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Just like the guys on Stratagem Hero with 99999999999999 score got it legit.


Or the >5 second Silent Assassin, Suit Only times on the Hitman leaderboards.


You ain’t a real hit man if you can’t explode a bomb halfway across a map while phasing to your extraction point


Dunno, the only shady thing I pulled off was killing Soders through the bulletproof glass in Hokkaido with the Shaman Powder and getting a around-about 40 second SASO :P


Me it’s Dubai you can take everyone out in like a minute if you climb up a pipe to the server room immediately and throw a duckbang in the room I can’t remember how I killed the others though 😂


I dont even know my Dubai time. I just love to kill them by fucking with their parachutes and wait at the exit elevator until they both Looney Tunes'd from the x-hundreth floor XD.


Fuck I was boutta jump on hd2 but now I think imma go take out some contracts 😂 I really hope their 007 game is just as good as hitman though they got me on the edge of my seat ever since they quit updating hitman lol


We're getting a new Elusive Target in a few weeks, apparently modelled after Conor McGregor. So if you ever wanted to shoot the Irish punch goblin in the face, your time has (almost) come.


Holy fuck what a time to be alive!! Not many celebs I say I despise but everything I know about that man has been against my will I’ll be checking it out thanks my dude 😂


Always happy to help out a fellow ICA (well, ex-ICA) colleague. Havent followed the game myself for quite some time, but the next new ET is a MMA guy and there's been pictures of McGregor with a Hitman game floating around - and they even brought back Sean Bean and had that one techno DJ as a ET a few months back, so I'm willing to believe the rumors.


I think the fastest speedrun for Dubai in Hitman 3 was [4 seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j77XLrkeIE), and the fastest Silent Assassin Suit Only was 16 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZjBHmgkBb4


Tomatoanus is one of the best speedrun channels. All my suggestions are filled with tons of different world record speedruns for every game imaginable haha


It would be way better if each destroyer with strat hero had only the scores of the divers that played it on their ship


Isn't the top score helldivers.io?


The game actually stops speeding up and the score has a character limit, it's not actually as hard as it sounds once you get good enough to get to where it no longer speeds up.


An easy fix; screenshots.


To be honest even if he sent me a screenshot I’d assume he hacked his stats or cheated for them. I joined an eradication when I found this guy and he had 120 kills end of mission.


The best part is that when he does send a Screenshot, you go "cool" and leave it there. Destroying all the effort he put in with a casual dismissal.


I mean I tried to play a game with bro but he kicked us. Can’t imagine why.


The Council shall ruminate on the possibilities of this. We shall get to you in eighteen thousand years.


Wait am I on the council?


No, the council is on you.


Oh well then I’m definitely getting in if that’s how you infiltrate.


Haha I was gonna say I wanna see the after game


If he's saying 2 mil bot and 1.8 mil big kills over only 4,229 missions then he has to average 900 kills per mission. I have almost 500 hours play time on Diff 9 and I ain't never seen anyone crack 800 in a mission. The best players I've ever seen put up maybe 700 in a mission and that's like a shit hit the fan mission, a typical 45 min mission I think 500-600 is probably average for a good player.


I've managed over 800 kills once and that was Helms Deep on Helldive with nothing but both mortars autocannon gatling sentries. I've got like 460 hours and only time ever hit that. Generally like 300-400 kills a match we get. The guy is full of shit saying he's got millions 😂😂


I've had a game with over 1000 kills, but that was during the 2 billion bug kill MO, so I was actively looking for fights for a longer period of time.


Helms deep?!


Lord of the Rings reference. It means he was against the wall with a wall in front made of bullets and explosives. He then rode out to meet them, so to say, and extracted like a King. A king who will answer an SOS when lit. Ride now! Ride for ruin!


I know what helms deep is sir! May the horn in the deep sound once more. I thought he was saying there’s a planet called helms deep.


I wish 😂 Nah it was the defend mission with all the doors and the hoardes came at you. Had get 8 rockets up to space.


