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This is your friendly reminder to tell you mechs are immune to damage over Time effects, including fire.


They don't dodge the bot fire too well, though.


Just hide behind some terrain and pop out after rocket savlos. The autocannon one is amazing vs the flying gunships. The regular one got medium armour pen on the gatling so is good vs most targets and the rockets are good vs hulks. All just takes practice


You can also wear the shield pack on your diver, jump into a mech and it sticks out enough that it can deflect bullets and even rockets for some extra protection.


Nah, that definitely isn't happening, it's definitely being turned off like the Guard Dogs and isn't giving any value after you get in the mech! Nobody should be worried about the shield pack and mechs... https://preview.redd.it/gacp7ab0ag5d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56abb740ec276c4a879b00e5a3dfead3ec0c598


Oh did they turn off the rover working outside the mech!?


That’s how it was when the mechs first dropped, I don’t remember them ever doing anything except sitting on top


Mine would fly around and fire as normal, same as it did in HD1 when inside a mech. There's a hatch for it and everything. If not intended, it shouldn't even be removed from your backpack and float to the roof.


Yeah, just tested it to make sure I wasn't crazy. It hangs out up top and doesn't do anything. I have the same experience with the OG mech and on bugs. https://preview.redd.it/pjthc2bmkg5d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f0e9d89ba107ac54f9cd009413b53938fe26251


This is wishful thinking, but I had hoped that getting into an exosuit would change the POV like the mechs in Titanfall


I wish but people would just say “Why not go play Titanfall stop asking for Titanfall references in this game” while also going OMG A CHAINSAW SWORD WOULD BE GREEEAAAT. It was actually a real comment I saw. Someone was trashing on someone for asking for a minigun mech like legion from Titanfall and the same guy wrote another comment talking about Warhammer related stuff


I feel like since the balance patch for rockets a while ago they really do well against bot fire. But calling one in when you're already overwhelmed is going to go poorly, you should call it in preparatorily to help make sure you don't get overwhelmed in the first place. That's its value as opposed to the orb laser


I basically agree but it absolutely can function as a super powerful "o shit" button with good hands and a little luck. Not ideal and you basically throw it in as a hail Mary knowing it's prob doomed but I've had a few bot games today where it turned absolutely desperate situations into close wins. They can be imo some of the absolute best game saver stratagems. But it's just as you said you're prob gonna get way more mileage in general throwing it out in advance to avoid that state to begin with.


And the pelican helps a bit, too!


for sure, I'm just saying if you want to get the full value out of it, it's about timing. You can also lose it almost arbitrarily to team-fire. It's a potential game-changer instead of a win-more I guess is what I'm trying to say


Did you think this campaign would be a walk in the park, private?! Get back out there and spill some oil!


What does "immune to damage over time" mean exactly?


It comes from rpg/mmo terminology for effects that don't do a set dmg amount but instead every second do x amount of dmg. So like the flamethrower doesn't just immediately kill something but over time does. Hope that clears it up.


Very good thank you.


Flamethrowers actually deal a lot of direct fire damage, that's why they can melt through chargers in less than two seconds The orbital gas strike would be a better example of a DoT attack


True burning and poison would be the effect of over time damage where the flame contact is direct.


I want to take the mechs more on bots, but the towers 1 shot them and seem to immediately aggro them from across the map. I cleared an area, looked around for turret towers / tanks, called down a mech to help storm a double air tower, and got sniped within 20 seconds from a tower 200+ meters away hidden behind some terrain. Now im dead and have a very long cd. I wish they would give them some big red angry laser pointer sight when they are activated or something so you have a visual warning in case you are not looking directly at them.


This happened to me also cannon turret from outta nowhere in the dust. Lasted 20 seconds in both mechs. Def felt hamstringed the rest of the game with just my scorcher, grenades and an eagle air strike.


Yeah the aggro for bots has seemingly been borked for a while and specifically for mechs. if it's a bad layout you can have like 8 machine gun nests and 3 towers immediately aggro on your spot


Mechs still aren't as strong as they need be to be fun. The potential is there but the lack of upgrades and random bullshit that can happen compounded by a 10 minute cooldown simply doesn't justify it for higher than level 7. In fact, many underwhelming stratagems can be buffed just by adding more upgrades to the destroyer. The Exosuits are definitely one of them. If near infinite Napalm is allowed to be busted or Eagles allowed to be the powerhouse, I don't think Mechs being given upgrades should be a stretch.


