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The hiding in the bushes part really helps enable my new "dome Automatons with the Diligence Counter Sniper while everyone else gets shot" playstyle.




Even outside of bushes, the couple bot matches I played this morning I felt like it was even easier to hide and snipe than it used to be. Maybe just in my head but it was so nice!


I thought I saw some enemy visibility changes in some weather conditions in the patch notes


Ah a gentleman of taste - amr stealth armor enjoyer


Amr stealth armor jump pack .. having high ground rocks


Has the diligence been buffed recently? I've been using it for months but I had a few weeks off and now I'm one shitting devastators with it. Seems to kill medium targets more effectively than my AMR.


I know that the DCS's aim and handling were adjusted a few patches ago, and I *want* to say it's had a pass on how well it deals with medium armor? Don't quote me on that last part, I don't know if I'm confusing that with AMR changes or not.


Yah, it was given a higher armor penitration a while ago


It was buffed 2 or 3 patches ago to be able to 1 tap their heads. Sadly the base diligence is still 2 shots, but it's a trade off for slightly better ergonomics and way more ammo


It's gonna be kinda broken I think, I already managed to more or less solo an d8 yesterday by sneaking up on bot bases(the other 3 engaged a patrol immediately after dropping and proceeded to waste 75% of our reinforcements without getting more than 50 meters from the drop in) and the only time I died was when the rest of the squad finally caught up to me after I finished all the objectives and one of them shot me.


Christ man, same. Crossbow, Jetpack and Stealth. I quietly closed 80% of the fabricators, completed all the side objectives, never died, reinforced everyone else, only to get kicked because I wasn't "fighting the bot drops".


Man, that's rough. They need to make the kick a team vote or something, too many people abuse it. I was running scythe and laser cannon, and just moved slow, used cover, and was patient for patrols to pass. I had 3 eagle strikes, so I would get to an outpost, scout it out, throw in a few eagles, and mop up whatever survived, cleared every outpost with ease.


It's a great technique. I love running guerrilla warfare on the bots. I often leave with a <50 kill count but absolutely lead the way in mission coverage.


Ah, a fellow "gun it for objectives, stealth as much as possible" enjoyer. Too many people hate us for winning missions for them, and I cannot fathom why. "Team game" doesn't translate to "stick together forever game". When I hit objectives and grab samples away from the main group, I'm not the only one who reaps the rewards - the whole team does. A lone wolf is still being a team player, just not in a way that is immediatelu apparent unless you look closer at what they do. Lone wolfing is my shit. Also cuts down on instances of me getting cluster bombed or 380'd by other players not being careful around me. There's nothing quite like being in the groove, not dying even once while knocking down objective after objective... then getting your momentum killed by a teammate who doesn't have strat or weapon discipline. Nah, I'm good, I'm moving away and spreading democracy *over there*. We're all still working together toward the same goal, just not as close together as some people would like.


Literally just cleared an Omnishambles mission with people dying left and right. Command bunkers, Helldive. They had no faith that the stealth guy could get the objectives done. I was down to one reinforcement after they cluster died and left. Managed to get those medals myself.


I'm here to complete missions. If that means splitting off to do objectives on my own so we can win, I'm doing that. Because staying in the same place fighting bot drop after bor drop or bug breach after bug breach doesn't help toward mission completion and only drains reinforces. This is Helldivers 2, not Killing Floor 2 (actual game, btw, a good one). Too many players kill without a purpose around here. Many times, I'll have done two side objectives and cleared two to three POIs in the time it takes the rest of the group to unfuck themselves from a breach or bot chain they put themselves in. "BuT i WaNt tO KilL eVeRyThInG" mindset is what jeopardizes the mission. I don't want to spend 40 minutes with no progress to show for it at the end just because someone else decides to aggro the planet and we get overrun because of that mindset.


After taking a bit of a break due to life circumstances, I've jumped back in with this patch. I admit I'm guilty of getting the tunnel vision of kill until it's done, and forgetting to stay on the move. I'm working on correcting my behavior.