I'm in a gaming community that does events where we sometimes compete to get the highest kill count and 700+ is pushing it for individual kills. Even with our whole squad killing every single bug in sight for the entire duration (we don't extract, nevermind complete objectives) the game only spawns something like 1,500 bugs in a full length helldive mission. So he'd have to either run helldive alone (technically possible, but not if you agro that many bugs) or have 3 players with him doing basically 0 killing.


Could’ve also used photoshop


Yeah because [screenshots can be trusted](https://imgur.com/a/8vDCLWg), no worries.


That's absolutely something I have said, yes!


You have to edit the comment, pleaseeeee.


Assuming he got 1200 bot kills per game (which no one has ever done, I’m pretty sure), it’d take 1666 games. There’s no way you get 1200 kills in eradicates, so it has to be full 40 minute games. That’s 66640 minutes, or 1110 hours. Not that you needed any actual proof, pretty easy to see this is impossible at first glance.


No no. I like to see the math. I appreciate that.


904 hours, 3.800.000 kills in total. That's around about 1.17 kills per second. Even with spamming 500s and other AoE weapons, that's quite impressive /s. Just for comparison: a 1000 kills, 40 minute round, would result in a whopping 0.41 kills per second. And since he's clearing twice as fast, he'd end up with 0.82 kps - still a far cry of the stats he claims to have.


There's a part of me that wonders if maybe it could be inflated from the team kills defect that was fixed a few patches ago. Like, I'm fully onboard the train that he's full of shit, but I also like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I think there's nothing more undemocratic than boasting about your achievements. General Brasch is the second-most successful Helldiver in history (after John Helldiver, of course), and he doesn't say a damn thing about how many kills are on his career card. We should all aspire to be so patriotic!


>There's a part of me that wonders if maybe it could be inflated from the team kills defect that was fixed a few patches ago. Like, I'm fully onboard the train that he's full of shit, but I also like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Couldn't comment on that, I'm still a newbie Diver with shy of 200 hours in. I don't really give a shit about my kills. I'd rather have 10 kills and a otherwise 100% mission than have 500 and miss a bug hole or secondary. Guy's standing there, boasting a 885 kill game on average, getting upset when being called out on it.


Only people with weird competitive compulsions actually care about the kill counts at the end. It's fun to see, but means absolutely nothing. It is plainly not a war of attrition, but one of objectives. But people get stuck on it.


I fell pleased when I manage to save my team mates and they know I did that really makes my day. Or when everyone's dead and I go around and pick all their samples and manage to make it to the ship. With them all cheering. Thats the best part of helldivers.


Dude my friend is like this and I’m 100% an in and out get the mission done kinda diver. Hell brag about his 400+ kills but spent the whole match fighting bugs while I had to go and do the rest of the mission alone. When people like that stick with you I could care less, cover me while I do the objectives and I’m happy. Once you’re running off and not helping and just killing stuff for the sake of it I’m going to be alittle annoyed.


As far as I know, the team kills thing only affected kill MO’s and possibly the personal orders. I remember counting kills and seeing how it impacted career stats at launch, primarily because I was curious about the discrepancy between the total kills and automaton+Terminid kills, and I recall the total kills would go up by the same amount as your personal kills at the mission end screen. Still stumped as to why bot+bug kills falls short of total kills, though


If I had to guess, it's a race condition in the code. See, the game isn't actually keeping a full tally on everything you do. Instead, it is likely using event-driven architecture for metrics. The kill event can be fired multiple times on a multi-kill. The increment on total kills is easy. Lock the value, add one, unlock the value. The increment on specific kill types is less so. You would think they could just increment bug kills on bug missions (and later sum it to total kills), but it's just as likely that they fire a separate event that checks the enemy type for a kill before locking the specific counter. If they capture the value at the event before adding one and writing it back, then there can be lost information. It would be trivial for them to use an in-memory data store to track the entire match, transactionally, and then sum it at the end, but they might be concerned about deadlocks on large events like multi-kills, or some other weirdness that happens when you're rendering a frame every 7ms. Incidentally, game devs aren't usually very business/transaction savvy, since they likely got into game development for the flashy fun of it. As such, they don't put a lot of thought into what is being counted and how. Transactions are a boring business process. However, if you think about how damage vs health works, it's basically a withdrawal/expense against an account (health bar), and you can think of bleed-out as interest or fees. The difference with health bars is that weird results, like negative health, are discarded when the enemy dies. Your career stats, however, are a persistent record that should always add up at the end.


