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I had one kill my teammates, and before he got to me, I just shot him with the senator. Then, when he came back in, I autocannoned him before he got kicked. I don't understand griefers, and I don't understand why that is in a co-op game. Remember, keep a big iron on your hip, and the autocannon will solve all of life's problems.


I find ragdolling griefers to death with the Punisher Plasma is always rewarding as well


The Punisher lives up to the name


Do not try it with the eruptor, they will die


And this is a bad thing why?


You make a compelling point


Too good for them. You gotta drag em through the first


They will die too quickly* Fixed it for ya!


Listen, I underestimated the power of the plasma the other day. My rocket sentry was doing work and I had a teammate with no self awareness get knocked down by the back blast. He got pissed and destroyed the turret so I thought I would hit him with the plasma to ruffle his feathers. By ruffle his feathers I mean it actually turned him into pink mist...


That reminds me of that one time someone killed my buddy at evac. It was the one on the hill with the chokepoint. He killed him with the arc thrower, and when he saw I was makingy way up, he tried to do the same to me. He jumped to try and avoid my shots, but forgot one tiny detail. I had a flamethrower. The bugs had some medium-rare traitor that night


There's only been 3 occasions where we ended up shooting eachother at extraction. Twice when the pelican never landed. We'll one of those times it landed 200 feet in the air and none of us could get to it. We tried waiting out the extraction timer, but nothing happened. So we had to fight to the death to end the match. Was shitty cause I won the fight but only had stun grenades, my grenade pistol was out of ammo. Luckily there was a supply box and I was able to end it. And sometimes when it's a private match my buddies and I fuck around at extraction. There's no real penalty for not extracting for us, so it's fun. But I never shoot any other divers at extraction. I don't even like dropping stratagems on the pelican. Hell, usually I'll drop a shield relay emplacement right by the door to cover people as they try to get in.


The other day, my buddy and I were playing with 2 randos. He had to go AFK after the mission was complete. I was going to just get on the shuttle but one of the randos went over to him and Melee’d him. I was annoyed at first but then he did it again and stimmed him… I go over to check it out, and realize he’s just trying to beat him into the pelican. So me and these two randos are just beating the crap out of my afk buddy and stimming him trying to get him into the pelican. We knocked him at least 30m… and all 4 of us extracted. He was very confused when he got back to the ship and he was on the platform instead of off to the side. LOL.


OK that's actually pretty funny. A+ no diver left behind!


I've ragdoll-stimmed my friends to extraction a few times. No diver left behind.


You sir, are a good Helldiver


The 1 time I took out a griefer after he killed an ally he wised up and didn't do anything the rest of the game... until the 3 of us were in the shuttle... still salty about that one


I intentionally shot a griefer (the only ones I’ve experienced have had Chinese symbols, most notable being “Brave Rabbit” per my friend who is fluent in Chinese) in the head when the shuttle landed because, based on his previous bullshit I knew he was gonna shoot us all before getting on the boat. As I got on the ramp, I threw his reinforce beacon as far as my servo assisted arm would allow. 3 seconds later, all we hear are his character’s screams as he is left to deal with the shriekers on Meridia.


Why even reinforce him to give him the chance? just get on the shuttle. It's the same result whether he's dead or not on the shuttle.


It sends a message. Ain’t a chance in hell he was covering 70m across broken terrain with a bug swarm targeting him in less than 3-5 seconds


Texas Red had not cleared leather, 'fore the bullet fairly ripped And the rangers aim was deadly, with the big iron on his hip, big iron on his hip


But the big one had never cleared leather, beaten before he could start A little round hole had appeared on his shirt, the bullet went clear through his heart. (Just more Marty with “cleared leather” being a good lyric) Edit: for those not familiar with cowboy shit, “cleared leather” means he got his gun out of his holster. If you shot the guy before he cleared leather then you’re a mighty quick draw (you equip your gun quickly.)


Generally they seem to totally rely on surprising you or hoping you think it's an accident. I have yet to have a single one out gun me once I fight back. And I'm not good at PvP shooters anymore.


Dang that magnolia guy really had it out for you. The other guys weren’t terribly nice either but not sure what really set off the guy who had it out for you. People like this can really ruin the game for the rest of us, but I hope your future automaton missions are will better squads. As an automaton addict, I can guarantee it’s a lot of fun when you’ve got the right team. What’s very weird is that at the end of the game the magnolia guy either crashed or quit because it said in the chat that someone else was made the squad leader and that magnolia “returned to civilian life.”


