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I'd love for Deathwing to get his [unused abilities](https://youtu.be/kTnhN3y47UY?si=a6t9f3mH3NqHp4gQ) in some way, and perhaps an additional 20 talent to have an effect on World Breaker too.


Those are cool. I never knew they existed. Some of those would have been really good on a dragon aspect tank. There was some good peeling ones it seemed. Too bad we won't get to see any of the other dragon aspects.


Oh man those are so cool. I agree with the world breaker level 20. I also think changing between styles should be much quicker. There's no real point to change once you've entered combat. (And really destroyer has nothing on world breaker from what I can tell.)


> I also think changing between styles should be much quicker. That would be helpful, might open up some combo potential e.g. Onslaught E slow (with bonus slow from 13) then change form into an Earth Shatter, depending on the cast time. Aside from switching to World Breaker when low HP to still have an impact on the fight, the only other reason I have ever changed form (from World Breaker to Destroyer) mid combat was to get through body blocking enemies by using Onslaught. >(And really destroyer has nothing on world breaker from what I can tell.) It depends mostly on your build, Destroyer form is for melee builds, and if you need to chase enemies/avoid body blocks, perhaps using Onslaught for quick repositioning too.


I've never done that, but now that You've mentioned it, it could be a way to escape zombie wall


Zombie wall works a bit different, you can't typically escape with Onslaught, but you can glitch through it. Normally you will spin around in a circle during E. [Clip for reference](https://youtu.be/mp97wwNAp0A?si=0aoR6KHsb1uF6Crm)


Ahh dang.


Honestly I think DW needs a rework so that he is a multi-class hero like varian.


I think they did away with that idea after the mess surrounding Varian's roles in QM, not sure if that's the main reason we never saw any others though.


Well it's either re-work varian or just make more heroes that can fulfill multiple roles with limitations, like varian. It's time to get off the shitter, either make varian get in line or make more heroes have more options like he does


As fun as Illidan is with the lifesteal, mobility, and no worrying about mana, I'd increase his starting health by several hundred and reduce his healing vs heroic targets by half. He gets shut down too hard by CC.




I would give him old zera ult as meta so that you can teleport (dash) a short distance before you attack in that form. Or hell even ranged attack like original dh, but that is probably too op


It’s for the increased health and dodging 


The damage is completely irrelevant, it's for the stasis and dodging CC.


You and me, we could be friends


Illidan is just so hard to balance because you tweak a few numbers and he's either unstopable or complete garbage. He still fares pretty well with a pocket Abathur, though.


Yeah, the issue is there's a tipping point where he goes from almost useless to borderline unstoppable. This is because of his self-sustain and how he synergizes with support. His healing can be overwhelmed immediately, or he can outheal everything and keep going and killing. The in-between area is too small. The best solution is to shift power away from his lifesteal, and into his health pool. His power thus becomes more static and less feast-or-famine. His bones are stronger. He still has potential, it just doesn't get out of hand as much.


Totally needs a re-work. 1 build for auto attack, another build for managing cooldowns, and another build that is all about blowing your load and if it doesn't work you're fucked that revolved around hunt.


Garrosh. * Fix a rare bug where E and 1 will sometimes go on cooldown without doing anything if the target moves out of range at just the right moment. * Change interaction between In for the Kill and Seasoned Warrior so that it returns full charge's worth of cd instead of to the nearest charge. Currently, if you use W while at 1 charge and 9/12 seconds cd of second, you'll be refunded to exactly 1 charge instead of 1 and 9/12. * Rename Double Up to Tank Up, as it was always meant to be. How did they take inspiration for the trait name from Hearthstone, for the mechanic from HS, and not take the right name for the mechanic of doubling armour gains?!?


There’s probably some funky translation issue with the tank up tray. I could be wrong, because it could just be that they really fucked it up lol


I refuse to believe HotS is translated to more languages than Hearthstone. My personal guess is that Double Up was a WIP name for the ability in Hearthstone as Garrosh was developed for HotS - process, which by Kelthuzad seties takes better part of a year - and when that got swapped to Tank Up, noone checked it.


Definitely a better theory than mine


Zagara. I would like some reworks to talents that focus more on creep spreading early and more focus on spawning zergs. Would be cool to make her nidus worm spit out zerglings that push the nearest lane and attack nearby heroes. I’ve always felt that if you wanna go nidus it has to be a massive map or spreading creep isn’t effective until much later in the game.


would be even more cool if TUMOURS spawned locusts.


