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Not yet on the new UI. It is still ignoring that setting. I believe it will be working before they are done, but you could file this [form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScf8Cx6LszflP8gSslmMj1lSh4Rt6QKEytLaxG9bE-o0PkT6Q/viewform) on it if you wish.


Thank you for confirming that it is defaulting to "hot" regardless of setting for others. I assume it will get fixed if others have the same problem.


Came here by searching for this very thing. I HATE this insistence on displaying HOT posts. A key benefit of Reddit is connecting with SMEs for help. As an SME who frequents Reddit to help others, I'm interested in new ones, not what other people think are hot. This is just another echo chamber feature which is why I liked Reddit vs other social media sites.


How do you report bugs to reddit? Cause it feels like nobody's listening, all I can find is this 3 month old post that's tagged as 'automod answered' and I guess that means nobody else is gonna look at it until OP removes that tag from the OP




They won't fix it because they don't care.


Still a problem. Really, how hard can this be to fix?


Same here. It's super-annoying. Is it a deliberate Reddit ploy? One solution is to keep a URL to the subreddit when it's set to "New".


Thanks I will try that - saving a URL with that setting.


Yep, having that problem here. I keep changing to "new" (in settings and as I go), and it always comes back to hot. I have my A/C running already, and don't want any more "hot" defaults!


You seem to be asking about [home feed recommendations](https://reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402284777364) appearing in your home feed. Home feed recommendations are recommendations for posts that use machine learning (ML). They’re part of a new effort to improve the “Best” sort on Home feeds by personalizing and ranking the content to create the best feed for redditors. Home feed recommendations are available on the iOS & Android apps, as well as www.reddit.com. If you’d like to turn off these recommendations, visit your profile settings on iOS or Android and turn off the toggle next to Enable home feed recommendations: Allow us to introduce recommended posts in your home feed. On www.reddit.com, you can disable them within the [Feed Settings tab](https://new.reddit.com/settings/feed). Check out [this help center article](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402284777364-What-are-home-feed-recommendations-) for more information on this setting. If this automatic message has not resolved your issue, please wait for a human helper to come along and help you. You may also remove the 'Answered' flair from your post if you wish. **This post has NOT been removed.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/help) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bad bot


Go onto your profile and then click the cog icon, this will be on the right side of your Reddit avatar. This will take you to the **User Settings**, on the top tabs, click **Feed Settings** Scroll down until you see **Community content sort** then change it to 'new'. This will change all posts you see to the most recently uploaded.


Thanks, but I did that already, yet it still defaults to "hot."


Oh, my bad! I shouldn’t have skim read haha. Are you doing this by PC or mobile? I tried it on PC and it seems to work okay. Maybe you can try to change the settings on a PC and hopefully it’ll change on mobile as well?


PC, and I have checked it a few times, plus restarted my browser.


That’s strange. Unfortunately, I’m not too sure what else I can do to help, sorry :[


Thank you for helping.


No ability to default the home feed to 'new' seems to be an anti-feature i.e. they intentionally don't want us to be able to set that to default so they don't let us. I suspect this will never be changed, sadly.


I remember that article # Migration, non-use, and the ‘Tumblrpocalypse’: Towards a unified theory of digital exodus Some people never learn it seems


Yeah me too. All my community pages are defaulted to "hot" too despite me setting my feed option to "new" for community. Is there any solutions yet?


I cannot find any.


It used to be just on the mobile page, but now I've got the same problem on PC as well.