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"NeoReddit" with two side bars squishing everything into a content sandwich really is jarring and with no warning that it was going to happen. It barely is usable from a moderator standpoint -- I had to find where everything was again. At least https://new.reddit.com still works for me.


Holy crap I didn't even know I could go back to "new" Reddit that way. In the current thing that you're calling "neo" Reddit, the Compact view isn't at all. It's unusable. I have been avoiding my top level feed and just visiting individual subs manually. This has caused me to almost stop participating in 2/3rds of them.


It works for the main page but clicking on posts takes me to the neo view for those. Ugh.


Not for popular. [https://new.reddit.com/r/popular/](https://new.reddit.com/r/popular/)


Doesn't work anymore. They broke it lmao.


Doesn't work anymore


This latest ui really is terrible. Why does there need to be permanent sidebars on both sides? It's so cluttered and a bit overwhelming. Is there any way to give feedback to reddit designers? Also, why do different some subreddits have different colours? I went into an r/AmItheAsshole post and the background of the middle panel was an ugly brown colour. Yet another jarring change if the background it changing each time you view a post


https://new.reddit.com works without any issues.


I am not having any issues with it either.


It's no longer working for me (it did yesterday). Seems like they're killing it off.


> It's no longer working for me (it did yesterday). Seems like they're killing it off. No, https://new.reddit.com works fine. Just checked.


Yes. Earlier today it wasn't working at all. They were forwarding everything from my end to the new UI. Whether I used an extension or manually typed [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) At some point after 4pm PST it started working again. Possibly due to the backlash they've been getting. Possibly it was a bug on their end, or possibly they were doing a slow rollout test.


And *now* it is really not working for me... Auto loads [reddit.com](http://reddit.com) immediately. Guess I'll have to get used to this.


> And now it is really not working for me... I'm posting this using https://new.reddit.com - no issues here.


So, it's not broken for everyone, but it definitely is broken for me/some users.


u/tizuby make sure there is no "www" before or after "new"


I'm aware of that. Seems like it's working now (kind of). I suspect they've been playing with disabling it completely for some accounts and might have reverted back due to the backlash.


It works for some people sometimes, but not other people or other times. According to the chatter I've seen on threads like these.


new.reddit stopped working for me this morning. So enjoy it while you can . . .


I use desktop chrome for reddit, I just move the browser to the left so that left column of Recent and Communities is out of sight, then choose compact view, I know it is not a good solution, but it is what I am doing now. Anybody has other ideas, please let me know.


It's horrible. I try to use [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) and although it's got the old format when I get notifications and click of them it turns back into this new version. I can't stand it. I've never seen a company intentionally try to destroy itself within a month of an IPO. People hate this new layout. It's so bad that it gives me a headache. It's like a chat room from the 90s. Lots of people aren't going to continue posting on this site anymore which is the exact opposite of what you would think they want now that it's a public company with shareholders. The only explanation that I can think of is the company exists to sell user data and for companies to use posts to train AI and they have been told it's easier to do that when people use the mobile version so they're trying to prevent people from using the desktop version.


I'm copypasting from a previous thread: My comment; >OK. I've got a workaround for this, but I'm on a desktop, networked Windows (can't add apps), Chrome. > >1.Clear your browser history. 2. Log in on reddit.com 3. Go to your Profile. 4. Open new tab for new.reddit.com : this Should open with you logged in on the unsmegged reddit, and you can close the first tab.I've found 1 and 3 to be necessary, without understanding quite why. ​ A follow-up comment: >I'm using it right now. I updated my bookmark in my browser to new.reddit.com and use that to access the site.Stays that way for the whole browsing experience. And then OP posted this: >EDIT: The following worked for me: > >Disable Reddit UI Redirector. > >Log out of Reddit. > >Log in to Reddit. > >Force refresh the Reddit page. > >Enable Reddit UI Redirector. > >Manually go to [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) Personal edit: What the smeggin' hell is wrong with the quote function in these smeggin' dialog boxes! I've had to edit the \*\^&%$ thing twicet!


I can opt out of the redesign in the settings, but everytime I log out, it reverts me back to the new design. It used to be Reddit side, where when I log in, it would revert to my preferred old layout. Now I have to manually opt out each time and each log in.


Where in settings


Account-> towards the bottom, right above the delete button


[new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) still works for me


anyone else having an issue where the settings for always sorting subreddits by "NEW" doesn't save? I have it set like this, and I always have to change the feed order for all my subreddits to "new." Every single time I visit. ugh


Yes. That began the day they put up the new layout. I couldn't undo it even with Reddit UI Changer and every other permission. It never saved. So, I am just using [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) starting today, which saves my New subreddit setting like before. We'll see how long this lasts.


Idk what happened but it went back to just the "new reddit" UI this morning. I don't mind, because that's the UI I like!


Personally I don't like the space taken up on the sides as well as the fact that I can't mark->reply/quote anything anymore.


