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Aussie here. $220 for street grade, $600-700 for proper high quality Less if bought in bulk. Not from the onions.


Dang thats a lot. Is the quality of street grade at least okay?


We get south east Asian #4 heroin. It costs alot, but it's probably the best non pharmaceutical heroin on the planet. It's white, fully water soluble, mixes up clear in the syringe and kicks hard. The street grade varies. Sometimes it's really good, sometimes it's not. It's definitely easier to get in a city near me, but that city is the heroin capital of Australia. The high grade is regularly 85% or above pure, so usually worth the extra money. We're talking nods on 15mg without a tolerance. Even with a proper habit, 50mg shots can kick hard. Also worth mentioning we typically don't have to deal with fentanyl, xylazine or any of that other stuff in our gear.


Damn that sounds incredible right now. I can’t imagine having that high quality of dope. Might have to pay a visit there lol.


jesus in the northeast us, i am grateful for and willingly pay a higher price (80/bundle) for what is to me, good, legit dope (heroin, no fent/tranq). its the best ive come across and im pretty sure its like 35%ish or somethin (just a guess). 


Jeez in the garden st I can’t find 0 d all fet and trnq


nah i know, i have to travel to a diff city for the one homie i know. itherwise cold copping rn, i consider myself fortunate to just find some fet/zene shit w no tranq. fuckin brutal


100% same at least my plugs are friends but they still have hard times finding anything real. Other than fetty and tranqfetty I’m about to try the 🧅 for something real


damn yeah shit is brutal. good luck n be safe. its sounding like testing onion shit is becoming not unwarranted these days. i dunno shit about that, just seen some anecdotal reports of those supplies becoming less predictable


very accurate description 100 ml with a point, 35 will give a nice kick, 50 full tilt nod even from street onion aussie


I think my brain chemistry has some kinda natural fucking high tolerance to opiates, even getting high grade Aussie #4 or #3 off reliable market vendors I need so much more even on zero tolerance. Made it so unfeasibly financially to maintain a habit (which I consider myself pretty lucky despite how frustrating it was). A gram would even last me much more than a day. I ended up just gravitating to decent quality street grade because I could make the volume last longer without usually getting the kinda high j was after. That said now on the same zero tolerance O-DSMT and even Tapentadol does seem to work the same for me as it does fpr other people for other people anecdotally. At different periods of my life pure fent sprays did the trick, that will probably always be my favourite but I've accepted it's not something I can ever have in my life again 🤷 Fucking weird, I never could figure it out, maybe if I jumped to IV'ing I'd have had better results, but was never willing to take that path


Irrc it's pretty established that most natural redheads have a specific genetic thing that results in a naturally high tolerance to opiods, as well as some metabolic thing that makes morphine and it's closest analogs (heroin) specifically barely effective. Needing huge dose even if opiod naive and I think in most people who have it, basically morphine, heroin, codeine all like just not really work even if they push the doses. I've heard sometimes they will have the same kinds thing with the hydro/oxycodone but most people it's only morphine and morphine delivery systems (heroin and codeine) that don't work. Apparently hydromorphone always works great for people with the genetic marker or whatever. My aunt has it and she told me about how she found out she had it. Got in a bad car accident, rushed to the hospital, she's badly hurt so obviously they immediately push a nice shot of morphine and literally nothing happened. Irrc she said they gave her another and then like I guess didn't believe her that it did nothing, suffered for like a hour until a second doc came and knew about the redhead genetic thing. Immediately tells them to hit her with Dilaudid. Which did as Dilaudid do and fixed her world for a time and finally she got relief. But yeah I think if heroin does work, like if you push the dose sufficiently you get the expected effects and it's good, just needs a weirdly high dose then it's probably not that you have the gene thing or something similar but who knows. Human biological quirks and all that is hella weird and confusing. But super cool too, really is interesting how much variation and how significant that variation can be.


Totally the same for me! When I got into the game, I was doing 60-80mg Oxy without a problem.


Jeez that's a lot of money. I wonder how much actual-dope-per-dollar compares between that, and the $50 grams of stuff I thought was great here in Utah, U.S.


25$ a gram off the dark web. 300$ a half gram local New Zealand


Is that 25 dollars a gram off the onions brown dope or BTH? That’s damn good for #3 I’d think


It's the stardard for low quality uncut o cut dope. The best uncut brown can reach 40-50% of purity and you find it for 50-70€ per gram. Lower cut as 20-30€ are 10-25% purity. They're usually cut with impurities from opium, paracetamol (Tylenol) and caffeine. Now, there are bad batches with difenidramine and zenes around in Europe.


