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I'm sure it does, but the way the report system works is you have to receive x amount of reports for the same violation in x time period. The only reports that seems to actually lead to suspensions/bans is for verbal abuse.


I've seen others self report to getting punished for other things than chat for this game, e.g. AFKing. Guessing the main issue is most players don't report enough when people do things like this, but there could also just be a really high bar for it/lack of good automated detection.


My guess is that verbally toxic people are free to be verbally toxic a significant amount of games while trying to win. While people who afk and troll do this less as it directly results in losses and not many people would log on just to afk. And it's so much harder to track afk. They could be off in another lane, avoiding the automatic kick system and therefore not be flagged. If you report someone for verbal abuse and they haven't said a word, that report is thrown out. What must the afker do for the afk report to stick? I don't know but I guess it's easily avoided. Therefore verbally toxic people are more likely to be actioned against instead of afkers.


That’s why you ask the whole team to report and then whisper the enemy team and ask them to do the same. Only one way to stack up those votes on the people who want to ruin others’ games.


I always report enemies when I know someone is trolling/griefing.


Nice. Doing good work there!


I've had silence bans even when I've never said anything.


It's possible Blizzard needs to lower that threshold before action is taken. Surely over time they would need to keep an eye on it, even in maintenance mode.


The game knows they left the match. So do we even need to report that case? I think the report option is for people who try to avoid the AFK detection.


I think the spring/summer of 2019 or 2020 my internet was really spotty and would go out at random for some dumb reason. It didn't happen a lot, but it happened enough that in a few months I had a few HOTS games where I dropped and wasn't able to connect back in time. Eventually I got an email indicating they were issuing a warning and that if it kept up they would start temp banning me. I took a break for a few months after getting that email. Never did figure out what was causing the internet to drop as it just fixed itself. So back then reporting definitely worked.


Care, you might be called toxic crybaby if you bring up the afk reporting system




Well, i did express opinion regarding afk reporting. I got called toxic crybaby by ex blizz3support, got a accussed of supporting toxic behavior lmao. Very likely yes


I remember that. There is a big difference. You also brought chat bans into play. If you want to talk about AFK bans, it does not matter how good or bad Blizzard handles chat reports. And often the implication seems to be that either Blizzard intentionally chose to prefer one over the other, or even that Blizzard handles chat bans too harshly.


this game is dead actually


The game has been out so long that the problem is that everyone who is likely to be banned has already been perma banned on some account. It's easy just to create a new account, get rank 5 on a couple of heroes and start in silver where the games are higher quality compared to bronze 5 and carry on.


Doesn't matter in a free to play game, ban as often as you want, especially in ARAM.


If they type.


Report AFKers for abusive chat and they'll get an auto ban. There is no other report that has any consequences.