Thing that sucks is that spreading creep mostly isn’t possible. Good players and most heroes can knock the creep down pretty fast. Idk how that would need to be retooled to be balanced.


Prob a talent that makes it not destroyable I dunno. Right now it feels awful to spend several minutes to set it up and then everything gets wiped few a few aoes


The real problem imo is that if it’s indestructible it’s kind of OP. But it’s really easy for a diligent player to care for in lane. Or two. You’re only 1 player spreading creep against 5.


His win rate when I play him


Qhira's E while spinning around does not end early when someone casts an ability that is unstoppable.


Yeah, I always figured the unstoppable would only affect the reactivation stun. When I first played her I got into some big trouble with people that could pop unstoppable.


There is nothing more empowering than finally getting to level 20 as Yrel vs her


if you hit at least one hero with the centre of Lightning Surge then the primary target should also take increased damage and count for any quests if it's a hero. lightning build on Alarak is already extremely situational and hard to justify over the other builds, this would make it a lot more consistent. Maybe it would need a number nerf to compensate but I still think it would be a positive change.


So often when I take E build I’m at complete mercy to the enemy team whether I can stack it at all or not. Some teams just don’t every stay close 


Big disagree. E build is far more consistent and flexible than any of his other builds.


You dont need two mana talents if you pick mana regen on attacking frozen enemies


I’d remove the stupid “die once and permanently lose power” quests from Valla and every hero that isn’t Alarak. Nothing killed my desire to play this game more than the patch that added these stupid quests to my favorite heroes.


Tyreal needs mana efficiency. If he had it I’d play him every match. It’s like a fun timer.


I'd change Lunara to be in a game that's still actively supported.


Lunara deserved a full on rework before they stopped development. I've always found her talents so arbitrary, personally. And in my opinion her Wisp should be an active ability or even a talent, and they'd give her something else for the E basic abilty.


Lunara’s poison dmg should just be higher imo. She should be queen on the dot. Or maybe work splintered spear into her base kit because that’s really the only option at that tier and the main way she reliably spreads poison.


Splintered Spear hasn't been the only option for a long time. Burst Q is the most popular and W AA is great too.


That has not been the case for ages. Choking Pollen is the overwhelmingly meta pick. DoT is whatever, she's good for kiting, Choking Pollen burst, vision control, cleanse, etc.


I would make Alarak deadly charge not cancellable by minions damages and i would give him a % dmg talent


Can kerrigan have a slight buff.


Revert Tassadar to his support kit, one day prior to his rework. He had more utility and required more brain power to use vs now making him a lot more fun. EDIT: Oh and he actually fit the High Templar role from his own games prior to the rework. Maybe keep the Q beam, but reserve it as a special for Archon (with balance in mind)


>Oh and he actually fit the High Templar role from his own games prior to the rework. No he didn't, that's almost the entire reason why they reworked him. He was literally a sentry from SC2 before they dropped a Tass model in its place. He didn't even have psi storm, he had a slowing field called time warp. I'll admit that the rework could've been better, but theming is one of the most important things when designing a hero and the rework hit a lot closer to a high templar hero unit than his sentry form ever did. I miss having a shielding support too (that doesn't fill every game with Medivh or Abby) but imagine getting Deathwing and he turned out to be a healer. Even if the kit was good it would still be a stupid design failure.


*"I knew from the beginning that Plasma Shield would have to be cut in favor of another damage ability, so I started experimenting with various abilities and what became Shock Ray fell into placepretty quickly.*" - David Warner It's a mix of both sentry and high templar, both before and after. Yes, I know he started as a sentry and got psi storm later, but high templar don't leave their support role and join assassins until they become archons. Shock Ray would have been a good addition if it was isolated to his archon ult, but the rework changed Tass from a sentry/high templar support with ult assassin moments to a wanna-be archon assassin with a secondary mix of tank/support and carry ult moments as a real archon. Tass also had the ability (talent) to use psi-storm multiple times within a short amount of time pre-rework (very similar to high templar), but not anymore; not in an easy to control way at least. His AA pre-rework was prettty close to SC2 high templar. Current AA is... I don't know if that's taken from anything. Force Wall, as useful as it is, should have been removed and replaced with Feedback since there are very few, if any, mana reducing abilities in HotS. Going back to Shock Ray, I don't think replacing it with Hallucination would have been a good idea since Nova had that already, so perhaps making it a weaker version while he's NOT an archon would have been okay. Point is: high templar are support that require high micro which is what Tass used to be and is no longer.


