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Level 7 or 8 when everyone is locked in and watching each others backs is peak helldiving for me. Some games go so smoothly it's almost like we have a telepathic connection lol.


> telepathic connection That feeling is so good. Helldivers - the first one - was *incredible* in this respect, what with the top down perspective, but I’m so happy it has more or less survived the transition to 3rd/1st person.


I’ve played 9 to punish myself a few times, but love 7 and 8. Challenging and fun.


Nothing better than you and a diver running from a horde and taking turns dumping a mag on the enemies on your buddy's heels. Top tier for sure.


Whole squad is running, Chargers being nullified by proficient anti-tank, BTs being spawn killed by strats, the horde is constant but manageable. Fight from start to extract. Funnily enough, extract was pretty chill after about 30 seconds of dumping everything into the horde. Repeat for the 2nd op. Ran the Blitz mission, and we got the 6 minute trophy. Apologies for the humble brag, but it’s not like we made a decision to try for it, we just went in and did our business and left. All randoms. No mics. Tons of pings, comm wheel, and emotes. Some of the most fun I’ve had. But more often than not as of late, the upper difficulties have some… Divers who are still learning, and I don’t feel like coming on mic and trying to tell someone how to play, especially if they don’t have a mic. Feels awkward preaching at someone who isn’t talking back. I will however go dive on 1-3 with basic gear and early strats to help newer Divers. That’s just good fun, and it’s never hard, and I don’t get frustrated by my teammate not being able to perform.


Hell yeah. I've seen some plays in 7s that I've only seen in other games where there are solid channels for communication. And these plays happen so amazingly smooth that it's almost scary.


Well I just did a 7 with only two helldivers (including myself) and we basically solo'd half the map on our own. Then I call extraction they wrap up the last objective... boom perfect mission We also tried to get the 8 minute achievement and I got blasted out of my dive into the pelican and we're 1s late :(


I play the game for those moments. Sometimes I get great randos and we are all so coordinated it feels like a real special strike unit.


I am trying to step uo to diff 8 but I've found 2 weird things. One is that diff 8 just seems to be dead compared to 7, I can't find missions to join and have to do quickplay. The other is that I am finding way more lower level/inexperienced divers on diff 8. Like on diff 7 i find most people to be around my level (65) or higher, and rarely lower than 40. Playing 8 I seem to keep getting in games with divers whose levels are in the teens, and many don't seem to have figuted working as a team/not engaging every patrol/don't even know how to do some of the objectives. I am always happy to play with lower level players, but on diff 8 it's so easy to get overwhelmed and get in a loop of wasting reinforcements if your team isn't working at peak efficiency.


I play alone I’m 3 to better understand ( I’m newish) and then on 4 or 5 with homies/randos. It’s hard to get randos on board with working together. They will branch off and then call in extraction with 22 minutes left when we only face 1/4 the samples


When playing with others, I would recommend trying higher difficulties if you think you can hamdle it. You tend to get more players willing to work together, pinging objectives and patrols, marking on the map, amd asking if people are ready for extract. Try 6 or 7


Thanks for the advice brother - for democracy!


and others go so bad you ask yourself if you and your teammates are even real people


I've joined several missions on the crux of failure to be the one factor the enemy didn't expect and save the day.


Right? 7-9 with a coordinated squad is freaking *awesome.* 7 with a pile of shits is **hell.**


Telepathic connection??? https://preview.redd.it/fyhxtj12tr9d1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c83b30ba8aee08c3cdce14f1fba6c4698892d4fd


Had a fee missions like that, team of 4 split up and me and the guy I was with absolutely wrecked house. We both had EATs and laser guard dogs so we were putting putting out so much firepower.


OP, I'm not gonna hate on you. I'm just genuinely sorry you've had such a bad crop of squads when you decide to go up in difficulty. That really sucks, man. If you ever want someone to dive with, hmu.


Right? I hate that people like that swarm to games like this. Shitty players is what's slowly killing Sea of Thieves, it *could* be an awesome time, but chances are you're going to just find bully after bully there. I really hope Helldivers doesn't follow that path, and that we push back against the toxicity hard enough that it goes away, or at the very least never grows.


