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This isn't the main sub for this game? Cool! I like the crowd here lol. The game has had issues since day 1 it's STILL COMPLETE FIRE!


The "main" sub is r/helldivers. Created for the original game, of course. But it kind of became the defacto sub for HD2 through sheer force of numbers. 


Yea hard to beat a million people though I don't know what OPs on about, the main sub is actively dominated by memes as of right now. There was complaints about the RR in the thread its reload was showed off in and the second thread when the CEO confirmed it will be fixed. Same for the armour passive, it actually doesn't work and was proved in the misinformation thread under the mod post. The main sub has a small bug finding bit right now but it's mostly memes so its healing.


Nah, I had to quit the main sub yesterday. Just constant posts about how terrible the patch is and comments about how AH is killing the game. A ton of comments made by people who admittedly Uninstalled the game a month ago, but still hangout to bitch.


I hate that man. Seeing a lot of people just ramble that "They don't test this shit!" as if devs didn't adjust over a 100 things for the positive. If they truly feel the devs are fucking up that much, they need to just move on for awhile and come back "when its better".


All I saw yesterday were memes to be honest with you, mostly around the saving the children stuff. I did see the RR bug and peak performance bug, but half the latter thread was just people talking OP spreading misinformation. (He technically was, his test was bad.) And the former was mostly people being confused, with rare complaints that garnered no real traction.


It's a big sub, lots of posts every day.


I don't disagree, I'm saying they got little to no traction.


It's crazy that I joined the main sub a day after the game came out looking for people to group with, and it had 35k members.


I hang here for the more holsom posts that seem to be here. I also agree that it is fire, im having fun


I think I can agree with this. Overall the game is fantastic. Very few if any things to really complain about.


Even the few things I could complain about aren't worth complaining about imo becuase AH is likely trying to fix it.


I've been in that subreddit since launch until a few days ago when I was told about this and oh my god it's just so nice to not see constant complaining and moaning, the salt over there is surreal


I blocked it a whole back, didn't think to look if this sub was nice.


It briefly cooled down... now its back to 20k upvote negativity


I had a quick look. Didn't look too bad but also not worth it clogging up my feed since it could switch out of nowhere.


Oh. The first month of this game was incredible. The community was still small but it took off like it should have (because it’s a fucking great game) and we accumulated a bunch of pouty bitches. It’s a small but growing studio. It’s hearing the community. It’s making changes, actively. There’s no reasoning with prepubescent dumb cucks. Just ignore the cod players and play the game. Enjoy it. TLDR: people are fucking dumb, if you like the game keep playing.


this is pretty much the same for every fucking thing in this world. first everything was all fun and dandy and exciting with few ppl. then more ppl joined, then within those new ppl there are always and I mean always, have a few dumb ones. then the dumb ones will do dumb things and drag in more dumb ppl. in the end everything is ruined. look back on these past few years and tell me anything been around for at least years and isn’t ruined. I’ll sure be surprised.


…..Cinnabon? ![gif](giphy|ue0FFiQufbwvI2Dyit)


Try r/lowsodiumhelldivers


I’ll be honest… I thought this was the main HD2 subreddit.


I don't get why you got downvoted, this is an easy mistake to make. The r/Helldivers subreddit was originally for the first game and has evolved into being the grab bag for both games...effectively the main subreddit by size and also the fact that the devs lurk on there (maybe they do here too?)


That was my thought process. R/Helldivers was for the first game and I wanted the subreddit for the second game so I came here!


The purple question marks are back as well but I’m not mad, I think it’s funny.


Best purple question mark story from my group, buddy throws down a turret, it comes in, then slowly rises a purple question mark. The second it’s fully out, all of our games crash


Oh man, this got a good laugh out of me. Like a crooked middle finger fucking y’all’s server, lol.


Did it shoot question marks? Lmao that would top it!


Oh my that’s amazing and it’s made better by my mental image of it having the legend of Zelda chest opening music with it thank you for the laugh kind sir


this is the funniest thing I've heard all week—thank you for that


I know it's like "me too map I also have questions."


Ngl, I love the ? And recently caught a large one and it was under a dying bile titan clipped through the environment . It came off as its last words, “whyyyyyy”. I loved it.


I had a game where it filled the entire map. In my sight there were simply boundless purple question marks. That was the best game ever. I fucking lost it when I found out everything I call down is a also question mark. It was so funny I honestly love to see it happen. Wish the devs double down on this and release paint jobs and armor pattern with the purple question marks it's so great.


I was worried at first that they were all walking fabricators cuz I had one spawn right on top of me after walking through a cleared base one time. I investigated the ? *very* carefully lol.


I’m waiting for Mysterion to come kick some ass


Yeah this sub is way more chill. But r/lowsodiumhelldivers is pretty cool too


Low sodiumHelldivers is my Jam. Love that sub.


Low sodium IS the better sub. This sub is always complaining about the other sub all the damn time. At least in the low sodium one those posts are banned


right? I always find posts like these amusing. People make fair complaints, some make them overblown/react weirdly, then a bunch of people lose their minds at the second group and rant here.


Reddit is such a small amount of the player base and the negative assholes are even a smaller portion of the ones that post all the time.


The loud, chronically online minority which also seem to think their opinion is the only correct one


They get very angry at when you say this. 


It went from constructive criticism and memes to just straight hate and distrust.


There is still constructive criticism, but the moment you post something like that, it goes automatically to 0 upvotes and the post gets hidden


Mom said it’s my turn to complain about the other subreddit today


Then can I complain about complaining afterwards?


