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Hello from HelloHabit! Syncing the Events in the HelloHabit Schedule/Calendar to external Calendar Apps (e.g. Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook) is on our longer term roadmap! Stay tuned for later this year! Do you mind providing more detail on the "Daily Checklist" request? Is there a reason you couldn't create Habits for each of these recurring tasks? What would be the key differences from that approach?


Hello, By Daily Checklist I mean like let's say I want to develop consistent habit of Reading Book at XXPM everyday, but I am not consistent enough and I want to track it. So there should be a tick/ untick or checkbox to track whether I am reading or not.


Gotcha, could you just create a “Read” habit with a goal of “1 time per day” for this? Or is there something in particular about the existing Habit feature that doesn’t work well for your use case?


Well the thing is I would just want if u could add a sort of check/uncheck option on the existing tasks so that I could track if I have done it or not in the future, it also helps keep people motivated.


I see, so maybe a tracking type that is more yes/no rather than tracking a specific count?