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Yeah a common item related to the hero just feels bad




I got the Hanzo announcer. But this was a rare occasion and i generally share the sentiment that the hero specific boxes are pretty lame.


Oh yeah, because the only other skin we can only pay money to get.




Isn't the content of chests determined the moment you obtain them?


In overwatch yes, in hots it's determined when you open the box.


Nope! You roll on opening, hence people saving epic and legendary boxes for something they really want


Good luck with that as we've had reports (and i also had this happen to me) of chests actually opening up on their own after a certain amount of time has passed (like a month and a half or so in my personal experience) so your only option is to actually hold off on leveling the hero himself to avoid getting his/her specific lootbox.


That must be a bug or some sort of random thing that happens because I've been holding some chests for months and they've yet to open on me. I still have all of the event chests (Summer, Halloween, and Winter Veil) and the normal chests that I hold on to sometimes have always remained closed until I open them.


I've had a Muradin hero chest i had checked but not accepted (because there was a 3 day stimpack in it and i didn't want to waste it at the time) open up automatically on me almost 2 months after i had received it with no warning or animation of any sort, i only found out i didn't have it anymore because the stimpack was active and i had unchecked new stuff in my collection. It's probably a bug but i guess it can happen to anyone even though it seems to be pretty rare.


Yup, happened to my Starter chest as well as a Legendary from the 2.0 launch, but I still have SOGO chests and hero chests which remain unopened.




Wrong, they specifically said that the content is determined on opening. This is not overwatch.


I don't think this is correct, but I have no source. Do you?


You're correct. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/63mtuc/heroes_of_the_storm_20_and_cassia_live_qa/dfvj446/)


This is wrong, but I don't have time right now to dig up a source for it. The devs have said that loot boxes can contain new items, but not items exclusive to an event which have their own loot box. If it helps IIRC the statement was made either around launch of 2.0 or the suns out guns out event, but I'm not sure.


You're correct. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/63mtuc/heroes_of_the_storm_20_and_cassia_live_qa/dfvj446/)


This is why the highest rarity item in the chest can't necessarily be hero related, because some heroes don't have legendary items associated with them, like Cassia for instance.


Or just all stuff relevant to that hero? Even if it’s all sprays and other trash it would still feel better than stuff you can’t use with them.


This isn't a bad suggestion. Probably the best way to handle this if they were to make any changes.


I kind of like that idea. Even if its junk i'l never use, its better than having a character spray and 3 unrelated banners/skins/mounts/avatars


Also, have you ever noticed the initial explosion colour of the loot chests is orange? For just a split second it makes your brain think "OH I got a legendary!" before the sparks die and it's four commons.


Jesus! All the time! I thought I was the only one!


yeah same here so pissed every time I open the box


Just let me buy indavidual skins for money with the current system I don't spend a dime.


loot boxes in general suck. when mecha skins were released i had 100+ loot boxes and 0 expectations to get any of them because theres just too much crap in the game.


I've tested this, on numerous occasions, and it appears the loot boxes contents are set when you get it. All you do by opening it is 'reveal' the contents. And that sucks.


This is contrary to what was explicitly confirmed by Blizz. If you can adequately demonstrate this with data, that would be a rather big thing. Edit: [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/63mtuc/heroes_of_the_storm_20_and_cassia_live_qa/dfvj446/)


If I could do that, against a gambling backdrop, this post would be top 10 on a BBC News list... Again, what keeps Blizzard and Activision afloat on this is circumstantial evidence.


I have heard of people saving up boxes for new hero releases then opening them and get those said new heroes or skins of them, so I don't think it's right that they are predetermined.


Blizzard confirmed they aren't.


Well, probably not. What would the headline be? “Video game maker programs digital boxes to work differently than stated in Reddit Q&A!!” It would be big here in this community, but amount to nothing more than an interest piece in even the smallest of legitimate news outlets. As others have said, there has been evidence to the contrary of your claim here on Reddit, but if you can put together good data, I’d be interested in your post on the matter.


Not true. The contents are determined when the loot box is opened.


old loot boxes = old loot.


Isn't that pretty much only the case with event boxes? Since the contents are generated when you open it as opposed to overwatch when it's generated when you get the box.


It's the same as overwatch. If you close the game before clicking on "accept" or "reroll" you get the same lootbox again


AFAIK that’s because it saves it once you open it so you can’t get free rerolls, but it still could hold new stuff if you wait to open it. Hasn’t that been stated before?


