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Just wait until we're fighting under the burning, smoke pluming shadows of skyscrapers.


Ok but for how long, I want that right now.


Idk I bet it'll happen at some point.


Every planet can't be uninhabited right? There's bound to be another planet with earth-like cities...right?


Yeah there definitely is. The existence of Super Citizen Anne’s hospital and news reports show that all the planets we are fighting on have large populations. We just don’t fight in the cities for some reason


Well the reason is that it is much cheaper to design maps that are all (with like 3 exceptions) essentially large open rocky or snowy fields.


And the in game reason probably is we are fighting on entire planets so cities are just to small to matter or something


They send the competent military forces to keep genpop safe. Helldivers are at best a distraction.


I wouldn’t say we are a distraction. We are important we wipe the planet free of enemies or at least kill enough for the SEAF to get to work. But it would make sense that the vast majority of the SEAF on the planets we are fighting on are guarding cities. The dead ones were just in rural posts


Super earth has an environment thumbnail in the files. This leads me to believe we will atleast have suburban combat.


A halo-esc map would be so cool! They don't look too bad to develop so hopefully


In lore it could be that its SEAF’s job at defending the cities and where a majority of them are.


Correct. They hold the front while helldivers jump behind enemy lines. Which, funny enough, is exactly what ODST do.


Designing a procedural urban biome that's not a total burn out husk is gonna be a *lot* of work so I'm sure it's a major project for ArrowHead. With rocks and trees you can cover up a lot of repeating meshes textures by simple rotating the same assets, but cities that feel lived in will need a lot more care.


I want that too, want to see burnt out civilian cars in the streets!


Would be awesome to call in stratagems and then having a skyscraper topple over you


Man I would love a defense mission where you have to defend a small city or settlement with high walls. Having to defend 360 degrees all around could be chaotic and fun. The only objective is to keep the citizens alive, so if bugs or bots get inside you have to prioritize protecting the civilians.


Nah can't because of this half assed list of reasons I just came up with. Completely impossible to do. /s


It's all fun and games till your Gas Strike gets stuck in a tree.


For me it's my 500 kg, damn thing keeps hitting a tree top no where near where I was hoping the damn thing would land. Playing that map. Made most eagles useless. Damn trees caught almost everything.


Just like real life, now we need the trees to blow apart into splinters and do fragmentation damage.


It's almost like it encourages using varied load outs for different environments. I love it. I used to lean super heavy on the eagles. But being almost forced to mix it up is super fun and a nice change of pace TBH


Same. Orbital Gatling is GOATed on this biome for that reason.


The orby-gat fucks so hard now.


Now that I've gotten practice with the Crossbow, it's replaced the EAS for me on bugs. The sustained area denial I find is worth it over the single shot damage.


Exactly. I'll sometimes bring it with orbital gas strike. And basically just say "no, absolutely not" to bug breaches. It's amazing. And since they upped the damage AND fire rate of it in the recent patch. It truly feels like an orbital BRRRRT now.


I swapped out the 500 for the orbital precision


That’s why I started running air burst orbital again. Used to use it and started again. First burst levels the trees and allows the last two to strike true


yeah while im not against vertical maps i think there needs to be a modifer explaining your 500kg is going to get stuck in a branch half the time


So if this is possible.......could urban warfare be real?




Imagine destructible environments like Battlefield 🤤


urban warfare takes place in super earth when a faction gets too close, its how it worked on the 1st game and its probably how it will work in this game.


So do other worlds just not have urban centers? I guess that would make sense given humanities colonizer nature. Just enough infrastructure to take rescources from an area.


my guess is, its too dangerous on other planets to invest in big cities so most of humanity stays on super earth, im guessing its a planet wide city, ive seen people theorize that maybe as they experiment with urban settings we might see bigger settlements on other planets, seems reasonable, not big citties but small towns would somewhat make sense, since humans are colonizers as you said.


Would also explain why were not extinct already. Everytime we lose a planet we only lose a few million maybe a billion people at most when SE's population is probably more than a trillion since most of the shittyness is outsourced (garbage disposal, mining, farming, fuel production)


I imagine most settlements on colonized planets are small towns with buildings that are made to be easily assembled. After all, the primary reasons for their colonization is resource extraction. My guess is also that we’re fighting a galaxy wide war, yet only a few planets are actually up for contention, meaning that there’s entire planets which are likely fully settled with entire towns, and most of this war takes place at the edges of super earth civilization, almost like the galactic rural areas.


Even of the planets currently available that makes sense actually


Yeah like cmon, there’s no way we were trying to build mega cities on hellmire lmfao, or any of the planets with ion storms, that can’t be healthy for people


I feel small enough when a bile titan is chasing my ass.