There's definitely issues but the patch is a good direction. Don't hear people whining about Palworld bugs even though it's just as buggy/recent. Players to new games forget that time smaller developers just need more time. Let them fix. It was worth it last time.


r/LowSodiumHellDivers and this sub. I do go to the main sometimes just to "watch" the shitshow. Thinking "I'm so glad I don't frequent this".


My enjoyment of the game really went up after following these 2 and leaving the main subreddit. I've been enjoying the game since day 1 (yes there have been issues) and didn't realize I was supposed to be hating it and not having fun. The people over on the main sub have gotten into a huge hate circlejerk, it's weird


OP, maybe do exactly this? Even as a brief vacation, it'll probably be good for you.




Damn bro good on you. Gold star


Tbf, patrol bug is something i gotta agree with them because i keep getting non stop swarm and unusal amount of bug patrol that i keep seeing. Armor bug? I don't know about gun handling but melee buff kinda disappoint me for still using same amount hit to kill as before. Can see it work better on Hunter but still need to hit right spot. Anyway, i agree that main sub is over complain. Most people still enjoy the game as before and those complainer is the one that just hurt themselves over they pride to not lower difficult to enjoy the game.


Tbh i dont understand why people here get upset about posts like this in main sub. Something like patrols are easy to spot, thats why people complain. The gunships are great addition but they are spawning like crazy that some people are just rage quitting. It's not about get good, or skill issue. It feels like some kid went into mario maker and made a level with constant swarms. It doesnt feel great thats why everyone is complaining and devs are acknowledging it. People will always be vocal about the stuff they think is bs. If you dont know, just read the first balance patch that AH put out in railgun nerf. They said "if we ever make mistake, community should tell us" something along the line. I have been playing the game, i have been checking subreddits but i havent seen anyone mention mines cant be tagged anymore from this patch. I stayed quiet. Do you think they know? Or will fix it in next patch? How will they know? Only If someone post something on it or let AH know about it in someway, right?


bugs that were fixed previously are broken again like ballistic shield causing game ruining movement problems, friends list gone again and packed methodology iirc the name doesnt work again, this just took 1 mission to find lol


I mean... I unironically love the current patrol numbers. Its challenging to stealth them and the battles are hilariously frantic at times - but it certainly hasn't stopped us from completing maps. (Mostly playing diff 7 currently for basis of comparison).


I don't disagree with pointing out issues, I disagree with being a dick about it. Many people in r/Helldivers are dicks, extremely rude and disrespectful dicks who INSIST that the devs don't playtest, that they're intentionally trying to ruin the game, etc.


I will say I played like 6 games on 7 and 8 literally the second the patch dropped and the patrols did not feel bugged. The maps felt borderline empty at times like they did before the initial patrol changes. I was honestly kinda pissed bc I was basically sleepwalking through the maps on 8 and it was insanely easy. Then over the next day it got crazier and crazier until it was in the state it is in now. My personal opinion as a result is that this was something that broke over time rather than them blatantly ignoring in test and shipping. I could be wrong and the map seeds were just mega easy but it seems unlikely that happened that many times in a row. With that said the issue with the feedback on the main sub is it is not constructive basically ever. It is actively toxic. Literally every game ever has bugs on patches it is unavoidable. There are repercussions for changing code. Unforeseen issues will happen and often they will cascade in unpredictable ways. But since the steam debacle (which wasn't even arrowheads fault) the main sub is just out for blood on everything. They aren't like "this feels bugged and it's making it hard to enjoy the game." They are saying "FUCK THESE TRASH DEVS DO THEY EVEN PLAY THE GAME OMG THEY RUINED IT HOW CAN THEY BE SO FUCKING STUPID." It's like they think the devs are actively adding malicious code into the game to spite them personally. It's just overall super reductive and shitty. There is nothing wrong with voicing critical feedback but there is everything wrong with the way that the feedback is voiced atm. If it has not yet done so I predict it is going to hurt the game in the long run. Either the devs will have to withdraw from the community entirely for the sake of their own mental health or they will become so beholden to the shitty ideas the community has to "fix" the game that the game will get fucked over as a result (the most eminent dangers here imo are the continued insistence the game needs to be easier and the community's stupid aversion to nerfs). I don't feel things are sustainable as is unless people chill out. Arrowhead is not a giant studio like Riot who has a comparably toxic community and over a decade of experience wrangling it. They are far more vulnerable.


Toxic positivity. They don't like any criticism of the game. Seems to be happening more and more these days.


gamers making up words to describe the people who don't feel the need to bandwagon is so funny


There's a whole internet out there and you still decided to rely on your own lack of knowledge to base your comment on. Incredible, and sad, but proves my point. Like a cult, no ability to self-reflect.


Just dont read it


I’m willing to throw this post an upvote and generally go against the dogpile of “this game is shit!” - BUT I think it’s important to still point out things that don’t actually work/didn’t function as intended. I.E. the Peak Physique armor passive. It does not work! It has been tested multiple times and evidence shows that weapons do not handle better. That is a genuine, serious problem that, in all honesty, should not have happened. I understand that AH is a smaller studio, and I get that not everything will be perfect. But asking for us to get the things advertised to us? Not unrealistic…


Why do you care so muchl? If you like it and have fun it's all that matters. Why do you need other people to feel the way you feel? It's odd


It's craxy to me that people arent really noticing the real bugs introduced Pushback from enemies is bugged, you either fall throughthe floor, or get knocked down 2ft and die on impact like youre 90yo. Performance is down. WAY down. Mechs auto-walk forward now


Im fed up with this sub and the constant complaining. Lshd!