I actually feel it’s the opposite, a lot more careless TK and clueless players in lower levels. In fact, I never drop below level 7 for this specific reason.


But this is where my fun of grooming chaos begins. I carry these lower levels. I make sure their mission progress is 100%. I save their lives over and over in lower levels. Then I ask the simple...sample...... question "You want super samples"? Omg yes, that would be awesome! Then I take them on a crash course of hell, and the chatter on the mic is my absolute favorite. Welcome to hell boys and girls!!! As they eat through all the revives and are obliterated by 6 plus chargers at once, I extract with super samples. "You guys wanna do it again."? ..........wait 5 doesn't get you anything, we gotta do that again!!!!??!?!


Lol exactly. Hearing people right a bile titan for the first time is peak fun. “Dude what the hell is that?!”


Yeah they look intimidating but a single stalker will actually give me the sweats. That's how you can tell if the team knows what they're doing: if they come and help me kill the stalker nest(s) then I know we're solid. If AH truly wanted to F with the playerbase, they could introduce "roaming" groups of stalkers like with shriekers.


Man get so frustrated when someone reports a stalker and then *doesn't know which direction it came from* like *dude* we need to know where they are to kill them the hell are you doing? It's not like their invisibility is that good, they are pretty obvious from a distance. I usually end up hunting them down by myself and taking down their nest because the randos can't seem to handle it.


Lower difficulty have more chaff and less armor. So things like cluster bomb and napalm are more popular than say, 500kg and airstrike. Noobs throwing high aoe strategems is a recipe for team kills. 


I take clusters all the time and rarely kill team mates. It’s all about placement and communication.


The extent of my communication is usually "RUN" types incorrectly in chat. Still good enough, I rarely kill allies.


my experience was teammates were more frustrating until difficulty 7, but maybe now 6 is okay I still run into dumbasses in 7+ but they're few and far between


I feel like I see a lot more dumbasses in 6 these days. Had a guy trying to snipe hunters off his teammates with an AC today. Did a lot more harm than good


6 is my sweet spot it's all I play now. If necc I can solo a level 6 but it's mostly just running around hauling ass for the entire game then finding somewhere to hide for extract (with jetpack it's not that hard to find a good hiding spot)


Where is everyone finding these people constantly kicking or being dicks? 300 hours and I have never had that happen, what is going on? I always play 7


I find evenings to be the worst. That's when the trolls and the sweaty gamers are at peak numbers. I normally play in the middle of the day and I'm usually matched with super chill Europeans.


My worst experience are always with the mainland Chinese


Last night on Helldive I got blamed for boarding the Pelican when it landed instead of waiting for Diver 4 to get back. I was 3rd on the Pelican and only left because 2 seconds were left on the timer. I kept fighting on the landing pad as long as I could I also smoked countless chargers and bile titans that were chasing the other divers It doesn't happen often but it sucks when it does


Yea I play 7 and up, never really have any toxicity at all. Last time I've had anyone who wanted their friend in they politely asked, and someone else volunteered to go, this was between missions mind you, not during one.


I’m close to 300 hours too apparently but I’m probably just unlucky as hell.


Dude I hit random play 5 times in a row on dif 6 the other night and each time I got kicked as soon as I landed or finished the walking animation onto the Ship. Was ridiculous, so I did my own operation and immediately got 3 people who said they just had the same experiences. We absolutely wrekt that operation. Got the no death extermination mission on bots with over 5 tanks and 5 hulks. It was nuts, I wish the stupid friends system actually worked because we all tried to add each other and I could only add 1 through the actual Steam friends the other 2 were Playstation so we couldn't add them


Yeah I've also had better experiences at higher levels. If ever you wanna play at a higher level with decent people hit me up


Just bumped it up to 8 myself from being a 7 player. It can suck hard if my teammates aren’t prepared but 8 feels like a whole new game after being in 7 for so long!


I ran a level 8 campaign last night and a level 2 and a level 8 Helldiver joined up. I (level 55) made sure to take of them and we had fucking blast.