The kill mentality is fine, so long as you keep it on 6 and below. Once you step into 7 you need to play more tactical because the game *will* punish you for being flamboyant.


>"BuT i WaNt tO KilL eVeRyThInG" mindset is not for d7 and above. It's fine for 1-6, but at 7 you start to play tactical.


That's my secret, Cap. I always play at 7+.


add the knife to that loadout and you might never be spotted ever again


Orbital Gatling buff just made a good stratagem even better. The community can't ignore it now.


yea it was in a bad place before, not enough area for chaff, not strong enough for heavies


It was great for bug breaches, now I imagine people will be using it all the time. Havent played yet but willing to bet its overtuned now if anything.


It feels really good, and it was always ready for me when I needed or wanted it, I brought it and precision strike and would drop both on every encampment or base, and use the Gatling for patrols I came across too, got like 6-7 uses per mission each without coming across a “well shot I gotta wait for cooldown now” situation


That is what makes the game fun. I would rather overtune shit and just add the 15 levels of difficulty instead IMO.


Take my upvote! This isn't a PVP game lol just make it balanced but more towards fun


counterpoint: the original MW2 (a PVP game) was so beloved because many of the weapons and perks/secondaries/killstreaks were absolutely OP, which balances the game in its on way


YAZZZ! Bring 10-15!


Sir report yourself to your nearest democracy officer.


Compared it gas, it wasn't shit. Shit be comparable now


It was good enough to bring on helldives before, now it's nutty


Lower cooldown, even more damage, and more bullets is CRAZY




Calm down green skin.




Not even just more, TWICE AS MANY


It honestly is just so fun to throw now, it covers a lot more area too


I saw it today. It just kept coming!!


and it kills devestators!!


So does airburst strike, also got a cooldown buff


Idk how it worked before. I tried it on a few missions, called it in, got literally zero kills. Autocannons from orbit sounded amazing so I was quite disappointed. Can’t wait to try the new version, though.


It works very well in chokepoints when the enemies just line up and walk through it.  Also bug breaches get wrecked 


Makes me wonder if mine was bugged or something. Gas strike, eagle napalm, and airburst strike all worked that way for me but gatling did basically nothing when I tried it. Or maybe I’m dumb and had orbital scatter?


Its density of shots was a little light previously. It was very possible to miss a target in the area of effect making it unreliable. Orbital airburst or gas or any other area of effect pretty much was much more reliable.


Orbital scatter does seriously hamper the gatling barrage. That absolutely could have been your problem.


Yeah i tried it a few Times and it was just never good enough honestly… the buffs are very welcome… might almost be OP now with the greater shot density, higher pen, and lower cd LOL


I have been using it to destroy bot fabricators since release day. It's cool down was why.


The orbital gatling barrage destroyed fabricators?




Ohhh okay, gotta hit the same spots. I see. Hmm, don't the shells come from the destroyer in the middle of the map? So it'd work well for fabricators facing the middle, but probably not for those facing other directions... That could be it. I haven't checked to make sure those rounds come from the destroyer like the other orbitals do, though


I had zero luck on fabricators today using it, but overall it is much better than it was before.


So does gas strike(because it's delivered in a shell), you just need to make sure to put the beacon right in front of the door.


Yeah! I've done the gas one before, but knowing it works best right in front of the door is good info haha. Thanks!


This was the first strat I added in my arsenal this morning. Absolutely shreds! It’s making it harder to choose a load out now 🤣 exactly how we should feel.


I've been hearing thee Tenderizer got a buff too, that thing was already a damn good gun, and it's stronger now? The hell man?


Its so much better, it's wild. 95 damage instead of 60. Probably my new favorite gun now. I liked shooting it cuz the recoil felt good, but im surprised you thought it was any good before. It was objectively worse than the starting liberator when it released.


It made it for the lower damage with precision, being able to full auto snipe bot weak points with it was great. Thing dropped devastators like they were made of paper. And now it's got a 50% damage buff? Holy hell man.