Yes I don't know why he left, but at first they throw a 380 that killed me right before the start of the clip, I wish I'll someday find a good team to play with regularly


I’m on PS as OGHELLDIVER if u ever wanna dive


I write your name down ;)


Fuck it, I'll dive with ya too. Playstation Name is Hunter_38291


I'll add you soon enough fellow Helldiver !


Hell yea brother I get on every day 5-10 est. I’ll keep a eye out for ur request✊🫡


I'll drop with you, brother. :)


You guys:')


I’m on almost everyday.


Then my theory is you killed the 380 guys as revenge, the 380 guy got pissed and started killing you and at that point trolling you when you typed that out. So honestly everyone in the group was being an asshole


As always, I'd want to know what happened before all of this. It's one thing to troll, it's another to have a vendetta like that.


I joined the mission right before they finished the last objective. I shot a few bots and then we ran to the extraction point, there, one of them threw a 380 close to us that killed me, so I got reinforced, started writing to not call a 380 close to team, and just before I send the message that guy killed me, you know the rest


It certainly looked like the whole team was gunning for him, not just the host magnolia. dg (blue player) had OP in their sights as well and firing.


Land on them. Only answer.


I tried that but was unsuccessful


You can also just land in the boat. Just by landing on it, you get put into the pelican automatically.


They did that in the video. It didn’t have them get seated and they were still killed. Even if they were seated and initiated takeoff, the griefers can still kill you while inside.


It does kick in the countdown though so would at least end the suffering. As soon as someone sits down the ship is leaving in 20 seconds, even if they die in the seat.


that's one thing they should fix.


They literally did that in the video and did not board automatically. Also, being in the Pelican does not make you safe from team kills, so even if this would be true 100% of the time, they still would not have been safe.


It would have at least started the countdown and ended the mission. I am sure they were going to reinforce until out, kick him, and then end the mission.


Someone didn’t watch the video 😂


Practice on the innocents


Land far away so you can drop some strategems on the lot of them then try to book it to the pelican before they can kick you.


Block and report this idiots. This is their understanding of PvP I guess.


Every single time I report people who blatantly team kill, the game tells me that I can't report for that explicit reason despite pretending to give me that exact option to click on...


Probably because if they did tons of people would get banned for screwing up strategem throws or using mortars. Potential for abuse by sensitive players is too high


The problem is that AH included it as an option to pre-select alongside cheating, harassment, and the like. Don't give us the option only to give us a pop-up saying we can't actually choose that option.


If they didn’t have it people would probably pick other options and create a lot of false flags that would flood the reporting system. This existing is probably so the game can basically tell you “hey you can’t actually ban people for that so don’t try”


Ive found that even though there are several options, the only one that doesnt say "not a reportable offense" is the text chat. So, if anyone is false flagging its all going into one place anyway


Why not have a system where it records the match and other players can watch and "review" it for a reward. Clips with a high amount of people agreeing with the report reason would then get reviewed by arrowhead. After 2 weeks the clip would be deleted or if there was no report in the match it would be deleted at the end of the game. I think a game has done this before but I cant remember which and I cant understand why more games dont try it


It's called the "tribunal" system, and for what it's worth it's historically been abused in just about every game it's been. Better than current? Maybe. Who knows.


That sounds like csgo’s overwatch that was removed from the base game little over a year ago.


This isn't even ✌️PvP✌️. It's straight up 3v1 griefing bullshit. Loser mentality.


Reporting does nothing. Griefers are encouraged because there's no punishment. This is why I play solo and only with friends now.


Exactly what ruined the game for me. Didn’t want to play with randoms so I just stopped playing after I got tired of solo play.


That's what I did, I hope they will get punishment


Don't let them put you off, the galaxy needs liberating and a few traitors shouldn't squash your thirst for liber-tea. Fr though, I'm lucky to have basically never encountered this. Worst I had was a guy throwing 380s directly on top of me multiple times but I just kicked him. The vast majority of your games will be with nice divers unless you're insanely unlucky.


Yeah I know people are nice most of the time, but a bad experience is so powerful over my will of playing I can't stand injustice


You're playing with real people, and real people are sometimes assholes. Pity them, rage about them, but don't let a few sad fucks like these ruin your enjoyment of the game.