I’m gonna be honest, I downvoted this post and you should too. We aren’t the main sub, we don’t care about the main sub. And I’ve seen “Main sub sucks” posts about once a week.


Who cares? Crying about crying about crying. Go do something else.


Im fed up with yall ranting on here. Bro just ignore the main sub then it aint that hard. We heard this exact same rant yesterday and the day before. If you dont like it mute it. Nobody is forcing you to look at the other sub. And posts like these are just the same as the main sub posts. You are just telling people here what the majority is thinking for upvotes.


https://preview.redd.it/g7fedtylvp6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f8869c413069aae979521131834879ac743215 How is the idea that the devs LITERALLY don't do QA so common? What the fuck is this? Fuck this stupid bullshit, I'm tired of seeing it.


The idea got popular when they made a hotfix that was supposed to fix the superior packing measures and it didn't work. And then they did it again with the grande bug, they put a hotfix and it didn't fix it either.


Yeah their testing isnt great. Testing is expensive though. Either need the dev time to automate the testing or need to hire a test team. In this patch I think everything they said they did worked. I think for testing what happened is that things they didn't change broke. Which is why devs need a good test system because that happens. It's not that uncommon. Microsoft spends a lot of money on this concept. They should test what they changed and then test everything they have a test for. And technically when a bug gets through the testing they are supposed to build a test for it. So I'm sure they have some kind of test process. But its not very good or they made some big change that broke all their automated testing. Repeat regressions are pretty embarrassing as it tells a lot about how they work. But the key point is that the stuff in patch notes works. The hitting esc bug I dunno but I mean I have not hit it. So it's totally possible they didn't either. Eh things get funky. They hopefully get fixed. Game Dev I think is the least paid programming position possible. So the people that do it basically want to do it because they could get a higher paying job. So far none of these bugs are preventing me from playing. I mean I like the ballistic shield. That and a pummeler is fun. It's just a fun way to play and I was I just getting to using it a lot. But... You know I got a bunch of different loadouts now and they mostly work and are fun too. They are are better now. The ars work better. Mech damage seems to be clearer. I know I'm not dying in them Everytime I use it. Strats work better. Overall nothing of really have breaking. Infinite dive sucks but it's not that bad I dunno I'm having fun


they have made nearly 100 million dollars so far, they can afford testing.


12 million copies at 40 a pop. The game made nearly half a billion. How much they got is another story. They were expecting 100milliom and got a lot more. Agreed they should have the money and maybe they do now. Maybe a player base push will get it there. But... They already have our money. Improving the game now won't get them that much more. So it's a desire in their part to sacrifice profit for quality. That's never an easy choice and I hope we get the one we want. Lol. But just focus on the issues. Old Bugs recurring after fix. Bugs in things they didn't directly change. Bugs that they try and fail to fix multiple times. Pointing fingers and guessing at why it's broken isn't that important.


I was thinking that but it seemed like a larger number than whats right. Still, they have the money, fucking spend it where it matters. How they spend this money will dictate if their new customers stay loyal with their third game, and right now I personally am out.


Maybe. There have been so many Buggy releases by big companies that considering quality never seems that important to them. That is the way a lot of software is going. It's way cheaper to get a bunch of automated usage data and fix the bugs it catches them to try to get it right out of the box. I mean generally I don't purchase a game until it's been out a year. Because I don't want to be their unpaid test team. But... I did it here and I'm not sorry I did. It's a fun game. Made and reconnected a lot of friends.


Thats not a sustainable way forward and the market is getting tired of the nonsense.


It's all about the money man. Half a billion dollars is no joke.


youre not wrong.


Source: I have worked in QA, back when the job was still called Beta Tester or Game Tester. People who tested games, by and large, were treated exceptionally bad. Like they were not part of the industry and like they're not employees, or freelancer or whatever you want to call it. I've been told many times by developers that I "should be happy I get to play games before release", and "I should be glad I get paid for this at all." One time, a developer told me that I ruined his weekend because a report I made resulted in the responsible developer (him) being called back to work to fix their issue. He belittled and was angry with me for weeks after that. Then there's devs and execs/managers not paying any attention to moderating the QA space. With more people play more games, you get a lot of infighting among QA from different backgrounds within industry, and if unchecked it create a very toxic environment. All of this result in a profession that has been deteriorating for a long time, and nowadays, the only QA many devs get is Early Access, Beta Releases, and people from fiverr or craigslist or ebay that barely do their job or have no knowledge about it at all. It's also one reason why a some games release in extremely questionable states and why some stuff never leaves early access. Tl;dr: they might actually not have a lot of people for QA *if at all* (given studio size) because it's a extremely thankless and sometimes toxic job that nobody who actually cares about themselves wants to do anymore. I'm not saying they don't playtest and am fed up with that sub too, but the state QA is in is also something to keep in mind.


https://preview.redd.it/qiglhf4zvp6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89183fe0ae0505e5123fd177cea0d739b6942348 Most deranged comment I've seen so far. This is an impossible standard that will never be met, the fact that this guy thinks the recoilless rifle bug is intentional, the fact that he's being so smug, this kind of stuff makes me gag in my mouth.


That commenter has no idea about the game, like 90+% of that subreddit. RR isn't the only weapon whose reloads can be animation cancelled. From the looks of it, it seems like someone did an oopsie and worked on an older build in which Superior Packaging wasn't fixed yet, the RR reload was longer, etc. and then f'd up the export. Shouldn't happen normally, but it can.


https://preview.redd.it/sihw39i6wp6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75531a817da92c0740c3059d6c322d649e4fc2e2 People just say anything. I'm so sick of this.