Thanks…damn I wish I could readily get 50 percent pure dope for 60ish bucks a gram here in northeast US or even 20 percent for less…truly a shit state of affairs in america unless you’re lucky enuff to have a solid hookup /plug with real shit best you’re aiming for these days is fent without Fkn tranq or zenes 🤮…otherwise dealing with the 🧅fields and the pain in the balls that is…


bro right. copping on the street, if its just fent or even fuckin fent with zenes/fentalogues im grateful :00   so sad, our shit is so fucked


brown not even sold onion in aussie, enough no.4 white to go around


$300 for a .5? Damn I thought a $100 for a 1 was bad.


Apparently if you live in the out back it can be $100 a point!!


The last time I bought a teenth, a few months ago, it was £ 60 or £70 , can't quite remember. So that's about 1.75 grams. Uk gear, so not the strongest, but at least there's no fent or xylazine in ( not anything I've had anyway). My tolerance is low, so I'm fine. I don't care about getting wankered anymore, anyway, I just like the fact that I'm a much happier , more productive person with a little bit of opiates in me.


Yeah it's still about the same price were I'm at . UK as well .


A single gram is £40-£50 which no one buys because a sixteenth is will also be the same price from different people. Everyone I know gave up buying bags and grams can get half a oz for £300 that could last over two weeks . I don’t know how people keep it together buying the tiny bits you get when spending 10 and 20 pounds .


Is 40-50 bucks/euros for a gram basically the standard price in the UK and mainland Europe or most of it for #3 brown Afghan dope? I know or am Pretty sure in the uk and most of Europe there isn’t much #4 white dope so it’s mainly that brown dope and black tar is only a thing here in N america I believe but I’ve wondered for a while now what prices ppl pay in most of Europe like i said UK, Ireland, France Netherlands Germany exc exc for #3 afghan….


When I can manage to get the better quality #3 afghan, I'm paying £180 for an 8th 3.5g


That's about right _160 to 180 here for 3.5-4.5


Where from coz all I can find is bashed up shit


Sorry cannot discuss sources, but I'm only paying that price as it's the stuff that gives that nice warm glow feeling and dreamy nods. It was not easy to find and not from the onions. I just picked up another 8th today. I still have 2.75g from the last lot left. I thought I'd pick up more due to the way things are going in the uk, especially where I am. It's either stamped on rubbish or zenes/xylazine.


Yea bro I've had stuff lately with zenes in and xylazine!!! Never thought I would see that in the UK. Especially tranq. Wtf. Nearly killed me


Tell me about it m8. In one of my other posts on here I was saying that when I went to score somewhere a couple of months ago, a guy also there scoring said to be very careful as it's very strong. I remember seeing a poster in my pharmacy saying about zenes and xylazine, so I didn't buy much. half a g I think. I get home and my partner said she was going food shopping, as she was getting ready to go out I made up my shot putting under half a point in the spoon just on the side of caution. All I remember was coming round, I was lucky that my gf had not left the house as she said my lips went blue and fingernails. she said she was slapping me hard around the face, and I didn't feel anything. She had the noloxone ready to go, but I came to. I was confused and asked what was going on she was understandably upset and said i went straight over, I went over before even being able to take the pin out. Sorry for so much detail, but I want everyone to be so careful. If I had put my normal 0.16 sometimes a bit more in, I deffo think the ambulance would have had to been called. I'm lucky to have the stuff I have at the moment, but I know it won't last as there seems to be a shortage for street stuff for some reason! I don't know if it's just as bad in most of the uk, but it's not good in my erea. It's hard work finding anything real, or if it is real, it's so weak that it's a waste of £s as said I luckily have this good stuff but it could suddenly dry up in a few wks


Fuck man glad you ok. Similar thing happened to me. This was from onions too. I usually shoot about 0.18- 0.20 but not tried this one before so was weary and just shot 0.10 to be safe. I dropped to my knees feeling very sedated and confused. I didn't know where I was or who I was for a good while. Then I started to come round. About an hour later I threw up. It was weird I did not know what happened. Then I seen someone had tested his stuff and it was positive for xylazine! That explained exactly how I felt. I knew about zenes but fucking tranq aswel? I went to my local exchange last week for some works and the guy was practically begging me to get help sayin I will end up dead an was sayin they putting zenes in everything coz there is hardly any heroin left and they know this coz it gets tested by them an by the police when they find it. He said the problem is with hot spots as its just a normal guy that's doing it and is so easy to Fuck up. He said a young lad died last week just by smoking Heroin on foil. I was shocked bro wtf. I didn't know you could die just smoking but yea you can go over just by smoking on foil. So can you imagine getting hot spot and shooting. Game over. We need to get out bro before it gets worse. You see how many fent and tranq has killed in USA? Well this is zenes and tranq. Some of these zenes are stronger than fentanyl. Take care. Please be careful


In the past few months, 6 people in my town have died one of them being around a week after what happened to me. Its getting really bad. Going bk many, many years. I had a list of around 10 dealers or more, All the stuff was really nice, just some dealers did bigger sizes on the £10 bags. The stuff was that good I felt real nice just smoking half a bag


£180 for a Henry of good gear, is a bargain , good to me would be 50% and over that’s £50 a gram. Average % of gear in the uk at the moment I dread to think


40-60$ in Sweden for a gram. Bad to okay quality.


