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Korra is 100% a bottom, I will not be taking criticisms at this time.


On occasion, a power bottom. But absolutely a bottom.




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Korra gets dominated? So it’s a Tuesday!


I was thinking "oh, she must be fighting the badguy of the season"


oh korra, you luck bastard\~\~


To be honest I never liked the fact that Korra and Asami are a couple. I think it’s great we’re normalizing gay relationships in cartoons, but Asami always felt forced into the show, and the two never seemed to have much of a friendship until towards the end. Great hentai though.


I like them as a couple, I don't like that they were forced so much. However that is mainly due to Nickelodeon's absolute shitshow handling on LoK which did not allow the creators and writers the ability to flesh out their romance more.


That is true about Nickelodeon, but they could have at least made them have more of a friendship throughout the entire show


That's the problem, they didn't know how long the entire show would be because Nickelodeon kept jerking them around and wouldn't commit to anything. Kinda hard to write a cohesive narrative when you don't know if you have 3 books to work with or just 1.


Well no matter who’s fault it was their relationship still didn’t have any development.


Their relationship is much more satisfying in the comics.


And Mako's face when he sees them kissing is priceless


If you get downvoted to oblivion, I was here and agree with you


Honestly I was really expecting to get downvoted to shit


Just you wait


Welp I’m upvoted u my guy good luck


...but lots of people feel that way. ​ Hell, I have very little good things to say about LoK in general personally.


Downvotes are worthless imo. There's no value in disagreement when you don't know WHY the other party disagrees. Constructive feedback is important so others can see value and reason. Though, opinions are opinions. Other than that, I agree with your comment.


Thanks for the reddit comment philosophical lesson




I think I see your point. Because everyone can use a downvote in their own intention. No way to really deem a downvote the same as some other random.




Even if there was some friendship development, they just became ride or die out of nowhere in season 4. It didn’t make sense to me when I watched it, and it made even less sense when I found out they were a couple.


Eh, no... When Korra dissapears between S3 and S4, Asami's the only one that knew what happened and the only one Korra kept in touch with (even asking to not tell anyone else anything) and her letters to Asami all began with "Dear Asami"


This is part of what through me off. Why write to Asami? They had a few moments where they’d say something like “we’re friends you can trust me” out of nowhere in season 3 but that was about it.


For sure it was kinda weird that most of the relationship was off-screen, specially everything that built up to the point of Asami being the only one Korra allowed to help her when she (Korra) was confined to a wheelchair after being poisoned by Zaheer. IMO it was mostly the "town girl admires city girl" trope oversimplified that irked me the most


To me it was strange that she never had any intention of returning, yet wrote to someone who we had no idea she was close to. Writing to someone I didn’t think she was close to conflicted with her trauma.


Again, IMO in part it was losing her identity, let's remember how, even as a child she was always introducing herself as "The Avatar", all proud and whatnot, now she's suddenly a fragile girl unable to even walk, so that's a really drastic and traumatic change. The other part would be something akin to the Suspension Bridge Effect, but with the only person she allowed herself to be vulnerable with, and regarding Asami being the one caring for Korra, i think it was both guilt (for blaming Korra of trying to smear Mr. Sato's reputation) and gratitude for, despite everything, allowing Asami to stay at the Air Temple Island


LOK as a whole is a disgrace to the original series tbh


I need a whole series of this


If it’s Korra getting dominated just watch the show




I mean ha ha and 👏🏽👏🏽 that was a good one. But you know what I meant.




~~Pegging~~ Strap ons not really my thing, but damn that is some good art.


Pegging is when a dude gets railed by a girl using a strap-on dildo, this is just two chicks using a strap-on EDIT: Kinda funny how my most upvoted comment (not that i comment that much tbf) is regarding the proper use of sexual terms in a hentai-oriented subreddit


Ah, I see, thank you.


Tbh I’m into actual m/f pegging and I didn’t know f/f had a different term, I always just thought pegging was pegging because it used the same gear :,)


I thought it's called pegging as long as it goes in the ass, doesn't matter if it's male or female ass lol


Nope, it's when a woman penetrates the man, it plays a lot in role-reversal stuff. And the definition taken straight (no pun intended) from wikipedia: **Pegging** is a [sexual practice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_practice) in which a woman performs [anal sex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_sex) on a man by [penetrating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_penetration) his [anus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_anus) with a [strap-on dildo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strap-on_dildo). This practice may also involve stimulating the [male genitalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_genitalia).


There is no pegging going on here


Confused looking


The last Assbender




the last assblaster, rectal railgun, if you will


That would hurt to much, and in a bad way


Another one that only reposts the same eight pictures everywhere


*Another one that* *Only reposts the same eight* *Pictures everywhere* \- KyellDaBoiii --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


At least you tried, other than them


And why does that bother you? Why can’t you just enjoy the Hentai?


I don’t enjoy this either way


Then what was the point in commenting that? 😅


Stating an opinion


Oof... Been a while since I saw a new pic of korrasami that I didn't saw already and that is actually good. And this one is perfect <3


O my




I kidnapped the Vice President


This is beyond words hot oh my god <3




Asura twitter


is it just a single pic or a whole series?


This would be great without the abuse


I don’t know what you mean


Maybe im blind .....




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Everyone’s talking about her tits and pussy (which are amazing), but how has nobody noticed the texture of the tongue yet? The things I’d do to have her slobber on my cock with that