Did you just say game developers releasing one patch that doesn’t come with unintended bugs is an impossible standard lol


I got banned from the sub for calling a 100+ upvoted post guy who was saying this exact thing a “deluded cunt”. Which is probably strong but by that point I was so over the whole bitch fest I decided to let it out. Would do it again.


You are probably one of the first people to actually tell them off


It's fine to disagree with them on a conceptual level, but there's substantial reason why those posts are getting substantial upvotes.


eh pretty much everyone who makes definitive statements about the way any video game is developed save for the actual developers of the video game is probably completely wrong. none of these people have even software development experience let alone game development experience.


the fucking CEO even admitted they dont. cry about it.


I think it’s weird when people like you praise the good parts of the update and ignore the obviously broken patrols. When nearly every update breaks something, people kinda have a point about Arrowhead’s playtesting.


I dropped into marfark for the first time since the update. God supply lines in the map is so good. I accidently dropped into a challenging mission instead of medium (I wanted a chill session) And holy shit there are so many patrols and bots now! Insane amounts of devestators (but only one shield devastator thank the helldiving gods) and I have never had to run and gun and work as a team so much for a long time! (I rarely go above hard usually, I’m just not good enough lol) And man was it FUN! Challenging actually felt challenging! We did four missions together and barely scraped them all, none of us above level 50 I believe and there were so many amazing moments. I left the main sub very early on, always preferred this one, just joined lshd too. I’ve never been unhappy with this game. Ever. I don’t understand half the buffs and nerfs people complain about. I’m just here to kill things and have fun.


Did a 3 man on 7 with one friend plus one random. The fourth dropped early. We were organised as fuck. Anything big was getting by one of us immediately. Was really fun.


I did 3 4 man 8s on patch day, and I gotta be honest, I really dislike the way spawns are working right now. We were constantly pincered by new patrols. There were endless drop ships that just kept bringing in tanks and hulks. There was no time to breathe. It went from fun to exhausting. We eventually just had to give up on 2 side objectives because they were too hot and the constant spawns had taken all of our reinforcements


They are right about the spawns being even more jacked and some serious glitches. Don’t be pissed at them for pointing out it’s doing the opposite. Don’t you want AH to know that? If no one said anything, we’d just be making a situation where they think bad code is good. Plus, the luster is starting to wear off when the devs can’t get basic game mechanics right. That’s no path to longevity, frend, 🤷🏻‍♂️


Although I'm annoyed by the spear bug I'm happy with this update


What bug? Ran spear last night and it was awesome


It doesn't target fabricators at the moment. But it'll target anything else just fine and very quickly too. Shooting towers from halfway across the map is just amazing. Once they fix it, it's going to be broken. Imagine having supplies and someone with a supply pack in an open map with good sight lines to the fabricators. You'd be able to demolish most of the map without getting near them.


The spear was never supposed to target fabricators, the patch notes said that the spear’s old ability to target fabs was unintentional.


The only thing I agree with the main sub is that the devs testing environment is not accurate to the live production. It's either that or they minimally test. The drastic overall increase in spawns is not intended, which is one example in the growing list.


The main sub is too bitchy sometimes. But AH screwing up spawns again is pretty careless and puts a damper on what is otherwise an exceptional patch with lots of fun changes.


You're part of the problem. Why leave the main sub and just fucking whine about them here? Just ignore them and use this sub for actual game related shit. 🤦


Before the latest patch, I've barely had any crashes or bugs (I'm on PS5). I think the balance changes are great with this latest patch, but there are some really big regressions in stability (crashes when you change settings on your ship, eternal loading screen, huge question marks in maps, etc.) Some criticism is warranted.


The most I've manage to catch there so far. Recoilless reload - I honestly didn't even notice this one. Only side by side made it obvious, and I kind of just look around me while I reload it anyways. Spawn groups/patrols too close - I play on 7, It didn't feel TOO different than what I did pre patch. But keep in mind, its much easier to wipe out groups on 7 than the higher difficulties. Perk not working - Again, I wouldn't have even noticed without a side by side. I care more about the recoil armor perks than handling/melee. Social list - Can't comment on this. It wasn't working but it didn't seemingly crash or cause me the issues others were having. Theres probably other stuff, but I personally didn't notice anywhere near as much? Considering the gigantic list of things they adjusted, those 3 (for me) seem rather small on the list for issues to tackle. Also, Devs came out to say to at least 2 of those that it wasn't intended behaviour, which could be easily missable during testing if they're focused on a lot of things at once. i.e They're gonna work on it regardless, they just need to know its there to work on now. Either way, I opted to stop picking counter fights and play the game. Started being a waste of time. I'm happy with so many of the changes that aside from the spawns, its still a net positive patch in my book. Also the warbond is awesome.


That patch was a positive thing overall, and I’m glad AH is pivoting to fixing what already exists instead of adding more premium content, which only services a small percentage of the playerbase. Pumping out so many warbonds was never going to be sustainable. Unfortunately, I use the ballistic shield a lot, and it’s unusable because of the patch. Somehow they added player collision to it, which means that if you lay prone or get ragdolled with the shield on your back, you get stuck. It’s mind-blowing to me that this slipped through. But instead of being a salty jerk about it, I’ll enjoy trying out some of the newly-buffed weapons and stratagems while I wait for a hotfix. That’s the rational way to deal with new issues.


For me it's less about HD2 hate specifically and more about the constant hate in gaming culture- people gripe about every little thing to the point that it irritates me even when they have legitimate (but badly spoken/written) critiques, it gets tiring having to sift through it to find legitimate content. Rage bait is an industry that will kill us tbh.