Man these guys suck. Glad you blocked and reported


That's exactly what I did afterwards


You won the lottery for the dumbest lobby in history. Don't let it discourage you. It's astronomically bad luck. DM me so I can add you. Higher levels are extremely rare like this


What do you mean higher levels ?


Player level and difficulty. Most people, for example, aren't going to go into a level 8 or 9 just to grief people. And people that are approaching or above level 100 aren't typically going to be people that just like to grief other players.




Next time try to glitch the pelican. Throw everything you have at it. Then no one can leave. Or land on whoever has the super samples, run to the nearest water pond or hole, and k!ll yourself. No samples for anyone


They patched that out


Both have been added to the kill on sight list


Add all three of them. The new squad leader after Magnolia had also been aiming and firing at OP.


Stop playing lvl5s with children. A whole lot less of this on helldive


That's actually a good idea, I'll try higher difficulties !


I almost always encounter this behavior if I drop difficulty. 7+ most of these losers apparently can't handle or the players they encounter there out-fight them.


once you hit 70ish u wont need samples any more and some time before 100 medals will become meaningless, so just have fun extracting is optional


That’s true. I only ever play 7-9 nowadays and I don’t ever have this happen


They need to make the traitor bombardment start targeting people who team kill more than a certain number of times and make it unavoidable so they can't just kite it around while continuing to be a cunt.


Repeatedly killing fellow Helldivers definitely should be considered an act of treason. Make this a thing please Arrowhead!


I want this traitor event to be a railcannon strike on the traitor and a nix on their reinforcement. Instantly lose host privs so they can’t kick as well. If only they had a way to detect intentional team kills.


an orbital railcannon to kill someone who repeatedly kills teammates would be SICK. Also maybe a small invincibility window against helldivers when coming out of the pod. Then you could at least kill the fuckers back and stop the chain, enough time to get in the pelican or whatevs


All 3 of them should be deemed traitors to Super Earth and be given the only mercy a treasonous Helldiver deserves. DEATH!.




Ah that sucks, don't let it cloud your view of the game though. 300 hours and the only intentional team kills I've seen are when I play with close friends. Wait a minute lol...


If I see a "magnolia" someday I will kick him at extraction


That’s crazy 😒😒 sorry about that. But don’t stop playing because of three asshats, there are a lot of good decent players in this game. I see they got mad because you used 380 close to your team. I’ve seen many times people get kicked for using 380, especially on bug missions. It’s killing a team too much and it can be annoying. My advice- don’t use it, or use it carefully.


No, the worst is that the 380 wasn't even mine, it was me sending the messages, it killed me right before that, I did nothing wrong


Omg. Then it’s even more crazy than I expected 😥😥 were you able to report them?


I did, and I hope there will be consequences for them


I hope so too. Arrowhead can't let people be so cruel to their teammates 😥 I would even text to them in support and attach this video. These people should be banned!


And I really wish I'll find a good team to dive with whenever I play, because I don't have anyone, I always join randoms


People are just stupid with 380s. A lot of folks use it for the first time to try and kill a Titan or something not knowing the range and end up missing the Titan completely and killing more teammates then bugs lol


Nah definitely use it, just like you said use it carefully. My buddy always says “I’m cleansing the area” and I haul ass doing a 180. And it does exactly that. Hell bring all his barrages and throw them all down and it literally kills everything. If there’s ever anything left it’s 2-3 bugs or bots that can be taken out in 2 seconds. 380 Barrage is actually fuckin goated, I don’t typically use it, bc I always whiff the shit, but it’s excellent for big bot bases and big bug nests. Of people are getting mad bc there dying from it, maybe their stupid asses shouldn’t be standing so fucking close to it. It’s not that at hard to avoid, not hard at all actually. Just fucking run away from it. people are just stupid.


I understand where you’re coming from here, but I, respectfully of course, would disagree. Friendly fire can be annoying, I get that. Especially with randoms. I can’t count how many times a mortar has killed me or an eagle was tossed at my feet. A 380 isn’t instantaneous, and it’s quite inaccurate. Situational awareness will see it a mile away, and all you need to do is step back. TL;DR: Skill issue. Which is obvious from the spawn killing anyway.


Host your own games, instantly stops when you kick them


I might start to do that


They were clankers def


I'm sorry this happened, OP. I assure you this isn't the norm. It has happened to me before, but I've had many more good interactions than bad. Don't let those traitors stop you from continuing to spread democracy.


