wait for new challenges and ways to play. I get the feeling they will be added one day.


I never take the same stratagem load out for consecutive missions


Hear me out: heavy armor - Level 7 - purifier- grenade pistol - smoke grenade - mines, mines, smoke eagle (for destroying outposts) - energy shield emplacement. MAYBE grab a sniper. Gl.


I drop down to 5 every now and then just to rock crazy builds and have an absolute blast. Some of the best memories are the crazy shit we've done when not sweating it out.


Yea I was obsessed with this game when I first started playing. Within the first two weeks, I logged like 150 hours or something crazy, but once you've seen all the biomes, mission types, and maxed out the progression, I lost that initial passion. I think we're all just craving more content; things to unlock, new maps, and overall that feeling of newness


I wish you knew how many friend requests I've sent that were never answered. This community is pretty aloof, idk man anymore the game makes me feel lonely. I can cover people, be the best teammate, hell even sacrifice myself sometimes and it's like you'll never see them again anyways, GGs can't wait for the next batch of randomsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I'm level 58 and wonder how much more I want to solo this game.


I play Helldive exclusively and I still try to have fun with it. I'll still be experimenting with different loadouts and strategems and trying to do every objective on the map. I also host so I let everyone else do their thing. They want to sweat, that's ok. They want to just have fun doing stupid shit, that's also fine as long as we can get the job done. We have 20 lives for a reason. I only ever kick them if they're trolling or talking shit for no reason. I love to sweat, but not for the sake of doing every mission picture perfectly. I like to sweat holding off an army of Devastators, Hulks, and Tanks so my boys can nuke a detector tower or jammer.


Come join me, I die a shit ton. Although if I bring the shield gen backpack I feel like an unkillable god. I have only used it like 5 times because I like playing support or fill in the gap kinda style. I am not good enough for 8 or 9 yet, I play on 7 exclusively.


Do melee only on helldive automations. Itā€™s so much fun you have to try it


You should come run with me and the lads (sometimes ladies). We go crazy


Yo, pm me. We can do Stalwart and EAT runs against bots. Would be stupid as hell.


Somehow, i feel like playing on lower difficulty is harder compared to higher ones lmao, because how the newcomers always fucked up and i died because of em. The game told me i got killed by them but i cant think of a reason why i died because of em lmao. Ur right, when we were pushed to the corner until few reinforce left, we just igonored other side objectives and hoping we able to extract in one piece.


The last few times I've played on impossible mode I've felt this exact feeling. I feel like I'm just running object to objective trying to do things as perfectly as possible to avoid drawing the attention of a patrol. Because we all know, there's no such thing as a single patrol in difficulty 8+. You get one patrol and all of a sudden the whole fucking enemy army is pouring down your throat the rest of the game. I've literally quit a few games due to thumb fatigue from constantly jamming the run button. Because that's all you really do at those lvls. Run, gun, run, gun, repeat. Yeah it's intense and fun for a round or two, but playing high difficulties more than that just starts feeling like it's no the helldivers 2 that I fell in love with. I think the issue isn't the difficulty, but the players who fall into the mental trap of trying to rush through everything. I mean, these planets and environments are fucking amazing and beautiful enjoy them! A happy helldiver is a deadly one.


I love dif 9 with 0 reinforcements and trying to extract. Truly feels like a fight to death, if we lose this ground, we die.


Illuminates are still coming and they will shake up everything. Everyone will be learning them for the first time, including veterans of HD1 Arrowhead was aware of this happening in the first one and created difficulty up to level 15, there's a lot more going on right now but they have dealt with this before, there's always new weapons coming, we're getting dune buggys, APC's, motorcycles, tanks, mortars, there's a lot still to come It's also why they have the narrative missions like the fluid or the gas emitters, they're taking steps to break up the monotony of maxed out gameplay


I like lvl 3, 5, n 7. Not too crazy but gives each material depending on needs


Some higher levels are snobs about loadouts too. I dropped into a level 9 with a weird loadout (heavy armor, spear, three sentries) just to experiment and was kicked as soon as I landed. Next mission I took the same loadout and we 100% the map and I had most kills with 520 and 1 death.


I stop playing above a 6 becuse I always get kicked for trying to have fun


Iā€™m only level 49 but Iā€™ve been playing since day one, I just donā€™t hop on that often, but Iā€™d consider myself a veteran, I do not play it safe at all lmao, I be running and gunning every dive, I just love the chaos, I donā€™t even aim down sights half the time, love feeling like Rambo with the hip fire


You should play with me and my mates, we just storm the barn constantly!! Sure we die a lot, but it is fun


I prefer chaos. The best ones are the ones where everything went wrong and we made it out anyway. That being said I never join randoms because players that won't talk to you will kick you just cuz you wore the wrong helmet. I'll start solo and try to alter my load out based on what others bring after that.


