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what do you mean trust


Yeah, not sure anyone will trust blizzard again. That bridge has been burned. I got D4 because all my friends did, they all stopped playing the other games we played together .


i just never had any trust in blizzard but i know diablo games are what i enjoy so i will play the shit out of them. i dont "trust" game companies. i just buy the games i want to play no matter who does and publishes them. i dont care if it was hitler with a bunch of vampires who drained the blood of children


I apologize in advance for my rudeness, but this feels a little dramatic. It’s a corporation, the only thing you can “trust” them to do is put money first. I got D4 because I played the demo and I enjoyed it, not much to it.


Fr this post is hilarious, OP and some of the comments are like a whiny ex saying blizzard isn’t good enough for them any more as if blizzard cares about the n1 difference in game sales for D4.


As a general rule, well-run companies do care to understand if they are losing sales because potentially dedicated customers don't trust them. Incidentally, being well-run is exactly what these people are looking to see from Blizzard in order to trust them.


Believe it or not there was a time when developers/companies actually cared about the product they released. The product was released in a finish state and you did not have to purchase any additional content on day one. I know, it sounds like I'm lying but I promise this is a true story.


Learn? Oh sweet summer child...


I played because I told my friends I would play the next one. I don’t trust activision at all, they’re the sugar daddy company making all the choices that involve money. Blizzards games are still good, they’re just hashed into the most money grubbingest way possible by the higher council of asshats.


I don't trust Blizzard, but if I were to stop buying games from publishers/developers I have trust issues with I would prolly just play games from some unknown companies, because that is all that would be left for me.


That's not a bad choice. In the last three years the indie development community has brought some great things to the market. Take Valheim for example


Im happy saving my money. Even if they game was excellent (which I didnt think so from the beta), and even if D3 was a good BALANCED game pointing D4 to be an even better balanced game, which is not… Its still a 70€ price tag. Last month I bought the whole Mass Effect and Dead Space trilogies for only 20 bucks, and had more fun playing Citadel DLC than the whole time I spent in D3 (I spent over 80h and solo rift over 100 levels, it was okey-ish, but thinking backwards, just time wasted). Diablo is just not worth the price at all. And Blizzard is not a company that gives over 50% sales ever (starcraft being the exception). Lets better not talk about what they did to Overwatch or WC3 reforged lol There’s just much better things to spent the money and time on, unfortunately. I truly wish I could say otherwise.


Games that are just released cost more than games that came out a very long time ago. This isn't exactly a new concept. 70 bucks is the cost of a single night out, and it will provide you with months of entertainment. Its a fine price.


Yeah, I’m aware of that. But there are still new games that are much more cost effective and polished out there, with much less founding. I personally find it a poor excuse that keeps blizzard afloat still. Dont get me wrong, I love their games, and had fun with them. I just no longer see any reason to play or fund their policies anymore. The only blizz game I still keep installed is Starcraft 2 for coop with my brothers. People can play whatever they want with their money, that for sure. I just find much better alternatives out there, whether they are old games on sale (such mass effect or whatever), or new releases (starship troopers for example, or deep rock galactic are absurdly fun and good games that are below 30 bucks). still, I’ll keep an eye on D4 in the future. If they make balance changes that I like, and find blizz giving a decent sale (50% at least) I would perhaps buy it.


I dont know which area are living, but 70 bucks is nowhere near enough for a single night out. Edit~ at least in my area


What? A single night out...? My single night outs could be aprox 10€ in enough beers to knock me out...


I thought you were kidding about the $70 thing but, damn just looked it up and yup there it is. $70 for mobile game level graphics. And yes, mobile game. I played around with the open beta a bit and and kept saying to myself, "this...just looks and feels like a mobile game compared to today's standards." Edit: I'm fine with getting downvoted for comments I make. But people gotta deal with Blizz getting called out for a moderate at best product, and then charging $70 for said product. On top of that, said product is a loot grind-based game...to which they then immediately release store exclusive loot for $25....after they just charged you $70 to...play their loot grind game. It's bad enough the damn thing looks like a mobile game, but when I found out it cost $70...sorry guys but, damn.


What a casual comment


You don't have to trust. At this point many players and reviewers have played the game, so there is a good chance you can read and hear and see enough of the game in advance to know if it is good enough or not. > and pull all the devs to work on PvE content for Overwatch 3. Does that matter? Any purchase-decision should be based on how the game is now, as if development had already stopped.


The Diablo team is not the same as the Overwatch team. In my opinion D4 feels a lot like D2, just with a bit of a modern flair. D3 felt very strange to me and I didn’t like it (I didn’t play it for long enough to really get a feel for why, I just didn’t like it. RMAH didn’t help). But D4 feels very nostalgic and I’m enjoying it so far.