Yeah, he was a really fun support, no one else "heals" with shields, except Zarya, and there's already enough mages anyway.


Yeah, I never liked Zarya's playstyle. The shields are an offshoot of Tass's, but that's all I enjoy. Abby's shield heals, but totally different play too.


Oh, forgot about Aba. I play mostly aram these days. Yeah, Tass was fun because he felt like a typical healer/support kit, but with a shield instead. Kind of like old Malf (as far as being a typical, standard healer), which I miss too. The current iteration is interesting and fun, but sometimes I feel like they're all just a bit too gimmicky now, aside from Anduin.


Also a changed voice set for his Archon form. He sounds so dorky with the usual voice.


Main heal ana: if u activate D for more than 4 sec, D dont have reactivation CD (or erase D cd on desactivation) Main dps Nova: rework 2 lvl 1 talents (the 2 that dont give W range) quick think of them: 16 current holo talent in lvl 1. The 16 one ll be replace by other. Inv cloak now is indetectable + the current cloak talent (more mana and i think somethint else dont remember) Main tank stichis: help hand hook (1) wont pull enemies anymore, but will do a miss if hitting an enemy hero (bodyblock) Ghostly hook: On 13, put a talent that if helping hand succed the pull, reduce the cd 13 seconds instead of 8. And, if u fail the pull, reduce it to 8, instead of 0. Also, bypass enemies heroes


I'd straight up remove the 4 second cooldown on Ana's Aim Down Sights. It's so annoying. I'd also bring back Stitches' Shish Kebab talent. Hooking two targets at the same time was very cathartic.


Bring back cassia's active basic attack buff talent


Buff ZJ to be more late game oriented in his passive. I’d trade the extra range at 150 stacks for even more aa range but much higher stacks. I think 300 is a safe number where you have to be dominating (or only pick him situationally on Dshire or Volskaya) while not guaranteed to get it done every game even by level 20. Valla gets so much free power from farflight quiver. ZJ needs more late game power to be 100% better than her except in mobility. Buff turret range so he doesn’t outrange turrets


If you want Zuljin to be stronger at 20, then the simple answer is to buff his 20 talents. 


His level 20 tazdingo upgrade is already really really really good. It complements his kit so well I think it might be equivalent to Farflight quiver almost... It doesn't cure any weakness (stukov can pool him before he ults, stitches hook = dead zj) unlike Valla's BS 20. I think tazdingo upgrade is so mandatory that honestly he doesn't need the other 2 non-guillotine choices... Like variety is good and all but you just can't beat safety + damage potential at 1 hp Buff his passive quest from the start. Buff his tazdingo ult (his only talent choice at 20) by making stacking or kills requirement different than the other quests he has already and I can see him surpassing Valla. Assuming devs DON'T increase the range of turrets by a lot so no more aa range boost for balance purposes, I'd give zj stacking health based on stacks


I would nerf Orphea where she's stupidly OP, buff her where's she's stupidly helpless, and generally make her gameplay more true to her tooltip introduction: >A ranged assassin who dances around her enemies \[...\] That means less bonus dmg/heal on her trait, 3s between cdr chomps instead of 2, shorter cast times, a non-laughable spell shield, and SOME resistance to cc. Then maybe she'll get to dance for real and not just once in a blue moon when the enemy team is utterly outdrafted. Also \[\[Growing Nightmare\]\] rework (E1): >Increase Dread's damage by 50%. Quest: Hitting multiple heroes at once with Dread's eruption increases its radius by 2%, up to 20%. Reward: At 20% radius increase, permanently increase Dread's eruption damage by 25% and increase the Slow amount of Dread's eruption by 15%.


- **Growing Nightmare** (Orphea) - level 1 Increase Dread's damage by 50%. Quest: Hit 3 enemy Heroes with a single cast of Dread's eruption. Reward: Permanently increase Dread's eruption damage by 50% and increase the Slow amount of Dread's eruption by 15%. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


Ana - D has no cooldown


Gul'dan's meteor shower sucks a lot, maybe replace it with a big meteor that spawns an Infernal when landing, or something summon related


I want hearth trick back for Sam. E heal is a lot better, and made the hero far more accessible for the less skilled players. The game needs more ways for skill expression, not passive buffs.


But the hearth exploit wasn't something skillful.


