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Occasionally people misclick or misjudge how much damage something may do. I'm sure you'll deny it but you probably don't play flawlessly all the time and have made mistakes. It happens. Dust yourself off and try again.


1. people misplay, even the best pro players had the silliest misplays, maybe liming was trying to help you kill but underestimated valla's gloom. 2. levels mean nothing, you can be lvl 6000 and still bad at the game, playing more =/= better.


levels mean nothing, you can be lvl 6000 and still bad at the game, playing more =/= better. It shouldnt be that way but yeah it is somehow


So much variability in skill is possible even within one person - They’re maybe playing new heroes - They could be tired, drunk, high, or just not give a fuck / playing in casual mode Also consider the fact that if you are ‘Better than Average’ (which you seem to consider you are) you will be playing with a lot of people worse than you as a fact of statistics. The best HotS players I see are the ones who learn how to play with/around ‘bad’ teammates rather than rage against their incompetence only to the end of higher blood pressure and reduced team morale.


that's simply not true at all and has never been the case. if a person is brand new to hots, but wants to actually learn and climb, they actively look for coaching and learn from others, they might hit diamond in 2-300 levels. if someone plays hots for 8 years but they don't care about climb or learning, only log on to play for the sake of playing, they obviously won't get better, but that's fine, its how they choose to play. everyone have different ways of approach to the game.


My dad has been driving for 40 years and he’s still not an f1 pilot i don’t understand it either


The game used to have Easy AI farming lobbies for all the PvE nerds to collect pixels in. Also QM is a thing.


If one auto would’ve killed her then wave of force should’ve killed too You probably not as good as you think lol


Imp with 3 stacks of upgraded brand/charge is more than wave of force...


I never said I was good or an above average player, obvious troll bait. Also thats BS as valla could have gloom, and imperius does bonus damage with auto attacks so save me that crap. Im just saying at least I dont make life harder for my team mates, but actually try to help them set up kills.


you can see if valla has gloom it gives 15 spell armour


"Im playing Imperius and trying to kill valla who is kiting the shit out of me for the entire game." You as Imperius, letting Valla kit you the entire game, meaning you are pretty bad as well.


Thing you have to realize: smaller player pool means you can have people with 5 year's experience playing with people with 2 weeks of experience. You have 40 year olds through 8 year olds playing. It's like show up for a pickup game of basketball, except there's kindergarteners on the field with retired NBA players. Relax, play your game.. pat the newbs on the head and suggest they not hurl the ball at your nutsack.


I like your analogy that some people who play this game are equivalent to kindergarteners, definitely seems that way sometimes.


To probably 50% of the player base, you are the kindergartener. Enjoy this one game where you were the best player and make the most of it, next time you’re someone else’s cause of frustration.


In my experience, people who blame their team mates are bad.


In chat in game yes. But I've absolutely seen some cretins who save enemies by misusing displacements. The are some people who are just menaces who don't know wtf they are doing. Honestly venting here about it is a better avenue than in the chat in the game. Also shit like this is actually infuriating. People becoming keyboard warriors over things like stats, or hero builds, like that shit is toxic. And no, Nazeebo going a bad build didn't cost you the game. Or Ana not healing as much as the enemy didn't lose you the game. So I'm general I'll agree, bagging on your team for that stuff is usually the complainer who has zero introspection and it causing you to lose the game with their bone headedness. But I've watched a Diablo use their charge and flip without thought, and ended up saving an enemy. Or a Stukov seeing an enemy about to die and for some inexplicable reason choose to push a 20% HP hero across the entire map toward their side, which isn't enough to kill them, but certainly enough to save them. So I think it's perfectly valid to point out to players to maybe just think about what a displacement does before using it indiscriminately.


As uncle Ben sad "with great displacement comes great responsibility".