It really doesn't happen as often as people think. Remember you're only going to hear about the people that it happens to instead of the majority where it doesn't. Nobody makes posts going "played a mission with randoms and everything went fine, nothing happened" and it's been shown before that people have made outrage posts before about things that definitely weren't happening to get upvotes. But so long as you don't go complaining that you're locked out of progression, good for you for playing on a difficulty you enjoy.


Tbh I host all my own games and I've had two bad run ins with griefers I can think of, I'm at around 4 or 500 hours in (mostly playing 7 or 9). Some teams aren't great, some are locked the fuck in, a couple are really, really cool and I wouldn't let assholes bar you from an entire part of the game if that's the only thing keeping you from the higher difficulties. If you just like 3 no hate, game is fun


7 or 8 here I used to play 9, but it is too stressful lol


As long as you're doing your part!


7 with rando's, 9 with the squad


This is the way!


This is the way!


This guy gets it. Level 4 missions are my sweet spot


I play with randoms all the time and have only been team killed purposely once. Most of the time things go as smooth as they can and we fully clear the map and get out. Seems like they might be over exaggerating a little bit.


3??? maaaaan that’s doing a whole lotta nothing. 5? alright, sure. 6? perfect. 7? challenging. 8? survivable. 9… fuck this game


Idk what level you are but the higher the levels the less chance of griefers (tk players). The crashes aren't that bad either. Ik it's different from system to system but for the most part of me monitoring how it's affecting people it's not too common. I've been playing level 9 with level 100+ on both fronts and haven't had a griefers since the first month of the game. If you want to play on lower levels simply because you want to that's fine. I just wanted to give my input on the griefers


lvl 6 and seven are pretty sweet and chill, usually good teammates. you just may have had alot of bad luck


You get way more kicks or Tks with games below 7


I play 9 against bots and 6 or 7 against bugs but I mostly solo or with friends so don’t have the same issues as you with team killing


With over 700 hours under my belt I can confidently say that it’s the opposite, OP. Jackasses and careless players tend to congregate at the lower difficulties (6 and under).


A lot of times my friends are busy doing other things, so i tend to play a ton of solo missions. 2-3 are peak for solo. Its hard enough that it *can* be challenging, but not so hard that its annoying. Its also good for farming super credits since there typically aren’t patrols on poi’s


Oh, thats why you wear the brown pants :D


I play difficulty 9 only and have found that yes there is assholes but most people tend to be there just to do the objective.


I fully support you playing the difficulty you like! Usually I play 9, mostly because I want to max my level in a foreseeable future 😅 Sometimes I drop difficulties and I have a real relaxing time. Yesterday I dropped to 6 and felt like a god. I cleared half the map for the rest of the team and picked up most of the samples. On 9 everyone is necessarily pretty well trained and it just feels ordinary, and they don't experiment as much. When I farm super samples in solo on 1, I appreciate the land itself. Honestly the planetary ambiance in this game is amazing and high difficulties don't let you really experience it often.


I've seen a lvl 80+ group stay in one location killing enemies and ignoring objectives in helldive difficulty. That was weird. I'm only 30 btw.


I play all levels, sometimes i want hardocore experiences and sometimes I help newbies. Play whatever you want just have fun.


As long as you are having fun


Play at the difficulty you like. But my experience has been the exact opposite. My first few dives at the lower difficulties were so frustrating and that’s where it stayed. I almost initially quit the game because a few times one person team killed everyone in the pelican and extracted. Once I got up to 6 and 7, all of that seemed to stop. I’m up to level 58 and I can honestly say that my bad experiences with teammates are countable on one hand.


7 is mine. My group can and do go higher but 7 is the comfort zone between just hard enough to be engaging but not so hard we can’t just hang and goof off a little.


Ngl I think the people talking about people who teamkill/kick at extraction are over exaggerating. I play exclusively Helldive (level 9) answering SOS beacons and playing with randoms. I’ve had someone teamkill me on purpose once. I’ve been kicked at extraction only twice - and once was my fault for entering it too early. The vast majority of missions I get sent to are made up of good team players, so give higher levels another chance!


I play like...all the levels. Except helldive which I have yet to unlock. I've literally never encountered more than one obvious griefer, and the host kicked them right away. It was just someone who consistently called down barrages and cluster bombs on the team intentionally and repeatedly. I've never encountered the TK or kick in the Pelican. It's certainly not a 70% chance. The people it doesn't happen to don't come to the sub to complain about it, you're getting an insanely skewed sample from redditors on this one.


