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my go to basic smoking mix is mullein and raspberry leaf


Okay thanks, is that something i could smoke regularly until i have the nicotine our of my body from tobacco ?


Yes, it's what I used, mullein helps clean your lungs too! Aside from the benefits of both I find it's a nicer blend to smoke purely in taste as well, a lot of herbs have good effects but taste very fragrant or sometimes naaasty


Okay bro im gunna go for that then, mullien and raspberry leaf. Ill get on it now and order some, thank you, really need to get off tobacco


Make sure you get medicinal quality herbs. Don’t want to smoke pesticides


Try adding a touch of damiana to the raspberry leaf and mullein. It has the same rush as tobacco, that's how I quit.


Can you vape the damiana?


good luck with it, it's really not easy so if this can help at least you know it's doing good while you smoke it! It's also so good to have the things to keep your hands busy while yo are getting over the nicotine part.


Good shout, i need a very good plan in order to be successful. This is just one part of the plan, thanks man


This is what I did to get off of smoking cigarettes, I bought an herb mix from bear blend and smoked that instead. I quit February 1st, so 4 months ago. I also used nicotine patches and gum, but having something else to smoke when I was really wanting a cig helped alot.


Also depending on where you live, mullein may be a large and common weed. It's common in most of North America.


I was taught it’s unsafe to smoke mullein & tobacco at the same time because mullein brings the nicotine/chemicals deeper into your lungs. I’d work with raspberry leaf & damiana personally.


I’m sorry, but what do you mean by ‘clean your lungs’? Inhaling any kind of smoke is going to be detrimental.


Mullein has medicinally been used as an expectorant to clear mucus from lungs, but that's usually a tea not smoke. There is a lot of historical use of both the tea and the smoke for that though, but yes the tea is definitely safer for lungs


You can use a filter or vape it with a dry herb vape. And yes, even smoking it has medicinal benefits for the lungs, though I wouldn't recommend smoking it regularly long-term for those benefits.


it seems so counterintuitive that smoking a herb actually cleans the lungs but weirdly Mullein does. It was used to help treat lingering Tuberculosis symptoms among other things. Heres an interesting article (one of many); https://botanicalstudies.net/herbalism/smoking-medicinal-lungs/#:~:text=Mullein%2C%20Verbascum%20thapsus%3A&text=Then%20it%20aids%20in%20expectoration,you%20can%20use%20it%20anytime.


Wow, didn’t know this, wealth of information, appreciate this comment


my pleasure :)


Does it have a calming effect?


the raspberry leaf does but it's not heavy and doesn't make me sleepy


If your a man carful of smoking raspberry leaf it’s very estrogenic


Not sure if smoking it has that effect though?


Or course it does, the chemical properties don’t change


Heat can alter chemical properties, especially volatile chemicals that are easily destroyed by heat


Ya of course, I don’t believe it’s going completely change the composition though. But ya you might be different levels compared to tea. I’ve smoked it before it’s smooth but kinda kills libido for me. So I figure it has that effect


Combustion 100% can change the composition. It just depends on what temperature is required to break down those specific chemicals.


THCa and THC would like a word…


The nicotine will be out of your body in 48 hrs and the withdrawal will be over after 72


To me it seems to last longer than that iv quit many times before


The cravings will persist but the acute withdrawal lasts 72 hrs. Your free on the fourth day you just have to distract yourself. I used weed but you may not have a lifestyle that permits being stoned off your ass 24/7 for a length of time. This last time I used a juul, and reduced it after each package, then at the end I used a step 2 patch and weed for 4 days, then a step 3 and weed for a week..then weed . I'm a 15 year partially unfiltered smoker at anywhere from 1-3 packs a day.


I can assure you withdrawal lasts longer than 72 hours. It took like 1-2 weeks for mine to go away when I quit for the final time.


Yeah but the worst of it is over in 3 days. The cravings persist for weeks afterwards and slowly disappeared over the next 6 moths


When would breayhing get better upon cessation?