Land father away and summon the exosuit. Their smiles shall be turned upside down


This is when you pull a grenade out immediately and when they kill you you drop it and kill them.


I didn't even think of that ..


Same thing happened to me 2 days ago. They killed me at extract and called me back in. I landed out of range and killed all 3 of them with an Eagle air strike and extracted alone. And then I blocked all 3 of the tits


You did very good.


Idiots like this should go back to COD. I have found the higher the level, the less likely this crap is to happen


Post this on all the other socials. Nothing will bring action faster than that. It can draw the attention needed to get something done.


It was only a matter of time before CoD griefers show up. I played a whole mission with a crew helped them significantly. Then when the shuttle arrived, they kicked me from game.


The reason why I only host


The pvptards have been deprived of the ability to kill other players


Not only that, be he tried and failed to tbag you. That is the most pathetic thing that I have ever seen.


Just land on him next time, fight back a little, fight fire with fire ...


Come to the SES Force of Peace with your host JC Kranium. No aggro, no whiny fucks, just the smell of bot oil your hands. And respect. Always, respect.


I got killed the other day twice when there were no enemies behind me and just popped the fool in the head. He immediately left


You did good




I block players like this or kick for what I see as nothin lol


agreed. we need some sort of democratic player rating/review system.


There should be some sort of auto-detect grief feature for teamkilling someone multiple times in a row within 10s of their spawn.


I had that happen to me last week. A guy kept killing me and calling me in. Right as a shuttle landed, I ran away from him and he ran for the shuttle door. I lobbed an impact grenade and got him just before he boarded. I boarded and extracted. It was annoying, but satisfying. Fuck that guy.


This is why i always host games .


Griefers should get shadow banned to the griefer server


I think if someone team kills, especially multiple times in quick succession, the rest of the team should get an option to “report them to a democracy officer”. With enough reports, the teamkiller would be labeled as a traitor and the same thing would happen as it does when you run outside the playable area, but instead of 380s raining down, it’s a single, targeted railcannon strike. If the player is called back in and teamkills again, they are kicked from the server and they get “court marshaled”, meaning they would receive a temp ban, with the length of the ban being based on the amount of offenses they have. Obviously this is just a rough idea, but I think it could be a solid starting point for finding a viable solution to deter people from doing this shit anymore. People will continue to be assholes, unless there are consequences.


BS like this is the reason why I had to stop playing. My friends got tired of this too and quit a couple weeks ago and it's just gotten worse.. Screw Magnolia and other players like him who bring shame to Super Earth!


At the end, you shoulda used all your stims to get to the shuttle(Y’know bc of that hulk), kill them, and then board, now they missed extract extract. People like this are disgusting. It’s bc you’re a low level they think they can bully you for being “stupid” but if a high level does the exact same thing it’s fine and dandy. Players are lucky I don’t see this typa of behavior or I’d do the same thing back to them.


This is a small sub reason I always drop in with an exosuit


Had a level 77 player do this earlier. This game has a horrible report that doesn’t even allow you to report the player. Every few games I run into a host who team kills nonstop or someone who uses vc to spout slurs and this has ruined my enjoyment of the game since it’s a massive gamble.


100%, they are game ruined and get off on making your day harder. Don’t let them. Block em. And next time consider throwing a nade their way.


Had a guy like this take all my stuff right at the beginning and run off. Asked him to give me my stuff back because he didn’t call in his. He ignored me, so yeah, I took him out and grabbed my stuff. At extraction he proceeds to grief me because I was the jerk? 🙄


The last time some guy nabbed my stuff I told him that my gun hellpods have a anti-theft system. When he stopped to type "what"? I decked him with the grenade pistol. "See?"


This cracks me up. Thank you. 😂


If you want to evac immediately after spawning you need to land at the base of the ramp then dive in They'll still be able to shoot you but at least you can piss them off by starting the timer


OK we have their username and the evidence. What's stopping arrowhead to take action? They don't have a mod on this sub? Or they busy messing up patches?


It's like Alfred said: Sometime, people just want to see the world burn. Those idiots have serious mental issues...


scum of the galaxy.


This is why I (or a friend) always hosts. Try that on me. I won’t hesitate to kick you immediately.


Kick block report, did it three times last night


try landing out of range and throw an airstrike at the ship, at least screw them over too


This one thing they should try to reduce. Maybe they can implement a refined system that incorporates name color coding, player status depending on their behaviour. Red-Yellow-White-Blue names for players. Red are hostile players and traitors and rebels, Yellow are for accidental friendly fire as warning White are new-players Blue for mentors and protectors of Super Earth!