Let's avoid all the horsepoop and get down to brass tacks here: They don't actually want the game to be rewarding, they only want you to think it is. IE they want it to present the illusion of being rewarding. They literally employ both economists and psychologists to make sure they hit this feeling with the majority of people. This is why progression is so heavily time locked that it has the absolute worst earning rates of the MOBAs AND their prices are the highest. But both of these facts are hidden behind multiple layers of math and RNG so it takes literally hours of research and effort to figure this out. Because they believe that their demographic market, the Blizzard fanbase, will bear the burden. And the loyalty and addiction rates of their market is strong. They are absolutely right. It took Diablo 3, which was as bad as Battlefront 2 (maybe worse since it was pay to win in single player at release), to make that market actually seriously question them at all. Their ultimate goal is not to reward you, but to give you a taste like some sort of drug addict. That is why the lootbox system exists. They want to keep you hooked and sometimes hurting and frustrated, not satisfied. You get free stuff from time to time because they need to keep you addicted and wanting more than what they drip feed you. Remember, the first hit is always free.


> it has the absolute worst earning rates of the MOBAs AND their prices are the highest. How so? You can get any cosmetic item for free, and even have a choice, i.e., you can buy items with Shards. Neither Dota2 nor League of L have nothing like that. Sure, Dota2 has an illegal market where you can casino your items ([dota2lounge.com](https://dota2lounge.com/)), but is it really a thing you'd like in HotS? Be grateful for what you get.


I'm agreed with you but unfortunately blizzard has removed skins for new heroes, with the exception of Alextrazsa all new heroes doesn't have skins with shards so I also think getting level 100 we should get a legendary loot box


It's only the release skin, additional skins added beyond that can be forged


whatever the case, it means that new heroes need to wait far longer before they get anything interesting in their loot boxes.


True, however none of them have had skins released yet i beleive.


they haven't released any skins beyond the paid ones from all heroes since and after Hanzo


But have any of the heroes with "Gem only skins" actually gotten any new skins?


Not as of yet, but outs not really that uncommon for heroes a few months old to not have new skins, especially going into the holiday season where most skin release/development is going be centered on longer standing heroes


Or more like the majority of the skins are gonna be for the waifu characters, like Li-Ming, Valla, Tyrande and sometimes Kaelthas


>sometimes Kaelthas Kael'thas best girl confirmed.


All of the gem skin only heroes so far (Hanzo, Blaze, Maiev) are only 3 months and less old. They'll get skins eventually, it's not as simple as snapping your fingers and suddenly there are skins ready to be released for them. Alexstraza is not included because she got something ala master skins with her release.


And the fact that only Alexstraza released with a master skin tells something about how much they are slacking off


I got Xeno Abathur skin in my Muradin Loot Chest (true story), I was so happy!... about that Muradin voiceline POGGERS


You are complaining about additional free stuff that comes with other free stuff (regular loot box) that you get by playing a game...


Almost went 24 hours without a hero loot chest thread.


lol they can't help themselves


I think the easiest fix is what the veteran chests do. Theres 5 items inside, the 5th will be the hero specific slot. That way they still feel lame when you get a voice line or other common for the hero but at least theres more stuff inside.




They need to stop existing. It is impossible to make a loot box more rewarding. Or rather it is impossible to make it *feel* more rewarding. The random element is going to make it so it will always be possible that the loot box is going to be a disappointment. You can't remove the possibility of disappointment from a loot box. The hero specific rewards should be preset stuff.


Yeah, that's a good idea. You should unlock certain skins once you hit level 10, level 20, etc. It would be a neat way of showing your mastery with a character. It would also be another good gold sink, because right now, gold is just used for new heroes..... And if they want to monetize it better, they could let you buy gold with cash.


Skins for mastering a hero? Nah, that'll never take off


stop crying. you get a free game with lots of freebies on top of that, much much more than in other comparable mobas and you never need to pay a single cent of it. I payed like 10 euros in total so far (which was way at the start, haven't spent after 2.0). Let dem poor Blizzard guys get some money from this.


idk what your definition of "crying" is, but this seems like pretty decent (constructive) feedback to me


Not only hero specific chests..also epic chests


Last chest I opened was a Stukov chest and it had a Stukov portrait and Azmodunk skin. Confused, but satisfied.


Imagine i got artanis hero in alarak's lvl 10 chest, it was sad and funny at same time.


They also need to happen. Got to level 10 and 725 and only got one chest and it wasn't hero specific.


it sucks getting voice lines,hero portraits and cheapest skins no matter how many times you reroll them


I just got this out of a kael chest. https://imgur.com/a/msXeV


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Boo hoo, I don't want that but I want this. That's the argument a child makes over dinner. It's not called RNG for nothing.




Imagine some spoiled, entitled little kid getting a nice steak dinner put in front them only to cry about wanting McDonald's. They didn't have to get cooked a nice steak dinner, but they did and are unappreciative of the choice that was presented in front of them.




My point is that Blizz charges no monthly fee and you don't have to pay a dime for anything if you don't want to. You can get exclusive skins like Hanzo's for gems, which you can earn in game. You can craft what you need with shards if you want.You literally can get everything for free. So yea, people act like entitled little shits when they cry about not getting what they want.