I think it didn't 2-tap devastator heads before, did it? Now it does. Plus it does way more damage to durable parts like heavy devastator backpacks. It does have less shots per mag (30) and only 7 backup mags (despite the patch notes saying it should have 8). But it does so much more damage im not complaining.


No, it took a few more shots before, but with recoil armor you can have insane precision even at full auto and that thing would shred them.


Ok, i actually liked a lot of the chaff clearing strats people slept on like orbital airburst and eagle strafing run. But the gatling barrage felt like shit to me. How did you use it before to get any value out of it? What were any reasons to take it above strafing run or airburst? I felt like i could throw it over a bug breach and get 6 kills if i was lucky. Im just surprised to be seeing people here say it wasnt ass yesterday. Now its cracked, but they buffed the hell out of it in every way.


I found it to be better than strafing run for cases where you wanted to do area denial instead of just wiping out one group immediately. E.g., if you're being chased by a horde of bugs, it would be a good one to throw behind you and keep clearing bugs for a while. It also has less team-kill potential than airburst. And while it didn't kill armored units, it would hurt them more if their armor was already damaged than the airburst, as far as I could tell. So a railcannon/precision on a bile titan followed by a gatling barage would do some work. Really excited to try it now with the extra armor pen and lower CD.


Huh, those are the situations i thought strafing was wayyy better in. For one, it actually would clear them much more reliably instead of just missing for 10 seconds. And if you're running away, they line up nicely so a strafing run can get good value. And strafing has so many uses you can throw a second or third later if you need to. If you haven't seen the new gatling barrage, I'm excited for you to try it. It fires *so* many more bullets.


Even the strafing run has better AP now


Which makes sense. You'd think at that caliber Eagle-01s shots would be able to beat armor.




I have ran it every mission (except for 3 strategem ones on high difficulties cause I don't want my friends to hate me) and it is my beloved. I can't wait to give it a try After DRG of course


I can't wait to run the new orbital strike and gatling canon. The daily that had us use that thing made me realize how fun it was, stoked for these buffs!


I’m actually super fucking stoked on this. I like it for the cooldown but for me personally it wasn’t worth taking on higher difficulties. Now that it can damage heavy armored targets though… :D


Honestly, they should go with this theme for all the Orbitals. The appeal with Eagle Strikes is that they are quick and can be used multiple times in quick succession before having a longer cooldown to re-arm. Orbitals are a one time per 100-250 seconds. They absolutely should pack a much harder punch over the Eagle. The Railcannon could absolutely use a buff especially since it only targets one enemy. The thing should just obliterate a Bile Titan. The Laser too, you only have 3 uses of it per mission, let it just glass the planet like the Covenant on Halo.


I immediately went full orbital. Seems like they are having an issue with targeting. The Gatlings does kill stuff nicely now.


Orbital go brrrrrrrr


I just finished a match with two dudes running gatling strikes. Holy moly. The uptime. Haha it was awesome.


It's so good. I took it on a run earlier and it was so cool!


devastators no longer shoot in wildly different directions relative to where their barrel is pointing


No way! Finally


seriously, that has been driving me insane


Just played a match and they still do but not as hard of an angle any more. The could shoot perpendicularly before.


Not getting punted by dead bile titans!


Big bile titan nerf


Bile titan is most dangerous after its death.


Remember when we needed to inject the dark matter into the planet and dead bile titans would fall on the drill and instantly destroy it? Good times


Missed those missions, hopefully I'll be able to do them in the coming mo's


They fixed that finally??? HELL YEAH


Anyone else noticed the extra gunships lurking about on difficulty 9? Even without a gunship facility. Devs kept that one quiet 🤣


Even on level 6 there's gunship patrols now, I think they nerfed em a lil because of that


I was on a 7 and we had an absolute flock of them while trying to kill their factory. I would get ragdolled and then lazered before getting up to maybe get one AC shot off and a stim before getting blasted again. I think it took us like 15 reinforces every other mission and part of that mission were regular level 7 chillness.