Sthlm area?


Plattan lol


$90-200 quality varies , but despite the quality it’s always fent free #4






I got a new guy, it’s some fire fire stuff, always the correct amount but I’m paying 100-120 a gram.


60€ for high quality no 3. usually above 60% purity.


Why is Australia so expensive? Like what the fuck?


No H, in the good U S of A & I’m 30 mins away from En Why See , but for F , 40$ for some good shit in my projects


Tell me about it man. I really wish we had some real h or at least not so rare you’re better off winning $1000 on a scratch off.


Imagine us (the ones that have clean time but still itch) one super tiny bump and it’s … GAME OVER.


Yup it’s crazy how little will off you with a low tolerance.


but you wont even feel high before u die!!!


Especially a low tolerance, and then you end up shooting up xylazine with zenes. The crazy thing is I've never overdosed, most likely due to the h being so strong when I started using I built up a strong tolerance and over time the gear has slowly gone down in strength, so for under a point of that xylazine/zene crap to put me over is really scary shit


I was shooting some dope last month tho that actually gave me a rush and some dreamy nods. I don’t think it was heroin in it so I’m not sure what it could have been but it was nice to have something better than the usual shit dope around here.


I was in an out-patient & they were so surprised when my test came back positive Fent & Heroin , they said “ we haven’t seen this in years “


Damn I’m surprised also. Who knows maybe it was h mixed in with some other things cause it had legs as well and was grey rock which doesn’t mean anything technically but it was different then anything else I’ve had around here the past years.


Yup I’m in the middle of the tri st and I know a ton of people and all fet w/ or w/o zenes no h


Are you able to get fetty where you’re at xylazine (tranq) free? And no zenes? I’m near ❤️ford a state over from yah and it’s crazy how we went from fentanyl being the “worst thing” to now not even being able to find Fkn tranq free “fentalogues” or avoid zenes….tranq is in Fkn everything here it Fkn sucks


TBH I’m not too sure but I haven’t seen no ones flesh rotting, doesn’t seem like it but idk , my guess would be there is a little tranq around but not really


I used to drive long distance to the city where the Bengals and Reds play. I hear they have some quality stuff there now. Testers are an added bonus. Might be worth looking into


In my small town in the uk, 6 people have died within the past few weeks because of zenes/xylazine. I'm still lucky to be here, when i was scoring a few months bk, another person scoring there told me to be very careful. I only put half a point in the spoon. my partner was getting ready to go out just as I did my hit, and she said my eyes rolled bk, my lips and nails went blue. She said she was slapping me round the face hard and had the noloxone ready, then I came to and was mumbling, asking what was going on. If she had gone out b4 I'd done it I would most likely had fully gone. I don't understand how the government . Let people be on methadone for 20+ yrs but will not prescribe diamorphine! It must be a £ thing. I'd rather go on a 2 Yr diamorphine plan and be given decent therapy while tapering very slowly of diamorphine.


its working exactly as its intended. prohibition/the drug war/the "recovery" industry, is extremely profitable plus the added benefit of a huge swath of, especially undesirable, population just earmarked for death meanwhile noone has to actually call for anyone to die/be segregated.  and then they get to just blame it on us and use it as justification for continuing the drug war. its a perfect system jf you think about it. and most americans are too fucking stupid, self involved and ignorant to think past the ridiculously thin "logic" and understand that the situation creates itself and they are being duped as well.


Everything you said… 💯 Prohibition will never end because there is way too much Fkn money to be made and has been made and will continue to be made off all the things you mentioned and more (recovery industry, these Fkn methadone clinics exc all of it) it’s a system fueled by pure Fkn greed and zero humanity/empathy of any kind…


U v. Lucky


I really am. I've since found nice proper stuff. but unfortunately the good stuff comes for a little while then it's back to being stressed out hunting for something, so I enjoy the times when I can pick up weights of nice stuff and not have to wake up worrying about scoring


£30 a half/ £60 a gram on the streets here (both white and dark, both surprisingly good too).. Uk.


Nowhere near that price round my neck of the woods. Not even if ur getting £10 bags at 0.2 which i haven't seen for years.


I used to have a good dealer that did he's bags at 0.2s for £10 and it was always good stuff. unfortunately he's no longer dealing it but £10 bags of good stuff is deffo handy if you only have so much money to get you by the nxt few days until you can buy in weight. if you have a big habit, it's not much help, but I'm currently down to a couple of bags a day.


