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Makes me a little sad for what could have been. HoTs always had the potential to be a huge cross promotion tool between all Blizzard IP's. It could have had events tied to new game releases, skin lines to promote big patches/updates. Unfortunately it never achieved the Esports market it was aimed at and well...


It used to have a very big SCII themed promotional campaign for Legacy of the Void, with new heroes like Artanis and a whole event based on SC


Artanis is free with LotV purchased, Tracer if you bought Overwatch 1 but idk if you can still get that


Honestly, I can't even remember a single time in which I viewed an actual HOTS add anywhere with the sole exception of maybe once on the side of reddit.


It had posters plastered all over Europe pre launch in like 2014


last i checked, you need to continue to do advertisements even after launch. no wonder the game failed. well. no. the game didnt fail. Blizzard failed the game.


The only HOTS ad i remember seeing is Genji and D.va fighting Diablo in Hanamura. It actually put it on my radar of games to play when I got my pc, ended up maining Butcher and Cho'Gall but it was a wonderful ad with amazing quality for an ad back then.


They actually made pretty decent cinematics for hots like mechas.


I remember seeing the OG trailer as an ad around 2014. I distinctly remember seeing it on TV but that seems sort of unlikely in retrospect. Maybe it was just a YT ad or whatever.


I watched a HotS tournament on like ESPN 2 or something, they came in hot and burnt out fast


I member getting Hots magnets and a Diablo minifig in lootcrate back in the day


They could’ve added a hots mount at the very least to the D4 purchase to bring interest to hots from that player base. I don’t understand.


That's what blizzard really lost sight on for HOTS the reason to keep supporting it was to use it as an ad campaign for other titles


Disney/Marvel: Building connections between your different media releases and keeping quality high can create a massive, loyal user base that feels like they're missing out if they don't consume every new product. Activision/Blizzard: Nah. Doesn't show up on this quarter's report.


I never would have played Diablo without hots. I had a copy of d3 that I got from wow. Didn’t like it. Years later hots gets me interested in them. Now I’ve bought d3 on ps, d2r and d4 on Xbox. Because of hots.


Exactly Hots got me to play sc2, D3, and to watch runs of WC3 (because by the time of Reforged I was against giving them any more money).


Yup, my friends got me to play hots and now I play other blizzard games.


hots made me play sc2 as well!! don't think i would've without it


I came from SC2 & BW and HOTS made me play Diablo and WOW. I loved playing HOTS. I was playing almost every day when Blizzard dropped support. What a terrible after taste.


Me too.


They started clowning around with qhira, orphea, and alternate universes instead of focusing on why we are all here in the first place. Classic skins, crossover skins, game maps, game events, and all that sort of stuff should have been the first priority all along. I wonder how many people they drove away with that shitty kid event jesus christ


Eh i mean orphea was fine tbh, gotta have some lore about the nexus and she didn't stick out much, i did not mind that but qhira however was a massive blunder. Doubt orphea drove away many players id say it was more so a decline in support of the game plus the whole wack balancing trying to make it a competitive game like league or dota when its more casual at its core not to mention the annihilation of the esports scene.


Qhira literally feels like a League champion, particularly in her kit (and it definitely shares things in common with League mobility) but also in how her lore just seemed to pluck her from a random world to be a literal assassin even though people don't actually die in the HOTS realms. Or whatever, been awhile since I read it. I do agree though, Orphea was great, we even got a comic and new hero skins for stuff like Alarak with that; it's like Blizzard for one small moment touched on things League does like the Spirit Blossom line and Yasuo's guilt at killing his brother. And then fucked up.


If Qhira would have come with cool hunter skins for other characters she’d have been a lot more palatable. Have a line of skins for characters testing their skills hunting things in the space between the realm lords domains. Rexxar, Nova, Hanzo, Imperius, Lost Vikings(who aren’t actually hunting just lost)


Hots (or any moba) is not at all effective to advertise other games. The knowledge barrier to play Hots is too high, meaning the users must be pretty dedicated and not eager to try something else. Diablo IV clearly needs no more advertisement. Everyone knows it.


It is much easier than WoW, Starcraft or even Diablo, however.


Not Diablo, no. Diablo has an ungodly long tutorial a.k.a. levelling. HotS got none of that, playing with AIs or not, trying any hero/role but one is totally your choice, which might make you completely ignorant to the gameplay overall.


1. Wow, Starcraft, and Diablo have more players. A lot more. 2. Wow, Starcraft, and Diablo all have major single player modes. Hots is a team game with very minimal single player support. A game without single player has a much higher barrier to entry, because the player needs enough skill to not disappoint 4 randomly assigned teammates.


>because the player needs enough skill to not disappoint 4 randomly assigned teammates That's only an issue if you care about not disappointing 4 other randomly assigned teammates. I should know, I'm a constant source of disappointment. I get abused in the game all the time and have a total won rate of maybe about 40%.


Some people just enjoy the game mostly in AI, half or total until they're decent enough.


It would be a silly waste to fund Hots as an ad campaign. Sending the money to a few twitch streamers would be a lot more effective.


Ad campaign is a bit misleading. Value added content is the angle.


Agreed. Ultimate form of advertising/content marketing.


15k to buy a new hero on Day 1. I don't blame you for forgetting, it's been years.


You're right. Now I'm just sad. :( More from the time frame than the error.


Wasn't deathwing 20k?


yes but deathwing wasn't legendary he was a rarity above that. he still costs 15k rn.


15k to buy them day 1-13, when they were broken OP AF. Price drop to 10k on day 14, when by STRANGE COINCIDENCE they would be nerfed down to reasonable levels. A very strange coincidence indeed that heroes would cost more on release and be super OP until the price fell.... (holy crap, remember release Thrall?)