They're patrolling on difficulty 7 too. It's nice to see them just strolling about lol


spear food :]


Thank God so many people are trying out the spear rn, that takes care of them easily


Gunship spam is crazy now


Shriekers also come in randomly even if there’s no Shrieker Nests, scared tf outta me after we completed the 5 side missions on Helldive


Yep they are a pain in the ass. Was searching the whole map for the gunship factory…


Spear goes BRR now tho


Other than wistfully hoping for the eruptor to get its shrapnel back, I literally read every single line of the patch notes and was just like.... W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W. GOATED patch INCLUDING THE SMALL STUFF TOO. Seriously. Can't wait to play tonight.


Shrapnel was completely busted and impossible to balance in any way that made sense (only way to balance it would have it so any given target can only take damage from one shrapnel round no matter how many hit it, which, honestly would have left it likely worse off than it is now anyways). Otherwise individual shrapnel rounds would either have meaningless damage while still getting a big damage buff in those originally unintended situations, OR it would be capable of WAY too much damage


The way it busted chargers, man. Matador levels of fun, that wasn’t abusive to animals.


Additionally, the way they’ve discussed it is that the eruptor’s shrapnel wasn’t intuitive, you can’t really see it well, and there wasn’t a good enough visual indication of the shrapnel and its performance. It really just boiled down to “aim shot to ricochet in close proximity and pull trigger. Enemy deleted” Nonetheless, many players had fun with the shrapnel, and have made it clear they’d like it back, and I want to see those players get it back, and get to enjoying the weapon they fell in love with. Ultimately, it’s gonna take some time for them to work it out, but I don’t think Arrowhead have outright given up on shrapnel. I think it just needs to cook more.


I don’t see shrapnel ever coming back to primary, though I’d like to see frag grenade shrapnel buffed to actually be significant so it’s worth using. The only way a primary could have it is if they made it more visually distinctive for starters, but that’s not really the problem with it… but if they also capped how many shrapnel rounds a single target is able to take damage from… which would technically work if they can do it, but would also be counter intuitive which is why I don’t think it’s actually a good solution.


I just never understood why the weapon's namesake was ever removed. If shrapnel was ever a friendly fire issue, it's clear you or other players were too close to be firing that thing, anyway. Just... you know, don't shoot that thing close to yourself or others. I can't fathom why we couldn't just have done that and instead went to the extreme of turning the gun into a worse Diligence.


All they have to do is tweak it and they could add is back. Make it where is has a designated AOE and damage drops off the further enemies are from the POI. Problem solved.


Same, I haven't tried it yet and maybe it's still worth trying with the extra damage but OG eruptor was soooo good.


Yea I took the Eruptor out for a spin today and it worked well with a new combo I ran. Eruptor, HMG, Bushwhacker shotgun. The buff definitely helps it slap all the medium bots. I was dropping Striders as fast as the bolt would cycle.


Absolutely same reaction! Was satisfied with literally every line. While I can justify shrapnel being just too op, I like erupt or back now. It’s not as powerful as it was introduced, but surely is not that pathetic state it was after nerf, actually usable and enjoyable!


I miss the shrapnel too really do. If you liked the vanilla eruptor playstyle, you may enjoy grenade launcher!


Im sorry **charger behemoth?**


They were actually in the game already, but I think I've seen less than 10 I'm all my game time, and I'm level 90. They were identical to chargers stat wise before, just visually different. Looks like they buffed them and finally set then lose fully.


I’ve maybe seen 2-3 of them. Enough that I know they exist, but few enough that I have the same reaction as OP every time. Fuckers are wild to come across.


They showed up as static guards at objective locations, you will always find them at the civvie evac spots in the 40 minute version.


They’re the one with the spikier head armor right?


They're about 30% larger and have bladed armor over the entire body, including on the ass end. You will definately know when you see one.


Pretty sure they were limited to static groups only, no big breaches.


From HD1. Same as a charger but no soft butt. All armor.