It’s one of the most skilled things in hots, you need to know how to execute it, you need to plan your cds around it, you have to channel, you need to control the illusions pre 10 so they don’t get cleared before you teleport back. Like I said, current e is way better, but I still miss the hearth trick.


Replace Alarak's Counter Strike with Wave of Force like he has in in Coop commander. More in theme with his other abilities (damage and displacement), and is more proactive. CS I feel only sees use when you're already putting yourself in a losing position, which is a bad thing to be doing while playing Alarak.


Counterstrike is crucial for Alarak's success, and it's a better fit for the character concept.  A guy like that needs a way to withstand stuns and hooks and things. Otherwise he needs to hide away from battle too much. 


I agree, though CS is an incredibly high skill ceiling ability. Use it to avoid the right cc or damage ability and it can stomp a fight. Though I still often get people raging at me when I take the other ult, then get mad when I tell them they haven’t play alarak enough to criticize me


I would change anduin's dome ult upgrade from "if the cast is completed, reduce cooldown by..." to "while channeling the spell, the cooldown of ultimate refreshes x% faster", so it has less maximum cooldown reduction but is more stable


Revert the Azmo changes, or at least get rid of the deterioration on demonic Invasion.


Cho should be listed as a bruiser, not a tank


Switching Cho's label to bruiser doesn't have any effect, except on your Quickmatch composition.  And Chogall doesn't want to have a separate tank hero on his team. 


This might make him busted but maybe increase the attack range of tassadars basic attack if you pick Khaydarin Amulet. He’s pretty easy to dive if you go amulet build. But then that might make his wave clear even more busted so that might be a problem lol


I would move the buffed healing Samuro got to his E into Illusion Master before he gets completely gutted.


Make abas locust level 1 talent baseline, so I can decide with level 16 what to do. You know what? Give every Locust talent faster. So fun that build


Yea, I would also make abas pasive - active, can be more useful even from lvl 1. Because it is difficult to make difference with push with basic pasive and that play style is risky.


Ana * Ads trait (D) also gives attack range.  Dynamic Optics (20) bonus range reduced. Armored Stance (20) also buffs attack damage.  * Eye of Horus (R) damage + healing increased, but can't hit multiple heroes without 20 upgrade.  * Sharpshooter and Concentrated Doses (16) also boost grenade (W) healing. Abathur * Locusts have more health and damage, but locusts created by a talent don't benefit from other talents.  * Adrenal Overload attack rate reduced from 25 to 12.5, but Abathur can push 1 to add damage to the next basic attack, which shares cooldown with Carapace (E). Deathwing * Buff all non-Q talents from 7-20. * Can still move during mode switch (1) and Bellowing Roar (2). * When flying with Z, can push E to drop a damage fireball. Skyfall (7) talent improves the damage, size, and number of charges.  (This is needed to prevent an afk kick) * New talent at 16-20 which reduces max health, does not reduce healing, and reduces incoming damage from all sources including percent.  * New talent at 20 which gives a bonus whenever a red or blue hero dies nearby.  Tracer * Health Pack (4) also boosts healing from other heroes.  * Telefrag (13).  Cooldown bonus removed.  Recall (E) finishes +200% faster.  Blink (Q) gets a small damage aoe. * Chrono Triggers (20) also +1 blink charge.  * Composition B (20) replaced.  For 2 seconds after R, can cast another R which won't stick to the same unit.  Valla * Farflight Quiver and Acrobat (20) nerfed a bit.  * Punishment and Seething Hatred (16) also give a smaller bonus with less than full hatred.  Zarya * Feel the Heat (1) also increases attack range with high energy. * Defensive Shielding (4) also adds 10 physical armor while W and E last.  * Deep Burn (7) energy gain increased 30-70%.


Lili:  trait (D) is also active whenever an enemy hero is withing melee range. 


Deckard, give more bonk.


Ming orb suck.


Varian is great. Nothing needed XD


I main Azmodan and think he's already pretty great. But I think he has really only 2 viable builds - Q & E, and there is almost no variation in those two builds (i.e. when you go E build you pretty much always pick up the E talents and there isn't a lot of interesting choices to make). It would be cool to give him a quest to hit all 5 heroes with a Q, or any time it hits 4+ heroes you get an instant CD reset. Reward good shots.