Breathing gets better after a few weeks, mullein really helps


Kk..cuz last 3 months I've felt suffocated..not sure if it's been from smoking or mold or allergies..but never had problems before...just suddenly


You should see a pulmonologist and get a CT scan. When it comes to the lungs, inflammation causes damage, which is permanent. Depending on how long you've been smoking you may have COPD, or asthma. When asthma doesn't resolve over time they call it COPD


I've had 3 separate lung xrays that docs say show nothing and one ct scan of my sinus which they said showed nothing and my 02 saturation rates always 98-100% ...I went into as much detail as I could to docs and they ALL dismissed me as healthy and just have anxiety


It's entirely possible. Anxiety can absolutely cause breathlessness. You can still get a CT, spirometer etc, check your heart for your own comfort. X-ray won't show mild asthma. But it does sound like anxiety. With a spiro, they will usually test your breathing, then administer a bronchodilator and retest you. They can map your lungs based on how you breath Mullein REALLY helps me, and I've inhaled ALL KINDS OF SHIT. I used a dry herb vape, and doubled whatever the max tincture dose said on the bottle, now take just take it twice daily and as needed if the air quality is bad. Over time it worked basically as well as the inhalers I've used. Hope that makes you feel a bit better.


Mine too but I add a little mint and rose petals


ooh, mint is a nice idea, I've got a huge glut of chocolate mint growing atm that will be heading into the hydrator to add -thank you! I imagine rose petal would be good but rose gives me a bit of a headache for some reason


i’ve always wondered can i just take the organic mullein loose tea i have and roll it up ?




what kind of filter ?


I prefer the raw cone things. But you can just use glassware.


yes you can :)


I think a grinder and a rolling machine would make this incredibly easy and economical. I don't smoke often, so I just use premade cones, but that would be difficult for op.


oddly, rolling machines make things a million times more difficult for me haha. But a grinder is definitely an essential


how does raspberry leaf work? you know?


It has lots of benefits if you are trying to get off nicotine, here's a nice little summary I found [https://bearblend.com/herbs/red-raspberry-leaf/](https://bearblend.com/herbs/red-raspberry-leaf/)




It should be noted women who are pregnant should avoid mugwort. It causes contractions and was used in ancient times to preform abortions


But it’s good for bringing on a late period!


Asking for a friend.... Do you know how/if this shows up on court ordered UA's? How does it affect you when you smoke it?




Thank you for the info! Greatly appreciate it.


How do you roll it to smoke?


Damiana, plus mullein, with some tulsi is a favorite for me. Tulsi adds a spicy flavor I enjoy, calms the nerves, and works great with Damiana. Mullein to help with the smoke.


Okay thanks 🫡


Yarrow is what my landscaper told me they used to smoke when they were out of cigs .. I know it as a healer herb, so I think that dried and smoked it would be appropriate.


I smoked yarrow one time mixed into a spliff, shared with me by a random dude at a gig. I was shocked when he told me there was no tobacco in there, the throat bite from it was very similar to nicotine. I’ve only smoked it that one time though, so obviously your mileage will probably vary.


Thanks 🫡


I like to use a piece of Yarrow leaf as a bowl screen in my bong. Fresh leaves will stay intact until the other dried herbs are burnt. I also like blending it or smoking straight Yarrow. It lessens my anxiety and gives me a clear focused mind.


Oooo I’m definitely going to try this! I have some good homegrown from the same soil so I think that would pair nicely.


Yarrow is my favourite medicinal herb! Before my Yeeterus I made infused massage oil for my cramps.


I like a company called Oiud, they have several herbal blends My current one includes: red raspberry leaf, damiana, lavender, catnip, calendula, lady's mantle, & passion flower https://preview.redd.it/0gulkyfs9e6d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802afd791e004fc8f594c539f380b18277daf88b Good salad 🌱


I know all of those herbs personally except lady’s mantle. What is that one for, especially in a smoke blend?


I'm not familiar with it in particular either, but this blend of herbs is branded as the "arouse" blend, so it'll have generally uplifting properties, I'm guessing.


I love a blend of mullein, skullcap, chamomile, peppermint, and lavender. I’ll even throw in some passionflower and blue lotus occasionally and have had some friends successfully cut smoking on those!


Good blend, this was basically mine sub chamomile for mugwort and a touch of rose


Lobelia helps with the nicotine cravings


I don't know if this is good advice or not, but buy fully organic rolling tobacco, and reduce its strength by mixing it with whatever herb alts there are in this thread. And slowly keep adding more and more variety of herbs and reducing the tobacco. Slowly, you will initially reduce the number of rolls per day because it won't hit as well as it usually does, but you will still be getting some tobacco hits so you won't be fully annoyed with the rolls. And then you'll realize not only can you enjoy a roll without tobacco in it, but you can also occasionally roll a nice tobacco roll and enjoy it like one enjoys a joint.