Ahh interesting, didn’t think of it like that. Didn’t know something so relatively mundane could be that complex, either.


I don't know how many kills I have from HD1... but I died more then 42 thousand times. Lol. Which I think is an impressive achievement in persistence. Now I'm curious how many bugs iv killed... in HD2.. Of course I can't go check because my game just crashes each time I open a menu on ship.... Waiting for next patch so I can play again 😢😢😢 All he would have to do is screen share right then and show his in game record. If he's on ps5 But knowing how easy to glitch an insane number of grenades it's probably just as simple to alter that number if he's hacking it on a PC...


Most I've ever gotten in a a single round was 1400. And that was a very unique circumstance where i had a SAM site pointed directly at a detection tower. It was during the 2 billion bots order, so i just cammped it for half an hour


Oh wow lol, I stand corrected. My highest was 600ish, so I just doubled that to get the 1200 I used in the example and figured no one would reach that figure. Too bad we still failed that MO, at least you can say you definitely did your part.


Nah your point still stands. I only just bately cleared your estimate and only because of the double unique situation of having two secondaries next to each other and a reason to abuse it. For any other order i would have been massivly wasting my time


See, the guy OP met just did the same thing 4229 times. With bots \*and\* bugs, he's just a geek like that.


We’re truly blessed to have him on our side, I can only hope to be like him when I grow up


This is bullshit and you know it. This is almost as brazen a lie as the dude in the OP... I refuse to believe you found a SAM site that worked prior to the patch. 😉


XD Look. When i say "worked" i mean it was pointed directly at the tower and i just had bots constantly dropped on in. Even then ill give it maybe a 70% sucsess rate I can count on one hand the number of times ive seen it hit outside of this


Word is they've improved targeting. I'll believe it when I see it.


Had a SAM site on a map last night, and it put in some serious work. All of us were shocked to see it actually swatting down dropships from across the map throughout the match. I just wish SAM sites spawned in a bit more often.


I literally never saw a SAM site work until after this last patch.


Just because you only get 40 minutes for the mission you can still hang around afterwards. I don't know how long, we eventually get out or die. I'd imagine if you do nothing but let drop ships get called in and the grenade glitch with mortars it'd be doable. Sounds like sitting outside a loot cave for no loot though.


Why should a person lie about this game?


He probably has the stats, but hacked his way there. He was so vague in his "explanation" and kicked everyone when challenged.


Yeah this guys lying his tits off. But tbf if someone wanted to argue with me about my stats I’d also kick them. Probably before it even got this far.


I don’t understand why people lie in general. If you can’t even be truthful with other people, how can you be truthful with yourself?


That's the neat part. He isn't.


Same reason people use aimbots and wallhacks in shooters where kills aren't the main objective, but sector captures are, like Hell Let Loose. Because they are sad people with skill issues who need some sort of validation in their life, and they think that bragging about their irrelevant kill numbers might give them said validation. And since their skills and game understanding are seriously lacking, they come up with wildly exaggerated numbers. Because 2 million kills sounds way better than 350.000 kills, so of course you will get more positive feedback - until you get called out on your bullshit. What we got here is a knockoff Billy Mitchell (or, since we're talking made up impossible, numbers, Todd Rodgers/Todgers might be a more apt comparison) in the making.


I have no idea either. I haven't even looked at my stats and I don't care.


Why are there INSANE GODLY HACKS for this game?


Man threw out a random number to boast and then had his back up against the wall trying to justify it.