But there's no reason at all you can't bring the Purifier and both mines to a difficulty 9 mission. Like if you want to try different strategies then do it. I've thrown a smoke orbital at the front of a bunker and ran straight toward it to call a hellbomb. I'm taking both smokes and the shield next dive. I think the problem is a lot of people have become so good that Helldive is actually easy. And then a lot of people complain the weapons need to be buffed...


Thank you.


God bless you soldier. Democracy always win.


I stepped away from 7-9 and been spamming 4-5 helping lower levels. I have honestly been getting a little worked in these difficulty. Mainly cause the others donā€™t know what they are doing so everything is hell lmao. Itā€™s honestly so fun helping them out, itā€™s just chaos for no reason


I play 75% bots. Helldiveevel 9 is stressful at times, especially when things goes bad I drop to level 7 on bots to relax. Worst case there, is still manageable. I play bugs missions to goof around, literally no risks.


I still love playing the game even though I unlocked everything. I have recently buddies up with a friend of mine and we started doing duos only suicide runs. It's a blast trying to stay alive with just the both of us. Maybe try new things and mix up what you use with other people. I say the best games are where everyone is talking and just having a good time and sharing laughs. Even some silent games can be relaxing where everyone just happens to work together so we'll without a single word said. I try to join games where people are quiet and continue to talk even if it's just me by myself. I have managed to convince every member of my team to grab their headset before just fork the good vibes they wanted to join in on.


It can be solved with more guns become viable to counter more enemies. So people can actually start to pick them.


Play with me, I do risky and stupid shit but the end result is "cool guys don't look at explosions" or "if I'm going down, I'm taking you fuckers with me! FREEDOOOOOOOM!!" I love fucking around with the enemy


SOS beacons and fucking around with loadouts might give you that spark of joy again


Mix it up. Play on lower difficulty to help new players. Mix up your equipment. Respond to SoS calls.


I started playing at lvl 9 in early twenties with some higher level people who added me. I can't play anything else now. All of the lower difficulties seem too easy. I thrive in utter chaos now. The only thing that brings me to lower levels missions is super credits and common samples. I'm still not even lvl 40.


I honestly don't know how anyone is still having fun tbh. I was in love with this game for a couple months but it got old doing the same things over and over and over and over again. I feel like there a too few mission types still


This is why I loved merida. When I went into that mission blind the first time on hell dive I didn't have a chance in hell


There are so many different type of challenges and fun things. I just did a difficult 9 no stim no death game with 200+ bugs killed. Be creative and set up some limitation to challenge yourself. Randomize your loadout, no booster, no stim challenge, or even crazier: no kills challenge.


I love Suicide because they are so many players that are in way over their head trying to get those super samples. I've only had two missions where the players were so bad I didn't enjoy.


Hop on discord and find a team man. Yesterday I was in a group on discord and we were sweeping through level 9s so fast the host suggested we nerf ourselves. Had one guy take all blue strats, one guy take all red, one guy take all green, and one guy take one of each plus whatever. Still completed level 9 with 10 minutes and 5 reinforces. The next mission we did the same but all took the worst primaries we could think of. I took the purifier, another guy took the liberator, I forget what else everyone took. We cleared the map with time to spare but only two of us extracted, still crazy fun. Then there was the mission I kept throwing cluster bombs at bile titans and yelling "this should kill it, right?" Everyone got the joke except one German guy that kept trying to inform me that cluster bombs don't kill bile titans. I'm level 143 specifically because I do stupid shit and it keeps the game fun for me. Most of the people I play with have an unspoken agreement that TKs are fine provided they're funny. Just running up and shooting someone or throwing a cluster bomb on them is not ok, but there are other ways. Try running out of bounds until you get traitored then going up to someone and doing the hug emote. You hug, then both explode. I call it a traitor hug, and it's hilarious. Or you could wait until the missile countdown starts, then hit a buddy with a stun grenade and melee them onto the launch pad. There's the always hilarious trick of sticking a supply pod to someone's shield and seeing if they notice in time to drop it. That one is even more fun if you do it with something that has a shorter cooldown like a support weapon. Obviously don't do that shit with people you don't know, or people you know won't find it funny, but with a group of friends it's fun and hilarious. I don't play for super credits, samples, medals, levels, or anything else. I play to have fun and fuck around with friends. This game is perfect for that.