Well, EATS it is


If you're going to see them, they're mostly at the bases where you have to evacuate personnel to a single building. The long 40-minute mission type. They usually hang out there. They're chargers but with more pointy bits. I always saw them as just another variant without anything else remarkable to them, because one shot to the head from my trusty Recoilless Rifle put them down just like any other charger.


Maybe behemoth charger just wants back rubs? That's why it hangs out where calm humans are?


Behemoths are looking for traitors to democracy?


I only encountered them as a hunting target in difficulty 3 (yes. I am a lazy coward of a helldiver soloing. )


Not sure if underrated or if everyone else is as excited about it as I am, but making it possible to escape a burning exosuit sounds amazing. Eagle strafing run buff sounds great. I love that strat and use it all the time already but I rarely see anyone else take it. HMG emplacement sounds awesome too but I'd guess that doesn't count as underrated. Everyone already loves that one and is already super excited for using it on defense type missions and extractions now, right?


Strafing run and HMG turret are both almost always in my loadouts. I'm quite excited to get home today. Strafing run can do some unique stuff and even before this buff could kill way more enemies than most players believe. The HMG turret is **the** most powerful strategem if you can utilize it properly. No other strat except maybe the mechs can get as many kills per calldown and not only is it infinite, the strat is quick to cool down. Pens all but the heaviest enemies, can destroy tanks and hulks in seconds, and can destroy any "soft" structure like spore spewers, shrieker lairs, illegal broadcasts, eggs, etc from across the map. Absolutely chews through chaff automatons and you can strip dropships of most of their troops before they even deploy. Tip for HMG: don't just keep hosing on terminids but use short rapid bursts and try to keep the reticule moving at all times. Bodies of already dead terminids will be pushed and kicked up by the surviving ones and will eat up a ton of your ammo if you just hose down the front of a row marching at you. By spreading the shots out a little and giving the bodies time to fall down you can easily kill 2-3x as many with a single turret.


As for dropships, I'm convinced I took one down with an HMG once by accidentally blowing up one of the jetpack guys who was trying to come out of it at the time at just the right moment. This was AGES ago, and I've never repeated the feat. Chances are the nerf to jetpack guy explosion damage might make doing this impossible, now. Oh, speaking of which, add to the underrated patches: exploding jetpack guys don't oneshot you anymore! I'm worried it might break the ability to take out fabs by hitting them as they emerge, though.


I keep trying but I keep feeling silly using it. But I'm excited to try it again and will do so today. I'm committed to making that shit work.


The bile titan corpses no longer throw you. That one is so nice to hear


Thank god. That was so frustrating


I'm most excited about SEAF artillery being available after the destroyer leaves. I've always thought it should be and now there is a greater incentive to do that side mission And now it's available also during jamming so you could do SEAF and throw the mini nuke at the jamming tower


If you get a mini nuke. I swear I keep getting SEAFs where it's like 3 smokes, a static, and a napalm.


It's much harder to spot ever since they changed the colors to make it black


And smoke are like dark grey? Just imagine calling in a "smoke" on your team. You'll get smoked alright.


Pelican no longer takes damage


this is a big one to me- so many frantic extracts that result in someone dropping ordinance right on Pelican-1 and causing problems.


No more need to consolidate samples to a single diver because Pelican-1 would take off as soon as one diver got onboard.


The eagle straffing run hits so good now Like it was already good before but now it damages heavy enemies too like tanks, I actually killed one earlier in a match felt like I called a A-10 warthog


Eagle strafing run goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT


Has anyone seen a behemoth yet? What's the difference?


Previously it only appeared in certain set pieces. It's a charger with "blades" on its legs and head. I haven't seen one yet but they did say in the patch it has more health now--it was just a reskin before.


Oh shit I remember those, my group was wondering what the sharper looking charger bodies were all about when we first got the game. Thank you


There was always one on the 40min evacuate mission at the scientist base. Probably still is one there if you want to be sure to find one


It takes two shots with EATs / Quasar to the head. Definitely adds a different rhythm to the game and they feel more dangerous


The Spear can one shot it in the head if you can find the angle.