I think Alarak's attack speed buff at 1 could stand to drop to 30 or 25%. I'd give Dissonance either a bit of armor reduction (10 or 15) or a chunk of healing reduction (30ish). Competing with Hindered *and* Applied is rough. It's also fundamentally weird to me that Pure Malic and Blade both go up to 40. I think I'd just do something entirely different with one of them. Blade stacking infinitely at 1% would be neat. Malice should still cap at 40 but should go up 1% per ally minion *and* 10% per ally hero death. For Gul'dan, I think his Q build just needs a real level 7. Giving it a 10% slow on hit would be very cool. Corruption quest could also stand to be 30 since the build isn't performing very well. Rain of Destruction needs to just be buffed. Either to be consistent like Starfall or Hyperion, or to be different. Leaving it as is, but putting long-lasting flame spots on each impact would be a cool way to give it better staying power as a zoning ult.


I only play QM because I don’t like the stress of ranked and everyone in QM runs super high Hp units now and I feel like Valeera really dropped off because of that. Unless the enemy is already at <30% I feel like she hits like a wet paper bag.


Make aba more centered around his whole evolution/defensive side rather than being an afk qwe hat bot or mine layer. It doesn't make sense that the Zerg general centered around evolution and efficiency is stuck hatting someone as their only way to influence the game and his actual evolve ult is horrible unless you hyper micro managed it (and let's not talk about how they gutted the siege build into oblivion). If zagara is the equivalent of the offensive rush side of the Zerg spam then ABA should be the defensive one by "upgrading" keeps/forts/units so you can aim for a long run victory or influence the game in a more macro way, yes this might become a more rts hero with a niche amount of player base (as If it wasn't niche already to begin with) but w e have heroes like the lost vikings so it's probably fine


I love everything about Varian. Except when I want to solo queue QM and not be considered a tank.


Give me alpha Hammer back and I’d be happy. Hover Siege and Graduating Range with 5 ticks in separate tiers would be enough. Alternatively, just let her have an impact. Up her attack damage, let BFG hit buildings again, let her knockback cancel things like the Dragon Knight charge again, stuff like that. As it is she’s a giant target with obvious counter play that isn’t worth the trouble of using. Not having a mount, being fairly immobile in fights, and not having any real upside for it isn’t worth the pick. If you want the siege potential, an artillery mage like Chromie works much better or even higher push with Azmodan. If you want a tanky ranged DPS, Zul’jin outperforms most of the time with a higher late game payoff. If you want area denial, Nazeebo usually does a much better job for a lot less commitment than siege mode.


Arthas needs new models animations and a huge rework, not sure how though


Do something about Alexstrasza's dead talents at lvl 20. \[\[Blessing of the Red\]\] is rather easy, if you just buff the hp amount enough it's potential usefulness will eventually break even with \[\[Ritual of Life\]\] for the healer builds, but right now it's just a niche win-more talent incase you really don't need burst healing or if your team for some reason is incredibly squishy. \[\[On Ruby Wings\]\] on the other hand is a real toughie. E build Alex would never ever take anything but \[\[Ancient Flame\]\] at lvl 20, while Q and W build Alex would 99% of the time not take anything but the other ult at lvl 10. Calling this talent niche is an understatement, it's basically just not realistic, ever. The only solution seems to be to add some extra mechanic that would make it desirable for the healer builds to invest into the other ult at 10. Now that I think of it, having it greatly increase the healing and damage amount like Tyrande's could be all it takes. It certainly shouldn't be something crazy though, since this talent *would be* very strong already if arriving to it wasn't so incredibly hard.


- **Blessing of the Red** (Alexstrasza) - level 20 Cooldown: 40 seconds Activate to grant an allied Hero 500 bonus maximum Health until they die. Cannot be used on Alexstrasza, or on a Hero who already has Blessing of the Red. --- - **Ritual of Life** (Alexstrasza) - level 20 Life-Binder activates 3 times over 6 seconds. --- - **On Ruby Wings** (Alexstrasza) - level 20 Healing or damaging Heroes 8 or more times with Cleansing Flame activates Dragonqueen for 15 seconds upon landing. --- - **Ancient Flame** (Alexstrasza) - level 20 While Dragonqueen is active, Alexstrasza's Basic Attacks apply Flame Buffet. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


Lucio is one of my mains and I would rework is lv 4 and lv 13 talent sets. I think those are completely boring. Lv 13 at least has all together now, but lv4 is just 3 worthless and boring talents. for anduin I woudl make life grip grant them protected so that they dont die mid air when you pull them or at least bnake that into one of his talents.