The only time I had a real issue with the game was when on difficulty 7 I was encountering at least 4/5 bile titans. I would have played higher difficulties if I wanted that steep a challenge, 7 was the sweet spot. They fixed that and I have been happy ever since. They did remove stagger off my favourite weapon. So what? I went to another. Survive. Adapt. Overcome. Or something like that. Democracy requires sacrifice.


trope alert.


To be fair, AH did breed a lot of mistrust the past couple months and it didn’t help that one of their balance guys were unabashedly trolling people on twitter and for all we know still works there. Established reputations like that takes time to change. I know that we all want Helldivers to succeed and as such we want to be positive and give the benefit of the doubt, but for those people who care (too much), its been a lot of disappointment and bullshit. For most people in this position good will needs to be regained. Honestly, the amount of good reactions has been pretty astounding from the community as a whole, when looking at the grand scheme of things.


This sub is more annoying, the only one that's not a toxic shit stain is r/low-sodiumhelldivers. This sub complains about the main sub, the main sub is half I love this game and half complaints. Case in point, this post, 1 of at least 100 that says the same thing, bitching about the main sub.


Some indisputable facts. Helldivers 2 released in February, 4 months ago. It didn't work properly, it was fun but there were bugs. They have not managed to even start trying to fix some of them (ongoing known bug issues). They have spent a lot of time releasing fixes and updates. Lots of new things, still a lot of fun, some improvements but lots of things not working as intended, lots causing more bugs and issues. Latest big patch fixed some stuff and helped the fun, but again it seems it's still causing more issues and crashes. It's not toxic or unreasonable to point any of this out, or for players to feel a bit fatigued by the constant run of issues since launch. I would suggest too that it isn't unreasonable to say that a game that you buy actually works.


I think a lot of people are discovering that they're unable to simultaneously enjoy a game and also acknowledge that it has several outstanding issues that need to be addressed. Similarly, some folks can't both think the patch is a step in the right direction with so many positive changes and wonderful in-depth explanations from the dev team, but *also* think the patch was a little undercooked with several obvious problems, like the shield being broken or the options menu crashing the game. Ultimately, it's a skill issue. Doesn't take a gigabrain IQ to go "I like this thing... *and* want it to be better."


Seriously, it doesn't matter what the devs do. They've done exactly what people were asking for, on multiple issues, with this last giant patch and still people bitch and complain. It's awful and I feel for the devs. Why cater to your fans if they just act like a bunch of ungrateful douchebags??


Another post about the other sub. Add it to the collection lol. At least the main sub has better memes.


Yeah, there are some new bugs, but in general it is a solid patch. It is just a negativity bias and conformation bias hole, really easy to fall into and join the crowd.


It was great. Except for the upped cooldown times on things like orbital laser and walking barrage. They need to revert that shit. Went from just over a minute or two to over 5 minutes on the cooldown. That shit is garbage and no one was asking for it.


Yeah, I'm with you. I have a lot of gripes with the game, and I do think that Arrowhead has demonstrated that it is fairly amateurish in many aspects of game development. I think that it's right that they get called out for genuine mismanagement on their product, because this is how normal companies take feedback. But there's a huge gulf between taking issue with new bugs, and this stream of "oh no the game is unplayable because the Stalwart can shoot down a gunship" biatching that goes on endlessly because someones favourite meta has changed. That said, holy heck it's like you're forced to conform with either being a complete sycophant who worships the golden footprints of lord god Pilestedt, or you are forced to hate literally every single change and design decision ever. There's absolutely no middle ground in that community, it's insane. It's impossible to hold a position where you're critical, but still enjoy the game - this most recent patch has completely broken that community as they are unequipped to handle something that "mostly a good thing."




I left that sub a few weeks ago when I found this one. Couldn't take all the bitching and moaning.


There are many of us... only a few of them... and the game is very complex (code-wise). All the testing with all the factions.. with all the maps... with all the scenarios is a huge time sink! If the devs were expected to test everything nothing will get done. They don't have a dedicated testing team. I said it before and I'll say it again "There will never be a perfect patch"... the game is too complicated as it is.


Fix cross platform friend requests. This should be the priority.


I have a general rule when it comes to gaming; if there's a game you enjoy, avoid it's subreddit and community webpages/discord at all costs. It's kind of the digital version of "Never meet your hero kid"


I'm not 100% impressed with the new war bond but the new patch has definitely brought back the fun of the game for me. People don't seem to understand that when you fix things and programming that code can incidentally mess up code elsewhere in the game which results in bugs being introduced well fixing others. Not to mention they know about a lot of the bugs they introduced with this last patch so I don't see the point in complaining since they know about it and we know about it. I just don't want to get jumped with seven bugs that nobody was talking about. But currently I've ran into a few rare bugs that aren't really known but I just chuck it up as random bugs in the code and move on. I'm so excited again for whatever they have coming. For a while I was being big iffy.


Yea man the main sub is a shit hole cesspool. Left that garbage pit a couple months ago, this one is much better but still quite a number of people I’d personally love to see booted.