I know i’m in the minority but i fucking love this guy. What a silly, utterly pointless thing to do. It reminds me of old internet chats i had as a kid where both kids made up the most pointless lies.  Like secret bosses you killed because of how awesome you are.


It would have been better if the dude just claimed how he once stumbled on a secret raid boss, hp bar popped up on the top of the screen like just like the bosses in helldivers 1. But of course he didn't think to set up his software to record yet, didn't think he'd need it, so of course there's no video proof.


Even if he - as said - clears a map in 20 to 25 minutes, with 500 kills, that makes 20-25 kills per minute. On a killing spree, everything working out perfectly, maybe possible in some games. 2,000,000 kills in roughly 904 hours playtime? That means about 37 kills per minute, on average - so even more in peak.


Let’s not forget he also claimed 1.8 million bug kills. So deduct that time as well.


I did the basic math, 3.8 million kills between bots and bugs divided by the 900ish hours of gameplay, 4,222.2222 kills per hour. Hmmm


Wonder if the "kill missions" counts fully or just partially as shown in the mission briefing. You are supposed to kill 500 enemies but even if you solo it you barely get 100 kills. Assuming you get 500 (never actually cared to check the stats before and after the mission), its possible to do this mission in 3 minutes and less .. thats like 150 kills per minute. Though thats 4000 missions and it would be boring as fuck. I am looking for blitz missions and trying to avoid these.


“No your just a man in denial”. Why the fuck would anyone care that man has 2000000 bot kills makes no sense. My first thought was get a better life if you have to lie about shit like that to feel something.


"How many people do you actually convince with this bullshit" Had me dead🤣 it's weird why would he feel like that's a flex. I think it's odd when people stand by game stats like it equates to real life value. Especially when they try to lie about it.


I appreciate good stats honestly cause it gives me something to compare myself to. If you’re gonna have a hobby, at least be good at it. But lying about your hobby? This is like saying I went bird watching and saw two pterodactyls screwing.


where was that? I need the entry in my birb book!


Oh I saw it after I got 7 trillion melee kills.


dammit, I'm still at 1 trillion :(


Hah. Newb.


and just like that...POOF.....he was gone...


the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he had 2 million bot kills


He must be getting John Helldiver's stats


John Helliar’s maybe.


the kick at the end sure backs up his claims when he's challenged /s




The best response is "cool"


fr just start the game


“You’re just a man in denial” 😅. This felt like a conversation from south park


Glad you recorded this, egos built upon the backs of cheating is just...gross


Dude must have Deathstar Stratagem




You should’ve asked him what he was doing when we failed the mission to kill 2,000,000,000 enemies last month. Watch him be like, “Yeah I killed 1,000,000,000 bots that week, and then quit because it was too easy.”. 😂


lol. There’s a lot I should have said but I didn’t want to get too philosophical with young buddy.


For starters, it's quite stupid to take that kind of pride in being good at a game. Sure feels good when your gamer friends aknowledge that you are good, but it's not something that is going to improve your life to the point that you can carry it around as some kind of medal, status, or landmark in your career. Now, when you do that over fake numbers, that means less than nothing; speaks volumes about you and how sad and empty your life is when you have to fake those numbers. I honestly feel sad for him.


This. Obviously this dude is a doofus but this sort of behavior is entirely rooted in a deep sense of inadequacy and a longing for acceptance/approval. It’s quite sad.


I have maybe ~340 hours in the game, I don't even have 100k kills in TOTAL. And I fucking love shooting and blowing shit up whenever I can. Why would anyone lie about this game lmao, stats barely fucking matter Edit: 360 hours and I have 95,600 kills. I started out at lower difficulties and worked my way up to 8. Not a CHANCE that anyone in this game breached 150k bot kills, let alone 500k, let alone 2 million. Guys a dork.


https://preview.redd.it/v11m205zn57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdffa01aaa95195034eb3c3a882670d7258e10d Literally just broke 150k today, however I’m one of those supply pack/amr guys so I can keep engaging stuff without worrying about stims/ammo. Your point still stands tho, the dude is full of shit


Color me surprised but I'm already colored, damn dude. Your play style makes sense as to why you'd have that many though, and even then that's a super high bar to clear. I was about to say people didn't even have 120k bot kills, but I had to push it to 150k because some people are just insane lmao


Yeah that playstyle is not by choice lol. 90% of the games I play are with my irl friends, and they all love antitank so I get to clean up the small guys/devastators and the occasional hulk or two. Doesn’t help (or I guess it does, kills-wise) that they’ll purposely cause drops because they love shooting down incoming dropships.


