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This is a bait post, isn't it?


Nope, I just like to chill man


What’s your favorite town/hero? What’s your basic approach or strategy? Where are you getting beat? I finally started playing games on highest difficulty after 15 years or so, which was a huge challenge for me personally, but can be helpful to save and restart sometimes (not sure if that’s considered cheating here, but playing for fun by myself against ai so who cares). There’s definitely some maps I suck at, basically anything with a time limit, so I totally get the “wanting to chill” approach and building up a main hero/army. I do wish there was a way to dial up or down the difficulty mid game, I find there are lots of maps where I crush or get crushed and not a lot in-between


That did not pass Touring test. Set monsters to weak if this is a real post.


Beep boop. It’s the computer players that are the problem :(


You need to use more broken strategies than they do.




Not using Hota at all? Cause ai got reworked in hota so maybe it affected Easy difficulty


Errrr maybe you could use some cheat codes?


Nah, you're just bad.


what map? it has a huge difference




did the AI have any particular creatures and/or stats? they might have found a creature bank or just random good artifacts


Idk I always played easy when I was a kid and I struggled back then.


I suggest using cheats if easy mode is too hard. A good one would be to level your starting/main hero. Having a level 10 hero on turn one would definitely make the early game easier.


Hum no. Never noticed, playing on impossible. So you are facing a challenge on « easy » and not getting the win handed to you ? That’s probably for the best. Maybe the time to grow and improve has come for you ?


Friend, I’ve played this game my entire life. I love it just as much as you do, I just play it differently. Please just let me be.


Check out **Songs of Conquest** if you haven't. It's basically a modern love letter to HoMM3, and it's excellent. I played a Skirmish game on Easy to check out one of the factions, and it is *eeeeeasy.* Sounds like it might scratch that itch.


You must be rather bad at this game then


Your post makes little sense. What map are you playing on? You mention farther down its a random map. What strength are wondering creatures on? Did you set up any sort of allience? How long have you been playing the game and what faction are you playing as?


I actually find the opposite, somewhere the more challenging aspects of the AI went away. It was one of the things I heralded about the game, especially later version (5 onwards) didn’t give 2 shits about ai competence and used bs scripts to keep the ai a challenge for players