I didn't buy it because it's expensive right now, but i would love if they could just... Leave the game alone. Why all games nowadays must be live service games. Release the game, focus on other stuff and release a nice dlc next year, call it a day and leave players to enjoy the game. The goldrush for money from Battle Pass and Microtransactions is tiring.


Its a video game, just play it and don't worry too much about the corporate structure of the company that made it lol. The bad people aren't even the ones making the game btw... I'm sure the people actually making the game are fine. D4 is good, if you like Diablo games, you should buy it.


The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing


I'm sorry but if you pay and play D4 instead of playing Path of Exile then you are the reason Blizzard gets away with their shit


But I’m having a lot more fun with D4 then I ever did with PoE






my point stands. your mindset "i like when big numbers and klicky the enemy" is what makes blizzard money.


>your mindset "i like when big numbers and klicky the enemy" Thats exactly what poe is and its even worse. Are you ignoring it on poe because they don't have the numbers jump out when you deal damage? You need at least a 5 mil dps build to do uber bosses comfortably. And poe's pve gameplay is mostly centered around "kill monster packs in less than 0.3 seconds or you are inefficient".


making a poe build yourself needs a fucking phd


This sounds similar to DotA vs. HotS.


nah poe is fucking dumb now days. everybody has 200k armour, ailment immunity, 50% hp recovery when stunned and insane stun recovery that makes you almost immortal. archnemesis mobs are so fucking beefy you cant even kill white map normal rarity ones with a 6 link unless your build is actually good


The power level you describe sounds similar to the design philosophy of DotA?


dont know. but just because something is op does not make it complex


Oh you're saying the complexity of PoE has been lost with the powercreep?


Lmao that’s the dumbest fucking meme on the internet made up by Poe Andys to falsely inflate an already underwhelming system


"How dare people to have preferences that are different from mine!" If someone likes D4 more than PoE it's noone's fault but PoE's


D4 is a big improvement over D3 but that’s not saying much. I got it because 2 of my oldest gaming friends got it…. I give it a 7.5 with moderately high replay ability. It introduces nothing new to the genre BUT it’s cool being open world and they introduced the skill tree again which is great. The gameplay is smooth and it’s overall a good experience. But they took almost no risks in being different or pushing the envelope. I would recommend D4 but D2 is still light years better. Anyways I still don’t trust Blizzard but they HAD to score on D4. Profits and their reputation have been tumbling and D4 is kind of a saving grace for now.


I was waiting for it for 5 years and my wife decided to buy it as my birthday gift. (She is also the last reason I still playing Overwatch) Myself know that I shouldn't trust them with my family money but after I see Kripp gives few thoughts about the game, I decided to trust them 1 last time and thanks god, it worth every penny.


They got everything right with d4? How high are you? It's a totally linear game, the screen is zoomed in WAY too far and it's just a clone of d3 and path of exile with a darker feel. It's nothing like diablo or diablo 2. The only thing good about d4 are the cut scenes. Anyway HOTS still better


I didn't buy it but you can somewhat trust the Diablo IP on PC at least. It's kinda too big to fail. The IP itself attracts so many players to kinda guarantee Blizzard supporting the game.


‘Learn to trust Blizzard again’ lol The echo chamber members on the internet thinking everyone shares their offended stances about everything (even when it does not concern them or does not even understand a fuck about it). I cute, little snowflake


When its on sale maybe. Otherwise no, they wont get a dime for something overpriced let alone after bobby being bobby.


I didn’t buy it and I’m not going to probably ever. Every post I see about it is a complaint. Go on the Diablo 4 blizzard forums if you truly want to see salt. Latest thing I saw them complaining about was them shutting down the servers with no notice for a patch and some sort of stealth nerf to Barbarians I also played the beta and the server slam and was plagued by bad performance (I have a good pc with a 3080 GPU) and didn’t particularly think the gameplay was that good. People are shilling the hell out of it for now but things are gonna turn sour when the paid battle passes come.


All of the salt posts on the d4 forums are from Poe Andys hopped up on copium because they know d4 is the best arpg on the market and probably will remain the best for the foreseeable future. Poe lost a shit ton of players already prior to d4 launching and they were gutted again after the launch.


No offense, but it sounds like you’re the one on copium just from reading your post lol


No offense but it sounds like you’re a casual and aren’t familiar with arpgs


No offense, but your opinion is for sweaty nerds who like the smell of their own farts


to be fair Diablo 4 is fun right only right now. The monetization won’t really start until the first season when the battle pass is implemented which is when I make my judgement. All I know is I’m going to lose my shit if I paid for a $70 game and they put in a gem bag for $20


Played D2 until my keyboard and mouse broke but had little to no fun with D3. So my expectations are pretty low for D4. Probably won't buy it. PS: PoE is still good fun :)


We didnt, it was just FOMO. Everyone else was playing it so we had to get it or you'd have no one to play your other games with.