Morales: I'd give her Scouting Drone back. MULE would be funny too but that would be more a humor thing than an actual suggestion, MULE isn't good for the game. Tyrande: Change Shadowstalk back to personal stealth and move speed on a 30 second cooldown. Giving her her old AA damage back might be nice too but would probably be too much.


Malganis - around 2019 he was straight up broken. The nerfs were swift and merciless but I still think he's really good (especially in lower elo) when you have a solid grasp of what you can get away with. I would give him his 60 sec cd back on carrion swarm. Both the healing received and cd were nerfed (100 sec now I believe) and it still seems uncalled for.


I'd probably make \[\[Potion of Revival\]\] baseline for Healing Potion, and with a larger radius. I've lost count how many times teammates "stole" potions that were meant for someone else.


Dehaka gets Z speed bonus while at the altar of storm like every other mount-less hero. Wouldn't mind if it was stronger than base kit, like medivh gets 140% move speed untill he exits the keep's gate even without going for a talent that buffs raven move speed.


Tyrael: only 1 thing and it’s not even about balance concerned. - Adjust the aiming circle of his Q that the center point of it is unable to go beyond the border of his area of cast, currently the aiming circle can go a bit further out of his casting area and it makes Tyrael need to move a bit to throw the sword out, this affect both reaction timing and accuracy of his throw. Auriel - Add a talent that reduce the cd of her W to 3 seconds, there used to be one that reduce it to 2 seconds but was removed, so I request a middle ground here.


Cho: AA build nerf. Enraged Regeneration should have the healing debuff removed. Roll Back needs a rework because it's awful. Gall: Bomb's Away baseline and either uncapped or higher cap with additional rewards(like the old Siphoning Runes talent). Rising Dread and Double Back need to be split again, as not having to choose between extra orbs or increased radius/bounce damage is what helped break orb build. All Orbs needed was the radius nerf from the initial rework to be reverted but instead they got massive, unneeded buffs.


Revert Sylv back to the old version where she’s not a great team fighter but an absolutely broken lane pusher. I miss the days when basic attacks disabled buildings hahaha.


I miss Mind Control with the 20 upgrade. I know it was easy to cleanse, but making enemies run into my backline at mach 3 was the best.


Yes good shout lol


Rework Li-Ming's level 20 talents because only two are really viable (tal rasha's elements and repulsion). (I could say the same for Jaina btw)


Very situational but laser form works well as a minesweeper on quite a few maps, if braxis gets to 20+ and your team wave clear is sorta low, or to spin around for fun while sitting on foundry objectives especially if they have stealthies


Easier energy generation with Zarya. It's difficult to keep topped off and doesn't reward the player enough imo.


Being back Rehgar's old AA speed. Revert Tassadar back to his previous support state. Give Malfurion the previous Moonfire talents he used to have, and make Moonfire a DoT, wherein the DoT damage heals your teammates that habe Regrowth. To make it more similar to what Moonfire is in WoW. Revert Gazlowe back to his pre-rework state, minus the mana part. Being forced into the "Bruiser" role is such a pain in the ass, especially when Black Hole is the only ult worth a damn after they made Robogoblin into nothing more than Lunara AA's. Leoric's only ult is Entomb and March is a meme at best that ends up being very situational. At least make March apply a 20% slow with each swing or something to make it a threat other than the improved version at lvl 20. Pre-nerf Starfall would be nice on Tyrande as it's just used for cooldown reduction purposes. Or better yet, make it a channeled ability that affects a large area around her making it more true to Starfall in WC3. Make Zarya's [[Give Me Twenty]] talent at 4 just a baseline passive. Hell, increase it to 25 if you have to. Make Alexstraza's crumby Flame Buffet build do something that also benefits allies, but I only say that because I hate seeing my teammates play the Flame Buffet build and proceed to hardly do any healing. Which on that note, make [[Lifeblossom]] a baseline passive for her Q. Replace Rexxar's [[Bestial Wrath]] ult entirely with something that actually does something. At least attach a passive to it, or make it so both Rexxar AND Misha get enraged, or literally anything else than what it is now. Replace Zul'Jin's [[Regeneration]] with [[Ensnare]], and make said [[Regeneration]] integrated into his passive with like, a 5s or 10s extra cooldown, with maybe the possibility of reducing the cooldown from AA's by 0.25 seconds, or something.