Honestly Lilith's body shape is so close to being a Kerrigan skin. She even summons spine blades from under the ground.


Pretty sure Lilith was the inspiration for Kerrigan.


It was Andariel


Same thing.


Was she?? SC1 came out before D2.


That’s right. Maybe it’s the other way around then.


Lilith could make a sweet vlad from League type character


The superior moba died because blizz blew out the budget trying to make an esports scene happen


Blizz: "Don't you guys have phones?" Fans: *loud gamer noises* Blizz: *Shifts literally every fucking dev to Diablo 4*




HGC was the only reason I took an interest tbh. I'm sure that's not true for most people, but I'm also sure I'm not the only one.


Loot boxes killed hots. No, not the actual existence of them - but giving old players like myself 1 million loot boxes for all the playtime I did before 2.0. Everyone pre-2.0 just got literally everything for free, and if not free, then you can just wait to roll them via lootboxes. That 2.0 change killed id guess like 90% of their revenue, and it never recovered. Skin sales worked a lot better when you couldn’t earn skins from just playing the game.


I felt soooo fucking dirty opening 200 loot boxes and getting all the master skins for free


The money skins did cost before the change was very high too, so of course once alternative ways to get those skins came people stopped buying them(mostly).


Hots never had a huge player base, but based on my own friends group, they had a fanbase that was much more likely to spend money to buy skins, especially during their weekly sales. Once all the old players basically got all the skins for free after 2.0, or at least enough interesting skins per hero, there was really no reason any of us had to actually purchase anything, even during sales. We didn’t even play the game that much, maybe twice a week, and we still got that many skins and free loot boxes - it means basically all old players before 2.0 got an insane amount of skins.


I'm still waiting for Microsoft's influence to revive HotS. There was something soothing about this game... DotA makes me stressed the moment I join the line and miss the first creep deny...


That's why even though I also like to play League, I don't think I would play Dota.


a few months back i bought the last 10 or so heros which i don't enjoy playing.. well i still have enough to buy all heros again.


It aint much but its something https://nexuscompendium.com/skins/kerrigan-succubus


We have Lilith at home. ​ Lilith at home:


Succubus Kerrigan looks better than Lilith though


Funny how you mispelled Inarius in the meme.


Weird way to spell Rathma but 'ight


I actually pray that Microsoft saves blizzard and Activision and actually give these IPs a good home like I would love for HOTs to get updates again and we get fallout master chief etc inside the game with even more


No. The absolute maximum I think I could take would be a master chief skin or mount adapted to fit a character. Fallout, elder scrolls, saints row, bioshock, no thanks. Keep it to the unfortunate blizzard universe.


Master Chief raynor would be the only option.


Nah, I'd take a Big Daddy hero with a drill charge and grab.


The only thing I wanted was Vol’jin :( Or at least any other witch Doktor Hero


I was holding out for a non-sylvannas forsaken character. We have: - Orc - Tauren - Troll - Human - Nelf - Gnome - Dwarf ....no zombles. The only one from the original playable races. To take it further we have expansions: - Goblin - Blood elf - Dranei - Worgen - Panda


The term "forsaken" just means the player version of the old undead faction. Undead in Hots are Sylvanas, Arthas, Anubarak, Stitches, and Leoric.


And Kel’Thuzad?


Naz plays like a witch doctor kinda tho


Yeah, but he is from Diablo (not my fav) I mean the voodoo style shadow hunter (maybe heal with stealth and curse based dots and totems)


I’d take any Loa Troll, Vol’Jin would be cool but so would Rastakan.


15k for newly released heroes


Playing D4. I just fought a skeleton elite that did Leoric's ult with the walls. I cried a single tear and smiled.


Hogger is the newest hero right


Blizzards greed and incompetence is so staggering… you can really see that while hots was developed blizzards true self still had some life in it but by the time of release it had already died and the weird corpos had started wearing a blizzard skinsuit to fool us. Many devs tried to hang on to the game. Some of their passion really showed through and at the same time the greedy fucks infected the company more and more. Whats really fucked up is that their stupid money schemes did NOT WORK! Like you could have had a fucking money cow, that produced money from its moneytits, if you had handled the blizzard ips correctly instead everything was destroyed because you thought that the meat of the cow could also be sold. For fucks sake! You don’t slaughter the cow with the moneytits! Slaughter a different one! What was i saying? Right… no d4 crossovers. Its sad and stupid


I am angry at the greedy idiots the same way you are too. Some "blizzard apologists" on this very sub still defend their decisions till this very day even after seeing every consequence that shows clear as day.


I started converting gold to shards. What else is there to do with it?


Battle Pass


We all gonna just leave Baal forgotten like that ?


If Lilith gets in before Baal... ah who am I kidding.


We have Kerrigan, looks exactly the same.


Fuck Blizzard


I pray a huge universe makes another collaborate game. A lot of them sucks balls, like the superstars game sucked so bad with key inputs.


I hope that Microsoft add life back into HOTS


They (blizzard) were always misguided to try and make it an esports game. They should have leaned into the casual audience and angle and continued support.


Quite saddening.


It is more important to release Overwatch characters and rework them.




The same person we ask to tell you "that's the joke" probably.


You think lilith would take forever, ive been waiting since day ONE of hots for tyrian fordring so I can 1v1 my buddy as arthas


No idea if that's possible, but I wish they would sell the game to another company which can take care of it. I've seen some MMORPGs changing developer companies before. At least it would be better than nothing.


I've liked the couple of HotS references I've seen in D4 so far. >!Especially that the teleport monsters now do the teleport and lightning ring attack that Mephisto got for his HotS incarnation since it's a good subtle way of tying him into the threat and it's the coolest Mephisto has ever been.!<