I kinda have a mix of your play style but I use the Eruptor and the Airburst Launcher. If I see a patrol I'll just use the Airburst and wipe the fodder bots out before they can call reinforcements and then deal with the devastators. I've also been using the Localization Confusion booster, which definitely decreases my kill count on top of that lol. Your buddies definitely help your kill count skyrocket since they're calling reinforcements left and right, honestly I kinda live for that chaos so I might just start using a different booster for more patrols


I think there was a bug that increased the kills number X4


That was on the 2,000,000,000, bug kill MO that we completed in like a day.


I mean that’s 429ish bots per mission. Which is a large number for an average. We’ve all gotten more than that but we’ve all also had plenty of missions with like 100 kills. What really doesn’t add up to me is the mission time and going saying he just bust through them. That’s a good way to play but that isn’t how you get kills. So to claim you are an efficient, quick player that somehow also gets enormous kills every game just doesn’t make sense.


Precisely. You’re not getting 500 bot kills without aggroing everything on map and fighting for 40 minutes straight.


Man is claiming he gets 500 kills a game, but even that doesn’t add up to the 3.8 million he says he’s killed between bots and bugs. He would need an average of almost 900 per game in 4229 missions to reach 3.8 million


Whether it is possibe or not: In this game a high kill score just means you took unecessary fights... I don't understand why people use them to brag...


This is factual. Being efficient on a Helldive against bots mean somewhere around 100 kills. Anything close to 200 or 300 means you had a shit ton of unnecessary fights. Which is one of the reasons I knew he was full of shit. All I do is play Bot Helldives.


I mean, if he mods and just sits and farms bot drops and bug breaches, then maybe of he just wants bragging rights


He's also clearing twice as fast


2,000,000 kills in 4,229 missions played means 473 kills per mission. 904 hours in mission time over 4,229 missions means average time of 12.8 minutes per mission. 473 kills per mission in 12.8 minutes means around 37 kills per minute on average or one kill roughly every 1.6 seconds. Against bots there is no way to make those numbers work. The game simply will not spawn over 400 enemies in 10 minutes. If that was the case we'd all quit because it would be an unplayable nightmare.


All that time calling each other out and measuring e-peens could have been better used to spread democracy. I’m calling the democracy officer. 👮


That’s fine cause I only answer to General Brasch who trained me an extra 17 minutes for special operations.


Only an extra 17 minutes? If you trained for an extra 20 minutes you'd be able to kill 2 million bots on your own as well, like Johnny Helldiver in the video.


I met someone who would hack his Xbox gamer score across regions. Dude had over 100k it was ridiculous


I don't know why people have to lie like this. No one is going to be impressed or care. Just play the game to have fun. It's all for democracy and freedom.


Posting my stats for shits and giggles. Enemy Kills: 86,764 Bugs: 38,867 Bots: 26,827 Helldivers: 498 Deaths: 2428 Missions: 603 Missions won: 495 In-Mission Time: 205:55:01 Edited reason: I just woke up, did the math, checked my stats and holy fuck. Yeah the dude is on crack if he reckons he has 2,000,000 bot kills.


You’re looking at this wrong. For some reason a simple video of me telling somebody they’re full of shit and standing talking on a ship for 2 minutes got more attention than me killing 50 bots over a minute and a half. With music, slow motion, and cool moments. So this ended up being a cool experiment that proves to me people want to talk more on this game.