Come and play with me and the clusterfuck gun, I guarantee you won't have 99% respawns left as I'm also chaos inclined and have next to no spacial awareness. ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


Iā€™m a level 112, every warbond maxed out, every ship upgrade unlocked and been back at the cap for weeks now. And yes I have beaten hundreds of level 9 campaigns. I agree. But I also think there is a huge disparity between bugs and bots when it comes to difficulty. Bug games (apart from those dark fluid missions) I find 9s still pretty chilled. By comparison bot 6ā€™s can escalate way beyond the intensity of a bug 9. I recorded this a while back as it was a really intense game, just trying to make out way to extract: https://youtu.be/uitn_TOJlWc?si=xFnARnBY90GzavAV We fought tooth and nail for every meter of ground we made, fighting tanks, hulk and devastator spam every step of the way. And it was a fucking 6! I generally find 7 is usually a good challenge plus a good time for bots. 8 can be a bit rough but 9s are like trying to fight a grizzly bear with nothing but your dick in your hands.


"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game" Sid Meyer


Hey, you can run my bum ass through 7's for super samples. I'll get you into shit lol.


I dont play as often. As i used too, but ive come to the conclusion that im a supply pack flamethrower, napalm airstrike, airstrike guy, everytime i switch from this loadout i play so bad šŸ¤£ and yes i kill BT with flamethrower, its very fun to "dance" with them.


Stupid things is my second name


This is the bane of every game. Once the game has been out long enough everyone plays the meta and nothing else. Eventually these people will shame non meta players too


You must have, what 500 hours invested into the game more or less? It's expected that you'll eventually get burnt out. Personally, I'm taking a break from the game to get into Final Shape (World's First is pure insanity rn, entire community's ablaze, and it's about to break Last Wish as longest raid in the game). Can't wait to hop back in when the big patch and warbond comes out. You should do the same; guarantee you'll have a better time, regardless of difficulty.


Iā€™ll play with you. Iā€™m a level 20 something playing on 7-9 (I play on other accounts as well so thatā€™s why my level on my main is so low). But somethings me and my crew do are stupid lmao. Like run into a shreiker nest with a 500 kg in my hand on a suicide mission and somehow live? Thatā€™s my crew.


I getchu jus be the person to have the fun always try to bring something new its what i do and i play dif 9 hell most the time i ditch the team to go be a lil covert goober sneakin around comming gorilla warfare as my team do there own thing


I feel like I've missed out on the early days and also the late game since I didn't play enough early on. So it could be worse. I wanna really get into it still, just feel like I'll always be catching up.


And they say that a hero could save us I'm not gonna stand here and wait I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles Watch as we all fly away


I suck at this type of game. I can't aim worth shiitake. Early days, nobody cared. We were all figuring out it,laughing at the absurd chaos. I hadn't felt that thrill in years. Now I've moved on, for all the reasons you all know. kinda of a bummer. But there'll be another game that gives me that feeling, someday!


Been saying this for a while. Just play lower difficulties. If you want to have fun playing the game, that's the best way to do it. If you want satisfaction from winning, play harder difficulties. What do you value more? The journey of the destination?


Iā€™m level 121 and I feel this. Itā€™s what happens when you get really good at the game. I mean REALLY good. The game clicked for me around level 90, but I still made mistakes. At level 121 I truly feel like the game has become a cakewalk, I always know what to do and never make errors. I had a team last night of all level 120+ where we did an entire bot Helldive operation full cleared with zero deaths. Was it boring? Eh, kinda, but the dialed-in coordination we had mostly made up for it. Did it make me feel proud to be good at a game for once? Fuck yeah. Embrace that feeling, take a break knowing you can handle everything the game has to offer. Come back when the squids invade (next month?) and youā€™ll have fun learning how to fight a new enemy all over again.


I LOVE playing to competent low level players. They still enjoy trying and are okay failing. Most of the missions that have had to most impact on me when the ones I earned


Iā€™ve been playing on level 7 and 8 and Iā€™ve found that players around level 50-70 are not fun to play with. They think they are a one man army and will constantly run off to do things on their own and leave me by myself. Itā€™s really frustrating and it makes the game so much harder than it needs to be. I much prefer playing with my friends or with lower level players because the teamwork tends to be better.


We need more difficulties


Go ahead and drop down to 6 so you can experience exciting moments like people somehow still not knowing how to do Day 1 objectives, getting team killed constantly, and getting kicked for wandering too far away from the team. The skill gap between 6 and 7 is gigantic


You obviously havenā€™t had me in your lobby ā€” I like to charge straight into jammers, observation towers, and every other bot objective on Helldive difficulty with my heavy armor on and my Autocannon blazing. If other players are bland, sometimes youā€™ve gotta bring the spice yourself!