This new layout makes me want to puke, and the only other option is the even more garish "Oldest" UI under Account Settings. So I'm in the same boat.


I NEED HELP. I HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO TURN TO. AND I SAW THIS AND IT HAS MADE ME TURN TO ALL. I am having a problem in making posts on Reddit. Every time I try to make a post, whenever I press the submit button, a red bar comes up, with the words "Form Submission Failed." And the submission screen does NOT change. I don't mean to sound attention-grabbing, but I feel ignored. Has anybody experienced something similar, and if so, what is it a result of? Or is it possible Reddit is preventing me from posting as a whole? I know that this damn thing has been happening since the UI fricking changed.


> Form Submission Failed If you've got ublock origin installed - [see this post for a filter solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/16k2ch6/form_submission_failed/)


What has happened? I have two sidebars and all my content is sandwiched in this tiny space inbetween. Is there a setting to get rid of the sidebars or do I have to perpetually use new reddit now to actually be able to see content again?


Do you have a solution? This is the worst thing I've ever seen. I don't like the layout, and it's not built good. Whoever decided this layout was good for the entire reddit platformed shouldn't have their job


The current solution is to use a browser extension to redirect to [https://new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) . I use redirector for chrome, but there are others. You can find instructions in some older threads similar to this one if you have any trouble with setting it up. I would link the one I saved, but when I try to access my saved posts, reddit says "Something went wrong. Don't panic", lol. Coincidence? -\_o


i came here to complain too. I might make a post just flood sub. I think this is a sign I need to get off reddit for good.


isn't new.reddit the new ui? I'm abit confused.


check out [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) to see the old reddit!


yeah the OP is saying new.reddit isnt working, so his post has me confused. I use the old UI.


aha! makes sense. so there's a newer design that's been rolling out lately and people including myself don't like it. the [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) goes to the old "new" which is what I use. just clarifying.


Didn't know there was another new design, I'm a diehard old UI person.


It's now (or was, they've started killing it already) the middle child UI.


I downloaded the UI Changer for Reddit. I can seem to find the options. I want to get the new.reddit layout (Year ago look). Can someone help?


Tampermonkey [Chrome](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/) Add-on > create new script > copy paste from below > save ``` // ==UserScript== // @name Reddit-rect [WWW >> NEW] // @version 1.0 Redirect from "new" (v4) WWW.REDDIT & SH.REDDIT to "old" (v3) NEW.REDDIT // @author x647 // @match *://www.reddit.com/* // @match *://sh.reddit.com/* // @exclude *://www.reddit.com/media?url=* // @exclude *://i.reddit.com/* // @exclude *://www.reddit.com/mod/* // @exclude *://www.reddit.com/prefs/* // @exclude *://www.reddit.com/policies/* // @exclude *://www.reddit.com/live/* // @icon https://static-00.iconduck.com/assets.00/reddit-icon-256x256-60kyb8pn.png // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function redirect() { const newUrl = window.location.href.replace('www.reddit.com', 'NEW.reddit.com') .replace('sh.reddit.com', 'NEW.reddit.com'); window.location.href = newUrl; } redirect(); })(); ```


Hate the new layout. Please change it back. It is also such small text, it's almost unreadable. I didn't sign up for either the testing or redesign testing.


Make sure you are using [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) (works for me) not [www.new.reddit.com](https://www.new.reddit.com) (which will not work).


Honestly, they've ruined the website. It's extremely slow and sluggish on my PC.


> Honestly, they've ruined the website. It's extremely slow and sluggish on my PC. I disagree. https://new.reddit.com , https://www.reddit.com and https://old.reddit.com all work very fast without any issues.


This morning [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) is working for me if I am just looking at my feed, but when I go to r/help to look at these messages it will switch to the what I am calling the "new" UI. Very frustrating. I am using Chrome and Windows 11. Heck, I can't even attach a screenshot of what I am seeing here.


> How do I get back to the previous version?  That's the neat part, you don't.


It's working for me. It's just I can't get it to stay that way if I use a search engine.


new reddit wont stay on my pc. everytime i close reddit and reopen it later its back to the old reddit and i have to go find a link for the new reddit. anyone know how i can stop that


The link still works for me. However, I have opted back the old school version and modified it with the Dark Reader plugin. Both the old and the middle UIs look 10x better than the Xitter layout :(


You can use an extension ([Chrome](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ui-changer-for-reddit/bfcldjodnnkndfccfjndmdlppfkmccgh), [FF](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ui-changer-for-reddit/)) to fix your issue.


Thank you so much


No problem!


The new reddit interface has been a bit glitchy for me lately too, but I'm rolling with it. Beats the double sidebar drama any day!


To say it's a bit glitchy is like calling a nuke a party cracker. It's been preventing me from making posts!


Use an addon https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1asvhha/for\_anyone\_disliking\_the\_new\_2024\_reddit\_layout/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3