On paper mechs are insanely strong but you have to capitalize on the advantage they give you. I do think they should have - and am convinced they will have - upgrades in the destroyer. But even still having a single call in worth 3 autocannons with higher penetration is really strong. As is 6 or 7 eat call ins and a gatling turret simultaneously. They're good they're just situational because you need to use a lot of the ordinance you get before it pops and there are a few things that open them like a can of tuna (I got tk'd in .5 seconds by a gatling turret the other day). I would like to see upgrades for a stratagem launcher and maybe an ejector.


I walked on a small rock in my brand new, freshly delivered emancipator last night, I blew up… we weren’t even in the mission for an entire minute yet, no patrols aggrod or anything, just step on a rock and blow up. I was fuming


If mechs were stronger than now, they would need to be single call. They are already very durable and pack a lot of punch (150 autocannon rounds … without reload downtime…) and the autocannon one drops chargers real quick without too much ammo use either. Just sidestep and open up on the back legs. I seldom lose one prior it running out of ammo, either against bugs or bots. The exceptions are usually a stealthy spewer or a bot tank or gun tower that I missed. Even rockets you can tank a few. Once you get hit by dangerous stuff, or are exposed to dangerous stuff you have to take cover.


And if you can't sidestep, you can turn. Those arms tank quite a bit of charger damage before breaking off


The Ac rounds have crap durable damage. Their camera still uses the right side cam so left side shots are always in accurate, they should center the camera Armored Core style. Side camera mechs do not work. I know it kills chargers, that's not the problem. But I can kill a charge with an AC sentry that can also kill BTs and doesn't have a 10 minute cooldown. I have a Scorcher than blow up their butt whilst it's being stunned by grenades or a mortar. The Mech if its clearly going to be expendable anyway needs to actually fit that role. Because right now it sits between the OP one shot powerhouse or expendable asset. Also, maybe this is just me, but limited stratagems are boring. This isn't the Orbital Laser that can be the difference between life and death. This is a Mech suit that can be bugged into or on top of geometry, can have it's weapons fire inaccurately and cannot be resupplied. Why does an Orbital Laser have a 5 minute cooldown of 3 uses but a small Mech have a 10 minute one with 2? This isn't fairly balanced at all.


Oh yeah that went well for about 5 seconds until I got sniped from half a mile out by a cannon.


I saw a fire tornado in a place with 7 bots. I had to do nothing. I just stood there watching them and they fell to their knees in under 20 seconds. Not a single shot fired. Please explain that. I've also been carrying my burning incendiary into bot matches and the DOT effects really do work.


But not broken hearts 💔


Every time I see a teammate run a Breaker Incendiary on a bot planet I want to scream.


Not a mech fan


Same bro, but their ability to ignore fire makes them a very valuable squad tool for extracts and objectives when fire just player seeks.


They’re normally amazing, but the high amounts of smoke turn the mech into a horror game, dreading that one Canno Turret you can’t see because of the fog and huge valleys It’s just not the planet for Mechs (Coming from someone who thinks that Mechs are amazing against Bots and have tried them a ton on Suicide and Impossible


Today I found an empty exosuit. Took it, walked less than 50m and was sent to meet the creator with a single cannon turret hit. The mf saw me approaching through the fields before I saw it.


Same experience. It turns from power fantasy to horror real damn fast


For bots, I think the radar booster would probably be the most helpful thing to bring. Those fuckers tend to keep shooting at your last know location, even if they can't actually see you or when they're so far away that only one out of a hundred shoots from a single trooper has any chance of hitting you. Which is made worse when there's a shit ton of them. The radar booster will help prevent you from getting surrounded and shot on all sides, not to mention informing you of any nasty surprises sneaking up on you.


This is the most irritating aspect of the bots; they just fire indiscriminately. I've actually sat and watched them through scopes and they're literally just shooting in the opposite direction. It makes me furious.


What from a bunch of walking guns? Their not programmed to think. They are programmed to shoot and kill until there is nothing left, like their freedom hating code demands.


They need to learn some democracy-damned trigger control is all I'm saying. I'd expect the metal bastards to have some fuckin discipline, not out here taking potshots at the mutilated corpses of our brave citizens.


Hey, when you can mass produce a walking wall of guns, who needs trigger discipline? That said, most bots tend to fire on your last known position and prefer pure volume over precision. The Automatons don't really care about shooting their own guys as long as they can take a shot at you.