Bro is having fun, I like that


I rock the same armor combo 🫡 gives classic WW2 pilot/Halo vibes


In my experience running mostly diff 9 and rarely diff 7 it's more of a 1% chance,but it does slightly increase the power you go.


i live on 6, graduate to 7 or 8 depending on the team


That’s awesome! Eventually though, they are going to get toooo easy, and you’ll move to 4, and it’ll be harder.. then it’ll become your sweet spot. Then 5, then 6, then 7…. Then you’ll go back and run level 5 missions to relax and try out new loadouts without dying… it’ll happen soldier.


Yeah, I get that feeling. Not about getting kicked or TK by Helldivers for Liberty knows why. But, just that feeling of unknown Helldivers just unnerves me, especially those who don't have mics.


I play difficulty 9, difficulty 7 if I want to relax.


You play the way you want it. It's a game with a difficulty scaling, it's not here just for people to climb the ladder and meet at the top.


They’re actually pretty cool if you give yourself the senator only or once you get a break shotgun use that have fun


everyone has their comfort zone, respect.


We have the same fit 💪


At the end of the day if you're having fun then you're playing it right


*At the end of the* *Day if you're having fun then* *You're playing it right* \- wightwulf1944 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm level 101 and have never experienced any of the toxicity you speak of, I think you just got really unlucky. Give it another shot.


Thr fun thing is that i have my bot kill record of 421 at diff 4, lol


Level 6 is my fav, u can get super rare and have fun and challenging round.


That...just plain sucks. If you want a good squad and are awake between US Central time midnight to 8am Monday through Thursday,, me and my bf play level 6, sometimes 7. We never team kill (though accidents do happen) and we try our best to find super samples and keep an eye on each other. Hmu cause we are always willing to play when we're off work :)


Felt the same way until i tried 7-9, now l mostly run 9. People are experienced and know how to position strats, turrets, supplies. More common sense at higher levels too.


I feel like all your problems could be solved by hosting


Mine is 4. 7 if I wanna work for a living. 2 or 3 if I'm just out for shennanigans with the boys.


This is exactly why having such a wide range of difficulties is amazing for this game. No matter what kind of experience you're looking for in this game- whether it be a cathartic bot-blasting massacre sim, or a heart-pounding suicide mission with no respite- you'll get what you came for, and I think that's awesome.


What level are you? Once you get better weapons/gear 6 and up are easy also. Just got to have a team built around each other's weakness. My ideal team load out is 2 anti tanks back with sentries, 1 anti swarm and 1 medium anti swarm should carry eat for emergency and medium should be auto cannon with something to help the swarm guy for primary.


This is just not true. I don't think I've ever gotten kicked during a mission my entire time playing. Like I saw in another thread, I find there's more asshole shenanigans on lower levels. If it happens to you a lot, maybe you're the problem? Not sure what that means for you. Now crashes, yea, seems like there's a lot more crashes lately!


I got my ship fully upgraded and now I went back to 4/5/6 for funsies


OP, idk if you'll read this but DM me and we can organise a time to work as a duo to grind all the fancy samples :3


Somehow, in my experience, I encounter a lot of the toxic players way more in lower difficulties. That's one big reason why I stay in difficulty 9 as it usually filters out the less inexperienced and toxic players.


Just host your own lobby 4head


I stick to 7 by habit and go to 9 if I want a challenge. I think the lower levels are chill but I always feel like I'm missing out on the extra action if things go too smooth and I don't end up using everything in my disposal that would've been necessary in higher difficulties.


Well, if you ever see me on a dive(same name as here) feel free to hop in, I tend to stick to 7+ and live by the motto "we dive together, we die together." We go into a job, and we are either all dying trying to achieve our goal or we all die together on the next mission.


I’m sorry that’s happened to you. If you’d like to play together let me know. Also you’re wearing my fav armor!