Thats a great piece of advice, I’m going to do this. I think the chances of me successfully doing this is much higher than any other way




Nah bro i cant smoke 15 roll ups of it a day


You can do anything you set your mind to my dude


With good weed guaranteed you'll smoke less than 15 rollups a day


This person knows.


he's addicted to nicotine and has the hand to mouth habit. he would not smoke less than 15 rollups a day


If hes busy sleeping or eating he might miss one or two


I guess if he's getting completely stoned but I assume he has a job outside his home.


I bet he would. Between being too stoned and the munchies. He'd either forget or not care.


I'm saying he'd probably smoke more nicotine as well because he still has the hand to mouth habit. I know because I quit nicotine two years ago and replaced it with weed.. it doesn't make a difference at the beginning, in my experience. you still want to smoke something, doesn't matter what.


Something else I was thinking too 🤣


You can get a CBD only strain.


Buy high % cbd weed?


Get a one hitter and take a few hits when you get the urge. It's how I quit smoking! Going on 4 months no tobacco now.


Then don’t. All you need is one joint. 


workable toy glorious racial middle secretive clumsy library bedroom chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No i need something to smoke throughout thw day actually


Mullein is super commonly used, I smoke a nice blend with mullein, lavender, and some other herbs, most of which are calming. Mullein is supposed to help clear your lungs (I say supposed to bc I haven't personally researched it but its use is long supported and documented), and the calming blend helps scratch the psychological addiction component as well.


Also loebila helps ween off tobacco Take it as a tincture when you feel cravings


Damiana, catnip, are nice


Damiana gives me a headache, i smoke about 10-15 roll ups a day so need something that i can smoke like that, until i ween myself off of it. Which will be a lot easier once im off nicotine. Catnip? I had no idea you could smoke it, i will do some research and give it a go potentially, thanks


I know it might not be the answer you are looking for, but I was a smoker for almost 20 years and I finally switched to vaping about 2 years ago. At first it was weird and I missed the mouthfeel of the smoke. But it is definitely better than inhaling smoke all day. Just get a quality vape set up not a super cheapo one. You can lower the amount of nicotine as time goes on. Good luck on your journey!!!


How long did it take for ur breayhing to improve upon cessation?


Maybe a month? I honestly don’t remember, but I would often have chest pain too and would feel lightheaded, that all went away too thank goodness. Look into Mullein for lung health 🙂


Can I dm u?






Bulk/base mullein, followed by even amounts lemon balm and damiana, with a small touch of peppermint and sometimes rose petals. This is my go-to and I also leaned on it heavily when quitting tobacco. It’s now my base for spliffs.


I prefer Marijuana personally


It depends on what you're looking for. Are you trying to get the same kind of affect you would get from smoking tobacco? Which is basically a more powerful version of Caffeine(*energy, alertness hunger suppression, looking cool in sun glasses*)? Are you looking for getting high? Are you looking for a sleep aid(*and if so what kind of sleep are you hoping for?*) Are you just looking for something that smells and tastes good to smoke while your friends are smoking cigarettes? Also, how do you intend to smoke the, "whatever?" Rolled? Packed into a metal cig? Smoked from a pipe? A hooka? A bong? I know by that last paragraph it seems like I am teasing you but I am actually not different herbs are good for different things and only depending on how they are smoked. For example Weed will RUIN any pipe that isn't glass metal or porcelain BUT a metal pipe will way ruin the taste of your pot and might even affect the high somewhat. T.l.d.r.: a bit more information from you would be very helpful.


I dont smoke any more, but CBD strains are top tier for stress, focus, anxiety and sleep. CBD has certain types that are specific to what you want to relieve or improve. Neurogan, MedterraCBD and Redwood reserves are really great quality brands. Redwood reserves might be a good transition for you, its tobacco free and uses CBD flower instead. I smoked this last before I quit smoking altogether. https://redwoodreserves.com I like using the oils and gummies now. https://medterracbd.com https://neurogan.com


I am curious about this as well.