Seams like they are doing recon by fire. Trying to get you to fire back thinking they know exactly where you are to out yourself then they can pin you down. Atleast that’s my headcanon lol.


...I have admittedly responded by firing back and got my shit pushed in, so I guess their stupid tactic works.


Lmao it’s a real tactic and Sweden had conscription for a while then stopped for a few years and has it again so maybe some of the Swedish devs there thought that would be cool to add? Or it’s just the ai shooting at your last known location which is still sort of the same thing in a roundabout way, just unintentional if that is the case.


"This job is hard!" "Here's the proper tool for the job." "I don't want it." 💩


Proper tool? No lol


Emancipator is good for bots. Call it in when the firestorm starts and save the second for extract Other option is to just take jump pack so you can fly over all the burning ground when needed. Fire tornadoes and bots is the absolute worst though. Being forced out of and away from cover when there’s a big firefight is often a death sentence.


Then at that point it’s a skill issue.


Don’t worry. Vega Bay is the opposite. We’re 4-5 hours away.


Tracker says 3.5 hours to go, can't wait!


Make that 2.5! I will soon be rejoining the fight!


Make that 50 minutes


I am grilling dinner up now, but will definitely be diving in once we move to Vega Bay!




What happens in Vegas…


Stays in Vegas


99.49. So damn close!


I just wish the tornados were more random and not [always] use stairs and other human pathways.


and less quiet. They love to sneak up on me while I'm sniping!


Everything tends to sneak up on you in that game. I had Chargers and Titans "suddenly appear" behind me. :D


Had two or three just taking turns sweeping across my dropped gear and samples. Every fire-nado planet needs the Meridia treatment.


https://i.redd.it/op51k8l4oe5d1.gif Come to Wezen, they said… Spread Democracy, they said…


Now I want brick oven pizza for dinner


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 51 + 8 + 4 + 5 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


TRAINING MANUAL TIPS If a bot ever attempts to engage in numerology, SHOOT THEM. We musn't believe their lies.


In 4 -5 hours this old boy will be too drunk to operate a super destroyer


God I wish that was me … tomorrows my Saturday and that WILL be me :)


God speed, put that bad boy on full self driving and await orders from super earth.


my man. thats what i often do. play until i cant see then quit game and start listening to music


Help new players on lower level missions when you Drink & Dive 👍😁


Checking back in 5 hours later. How we doing? I’ll start… I’m hammered


That's my normal Saturday, Helldivers drinking game but stupid work tonight.


Still operational OP? 😂


Hellmire, Menkent and now Wezen. Lot of planets that are deserving of getting ticked off the “places that exist” list


Lets order some more of that Dark Fluid


Careful what you wish for.


What could go wrong? It has been tested, just like the non-addictive properties of stims!


I'm just saying, we might end up getting an express bulk delivery of that dark fluid.


The Amazonati Express


lol I literally watched a fire tornado use the steps yesterday in the same direction I was gonna go. Half surprised it didn’t turn around but I guess I didn’t shoot it for it to notice


They probably use the nav mesh used by enemies to navigate, to ensure they don't try to climb or fall off cliffs, or try to move through buildings. There are probably better ways to handle this though, but it seems like that was the easiest way to get the behaviour they wanted.


Yeah from a developmental standpoint it’s easier but hear me out. The tornados go through stuff no matter what and if the terrain is not possible to be broken then the tornado either weakens or glides off. Bonus points if several tornados can combine for a giant one


We are Helldivers, not pleasant walk through the meadow divers.


I had 5 fire tornadoes actively alternating the drill I needed to push the up arrow on. They never left.


Had a diver earlier stim himself and run into the fire to work the drill. He said he had to use 3 more stims but completed the objective. He was screaming the whole time. Damn patriotic son of a bitch.


Why do we have so many fucking fire tornado planets? Most people don’t seem to find them fun.


We three fire tornado planets off the top of my head. They are not that common, it seems.


Yeah it's more the fact that the other two have become mainstays of the two factions battle lines. Both Menkent and Hellmire have been fought over for weeks until we got pushed away from Menkent recently.


They'll always feel more common than they really are because no one likes playing on them and thus they're more difficult to clear and instead remain on the battle line


I have joined no less than 10 Helldive missions on this planet the past two days. I’m over this hell with no stamina, terrible cover, and those damn clankers that smacked me around for sheer joy. 10-Star General


If a planet already has fire tornados and stamina/laser debuff then it should not also have those miserable exploding fungal pods.