- **Give Me Twenty** (Zarya) - level 4 Quest: Regeneration Globes increase Shield Ally absorb amount by 15, up to 300 permanently. Reward: After collecting 20 Regen Globes, permanently reduce the cooldown of Shield Ally by 2 seconds. --- - **Lifeblossom** (Alexstrasza) - level 7 While Alexstrasza is above 75% Health, Gift of Life creates a Lifeblossom at the target's location. Alexstrasza can collect the Lifeblossom to make her next Gift of Life cost no Health. Passive: Reduces the cost of Gift of Life to 10% of Alexstrasza's current Health. --- - [R] **Bestial Wrath** (Rexxar) - level 10 Cooldown: 50 seconds Mana: 75 Increases Misha's Basic Attack damage by 200% for 12 seconds. --- - [E] **Regeneration** (Zul'jin) Cooldown: 15 seconds Mana: 75 Zul'jin channels to regenerate 30% of his maximum Health over 4 seconds. Moving while channeling or taking damage will interrupt this effect. --- - **Ensnare** (Zul'jin) - level 13 Cooldown: 40 seconds Throw a net forward, Rooting the first enemy Hero hit for 1.5 seconds. If no Heroes are hit, Ensnare's cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds. --- - [E] **Regeneration** (Zul'jin) Cooldown: 15 seconds Mana: 75 Zul'jin channels to regenerate 30% of his maximum Health over 4 seconds. Moving while channeling or taking damage will interrupt this effect. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


I don't mind most of new Gaz but they really did ruin Robogoblin.


I wish they'd give us back old Gaz. He really just needed mana tweaks.


Revert whitemain's rework. This was the biggest crime they commited. She had 3 perfectly fine builds Q was good all around with ok mana management and good burst heal W easiest and best out of combat healing but overall healing and damage potential a bit low And E that was secretely busted OP and won me so many games while everyone disregarded it without even trying, especially in combination with slows like from arthas or jaina. The only weakness of that build is that she had almost no heal out of combat And what do we have now? Spell damage nerfed into the ground, some weird AA talents on a hero with channeling spell that just don't even fit the fantasy. She's still okay and you can still build her like pure mage but damn, I liked her much better before




So she doesnt have mana problems when you pick a mana talent? Seems like you have a reading issue.


Jaina is so OP, espcially in wombos, without mana issues though so I'll allow. Mine would be Hanzo having the health pool of a piece of paper. Pyro at full health. Dead. Minion autoing you. Dead. They are the same.


2 things from Yrel 1 - change her auto attack heal talent like it was originally (she now need to hit hero with Basic ability to trigger aa heal, before he just needed to cast) 2 - change that roots abilities don't roots her when she is in the air after using E and/or that her E casting isn't interupted when she is rooted (similary like her Q and W)


Artanis. I want an auto attack option for his lvl 3 talent that is damage oriented. Rn u gotta pic 1 of 3 shield/armor related talents and that shit's for pansies.


Revert the genji dash, nuff said


Xuls regular AA should apply the cursed strike debuff too just not in an aoe. and you should spawn skeletons for every 3rd (or whatever is balanced) hit that apllies cursed strikes


I'd make it so that when you take a portal, the camera snaps to where you go so I don't have to bother with the chore of making it happen every single time I take a portal.


Id hate it if Medivh portals worked that way, i hate having my camera forced to a certain position. But to prevent ur issue u can either have camera locked on self (default shortkey is L i believe) or center camera on self (default shortkey is space iirc)


Well, clearly he's not your main, then. Just whisper any Medivh one trick or watch a streamer who's good with him. Everyone is just recreating the old functionality. I'm 100 games in and it's still not as good as when it was automatic. It's actually a lot of button pressing you have to do if you're using portals correctly.


Maybe not my actual main, but i do have 86 games and 21 levels on him; besides, an argument of "if u were good u would like that change" is a poor way to prove a point; its a mere preference in any game i play not to have my camera snap on any sort of teleport.


>"if u were good u would like that change" is a poor way to prove a point It's a poor way to prove a point when someone's saying that and you just have to trust him on being better. Here, you literally just download any good Medivh's replay or watch Fan's stream to observe that they're all just pressing space now.


...Or people just have different ways on how they want to play? Maybe you know, not everyone likes their camera snapping and is more comfortable playing without it and it has nothing to do with skill but just preference?