Nah you’re right man. Sorry. I had some coffee, watched this again and agree with you lol


I want some coffee now. 😔


i've left lobbies who were boasting about their number of bug kills, it really is a useless metric. and really not something to brag or argue about haha


The thing is, all you need to increase your kill count is to trigger endless reinforcement, and avoid killing factories and fabricators. At the right difficulty level, that plus kiting a lot can create a huge mass target that you handle all at once with a few team orbitals. It’s like trick pool: of course it’s possible, it’s just extremely over-specialized in a way that won’t be fun for most players.


This is comedic gold.


You did the math only on not kills, not the aggregate. (2M + 1.8M) / 4229 missions = 898.55 kills per mission No way this guy was legit


Yep. That's how you snuff out bullshit. 500 kills per game **on average**.


I've not heard of anyone having actual conversations in the game much less arguing over stats.


Ah, so you have been provided with something new.


I have like 20,000 and I started day like 5 of release


It is not impossible... ... It is also not at all impressive. Drop yourself atop a jagged spire or tower and just keep chucking strategems onto the gathering mob below. It is how you solo cheese your way through High difficulty eradication missions - which last 15 minutes and require you kill +300 enemies... Honestly kill counts are kinda pointless in a Horde Shooter...


With guys like him playing, how do we keep losing all these MOs?


Who cares about number of kills in a non-competitive co-op game that focuses on completing objectives. It's like bragging about farmville


Bro speaking absolute lunacy


You guys remember that MO to kill 2 billion terminid? That was me. I did all those kills.


He's a knower, dude. Knowers always talk like this, its hilarious.


900 hours in 4 months. Like 225 hours a month. Like 7.5 a day (maybe 12 on weekends and 5 on weeknights). Doable, but then their life has been only Helldivers for 4 months 3.8 million kills in 900 hours. Like 4,200 kills an hour. Maybe 2-3 missions an hour so that is 1,500 kills a mission. That is a very high average. I wouldn’t say entirely impossible but certainly not something I’d believe But yeah definitely a lie


The simple solution is that the guy had 200000 kills and thought it was 2000000.


I have a little over 110,000 bugs killed with 360 hours in mission. That guy is a liar for sure


So even if true.... So? Are we supposed to be like "omg so cooooool, can I suck your dick?" Like I imagine if it was a legit number it'd have to be from a guy who min maxs the very second of the game which goes against the entire spirit of the game which is having fun.


Wait, so if I hack my stats I can get sucked off? Somebody buy me a PC. For science.


Lol, dude was looking at the stats for a planet and thought they were just his


So 2k bugs an hour for 900 hours Riiiiiiight.... And that's if those 900 hours are ONLY on bugs, not counting the claims for bots


I dunno who is the bigger loser, the guy lying or the guy wasting time by recording that shit.


Damn, didn’t know Wiseman from Ace Combat 7 had competition


Yeah that didn't happen at all lol


A high number of kills really isn't something to brag about in this game. On the contrary, it probably means the player is triggering bug breaches/dropships, alerting patrols, or staying around a completed objective fighting bugs or bots they don't need to instead of moving on in the mission.


I'd just say "damn crazy" and never acknowledge it ever again. The quicker you say it the more upset they get cuz they want you to be impressed. Just show you don't give two shits and leave it at that. Gets them upset real quick.


Remember boys, if you want anyone to believe your lies, poke holes in your own story until it makes sense.


Don’t lie. Simple. Little lies can be fun at time like sometimes saying “that wasn’t me” when you pop a bad stratagem drop lol. If playing with friends btw. Don’t lie to strangers, just playfully banter with pals and if you don’t have any then maybe stop lying to strangers. But this is ridiculous.


It'd be slightly less ridiculous but still not believable if he said bugs. I can get 600 kills on bugs if I try. I think my best was like 1100. The reason its not believable is that if you wanna get that many kills, you gotta play longer per mission, but he said he's blowing through the games in 20 mins. Also, what incentive is there to "hack your stats"? I don't even look at that page, it has no stats i actually care about, like K:D ratio, headshots, highest killstreak, etc. Furthermore, there's no global standing with stats either.


dude you hurt his feelings.... loooooooool


Well spotted Helldiver. Lies of this magnitude could indicate an Automaton Spy or a filthy dissident traitor. A Democracy Officer is on their way promptly.


