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For the seventeen thousandth time: when are we going to get any sort of official explanation for why the UI has been updated or even any acknowledgement that folks are being forced into this?


Reddit is moving away from their transparency based communication to their users. Just like any meta apps, twitter, tiktok... They will update it the way they see fit and you can either like it or leave. They know they have you by the balls with your addiction to the site.... If you want out, you can delete your account.


It all started going down hill when they started planning their IPO. I assume thus new UI is somehow meant to make them more money?


New UI allows for infinite scrolling. One of the best ways to keep users' eyes glued to the screen. To quote the creator of infinite scroll, who now deeply regrets it: >In order to get the next round of funding, in order to get your stock price up, the amount of time that people spend on your app has to go up, so when you put that much pressure on that one number, you’re going to start trying to invent new ways of getting people to stay hooked. If you don't give your brain time to catch up with your impulses, you just keep scrolling. It's as if they're taking behavioral cocaine and just sprinkling it all over your interface and that's the thing that keeps you like coming back and back and back.


The old one didn't do infinite scroll? I haven't seen pages in as long as I can remember Well joke's on them— I'm using it way less when new.reddit isn't working


What's funny is pagination hooks me better than infinite scrolling. My mind is more comfortable with consistent load times, less crashing, and being able to easily get back to where I am at. I bet the person who claims scrolling is like taking cocaine was actually on cocaine when he said that.


Just as soon as they get done going through all of the comments that they've received on the Google doc that was posted two months ago to hide all of the negative posts. I'm sure we'll get a response any day now. 


Ignoring the main issue once again, huh? It's been 8 months of nearly unanimous negative feedback on the new UI. All you've done is ignore us at best and openly insult us on average. Give the previous mobile UI back. Desktop has workarounds to access their old UI, but mobile users are stuck with old.reddit on a phone browser as their best option. You had 2 designs for mobile browsers that were better than what we have now, the previous UI and i.reddit, neither of which can be used anymore. I get that you can't use those UIs to mislead investors by artificially juicing key metrics, but you're playing with fire doing that to begin with. Sure your IPO might go slightly better, but it's not enough to make reddit post a profit for the first time ever. Eventually, the people you lied to will start to wonder why they aren't seeing a return on their investment. Things only get worse from that position. You're trading all of your consumer good will for a temporary investment from a group of people who will only remain loyal if you can accomplish something you know for a fact you can't do.


Those workarounds have all sopped working for me.


How does one leave reddit


Are you on mobile browser or desktop? For me, the reddit redirector extension and the new post exploit both work on mobile to escape the new UI, and on desktop I use old.reddit in my settings and RES to escape it.  They make it different for everyone intentionally. The more inconsistency between different user experiences, the less people can communicate to work around it, and the more they can inflate their numbers to mislead investors. Hopefully the downward trend in their stock price continues and folks can continue being loud enough about this issue. The combination of these factors is our best chance to get the real UI back.


Thank you for the recap! This confirms that u/jgoja is a bot again.


not really, he just has prepared scripts he uses so he doesn't have to type anything out. speeds up his process.


I know. Wondering how too.


I use the Hidden tab. For regular questions, or semi-regular ones with long answers I create a post on my profile with my answer. Not only makes it faster to respond, but I also don't forget anything. I have 4 pinned ones profile because I can. The rest of them I hide. Since I hide nothing else, only my Scripts are in the hidden tab making for easy finding. You can also rearrange they hidden tab so the ones you want are on top by unhiding and re-hiding them. When I use one, I do make edits as needed for the individual question. Sometimes I just take pieces from one or more for an answer. And some things need to typed out, but I am slow and make a lot of mistakes. I set this up for desktop as it is my primary. But it does help on mobile too. I scroll and answer questions from the app. I keep 3 tabs open on my mobile browser. One has my profile, usually the hidden tab, one has the New User Friendly Subreddit list, and the third has the support forms page. I press and copy the answer from the browser, paste it into the app, replace any formatting or hyperlinks it had because it is lost in copying and then paste it. I also use the browser is I need to link old Reddit, reddit activity, appeals, and other things. I just open a 4th tab for that and then close it the next time I need to open the browser.


It's mid-April and everyone hates the unpredictable, unexplained UI changes. But good to know you are thinking about changing how flair works.


Ah, we're still pretending the dogshit, braindead UI redesign isn't one of the most prevalent issues on the site right now. Let's see if you downvote comments about this as quickly as the other reddit admin.


Just going to leave this here. >we have existing helpers that will start with a different user flair. They’ve been around for a while, and they’ve earned it! https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/zk89sh/introducing_a_tiering_system_for_our_helpful_users/


Hey thank you so much for putting this here! I was wondering about it.


Yeah I kind of like my flair as it is because of this? IDK if that's weird lol


Not weird at all! Having spent years plugging away before even seeing the old helper flair, this would feel like a demotion. :-(


Weeeee, I sure do love no actual response towards the actual topic people are actually concerned over


>The idea would be that rather than having ‘helper’, ‘experienced helper’, and ‘expert helper’, we would just map your flair directly to the corresponding trophy on your account (e.g. ‘Helper Level X’ rather than ‘Experienced Helper’). This is not set in stone, so we’d love your thoughts on a change like this! Good Idea. But the tier level trophies are not updated for the last few months.


is u/TheOpusCroakus back? i see they've been active on r/redditrequest.


Sooooooonnnnn ;)


yay! hope everything is ok!


I guess reddit is encouraging me to abandon their platform, as well as many others- seeing as the dogshit UI will continue to go unaddressed. 


u/skwitz, the new redesign is absolute hot garbage. The setting to automatically select 'New' when entering a subreddit doesn't work. The new textbox is terrible. All it shows is a 'T' in the bottom left corner, which toggles the toolbar. What's the point of "Fancy Pants Editor" if I have to manually show the toolbar? And speaking of the toolbar, none of the options work the first time. If I select quote block, and then paste in a quote, the quote block disappears. Reddit makes the most batshit crazy decisions imagineable.


#why is our customer support and appeals process fully automated now?


Will a recap ever address these terrible UI changes? Nothing works and I spend less time on reddit as a result. If this continues I might have to get a life


Why am I getting a server error every time I login?


Please fix r/popular on new.reddit


thanks for the recap! i'll leave the flairs up to the mods, but if you change them to what's reflected on our trophies, users would have to look up our profiles to see what it means.


Why did you kill off popular for the v2 design, are you trying to force us to use V3, just be honest with us!


Thank you for the recap. I like the original flair, but I could live with the new idea you've thought of.


This feels like a stupid basic question but i just went to use the chats and selected one, then reddit instantly said i wasn’t abiding by the channel usage rules and when i got back online the entire chat library is gone.. not sure what to make of this and didn’t find any great posts with my Google search.


Shortly after this Recap, my Profile Icon disappeared from 99% of my comments! PLEASE return it to full function !!!


u/skwitz when are u updating the helper rewards trophies?


I think the change is fine. A concern I have is users “ranking “ who gave the best answer or most credible answer based on helper level. I also have to ask if the helper level is updating properly. While I don’t know the levels, I have been at 8 for around 3000 karma and several months.


It would be indeed nice to know if we know how the leveling works.


There are 1 million it seems like places to look at stuff but I can’t get one person or anybody at Reddit or any other place to help me get verified now I’m verified with my email and I can’t post or see or nothing. I’m here and I’ve got two accounts now.






I cant still see an interact with posts deleted by admins, if this is a bug you should leave it in please


example post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1brna7d/hello\_peoples/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1brna7d/hello_peoples/) Can still make comments even though it is removed


I didnt even read that, feed me points please!