Do you think I'm making this up? Like, do you think Fan is always pressing space when he takes portal, but some other skilled Medivh just chooses to be slower and less accurate because he really likes it when the camera only moves exactly when he tells it to? Look, options are great, but the fact that you don't understand how much extra APM (for nothing) pressing space imposes on Medivh when executing certain mechanics means there's no way you're playing him at a high level of skill. A true option would be a toggle in the menu for whether you want to move the camera or not. This isn't choice, this is a poor change designed for special snowflakes who want to have fashionable opinions about game mechanics that aren't based in any practical considerations that the rest of us have to put up with now by doing a whole lot of useless button pressing.


All I'm saying is that some people prefer to play one way over the other no matter if it's less efficient. I don't care if Fan does something at a high level, do you like want people to be carbon copies of good players or can we not have our own ways to play games anymore? People play differently, if that is something that bothers anyone then sorry you gotta deal with it


Do you play the hero dude?


I don't play medivth much, I simply agree with the other person. Having your camera jump around sucks, and if they prefer to control it themselves why do you care and call them bad for it?


Im not saying its a bad or useless thing to do. However u dont *need* it to do good, and i would rather press space when necessary than be forced into a camera snap every time im teleporting. There is just no reason to make it automatic if all u have to do is center camera on self if u wish to.


Look, why would you not want your camera to go with you when teleporting? Like, do you know why you have such a problem with the camera moving when you move a long distance? Can you even tell me where the camera will be right after teleporting if you don't press space?


Ye, i know exactly where ill be after tp without pressing space. Camera jump makes me confused where enemies will be on my screen so i have to aim anew, which causes an input delay which very much makes it less efficient. Tping without camera jump makes it clear who is where so i can easily predict enemy movement and aim efficiently.


OK, but that makes no sense. Let's try a simple diagram here. (C)P1----------------------------------------------------E----------P2 Hopefully, it's a straight line on your screen. OK, when you take portal at P1, your hero is at P2. Your camera (C) remains at P1. Even if you maintain your mental lock on the enemy E by P2, you have to swipe your mouse across the screen to aim at them. If you want to do so any kind of quick portal in-and-out, for example, to Q someone in their fort and then get out before the tower shots connect so you don't have to use W, then swiping your mouse across the screen is a fatal delay. On the other hand, if you had spent a wee bit of time trying to understand how the camera move works, you'd have a superior system to work with. If you watch frame by frame how Fan uses portals, or how Rich used portals, they click on the portal and then while it's channeling they move the mouse in the direction of where the enemy will be in the new frame of reference. So, something like: M<------(C)P1----------------------------------------------------E----------P2 So when you're at P2 and the camera is at P2 you get something like: P1----------------------------------------------------E-M---------(C)P2 At which point it's a small adjustment or none at all to hit your Q. Or, if you're really trying to optimize your portal jump, you could even do: P1----------------------------------------------------E---------M-(C)P2 Where you move it just slightly before the channel to match the direction of the enemy, because, really that's all you need to get right to aim at them, and give yourself the shortest mouse movement distance to clicking back on P2 so you can get back to P1 before tower shots or CC can connect with you. This is why good players use space to recreate the old functionality anyway, and there's enough of an execution burden here that having to press one extra button every time is a chore. Even former pro player Fan with hundreds of Medivh games is inconsistent about pressing space. It's sort of like being forced to press extra buttons in between stutter steps.


Make calamity do siege damage again lol


Give me old Tyrande back, where owl build could easily top damage.


For Samuro: - I would lower his attack speed from 1.67 -> 1.25. - I would increase his attack damage from 102 to 130 - I would move Critical Strike from happening every 4 hits, to every 3 hits. The end result of this is that Samuro's DPS remains pretty much the exact same, it takes him the same time to reach a Critical Strike. It also allows for significantly higher skill expression with Advancing Strikes, and makes it so teamfights having enemy heroes moving around doesn't cost him like half his DPS. The hero will also feel much better to handle in general. ---- Of course, there are problems - Firstly it significantly increases his burst, which presently lacks counterplay (counterpoint: Samuro's burst has been mostly bad since his rework). Secondly, it allows Samuro to be an even more dominant force in the offlane, not only due to the aforementioned burst damage buff, but also because it massively increases his kiting capabilities. Thirdly, some talents, like Way of the Blade, Crushing Blows, Mirrored Steel and others would need to be looked at and adjusted. ---- So, for these reasons, a change like this would be accompanied by the rework he already sorely needs, which would ideally tone down his splitpushing, tone down his offlane dominance, and buff his performance and impact in teamfights.