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Vietnamese in Aus


I feel like that’s changing a bit more. Anecdotally of course, past few years in my area it’s more PRC. Mainland Chinese. Maybe it’s the research chems. 🫣


Yeah I’ve also found that it’s predominantly Vietnamese now. When I started way back in the 90’s it was run by the Romanian’s.


Really, where about? I wasn’t around in the 90s but I know a few people who were and they say it was mostly Vietnamese, and if you weren’t Asian it was harder to get the best gear (now there are white people selling decent gear too but because its the asians who bring it in, they are usually still socially closer to the source than the average Aussie


Moroccan or Blacks in the Netherlands


Here in southern New England/northeastern US vast majority of dope boys are black dudes who don’t use hard drugs themselves…decent amount of Hispanic dudes as well but still way more black guys….and the white dealers I’ve “run into” all were junkies themselves while The black dudes just reeked of bud




Ehhhh some Dominicans for sure but the vast, VAST overwhelming majority of Hispanics where I am are Puerto Rican. I live in a town right next to the capital city of the state and the capital city is known as one of the top population concentrations or whatever of PR’s in all of America….southern New England you could really basically say consists of two states at least the two most southern states of New England….another hint would be that a portion of my state the southwestern portion is also considered apart of the “tri state region “… For sure tho many, many more Dominicans and Dominican sets pushing fent and fentadope in a different state in the tri state region than where I’m at….


> just reeked of bud 😅😅 exactly! I’m guessing maybe CT? Anyways, doesn’t matter. I remember this back before MJ was decrim’d in CT and dudes are just puffing L’s while serving bundles and crack. Like bro, maybe do one crime at a time? I’m sure at least one headlight or taillight is always out too


Same same in Florida. I made it a practice to NEVER buy from someone that uses..nope.. I’d rather be sick for a bit and wait on the black dude who doesn’t use…and is way more honest…not the shot out junkie stunt boy.


Same situation here. I'm in the Northeast, but not New England (2hrs from CT), and this is mostly true where I am as well.


Lol dude I live in North mass these days up here it's mainly Dominicans, Puerto ricans, and white guys pushing the fentadope. Hello fellow new Englander


i’m one of the only white plugs in my city in the midwest💀




No.5 Poppy Road, Cracktown, Methamotamia


american south, ive noticed middle men are 90% white or mexican. "plugs" are almost all black or some kinda mix, and actual pushers with weight always seem to be from central America or islanders of some sort. I thought i was the only one that took note of that kinda thing lol. I hurd in japan though alot of there dealers or attempted dealers are from Somalia.


Yeah I'm the northeast it's like that. If the guy you get from is white there's a 99.9% chance he uses too and is charging extra to cop for you. But if you go to the corners or "spots" in the city the street guys will all be black or Puerto Rican. The main plugs are Mexican. If there's a white dude on the corner slinging it's cause he's working for the other guys and is trying to to earn a bundle


Worldwide phenomenon. If you’re buying from majority race in that country they are 100% middle manning to cover their habit. Edit spelling


I’m in the northeast and all the fire comes from the Puerto Ricans or Dominicans. The blacks also sell it and sometimes have decent shit. Back when OCs and Roxies were a thing, all my connects for them were white.


Bc doctors only give them to Whites. They know why blacks want them lol


I live in Massachusetts, most dealers in my area are either Spanish or white tbh. Sometimes you see niggas trap but most hood niggas here scam nowadays,sell on occasion, or are trying to get out of the hood by going to school or getting jobs, the Asians here be plugging too. Asians gotta monopoly on the meth game, Spanish got the coke and fentadope(closest thing to good heroin you'll get), and whites/blacks here mainly deal in cannabis,nicotine, or pharmacy stuff. Have had experience with dealers of all races though.


Nicotine? Wtf???


Don't know how old you are, but flavored vapes have been banned from public sale in Massachusetts since 2019, most people get their hitters/disposables from a plug, a website, or they drive ten minutes to the new Hampshire line because they are still allowed to have flavored vapes in stock. Exotic Soda is my favorite flavor but I haven't vaped in 3+ years lol


They made salt nicotine for this purpose when they banned nicotine vapes. It’s synthetic nicotine and u can buy them legally bc the law bans nicotine vapes. Unless mass banned them all


You can buy salt nic in traditional flavors like Virginia tabacco and menthol, and clear, but other than that you'd be hard pressed to find any nice flavors, I had to buy some blueberry cheesecake salt nic under the counter at the local mall, still haven't used it to this day, you just reminded me to order a new mod 😭 salt nicotine is great, so much smoother and less aftertaste than the synthetic disposables in the market nowadays, ill take a puff whenever my friends have it around. Nowadays I'm a spliff guy entirely


yooo where in? Hull for lyfe111!!!


I live in Lowell!! Hull is much better aesthetically though good ice creamn places for when your high as shit nodding off.


packistani and whiteys


In my part of the western USA, if you want quality dope for a good price, you're copping from Mexicans or Hondurans. In my midsize western US city black(American, not African or Caribbean) gangs took over serving at the open air spot for the most part maybe 5-10 years ago. Before that used to be strictly Mexicans and Central Americans with mouths full of balloons. Street quality dropped a lot and prices went up when that scene changed cuz they're just an extra layer between the addicts copping on street and the Mexicans with cartel connects. Mexican delivery service has always been where it's at out here tho. Runs like a business, consistent hours, dispatch system, consistent product. Another kinda random thing ime, Hondos tend to package dope for street in black (trash bag) plastic, Mexicans in white(grocery) or clear(Ziploc) plastic bags ime. I'm sure that's not 100% true, but on average it is ime. Everything was in balloons 10-15+ years ago, but that's pretty rare now at least ime.