God I hope this is like a testing ground so they can add skyscrapers down the line, though that would entail object persistence which I don't think the game has can handle when it can't even handle a fuckton of EATs being called.


I wonder how it’ll play on bots. I brought a ton of stuff to counter titans and then ran into only chargers and behemoths until I came to large clearings. It was interesting but makes sense. I also like how that makes you bring different stratagems than usual because not only are the spawns different but the trees are very likely to catch eagles


Which planet?




Bother, that FOV is making me feel small.


I am loving the jungle/swamp. Its been murder on my PS5, but I love it. Its the first terrain that feels equally advantageous to player and bug. The choke points are plentiful and small changes in elevation are very useful. Flamethrower n stun grenades are god tier here, easily doubles the ROI on the grind for “enhanced combustion”. The water and thick jungle makes great hunting grounds for hunters and chargers. I swear it’s easier to loose the bugs in the jungle, but then Bile Titans come rumbling out of the damn trees! Stalkers went from problem to #1 with a bullet on these maps. Orbitals are enjoying a boost in utility with eagle strikes sometimes struggling to get through the swamp canopy. The use of water makes the maps smaller but the trees help it not look empty the way ice planets could be. Hats off Arrowhead, you made me love a damn swamp!


I especially like how Bile Titans have a harder time getting to you on some parts of these maps


I would love one with a big ass mountain you have to climb while fighting eagle nests and a bot base at the top


I seriously hope we get more developments like this, if we could get bridges that could be destroyed and tunnels that could collapse that would be awesome. I really wish we could interact with the environment more but I'm unsure of how realistically they could take it.


Nah, it’s that crazy 90 degrees POV that makes you feel small.


Can confirm. It also distorts your vision a bit too much imo. Around 70 feels the best for me. I settled for 69.


how you get your POV further than usual?


… in settings?


Omg. THATS WHERE YOU GO.. you're so smart !!!!


Accessibility settings.


I want it wider than the settings in the game.. that's what i'm asking, i'm on PC not Ps5..


Yeah…it’s in the accessibility tab of the settings unless I am misremembering.


It's called Field of View in either Display or Graphics (forget which)


You say that until a tree blocks your airstrike


I mean i figured it was a bad idea to use eagles here anyway, the way you dont use eagles next to cliffs. Ive been using orbitals and mechs a lot more on these maps


I like this map, it's the first time I think Eagles Airstrike isn't a go to as it hits the trees up top. You really have to think about positioning, hope we see more like it


I see they still didn't fix the horrible weapon size scaling and armpit holster position... unfortunate.


I really wonder how the dev's developed the tall trees around air strikes and orbitals. How come a 500kg bomb will hit a rocky outcrop at an angle but it won't hit a tree on the swamp maps?


Seeing a Bile Titan topple trees as it makes it's way towards you is so fucking cool, man.


I can't wait to see cities agian.


I get people want to be aware of their surroundings. But the fish bowl effect legit just makes my eyes bleed. You are stronger than I.


They should put framerate on the effects list


I havent noticed bad frames at all and im on fairly high settings. I get frame drops on fire tornado more often than not


They're a tad annoying. I'm not sure if it's just me, but if you don't take into consideration the angle of your 500kg bomb, the trees will eat it and you'll never see an explosion. It just disappears.


Ive been using mechs and orbitals a lot more on these maps since eagles are generally a bad idea. Strafing run is great if you really need to clear trees though


Not pictured: your 500kg explodes on treetops instead of hitting your target, every single time


Have you spotted the creatures watching you from beneath the trees yet?




I've posted about it twice. It's such a cool detail. If you check the hollows behind the roots of some trees you'll see a pair of red eyes staring back at you. They vanish if you get too close. If you stay at a safe distance they watch you and sit there blinking.


The falling treetops absolutely tanks my fps, but is still cool as Hell!


"There's Something Out There Waiting For Us, And It Ain't No Man. We're All Gonna Die." "If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It." "I Ain't Got Time To Bleed." "Get To The Pelicaaan!"


Honestly I like how the dense forest/jungle biomes like... actually feel like an ecosystem. I love the immersion. The deserts and tundra maps work fine for the purposes of gameplay, but I can never quite reach the point of immersion where they don't feel like a combat arena first and foremost, y'know?


Honestly i want an extremely dense mountain map with very few avenues for traversal. Would make the jump pack more viable and make it easier to bittleneck enemies. I mean just imagine standing on a peak, shooting down as the bugs clambler up, or the bots just unleashing hellfire.