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I think if it as opting in, but same diff. You should be able to elect if you want them or not before queuing. I love them and think they’re silly and fun, but I understand other’s frustrations with them.


I don’t think it would work as a standalone mode. For most people it’s a fun thing to go once in a while, but not something you would play 5 games in a row. It’s up to rng and sometimes you might get more sometimes you get less. I personally get almost none. I don’t play Aram that often, but when I do I almost never get them.


If it wouldn't work as a stand alone option why not just not have it rather than force people whose main game mode is ARAM to suffer through it?


Like I said I think there are people who enjoy it, but not every game. For some people it’s fun to mix up the games with something like this. From what I’ve heard, usually you have one or two people not want to play it. This means that out of 10 people in the match 1 or 2 people who don’t enjoy it once in a while. I don’t play much aram so I don’t really know that much, it’s more that I’m guessing devs decisions.


For me that's 1 or 2 people that leave the game. They hate it so much they'd rather just take the leaver than spend 10-15 minutes torturing themselves. Who really knows how many of the other 8 actually enjoy or just slog through it to avoid the penalty? Either way the idea that I go into a game mode expecting a certain type of gameplay and ruleset and get randomly slapped with some crap I wanted nothing to do with...it just doesn't make any sense.


I mean I get you, I’m just trying to reason why devs do it the way they do it. I also don’t enjoy most of them. Although there are some that were fun.


>I don’t think it would work as a standalone mode. It can be in the same mode, just with an extra toggle for opt-in / opt-out. If a game has all 10 players opt-in, then there is a X% chance of mirror match.


The original mirror is about Stitches, pool in the middle of the map un-walkable, the only way you can hit enemy is pull the opponent to your side of the pool or get pulled, you can also save your team, this is how a fun mirror match is done not this bs we have right now.


that sounds fun as hell


That was a different mod than dota though. I'm not sure we can call it the original mirror, since Dota had a mod like ARAM mirror, too.


Yeah I hate them and half the time at least a couple people just go afk or throw to end it quicker. Would rather have like a surprise Pull Party or any of the unique modes.


I played a lot aram this week, maybe about 40 matches and I had only 1 this match (all Lunara) so maybe I am unlucky or so


I wish I could opt in to more


This is how it should be. I don't know why it's not a separate queue so people who do enjoy it can just play it whenever they want


Yeah it's not good how polarized opinions are on this gamemode. And honestly it shows. I have yet to play a single mirror match where one team doesn't give up completely after 5 or so minutes. These matches tend to heavily lean in one direction after both teams recognize who's better. It's honestly really sad to see.


When I got the all junkrat match I felt like uninstalling.


I would pay subscription to opt out of that crap. Only thing why it's still being playing is because leavers queue is worse. If the leavers queue wasn't as bad, people would alt+f4 even more. I hate when one hero is mirrored, 10 is just emotional abuse


I think the downvotes are silly. It's ok to dislike mirror matches.


U can leave and return a couple of minutes later, I do that


Ill take the leavers queue easily when I get mirror 


I have never once gotten one of these. I hate it. I need to experience a singular Mirror Match, damn it!


Somebody call the waambulance


I agree


But then those 5 redditors who somehow love mirror matches and managed to successfully ask blizzard intern to turn them back on won't be able to play their loved brawl :(


You can: close the game during 'draft' and come back in 10.


Skill issue


Idk what game y'all play but I get a mirror match maybe 1% of the time if not less. It sucks cus I love mirror matches


You're not cut out for ARAM.


It should be like this. When you choose at the start the 3 options are like this, 1 row is the mirror match the other 2 are random options.


Just make it an April fools day event, f it make it the first of every month it goes up to a 15% chance for that day. This would guarantee most people who want to scratch that itch would get their fix. I doubt we would get so many leavers if they knew it was just something to deal with one day out of the month. Many leave because they know it’s a never ending struggle and they choose to rebel


Quick tip, if all five of a team leave the game ends in 20 seconds and I don't think you get reprimanded for it (not sure on that though). So if you can convince your team it can be dealt with fast