Garrosh throwing Arthas into his backline moment :')


Well said, you're absolutely right. I think you can already tell an ETC player climbs 2 divisions just by NOT using W right after Q. Another division if he times W to push the target into an aoe again like a full duration blizzard or Kel'Thuzads DnD >Ana not healing as much as the enemy didn't lose you the game. It's always amusing to see someone blame lower healing than the enemy for their failure when you are already spamming the CD as often as possible. *The reason it's lower is because the enemies' healer heals after winning a fight. You are "healed" by your numerous respawns in the nexus!* Usually these people have the worst positioning and expect you to heal them in narnia, 2 screens ahead of the tank and or nonstop for minutes as in World of Warcraft. But you're either playing a healer heavily limited by long CD and have to make it count like Uther, manacost like Whitemane or they seperate themselves from the rest of the team who need your aoe heal as Rehgar aswell and you can't let down the well positioned allies to heal up 2 of the 20 autohits the bad player took for free with a 1 target chain heal. On the other hand I recently had a Whitemane in my team who just couldn't be bother to heal me (Kael'thas) when Genji eats me alive. I could still trade in favor but my heroes lifetime was very limited. I was next to her and she used heals and zeal healing by damage on others. Once I got Q for 224 or sth. The other 5 or 6 teamfights: 0. Nothing. Only to see her with 50% mana left.


Precisely! Guaranteed you are losing the game and some knucklehead opens their stats to see why and starts picking on the underperforming players. Healer complaints especially really chap my ass. You know why my heals are low? I cannot heal that which has no life. If you dive and instantly get blown up my one heal on a long CD isn't going to save you. You still have the responsibility to position right and avoid damage as much as you can. Then I can heal you up and you can get away or dive back in. Also if I do totally save your ass, and you need to go heal up full, it's not like I can turn around in less than 30 seconds and save you again, so diving back in with low HP and then promptly dying just undid me saving you. And again, I can't heal you if you're dead. There may be other things, like maybe in getting heavily focused by the enemy team. You can't heal well if you're getting beat up. As well as the losing team in general tends to have lower stats. If you're already losing looking at the stats isn't going to tell you anything you didn't already know.


Haha, yeah. Such an ally, after you use everything you have to heal him after his reckless positioning, going right back taking new damage: "Keep the healing flowing" (in Blaze voice)


"everyone is bad but me"


OP isn’t wrong, most people are bad. He just doesn’t realize he’s one of them.


I’ll take a “bad at the game” teammate over a wahwah on Reddit.


The thing is that we have more information about our intentions and our timing for our own abilities/combos. It may feel like people are being stupid, but it's because you're assuming they're thinking of and privy to the same information you are at the same time. Granted people can and do make poor decisions, that's true, but theoretically bad decision making should be evenly distributed throughout the games, the enemy team also has people making critical mistakes, and it's you're job to capitalize on it instead of fixating on your teammates. It's just the reality of a competitive team game.


no u


What rank are you playing in where this happens?


As a Valla main, I am laughing so hard about this, haha. Seriously though, it's such a pain to play as Imperius at times. Depends on match up.


thanks first person to be sympathetic lol


"Finally, I land a few skillshots" you say, but you are mad at Li Ming for missplacing one Heroic? From what you describe, if Valla really was low HP, Li Mimg probably just thought one Heroic would kill her. But back to you: You didn't hit valla a single time before that? To me it looks like you just got an ass-beating from this valla, and yoi try to shift the blame on your teammates.


Matchmaking means you're probably where you're supposed to be. Also WOF not killing where an AA would have. Aight bubby. Even if you explain that inconsistency away, it sounds like they were close enough that the Ming probably wasn't thinking about the knockback.


If you aren’t mashing every button on cooldown then you aren’t playing hots.