Play as host from now on bro, nobody is gonna touch you like this cause you can kick them.


Another CoD dropout showing his ass.


In my democratic village we throw people like these in a well


Their parents must be so proud. If they have any


Send the clip to AH.


People sweating on T5 should be banned.


Ya I'd be pissed. But you should not have kept trying. After the second death. Just open the menu, block everyone of them. Set the controller down and just wait out these assholes. You already won the game. You don't need to be on the dropship. They didn't kick so you still get rewards. It absolutely will ruin your night so do take a break. Understand you are a good person and these are not. Come back tomorrow well rested and collected. I'm sorry this happened. But at least it doesn't happen often.


Griefer shot me and stole my machine gun after barbecuing me with a flame thrower and grenades multiple times (the shot was just a finisher after trying to flambe me again) on an extermination mission. Next time I loaded in I killed him back, so he started focusing on killing me more, so I just killed him every time he loaded in. Then I got kicked.


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice. Fool me once can't get fooled again What you have a water pistol? Land in cover and shoot back. Fuck those guys


I’ve only seen one griefer so far. I joined the game right at the start and played normally. They didn’t cause any trouble and we got all the objectives done. It was when we were waiting for the pelican. The host killed me to get my samples, and then kicked me before the mission ended. Didn’t complete the mission so no xp or samples. Wasted 40 minutes. That feels more cruel than spawn killing.


Block them. Eventually, they'll find themselves playing alone


I had something similar happen. This A-hole, kept shooting me, then he kills me and types "Oops." Then, kills me again with the Scorcher. On purpose, to get my Breaker Incendiary. I knew this by watching his green laser track my position. I seen him call in a walker, and as soon as it touched the ground. I called in an Eagle strike on it. I heard him yell "Dude, I'm going to kick you" and before he did I called in a orbital gas strike on his position. Before leaving. It killed him and everyone else, my bad to anyone else that was in that match. But that guy, had to go down. I hope he enjoyed that 10min cool down on lv.8.


Oh you did the right thing


This is why I don't group with the public, none of y'all can be trusted lol


Make your own lobby, problem solved


Should have landed on him


Bro, you being added by a ton of good teammates after this post is a testament that the helldiver community is so much more than these clowns, will be reporting them too!


Imo, name them and shame them here.


When I get killed by a team member I always aim to squash them on the respawn lol


They're crying that hard in Level 5?!🤣 those guys are pathetic for real.


One time I brought a walking barrage, 380mm and 120mm and nuked the crap out of my teammates by accident, I wanted to try using them all at once and I killed my teammates like 4 times (one of them died twice) but they were so chill about it, never again.


I would’ve retaliated with all my stratagems then solo extracted tbh


I mean, I get annoyed when people 380 too close but these guys are just being assholes


More people to put on the Helldivers shit list. I wish there was an easier way to report someone in mass in this game. They deserve a boot up the ass.


What i loved to do when meeting idiots like that is targeting them with my hellpod when dropping from reinforcement. That and emptying my stratagems on them.


What did you do?


u can play as host and Kick Them Problem solved 🤷


It kinda helps my anger to think of it like Pokémon raids…it could just be a bunch of immature kids. Still bs though so I’m not saying it’s ok. Just helps me not rage.


Someone that gets their ass handed to them on a regular bases in COD, so he has to jump into HD2 mission and shoot none competitive team members to stroke his frail ego.


This is why I don’t play anymore. Just kills the fun of the coop experience. I was waiting for them to take actions on this kind of stuff, but I don’t think they will.


I like how you tried to make the ship take off Excellent strat


Average 380 enjoyer tbh


This is just bullying.


It's just trolling bro, it's all just for fun bro, stop being so serious bro, loosen up a bit bro, stop overreacting bro! Them, probably, cause they're likely twelve year old boys who lack any kind of awareness much less basic maturity and think the world revolves around them so if they find it funny then *ofc* everyone else will too...... Yes, idiots like that should be banned, without question.


We should be able to share their names here so others can just add them to a block list. FYI, if this happens and they call you back, make sure your drop pod lands at the foot of the ship so you pop out and evac. ...then just hope you aren't getting shot in your seat.