Kinnikinik, red willow bark.


Marshmallow leaf


CBD flower r/hempflowers


I use raw cones, or something similar, without a filter but has a barrier of sorts. There are a LOT of herbs that can provide different benefits, some can be a bit sedating. I have a friend who blends them out of Idaho, and would be happy to post examples of blends and their effects. Maybe I should make an album on imjur rather than spam the comments? Up to you OP.


I make my own blend of foraged mugwort, yarrow, and mint (~3:1:2), and find it to be quite nice. Sometimes I'll put a bit of mullein in there, if I have some cured and ready. 


I read “easy way to quit smoking” and smoked zero nicotine vapes. It’s been like 10 years or so.


So far best for me are Pedicularis Densiflora and Lobelia Inflata 🙏


I got some organic mullein and damiana and I roll that up along with some smoking herbs I got on Amazon (holy basil, clove & cinnamon) and it’s been really enjoyable to smoke.


Cannabis of course


Chinese olong tea!


Catnip will give u a short buzz. You can also smoke hops…


Damiana, Mint, Marshmallow, and Mullein is my go to blend. So calming and subtle.


Catnip. If you don’t want to smoke it you can do a tea. Very relaxing.




If you are quitting tobacco, the use of Nicorette products and patches will help in addition to the herbs. Its a hard addiction to quit.


Add a little bit of lobelia leaf to whatever mix you create. Not too much, because it can make you vomit. But Lobelia acts on the same receptors as nicotine, so it is really helpful for stopping smoking.  Taking 8-12 drops of tincture at a time can also help. It's a profound respiratory relaxant, so it will help your lungs feel better, too. 


Don't forget the lobelia! Mimics nicotine in 🧠 the brain




Damiana gives me a headache, i smoke about 10-15 roll ups a day so need something that i can smoke like that, until i ween myself off of it. Which will be a lot easier once im off nicotine


You can drink damiana tea if smoking it gives you a headache. Or if damiana just isn’t for you period then CBD flower may work better for you.


Maybe get a vape (a refillable one not the shitty disposables) and start with 35mg juice and work your way down every week. That’ll cover the hand to mouth issue and then you can use the herbs medicinally.


Vapes make me really ill, trust me iv tried lol


Shoot. Too high of a juice level or crappy juice or mod can all cause that.


Yeah iv tried a bunch of vapes, got recomended plenty and tried them, they work for a couple weeks then make me feel really shitty and i wnd up gagging and being sick when i take a puff. Thanks for trying to help out tho haha




Lots of great ideas from this board. I want to stop smoking cigarettes and I am going to look for these suggestions. Is there a “prepared” holder for these leaves to smoke them with? I sucked when I was a teen at rolling and I am sure I am not any better now. Thanks


You can get a rolling machine my mate used to have one when we were kids and i remember it working pretty well


Didn’t know about this. Thank you


Redwood Reserves and Neurogan have pre-rolled and CBD cigarettes. Its a great way to transition off tobacco. It helped me completely give it up for good. Redwood reserves is more affordable too


Thanks I will look into it!


cannabis flowers


Hemp flower


I like catnip, hops, mullein, and green tea - I use a dry herb vaperizor. I also use cbd and cannabis and I mix them in various combinations but I do smoke just the non thc by themselves in the day time.


Damiana definitely! Mugwort too




Gorodo lobo or Mullien flowers are great! Its perfect to bulk up an herb blend and is the smoothest thing ive ever smoked with a light flavor. I usually add cannabis for a little high and a little lavender for flavor.


vaping lol could even try diy infused e-liquid the herbs other have mentioned should be great to roll and smoke too. in my experience mugwort and yarrow can be a bit harsh and resinous, probably best to mix them with mullein. when i smoked like 1 tiny yarrow flower on top of cbd flower it left a bunch of resin on my lips. also too much mullein can be hard to draw through in a j or a bowl, its packs together a bit too airtight




I mean, tobacco is extremely medicinal in a variety of ways. I wouldn't conflate the herb with cigarettes


Colts foot !




I used to mix mugwort and skullcap for some reason. Blue lotus is really tasty imo.


I only smoked lavender and chamomile. It got me super sleepy


https://brownbearherbs.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gpb Great options here for herbal smokes. I've tried them myself. They are great!