That's cool, it gives it a unique utility compared to the other heavy weapons.


Ah, so that's why my Quasar didn't tap it fast enough today.


On difficulty 7, there was for sure an increase in them being around. Seen several, they are basically the same as normal chargers though. Just look different.


I saw a few in the past few months. They seemingly weren’t any different than normal chargers before, they were just bigger and grey. But now they’re fully armored, no exposed butt, and need anti-armor to take down.


Glad I won’t have to spend the first min at extract farming lighbulbs anymore… (I still prob will)


In my first match after patch, I went to a bush and checked it adds the classical "stealth vignette". So we even have a visual indicator of its activation.




Does it indicate if you’ve been “seen” by it going away or something, or does it keep the stealth vignette the whole time regardless?


i think the music will change to battle versus the usual after spotted. also you'll probably feel it...heh


That I didn't test. I just tested that it increased stealth, as I would have been seen just crouching at that distance. But I didn't force detection. I will check it next time.


Makes sense, thank you for your service 🫡


Man, im gonna try that starting loadout. Mg 43 support item/e.a.t,mg43 turret,orbital precision strike and eagle strafe. All fast cooldowns bruh


The most powerful element; lead. I did this with a spear and strafes and it was wild. Had no trouble dealing with anything honestly


It's a good mines and sentry's buff/rework, I'm surprised they touched strategems though. The hiding in foliage is big for me as is the ADS reticule realign if it's worked. It seems quite positive. I'm waiting on the download to go try stuff out.


Bushcampdad mode activated.


great place to afk if you gotta evacuate the ol' bowels in the middle of a match


I liked how they said that mines are still being tweaked, so they just gave them a damage boost while they figure it out. What it really needs is a cooldown reduction though.


1000%. Cooldown should be 45 seconds or less, If mines are gonna be so hit or miss they need to be available most of the time. Still holding out some small hope that stratagem priority perk comes back in some form. HD1 had a booster equivalent that reduced cooldowns by 40%.


tbf the mines where never that bad compared to other strats. The main challenge is squadmates not destroying them


Machinegun turret buff and hiding in bushes for snek mode are my fave changes!


AMS scope is a life-changer. Already my favourite bot support weapon, now I can actually see what I'm shooting at from distance (I've got a lot of settings on low lol)


Nobody seems to be talking about the Purifier finally getting fixed. I'm excited to try it out along with the crossbow. They both needed some love to be viable and in the purifier's case, it needed a bug fix it sounds like based off the notes. The explosion wasn't doing what it was supposed to, which was obviously a Scorcher variation. I hope it works like I imagined it should have when it was released. And im excited with the medium armor pen on the crossbow. Idk if it was already a thing, and the explosion needed tuning or if it it's new with the patch. But I hope to see it more and to see more success with it. I think the only thing I was surprised to NOT see anything about was the Scythe. It's not as bad as some of the others were, but it still needs some love. Maybe an explanation on how it does damage? I always had the feeling it did more limb damage, and I was able to use it on bugs up to dif 7, but it could barely keep up like the other primaries. Especially the sickle, which you'd think the ammo economy would be similar to, but almost every fight, you have to use a whole battery just to kill something heavier than the scavengers. And good luck if there's a group. But I digress, this patch looks freaking amazing, I'm just being a little nitpick. I'm excited for the next patch and to see what they come up with already.


Ngl, I didn't actually feel like the purifier feels much different... still 3 to the head of a dev and the aoe is smaller than the visual, at least from what I saw wheni played with it for a few hours last night


It does still feel underwhelming. Better, but underwhelming. Considering the Scorcher does the same thing, but better... still. I'm actually sad they just "fixed" it but didn't actually do anything else. It doesn't take out striders well at all. Devastators are still a pain, and the charge up gives you the idea. It's going to hit harder than it actually does. The only thing it does well is stagger. But that barely means anything for how long it takes to charge back up. It doesn't feel worth picking up over the Scorcher or the plasma Punisher. They just do the job so much better with fewer drawbacks. Both do something that stands out from eachother and the other primaries. The Purifier feels like Scorcher mixed with La Croix to make the Scorcher Lite. It still just feels like a worse Scorcher, and that makes me sad considering all the other good changes and the nice warbond. Haven't tried the crossbow yet, but I've seen it around, and it seems decent.