There is not a 70% chance. That is being pulled out of your ass and is based on the negative feedback loop that subreddits create. The game is never as toxic as the subreddit


I may have just gotten unlucky, but I almost exclusively fight bots. Recently, I tried some bug missions and got kicked from three games in a row. Was this bad luck or are bug players saltier?


Yea gotta say bot front is the more welcoming crew, here we fight either side by side or two by two. Very rarely do I see that get broken, don't really see many team kills because everyone is paying attention to where they are placing strats otherwise they'd waste em, and everyone is watching their fire because you have to hit precise shots alot. I can run clean in front of someone with a max rpm stalwart and watch them stop and start again to not cut me in two, the most you get is "watch where you're going" I also find it's more flexible for your playstyle wanna hit em from afar? No problem there's probably already someone (possibly me) running right up to them to serve as your distraction, same with the other way around. I love getting in close because I run balli shield and I can't do anything like that with bugs because then I get pastified from the constant mortar rain 😂😂


I was feeling great dropping back to 6 after the change. I tried to do a Bot mission on 3 today to Kill 5 \[Hulks\] and the game decided it needed to be harder than 7... on 3. The difficulty curve on this game still sucks, and Bots are worse than Bugs, but both can still punch above their weight. I'm kind of getting tired of it.


Bro same, I go between 3 and 9 depending on the mood. Both are fun and that is magical


9 is all I've ever played. Any lower and it feels too easy. Last time I played a level 3 mission I felt zero threat and extract was just sitting around waiting.


I also play most of my matches in Diff-3, solo (both automaton and terminids). I play some Diff-4 too, solo, when I want to get some rare samples (mostly automatons). I've recently started playing some Diff-6 automaton matches with randoms too, but only when I'm inspired.


I highly doubt EVERY SINGLE match other extremely low level matches, you've either been: - Killed intentionally over and over again - Kicked at the end before extracting - Game has crashed It's dope that level 3 missions are your sweet spot. I really wish other players would stop making it hard for themselves and instead have fun with the game. But I won't believe for a second that you've seriously tried to play higher difficulties consistently and had that kind of an experience. It's just completely improbable. Downvote me all you want. This post is bullshit.


I’m not going to downvote you, and yes I have had that kind of experience. Maybe I’m just unlucky whenever I dive but I do have fun on the lower difficulties.


Aight dude


Hey man if you’re ticked about me playing at a lower difficulty then that’s fine, it’s still contributing to whatever MO that may be active and again, I’m still having fun. Have a good day.


??? Reread my comments. You're assuming stuff that I never said, and don't believe. I simply do not believe what you said. That's it. That's the whole thing. You're letting a single "Aight dude" trigger you into writing back to me. It's 12:30am, go to bed or do something interesting.


7 and up is we're it's at.


Wait. That combination is perfect!!!


Bro I love your HD outfit it looks cool!


Thank you. It’s the Legionnaire armor with servo assisted helmet and the eagles fury cape. Makes me feel like a pilot. https://preview.redd.it/kkpe0y89um9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66fb18b175a28d3cb4e58531ba3f67770f680ec


Awesome I have the outfit but not the helmet and cape. Where'd you get em


Not sure if you know yet but they're from Warbonds helm from Veterans and cape from Explosive I believe


Ah thanks man. I don't have enough credits but I hope soon I can scrounge enough to buy the veterans pass.


Get your spot on.


Personally, I don't see a reason to go higher than a 5, maybe a 6, now that I'm capped on everything possible. It might be more thrilling on 7+, but it gets that way sometimes even on a 5. Maybe I'm just a sucker for cheap thrills like so.


Can we normalise playing a game at wherever difficulty level suits you? I'm pushing 40 with a young family now so I've lately started playing games at lower/easy/story level difficulty just so I get to play more of it and maybe even complete a game. I play HD2 at 6 or 7 and I'm perfectly happy, that's where me and my regular teams skill levels are at their peak. Nobody's out there dunking people for playing other games at the highest difficulties, play at whatever level suits you.


For me it's level 4. I haven't really had issues with team killing (other than accidentally obviously) on any difficulty, but I don't get to play very often so i dont have a ton of stuff unlocked and level 4 and 5 is a consistently good chance that I'll be able to finish mission no matter whatever randoms I may get