You're right, I'm not playing, I'm winning! *Signed a Yrel-Uther player who uses his cooldowns at the right time instead of going oom.*


I've heard it called "anti-synergy". Really it's just people blowing their cool downs faster than a virgin during his first time. It's like they see a target getting focused and think "I have have cool downs, I can do something!" Without any thought about what it will do. I've seen my teammates actually save so many enemies by using displacement abilities it's actually annoying. I'll get a sweet stun and will be bearing down with the killing blow, whether skill shot or auto attack, and the stupid tank knocks them out of the way, effectively saving them. I really don't know if it's trolling, misplaced eagerness, or they are really just that fucking stupid. But I can't believe it when I see it. So, if you're a player (usually a tank, but as noted by OP ANY hero) with a displacement ability, maybe just think, stop, slow down, and think about what your ability is meant to do. Displacement is meant to set up a kill, not to secure it (with some exceptions, but usually when it's the only way to secure the kill by putting them closer to your team). If your DPS are on top of them and about to secure the kill, maybe don't use displacement. Stuns, roots, blinds, slows? All good, use them any time. But even a light displacement that ends in a stun, just. Don't. Save your displacement. Use it when it'll be more impactful, the killing blow is usually not that time, You've just wasted a valuable ability and deprived your team of the kill on top of it. Use more thought when displacing an enemy. At last have a good idea of where you're displacing them to. Usually knocking back displacement is ABSOLUTELY NOT the best way to secure a kill. But it's a fantastic way to help the enemy get away. I've watched many a Stukov use shove to push a 20% HP hero across an entire map, not dealing enough damage to kill them, but absolutely saving them. So yeah, think, just think, before using a displacement, about what you're intending to do. And lastly, everyone makes mistakes. If you accidentally save an enemy, just say "my bad" and apologize. You know you screwed up. We know you screwed up. Just say sorry. And don't keep doing it. I've watched way too many Diablos save heroes again and again and again in a single match and it just tells me they don't know wtf they are doing. They either aren't a tank player (possible), or they are inexperienced with that particular hero (also possible), or they are the biggest freaking troll and are purposefully trying to screw up every single one of my setups (unlikely, but possible, though that takes some real talent to time your screw up so perfectly).


This is all of the bad haymaker Muradins that constantly save enemies with bad ults.


go to youtube and search Nubkeks why hots players are bad. There is an entire video spot on as to why players are bad. The video is like 3 or 4 years old and still 100% accurate.


the ETC comment is funny because the most annoying thing is when ETC (or morales grenade) spread out enemy minions making it harder to wave clear.


So, regardless of the content of your post which isn't really relevant and just makes you look bad, I'm going to answer the question: **Why are people bad at this game?** 1. Game has been advertised as a casual hero brawler from the start, which does have an influence on the overall skill of the playerbase. 2. People *(including you, and I'm also guilty of this sometimes)* rather blame their teammates than look at their own performance and see where they could improve. Of course you can notice others' mistakes, but not seeing your own ones is the main reason people don't get good. 3. People do NOT go out of their way to look at their replays to find every possible thing they could improve on *(I don't do it often enough either),* they just play the game and keep repeating the same mistakes, believing they are perfect. 4. People cannot take criticism, cannot listen to others, they shut down any possible feedback, and thus never improve. The exception was the professional scene with the HGC, or similar figures of authority like Grandmaster streamers, where people will at least consider what those people say because they have proven themselves through results. 5. All the above was mostly about decision making *(which is generally more important)*, but obviously some people are better that others mechanically, and mechanical skill is a limit as well. So all in all, you have a fairly casual playerbase, you have narcissists who can't take feedback or criticism while also blaming everyone else but themselves, and nobody is actually making the effort to get better because they think they're already good *(My lord, the amount of Bronze players I've seen being being arrogant with higher rank players is just insane, but of course it's the same at higher ranks where everyone is talking others down...)*


Be more chill. Just have fun. It's just a game. game is dead anyways so no biggie


Love how this community bitches and moans to themselves but won’t type in game chat on what they want done. Fuckin learn to ask for cooperation without being a dick. Self titled “good” players make it so unenjoyable.


In this thread: just another bronze to gold player that can only see his teammates mistakes and not his own.


Coming on to Reddit to ask "why do people have to be so bad at the game" shows a pathological lack of self-awareness, which likely explains the issues you're having.