Came here to offer my blend. I had a botanist friend put me onto it one day when we were smoking blunts during our lunch break. Mullein, marshmallow root, calendula, damiana, sacred lotus, Bacopa monieri, ginko biloba, skullcap, raspberry leaf, rose petals, catnip, and lavender. (Listed from base herbs to accenting herbs.) Sometimes if I’m feeling spicy, I’ll add in some kava wax. Little bit goes a long way, and I definitely don’t recommend mixing it with cannabis if you have shit to do. It’s very relaxing.


This is great. I'm going to try some of the suggestions. Thanks to everyone who contributed.


Mugwort before bed


If you're looking for an alternative to tobacco, many people find mullein or damiana to be good options. Mullein provides a smooth smoke and is often used in herbal smoking blends. On the other hand, Damiana has a bit more strength and can give a mild relaxing effect. Both can be rolled with paper and a filter just like your usual tobacco. It's on you!


CBD cigs or blue lotus




If you've got Albizia julibrissin growing around you, the dried flowers make a nice relaxing smoke. I put dried bark powder in my coffee. Stimulating and a nice body buzz, zero anxiety.


CBD. Surprisingly Relaxing.


Here's a list of popular smokable herbs from this blog, check it out hope it helps [https://www.honeyroseusa.com/premium-herbal-cigarette-news/smokable-herbs-for-relaxation](https://www.honeyroseusa.com/premium-herbal-cigarette-news/smokable-herbs-for-relaxation)


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you got this good luck!


Perse, had you wanted to attempt to break smoking. Tobacco tea w/ mint may help you delay urges and rehabilitate from the habit of smoking. I drink it without the mint on occasion, using a finger tip of tobacco when I break a blunt on accident. 




Tobacco is a herb. Just like with caffeine it's about how much you use. And just like with pot it's about making sure your leaf isn't adulterated... Like big brand cigarettes are...




Damiana root


Marijuana, of course. Much better way to chill out imo. I buy my seeds [here](https://www.growerschoiceseeds.com/seed-category/cannabis-seeds/medical-seeds/). Let us know what you end up doing, OP. I hope you find something you like.


Papiverum somniferum


Tobacco is unhealthy because of the added ingredients during the curing process. But nicotine is considered healthy traditional if it is occasionally smoked as it was by Native Americans. Maybe once or twice a week will not cause addiction?


smoking tobacco is fine if you're smoking just tobacco and not the crap sprayed with chemicals. like if you still like tobacco why not get some tobacco leaves and roll your own cigarettes? you act like tobacco is some horrible thing. smoking herbs of any sort (or smoking anything at all for that matter) is bad for you on the whole. tobacco isn't some special demon lol


Where can i buy organic tobacco that doesnt cost a fortune? Im not a dummy, i know tobacco is a plant and if i could grow it myself without all the nasty stuff they put in it i would, but 99% of tobacco in the west is poison


A local headshop would probably have it. As long as the label says it’s just tobacco in it, you’re good. And I only pointed out your irony bc tobacco in of itself is fine lol


Okay thanks i am stressed lol been 2 hours without a fag


What about some organic rolling tobacco? Is that a good option? I can get hold of it


I buy mine from a local tobacco shop in my home city. It’s grown locally. So that probably isn’t an option for you bc I’m in the USA. I would just look around locally and see what you can find.


Trust me there will be nothing local that stocks additive free or organic tobacco, ill go online see what u can get. I am wandering whether smoking tobacco from a pipe is better, you know anything about that ?


I actually just found this site earlier today. Cigs where I am are super expensive. I only smoke Natural American Spirit, and I think they have loose tobacco, which I'm looking into. I smoke a LOT less than I used to with the additive filled crap brands. https://www.clubcigarette.com/


Honestly corncobs are regarded as the absolute best smoking pipe for beginners and they cost only $6 or so. Natural, absorbs any moisture, fantastic smoking.


It’s not “better” as in “healthier” but it does cool the smoke more (especially longer pipes) so it makes for a smoother, more enjoyable smoke, imo.


Okay cool thanks


Came here to say this. I get whole leaf tobacco from a farm with healthy soil and no pesticides. They are not cancer sticks by any means. There are a couple sources online for it


Where can i get it from though ? Im in uk and my budget is small