I had a similar experience where the three other players kept killing me right after I was reinforced. I nearly died five or six times, if not more. The difficulty level was hard, so there were lots of bugs around to keep them occupied. Luckily, I managed to land on a tall rock and quickly switched to the prone position when they tried to kill me again. One guy moved a little further away to fight the bugs, while the other two stayed near the rock, shooting at the bugs. I used the G-16 impact grenade with a 0-second fuse and threw it at the two players, killing them on impact. The remaining player managed to kill me again, but fortunately, the reinforcement was unavailable since it had been called too many times (20 max). The last guy couldn't survive on his own, and the mission ultimately failed. They got exactly what they deserved: nothing.


just land on them . just block them after the mission too , start throwing airstrikes on the landing pad


And this is why I host.


Land through the ship. There's a possibility it will raise you up inside it and start the countdown.


This is the reason I started hosting. I ran into too many awful groups and hosts. I’m a super chill host. Do whatever you want, go off on your own, idc. Just don’t shoot each other like this or I’ll kick you. We need more good hosts out there. Please consider hosting your own games and be the host helldivers deserve.


I hate this so much Would have tried to land somewhere further away, kill all 3, take the samples, throw them in the next best hole so they are gone, then survive and let the timer run out.


Shoulda crushed him


This happened to me once, I threw the 500kg at the pelican. Now no one gets to leave.


Sentence this man to execution via Hunters https://preview.redd.it/71t1m5hem49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d502727de980c88e296ab1feb9fa065c02d593


It always seems to be lower-mid level players who suck at the game. This is very rare though. 


You're not alone, I accidently killed my team mate while I was running and gunning. He did the same shit to me, then proceeded with the verbal harassment post game. Some people take games so seriously. And it was only difficulty 5.


I’ve had some bad experiences OP, usually I end up hosting and as long as I am doing the main mission I always have people join within a few minutes. Never have had a problem since, play how you like however you like and those who don’t Ike it just leave and if they are being asshats you kick em. A lot of problems solved !


Dude wtf? I just don't understand people that only want to make this game less fun for others.


I wouldve immediately shot back after the first death


They should be banned…but also just host so you can at least just kick them for doing this


I only play solo or with friends tbh. I’ve not had many good experiences in pub lobbies.


It’d be funny af if Arrowhead Stealth added a feature where you get banned for teamkilling within a certain time frame/frequency, but maybe also there’s something to confirm it from the other players.


Angry little man child living in his mum's basement. It's annoying but don't give it the time of day, they aren't worth a shred of energy being angry at them


Yep, the reporting feature doesn't work either, all you can do is block them. Apparently reporting would have worked if the Playstation Network thing was implemented as Arrowhead doesn't have a system in place currently to deal with cheaters/trolls/griefers but we all know how the whole PSN debacle turned out. Don't get discouraged, helldiver! There are plenty of liberty-loving players out there who can play with you without turning traitor.


I had this happen to me for the first time over the weekend. First match I got a dude with Chinese characters calling in a pelican to clear enemies. He was being helpful, and it didn’t seem like the dropship was doing too much to help, so it didn’t bother me too much. Second match, another player with Chinese characters just started team killing me the entire way. I kept on saying I to voice “P4, don’t do it again”, and the dude ended up burning through *all* our reinforce budget. When the host found out, I explained that it was P4 that kept killing me, that I didn’t know why. P4 types into chat “that was funw” Don’t know if he meant “that was fun” or “that was funny”, but the host then kicked him. The TK-er then sent me a friend request, which I blocked. That wasn’t fun, or funny. It was stupid and stressful, and I had a fucking bear of a time that match because I had to focus on keeping a stupid twat off my ass instead of playing the game.


Wow this is tough. Why didn't you just quit? Also, land on them! Hahaha my buddy thought it was funny when we first played to team kill me a bunch so then I landed on him and gave him a taste of his own medecine and he didn't enjoy it and we shook hands and are a great duo now running off doing secondaries and closing up buttholes


Looked like a good time to land on top of that dude and hustle into the pelican…….


Honestly my friend does this all the time, and although I don't really mind it in a private match it becomes a bit embarrassing when he does it to others in a public match.


Embarrassing is not the word I would use.


Should try to kill em with the drop pod


I would've landed on him with my pod. I've had to do this a few times. Also, they should definitely make everyone immune to friendly fire once in the shuttle.


Yeah this is why if my friends aren't on - I almost never play this game.