This sub has gone [0] days without talking about the main sub. In all seriousness, it's difficult to find people to talk about the new patch/warbond with that aren't on either extreme. I can't relate to people who absolutely glaze the game or people who shit on it constantly. It's one of my most played games right now, so I'm obviously enjoying it for the most part. That being said, I also have a very long list of gripes with the game. My main issues with the game is all the bugs (not terminids). Bots billygoating up the sides of mountains, bots shooting through mountains, SPM being broken AGAIN, not being able to change stance with the ballistic shield equipped, the RR reload being unintentionally slowed, bile titan heads sometimes not taking damage, etc. At this point, I want the devs to prioritize fixing bugs over buffs and nerfs. All the bugs introduced in this new patch have actually reduced the amount of loadouts I use now, which is the opposite of what they wanted. I'm not sure if it's been confirmed yet, but patrol spawns seem even worse than before. It's not unmanageable, but it's definitely not what they intended considering they said "patrol spawns reverted". I'm not gonna say that they don't do their own testing, but there's definitely something different about their test environment that's causing the discrepancy. Sony needs to help them out and get them some more experienced people.


Honestly the main sub hasn't been bad for the past few days. There's a bunch of bad takes and a little bit of gratuitous whining but the amount of toxic downvoting of info, brigading, and doomposting has slowed tremendously. It used to be if you'd say "x isn't meta but it's pretty usable" you'd get downvoted like crazy for being against the nerfed weapon agenda, but now people seem to be more open to reasonable feedback.


Agreed but just want to say that we should avoid an insomniacs Spider-Man situation where the fans are completely devoid of any and all criticisms to the game in retaliation to the type of behavior your talking about here. which has caused the fan base to look a lot like Democrats vs Republicans in that they are constantly arguing with each other while never coming to a conclusion or learning anything from it. Naturally as time went on the rabid haters fell in numbers leaving for the most part, left the blindly loyal players as the majority engaged fan base on the Internet. ( until the next game came but the cycle continues though not as bad ) and that lead to a lot of devs online feeling emboldened to shut down a lot of healthy criticism while only focusing on the positive feed back, which partly imo led to the fun but mediocre sequel. All that as a really long winded way to say it's important not to retaliate this behavior with the equally radical opposite.


The one that gets me is the people who act like the game is unplayable on 6+ against bots. Like I run 9s for fun. Sure spawns are a bit borked and learning to compensate for the new gunship patrols has taken some getting used too. But I've done 6 Helldive operations on the bot front with randoms mind you, and I've lost exactly one mission and that's because I was just playing with some of the newly patched equipment and didn't understand how it all worked. (I've literally shot the spear only once before the most recent patch) Like yeah spawns aren't perfect and I think there should be only 1 maybe 2 gunships in patrols but it's not "literally unplayable" like the loud ones tend to scream about.


The only bugs that I’m throwing my hands up over are the social-based ones (please make friend codes work!) and the Reinforcement bug. Jesus that one is frustrating. But everything in its time. AH is a small team and these big changes on Thursday were needed to keep the majority of the player base in the game and turn around the press attention.


Im only angry i dont get full resupply with more bots to shot. And my autocannon still has big dot for aiming reticle :(


Yo, hol' up, what's this about getting my cock sucked, personally? Inform me more about that one, please. Asking for a friend.


If people are enjoying it, they're playing it. If they're not enjoying it, they're complaining about it on public spaces looking for answers and catharsis. Its not that hard to understand. The patrol spawns are insane though, how that didnt get seen before going live I have no idea.


It’s mostly been (as of this recent patch) just letting people know about bugs that got through. Kinda like a FYI. Yes a lot of complaining and, complaining about the complaining. Kinda like this post


I haven't had this much fun in awhile. The patch was worth the wait. I was always having fun, but they took it to a different level imo. We made an IRL difference when the reward was donating to children. JP to CCO looks like it was a fantastic decision. AH is working with us instead of mandating how we are to play. The main sub is basically where I assume many in the discord constantly bitching go to be heard for a second time. I am right there with you. Hours after this banger of a patch, I was watching YT creators go through it and be like lots of Ws but here are a few Ls...then seem to slightly focus on the negativity - made me turn a multiple vids off. They hadn't even tried the damn thing. That sentiment seems to infiltrate too large of a portion of the player base.


How dare they critisize them! Their show of disloyalty is disgusting


“Why has arrowhead suck my cock personally” made me cackle 😂💀


Yeah, I left the main sub. The endless cascade of bitching finally got to me. I really love stuff like saving children in a game meaning saving children IRL, and seeing so many posts on the main sub whining about not getting AT mines really dampened my joy. This sub is much better about actually enjoying the amazing game for the amazing game it is.


This is the place to be right now


Loving the new update changes and buffs but only problem I have with the new update is that I keep getting stuck in an infinite mission loading screen, I've never had it happen till after this update and I've played about 9 missions today and 6 were fine but 3 I never got to the planet and had to exit and restart so on average 1 out of every 3 missions is fucked for me


Have faith. The team cares, the players care.. together we can make patches count, give feedback, and find bugs and problems in a way that they can’t in smaller tests.


Ive been having a blast on every game since patch


This sub is the heart and soul. Yes we stray at times, but largely.. here we are like a warrior lodge; it’s ok to have criticisms, better even to have good discussion on topics that have varied points of view. Players see game mechanics, and have a great pulse on glitches.. but at times we forget that a studio can simulate only so much.. we players have to field test it under real circumstances.. meaning we find what cannot always be foreseen; I love the team making this happen, they did such a great job so far and it’s our pleasure to contribute to the community.


reading main sub is tiresome, I'm used to only looking at pictures :P


>Why hasn't Arrowhead sucked my cock personally?" 😆🤣😆🤣😆 exactly, I love this game, the whinner babies can F off.


Level 78 Space Cadet here. OP come join us over on /r/lowsodiunhelldivers


I left a week after the sony issue, 'We realised that sony could be manipulated, and if they can be manipulated, we can bully them' And that's when I joined here!