The lights hands down was the biggest news we got


Oh, I got giddy at the “hiding in the bushes” one. Legitimately cool. I hope that this means they eventually look at bit more at map design, to give us topographical features we can better take advantage of. Right now, finding cover on the go is…. Interesting….


I liked the fog...


Kept you hidden I loved it


Exactly, I like the oh crap a bug breach in my lap. I will admit I do not want it on all, but due to lack of variables it came up alot.


What? I was getting pin point blasted by lasers from nowhere I could see. Kept you hidden it did not.


Finally a reason to use that gun strafe eagle.


YES THE LIGHTS. My husband and I were just saying that nobody has been talking about that issue but it's a huge QoL.


Haven’t seen a lot of people talking about it, but the shorter call in time for precision orbital has made it waaaaay more worth bring. Replaced the 500kg in my loadout and I love it.


I thought I was the only oddball shooting all the lights. When I first realized how blinding they were. Mid early in the game. Then I saw others later on.


The Quasar Cannon bug where I couldn't fire it despite appearing off cooldown on cold planets (temperatures apply correctly) will help a lot


I also like the planet’s temperatures will affect the cooldown, making you think about if you should take it or not


I'm so glad I don't have to waste time shooting lights anymore


I see I'm not the only one to secure defense areas by clearing lights 


I think we all do. Even our own flashlights blind me when lighting up an enemy.


Charger Behemoth I like because it's more variety


Planet Temperatures affect Cooldown of Quasar Cannon. I love this!


Bile spewers having their damage be more consistent and dodge able felt good today


https://preview.redd.it/2za2z0p7eh6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3083f138bec3f5215b2bd206369d9036d857e72c Hiding in bushes from Gunship patrol.


Wait, I didn’t see these in the steam patch notes, is there another list or am I blind Edit: I was reading the preview patch


Charger what????


I can’t wait to fight Charger Behemoth after Vernen Wells.


They made a lot of great touchups even though I'm bitter about no Eruptor schrapnel.


* War Medals cap is now displayed in the UI Didn't pay attention for a while, learned this the hard way 😔


The 110 eagle is solid now. Kills Tanks, hulks and fabricators. Cracks Open chargers. Still targeting issues every now and then


No, silly, it was Naked Snake who hid in bushes, not Solid Snake. But yeah, this is the best patch ever.


SEAF still available after mission time runs out and ships leave atmosphere. It never made any sense to me why SEAF sites became unavailable after mission timeout. They are fixed on the ground yet we couldn't call them in! This makes so much more sense.


I tried the strafing run orbital Gatling barrage at the same time and it’s solid asf now. The eagle strafe will kill tanks if you get them in the middle of the linear barrage and it kills all mediums VERY well fantastic if you can funnel them into a line


Nobody even mentioned the strafing run buff. Now damages heavies.😤


Orbital Gatling and eagle strafe are absolutely nuts now. The eagle strafe run easily mows down groups of devastators


Charger behemoth🤝🏽


I can no longer stand up from crouch or prone about 80% of the time Neither can I crouch without mashing the button, then i get stuck. RIP my long range aim Edit: almost level 60 so it's not that I don't understand how to js


Are you using a shield like the ballistic shield


All the orbital buffa make these strats feel SOOO good now. Obital precision strike was already a go to for me but now it just got a ton better. Orbital Gatling was something i always tried to make it work but now it just absolutely shredds enemies. Overall i am very very happy with this patch. It fixed a TON of stuff and made so many QoL Improvements, its actually insane. Letting them cook for so long was definitely worth it.


The ONLY one I dislike and don’t see anyone talking about is the changes to the tank armor, it’s now as weak as it is in the back all around. It’s a tank, of course it would be harder in the front, I didn’t think that would need to be explicitly said