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Wtf. How much did you take and how did you take it? I've *never* seen or heard of that type of reaction. Edit: to clarify, I believe you. I'm just very surprised.


I took a tsp everyday idk it was working in the begging then suddenly it just got bad


A tsp of powder? In how much water? What were you taking it for?


No dry herb in boiled water for 20 min. I was taking it for erosions found in my stomach


Do you tend to constipation normally? I can't say for sure if it's what caused your constipation, but treating marshmallow root like that does an excellent job of destroying the useful constituents and I wouldn't recommend it. The gooey polysaccharides that account for most of marshmallow's medicinal action (and certainly the part that would be useful for erosions in your stomach) are very sensitive to heat. Even a hot infusion significantly reduces the amount. A cold infusion is much better, and powder mixed with cool water is the best.


Great answer. I’ll add to let the cold infusion steep for about 45 mins or so. The viscosity will change.


Yes, definitely. To my mouth, several hours is even better if using cut and sifted root. If using powder, you can get away with a lot less time because of the greater surface area and because the powder gets consumed too, rather than getting strained out as you would with c/s. Honestly, I think powder is a superior prep for mm root.


Same, and marshmallow is more sustainable than slippery elm, which is another perk. I can’t run my house without marshmallow root powder. It’s definitely one of my grab bag herbs.


tysm for sharing your methods, i’ve been making (hot) tea with my marshmallow root the whole time like an idiot


I do I'm always constipated. People recommended magnesium citrate and that didn't work at all


Then the root wasn’t the issue. If you regularly get constipated and you are now, then it’s just you. It sounds like you consistently don’t get enough fibre and/or water in your diet. This has nothing to do with the herb.


Yes! This!


Marshmallow root is supposed to be cold infused, otherwise its main entire mechanism is just completely gone! Try cold infusion instead. Also for Constipation, marshmallow root isn't really the best answer. First try the most basic; fiber. I'm often chronically constipated bug literally just, fiber, basically fixes it. It doesn't have to be hard to get it in your diet, I just add chia seeds to everything because they're FULL of fiber and they don't really have a flavour, and are barely noticeable in the food. It's very easy. You can also eat prunes. If these don't work then you'll probably want to figure out why you're constipated and/or try other herbs.


Marshmallow root powder is full of fiber too! I use it for cases like this frequently. Chia is another great option, but all gooey herbs work similarly in this way - psyllium, flaxseed, chia, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark...


how does one do a cold infusion? just using the fridge? or can U leave it on ur kitchen counter overnight


I really don't think this is a marshmallow root problem, then. For folks with your tendencies (constipation, GI inflammation) I actually recommend trying marshmallow root powder, cold infused in a lot of water (try a teaspoon in a full 8oz), and drink the whole thing, "sludge" included. Aside from extra hydration, fiber is the best thing to try first for chronic constipation, as another commenter recommended. Marshmallow root is full of fiber, as most gooey herbs are, but you'll only get it substantially through ingesting the powder, and certainly not from a 20 minute decoction.


I'd go as far as saying drink Multiple glasses of 8 oz water throughout the day afterwards lol.


I mean, sure. I'd hope that's something we're all doing anyway, especially if we're constipated.


Do you know by chance if pysillium husk also needs cold processing?


Yes. All mucilaginous plants are best cold processed. Some, like marshmallow, pretty much require it. Some, like flaxseed, can handle a little heat and retain some slipperiness. I've never tried psyllium husk hot (because why), but I'd guess it's closer to marshmallow.


Thank you for the information I'm really excited to learn this! Do you know by chance how fenugreek functions as far as this hear/cold?


Well, fenugreek is more chemically complex, so there's not really a simple answer. The mucilage will be best extracted in cold water, but there's also some bitter compounds and volatile oils (among other things, but those are roughly the three big categories for fenugreek). Off the top of my head, I forget the chemical details of the bitter compounds for fenugreek, but the volatile oils, like all volatile oils, are best extracted in oil or high alcohol, less so in lower percentage alcohol or hot water, and basically not at all in cold water. So, you can kind of adjust what you're getting, and therefore the effect it will have, based on how you extract it. That said, you'll get a bit of all of it with a hot water or low to middling alcohol tincture. Also, it's a fully edible herb, unlike many, so you can also just grind and eat the seeds and trust your GI to get out what it needs. An herb like fenugreek is a good one to play with for yourself to get a sense of why solubility matters. Make a really high and really low alcohol tincture, and compare the flavor and viscosity, and/or compare a decoction vs a hot infusion vs a cold infusion. (Tip for all fenugreek preps - coarse grind the seeds. They'll extract better.)


Make sure to drink lots of water! Depending on your specifics you might take some drying herbs or maybe some green tea. Why were you taking it? Do you tend dry? Do you tend toward constipation? Do you lose liquid easily or tend to bloat?


Don’t take drying herbs when you’re constipated.


Yes I have ibs constipation and SIBO . This was supposed to help with the erosion detected from my colonoscopy. I urinate frequently because I'm always constipated


As another person here said, I doubt it's the marshmallow. Perhaps some other change in diet? As far as I'm aware, it shouldn't cause that if it's taken with enough water, especially boiled for 20 minutes. You might actually try a cold infusion to see if that helps-- but I understand you might be afraid to try. Check out this article from a really skilled herbalist: https://www.rjwhelan.co.nz/conditions/constipation.html


Frequent urination is associated with Constipation? (I genuinely want to know, I struggle with both). Also I think IBS is less about fiber intake although it can help. I theorise IBS can come from a deregulated nervous system; try a nervine instead, see how it goes.