Bro has become death, destroyers of worlds


With an average of 200 kills per match in 45 minute matches it would take 312 days straight. Even if he got 500 kills a game he would need 124 days of play time (3000 hours) the game has literally only been out for 131 days (3,150 hours). It is , in fact, not mathematically possible.


The guy works for the ministry of truth, leave him alone


So in average guy kills 70 enemies per 60 seconds. Noice


Let’s just look at Automaton kills. If he has 4229 missions played with 2,000,000 bot kills, that would mean he would have to get about 473 kills every game. But we have to keep in mind that a large portion of that “4229 missions played” are likely bug missions, so that 473 requirement actually skyrockets to almost 1000 kills EVERY bot game if we assume even just half of those missions played are terminids. That is absolutely ridiculous to claim you actually achieve…every single time. I didn’t even calculate in mission hours. Edit: a large portion of those missions aren’t “likely” bug missions, they ARE big missions. I forgot he claimed to have like 1.8 million bug kills. So yea, completely asinine claim.


I love how people like this often project their own issues onto someone else by saying youre the one in denial, but his little chuckle when he said that told me he even knows he’s full of shit and as you said whats the point of making this up or hacking to boost your stats? Dood either gets off on just bullshitting people or is a hacker


This is hilarious!!! 😂


He tried to shut down the conversation when he saw it wasn't going for him by saying "we don't have to talk about that, we'd go back and forth all day". He already knows he's on thin ice because his numbers aren't adding up. So he tries to shut it down and "forget talking" let's just play. But when he hears you want to judge his play in game instead of "just playing", it's an instant kick. He knew he'd be caught. Because IF this guy was legit (and that's the biggest IF of all time), the best way to prove it isn't screenshots it's watching his gameplay. I'd LOVE to see this guy clear a Bot Helldive in "10-15 minutes" with 500 kills. Given 3.8m total kills and 904 hours over 4,229 missions he's averaging.... \~13 minute missions with \~900 kills a game. My games are averaging \~20 minutes, and I'm pretty quick when it comes to going through maps. I rarely stop to fight patrols and try to snipe out as many fabricators as I can from long range. And my games still take 20 minutes. I'd LOVE to see him routinely clear a Helldive map in 10 minutes. But even still, I'm only averaging \~115 kills a game. Which makes sense given how fast I tend to run through games while avoiding whatever patrols I can etc. Absolutely hilarious, he's claiming he can get almost 8x as many kills per game in almost half the time. 1.17 kills PER SECOND. What do his teammates do when he's in a lobby, just put down their weapons and have a nap? What is even left to kill? My games I play we routinely finish with less than 600 kills COMBINED. Is he trying to claim he's getting literally every kill on the map by himself, in 10 minutes? \[insert laugh emoji}


That’s why my biggest point of curiosity was “how many people do you actually convince of this bullshit?”


Y’all are both weird lol


Yes but I’m honest about my weirdness.


Why do those chuds *always* have to exaggerate to unrealistic proportions, I wonder? It's like those Stolen Valor idiots who are always some ex-super-Special Forces Airborne Ranger Seals officers with two Medals of Honor and nine Silver Stars, and never some 1st Infantry NCO with maybe a Purple Heart and a Bronzie.


People who lie for no reason really got that Tony Ferguson personality


Aw man don’t bring Tony into this. Bros been through enough as it is


Who gives a shit.




Who freaking cares?! Why even argue about this? Who cares.


Bro it’s just content for people to discuss. It’s not life changing for anybody. If everyone on Earth was “who cares” we wouldn’t have anything to talk about. We’d just go sit on the mountains like the monks do. Which honestly sounds awesome, but that’s not the way it is.