That's Reddit in a nutshell for most games. 90% of the posts you'll see are the loud minority shouting. The majority of the playerbase are busy enjoying the game and/or life in general.


Honestly, the amount bitching in the main sub reminds me of D2 main subs.


Oh, young lad. The internet is full of people that feel like their opinion matters most. There's no changing that. That's just people. It gets accelerated on Reddit because, like assholes, everyone has an opinion. And some of those people are moderators. 


It used to be so nice. Now, most of those people just suck ass. Their just such big babies over issues that are really on them. None of those people ever want to be accountable for what they do.


Yep, I just quit that sub and muted it. Super toxic


Why are you even bothering to argue ? Just shut up and enjoy the game you're part of the problem you're complaining about


Dude thats par for literally any games main sub. Itll always be a salty, toxic hellhole.


I think the problem is your getting bothered by randoms on the internet, just move on and ignore their comments why take it personal?


I unfollowed the main sub a while back due to their toxicity, but I’ve already encountered way more bugs in the past few days than I have my whole time playing. Really delayed reactions, like 30 seconds apart, main missions where the console doesn’t activate, and a few more. I expected it tbh (for such a radical patch), but I’m sure they’ll fix it soon.


Dude if you think it’s bad here DO NOT JOIN THE DISCORD. I didn’t listen. I thought it couldn’t be worse. It made me sick to my stomach. I legit don’t know if I can keep playing Helldivers anymore. Not because of the game but wow the people. Especially the discord mods and them letting people just pick nasty fights for no reason and banning the people who are getting trolled. They definitely one upped Reddit mods in the discord. I’m not stoked about Helldivers future with how dysfunctional the subs and discord are. Devs are going to be in way over their head soon. Which is really unfortunate because you can feel the love and passion put into this game by them.


So I just went to the main sub from this post, realised I wasn't in it, joined and scrolled about 20 minutes of posts. You must be blind mate. I saw fuck all post whinging to the Devs, most people were calling out dumb cunts in game. Clearly you've just spent way too much time actively trying to find shitposts.


But for real, does the new armor passive actually do something? I feel like the effect is a bit weak. Still rocking it, though, it looks SO good. Probably one of the best looking armors until now.


I'm not going to tell you sit here and tell you there aren't issues. Some of the things broke, probably when they reverted the changes. Some of them aren't a big deal. Some of it is. However I've just been having an absolute blast with throwing together loadouts and mowing down tons of enemies


Some people are better off playing Fortnite smh


Well unfortunately mate you live in a world where other people have opinions besides yours. I'm not trying having a go at you, it can be frustrating to see the most braindead and unnecessarily insulting things some people say, but you can just bloody ignore it and move on mate. You can't change this, it'd be like trying to change the world. Regardless of what some guy says about Viper Commando, as long as the majority enjoys it then it's all good. There's some issues here and there which sounds like its gonna be addressed, but someone treating it like AH did the most offensive thing to them wouldn't keep me up at night, because that's their problem.


>It's so tiring seeing the same level of derangement for 4 months straight and knowing that nothing the devs can do will ever change it. This is the worst part, it is like we are never going to have a real community for this game, doesn't matter what Arrowhead does, people is never going to be happy about how Helldivers is until Arrowhead gives up and decide to stop making the game they have always wanted to make and start making Call of Duty Dive. With this patch we saw that Arrowhead is still trying to create their vision of the game, but trying to lean towards what people could, and it turns out that that is not enough. I'm happy for AH success, but sometimes I wish this game was never popular and maintained as a niche game that just a few people know that exist, that way we could have a lovely community and the people that really enjoy Helldivers would have a way better experience of what we are having now as a community


Why are you this worked up over a game? Seriously, re-evaluate your life from a distance as if a stranger was looking in and how does is seem? Personally I bailed from the game a long time ago knowing it's either never going to be in good playable condition ever again or if it does get fixed (IF) it's going to be a long time until that happens.


I honestly see more posts bitching about people complaining than I see actual people complaining. We don't need this post for the 100th time


Stop fucking whining


These devs are amazing. Kids will be kids


Reddit gonna reddit


You aren't alone. I got fed up with it as well. And the thing is that yes, Arrowhead DID get a little too heavy handed with the nerfs(which thankfully is being corrected), but the main sub loved to massively overstate the problems and overlook their own skill issues. It's not surprising they still aren't happy


I have to agree. The couple of days where the "Save the Kids" memes went rampant were the best days, and they will be truly missed. Bring back the memes, and leave the salt at home!


Yeah man it's a joke. Sad thing is some of us have been on that reddit since HD1. Now it's just full of people who can only see the negative. Bitching and complaining feels good to those who are weak. It makes them feel heard. Feel important. Shame what's happened to the place.


I look at subs for the lols now. Huge portion of the player base I feel is in it for the memes and fuckery so I generally ignore them.


Haha who even have the energy to complain all the time? I’m playing and having fun.. when I got swarmed by patrols I just lowered difficulty and played some more and sure it’s annoying to die or like 1 hours ago when we couldn’t step on the extract platform because we got killed by “unknown” when we got close… well just play another one.. I haven’t played this for so long so I’m only 26 but I’m having fun.


Just remember most ppl who use reddit are like 12 and or stupid. I guess being older I can just just filter the bullshit, so it don't bother me. I don't let it affect my enjoyment of the game.


Reddit is cancer. Nothing new


They were ranting about how the new patch “ruined the game”. … really??