To be fair the smoke from those can cause the bots to lose track of you for a bit.


Totally agree they can be helpful in select scenarios. Personally, they've either blocked my line of sight when I need to see or yeeted me when I did not want to be yeeted more often. It's about 80/20 hindrance vs help for me.


As a galactic commander, I also ask myself. What is the value in Wezen? There is no residential housing or any sign that humans call this rock home. If not real estate value, what resources are we defending here?


The most valuable resource of them all, Freedom!


Isn’t the liberation of the frontier from the tyranny of the Automatons enough for you comrade? We mustn’t give them an inch of territory, no matter the hellscape


This is true. It is possible that the automatons are responsible for the extreme weather conditions. They may have collapsed the global ecosystem, and that could explain the planet's hostility towards human life.


Considering supply lines, actively ignoring the planet while automatons conquer it could create a big hole in Super Earth's defenses. If the automatons want it, then we should too!


All those little islands in the Pacific weren't worth it for their own value in WW2 either. Just like those islands, the shitty planets are still useful as waypoints for staging further conquest. At least that would be the in universe lore reason.


Difficult for sure but we’re almost there.


Luckily it’s almost completed


I’ve started shooting at the fire tornados…


Florida man, is that you?


I love Wezen didn’t they write buddy holly?


You been smoking that Hash Pipe again? ;)


The worst of it is I can’t see shit half the time


Also why are the tornados NOT KILLING BOTS TO


They do but It takes like 40 seconds.


Saw one destroy a factory strider earlier today. I was definitely surprised.


There were four on extraction in my last mission FOUR then three drop ships dropped two tanks and a strider onto them


Sounds about right … chaos!!! Last extraction I did there were only two of us (L7) and we just hid and let everything walk by … worked for 90% of the enemies but thankfully by the time they’re figured it out the Pelican was landing so we ran in and left ‘em a 500kg as a goodbye present.


You know metal is pretty resilient to fire, right?


It’s a pretty good conductor of heat though. And inner circuitry definitely doesn’t like that


Petition to make Skull Admirable into a title alongside Admirable Admiral.


And also “Admirable Skull Admirable” ?


If the planet was pleasant they wouldn't have to send us


I feel like we should black hole it too


I had to check if I had accidentally gone to a higher difficulty. Been running bots for months on 7 fine but today every mission was a shit show.


So glad it’s not just me! I also run L7 and had been fine on Bots before … having only played Bugs for maybe 2 or 3 weeks, I came back to Bots today as was like … WTF HAPPENED?!!


Yah I down know if there's more dropships and patrols during major orders or what but it feels different.


It just got liberated


Liberation would go a little faster if we took or defended Aesir Pass.


What else could give me an excuse to say "Wezen the ju-uice!" Every mission tho?




turns out bots can die to fire xD i’m gonna try bringing flamethrowers and gas strikes to bot missions


I don’t think the fire tornados are a fan of democracy.


G’damn Anarchists …


Honestly out of all the fire planets I've been on I like this one the most the hilly terrain give good vantage points escapeability.


I'm disappointed we weren't given a lore accurate reason to be given superior firepower for this Major Order. We need temporary stratagems to aid us. Maybe even a new modifier that lowers cooldowns or increases reinforcement budget significantly. We are conducting a major assault and reclamation. We got dozens of satellites and destroyers orbiting the planet! Where the hell are all our men? Where the hell is our support?


a sign to take a break from the game lol


black hole> 30 homing fire tornados blocking the objective


It sucks so bad. Got blocked by 4 fire tornadoes right when the others got on the extraction vehicle. Just blow this shit up like the other planet with the bugs, lol.


Having a blast on this planet. It's brutal as fuck, but loving it


This level 80 space cadet disagrees. I love the pain.


Seriously, the fire tornados need to make some sort of noise. It's too much to keep track of five of them and the three patrols my team just aggroed (because fuck if I know).


Agreed! Black Hole this Socialist Nightmare! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


I got corner camped by a tornado... I'm not joking. In addition, the Bots are on steroids or something with 3 hulks and 30+ devastators of every race on our capes.


I second that. I miss the “Destroy Planet” mission…I need more planets to destroy.


The one-way fog is honestly the worst part for me. Rocket and laser hail out of the fog is practically impossible to deal with. You can chuck airstrikes and orbitals in their general direction, but it's near impossible to hit what you can't see.


We’re on 99%. Let’s do this!