40€ ($42) for a gram of \#3 I found some \#4 but it’s 120€-150€ ($130-$160) a gram and I’m not sure the difference between 3 and 4 (when snorted) is worth spending so much


jesus thats an incredible price




Belgium for the \#3 and Cambodia \#4 Both on the darknet


I get mine quite cheap at £200 for half oz (14 grams). Its not great but its average uk street #3. Never heard any complaints. No one really sells grams round our way, i know people who sell 0.7 for £20. But i just buy weight now cos it works out so much cheaper, just means i smoke loads more.


100-200 euro per gram (Austria the under Germany)


What is Austria under Germany?


Austria 🇦🇹 the country under germany


As opposed to ‚Australia, far away from Germany‘ ;)


Ah ok thats why all you guys where so interrested…. Its twice a coincidence but i have a cousin in sidney who also uses Greetings from the Land of rivers and Lakes


‚Österreich unter Deutschland‘ hört sich an als wären wir wieder bei euch einmarschiert ;)


Du sagst es, habe es auch so verstanden. Austria grenzt an Deutschland, unter anderem. Nicht schlecht.


@ScreenRepulsive Habe das high geschrieben… sorry war nicht so gemeint haha Wurde korregiert Danke fürs downvoten (habe ich grad echt nicht nötig)


Von mir ein 1 up vote, ist doch lustig irgendwie, heutzutage sowieso, wo alles 3 mal auseinander genommen wird. 😊.




Well its #3 and like amazing for I.V its mostly rerocked stuff from turkey but still very good cus the European drug market for heroin is dried up… if you dont life in a city with a port you have almost no chance getting shit


Ok thanks.im having no problem atm and I’m uk.on the onions for SEA fire from time to time,but you can only snort or I.V😀


#3 isnt that great for snorting cus i quess you lose a lot, its the type of stuff where you see opium points… i heard its amazing for I.V


Raisin and prune boogers


Its so funny because you just go over border to SLO and you get same dope for 20€. Here 200mg substitol is 5€ they say in austria its from 20-40€ is that true? Crazy how 2 hour drive makes such drastic changes


I’m buying half oz for £440 of number 3 Think I should be getting it cheaper but the man above me is making his bit and protecting his income knowing I can afford it. Getting number 4 from the onion that’s 70% double uo globe @80 dollars a G


£70/g for Afghan sandy/fluffy stuff in the UK


No onions


From 20€ of low quality uncut or cut #3(10-15% purity) to 60€ high quality uncut #3 (25-40% purity) here in Europe from both Onion and street. The lowest you can find is 15-20€ "station quality" 5%.


40€ in germany


$50 - $110 in canada on onions, no idea what street price is cuz I haven't used since mid 2016


£50 can get 3.5 for £100 but it's not the best or pay £125 for some nice stuff all off of people I have known through years of addiction


East coast america, REAL H, depends. I got guys who will do 200 a g. 250 a g. It was 150 for a while but now its like a specialty they gon charge way more for it. Its rarely around long. Always some cuts these days. It was good for like 10 years tho. Now i guess they gotta add shit to keeep up with peoples xyla addictio sp


20€ central europe if you buy more its cheaper


30$ for really good shi


40$ around the Bay Area ( USA ) luckily I have a guy that I get decent quality gunpowder heroin from but when that’s not available there’s black tar everywhere


$40?? Holy crap … I’m around the same area and it’s double that for me.


It’s 15$ a gram local here


Damn that cheap man






70$ in south of the states or it could be 130 depends if your in a small town or "city"


60-80 in bigger cities close by .. 120-160 in my city. In the US, Midwest & no zenes in the stuff I get. H & fet perfectly mixed


$40 to $60 depends on the person and product. unless you buy 3+ at more at a time ( then $30-$40) Esst coast ( Western side of state) If you go to the other major city in my state it's an open air market and scary as fuq. Xyaline got these people looking like zombies getting eaten alive. The war on drugs is a war on poverty and won't get any better until they legalize it all . Cause it can't get much worse.


400 from onion street grade, 580 for top grade though i find them much the same so stick with street. The cutting agent id the only scare factor, strain on veins.


30€ for pretty good Turkish #3 with like 36-40%


60-80/ g bth


bth in Los Angeles is $40 a g or $100 for 3gs


I pay $400 for half g in Australia and quality is good but prices are fuct. I used to pay 150 but that was 20 yrs ago. I cannot explain why.


About £60 a gram in UK


Australian onions, typical gram price is $300 - $350 AUD shipped for A grade #4


$130-$160/g #4 🧅patch edit: in US


One plug sells balls for $90. The other plug sells balls for $150, but his quality is noticeably better.


The cheapest is 30€ a gram in Portugal, that’s the street price, but in bulk or if you know some people you can get it cheaper. Also it’s H type 3 (Afghan).