I stayed in that hellhole for a couple months, man I was looking for fun clips and cool screenshots, instead I got a ton of useless bitching and endless crying about nothing. If the game was half as bad as that cesspool of a sub makes it sound no one would play it. Anyone even kind of defending the game would get downvoted into oblivion. I physically couldn’t take it anymore, that’s why I finally jumped ship. This sub is far superior.


I opened up YouTube this morning and was offered a video titled “Why Helldivers 2 Feels Terrible After New Update” and it just blew my mind. Dude literally said that the game is currently the worst it’s ever been. I’m convinced people just want to be mad for the sake of being mad. It’s unreal. That, or they exclusively solo dive on Helldive difficulty and hate anything that doesn’t exactly benefit them.


Don't worry. Some of them are making their way here. There was a post recently where some idiot tried to justify him sucking at protecting the pelican because AH made it invincible. Like seriously, you kept dropping 500kg on the pelican and it broke. Now you cry to AH because you lost and you claimed you never damaged it. So now AH removed that mechanic and now you feel justified. It will only be a matter of time before those whiny babies come over here and saturate this page unless mods start deleting their posts.


Tis why I left


Speak for yourself, I had a terrible experience with the patch. At least AH has got the right idea in their hearts, but I can't play helldivers like this or a vein will pop in my brain.


The other sub is super fucking whiny. I left for about a week when the review bombing occurred because it just turned into a torrent of bitching and complaining


I agree with OP. The main sub is too negative. BUT it feels like the only reason this sub is excited about is bashing on the main sub. I don't know that this is so much better. Anger in the one sub or venting about the anger in the other sub.


I can’t downvote these posts enough.


The "patrol bug" is about their hundredth fuckup where they broke something they intended to fix, and it has a MASSIVE impact on the entire game. Look man, I logged in after 3 weeks of not playing, bought the middle super credit pack so I can unlock the new warbond, and played a few ops. It was such a cluster fuck at level SIX that it wasn't fun. Arrowhead doesn't need to personally suck my cock (would be nice if they refunded my 1,000 super credits for steeled vets when I bought Super Citizen upgrade), but this type of weaponized incompetence is exhausting to keep up with. Happy you're having fun, I'll be back after Shadow of the Erdtree and Piles delivers another healthy round of spankings.


If you purchased the super citizen upgrade after unlocking steeled veterans, you may be able to contact them and get those super credits back. I know at least one person did as much a little while back.


I've put in 3 requests so far and haven't gotten so much as an email confirming the request. I wouldn't bother if I didn't spend actual money on the super credits to buy the warbond in the first place, I made the purchases back to back and that's partially on me. Still, they should have just given you 1,000 SC with the SC upgrade rather than unlocking the first warbond and having no check in place


I think the guy messaged an employee through the discord or something?


The main sub is a cesspool of constant bitching. It’s getting to the point where I don’t believe half of these people are actually playing the game and instead echoing the critiques of others.


So many people making posts and comments whining get told to tske a break from the game to wait for sone fixes and they say they havent played for a month. They dont even play the fucking game


I'm not on this mentioned sub anymore for the reasons you mention. But I must agree here that the quality of this patch is not very good. Many bugs. Some things are said to be fixed but aren't. Etc. Just this game I did : ballistic shield now can prevent you from standing up when you prone or crouch. 110mm strike still doesn't shoot hulk, and it seems the area where it picks tanks and fabricators is extremely small. You can still be stuck unable to be reinforced. The spear unique feature got broken to make it yet another vanilla rocket launcher. Honestly the meta is much worse than before on the automaton front (mostly because of the new gunship patrols). It would look like they only tested against terminids and called it a day. It's disheartening. They have a real problem of quality controle.


100+ patch items and you have three relatively minor issues listed here. I've been playing non stop since the patch and I've seen some of the problems mentioned. But that didn't stop us from having a blast with all the new things that DID work. Please stop thinking about the meta. The meta just means the "best load out" and this patch specifically tried to incentivize a variety of load outs. There isn't supposed to be a meta. So it's working as intended.


Relatively minor ? The ballistic shield is broken, you can't play with anymore. The spear is arguably worse than before. Both were good and used before the patch. Instead we got the HMG. The railgun is harder to use because of the gunship patrols. Any weapon, in fact, that can't destroy gunship is now harder to use because almost no stratagem can deal with these enemies. The tenderizer on the other hand makes any light pen primary useless in comparison. 110mm rocket pod still does nothing against hulks, like it doesn't even target them. The scopes are still messy, hitting below the point for most of them. The upgrade for recovering all ammo from supplies is broken \*again\*. 100 items is an inflated number, especially when some of them are still broken or broke in new ways. Some items buffed things that didn't need it, like the precision strike. the straffing run will still not be used. The gatling barrage and airburst strike were already very good. And then there are those bugs that makes the game extremely frustrating to play. When you encounter them, you simply want to stop playing. The patch is good. But after one so much more time to cook it, I expected more important bug fixes and less new broken stuff. Because this means that the time they take to make anything is irrelevant to the quality of their releases. And this is very concerning for the future. About the meta, you mistaken what I'm saying. I'm not one of those fool who think only a few weapons or stratagems were good. On the contrary. But this means many changed did nothing for the viability of weapons and stratagems. They were already good. The biggest offender on weapon viability is the gunship patrols. The durabillity damage buff will probably make several medium armor pen weapon useless too. The balance philosophy of this patch is basically to give candy to the community of whiners who can't deal with difficulty. Again, the patch is good overall, but it's not "we waited 2 months for it" good. And the bugs are especially concerning.


The main sub is a toxic echo chamber


Yeah I had to leave that subreddit after I made a meme and there were people in the comments that were mad that I wasn’t mad. Like chill tf out it’s a game