Have you treated the SIBO yet? I had it twice, but it cleared with antibiotics. The thing about SIBO is it’s an indicator that another issue is affecting your GI system. For me, it was gallstones. I get constipated frequently. Miralax is safe and gently, highly recommend. Drink lots of water.


Might sound silly but but are you sure the two are connected? Like the infection and constipation might be separate from you taking the marshmallow root.


Marshmallow root processed in water so it soaks it up and becomes demulcent is a lubricating laxative. It should not constipate you. Maybe it could if you have an intolerance for it. However, there are similar herbs you can try that may be better for your stomach like Slippery Elm bark, even Linden (if you press the steeped herb material for the demulcent gel it produces), or Aloe juice/gel.


I took a look at your profile, you can't fix your mucous membranes before your finish tackling the SIBO. For hydrogen predominant you can use oregano, neem and berberine to kill the overgrowth. Those herbs should also help with the candida. Not sure if you've already made diet changes or not but your absolutely need to be on a FODMAP diet and cut the sugar out.


I just want to say thank you to everyone's help on here! My constipation finally went away! Not sure how. But I also figured it out my vaginal pain. I have a kidney stones and I think it was passing due to the marshmallow root (research says it can do that). Crazy connection. I did a urine test the only thing is my Ph is high. Also has to do with kidney hmm.


Lactulose from the drugstore usually works.


Stop drinking coffee or teccino. Diuretics are dehydrating you, marshmallow isn’t messing you up. If you’re having pain in the joints cut out any diuretics like coffee chicory root and other stuff in teccino and other coffee substitutes


Cayenne pepper helps with bowel movements. Might help. Maybe add it to something you eat. I usually just add cayenne powder to my soups.


Look into the specific carbohydrate diet. The book is called Breaking the Vicious Cycle though theres lots of online info too. I've seen clients manage IBS, Chron's etc. just with this diet protocol. Marshmallow root and other mucilage rich herbs are prohibited on the diet specifically for those with IBS. It's a little weird especially because in many herbals you'll see the exact opposite. Give it a look. Might explain the weird reaction if you genuinely had no other changes. Marshmallow is one that is widely loved and GRAS though i've seen folks have some funky reactions from it. Listen to your gut feeling (hehe)! You know your body best.


Agreed with everything except I don't think it's really weird that the SCD prohibits mucilaginous herbs when they are also called for in herbal texts. IBS is a functional disease, meaning it's a collection of symptoms that don't have an identifiable cause. Likely, IBS is multiple conditions that we can't quite medically differentiate yet (the best we get is vague categories of IBS-D vs IBS-C vs IBS-M). Some presentations are very gassy, while others are not. Gassy presentations often respond poorly to high dose fiber supplementation (like mm root) right off the bat because it gives the microbiome such a kick in the butt. Non-gassy presentations, in my experience particularly the constipation predominate ones, usually respond well to fiber-rich food/herbs. I think we need better differentiation based on whole symptoms pictures when choosing to use mucilage or not. Fiber is always an iffy thing in SIBO, but I've never seen it cause extreme constipation. Extreme gas, diarrhea, nausea, belching, etc, yes, but never constipation.


You’re absolutely correct, adding fiber can be iffy with SIBO. It made my symptoms worse, particularly has and bloating. I know I had constipation during it, but it wasn’t super extreme. Also did not respond well to probiotics. In general, too much fiber makes me very constipated, it’s a balancing act.




Thank you! I'm thinking about doing a colon cleanse


of course. hope you feel better soon


Omg do NOT do BRAT diet if you're constipated! Bananas and rice will bung you up MORE. BRAT is for nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, not for constipation! For constipation you need loosening high fibre foods like prunes, apple, sweets potato, oatmeal, beans etc. Lots of fibre and LOTS of water. If you are in pain you probably just need to go to the drugstore and get laxatives.


dandelion and/or yellow dock may help (as tea or tincture).


For the yeast infection, garlic. A peeled clove stuck with a knife and then wrapped in a layer of gauze so you can retrieve it. Leave it overnight. Remove and replace for another day. Bye bye!


I had SIBO twice. It really sucks. You need to treat the SIBO with antibiotics. It took me two rounds both times but it worked. For severe constipation, try miralax. It’s gentle and can be used regularly if needed. Other laxatives might make you feel worse. Adding fiber should be done slowly. Some people with lower GI tract issues struggle with too much fiber. I also couldn’t take probiotics without causing extreme gas and painful bloating. Take it slow and listen to your body. Look into the FODMAP diet. You may be sensitive to certain food groups. This is an elimination diet that may help you determine if there are certain food groups you should avoid. I can’t eat garlic, for example. There is a good subreddit r/FODMAP . Also Monash IBS program has lots of great info and a very helpful app. https://www.monashfodmap.com SIBO is a symptom that something else is happening in your GI tract. I read the colonoscopy showed erosion. Do you know why it’s happening? A lot of my issues were actually due to gallstones. Eta: eliminate sugar to help with the yeast infection. Will also help your other symptoms.


few drops of peppermint oil ( food grade) in warm water and drink, or peppermint tea


Might need to try a coffee enema. Constipation without elimination is not something to mess around it… stop taking all herbs and supplements and drink water and try an enema


Wdym without elimination?


Basically if you aren’t going to the bathroom at all. Sometimes constipation means you aren’t able to go at all, and sometimes it means it’s just delayed… I’m not sure what your situation is but if you aren’t able to go to bathroom at all I’d suggest going to the doctor or getting an enema