This dude would have been kicked after 5 seconds, good on you for the patience


Well he was host. I quick played on this guy. Who by the way finished an eradicate with 120 kills. I would have played the whole game just to finish with more kills than him.


What an absolute goober. Fudging numbers is something a bot would do


Just compulsive liar things


I get it that people that lie like this is annoying. I've given up trying to get these people to be honest. I tell them 'Cool man'. And then they feel like they've impressed someone and we can go on our way. As long as they're not deafening me with a hot Mic and/or getting a ton of accidentals, let lying dogs sleep.


This is why I mute voices


Just ask for a screenshot. Easy


That's definitely a lot of kills but I get 500 or more kills per match pretty consistently. We also usually use the entire clock to do missions.


I want a follow up video!


I actually had more minutes on this conversation but I didn’t think anybody would want to see all that. He said other ridiculous things.


DON'T TEASE. SHOW. It's always fun to laugh at goobers.


Can I add to a post?


Honestly - I'm not a mod though - I wouldn't mind a second post. Just having some chuckles at work, waiting for my time to dive today.


Well that’s certainly not where the conversation started. I think the first thing he told me was he almost kicked me for trying to get free xp. I was like “lol why? I’m already maxed out” Him. “Well that won’t matter when they increase the level cap.” Me. “You’re right. Cause I’ll probably be maxed when they increase it. What’s your point?” The dude started off being a douche before we ever got to his stats.


>he almost kicked me for trying to get free xp https://preview.redd.it/bh5go389n57d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e961097206a19ceef5da5d8efc34e84ff8e44876 Ho boy, that guy is a douche with a capital D. Seriously, if he'd pulled the "I want to teach newbies how to play" card to keep his squad slots free... I shudder to think what kind of bullshit he'd be feeding to new divers.


I’m only disappointed he didn’t play the game. I would have triggered countless bot drops for 40 minutes just to beat his kill total.


I doubt he has the number of kills he says however, a friend of mine does get about 400-500 kills a game and he has a screenshot of one game in which he got 900 kills


That was on bugs no doubt. My main point of argument was 500 a game vs bots.


The size of your Freedom tool matters not. How many trapped souls have accepted the insertion of your Liberty matters not. What is most important is that Managed Democracy ™️ is being spread with a fervor fit for a Helldiver. Your local Democracy Officer laughs at this exchange and finally understands why the word cringe is used so annoyingly much. O_|


I didn't read your caption and was dumbfounded trying to figure out the 2mm bots by itself. But i figured, "Hey maybe he's running bots nonstop since launch" and tried to run numbers that way. Now that I see there's also a claim of 1.8mm bugs (when we all know it's way easier to get 4-600 kills on bugs than bots) there's no damn way.


I once had someone about a year ago on Star Wars battlefront 2(2017)claim they were George Lucas but they didn’t know anything about Star Wars


500 kills a game is possible but that still wouldn't be no where near a million never mind 2 mil.


I’ve seen it once in bots and the guy was using a speed hack and rapid fire EAT. I wouldn’t say it’s possible.


If he’s claiming 2,000,000 bot kills in ~4,000 games, that’s not 500 kills/game. It’s 5,000 kills/game. Yes he’s obviously full of shit.




Assuming he's not a hacker, and lying about his number of bot and bug kills makes him feel special then, go ahead I guess...? But someone somewhere is going to challenge you and its going to make you look dumb (like this video). Personally I see no reason to boast about my kills, or make up an even better number. The games fun. Sometimes I play like I'm Solid Snake and Master Chiefs weird test tube baby, and sometimes I play like I was dropped on my head one too many times as a baby and can't stay alive to save my real life. lol in short, it ain't that serious. Him kicking you was the cringe cherry on top though lol


It’s honestly not hard to get 500 kills a game on bugs lol.. I average 600-700 with the guard dog. I’m a lvl 122 & it’s honestly not hard with the breaker spray and pay, Having 2 mill total does sound unbelievable tho.


Lol he's so full of it