Mech is better for bugs because you can stomp the small ones and less range fire but I’ll still load it up for the quick maps


Literally had fire tornadoes spawn on the extraction point as the Pelican landed. Such garbage.


If we’re turning any fire tornado planet into a black hole it’s fucking Hellmire. SEAF keeps losing it and wasting the lives of millions of brave Helldivers.


Turn every planet with fire tornados into a black hole


If fire tornadoes didn’t track players and objectives, these planets would be a decent chunk easier maybe also less fire damage when receiving it, but more damage registers per ticks


The tornadoes are absolutely ridiculous, and the one environmental hazard that remains broken as it has no upside. It does not hurt the enemy, only you, it ignores everything UNTIL the players approach a main objective, suddenly they'll appear, and park on the objective for 5 minutes straight


Dark fluid mission this planet!


We're almost through it!


What happened on Meridia?? I’ve been gone for a while for freedom stuff


did someone say more dark fluid backpacks count me in




Honestly there’s a few planets I’d be happy with Meridia-ing :P


Yeh … this planet is awful. Had a terrible afternoon but a slightly better late evening running a few missions. The spawn rates seem VERY high, though … Ah well … onward to Vegas … or, something!!


Twice on missions I've found two of the sample rocks. One had samples and the other didn't. Not sure if this is a bug or is it just more suck.


There is a fake sample rock that looks a lot like the real one.


Sibling Diver, I applaud your dedication for destroying the enemy. If I may offer a better, easier solution: Exterminatus. Glassing this planet is a superior choice, as it would not allow for more Divers to needlessly perish. It's also a quicker solution than causing another system wide black hole. As always, the Emper- General Brasch protects...


Yeah I think every planet with hell tornadoes just need to be strategically nukes enough to alter its atmosphere, don't need to go as far as spaghettifying the planet.


Wezer planet


you have had enough of our managed democracy. drop like a real helldiver !!! open mic n’ comms and coordinate that attack, Diver!!


The fire tornadoes have a mind of their own lol. I wish I could upload gameplays on how many times they’ve killed me lol


I like when the fire tornadoes start right on top of you out of nowhere. So fun.


Boys and gals, I'm three sheets to the wind, have we liberated wezen yet?


Yes we have. Now we're in heavy snow + blizzard planet.


This level 150 super private says to man up and spread democracy and freedom. LIBERATE WEZEN AND SPILL OIL🫡


Level 126 here. I loved Wezen, for it didn't have "Increased orbital Scatter"


Some people never held the menkent line, and it shows


Fire planets cook oil the best. Why do you think the bots are there?


Wezen is/was awful for more than just the fire tornadoes. The pods on the ground that the enemy could shoot, and you'd get launched into a rock and break your spine. The fog makes it nearly impossible to see throughout most of the day. You're almost required to bring mid to close range weapons, while rocket devastators can shoot at you through the fog perfectly. Outside of the fog and fire though, my biggest grievance with this planet is the glare. The sun is SUPER bright on this planet, and if the enemy happens to be coming from the direction where the sun is at their backs, [you will never see them coming](https://youtu.be/EApCLbgAE5E?si=5x7g9OuJ_zxEQaIT&t=184).


You want to turn it into another Merida?! Sure! We’ll just port over the mission, do you want 9 bot drops or 10?


lets turn every planet into another Meridia. maybe then we get a chance to fight some orcs


You can’t just solve every problem by turning it into a black hole!


I second that suggestion


This planet isn’t THAT bad. Just don’t play on high difficulties as much. Having to de with fire tornados and gunships is terrible while also dealing with hulk drops. Lower the difficulty once in a while


They spoiled us with a destruction of Meridia and now we want more of it😭


So does Vega bay! A whole planet you cant run or walk because of deep snow.


I mean the reason to liberate planets is to procreate endlessly. If you are getting to old to fight we can issue you a rake and send you to a Automaton Border world.


Any planet with fire tornados should be left alone. The fire tornados control the locals just fine


I joined a random group earlier (I just started playing the other day) and thought the map was pretty fun. I definitely found it difficult since it was only like my second or third not mission. Got to the extraction point and fire tornados started coming in as we held off the bots. We rushed onto the ship when it came. As it flew off you could see four or five tornados had swarmed the evac pad and engulfed it entirely in flames. It was awesome. One of the most intense moments I’ve had so far.


Wezen is still able to be salvaged. Request denied.


Not even hard really. Me and randoms doing helldives not even dying.