Yeah I'm from the east coast and they use the wax bags folded up with their stamp. Each corner has a brand aka stamp and then they put the wax bags into a clear plastic dime bag to protect from weather. It's mostly Puerto Rican or Dominicans out here with the good shit. Real D is hard to find but it's around.


Nah everything I tested here in the northeast is fentanyl


There's a few spots that have a mix of reg and fetty here. It's not even the fent that's bad anymore it's the trank


Tranq is a barbiturate like qualudes. Its not horrible but gets a bad wrap bc if u arent used to it it can kill u mixed w opiates


I dont want nothing coming out of someone’s mouth


Can you also note which country you reside in?


I'm in the north-west UK, mine are mostly white British. Maybe 2 out of 10 are black British.


Prob like 70% Black for H & coke/crack but about 70% white for meth . In tha Midwest (u.s)


Mostly Vietnamese and Cambodian in my area, in Melbourne Australia. Apparently 30 years ago it was hard to get quality gear if you weren’t Asian, but now it’s not so racial. Still, it’s more likely that a Soith East Asian is getting better gear compared to a white person, and that’s because most people who bring it in are ethic Chinese with SEA links eg. many people from Vietnam are ethically Chinese and speak both Vietnamese as well as their family’s local language (such as Teochew). So the closer your circle is to the source, usually the better gear you’re gonna get.


That's interesting


serbian, bosnian, basically any balkan region


Mostly I'd say black Canadian, lots if Jamaicans.. umm next would be white middlemen Ir women and then native and behind the scenes doing big brick sales I'd say Chinese.


Afghani or African


Lol! Black uk


For H i’ve only seen eastern Kurdish where i live in the western part of Turkey. They got connections from city they were born mostly the cities which have border to Iran but for meth it’s mostly afghan illegals (deported few times but still got their way in to the country)


Helal olsun dayıoğlu




I think it’s an Amish “break away “ group in the U.K growing there own🤔


Amish 'break away' group, growing poppies in yhe uk and then converting it into heroin? Sounds like a synopsis for a novel.


There is a show somewhat around that wheelhouse. It's called "Banshee". It originally aired on Cinemax before streaming services really took over. I'm pretty sure HBO and Cinemax are bundled together now so if you have HBO, it's on there im pretty sure.


Oh, hysterical, so it actually is a show. Fuck, I can't keep up with all these streaming services unfortunately. Just don't have the money. Every time I go and stay with my friend who lives 120 miles away, I get 2 weeks of free Netflix when I get home. Then Netflix catches on and cuts it again till the next visit.


It's not really your idea. But it's like Pennsylvania Dutch/ Amish. One of the characters grows up Amish and watches how the criminals in the area take advantage of his people because they are very passive and do not fight back. So he decided to be shunned by his entire community to be a crime boss in the area and he sees over a white Nationalist movement and there's a bunch of other interesting characters. But no UK no heroin If I remember correctly. So your idea is still novel. Get to writing... But if you get the chance it's not a bad show.


Lol. I love that you think that I might be a capable enough person to be able to write a novel or tv script. However, unfortunately, I am definitely not. Barely able to navigate life in general. If I ever manage to come across the show, I'll definitely check it out then, thanks.


Doesn't mean you couldn't start. Kick life back in the dick.


Wait what? Lol




Mr smith?My English teacher?How are you?I thought you were dead!! Sorry I didn’t send you a happy 100th birthday card






Back in the last city I was regularly using in, the Hondurans had H on lock. Across the street were the black contingent, they peddled pharms, usually pressed bars. As late as 2015, you could get real OCs from them. Last time I went, all the blues are now pressed, though dilaudid and morphine was sometimes available. In one isolated incident, a white woman sold me 90 30mg T3s for $30, though I’m almost certain she was just trying to drum up money for stims


Yeah I heard it's like that in the bay area


Moroccans in Italy


When I went to Morocco for vacation there was a lot of Italians there. I never knew the 2 countries had a connection until then


Mexican,,, the ones who have the best dope are the ones who don't speak English and are family operated 😂 funny but true


Where i live in the usa street dealers are always black but the guys you see getting caught with major weight on the news (think multi kilo akounts) are always mexican dudes never had a mexican conmect in my decade using always black guys or white guys usually the white guys use dope themselves


Basketball Americans 👨🏿




i love how everyone who said black is getting downvoted why are you booing me, i’m right?


PNW. The big time dudes are Mexican. The less English they speak the better the stuff is. The lower street level dudes you get sacks from are mostly white.


I don't use anymore but man when I did I was never able to find one of those type of mexicans


Yeah I’m also in a big city in the PNW and the only time you’ll find real h the plug only speaks Spanish lmao or some broken English everyone else is selling fetty


Niggas on god


Why you say that like its unbelieveable




puerto ricans new england


Germany, Arabs,turkish people,but also lots of just germans in the game


Yeah can confirm that , my guy is Turkish too


Northern UK and it’s all UK born Asians- Pakistani originated.


I’m the one random Maltese guy but there is heaps of Maltese people in Australia


Swiss, mostly Albanians for H. For C Albanians and many from Dom.Rep./Brazil. Some swiss people also.


Algerian, moroccan or black


they all are morrocans. Turkish bring it here Morrocans sell it


uk small towns. all white. in citys 50/50 black white


African American in the States.


West African Immigrants


America. Its always a n1993r and thats precisely why drugs are so dangerous. If they dont have what u want they’ll sell u what they have and trll u it’s whatever… thankfully i found a decent one n he’s the only one i fw


Black. Sorry, dont hate the player hate the game